Merther Fanfiction

Written by Lex18

Ironing Out The Kinks - Lex18 - Merlin (TV)


Ironing Out The Kinks
Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Archive Warning:
No Archive Warnings Apply
Merlin (TV)
Merlin/Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Merlin/Arthur Pendragon
Merlin (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Knights of the Round Table (Merlin)
Additional Tags:
Canon Era, Getting Together, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Pining, Mutual Pining, Protective Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Possessive Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Brat Merlin (Merlin), Merlin is a Little Shit (Merlin), Arthur Pendragon Finds Out About Merlin's Magic (Merlin), Magic Revealed, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Gwaine Being Gwaine (Merlin), Top Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Bottom Merlin (Merlin), Top Arthur Pendragon/Bottom Merlin (Merlin), dom!Arthur, Dom Arthur Pendragon (Merlin), Sub Merlin (Merlin), BDSM, Hair-pulling, Spanking, Praise Kink, Safe Sane and Consensual, Smut, Eventual Fluff, Timeline What Timeline, Sharing a Bed, There Was Only One Bed, Canon-Typical Violence, Long-Suffering Leon (Merlin), Consent, Consent is Sexy, Sex book, Non-Consensual Touching, not between Arthur and Merlin, Plot With Porn, Cum Play, Knife Play, Bondage, Blindfolds, Power Play, Power Dynamics, Edgeplay, Crossdressing, Semi-Public Sex, Threesome - M/M/M, Collars, Dirty Talk, Voyeurism, Degradation Kink, Merlioske-friendly, Merlin/Arthur/Gwaine - Freeform, no beta we die like everyone in this damn show, Don't Like Don't Read, please read all THE TAGS, Mentions of Anxiety, minor sub drop, sub drop discussed, Frottage, Barebacking, First Time, Cock Warming, Kinks, primal play
Published: 2023-07-21 Completed: 2024-01-20 Words: 225,305 Chapters: 30/30

Ironing Out The Kinks


Merlin gets hit with a spell meant for Arthur. The only way to dispel it is by discovering and partaking in all of his kinks.

Arthur insists on being the one to help Merlin. Let the chaos and smut begin~

There's plot, I swear.


***November 29, 2024: Currently going through an editing overhaul!:) But feel free to still read! I'm mostly just fixing some typos and might expand on a scene or two! <3***

Hello! This is the first fic I’m ever publishing (even though I've been reading for over a decade) so please be gentle lol.

Just some quick notes before you get into it!

Story-wise, Arthur has all of his knights but Uther is still alive.

Don’t worry if one of the kinks isn’t delved into too heavily, there is a good chance it will reappear in another chapter later down the line.

Any triggers or warnings will be put in the notes at the start of each chapter.

And lastly please be aware of all the tags! Again I will put warnings at the start of chapters where they are needed but please be aware of what you’re getting yourself into!

For any chapters with more common triggers, or chapters more likely to be skipped, I will put a short plot synopsis at the end for those who would rather skip that chapter.

I hope you enjoy! Kudos and comments are much appreciated. <3

Here we go

Chapter Notes

Merlin knows it. In the deepest recesses of his being, he knows that this has to be the most ridiculous situation that anyone has ever gotten themselves into in all of history. Lo and behold with his amazing luck it would happen to him.

He scans over the words in the tattered tome for the umpteenth time, unwilling to believe them.

Arthur had taken the knights, and Merlin, on a hunting trip at the crack of dawn. Unsurprisingly they ran into a vengeful sorceress and Merlin ended up jumping in the path of a spell aimed at Arthur. Strangely enough, nothing had happened. He didn’t immediately fall down in pain, faint, or feel poisoned, hell he didn’t even feel uncomfortable. All he felt was his magic react to coming into contact with another’s magic.

They had made it back to the citadel where the knights dragged Merlin to Gaius’ chambers to be looked over, only for the physician to find nothing wrong with his apprentice.

Once the knights and Arthur had left to attend to their daily duties, Merlin started pouring over the books of the old religion trying to find the spell that he had been hit with. It had only taken three hours to find, much quicker than usual. And Merlin wants to laugh, because really what else can he do in this kind of scenario?

As the reality of the situation starts to sink in, embarrassment heating his face, he violently slams the book shut.

“Merlin!” Gaius chastises from where he is preparing to go to the lower town for a birth.

The physician's demeanor softens when he sees how flustered the warlock is. “What is it, my boy?” He hobbles over.

“Nothing!” Merlin exclaims much too loudly, earning him The Eyebrow.

“Merlin, if you found the spell you must tell me so I can help you.”

Merlin cringes, “Gaius, please” he pauses, thinking about how to word his scrambled thoughts. “I promise you that I am not in any imminent danger. If it comes to that I will talk to you but for the sake of my own sanity I can not tell you right now. Please-” his face feels as if it’s on fire as he looks anywhere but Gaius’ face.

The physician gives him a weary look but concedes. “Promise me if at any point you need my help you’ll come to me.” His soothing tone manages to make Merlin feel at least a little less frantic for the moment.

“I promise.”

The following day at knight practice, the afternoon air of late summer is warm and sunny but not too overbearingly so; at least not for Merlin who is sitting on the sidelines of the practice field polishing one of the many practice swords.

The warm weather tempts Merlin to shut his eyes for a moment, he had barely gotten any sleep last night. He kept running through different situations in his head trying to figure out how to solve this ridiculous spell. Once the sun had started to rise he had given in, there was really only one person he knew he could go to who would have intimate knowledge about… this subject.

“Gwaine!” Merlin calls, hastily putting back the sword he was polishing as the knights finish their training.

“Merlin!” The knight jaunts over. “How are you feeling? Everything still alright after yesterday?”

A few of the other knights slow their walking to hear the conversation.

Merlin grabs Gwaine by the arm and hisses in his ear “I need to talk to you.”

He proceeds to drag the confused knight away from the others.

Arthur watches incredulously as his manservant abandons his post to drag Sir Gwaine across the training field. They come to a stop in a large patch of shade under one of the few trees that adorn the outskirts of their training grounds.

Merlin frantically gesticulates as he speaks to an eagerly listening Gwaine.

“What’s that about?” Lancelot asks from behind him, nearly causing Arthur to jump out of his skin.

He turns to Lancelot with a fierce scowl.

“Sorry,” Lancelot smiles sheepishly, “didn’t mean to startle you.”

Arthur scoffs “You didn’t startle me.”

Lancelot tries to smother his smile but Arthur still notices and hardens his features even further.

“Right, of course, sire.” Lancelot clears his throat to cover up his laugh.

Arthur is about to speak again when he is interrupted by a boisterous laugh ringing through the air.

Both men turn back to see Gwaine doubled over in laughter with a mortified looking Merlin.

“Think it’s about yesterday?” Lancelot asks, drawing Arthur’s attention back.

“I’m not sure.” Arthur narrows his eyes at the two.

“Gwaine! It’s not funny!”

“Oh I beg to differ Merls.” Gwaine wipes tears from one of his eyes.

The knight looks up at Merlin only to start laughing again.

“Gwaine!” Merlin all but whines.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Gwaine manages to get out between gasps of air. “I didn’t even know magic like that existed!”

“Yeah well neither did I.” Merlin grumbles.

Gwaine finally manages to straighten himself up. “Well Merls, you came to the right guy.”

Merlin huffs out an exasperated breath. While Gwaine will inevitably tease him for this until the end of time, Merlin knows he was the right person to go to. Gods know he couldn't have talked to Gaius about this.

“Well, surely you have a starting point to work off of at least. So you just start there and-”

“I don’t.” Merlin interrupts before Gwaine can continue.

“No need to be shy Merls everyone has-”

“No… I have never…” Merlin waves his hand as if it’s an explanation, flush deepening on his face up to his ears.

“What?!” Gwaine shouts, “Never? At all?”

“Gwaine! Shut up! All of the lower town can hear you!” Merlin hisses.

“Alright alright sorry.” Gwaine shoots the boy a sympathetic look.

“Wait!” Gwaine beams at Merlin. “I have something that’ll help.”

Merlin lowers his hands just enough to peer at the knight.

Merlin!” Arthur’s voice rings out from the other side of the training grounds.

“I’ll bring it by training tomorrow.” Gwaine ruffles Merlin’s hair.

The fact that Merlin has never laid with someone makes this situation much more delicate than Gwaine originally inferred. As much as Gwaine would love to help Merlin, he is an attractive lad after all, he also knows he shouldn’t be Merlin’s first. That should be with someone who means something special to him, and Gwaine has a hunch of who is special enough to the boy and more than likely will agree (getting him to admit that though, that's another issue).



Merlin rolls his eyes and Gwaine gives him a pat on the shoulder before the servant hurries over to the princess.

Merlin has a bad feeling about this.

Something is going on. Arthur isn’t sure exactly what it is, but something is off with Merlin. He’d been off all day, more clumsy tripping over nothing, and far more frazzled than normal. Not to mention whenever they came across Gwaine Merlin’s cheeks would blush a rosy red.

What on earth had those two talked about earlier that has Merlin so worked up? Surely if it was about the spell Merlin was hit with yesterday, like Lance suggested, Merlin would have told him, right? And Gaius had said he was fine, he cares too much for Merlin to let him prance about if something were wrong.

So if it’s not that, what has Merlin blushing like a maiden around the bastardly knight?

The door to his chambers flings open with no warning knock as Merlin carries his dinner tray inside.

“Your dinner, sire.” Merlin sets the tray down with a slight clang.

Arthur rolls his eyes used to his servant’s incompetence but today it’s been too much.

Merlin, what on earth is wrong with you today?” Arthur eyes Merlin who shifts back and forth on his feet.

“What?” Merlin squeaks.

“You’ve been making mistakes all day! I know you’re usually a bumbling idiot but today it’s tenfold.” While Arthur isn’t angry per se he certainly is exasperated.

“Nothing! I’m fine! Totally fine, nothing’s wrong at all.” Merlin fidgets as he pours some wine for Arthur. “Sire.” He adds on as an afterthought.

Merlin, you're a terrible liar.” Arthur sighs.

Merlin tries his best to come up with a reply but his mind fails him.

“So, your odd behavior has nothing to do with the spell you were hit with yesterday?” Arthur questions, watching Merlin carefully.

Merlin nearly drops the flagon of wine but steadies it on the table at the last moment.

“What? No, not at all. You heard Gaius yourself, he cleared me.”

“Perhaps the reaction is delayed?” Arthur squints his eyes as if he can see the spell.

“I feel fine Arthur, truly.” And yes technically not a lie, the spell isn’t affecting him, at least not yet. At this very moment he feels perfectly fine... physically at least, mentally he's a bit all over the place.

“Right” Arthur deadpans. “That’s why Gwaine has had you blushing like a maiden all day.” He grumbles under his breath low enough so his servant doesn’t hear.

Arthur sighs again as he cuts into his chicken, watching Merlin scuttle about the room preparing it for sleeping.

They don’t talk again for a while, Arthur watching Merlin like a hawk while the servant is clearly lost in his thoughts.

Once done eating Arthur dismisses Merlin earlier than usual.

“Rest. So you’re not as incompetent tomorrow.”

To anyone else Arthur’s jibe would seem genuine but Merlin has learned to read between the lines, he knows Arthur is worried.

“Yes, thank you, sire.” Merlin heads back to his chambers, a comforting warmth in his center.

The following morning Merlin follows behind Arthur to the training grounds. It’s another lovely day, sun shining, birds chirping, and a warm breeze swaying the grass.

Arthur had eyed him suspiciously the entire time Merlin had put him into his armor. His servant at least looked like he got some sleep, the bags that adorned his eyes yesterday nowhere to be seen.

Most of the knights are already on the field talking amongst themselves while waiting for their prince to start the training.

They approach the weapons bench where Elyan and Lancelot are talking when Gwaine nearly barrels through Arthur to get to Merlin.

“Gwaine!” Arthur reprimands.

Gwaine waves him off dismissively and Arthur scoffs at the knight.

“Merlin!” Gwaine beams at the surprised young man.


“Here’s that book I told you about yesterday!” Gwaine says with a wink, handing Merlin a book that’s about the size of an average journal.

Elyan snorts out a laugh “Since when can Gwaine read?”

Arthur and Lancelot chuckle at the wisecrack.

“Why does Gwaine have a book you need Merlin?” Arthur can’t help but ask a bit suspiciously. As the physician's apprentice Merlin has access to all the books in the royal library. How is it Gwaine of all people has a book Merlin needs?

The confusion is clear on Merlin’s face when he accepts the book, he opens it for not even a second before he quickly slams it shut, cheeks suddenly a pretty pink.

“Thank you Gwaine” Merlin grits out between his teeth.

“Anything for you Merls” The knight winks again and ruffles his hair.

Arthur clears his throat. “I did just ask a question, you know.”

“It’s a book about herbs.” Spills out of Merlin’s mouth and he immediately regrets it.

“Right,” Gwaine says dryly, knowing this excuse isn’t going to work. “Herbs.”

They all stare at each other for a moment, Lancelot and Elyan confused and Arthur suspicious.

“Sire!” Leon calls as he trots over.

Bless that man, Merlin will have to snag the first knight some extra pies for getting the attention off him.

“We should really start practice now.”

“Right, of course,” Arthur gives Merlin a stern look that says ‘don’t think I’ll forget about this’. Then switches his attention to Gwaine. “Sir Gwaine!” Arthur says with a devious smirk “You’re with me today.”

“Merlin! Help me!” Gwaine playfully calls out as Arthur drags him to start their sparring. Elyan and Lancelot trail not far behind them.

Merlin slips the book into an inner pocket of his jacket. He doesn’t dare to look at it again during knight training.

Once training is over, Gwaine though thoroughly winded, still eagerly makes his way back to Merlin before the princess can snatch him away.

“So?” Gwaine asks expectantly “What do you think?”

“I didn’t look at it. Gods forbid someone sees what I’m reading.” Merlin says in a hushed tone. “But, I do appreciate it, I’m sure it’ll help. I just have to actually do it now.”

Gwaine pats his shoulder sympathetically but Merlin isn’t fully fooled, he can feel the mischievous air that seems to follow Gwaine around.

“As much as I’d love to help, and believe me I would. I think it’s best if you find someone who means something special to you, more than a friend I mean.”

Merlin, not quite understanding what the knight is getting at, blinks owlishly at the man.

“Merlin-” Arthur approaches but is interrupted by the man who is wearing thin on the prince’s nerves over the past two days.

“Arthur! Just the man I wanted to see!”

“Gwaine, we just spent all of training together.”

“Yes but I can never get enough of your winning personality.”

Merlin snorts and tries to cover it up with a cough, earning him a glare from the prince.

“But seriously princess I need to talk to you about something.” Gwaine’s sudden serious tone catches Arthur off guard, the knight's eyes dart to Merlin as if trying to tell the prince something.

“Alright. Merlin, I expect all your tasks to be done before dinner.”

“Yes sire.” Anything to get away from others with this book burning a hole in his jacket. Merlin scurries off quickly towards the courtyard.

The day had been rather hectic, the moment Merlin went back into the citadel it seemed as if everyone had needed his help with one thing or another, he barely had enough time to finish his own duties let alone find time to stash his newly acquired book somewhere safe.

Thankfully Arthur had been pulled away for a council meeting so he wasn’t around to pester him. Merlin had already set the prince’s dinner tray out and poured his wine in hopes of being relieved early. He knows better than to actually ask Arthur as he would hold him over late just to spite him.

With nothing else to do but wait for the royal prat to be done with council, Merlin takes up a rag and begins dusting. It isn’t long until he is interrupted by the door slamming open.


“Rough meeting?” Merlin asks, not looking up from where he is dusting.

“My father thinks he can do no wrong just because he is the king!”

Merlin stands up and brushes his pants off. “Want to talk about it?”

“No.” Arthur glowers as he sits down and violently starts cutting into his food.

“But,” the prince pauses, “I did have a rather interesting conversation with Gwaine today.”

Arthur can see the way Merlin’s shoulders tense. “Oh?”

His manservant walks over to his dresser to ready a pair of night clothes.

“Yes.” Arthur takes his time, taking a bite of his chicken and chewing it slowly, watching the way Merlin tries to not squirm under his gaze. “He tells me you figured out the spell that hit you.”

Merlin reaches into the dresser and pulls out a pair of Arthur’s white sleeping trousers.

“Yes. I did.” He is clearly doing his best to not look at Arthur.

“And?” Arthur asks expectantly.

“And what?” Merlin gives the prince his best innocent face.

“And what is it? You dolt.”

Merlin pauses and scans the room for a way of escaping this conversation.

Merlin. Don’t try to get out of this. Gwaine specifically said that you need help.”

What Gwaine had actually said was that Merlin needed Arthur’s help specifically, but that he shouldn’t tell Merlin that Gwaine had said that. As strange and vague as it was, Arthur listened, he knows Gwaine wouldn’t mess around about Merlin’s well being.

Merlin guffaws at his statement.

Arthur sighs and takes a sip of his wine. “Come here Merlin.”

His shoulders slump in defeat as he walks over to the table.


“You could at least say please.” Merlin rolls his eyes but still sits down across Arthur.

The prince smirks, “Is that another one of your made up words?”

Merlin has to fight down a smile, “Prat.”

Arthur slides over a goblet of wine to his servant. As a prince Arthur should never eat or drink with his servants but Merlin has always been an exception, to quite a few things.

“I’m not letting you leave this room until you tell me what the spell is.”

Merlin eyes the goblet of wine before downing the entire thing, much to Arthur’s surprise.

“So, Gwaine really didn’t tell you what it is?”

“No, he said it wasn’t his place to tell me.”

Merlin pours himself some more wine and downs half of the contents this time.

Arthur sighs. “Merlin, you know you can trust me right?”

Something flashes across his servant's face so quickly Arthur doesn’t have time to decipher it.

“Of course Arthur, I trust you with my life.” Merlin unfalteringly declares.

His tone of such raw sincerity makes Arthur’s insides melt a bit as they always do when Merlin shows such loyalty. “So you can trust me with what’s going on now then.”

Merlin grumbles something that Arthur can’t hear.

“What did you say?”

“I said,” Merlin says much too loudly now, “it’s too embarrassing.”

Merlin. I am not going to let you leave this room until you tell me, so just make this easier for both of us.”

“Since when do I make your life easier?” Merlin grins.

“Right, heaven forbid my servant makes my life easier.” Arthur rolls his eyes.

Arthur waits for Merlin to speak up again but he stubbornly stares into his half full goblet of wine now, or perhaps it’s half empty.


“Fine.” Merlin groans out before finishing off the rest of his goblet and slamming it down. “But you can’t laugh.”

“I’ll do my best.”


“Fine, fine. I won’t laugh.”

There’s a long moment of silence between them, Merlin fidgets around thinking over his words but Arthur’s patience is already wearing thin from his council meeting.


“It’s a sexual spell!” Merlin blurts out.

Arthur’s brain refuses to understand that sentence. “What?

“It’s- oh god.” Merlin covers his face which is now flushed red with embarrassment. “It’s a spell that will cause me pain until I discover and partake in all my… kinks.” He whispers the last word.

There’s another moment of long silence while Arthur processes this information. “What? What the hell kind of spell is that!?” Arthur’s voice comes out an octave higher than normal.

“How should I know!?”

“Why would some sorceress try to hit me with such a spell?!”

“Probably to kill you from embarrassment because I can assure you that’s what’s happening to me right now.” Merlin groans. Though truthfully he knows it was most likely an attempt to seduce the prince once the spell kicked in.

“Well I mean,” Arthur can feel his own face heating up. “Surely you must already know some.” Images of Merlin bound and gagged flash through Arthur’s mind. It’s the prince’s turn to finish off his goblet of wine.

“Gods Arthur I’ve never even-” Merlin gives Arthur a desperate look, trying to get this conversation over with as fast as possible. Heavens know talking about sexual acts with the man he’s been attracted to for ages, who is also his best friend, cannot have a good outcome for his psyche.

Arthur chokes on his wine, “You’ve never…? With anyone?”

It had never occurred to him that Merlin may still have his virtue intact. He’s an attractive young man, and he has a phenomenal personality, not that Arthur would ever say such things out loud. How on earth has no one snatched him up yet? The thought causes a wave of unpleasant emotions to shoot through him.

“No.” Merlin groans and refills both of their goblets with more wine.

Merlin knows he should take it easy on the alcohol, he’s never been a very good drinker but it’s the only way he can have this conversation without imploding from embarrassment.

“Well,” Arthur takes a sip of his wine, “It can’t be that hard to find a girl who is willing.” The unpleasant emotions going through him pool in Arthur’s stomach.

Merlin mumbles something again too quiet for him to hear.


“I don’t fancy girls.” Merlin mumbles out louder, starting to feel the effects of wine, its making his limbs tingle. Might as well get everything out in the open as he’s fairly certain he’ll be dead by the morning from mortification. Sorry druids, your all mighty Emrys, greatest sorcerer to ever exist has died from embarrassment.

“Oh.” The shock is clear on Arthur’s face, he doesn't know what to say. He supposes it makes sense then why Merlin hasn’t laid with anyone. Not that there weren’t other men who fancy the same gender, he’s seen more than his fair share of knights who take pleasure from other men. Hell, Arthur can even appreciate a handsome man, not that he could ever let his father find that out, but he had tupped one or two stable boys in his earlier years.

There’s silence for a moment as Merlin wallows in his thoughts.

Arthur breaks the stillness as the pieces start to click into place, “That book Gwaine gave you wasn't about herbs, was it?”

Merlin laughs brightly, the effects of the wine clearly taking their effect on the slim lad, “No, definitely not about herbs.”

“Then what was it?” Arthur asks, feeling a bit more loose lipped from drinking so quickly.

“See for yourself.” Merlin reaches into his jacket and slides the book across the table, nearly knocking over the flagon of wine.

Arthur opens to one of the pages, there is a title that reads ‘Breath Play.’

There’s a drawing, surprisingly of a man, with a pair of hands wrapped around his neck as if he’s being choked. There’s a brief description of the act.

‘Breath play is the act of constricting ones airway,
usually done by choking from hands. Be careful not
to damage the airway or constrict for too long.
Some may prefer a simple pressure on the outer neck
rather than the airway. ’

Looking at the image Arthur can’t help but picture Merlin’s slim neck with his hands around him. The fact that Arthur rarely gets to see Merlin’s neck, thanks to his neckerchiefs, makes such an idea all the more scandalous.

Arthur flicks his gaze up to Merlin, who is leaning over the table to see the book as well, his eyes hazed with wine.

Arthur flips to another page.

This one has a much more graphic drawing, it’s of a woman bent over baring herself to the viewer as a man behind her reels back his hand as if to hit her. The title reads ‘Spanking’

‘The action of smacking, typically done on the arse
or upper thighs. Inflicts pleasant pain to the receiver,
can also be used as a ‘punishment’.’

More images of Merlin flash through Arthur’s mind, earning a twitch of his cock, but he does his best to shake them away. Arthur clears his throat and closes the book.

“Of course this is the type of book Gwaine owns.”

Merlin freely laughs at that, giving Arthur all too familiar butterflies in his stomach, they seem amplified due to the alcohol in his system.

“So, what’s the exact spell? Surely there must be more to it.”

Merlin sighs, “Basically I need to partake in all of my… interests, and then the spell will dissipate. The book said the target’s eyes will flash pink each time one of their interests is discovered.”

“That’s it?”

“When is it ever that easy Arthur?” Merlin grouses before taking another sip of his wine “If the target goes too long without discovering and partaking in an interest they will experience a steady increase of pain.”

“Well, do you feel any pain yet?”

“No, none at all.”

Arthur can’t tell if Merlin’s flush is from the alcohol or embarrassment, probably both he muses as he swirls his goblet, ignoring the rest of his dinner.

“So, who’s going to assist you then, with this?” Arthur tries his best to come off as impassive.

“Well, I was considering asking Gwaine but-”

“No.” Arthur cuts in a little too firmly.


“W-well” Arthur stammers for a moment, “Gwaine is too, promiscuous”

“I suppose I could try asking Lancelot.” Merlin looks around the room avoiding his eyes once again.

“Well, you should do this with someone who knows what they’re doing.”

“And you do?” Merlin asks without thinking.

The air freezes.

“I- I mean from the way you said tha-” Merlin sputters, face darkening a shade of red.

“Well,” Arthur interrupts, “Only Gwaine and I know about the spell right? The less people know the better, for your sake I mean.”

Merlin’s jaw hangs open as he stares disbelievingly at the prince.

“You’d do that for me?”

“Well, better me than Gwaine.” It’s Arthur’s turn to avoid eye contact now, “plus, you took the spell for me, it only seems fair. If it wasn’t you going through this it would be me.”

“Arthur,” Merlin bites his bottom lip, drawing Arthur's attention, “I don't want you to feel like you have to do this out of a sense of duty. I don't want to use you like that.”

“No I- I don’t mind, really.” Arthur’s sure he can only say such a thing thanks to the alcohol in his system. “Plus if it was the other way around I know you’d do the same, you and your righteous loyalty.”

Merlin wants to argue that it’s different, he’d be more than willing to do that for Arthur, spell or not, but it’s not like he can exactly tell him that.

“I suppose you're right.” Merlin flushes again, he doesn’t think about it too much in fear of getting his hopes up.

Arthur clears his throat before speaking again, “We’ll start off with small things, then work our way up?”

“Yeah that sounds- that’s a good idea.”

“Alright.” A warm feeling settles into Arthur’s sternum. “If you start to feel any pain at all come to me immediately, and we’ll,” He pauses, unsure of how to word the end of the sentence but Merlin seems to get the gist anyway.

“Yes, okay.” Merlin squirms a bit in his chair.

“You’re dismissed for the evening.” Arthur nods to the door.

“But you’re not dressed.”

“Believe it or not I can dress myself Merlin.”

“You’re right, I don’t believe it.”

Arthur picks up his spoon to fling it at Merlin but he’s already scampering to the door.

“Arthur,” Merlin pauses as he reaches the door, voice sincere. “Thank you.”

He takes his leave before Arthur can say anything.

The prince takes a deep breath and slumps in his chair. Sure, go ahead and explore your manservant’s kinks together. Surely sleeping together won't give him more of those thoughts he tries to ignore whenever they pop into his head. It couldn’t be helped though, Merlin is, well handsome doesn’t seem like the right word, he is too soft to be handsome, pretty? And when he bends over doing his chores Arthur can’t help but to look- No, he absolutely doesn’t feel anything towards Merlin… okay, maybe that’s not true, he’s fond of the boy but that’s it. He absolutely has never thought about Merlin in the late hours of the night while he lays in bed and touches ~ahem~ no that’s ridiculous.

He finishes off his wine. The idea of someone else helping Merlin with this though, Arthur wouldn’t be able to take it, especially now, being aware of exactly what the two would be doing.

He goes to stand up when he sees Merlin left the book on the table.

Well, might as well get a head start. He dresses for bed taking the book with him.

Chapter End Notes

I already love you for reading this far, so here have a digital hug, head pat, or fist bump whichever you prefer. <3

Any kinks or scenes you'd like to see that I've yet to tag? Comment them below!

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TikTok: Lex1800

Hair Pulling

Chapter Notes

This chapter is by far the shortest and tamest, the spice increases from here on!

To make it easy, 1 candle mark = 1 hour. :)

The next day started surprisingly normal, Merlin woke him up in this same annoying manner as always, any lingering awkwardness from last night's conversation long gone. Then during training, every time Gwaine tried to talk to Merlin, Arthur would drag his manservant away, not completely irregular for the prince.

Unfortunately for Merlin, today's council meeting wasn’t deemed ‘sensitive’ so he was to attend, standing behind his master the whole time.

They are only about half an hour in when Merlin first feels it, a faint throbbing in his lower stomach. As the council continues the sensation grows stronger, slowly becoming more painful until it feels as if he has a burning dagger twisting into his abdomen.

The council isn’t adjourned for another four candle marks where Merlin has to breathe in through his nose and out through his mouth. If he wasn’t so accustomed to pain surely he wouldn’t have been able to remain standing.

Once the meeting is finished Arthur turns to him but pauses at the pallor of his skin.

“Are you alright?” The shuffling of council members can be heard leaving the room

“Fine, sire.” Merlin gives his best smile.

Arthur squints his eyes.

“I’ll fetch your dinner and bring it to your chambers for you.”

“Very well.” Arthur dismisses him with a wave of his hand.

Arthur is sitting at his table looking over a document when Merlin arrives, dinner plate in his hand.

“You can place it down here,” Arthur says picking up his document, not looking up at his servant.

Merlin doesn't say anything as he serves the tray.

Arthur starts rolling up the parchment when there’s a clatter to his left.

Knight’s instincts kicking in, he immediately shoots up from his chair only to see Merlin doubled over on the floor with an empty wine flagon rocking on the ground.

“Merlin!” He rushes over kneeling next to his manservant.

Merlin groans out, arms around his stomach, bringing his knees to his chest.

“Merlin! What’s wrong?”

“Pain.” He manages to grunt out.

“Do you need Gaius?” Arthur asks as he scans his body for outward injuries.

“No,” Merlin grits out. “The spell, dollophead.”

“Oh… Oh.”

Merlin wheezes out what sounds somewhat reminiscent of a laugh.

“Okay,” Arthur says steeling his nerves, “I’m going to kiss you, alright?”

Merlin’s eyes go wide but he nods.

It’s just like kissing anyone else, Arthur thinks to himself. Except it’s not. It’s Merlin, oh god what has he gotten himself into?

Arthur takes a steadying breath and leans down nearly all the way to the floor where Arthur can feel the heat radiating off of his servant. Merlin’s eyes follow his until their mouths meet and they both close their eyes. Merlin’s lips are so plush, much softer than he’d imagined.

They are both still for a moment until Merlin hesitantly moves his mouth against Arthur’s, who is quick to reciprocate. They are shallow kisses but still send sparks of lightning through Arthur. It seems to be working as Merlin starts to unfold himself and rise to his knees. They don’t break their kissing until they’re both kneeling.

Arthur pulls back, face warm. “Did it work? I didn’t see your eyes flash pink. But my eyes were closed.”

Merlin pauses for a moment, focusing on the feeling. “It’s not as strong as it was.” He pauses again, waiting to see if anything happens. “I can still feel it but it’s bearable now, maybe we only have to-”

Arthur watches as his face contorts in pain and Merlin lets out the slightest whimper.

“Okay! Okay! Going to kiss you again.” Arthur states, not waiting for a reply before grabbing his manservant by the hips and pulling him into another kiss, more desperate this time.

Merlin relaxes again once their lips meet and Arthur runs his tongue over Merlin’s bottom lip.
The servant gasps at the sensation and Arthur uses that moment to slide his tongue into Merlin's mouth.

His servant tastes slightly like mint, his mouth is hot against Arthur's own.

Merlin makes a sound in the back of his throat that sends conflicting shockwaves through Arthur. The prince tightens his grip on Merlin’s hips and pulls his manservant onto his lap, just far enough away so his servant can’t feel his semi-hard on that he himself refuses to acknowledge. He is not turned on just from a little kissing with Merlin.

Merlin takes a sharp inhale into his nose as he settles on Arthur’s lap. The throbbing is still there but not nearly as bad as before, if anything his racing thoughts are currently his biggest issue. That, and trying to fight down his erection as Arthur explores his mouth with his tongue.

Their movements become more confident and rougher as Merlin reciprocates Arthur’s initiative, sliding his own tongue against Arthur’s experimentally. They’re both breathing harder, nearly panting now as Merlin fights the urge to grind forward into Arthur’s lap.

Merlin cracks his eyes open only to see Arthur already watching him, eyes hooded.

Feeling emboldened Merlin encircles his lips on Arthur’s tongue giving it an experimental suck.

The feeling singes all the way down to Arthur’s cock and he groans in response. Arthur cups his hand at the back of Merlin’s neck drawing him closer, causing Merlin to sigh out in pleasure.

Arthur runs his hand from his servant's neck through his hair, tugging the black tresses roughly. Arthur pulls him back just far enough so their lips are brushing against each other, allowing him to admire Merlin’s flushed face.

The action has embers of pleasure sizzling in Merlin’s stomach and a small moan escapes his mouth for Arthur to drink in. Arthur can see a flash of pink in Merlin’s lidded eyes and can’t help but smile smugly.

They separate quickly as Merlin pulls away scrambling off Arthur’s lap. Merlin thumps onto his arse on the cool cobblestone, eyes wide, face flush, hair mussed, and panting. Arthur leans back onto his hands, taking in Merlin’s state with a guttural sense of satisfaction in his chest. They stare at each other, taking the other in before Merlin breaks the moment clearing his throat, adamantly looking away. “Thank you.” His voice comes out hoarser than expected.

Arthur clears his throat before standing up. “Better?” He scans Merlin for any signs of pain.

Merlin nods, not willing to trust his voice again yet.

“Good, that’s good.” Arthur stands awkwardly in the center of his room, unsure of what to do now. It’s Merlin’s shuffling that gets him to move again.

Arthur offers his hand out to Merlin. Merlin stares at his hand for a moment, his eyes flicker to Arthur’s and back to his hand before taking it. Arthur pulls his hand hauling Merlin to his feet. Using the strength he normally does to help up a down knight at practice, who is typically wearing mail, he pulls too forcefully causing Merlin to yelp as he collides into the prince's chest.

“God Merlin you’re a twig.” Arthur’s eyes are wide. While Merlin has put on some weight since he first arrived to Camelot, Arthur often forgets just how thin he still is given his large personality makes him seem far loftier.

“We don’t all get extra padding from the royal kitchens every day.” Merlin teases, amusement clear in his eyes.

Arthur takes an affronted step back “Merlin, are you calling me fat?”

“No, of course not sire.” Merlin ducks down grabbing the flagon he had dropped on the floor earlier. Arthur follows the motion as Merlin bends at the waist giving the prince quite a delectable view.

Merlin stands back up “Well then, time for your dinner sire. Need to maintain that extra padding after all.”


Merlin is relieved that they are able to keep a semblance of normalcy even after he was just on the prince’s lap snogging the royal prat.

The rest of the evening goes by just the same, though perhaps there’s a few extra blushes and hidden smiles between them as Merlin goes about his chores and Arthur finishes his dinner.

It’s late by this point, Arthur having gone over some more documents at his desk. Merlin adds a log to the hearth as Arthur stretches his arms above his head.

Arthur watches lazily as Merlin pokes at the fire. The light flickers across his features in a way Arthur has always found captivating. Merlin is a rather cool toned person with his pale skin, dark hair, and blue eyes, completely the opposite of his sunny personality. The flickering of flames always lights Merlin’s features in a way that matches his warm demeanor.

Merlin turns before Arthur can act like he wasn't just staring at his manservant.

“What?” Merlin raises an eyebrow.

“Earlier,” Arthur pauses, thinking of how to continue this sentence. “The pain started at dinner time. So that’s almost three total days since you were hit by-“

“Actually,” Merlin bites his bottom lip, a tell Arthur has learned to mean he’s nervous. “It started during the council meeting.”

“What? Merlin, why did you tell me earlier?” Arthur stands up, his chair scrapes against the cobblestone.

“What was I supposed to say?” Merlin sasses, “Attention King Uther and esteemed council members I must take my leave with your prince so we can go fornicate.”

“Wha- We didn’t-” Arthur can feel his face heat up.

“Or what ‘bout sorry Uther your son and I have a pressing matter to attend to, we have to go snog up in his chambers now, it’s much more important than matters of the state.”


Merlin pouts and stomps his way over to turn down Arthur’s bed, in a way that Arthur does not find endearing at all.

“Just,” Arthur sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose, “Just give me some kind of sign next time at least, like touch my shoulder or something.”

“It’s not like you can just leave in the middle of a council meeting anyways.”

“I’m sure I can think of some excuse.”

“You? Thinking?” Arthur can’t see Merlin’s face from where he is turning down the bed but can hear his smile.

Arthur walks up and gives him a playful smack to the back of his head.


Arthur snorts at Merlin's petty glare. “Oh just undress me you tart.”

If Merlin had not been undressing Arthur for such a long time he surely would have blushed, especially given what they did earlier, but dressing the prat was just another duty, one of his favorites, but still, he’s a professional.

“Will there be anything else, sire?” Merlin lingers as Arthur settles into his bed.

“That will be all Merlin.”

Merlin extinguishes the candles on his way to the door.

“Thank you, Arthur.” Merlin says before he slips out the door.

Chapter End Notes

Not my best writing for this chapter but I swear the rest are much better! And way longer lol.

Any kinks or scenes you want to see? Comment them!

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TikTok: Lex1800


Chapter Notes

This is one of the longest chapters, I wanted to split it into two but it just didn't feel right. So enjoy! Merlin is a little dense in this chapter but it's on purpose. ~Turnin up the spicy dial~.

It’s two days later when Merlin feels the throbbing start again.

He is serving Arthur at dinner with Uther and Morgana. Unlike last time the pain is increasing rather quickly.

Uther and Arthur had been talking about Arthur’s plan to go on a hunt soon with the knights for a bonding exercise. Not wanting to catch the king's attention Merlin waits for the conversation to shift to Morgana.

Merlin goes to refill Arthur’s goblet, he places his hand on the prince's shoulder and gives a small squeeze.

Arthur looks over to him confused.

“Isn’t that strange Arthur?” Uther asks, turning his attention back to his son.

“Yes,” Arthur turns away from Merlin. “Perhaps we should send a patrol out to investigate.”

Merlin isn’t sure how long it takes for Uther to turn back to Morgana but it’s frustratingly long. Gwen shoots him worried looks every so often from behind Morgana and he does his best to send reassuring smiles back, though he doubts he’s successful.

The second Uther turns away Merlin grips Arthur's shoulder again, much harder this time.

Arthur looks back, scowl starting to form but realization quickly falls over his face. He swiftly looks to the other two royals to make sure they aren’t paying attention.

Arthur smacks the flagon out of Merlin's hands, hitting it at the bottom causing the wine to spill out onto the table and the floor, a small splatter making its way onto Arthur’s tunic.

Everyone turns to Merlin whose eyes are wide with shock, staring at Arthur.

“Boy!” Uther bellows but Arthur is quick to speak up.

Merlin! What is wrong with you!” Arthur shouts startling his servant, “This is the last straw! I have dealt with enough of your incompetence!”

Merlin has his refute on the tip of his tongue. He knows he shouldn’t argue, not in front of the King, but screw that this was all the prat’s fault! Arthur had hit the wine right out of his damn hands! The anger nearly floods out the increasing pain in his abdomen.

Arthur turns so only Merlin can see his face and tries his hardest to wink, but the prince has never been able to wink, so he blinks, squishing his facial muscles in a rather unflattering manner.

Merlin’s anger dies down into an annoyed confusion at what the hell is wrong with Arthur? Maybe he’s having a stroke, muscle spasms and facial contortions are symptoms, Merlin has since learned from being the physician's apprentice. But Arthur’s speech is just fine, no slurring or anything of the sort. Perhaps-

Merlin’s thoughts are cut short by Arthur grabbing him roughly by the bicep.

“Not to worry father, I shall make sure my manservant is duly punished.”

Uther gives an approving nod whereas Morgana is glaring daggers at him, Gwen watches on twitching panickly.

“Come on Merlin.” Arthur sneers and drags him out by the arm.

Merlin tries to argue once they’re out of the dining hall but Arthur gives him a look that Merlin knows better than to argue with.

Arthur wrenches the door to his chambers open, practically tossing Merlin inside.

“What the hell Arthur?!” Merlin shouts.

The prince closes the door gently, making sure to slide the lock into place. He turns around to see Merlin seething with anger. The prince traces his manservant’s body with his eyes, deciding how to exactly go about this. Logically it makes sense to just start at the beginning of the book and work their way through each kink. But then again what if Merlin doesn’t have one of those kinks? It’d be a waste of time, right? They really should have talked about this more but there isn't time for that right now. The longer it takes the longer Merlin is in pain.

Merlin’s heaving chest and angry flush are not helping Arthur focus either.

Moving deliberately slow, Arthur makes his way over to his dining chair, pulling it out from the table and turning it towards the center of the room. He’d rather use one of his plush chairs for this but they both have arms on the side.

Merlin watches disbelievingly. “Arthur?” Perhaps he really is suffering from some sort of ailment.

Arthur rolls his eyes, “You said you needed help, right?” Arthur traces his body again, crossing his legs. “With the spell,” He clarifies. He can see the anger drain from Merlin as it turns into apprehension.

Merlin nods fully aware of the pain steadily growing in his stomach, not as bad as the first time but quickly getting closer.

“Come here then.” Arthur says softer than expected.

Merlin walks over in front of the prince, wringing his hands nervously.

Arthur takes this moment to appreciate Merlin’s unique beauty. Eyes slowly dragging down his body, causing Merlin to squirm.

“Take your jacket off.” Arthur says as casually as if talking about the weather.

Arthur watches as Merlin’s cheeks flush a pretty pink, apprehension still clear in his eyes as he slides off his jacket dropping it to the floor. He’s nervous not knowing what to expect but he trusts Arthur.

“I’m fairly certain you’ll like this.” Arthur states, trying to reassure his friend. “Since you liked getting your hair pulled.” A Smirk dances across Arthur's lips as Merlin flushes deeper.

“You’re going to bend over my lap.” Arthur states as Merlin listens with rapt attention “And I’ll give you fifteen lashes, with my hand, for your incompetence during dinner.”

Arthur can see the anger spark back into Merlin’s stance. “Arthur! You hit the damn thing out of my hands! That was in no way my fault and you know that!”

“Alright, twenty lashes then.” Arthur says in his ‘royal voice’ as if doling out a punishment in court.

Merlin’s eyes are alight with defiance, he goes to open his mouth but before anything escapes he snaps it shut, jaw set rebelliously. Merlin knows that if he argues Arthur will just add on to his punishment. While this does seem rather degrading, he can’t say that his curiosity isn’t piqued.

“Chop chop.” Arthur calls, uncrossing his legs and patting his lap.

Merlin flushes darker, up to the tips of his ears. He looks to Arthur and then to his lap then lands back on Arthur’s face.

Arthur smiles obnoxiously bright at him.

Merlin rolls his eyes, doing his best to make it look like this isn’t already affecting him. He always stands up to Arthur, giving him a run for his gold with his insolence. But the urge to give in and follow orders sets a small simmer in his stomach. He sucks in a harsh breath as another stab of pain erupts in his stomach.

Once the wave of pain ebbs slightly he totters over to Arthur’s right side before draping himself over the prince’s lap, Arthur leading him down with a gentle hand on the small of his back.

The prince hums approvingly as Merlin settles his stomach on his thighs, the chair just tall enough that Merlin's knees can’t rest on the floor. They sit in the silence for a moment, Arthur rubbing small circles on his lower back.

“We need a word.” Arthur’s voice comes out huskily.

“What?” Merlin’s voice bounces off the floor.

“A word that when either of us says, we stop, no matter what.”

Merlin squirms a bit on his lap, still looking downwards. “Can’t we just say stop?”

“Well, you might say stop but not actually mean it.” Arthur runs his hand lower, just above the start of his arse, making Merlin’s heart stutter.

“What? Why woul-“

“We’ll talk about it more after.” Arthur puts more pressure into his hand, pressing Merlin harder into his lap.


“What’s a word that you think we’ll never use during… these times.” Arthur isn’t sure what exactly to call this.

There’s a moment of silence before Merlin speaks again. “Orange?”

Arthur snorts. “Perfect.” He slowly runs his hand up and down Merlin’s spine. Merlin does his best not to shiver. “If something happens and you have to stop you use that word, alright?”

Merlin is about to reply when Arthur’s hand travels further down to his clothed arse, running down to his upper thigh where he gives a slight squeeze.

Merlin nearly chokes from taking a sharp inhale, much to Arthur's amusement.

“This okay?” Arthur asks voice low and gravelly as he grips a globe of Merlin’s arse.

“Y-yeah.” Merlin can practically feel the warmth of his face radiating off the floor below him.

Arthur takes his time feeling and gripping, while Merlin doesn’t mind; he doesn't want to get hard when his dick is pressed right up against Arthur’s leg.

Arthur sighs pleasantly as he moves his hand away, much to the confusion of Merlin.

The servant feels a hand in his hair that quickly tugs to the side, forcing him to look at Arthur. “Look at me,” Arthur’s eyes run over his face, taking in Merlin's flushed cheeks and ovbiously bitten lips, “I need to see your eyes.”

Merlin doesn't trust his voice so he merely nods.

“Count.” Arthur states before letting go of his manservant’s hair only to bring his hand down harshly onto his arse, smack resonating through the room.

Merlin gasps, his eyes go wide with shock, flashing a brilliant pink much to Arthur's delight.

The contact stings even through his trousers, sending tingling like that of nettles through his body. He can see the pink light reflect off of Arthur’s smug face.

The throbbing in his stomach fades. Well, that was far easier than Merlin anticipated. He goes to stand up but Arthur pushes him back down into position.

“Ah, ah.” Arthur chastises. “Where do you think you’re going?”

“But it worked-”

“This is a punishment Merlin. I believe I said twenty.” Arthur brings his hand down in a harder smack this time.

Merlin tenses at the unexpected contact, face falling towards the floor in an attempt to hide his darkening cheeks. Arthur grips his hair again, nearly pulling him off his lap this time. “I don’t hear counting.” Arthur’s voice rumbles, eyes swirling with a baleful eagerness.

Merlin's wide eyes and flushed face do things to Arthur he’d rather try to ignore but god he looks so delectable, draped across his lap, presented to him like an offering.

“Two.” Merlin says, voice shaking only slightly, locking eyes with Arthur.

Merlin thought once they found a kink they would just stop and wait for the pain to happen again. He had never thought Arthur would want to keep going. Not that Merlin wants to complain, he just doesn’t know if he can keep his heart in check. He knows Arthur is just helping a friend and Merlin has to stop himself from thinking of it as more, no matter how much he wishes it.

The prince lets go of his hair, letting Merlin’s face fall towards the floor once again.

The next two hits are in rapid succession and to Arthur’s satisfaction Merlin counts both of them.

“Three. Four.” His voice comes out shakier than before.

Arthur smacks the other side of his arse this time, the harshest blow so far.

“Five.” Merlin grits out, tense in his lap.

Arthur can feel his own body temperature rising with his desire, having Merlin displayed like this, taking his punishment with none of his normal disobedience. Arthur has to fight down his own groan of pleasure that bubbles up in his chest.

Arthur brings his hand down again with another two rapid successions.

Merlin tries to muffle his moans, he presses his face into Arthur's calf, trying to will away his arousal, but with each hit he feels the sting shudder through his body, slowly filling out his cock.

“S-six.” His voice is muffled against Arthur's calf as he squirms trying to hide the bulge growing in his breeches.

Changing his angle Arthur’s palm claps the top of Merlin’s thigh.

Merlin hisses at the pain through his teeth.

“I’ve waited so long to do this.” Arthur breathes out gruffly, head fuzzy with desire. “Always talking back and disrespecting me. It’s time I get to put you in your place.”

Arthur brings down his hand once again to the side he had started on. Merlin lurches forward at the contact, biting his lip so hard it nearly bleeds.

“Count.” Arthur growls, grabbing his servant's arse, kneading the sore skin in his hand.

A moan escapes Merlin’s mouth, low and breathy, much to his mortification and he’s fairly certain Arthur can feel his erection on his leg now. But gods he doesn't want this to stop, it feels so good. His head is swirling with a delightfully light feeling, almost like he’s floating.

Arthur chuckles and Merlin swears he can feel it reverberate through his entire body. Merlin pushes his hips down against Arthur's lap, trying to get more friction against his straining cock. He is flooded with hot shame as he tries to rut against his best friend's leg but he can’t fight against the needy floaty feeling anymore.

“Oh, Merlin,” Arthur purrs out as he gropes his servant's arse, fingers kneading into his crevice, “I knew you’d like this, you like it when it hurts hmm?” Arthur’s voice is a mix between smug and lustful.

Arthur slides Merlin up further on his lap so his servant's side is brushing against his own erection. Merlin gasps at the feeling and Arthur relishes the much needed contact.

All Merlin’s embarrassment vanishes, washed away by a heady want. Merlin leans into Arthur’s abdomen putting pressure on Arthur’s erection that is now poking into his ribs.

Arthur muffles a groan and brings his hand down again, to the center of Merlin’s arse.

Nng.” Merlin jerks forward at the unexpected hit.

“I don't hear counting.” Arthur’s voice dips even lower.

“Nine.” Merlin's voice comes out breathy.

The next smacks are a blur to Merlin, though he makes sure to count aloud, most hit his arse but some are focused on his thighs.

It’s at fifteen when he stops trying to fight off his moans, the pain is both sharp and throbbing. He moans out wanton, pressing his face into Arthur’s calf again.

“See if you didn’t argue we’d be done now.” Arthur coos before smacking down, making sure to put power into his motion.

Merlin cries out and hitches forward trying to get away from the pain.


“I should double it for all your insolence I’ve had to put up with.”



Arthur can’t help but groan, his name has never sounded so divine before, needy and broken on the lips of Merlin; it’s the only way he ever wants to hear his name again.

Merlin.” Arthur growls, having to stop himself from canting his hips into his servant’s side.

“Seventeen.” It’s nearly a whisper between their panting breaths.


Ahng,” Merlin whines. “Eighteen.”

“Two more.” Arthur takes a deep breath, the room is overtly warm at this point.


“Nineteen!” Merlin cries out.

Arthur runs his hand over the abused globes, surely bright red underneath Merlin’s clothing.

“P-please Arthur.” Merlin whimpers out and who is Arthur to deny such a lovely request?

He brings his hand down for the last time, making sure to splay his fingers as wide as possible.

Merlin jerks forward again with a beautifully broken cry.

They sit there for a moment, the sound of their panting filling the air. Arthur takes a deep breath in attempt to calm his arousal but with Merlin still splayed on his lap, hard-on poking into his leg, he doubts he’ll ever be able to not be turned on again.

Merlin stirs, shifting off his lap and slowly standing up. He’s looking away, as he goes to make a step towards the door. “Thank-”

The prince reaches out and grabs Merlin by the wrist.

Merlin turns to him, surprise and confusion on his flushed face. His eyes are a bit shiny, probably due to the pain, but, there’s something else on his face that ignites a flame in Arthur. He looks at the prince expectantly, waiting for more.

Arthur’s sure Merlin can read the same on his face. Arthur huffs a breath in amusement and pulls his manservant back towards him.

“Arthur?” Merlin questions, voice worn from the sounds he’s been making.

“You think you’re going to walk around the castle like that?” Arthur eyes the tent of Merlin’s trousers, damp with spots of precum.

The servant blushes and tries to turn away for propriety, Arthur doesn't let him though. The prince separates his knees and pulls Merlin between his legs. “It’s alright.” Arthur glances down at his own tented breeches.

Arthur is not going to let Merlin pretend like that did not just happen between them.

Merlin follows his gaze and stares down at Arthur’s erection for a moment too long before flicking his eyes back up to Arthur’s, his brows pinched in uncertainty.

Arthur pulls Merlin back into his lap, this time having Merlin straddle him. Merlin follows easily, eyes flicking over Arthur’s face trying to read the prince’s expression.

Arthur smiles wolfishly as he gently grasps the back of Merlin's neck, drawing his servant’s chest to his. He can feel Merlin’s hot breaths on his lips. “Let me help you,” Arthur purrs out. There’s a moment of hesitation before Merlin leans forward meeting Arthur in a searing kiss.

Arthur groans into the kiss, hands going to Merlin’s hips. Merlin wraps his arms around Arthur’s neck and rolls his hips forward.

They both groan at the feeling of their stiffened cocks rubbing against each other.

“Fuck.” Arthur breathes into Merlin's mouth and tightens his grip on his servant's hips.

Merlin grinds down harder and more deliberately. Panting, Arthur tosses his head back.

Merlin tries to burn this image of Arthur into his mind, head thrown back, watching him through lidded eyes, neck exposed, tendons taught, Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows.

Merlin cants his hips forward again, keening at the friction. Arthur’s hands guide him to a slow yet harsh rhythm but Merlin can already feel the tight heat simmer in his stomach.

Merlin moans high and wanton, ducking his face into the crook of Arthur’s neck.

Fuck.” Arthur breathes out as he lifts his hips to meet Merlins.

A-Arthur.” Merlin cries as he presses as close as he can, all his muscles tensing.

Merlin’s arms tighten around Arthur as the prince tugs at his hips harshly. Arthur’s breath catches as Merlin cries out his name. He can feel his manservant’s prick twitching against his own as Merlin cums in his breeches, he can feel the heat of Merlin’s spend against his own cock.

Fuck, Merlin.” Arthur releases the boy's hips and cards one hand through his raven hair as Merlin goes lax against his chest.

Arthur brings his other hand between them and down his own trousers, it only takes a few strokes before he follows Merlin, hot cum spurting over his hand and smearing against his smalls.

Merlin gives a delayed closed mouth moan, watching as Arthur cums against him, milking himself dry.

Arthur chuckles airily at Merlin’s sound.

“Hmm?” Merlin hums into his neck.

You’re cute. Is what Arthur wants to say, but instead, he says “Just, ridiculous.”

He doesn't mean it in a negative light and thankfully Merlin knows him well enough.

His manservant snorts in agreement. Arthur cards his hand through Merlin’s hair as they both sit there coming down from their highs.

It takes a couple of minutes but the reality of the situation slowly creeps up on Merlin. He had just gotten off against his best friend. Not only that but so did Arthur. He hadn’t even known Arthur liked men. Maybe he doesn't though, maybe such stimulation just riled him up. Perhaps this was one of Arthur’s kinks, maybe that’s why he got hard, perhaps he likes hitting people. That would make sense, with all the times he’s thrown objects at him or slapped him upside the head.

The idea of sharing the same interest with Arthur sends tingles through his limbs. Perhaps through this spell Merlin will be able to learn what the prince likes too. There was still the issue of whether Arthur even liked men though, but surely with what they just did he can’t be turned off by them, right?

Merlin. You’re thinking too loudly.” Arthur groans from below him.

“Sorry.” Merlin mumbles into the prince’s neck not wanting to pull away yet.

“Relax,” Arthur sighs, curling his fingers through Merlin’s hair. “It’s fine, the whole point of this is to experiment to find what gets you going, to do that and then just not finish… seems kind of cruel.”

“Right.” Merlin draws out, still unsure of where Arthur’s feelings on the situation lie.

They sit there in silence for a while longer until it turns slightly awkward. Arthur clears his throat. “Not that I mind staying like this, but we should clean off.”

“Right.” Merlin peels himself off of Arthur, both avoiding eye contact.

Arthur grabs a cloth and brings it to the basin of water next to his bed and wets it.

“Here.” Arthur tosses the cloth to Merlin.

The washcloth splats onto Merlin’s chest, leaving a wet splotch in the center of his tunic.

“Thanks.” The servant deadpans.

Arthur wets another cloth and as he is about to clean himself off Merlin turns around to do the same.

They toss the soiled fabrics into the laundry for Merlin to take down to the laundry rooms later. The air is tense between them now, and Merlin doesn't know how to break it.

“You didn’t get to finish your dinner, should I fetch you something from the kitchens?”

Arthur's demeanor lights up at the suggestion, “Yes, see if they have any sweets or pastries, I'm rather hungry.” Arthur waves him as he moves his chair back to the dining table.

“Yes, sire.” Merlin makes a hasty escape.

Once out the door, Merlin pulls his shirt over the damp blotch where he cleaned his trousers.

It takes longer than expected for Merlin to return to Arthur’s chambers. Not that Arthur is surprised, it seems any task takes Merlin far longer than it should. It has absolutely no correlation that Arthur’s mood seems to plummet when his clumsy servant isn’t around.

Arthur grabs the book from his nightstand and brings it to the table. Just as he sits down again Merlin finally stumbles his way back in.

“Chef had berry tarts and honey cakes.” Merlin announces as he opens the tray with a flourish to reveal the glazed sweets.

“There’s so many.” Arthur feigns as if he didn’t plan this.

“You said you were hungry.” Merlin’s brow furrows in confusion.

“This many could feed an army.” Arthur rolls his eyes. “Here,” He tugs his other dining chair next to his. “Have some.” Arthur pats the chair.

Merlin raises his eyebrows in surprise. On the rare occasions Arthur has offered for them to eat together Merlin had always sat across from the prince, never next to him.

Merlin eyes Arthur suspiciously.

“Oh please Merlin it's not as if I can eat all of these myself.” To be honest Arthur doesn’t particularly like sweets very much, he can usually only have one or two before feeling a bit ill. “Contrary to what you may believe I am not that fat.”

Merlin doesn't even try to hide his amusement. He goes to take a seat but when he sits on the hard surface he gasps and jolts forward, elbows on the table. Pain shoots up his spine from his arse, raw from the marks Arthur surely left on him.

“Okay?” Arthur reaches out to grab Merlin’s arm to steady him.

”Fine.” Merlin slowly lowers his weight back down. “Just sore.”

Merlin sighs when he is finally able to sit down fully, Arthur watching him with an intensity Merlin rarely sees.

“Here.” Arthur pours them both some wine. Another thing that unsettles Merlin, Arthur has never poured him wine, it’s Merlin's job to do the pouring. “We need to have a conversation about this.”

Oh gods. He changed his mind, Merlin's mind panics. Why would Arthur want to do this with him? He doesn’t even like men. Maybe he got so disgusted with what they did earlier he is gonna call it quits. They had just started though. He’ll just have to be grateful for what they’ve done so far. This is for the better, heavens forbid Uther ever found out. At least this way Merlin will get out alive, even if he feels a bit broken. It’s not as if this could ever go anywhere though, Arthur is the prince and would have to marry a princess one day, he knows that Arthur needs an heir. Merlin's pulse picks up.

The goblet of wine slides in front of him, liquid sloshing inside, similar to Merlin's insides at the moment. He feels a bit queasy.

“You asked about the word earlier.” Arthur startles him out of his thoughts.

“Huh?” Merlin turns to look at the prince who is already looking at him calculatingly.

“The word, ‘orange’.” Arthur exasperates “The word we agreed to use to mean ‘actually stop’.”

“Oh, yes, right.” Merlin totally didn’t forget about that... to be fair his mind was a bit preoccupied at the time.

Merlin. Don’t tell me you forgot.” Arthur says sterner than expected.

“No! I didn’t forget.” Merlin reaches for a honey cake and nibbles a corner.

“Merlin, this is serious.”

“Okay, okay. Yes, ‘orange’ means stop no matter what we are doing.” He says flippantly, much to Arthur's annoyance. But inside Merlin feels like he can breathe again as it sounds like Arthur is still willing to continue with their arrangement.

“We are going to use that word because if we say ‘stop’ we might not actually mean it.”

“I still don't understand that part.” Merlin raises a questioning eyebrow.

“Well,” Arthur pauses thinking over his words, he takes a sip of wine. “You could be saying stop because it feels too good. So you say stop even though you don't want it to actually stop.”

“Okay?” Merlin understands but it still seems a little odd to him.

“There are other situations where it can happen too but, just know that you say that word and we immediately stop.”

“Or if you say it.” Merlin takes another bite of his honey cake.

“Yes, or if I say it.” Arthur nods.

“Okay, that’s easy enough.” Merlin takes a swig of his wine.

“There’s still a lot we have to talk about.” Arthur reaches and grabs a berry tart for himself.


“Let’s start with this.” Arthur slides the book so it’s in between them and flips to the first page, the index.

“Flip through these and read them, if there are any you don’t want to try, point them out. Or if there are any that stand out that you think you’d like, point those out too.” Arthur drags his hand down the ink on the index page.

Merlin feels his cheeks heat, eyes darting to the door. Not that he doesn't want to do this with Arthur, because gods does he, but he can’t seem to get over the embarrassment that wants to flood his system each time they talk about these things. Hell, he gets flustered just thinking of them.

Merlin takes some more sips of his wine before answering. “Fine.”

Arthur takes his time eating his tart as Merlin flips through the first couple of pages. His cheeks a rosy red as he swaps between bites of his second honey cake and sips of wine.

Arthur watches his reactions, trying to gauge what Merlin thinks of each page, but he remains rather hard to read. Arthur has always thought Merlin fairly easy to decipher but there are times when it seems Arthur still can’t fully fathom him out.

He’s about a quarter of the way through and hasn’t said anything at all and Arthur is starting to get restless.

“Well?” The prince can’t help but break the silence.

Merlin’s gaze flicks to his, “Well what?”

“What do you think so far?” Arthur looks back down to the book.

The page title reads ‘Collaring’ and there’s an image of a woman where the only thing she wears is a collar around her neck. There is a fully dressed man that holds what looks like a dog leash, that is attached to the collar.

‘Collaring, the act of wearing a collar around one's neck.
Can be used as a form of control or proof of
possession/ownership. Typically made from
leather, can be inlined with spikes as a form of
punishment or further control.’

“I mean,” Merlin takes another sip of his wine then refills both their cups. “It’s okay so far.”

“Okay? What does that mean? Okay in a good way or okay as you aren’t interested in them or okay I'll do it if I have to.”

Arthur.” Merlin whines covering his face.

“Merlin, you have to get over your shyness if we are to do these things.”

“Then what do you think?” Merlin narrows his eyes.

“What?” Arthur asks, baffled.

“What do you think of all the ones we’ve looked at so far?”

Arthur swallows, eyes darting to the book, “I- there aren’t any I’m not willing to try.”

Merlin eyes him for a moment. “What about ones you like?”

Arthur’s eyes snap back up to him, “This isn’t about what I like.”

“Well why should I be the only one who has to share.” Merlin grumbles, taking another large swig of his wine.

Arthur pauses at that, if he had to share all of his kinks, he supposes he’d worried about being judged. And Merlin is a virgin for Christ’s sake, while Arthur suspects Merlin has more of an inkling of what he likes than he lets on, he has still never even slept with someone let alone partaken in any advanced sexual stimulations. It’s no wonder he’s so reluctant to share his thoughts.

“Merlin,” Arthur sighs thinking over his words, “People can’t help what they like.” Merlin’s gaze shifts away from his wine meeting Arthur’s, “It’s like your favorite color, you just have preferences, and there’s nothing wrong with that.” Merlin eyes him contemplatively as Arthur continues, “A lot of the time people don't know why their favorite color is what it is, they just know they like it.”

Merlin nods and quirks a brow, “That was almost wise, sire,” he bites his lip still apprehensive, “What if I like something you don’t?”

“Then we’ll cross that bridge when we get to it.” Arthur smiles reassuringly, “But Merlin, know I will never judge you over something like this.” If Arthur was being honest, there are very few things he’d say no to if Merlin is involved.

“Alright.” He resigns, picking up another honey cake.

“Good.” Arthur says a little too jovially, “Now, what do you think of this page then?” Arthur looks back down to the woman wearing a collar.

Merlin's gaze returns to the page, cheeks flushing. “The spikes seem excessive.”

“Okay, that’s a start.” Arthur eyes him, “Keep going.”

“I-” Merlin hesitates, “I like the idea.” His eyes flick back to Arthur.

“Good.” Arthur’s voice comes out a bit raspy. “That’s good.” He clears his throat. ”How about this, for each one you like, rank on a scale of one to ten, ten being the ones you think you’d like the most. That way you don't feel like you have to explain yourself.” Arthur takes another bite of his berry tart.

Merlin nods and takes a rather large bite out of his honey cake. “Okay.” He looks back down to the page, “Nine,” his voice comes out shy.

Arthur’s mind is immediately flooded with ideas. A simple black leather would look divine around his servant's slim neck, but it wouldn't quite show that Merlin belongs to the Prince of Camelot. An elegant golden chain however, no even better, silver would look regal on his pale skin. He could even wear it under his neckerchief, maybe Arthur could get him a Pendragon red neckerchief, a more public statement of who he belongs to.

Arthur hadn't noticed Merlin turning the page until his manservant speaks up again with another number. Lord, Merlin is going to be the death of him.

They go through the book well into the evening, the longer they talk the easier it gets to rate each entry and the less embarrassed Merlin feels. He also makes his limits clear with things he feels no desire in trying, those like within the back of the book at the more advanced fetishes. Arthur is thankful that quite a few of Merlin’s hard no’s line up with his. It’s past midnight by the time they finish with a good understanding of the things Merlin is willing and wants to try.

Merlin creeps his way through Giaus’ workroom not wanting to wake the physician, making his way to bed feeling much more secure about the situation.

Merlin's final rating: 8

Chapter End Notes

The start of this chapter makes me think of some cheesy porno lmao. Anyways,

Each chapter from now on will have Merlin's initial and final rating of each kink (if that kink is in the book).

Any kinks or scenes you'd like to see? Comment them!


Praise Kink

Chapter Notes

We will see a lot more of this kink in the future~

November 30, 2024: OMG! I was finally able to double space this chapter lmao.


Praise kink
Gaining sexual gratification from praise.
This can be anything from sexual praise to
everyday acknowledgments.

Merlin’s initial rating: 6.5

The next day Arthur and his knights are sent off to investigate rumors of rather violent bandits that have been spotted to the West. Obviously, they bring Merlin along as well.

It’s an overcast day, the late summer sun not able to keep away the encroaching chill of autumn. The cool breeze rustles the brush of the forest floor.

It’s late afternoon when Merlin starts to complain. He has held out since early morning but they hadn't found any evidence of bandits yet and riding on his arse, that had been marred yesterday, isn’t the most pleasant feeling.

“Arthur, we should take a break, we’ve been riding all day,” Merlin complains from his usual spot next to the prince.

“What’s the matter Merlin? Your little bottom sore?” Arthur asks, eyeing him out of his periphery.

This prat. Merlin glares at the prince.

“Yes.” Merlin says bluntly, “It’s not as fat as yours.”

There’s a laugh from behind them, Merlin’s sure it’s Gwaine.

Arthur makes it abundantly clear that he’s rolling his eyes even though the knights can’t see his face.

“Fine, you heard the lady.” Arthur calls to the knights, “We’ll pull over in the clearing ahead.”

The knights snicker amongst themselves.

Merlin puffs his chest and clicks his horse ahead, taking the lead. He’s used to the teasing; it doesn't truly bother him, not that he’d ever consider being compared to a woman an insult to begin with, unlike the prat.

Normally in these situations, Arthur wouldn’t allow them to stop for Merlin’s sake, he’d simply tell him to toughen up and not slow them down. Merlin has no doubt Arthur is fully aware of why he wants to rest.

Merlin, first to arrive at the clearing, takes a quick glance around with his magic, unsurprisingly there are no signs of any bandits.

By the time he dismounts and ties up his horse the others have arrived and start to dismount as well.

The knights talk amongst themselves, mostly about the potential bandit encounter but Merlin isn’t really paying attention. He walks past them to a soft looking patch of grass where he plops down on his stomach, giving his backside a much needed break.

He hears the knights divvying out snacks they brought along and the rustling of saddlebags.

They all make their way towards Merlin one by one, sitting down as comfortably as they can in their armor.

The wind blows a crisp gale through the air and Merlin takes a deep breath, feeling the fresh air invigorate his lungs. That is until he feels the pressure of a boot on his arse.

He gasps rather dramatically from the jolt of pain, drawing some of the knight's attention. He turns his head as much as he can, as he is still being pinned down by said boot, only to see Arthur smirking down at him. The prince’s gaze darkens when their eyes meet.

Merlin gives the prat his harshest glare as he attempts to wiggle out from under his boot, but Arthur only smirks more.

“Oh don’t be such a startled stoat Merlin.” Arthur presses down harder with his boot before lifting his foot.

Merlin takes in another deep breath, trying to cool his heating face as Arthur walks over towards Leon with a swagger in his step that goes unnoticed by most of the knights. Merlin buries his face into the cool grass, doing his best to fight down a smile at Arthur’s dirty playfulness.

After their break, they ride until the sun starts to set. It’s getting dark quickly due to the overcast clouds looming above them.

Merlin, relieved to once again be off his horse, scurries about his duties as the knights start setting up their bedrolls under the thick canopy above head.

After tending to the horses and starting the fire Merlin starts preparing their dinner. He had spent a few extra coins the other day in the market as a shipment of some of his favorite spices had been delivered for the first time since the start of the season.

The knights are all joking about some scullery maid who rejected Gwaine as they jovially pass around skins filled with wine. Merlin eagerly sprinkles in a mix of the spices he bought and some dried up herbs into their simmering stew.

“Merlin,” Lancelot calls from over the servant’s shoulder.

“Yeah, Lance?” Merlin asks not turning away from the stew as the delectable smell proliferates into the air.

“Do you think we might get rained on tonight? If so, I'll move my bedroll to a better spot.” Lancelot eyes the tree branches above them.

Merlin grins as he turns to look over his shoulder. “Why ask me?

Lancelot smiles knowingly. “You just seem to have a strangely accurate sense with these things.”

“Please, it’s a miracle Merlin has any sense at all.” Arthur teases from the other side of the fire, earning a few chuckles from the others.

“Well, if I had to guess. I’d say no rain tonight, but we’ll probably see some by midday tomorrow.” Merlin smiles at Lancelot before turning back to the stew, “But no worries if we get caught in the rain, Arthur’s head is big enough to shade us all.”

Percival snorts wine up his nose as the others laugh.

Arthur just rolls his eyes at his ever so insolent servant.

By the time the stew is done Merlin can practically hear the rumble of the knight's stomachs. He fills everyone’s bowls and lastly his own before carefully easing down into the spot between Gwaine and Lancelot.

Everyone is too eagerly eating to make any conversation, but they all hum appreciatively as they shovel stew into their mouths.

The smokiness from the fire enhances just how well the herbs mix with the vegetables and meat Merlin used. It melts on his tongue as he hums in delight.

“As much as I hate to admit it Merlin,” Arthur states, being one of the only ones able to break away from his bowl. His servant eyes him warily across the fire. “This is rather delicious. Good job.”

The moment the last two words leave Arthur's mouth, Merlin’s eyes flash a bright pink.

This is quickly followed by Gwaine choking on his stew next to Merlin. One by one the knights look over concerned for their comrade but are disturbed when they see a near manic grin on the man's face as he hits his chest trying to get some air.

Merlin hunches over his bowl trying to calm the blush on his face. Leave it to the one other person who knows about the spell to have seen what just happened.

Arthur, watching Merlin shy away from his gaze and into his stew, has to restrain himself from marching over to Merlin and whispering delicious praises into the boy's ears until he’s squirming in his seat.

The servant's eyes flick to his quickly before glancing around at the knights only to return to his stew.

Gwaine’s choking has transformed into hoarse chuckling as he leans against Merlin’s shoulder for support.

Lancelot eyes the knight strangely “Christ Gwaine, what has gotten into you?”

Elyan chimes in from next to Arthur, “You couldn’t have drank that much already.”

Gwaine takes a deep breath, still leaning against Merlin. “No, no I’m alright. Just, I can’t believe I let myself forget.”

“Forget what?” Elyan asks suspiciously.

“Just how cute our Merlin is.” Gwaine ruffles the raven's hair.

Arthur’s brief amusement dies down as he watches the interaction.

“Alright. He’s drunk.” Leon says, rolling his eyes.

“Bugger off Gwaine.” Merlin shoves the knight off of him in a friendly manner.

“Oh! Speaking of buggering-” Gwaine’s gaze shifts to Arthur’s.

“Merlin!” Arthur interrupts before Gwaine can continue. “Fetch us some more firewood.”

Gwaine starts cackling again earning him another round of strange looks from the others.

“But I’m still eating,” Merlin whines.

“Well hurry up.”

Merlin grumbles inaudibly into his soup. Gwaine gives him a sympathetic pat on the shoulder but the knight still can’t stop smiling.

Merlin slurps down the rest of his dinner, collects everyone’s bowls, and starts to wander aimlessly into the dark woods muttering about arrogant prats.

The knights huddle closer than normal around the fire trying to fight off the chill of nightfall. Embers from the fire float through the cracks in the branches and into the clouded sky.

“Sire,” Leon leans over to Arthur not wanting to disturb the tale Elyan is regaleing to the knights. “Merlin has been gone for a while. Perhaps someone should go look for him?”

Arthur looks around his knights, eyes locking with Lancelot's.

“I’ll go lo-” But Lancelot is stopped by a loud rustling and angry murmuring as Merlin stomps his way into their clearing.

“It’s nearly pitch black out there!” Merlin complains loudly, “could barely see anything.” The servant walks over and drops the wood next to the fire, huffing as he does so.

“Well,” Arthur eyes him and Merlin’s heart speeds up at the hunger in the prince's gaze. “Even with how dark it is, this is a good amount of wood Merlin. Good job.” Arthur can’t help himself.

Merlin freezes as a few of the knights give Arthur strange looks. It’s not like him to compliment anyone let alone Merlin, and twice now in one night.

Gwaine lets out an impressed whistle. “Damn Merlin, that is some nice wood.”

Merlin turns to glare at the knight who merely winks at him.

There are some chuckles and groans at the knight's poor innuendo.

The next couple of hours go by relatively normal… is what Merlin would have liked to say. There had been no bandit attacks or anything of the sort. However, Gwaine’s antics are possibly leading Merlin into a more dangerous situation.

The knight has been egregiously praising Merlin all evening much to the growing annoyance of Arthur. The prince’s patience is running thin as with every praise Gwaine peeks over at Arthur, trying to get a reaction out of the prince. The knight knows Arthur couldn’t rise to the bait, at least not in front of the others, not without questions. Arthur can't simply just play drunk like Gwaine and get away with anything.

And the worst part of it all? Merlin blushing like a maiden nearly every time, only feeding Gwaine’s forwardness. Some of the other knights even join in on the teasing and Arthur can feel the building anger simmering in his abdomen.

Merlin can’t help but wonder what’s gotten into Arthur, he seemed in a fine mood earlier but he keeps giving him these dark looks every now and then as if waiting for Merlin to do something. Each look is intense and Merlin is fairly certain Arthur is trying to communicate something to him and Merlin has to hide his shivers from the intensity of his gaze.

“Perhaps when we take watch we do a short patrol every hour, to keep an eye out for any signs of encroaching bandits,” Leon suggests as they all start to get ready for bed.

Arthur grunts his approval as he stands up from his seat.

“Princess, why don't you and Merls take the first watch?” Gwaine calls from the opposite side of the fire as he slings an arm around Merlin’s shoulders. “I bet he’ll do a great job helping you. He’s always so good at watch-”

“Gwaineeee.” Merlin groans, oblivious to the knight's real intentions.

Arthur narrows his eyes at the knight and then to the offending arm he has still slung around his servant's shoulders. “Fine. Merlin, you're with me.”

“Thanks a lot, Gwaine,” Merlin complains as he stands up and stretches his legs.

As the knights settle in to sleep Merlin tosses some more branches onto the fire to try to keep away the chill in the air.

“Come on Merlin.” Arthur impatiently calls waiting by the tree line.

“I’m coming you prat, just making sure we don't freeze to death tonight.” Merlin meanders over slowly just to annoy Arthur.

“Oh please, this little nip wouldn’t freeze anyone to death.”

“Well, definitely not someone who has as much padding as you do, sire.” Merlin smiles and pats Arthur’s shoulder reassuringly as he saunters past him into the surrounding forest. If Arthur watches the sway of Merlin’s hips as he walks past, no one need know.

“I am not fat!” Arthur calls out as they walk further from the knights.

Merlin playfully speeds up when Arthur tries to swat at him. Arthur easily catches up to his manservant and lands a whack to the back of his head.

They walk for a bit enjoying the quiet of the night, a hooting owl can be heard in the distance. But before long Merlin’s ever incessant need to break the silence kicks in. They’re a ways away from the knights now, the glow of the fire nearly fully swallowed by the darkness of the night and surrounding plant life.

“So,” Merlin turns and smiles at him, rubbing the back of his head, “You liked the stew?”

“I think everyone did with the way they scarfed it down.” Arthur snickers.

Arthur can see the way Merlin puffs his chest out with pride and has to fight down his smile.

“You did do a really good job.” Arthur adds, voice dipping slightly lower.

“Well, I’m good at a lot of things,” Merlin shrugs trying to play off the compliment, “you’re just too oblivious to notice.”

“Oh, I’ve noticed.” Arthur scans the surrounding dark forest for any signs of bandits, flicking his eyes back to the glow of their campsite.

Merlin’s heart jumps into his throat, “what?” He squeaks out.

“On the very rare occasion you are able to get a chore or two done competently.”

Merlin’s heart rate calms enough that it’s no longer pounding in his ears, He was nearly sure Arthur had meant his magic, and it takes him a moment to register what Arthur had said.

“Only one or two?” Merlin says, sounding thoughtful, making Arthur slightly suspicious.

“If that.” Arthur retorts pompously, trying to get a rise out of his servant.

“Perhaps,” Merlin drawls, he stops and turns so they’re face to face, “I should do something you find worthy of praise then?” Merlin’s eyes travel down the prince’s strong body.

Arthur swallows, the blood in his brain heads south causing his mind to blank for a moment. He hadn’t expected Merlin to be so forward, perhaps their talk last night worked better than he expected.

Merlin doesn't look as if he is in any pain though, and based off the timing of the past two incidents, they should still have more than enough time given Merlin’s eyes flashed at his praise mere hours ago. But Arthur is afraid to ask, worried Merlin might stop or that he’d ruin the moment.

A sly smirk makes its way onto Merlin’s face as the servant moves ever so closer, the tips of their boots nearly touching. “Is there anything I could do,” Merlin speaks slowly, his eyes lingering on Arthur's lips before meeting his eyes, “to earn your praise, sire?” Merlin tilts his head teasingly, nearly bringing their lips together.

Merlin had been trying to ignore his arousal ever since Arthur had praised his cooking. Then for the prat to go on and do it again, on purpose, after he collected the firewood. Not to mention, while Gwaine realizing was embarrassing, it was also somewhat exciting, him knowing that Arthur was purposefully affecting Merlin. Not to mention the looks Arthur had been giving him all night, his dark gaze focusing on him had fanned the flame growing inside him.

Arthur can hardly believe what is happening, it’s a near perfect replication of his many fantasies, Merlin in his ever vexatious way wanting to please him. He watches Merlin’s hungry lidded eyes and the minute quirk of the corner of his mouth.

“On your knees.” Arthur’s voice rumbles as he puts a hand on his servant's shoulder shoving him down.

Merlin’s smirk widens as he falls to his knees, he can feel the cool floor of the forest through his trousers.

Arthur hauls his chainmail up with the hand not on his servant's shoulder and Merlin immediately reaches for the prince’s drawstrings.

Arthur is already breathing heavily in anticipation for what is to come, his rising body temperature already overpowering the cold of the night air.

Merlin’s well practiced fingers unlace his trousers with ease and they fall down around his ankles. He reaches for Arthur’s small clothes but Arthur gives his shoulder a firm squeeze, stopping Merlin in his tracks.

His manservant looks up through his lashes at him, mouth petulantly turned down at the corners. Arthur feels his cock twitch at the image. “Do you know how to do this?” He knows Merlin is inexperienced but he doesn’t know how inexperienced.

“I know enough.” Merlin’s voice comes out low and haughtily.

And he does, Merlin has messed around with a few stable boys here and there, nothing serious, and they never went further than this.

Arthur loosens his grip on his shoulder, letting Merlin continue his crusade. The servant dips his fingers into the waistband of his smalls teasingly before slowly dragging them down. The fabric gets caught on his erection but quickly pops off, Merlin hungrily watches as his cock springs free.

While Merlin has seen Arthur naked countless times, never had the prince been hard. His cock is swollen to its full length, an angry wanting red while his tip leaks precum begging Merlin to taste. Merlin only wishes it wasn’t so dark so he could see better.

He glances up at Arthur who is watching rather amused as Merlin gawks at his manhood. The prince raises his eyebrows waiting for Merlin to continue. Merlin narrows his eyes before boldly taking the prince’s cock in hand and leaning forward to lick a stripe along the underside from the base to tip where Merlin laps at his leaking slit.

Arthur gasps at the contact and watches with greedy eyes as Merlin sinfully runs his tongue over him.

Merlin places open mouth kisses along the side of his prick taking his time exploring Arthur’s texture, feeling the veins under his lips and against his tongue seeing what areas get a rise out of the prince.

Merlin.” Arthur impatiently groans needing more. He can feel Merlin smile against him but he makes no move to take him into his mouth, much to Arthur’s frustration.

Having enough of the teasing, Arthur's hand moves from Merlin’s shoulder into his raven locks. “Merlin.” He growls out, pulling Merlin’s head back so he can look his servant in the eyes, “I have waited long enough for this.” His voice is sharp and deadly.

“Waited long have you?” Merlin can’t help but snark, knowing he has waited far longer for this than the prince has.

“Longer than I care to admit,” Arthur grumbles, annoyance building. Being able to get whatever whenever he wants Arthur has never been a very patient person.

Merlin’s pause lasts for only a moment as Arthur’s hand drags him back in front of the prince’s crotch. As much as Merlin delights in annoying Arthur he’d much rather have his mouth around his master’s cock, so he leans forward and takes Arthur into his mouth, slowly, he has to annoy him at least a little still.

Arthur groans as his tip is encased in the wet heat of Merlin’s mouth, he has to restrain himself from thrusting down his servant's throat. Merlin works his way down his shaft dragging his tongue along the underside.

Merlin begins to experimentally suck Arthur’s cock, starting out softly as he nears the base where Arthur’s dark golden curls lay. Arthur’s breath hitches and his hand tightens in Merlin’s hair. Merlin looks up at the prince whose muscles are tight with restraint.

When Merlin looks at him Arthur has to will himself not to cum right there. Merlin’s plush lips obediently stretching around his aching cock is more than Arthur feels worthy to have in this lifetime.

Merlin nearly has his nose pressed into Arthur’s curls when he gags pulling back a fraction on reflex. Merlin backs up more and starts bobbing his head, knowing where his limit is now.

Arthur watches as Merlin starts moving his head, he starts to increase his pace, sucking harder as he goes.

Fuck, Merlin.” Arthur groans out, eyes locked onto his manservant pleasuring him. “So good, your mouth feels so fucking good.

Egged on by Arthur, Merlin drags his mouth to the tip, swirling his tongue in a way that has Arthur seeing stars. Merlin opens his mouth wide, giving Arthur a lewd view of exactly what he is doing with his tongue.

Christ.” Arthur breathes out heavily at the sight.

Merlin’s lip quirks before he closes around Arthur’s cock much tighter this time.

Arthur can’t help but reflexively thrust forward, earning a moan from Merlin that reverberates through Arthur’s entire body.

Mmph yes,” Arthur moans as Merlin speeds up his bobbing, “Just like that,” he tightens his grip on Merlin’s hair pulling roughly. “Fuck. Merlin, you feel so good.”

Sharp pleasure shoots through Merlin and goes straight to his already hard cock. Merlin moans again around his cock. He wants to reach down, wrap a hand around himself and work himself but it's his turn to make Arthur feel good, and right now he wants nothing more than to do a good job.

“Fucking hell,” Arthur groans, “so good Merlin, taking me so well. Your mouth looks so pretty stretched around my cock.” The prince runs his hand through Merlin’s hair in a petting manner.

Merlin keens at the praise, his head feels delightfully fuzzy as if he’s had too many drinks. He increases his speed, curling his tongue as he looks up through his lashes.

That sight alone is enough for Arthur to feel the telltale tightening in his balls. “Merlin,” he warns urgently and pulls on his manservant’s hair but Merlin brings his hands around Arthur’s thighs to prevent him from pulling away. He tightens his lips and sinks down as far as he can and Arthur can’t help but thrust forward as pleasure erupts from him.

Arthur throws his head back and holds Merlin in place as his cum shoots down the younger’s throat. Merlin does his best to breathe through his nose but sputters off Arthur’s cock once he has sucked the prince dry.

Arthur’s panting is heavy as he cards his fingers through Merlin’s hair. Merlin rests his face against Arthur’s thigh taking a moment to regain his wits.

They stay there for a minute. Coming out of his reprieve Arthur scans the trees for bandits but there’s no sign of anyone else in the forest other than the faint glow of their campfire. He’s drawn out of his musings when he feels Merlin smile against his thigh.

“Hmm?” Arthur hums looking down but he can’t see his friend's face from this angle.

“Worthy of your praise, sire?” Merlin looks up, grinning cheekily.

Arthur snorts, “What do you think?”

“Well, I can always try again.” Merlin chuckles and dramatically bats his lashes.

Arthur is overcome with pure and unadulterated affection for his best friend in that moment. It starts in his chest and floods into the rest of his body, warm and comforting like a well-stocked hearth in the middle of the cold season. It has always been there, for as long as he can remember, ever since the brash peasant boy tried to throw a punch at him. But every so often he is overcome with such adoration for him, it's a bit unnerving honestly.

Arthur can’t help but smile affectionately, “You’re insatiable.” The prince pulls his discarded clothes back up around his waist.

Merlin chuckles as he pushes himself up, using Arthur’s leg as leverage. Arthur can’t help but notice the tent in Merlin’s trousers.

Before Merlin is even fully straightened Arthur grabs him by the arm and twists, strikingly similar to when they first met.

“Arthur!” Merlin squawks and thrashes in shock, but he is no match against Arthur in a game of strength.

“Easy,” Arthur soothes, but his soft tone is a complete contrast to how he aggressively tightens his grip and pulls Merlin into his chest.

“What are you doing?” Merlin seethes, squirming in his grip.

“If you haven’t noticed we aren’t camping with tents tonight.” Arthur quips teasingly.

“What?” Merlin is completely lost at this point.

“Your trousers.” Merlin can hear Arthur’s eye roll.

In the ecstasy of bringing Arthur off, he had forgotten about his own growing arousal which is very prominent when Merlin looks down.

“Hilarious, sire.” Merlin tuts, in reality, he can’t think of a comeback, now reminded of the hot arousal still stirring in his gut.

“Mmm.” Arthur hums as he mouths at his servant’s neck just above his neckerchief.

The wet warmth of Arthur’s mouth sends chills down his spine and Merlin can't help his shiver. He can feel Arthur’s smile against his neck. “Suppose we should do something about that then.”

“We?” Merlin hopes his voice doesn’t come off as eager as it sounds in his head.

Arthur hums again, taking his hand that isn’t restraining his servant, he reaches around to undo the laces of Merlin’s breeches.

A couple of easy pulls and the fabric falls right down, not able to be held up by Merlin’s waist alone.

Arthur can feel how Merlin’s breathing is picking up again, it makes the prince feel powerful; getting such a reaction out of the boy. Arthur has nearly everyone on one knee for him at all times, Merlin, however, always refused to bow. It’s one of the reasons Arthur’s so fond of him. But now, being able to rile him up so easily, to make him comply, it stirs a great sense of satisfaction within him; it's like an innate power thrumming through Arthur’s veins. For Merlin to willingly let Arthur take the reins, do what he pleases, for Merlin to obey him, it sets Arthur's nerves ablaze, as hot and raging as dragon fire.

Arthur bites at the side of Merlin’s neck just soft enough not to leave a mark, Merlin eagerly tilts his head giving Arthur better access. As much as Arthur wants to take his time, they are on watch right now. He slides his fingers into Merlin’s small clothes and slides them down, his cock bobs excitedly when freed from the fabric.

Not wasting any time, Arthur wraps his calloused hand around Merlin, his servant whines arching back into Arthur’s chest. Arthur works Merlin how he usually works himself, tightening at the base and twisting slightly at the tip where his hand gathers the precum leaking from Merlin, only to spread it down over his servant's cock in the next stroke.

Merlin cums much too quickly for his own liking, he wanted to last longer, have Arthur touch him for longer. But he had already been so riled up from pleasing the prince he that can only last a few minutes.

He finishes with a breathy groan as his cum decorates the forest floor in front of him. Merlin slumps back into Arthur’s frame, harsh breaths wracking his chest.

“Good?” Arthur’s voice rumbles next to Merlin’s ear after a moment.

Merlin nods, taking a deep breath, the brisk air doing little to cool off his body temperature.

Arthur finally releases his arm and Merlin nearly stumbles forward, his wobbly legs supporting his weight. Arthur bends down and lifts Merlin’s s and trousers in one swoop. It’s a strange feeling, to help Merlin dress when he dresses Arthur nearly every day. He wonders what Merlin thinks of it, if it makes him feel more like an equal.

The thought niggles Arthur’s brain, but more so is the fact that he is fairly certain they didn’t have to do this. There was no risk for Merlin, hell his eyes flashed hours earlier, there was a slim chance he was in pain. Yet they still took pleasure from each other, Merlin got on his knees for him without the threat of the spell. Arthur can’t stop the unsure yet somewhat eager feeling swirling in his stomach, he has the mind to ignore the excitement, surely just from their recent activities.

“We should get back to camp.” Merlin laces up his breeches slowly with clumsy hands.

“Yes, I think we give Gwaine second watch.” Arthur muses, shaking away his thoughts for now.

Merlin snorts as they start making their way back, they scan the forest, watching for signs of bandits, Arthur looking around alertly, Merlin feeling with his magic.

The next morning they are able to find the bandits and take them out, thanks to Merlin’s covert use of magic. Though they did end up getting rained on in the afternoon, much to Merlin and Lancelot’s amusement.

Merlin’s final rating: 10

Chapter End Notes

As always thank you so much for reading. <3

Any kinks or scenes you want to see? Let me know in the comments!


Possessive Behavior

Chapter Notes

This is the first definition I struggled to make fit into the book so I looked up the actual definition of possessive: demanding someone's total attention and love. And if that’s not Arthur idk what is.

We are finally able to start getting a bit more into the plot!

I live for possessive and jealous Arthur. Hope you enjoy!

(This will be the last chapter posted tonight. Look forward to the next update, most likely next Thursday EST. if not sooner. It's already written but I want to give myself a little leeway between updates just in case. Again this is my first fic and idk what I'm doing lol.)

When one or more persons demands
all of the attention of another party. This
can be seen as closely related to ‘ownership’
though it is not the same.

Merlin’s initial rating: 5

A full day has passed since their encounter with the bandits, of which Merlin was busy running around preparing the castle for some high ranking visiting nobles.

Arthur had warned him to be on his best behavior as there were excruciatingly important diplomatic issues to be discussed. If Merlin was being honest, he didn’t see how it could be that important with only a few days warning of the nobles arrival. Surely if it was detrimental they would have been given more of a warning and time to spruce up the castle to the liking of the nobles. Then again, Merlin doubted they ever even noticed such things, they were always too obsessed with making connections and gaining favors.

Arthur was in a meeting with his father, surely discussing the plans for the banquet later. This allowed the other servants to drag Merlin into helping set up the dining hall. Not that he truly minded, he was always willing to give a helping hand and it’s much better work than mucking out the stables or cleaning Giaus’ leech tank.

It was nearly four candle marks after midday when a runner came with news of the approaching envoy. Merlin had to scramble to Arthur’s chambers to re-dress him in more appropriate clothes. Thankfully in the frantic rush he couldn’t think of their recent developments, too much. However, that’s how he finds himself tailing Arthur’s quick pace to the citadel steps to greet the arriving nobles.

Uther and Morgana are unsurprisingly already waiting, Uther giving his son a stern look he is all too familiar with, whereas Morgana looks like she’d rather be anywhere else. The knights who were not out on patrol are also here, dressed in their armor and capes, they bow as the prince walks by, though Merlin can still see the wink Gwaine shoots in their direction. Arthur takes his spot just behind the king and Merlin behind him, placing him next to Gwen who gives him a small smile.

The maidservant leans over, “Don’t worry, I think Uther is more annoyed that they aren’t here yet.”

“Didn’t the runner say they’d be here soon?” Merlin whispers back, though he suspects more than likely Arthur and Morgana were listening to their conversation.

“Yes,” Gwen bites her bottom lip, “either they somehow got caught up in something, or they are moving slowly on purpose.”

“Got caught up in something since they exited the forest?” Merlin asks disbelievingly.

Gwen shrugs but doesn't say anything.

“Isn’t it considered rude to keep the royal family waiting? Do you think they’re doing it on purpose?” Merlin’s pretty sure he’d never seen anybody keep the royal family waiting for this long, granted it’s a lucky break that he and Arthur made it down in time, but still.

“I’m not sure, but it is rather odd.”

Just as Gwen finishes speaking, the clopping of hooves can finally be heard. It only takes the envoy a few moments to make their appearance, royal blue capes flowing in the wind. Stable boys rush over eager to relieve the men of their horses.

Merlin recognizes the insignia right away, House of Northumbria. He knows this sigil rather well as he had made a magical copy of it when Lancelot first arrived, thankfully that issue is well past dealt with. He can’t help but glance over to the knight who is already looking back at him, surely thinking the same thing.

“King Uther!” a voice cheerfully booms drawing Merlin’s attention back. He seems a few years older than Uther, a little shorter and wider as well. He has a white-grey beard that matches his short hair.

“King Clarion! It is good to see you.” Uther replies less enthusiastically, but that’s how he always is with visitors, though Merlin can’t help but wonder if making them wait has perhaps irked their king.

The two men clasp forearms in a handshake seen many times amongst the knights. It’s strange that knights seem to have their own language of touch, one Merlin has somewhat learned over the years.

“Let me introduce my sons.” King Clarion turns, motioning four men behind him forwards.

The two oldest had matching brown hair and tanned skin, the oldest Sir Rhys sports a well trimmed beard whereas Sir Kane, second oldest, has a rather prominent scar on his chin. The third oldest, Sir Bowen has blonde hair, not quite as blonde as Arthur’s but still very regal looking, Merlin thinks he was in a tournament here ages ago, he has rather fair skin for a knight. Lastly King Clarion introduces his youngest, Sir Elias, he has brown hair like the two oldest but his eyes are a rather striking green color, although he is the youngest he is still a few years older than Arthur.

Uther is quick to follow, introducing Arthur and Morgana. The visiting princes clasp Arthur’s forearm and kiss Morgana’s hand. The three oldest sons seem to be rather fixated on the king’s ward whereas the youngest amiably looks around, his eyes catch Merlin’s for a moment but the servant is quick to avert his gaze in proper subservience.

Uther leads the men into the castle, assigning servants to take their visitors to their rooms, before leaving himself to prepare for the banquet.

Once back in his chambers Arthur feels like he can breathe again.

“That was rather rude to keep you waiting.” Merlin states as he closes the door behind him.

Arthur doesn't say anything, truly gobsmacked that Merlin of all people would say such a thing.

Merlin has to fight down his smile at the prince’s expression, “I suppose you’re right.” He putters about the room picking up Arthur’s clothes he haphazardly threw about in their earlier rush. Arthur stares a moment longer at the sheer audacity of his servant before rolling his eyes and making his way to his desk.

“So,” Merlin asks after a moment of silence “Northumbria? A rather long journey.”

Arthur hums looking over the papers that were left for him.

“Must want to discuss something important,” Merlin tries.

Arthur doesn’t rise to the bait, choosing to now ignore Merlin. But Merlin knows better, Arthur had already looked over those papers last night.

“He even brought all his sons along.” Merlin drops the stray clothes into a basket.

Merlin. Some of us actually have work to do.”

“Right, right. Of course sire. My apologies. Won’t happen again… I’ll-”

Merlin.” Arthur turns in his chair to look at his manservant but Merlin quickly turns the other way, hiding his smile.

A few moments pass until Merlin speaks up again. “I’m just saying-”

Arthur groans, putting down his paper.

“-That it’s strange to bring all of his sons.” Merlin continues, “Surely it must be important.”

“He probably just brought them to see if my father is willing to sign away Morgana to one of them.” Arthur finally gives in.

“You think?” Merlin turns around, genuinely surprised.

“That’s probably not the main reason for their abrupt arrival, but Northumbria is a far journey so might as well make the most of it.” Arthur says rather flippantly.

It's then that the bell tower strikes five.

“Come on then,” Arthur stands, making his way to the door, “I have nobles to entertain.”

Arthur was supposed to be the one entertaining the nobles, well him and Morgana. In no way was Merlin intended to be interacting with them other than to perhaps fill a goblet or two.

Unfortunately the youngest son, Sir Elias seems rather interested in having Merlin, his manservant, serve him.

With Sir Elias being the youngest, though still older than Arthur himself, he was sat the furthest away. The two middle sons separated him and Sir Elias. While they did their best to converse with Morgana who sat across from Arthur and next to the oldest son, they were also eager to talk to the greatest swordsman in Camelot. Normally Arthur would be more than willing to discuss sword skills with fellow nobles but the fact that servants that were undoubtedly not Merlin were serving him was rather irritating, for reasons Arthur didn’t dare delve into.

Sir Elias kept Merlin close at all times, if not asking for more wine than asking for another napkin or anything of the sort. And when not asking for assistance then he was talking to Merlin. Talking to a servant at a banquet thrown for their arrival. The worst part though was he had actually managed to make Merlin laugh a few times.

Arthur did his best to pay attention to those around him, he really did, but he couldn't help but watch Merlin like a hawk, waiting for Sir Elias to step out of line. Though, isn’t a merlin a type of hawk? It’s a predatory bird for sure, Merlin had made that point multiple times before. So perhaps he wasn’t watching Merlin like a hawk but a much larger, more predatory bird.

“Prince Arthur?” King Clarion asks.

Arthur whips his head around to see one angry king and one confused king.

“My apologies King Clarion, I am a bit tired as I just came back from a rather eventful patrol yesterday.” Arthur ducks his head in apology as he speaks, while not fully a lie, it was within forty eight hours, it was most certainly not what has him so distracted.

“No worries my boy,” Clarion takes a sip of wine, his full cheeks already rosy from the effects of the alcohol, “In my heyday I was always more of a man of action rather than one of councils and banquets.”

“Perhaps you have some tips for a swordsman like myself then?” Arthur smiles charmingly.

“Oh I don't think so,” Sir Rhys, the eldest interjects from next to Morgana. “Don’t be giving away our secrets, father. It’s the only chance we have of beating Prince Arthur in the tournament.” He jests, smiling into his goblet.

Those around laughed, a melodious sound of practiced royal etiquette.

The night goes on at a gruesomely slow pace, and not just because Arthur has to watch Merlin be sequestered by another prince.

By the time dessert was served Arthur was starting to feel the buzz of wine, he had been pacing himself, unlike most of those who surrounded him who were clearly already inebriated. The music had picked up and some moved to dance while others stayed sitting enjoying conversations, since neither king makes to get up neither do the princes (or ward).

Most of the knights, Camelot’s and Northumbria’s, are still sat enjoying alcohol jesting with each other, some had even pulled a servant girl or two onto their lap, a promise for a good end of the night and a chance for the servants to move up the social ladder.

Looking around something sticks out to the prince though, Arthur’s own knights are rather rigid, not their usual boisterous selves. Especially Gwaine who always enjoys banquets, his gaze is deadly, jaw tightened in a way that makes him look rather lethal. It takes Arthur’s wine-addled brain a moment to realize they are all looking in the same direction.

Arthur turns to see where they are looking and he feels his stomach drop out from underneath him. Sir Elias has his hand on the back of Merlin’s thigh as the boy stiffly pours more wine. Elias’ eyes are still sharp, not hazed from alcohol. The visiting prince leans close to Merlin whispering something in his ear that has the servant blushing a bright shade of scarlet.

However, Merlin, the idiot, takes that moment to spill the wine, adorning Elais’ shirt with a new red-purple splotch.

Merlin mentally curses himself, the pain had started perhaps half a candle mark ago and was steadily growing quicker. At first, he thought it was his imagination, but now he’s sure that the pain increases at a more rapid rate each time. The time between seems to be shrinking slightly too.

Merlin, now fully flustered, sets down the wine and nearly spills it again as his muscles twitch from a sharp sting of pain.

“I’m so sorry Prince Elias,” Merlin picks up a napkin and starts to dab at his shirt frantically. “Truly my sincerest apologies.” Gods he’s so dead, if Arthur doesn’t kill him Uther certainly will.

“Nonsense Merlin,” The prince smiles at him endearingly, “I’ve quite enjoyed your service so far tonight. A little spilt wine is nothing.”

Merlin relaxes slightly, King Clarion and his sons do seem rather hospitable for nobles and Elias has been a rather fun conversationalist throughout the night, telling Merlin what their travels were like. He had even asked Merlin about where he was from, not that there’s much to say about Ealdor other than that it’s a small farming village in Cenred’s Kingdom.

“Please, I’m sure your shirt is more than my yearly makings.” Merlin half apologizes half jokes, though it’s probably true.

The visiting prince snorts at that and quickly tries to hide his undignified behavior but the twinkle of amusement stays in his eyes.

“Perhaps then, if it is worrying you so much, there is a way you can make it up to me.” The prince unabashedly flirts as he moves his hand to the back of Merlin's thigh.

It’s not as if Merlin isn’t used to this behavior, he is rather seasoned with the advances of nobles, visiting or otherwise. Though it’s rare for it to be coming from someone who seems genuinely interested in him and his snarkiness, rather than just the prince’s manservant.

Perhaps if he hadn’t been in such emotional turmoil in regards to Arthur lately he’d be a bit more receptive to the prince’s advances. But it doesn’t seem right to flirt with someone else while doing… things with Arthur. Though Merlin knows he and Arthur aren't serious, no matter how much he wishes otherwise. It still doesn't feel right.

There’s another sharp pang in Merlin’s abdomen and he has to fight not to bend over.

Merlin sucks in a breath about to reply, but Prince Elias seems to take his silence as permission and drags him into his lap. Merlin’s face heats up immediately. Not only at the implications but he’s the only male servant to be pulled onto someone's lap.

Uncaring if he is ignoring anyone around him now, Arthur stares, and he keeps staring, as Elias moves his hand up to Merlin’s lower back and pulls the servant onto his lap.

Merlin refuses to look up from the table as his face heats in shame. Only for Sir Elias to cup his hand over his jaw and tilt his chin up, making Merlin look at him.

There’s a moment, a brief moment, but a moment nonetheless, where Arthur hears a voice in his head, it sounds startling like his father, reminding him that they are here on an important diplomatic matter.

However the unfettered rage in the deepest part of Arthur’s being prevails. He feels it course through his veins, through his soul until it’s nearly choking. Unlike his normal anger that comes in bouts of fiery red, this is white and hot, searing through him, it’s divine and damn near transcendent. As if he is a warrior graced with the power of God for the greater good.

He goes to get up intending to march over and tear Merlin out of the man's grasp. Before he is able to even push his chair back Morgana’s voice cuts through from across the table.

“Arthur, you're still tired from your patrol and you have the tourney tomorrow. Perhaps you should rest early tonight?” Her tone is sharp but in a way Arthur knows is not aimed at him.

Leave it his ever observant sister to give him an excuse to scoop up his servant and leave while not stepping on any toes.

“Yes, perhaps I will.” Arthur nods his thanks at her. “If that’s alright father.” He turns to his king.

“Yes I suppose that’s reasonable.” Uther slurs. It’s not like his father to drink too much but he doesn't have time to worry about that at the moment.

Arthur doesn’t hesitate, he stands up so harshly his chair nearly falls over. He advances on Sir Elias and his servant, his body tense with restraint keeping himself from ripping Merlin out of this prince’s grasp.

“Merlin,” Arthur calls once he’s close enough to be heard over the noise of the banquet that has gotten rather rowdy at this point.

His servant whips his head up, eyes wide and pleading. Sir Elias does not move his hand from Merlin's jaw however; and as Arthur approaches he can now see that the visiting prince’s other arm is wrapped around Merlin, his hand sitting snugly between the juncture of Merlin’s thigh and hip.

“I am to retire early.” It takes every ounce of control and upbringing to keep his voice calm and impartial but from the smile on Elias’ face he doubts he’s fully successful.

“Ah! Prince Arthur.” The prince finally looks up at him, “I didn’t realize he was yours.” There’s something about the way he says it that has Arthur doubting him. “He’s a rather lovely one.” He continues as he turns his attention back to Merlin, turning the servant’s chin towards him again, though Merlin’s eyes stay on Arthur until his head is turned too far.

“Yes well, we must be going.” Arthur's reply is terse.

“Are you sure you need him tonight? Perhaps you can give him the night off.” The prince turns just enough to see Arthur out of the corner of his eye.

“Afraid not.”

Thankfully most guests are too drunk or preoccupied to notice their interaction. But Arthur’s knights are watching, tense and ready to intervene on their friend's behalf if they must. They are the only ones who can see Arthur’s resolve starting to slip, the way his vein throbs on his forehead, how his muscles tense, ready to physically swipe Merlin away.

“Such a shame,” Elias sighs, “He has such a nice mouth on him too.” He drags his thumb just below Merlin’s bottom lip.

Oh don’t I know it.” Arthur narrows his eyes, finally placing a hand on Merlin’s shoulder, pushing him gently off of Elias’ lap, he maneuvers the boy behind him.

Merlin’s cheeks turn another lovely shade of red, surely remembering their most recent escapade in the woods, meanwhile he can hear Gwaine snort a few feet away. Thankfully with Merlin’s usual snark, most people won’t see the true meaning of Arthur’s words.

“Well, perhaps you’ll have a night off before my leave, Merlin.” Elias smiles.

Merlin simply tucks his hands behind him and averts his eyes, acting as a perfect servant.

“Come Merlin, we have a long day tomorrow.” Arthur turns and starts stalking away, Merlin on his heels.

“See you at the tourney tomorrow!” Elias calls as the two walk away.

It isn't until they are out of the banquet hall that Arthur reaches behind him and grabs Merlin's arm, not even looking back as he picks up his pace, dragging Merlin behind him.

“I- I’m sorry Arth-”

“Don’t.” Arthur spits as they hurriedly make their way to the prince’s chambers.

Arthur all but throws his door open dragging Merlin inside. The prince immediately starts pacing, letting go of his servant as Merlin shuts the door.

“I’m sorry, Arthur.” Merlin tries again and is then hit with another wave of pain that he can’t help but groan out and clutch his stomach.

Arthur stops in his tracks and eyes Merlin. The silence stretches on until Merlin stands up straighter and starts to fidget, shifting his weight from one foot to the other before sighing, “You know I’m just a servant, I can’t-”

Arthur is on him before he can finish, pushing him against the door quicker Merlin can even register he had moved in the first place.

Arthur’s mouth is hot and urgent against his, the heat coming off Arthur is nearly overwhelming. He pulls back, dark eyes staring into Merlin’s. “You are not just a servant Merlin. You are mine.” Arthur growls out.

Arthur is momentarily taken aback as Merlin’s eyes flash that pretty pink he is quickly coming to love. The shock is able to ebb his anger minutely. While that wasn’t what he had in mind he supposes it’ll work.

Merlin stares at him similarly shocked as the pain fades.

Arthur grins wolfishly as he brings his mouth down on Merlin’s, forcing the younger’s lips open to greedily lick and bite at his mouth. The same pretty lips that were not all that long ago wrapped around his cock.

“Arthur,” Merlin arches into him as Arthur brings his hands to his hips.

“You are mine.” Arthur repeats just as savagely as the first time.

Merlin can’t help but whine at the words.

“I am going to make you mine.” Arthur moves down to Merlin's neck placing rough open mouthed kisses as he ruts his hips against Merlin. He slides his hands down to Merlin’s arse, the fabric of his trousers rough on Arthur’s palms “No one else is allowed to touch you, I don't even want anyone else looking at you.”

His tongue fervently assaults Merlin’s mouth again, he tastes of the honey cakes served at the banquet, the tart must have snuck one.

Merlin.” Arthur snarls into his ear, his tongue dragging along the curve of his skin.

“Ngh?” is the only thing Merlin is able to get out.

He can feel Arthur’s smile before he pulls back looking Merlin in his eyes.

“I am going to make you mine, alright?” Arthur’s voice is gruff as his eyes dip down to his neck before tracing back up.

Merlin swallows and nods, anticipation building in his stomach. He’s nervous, the butterflies in his stomach swarm restlessly but it’s just as exciting.

“Use your words.” Arthur cups his cheek in a way much too intimate for someone just helping out a friend causing Merlin’s heart to stutter.

“Yes,” Merlin breathes out, leaning into the touch, “Gods yes.” Merlin dives forward kissing Arthur.

Arthur slides his hands to the loops in Merlin’s trousers and pulls his servant forward as he walks them towards his bed, never breaking the way their tongues solicitously move together. Merlin’s moans are small and needy as they make their way across the room.

When Arthur’s calves back into the bed he sits down and pulls Merlin onto his lap so roughly that they bounce on the well-stuffed down feathers.

Merlin eagerly grinds down against Arthur’s erection as he moves his mouth to the prince’s neck. Arthur groans and takes this moment to slide Merlin’s jacket off and it falls to the floor. Next is his neckerchief and God has he wanted to do this for so long.

The knot is more difficult than he expects and he can feel Merlin start to smile. Annoyed, Arthur pulls on his servant's hair roughly, ripping a delightful moan from Merlin before their mouths meet again and Arthur is finally able to get the damn knot undone.

Their mouths separate for just a moment as he lifts Merlin’s shirt up, making sure to drag his fingers up Merlin's chest.

The moment Merlin’s shirt is gone Arthur’s mouth is attacked by said manservant who starts unbuttoning the prince’s shirt with deft fingers. Arthur has to lean into Merlin to not be pushed down to the bed by the force of the younger's eagerness.

Once Arthur’s shirt is discarded he runs his hands through Merlin’s soft locks, keeping him just a hair's breadth away. “You are going to be mine.” His voice comes out gravelly, “I’m going to fuck you until you mold to my cock, no one else will be able to use you, you’ll be fit to me and me alone.” He bites Merlin’s lip as his servant moans, grinding forward.

“Yes, Arthur please.” Merlin whines, his heart beating frantically in his chest.

Arthur moves them around settling Merlin further up the bed so his head rests comfortably on the pillows.

Arthur would never be able to count the times he’s imagined this but Merlin looks so much better on his bed than he could have ever imagined. Splayed out on his red sheets, hair mussed, lips swollen, and eyes lidded. Arthur takes a moment to just admire Merlin, the rapid rise and fall of his chest, the bulge in his trousers.

He dips down kissing Merlin passionately, their bare chests slide together as their tongues fight one other, sending flames licking through Arthur’s core.

Their clothed cocks rub together but it isn't nearly enough for either of them. Merlin spreads his legs in invitation, letting Arthur settle between them more comfortably.

“Remember our word?” Arthur asks as his hand trails down Merlin’s stomach, light touches tickling Merlin’s skin, his muscles contract under Arthur’s fingers as they head to his trouser laces.

Merlin’s eyes are hazy and it takes him a minute to process what Arthur is saying. “Yes, I remember, now get on with it prat.”

Arthur can’t help but snort, “Impatient are we?” He pulls at Merlin's laces and they easily come undone.

Merlin opens his mouth but Arthur can just tell he's going to say something petulant so instead the prince kisses him again as he tugs his trousers and small clothes down. Merlin lifts his hips helping Arthur get the fabric down.

Arthur sits back and admires the sight of Merlin again, this time fully nude, cock hard and pink, leaking precum onto his stomach.

Arthur runs his eyes up and down his best friend's body, memorizing every detail. He is sure this will be a moment he’ll wank to for God knows how long. But the lingering thought of someone else's hands on such a divine body, on his Merlin, reignites his displeasure.

Arthur,” Merlin pouts, but before he can continue Arthur leans forward and roughly grips Merlin's jaw in his hand. Merlin’s eyes go wide in surprise.

Merlin.” His dark tone sends shivers down Merlin’s spine, goosebumps erupt on his arms and chest despite the warm air around them. “ I am going to take. My. Time. With you.”

Arthur grips Merlin’s cock with a strong hand, just tight enough for it to be uncomfortable, causing Merlin to gasp and buck up into him.

“I am going to do what I want with what is mine. And I want to take my time with you. We have all night.” He ends soothingly, brushing his other hand against Merlin’s cheek.

Merlin nods but Arthur can still see the small shimmer of petulance in his eyes. Arthur narrows his gaze and sits up just long enough to reach over to get the vial of oil out of his bedside drawer.

When Arthur resettles, Merlin’s lips are still turned down in a fraction of a pout.

Arthur scoffs and rolls his eyes, unlacing his own trousers. “What?” Arthur’s voice is terse and demanding and Merlin knows in that moment there’s nothing he won’t do for his sovereign. There’s no way he will be able to ever go back to anything less than this, than being anything other than inexorably Arthur’s. If only Arthur would actually get to it and fuck him already.

“What?” Merlin deadpans just to further annoy Arthur.

Arthur pulls his breeches and small clothes off, throwing them from the bed. Merlin stares at him, taking Arthur’s figure in. He truly looks like a statue the ancients used to worship come to life, chiseled to perfection. It does nothing to settle Merlin’s impatience.

“I think,” Arthur says as he grabs Merlin’s ankle rubbing his thumb over the bone that juts out. “I need to train you better. Perhaps another punishment? More spankings? Lashings? Flogging? Maybe I’ll have you sit in the corner until you learn to be patient.” Arthur sneers, dropping his ankle to lean over Merlin just enough so their cocks brush lightly.

“No! Please Arthur, I’ll- I’ll be good.” Merlin cries out tilting his head to the side in a show of submission that has Arthur’s head dizzy. Later on when Merlin is no longer high and wanton he will be rather embarrassed by his words but right now they only urge him on more, the idea of fully being Arthur’s sends blissful tingles through his body. For Arthur to properly use his power and put Merlin in his place, the thought alone has Merlin all but begging.

“You fucking better be.” Arthur oils up his fingers before biting into Merlin’s exposed neck almost hard enough to draw blood.

Merlin cants his hips up, rubbing their cocks more firmly together and Arthur can’t help but groan.

Arthur rubs his oiled finger against Merlin’s furl, it’s so tight Arthur can’t even try to breach.

“Relax, Merlin.” Arthur coos, leaning over to kiss the boy again. They move slowly against each other, Arthur doing his best to push his reassurance into Merlin. “Trust me, I’ll take care of you. I always take care of the things that belong to me.” Arthur kisses down his servant's jaw.

Merlin has the urge to say that he is the one who takes care of Arthur’s belongings, but he holds his tongue, knowing what the prince is getting at.

He can feel Merlin relax beneath him.

“Mmm good.” Arthur purrs, sliding his first finger in slowly just to the first knuckle.

Merlin makes a slightly strangled noise, he’s been curious but has never taken the initiative to finger himself, and it’s a strange feeling, a little overwhelming. But the idea that it’s Arthur inside him overpowers his nervousness. Merlin relaxes even further, one hand coming up to hold onto Arthur’s arm that’s braced next to his head on the bed.

“That’s it.” Arthur praises and rewards Merlin with a searing kiss and before Merlin knows it Arthur has his first finger fully seated inside of him. When Arthur starts moving Merlin can’t help but tense again at the strange feeling, not bad, just new. “It’s okay,” Arthur nuzzles against his jaw.

It takes a bit but by the time Arthur is thrusting two fingers in and out of him, Merlin starts meeting his movements with his hips. “Ready for another?” Arthur asks.

“Yes- feels, good?” Merlin meets his eyes from where he had turned his face into the pillow.

“Is that a question?” Arthur chuckles. “Don’t worry I’ll make this one feel even better. Alright?”

“Alright.” Merlin smiles shyly, not really sure what Arthur means but he trusts his prince.

After adding more oil and coaxing Merlin to relax again, Arthur is able to wriggle in a third finger.

This one stings more than the others, Merlin sucks air in between his teeth from the discomfort. Arthur keeps pushing in slowly, the base of his fingers are thicker and Merlin tries to pull away just slightly.

“Shhh it’s okay Merlin. Breathe.”

Merlin gasps wondering when he stopped breathing.

“There we go, good boy.” Arthur’s voice is smooth as satin.

The praise gets another gasp out of Merlin with the way it has sparks of lightning fizzling in his stomach and the base of his skull. But when Arthur starts moving his fingers again the stinging sensation comes back and a whimper escapes his throat.

Arthur leans back just enough so he can balance on his knees, moving his arm that’s next to Merlin’s head to the boy's cock to soothe and distract from some of the pain as he prods around for a certain location.

Merlin’s hole is just starting to give to the intrusion of his third finger when his back arches, eyes wide and an absolutely filthy moan falls from his lips.

Arthur’s chest swells with pride. He had been nervous since he hadn’t been with another male in quite a while, but he’s still got it.

“Wha- What?” Is all Merlin is able to ask, his voice cracking.

“Feel good?” Arthur asks smugly, exuding confidence in his ever pretentious and prattish way but Merlin couldn’t care less at the moment.

“Again.” Merlin pleads eagerly gripping the forearm currently working him open, he can feel Arthur’s muscles move and flex as he works his fingers.

Arthur laughs brightly, so much so that he has to lean over, shoulders shaking, when he looks back Merlin is pouting and he has to fight down another round of laughter.

“God you’re so adorable.” Arthur beams down at him, he leans down kissing Merlin affectionately before his brain can catch up to what he’s said.

Merlin’s heart clenches, both in joy and sadness, knowing that this will have to end eventually. But his emotions are quickly wiped from his mind as Arthur touches there again and Merlin sees stars.

By the time Arthur deems him ready, Merlin has been writhing and begging for an arduous amount of time (though truly it wasn’t that long).

Arthur slicks up his hand again with oil and strokes himself, generously coating his cock.

Arthur.” Merlin whines, impudence lacing his tone in his impatience.

Merlin.” Arthur’s voice is as sharp as the glare he sends the boy.

Arthur can feel the urge to punish Merlin buzzing through his veins, but he’s not going to, not this time. He needs to go slow to not hurt Merlin, you’d think as the physician's apprentice he’d understand that. Arthur voices the thought teasingly.

“You said it yourself,” Merlin smirks, “I do like it when it hurts.”

The prince’s eyes darken, filling with dangerous intent and Merlin wonders how far he’ll be able to push him.

“Not like this. I don’t like damaging my things.” Arthur says sincerely as he lines up with Merlin’s loosened hole.

While Merlin was quite eager to have the source of his affection inside of him he wasn’t prepared for what it would actually feel like. Even with the oil and Arthur working him open it still stings rather unpleasantly.

Merlin can feel Arthur slowly pushing his way inside, his cock is thick, throbbing, wet, and too much.

Arthur.” Merlin grits out and moves his hands to the prince’s chest.

Arthur stops immediately, worry clear on his face. “Are you okay?”

“Hurts.” Merlin’s voice is tense.

“Okay, it’s okay.” Arthur soothes, “You have to relax, Merlin.”

Merlin’s face is scrunched up in displeasure, Arthur reaches and runs his fingers through the raven’s hair. Merlin relaxes at the touch but not enough, Arthur could swear he is losing circulation with how tight Merlin is squeezing his cock.

Arthur leans over even more, trying to not move his hips, as he kisses Merlin slow and deep. Merlin thankfully relaxes under him again and Arthur slides in just a bit more from the lessening resistance.

“Fuck, Merlin,” Arthur groans into his neck sucking on the skin low enough where his bruises won't show with his neckerchief.

Merlin moans and lifts his hips slightly, encouraging Arthur to keep going.

It's a slow process, Arthur is practically shaking from the force of his restraint by the time he is fully seated in Merlin. Arthur moves back to the boy's mouth devouring every breath and moan to escape his throat. He pulls out a quarter of the way and slides back in letting Merlin get used to his presence.

Merlin’s hands snake around his shoulders, blunt fingernails digging into Arthur’s skin in a pleasant kind of hurt.

Merlin’s pain starts to pall, yielding to a pleasant feeling of friction and fullness.

Arthur.” Merlin breathes out, eyes fluttering back open to see Arthur looking back down at him intensely.

Arthur grins, dragging his hips all the way back so that the head of his cock rests just inside of his servant before snapping his hips forward, causing both of them to groan out in pleasure. Merlin starts moving his hips meeting Arthur thrust for thrust and Arthur’s eyes roll back in rapture.

Arthur’s thrusts pick up speed until Merlin’s expansive vocabulary is reduced to ‘ah, ah, ah,’, ‘Arthur’, and a litany of curses.

“Look at you Merlin. Taking my cock so well.” Arthur’s voice is strained and breathy from exertion. Merlin keens, the side of his mouth quirking as his lust blown eyes watch Arthur. “You like taking my cock? Like pleasing your prince?”

“Don’t want- ngh- to inflate- ah- your ego any further.”

Arthur’s insides burn at the challenge. He grips Merlin’s hair hard and yanks his head back, forcing Merlin to expose his neck farther. Merlin’s nails dig into his shoulders sharper as he arches his back.

“Can’t help but think you’re- mmph- enjoying this quite a bit,” Arthur playfully eggs on as he shifts so Merlin’s hips are raised slightly higher. At his next thrust, Merlin yelps in pleasure, clenching around Arthur’s cock.

“Arth-Arthur!” Merlin cries out as Arthur pounds into his prostate over and over again.

Merlin reaches for his cock but his hand is batted away by the prat and a beautiful distressed whine escapes the warlock.

“Ah, ah” Arthur tuts, he thrusts harshly with each sound. “No touching until you admit how much you like this, how much you love getting fucked by me.”

It only takes another two thrusts against the boy’s prostate for him to relent. “Angh, angh Ar-Arthur, fuck, so good, feels so good -ah- love you fucking me, love your cock -nngh- inside me.”

“Good.” Arthur praises, finally grabbing at Merlin’s achingly hard cock, Merlin nearly shouts at the sensation. “Because you are mine. No one else gets to have you like this, no other lords or princes. Not even the King can have you. You belong to me Merlin.”

“Yes Arthur! Ngh- all- all yours.” Merlin moans out just as his body tightens, the pressure building in his ballocks before he spills with a shout onto Arthur’s hand and his own chest.

Merlin tightens around Arthur’s cock and the prince knows he’s gone. He’s quick to flood his best friend full of his seed with a gravelly moan, his hand stumbling over Merlin’s cock as he finds his own release.

They stay there for a moment when Arthur’s cock gives another unexpected spurt of cum that has the prince feeling lightheaded.

Merlin gasps at the feeling, he isn't sure why but he hadn’t expected the cum to feel so warm in his arse, though it isn’t an unpleasant feeling.

Arthur sinks down onto Merlin, his servant's cum smearing between them.

A gust of air is pushed out of Merlin’s lungs from the new weight atop him. He pats at Arthur’s side but his arm moves like a limp piece of straw, Merlin nearly laughs at the feeling.

Arthur pulls out with a profane sounding squelch. Merlin whines at the new sensation of emptiness and cum leaking out of him.

“Arthur.” Merlin pats his side again a little harsher.

“Hmm?” Arthur doesn’t move, face resting in the crook of Merlin’s neck.

“Heavy.” Merlin complains wiggling underneath him.

Arthur snorts before rolling off of him to the other side of the bed. “Are you calling me fat?”

Merlin chuckles and it might be one of the most beautiful sounds he’s ever heard. Arthur smiles at him dopily, uncaring, basking in the afterglow. He takes his moment to just look at Merlin. His flush that goes down to the center of his chest where it gets splotchy, his hair that is wet with sweat around the edges, his kiss swollen lips and glassy lidded eyes that look back at him.

They sit there a while just looking at each other, enjoying the quietness. Arthur isn’t sure how much time goes by when Merlin’s eyes start to drift closed, soft smile still on his face.

“Hey,” Arthur nudges his foot against Merlin's leg and the servant startles at the contact.

Arthur rolls his eyes at his jumpy best friend “we need to clean up.”

“Right.” Merlin speaks for the first time since they finished, his voice comes out croaky.

He moves to get up but Arthur is quick to ease him back down with a gentle hand on his shoulder.

“I’ll get it.”

Merlin’s jaw drops and eyes widen as the statement faintly shakes him out of his headspace. “You? Doing any sort of cleaning? Now I know I must be dreaming.”

“That good ey?” Arthur smirks as he peels himself off the bed. He starts toward the basin of water next to Merlin’s side of the bed.

Merlin rolls his eyes but his blush gives him away, “ I just know there is no world in which Arthur Pendragon, Prince of Camelot would offer to clean up when I offered.”

Arthur tries and fails to hide his smile as he wrings out a cloth before wiping down his own chest. The water trickles down the crevice of his clavicle and down his stomach muscles, thankfully the prince is too focused on the task to notice the way Merlin's spent cock gives an interested twitch.

“Well usually you're able to walk.” Arthur raises his eyebrows suggestively.

“I can walk.” Merlin pouts confusedly.

“No you can’t, Merlin.” Arthur states as if it’s a fact.

The tone of Arthur’s voice grates on Merlin the way he does when he’s being a pompous prat.

So what else can Merlin do other than prove him wrong?

Merlin pulls himself into a sitting position. It takes a little more effort than usual and a wave of sore pain singes up his spine, but it’s nowhere near the pain of the spell so he hides it easily.

That’s what he thinks at least, but Arthur watches amusedly as his servant’s brow furrows. “Merlin, seriously, don't hurt yourself, you have nothing to prove.” His tone is light but he knows better than to try to stop Merlin when he’s like this. He’ll just have to learn the hard way.

Merlin swings his legs over the edge of the bed, they feel rather tingly but other than that he knows he’ll be able to stand just fine. Arthur moves out of the way of his legs but he is truly just getting in a better position to catch him when Merlin inevitably falls.

Merlin carefully leans, putting some weight on his feet before fully standing up, however the ground starts to rise to meet him as his legs give out with a yelp. Arthur’s there to catch him by the underarms before he can hit the floor.

“You were saying?” Arthur’s grin is rather infuriating and Merlin’s face heats up with embarrassment.

“It’s fine,” Arthur chuckles at his manservant's expression as he eases him back to the bed. “It’s normal, especially for men. Nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Another bout of pain surges up as Merlin is placed back onto the bed.

“Here, lie back, I’ll clean you.”

It’s a very intimate and embarrassing experience at the same time, having Arthur clean him off. The wet cool cloth feels good on his chest but when Arthur carefully cleans his arse Merlin can’t help but squirm in embarrassment, thankfully Arthur doesn’t tease him about it.

Once done Arthur tosses the cloth haphazardly on the floor for Merlin to clean up tomorrow. He grabs his smalls and tugs them back on before tossing Merlin’s back to him.

Merlin carefully slides his smalls on as Arthur moves to get back on the other side of the bed.

“Uhm, Arthur?”

Arthur turns to him as he pulls his legs up onto the bed. “Hmm?”

“How am I supposed to get back to my chambers if I can't even walk?”

Arthur stares at him for a moment, truly not believing Merlin to be that daft, but when he doesn't reply Arthur nearly smacks himself on the forehead.

“Obviously Merlin, you’re staying here.”

“Wha- Arthur, I can’t, the servants will talk.”

“Oh please if anyone saw you enter my chambers earlier they’d assume you’re just doing your job.” Arthur racks his brain for a better reason for Merlin to stay. “Plus!” He adds quickly, “There would be more rumors if you left at this hour anyway.” Arthur pulls the blankets over both of them.

There’s a long pause as Arthur lies himself down and gets comfy while Merlin’s brain is practically spewing smoke out of his ears.

“Merlin,” Arthur says much softer, “it’s alright, let’s just go to bed.”

The soft sleepy look Arthur gives him is more than enough for Merlin to acquiesce. Damn his bleeding heart. “Alright, yeah.” Merlin moves onto his side, facing Arthur, as the prince watches him properly settle in.

It’s not that Merlin doesn’t want to sleep here with Arthur, quite the opposite actually. He wants it so bad, his desire for this to be real is unyielding. It’s a yearning that constricts his soul. He aches to move over and roll into his sovereign's arms and to be loved, not just carnally. But he can’t, there are so many reasons he can't, his magic and Arthur being a prince being the two main ones. He knows this can't go anywhere, he knows that but every fiber of his being and those interwoven in his magic make him feel like this is right. That this is how he and Arthur are supposed to complete each other. The fates are not kind.

Little does he know Arthur wants nothing more in that moment than to pull Merlin into his chest and bestow his divine lips with countless gentle and quiet kisses. To tenderly run his fingers through his hair and down his back. To caress his cheek and whisper honeyed words into his skin. To promulgate his wretched and utter need for his best friend’s unfettered affection. To get on his knees and worship the unmitigated benevolence of his servant.

But that’s not what this is about.

“Goodnight, Arthur.”

“Goodnight, Merlin.”

Chapter End Notes

Merlin’s final rating: 9

Arthur just needed a little push to be more honest with himself.~
Next update will be Thursday (EST) if not sooner. Sorry for the angsty end but I'll make up for it with the next couple of chapters ;)
Again any kinks or scenes you'd like to see? Lmk in the comments!


Gagged (object not retching)

Chapter Notes

BAM! Surprise update!

Can't thank you all enough for the kudos, comments, and reads <3

This chapter contains hints of sub-drop, it's very mild but I still wanted to let you know for anyone who may not want to read that part.

This got a bit spicier than I expected but hey who am I to stop what these two wanna do? Enjoy~

P.S. Please peep the new tags just in case! Again just a warning more tags will be added periodically. :)

A gag is a device used to force a person's quietness.
This can be anything from a simple cloth to ball-gags
typically used on animals for mouth surgery.

Merlin’s initial rating: 7

The tournament had gotten rained out and was thus swapped around with the council meetings. Typically they’d hold the tourney first so any harsh feelings from the meetings would not affect the participant's performances. (Aka try to maul each other to death).

Thankfully the meetings went rather well. Uther and Clarion agreed to join forces against the rising Saxons, who were quite active in Northumbria and no doubt would try to advance to Camelot.

And though the meetings went very well and there was a tourney today, one of Arthur’s favorite pastimes, the prince still found himself between sulking and seething as he went about his duties.

This is because yesterday morning he had woken up in his bed alone, not only that but he was being shaken awake by George. Arthur’s heart had sunk at the implications of Merlin leaving and then choosing not to attend to him. That was until George had informed him Merlin had been summoned by Uther.

In a panic Arthur threw on his clothes, not allowing George to assist, before all but storming into the throne room where Uther was already discussing matters with a few of his councilmen.

“Father, I understand you summoned my manservant?” Arthur asked, trying to sound impassive but he was panicking on the inside.

“Ah yes,” Uther turned his attention to his son, his mouth turned downwards at Arthur’s unkempt appearance. “Prince Elias, Clarion’s youngest son, has seemed to take a liking to the boy and had requested to be attended to by him.”

Arthur was filled by a blinding rage but took a deep breath trying to keep the anger off of his face.

Uther continued, “Though I can’t see why, he’s quite the bumbling fool, I don't know how he seems to garner the favor of so many.”

Arthur knows exactly why, the idiot practically oozes charisma.

“Father, the tourney is tomorrow, I need my manservant to help me with my armor.”

“I’m sure George will be able to help you just fine. Now, Arthur I have more important things to do than argue over some servants. See that you don’t trouble Prince Elias with this, it’s only for a couple of days.” Uther waves a hand dismissing him.

Arthur then had to spend all of yesterday watching Merlin attend to the visiting prince during their meetings and then again at dinner.

That’s how he finds himself in his tourney tent with George helping put on his armor.

Arthur is is getting more and more annoyed as no other servant is able to get his armor to fit quite as well as Merlin does. And while George isn’t doing it wrong, it just isn’t the same as the way Merlin does it. There’s something about the way Merlin does his armor up that makes him feel safer than anyone else who has done it before.

The lack of conversation is unnerving as well, he’s grown so accustomed to Merlin’s prattle he hadn’t noticed how much the boy was able to distract him from his pre-tournament nerves.

“Sire?” George’s voice cut him out of his thoughts.

He is standing there stoic as ever, holding out his sword for the prince.

Arthur takes his sword and sheaths it at his hip, “That’ll be all George.”

“Of course, sire.” George exits the tent with a bow.

It isn’t until after their break for lunch that Arthur manages to finally catch a glimpse of Merlin dutifully following Elias into his tent.

As much as Arthur wants to run forward and fetch his servant, he wouldn't want word to get back to his father, who knows what Uther would do if Arthur acted ‘out of turn’ for a mere servant.

The first few rounds had been easy enough, as they usually are. Arthur did his part and put on a show for the crowd as always, before subduing each opponent with practiced ease. The next rounds would be a bit more difficult, he was sure to face one or two of his own knights. Not that Arthur couldn’t best them, but it was usually far more difficult since they know exactly how he fights.

And as much as Arthur loathes to admit it, he’s quite distracted today. He can’t help but think of Merlin and their night spent together, that and what Elias could be demanding from his servant. If he so much as looks at Merlin the wrong way Arthur will not hesitate to cut the man's fingers off. How dare he monopolize the Prince's manservant. Not that Elias isn't also a prince, but he is no heir to the throne, and Merlin isn't even his manservant to begin with! It’s ridiculous really.

“Sire,” George announces his presence waiting for acceptance to enter the tent.

“Enter.” Arthur has to stop himself from blanching the word.

“Your next fight will be against Sir Elyan.”

“Ah!” A rush of adrenaline pumps through his chest, “Finally, a real fight.” Arthur smiles but it quickly falls from his face as George simply stares at the ground like a proper servant.

Arthur isn’t sure how much longer he can do this.

Elyan puts up a rather good fight but Arthur is able to get him with a hit to the leg and trip him up. Footwork has always been one of Elyan’s weaker points and Arthur is sure to use it against him.

Afterwards when Arthur learns that his next opponent will be Prince Elias, he is elated. Finally, he gets to put that man in his place, that place being far away from Merlin. However, that meant Elias had beaten Lancelot, and that’s slightly concerning considering Lancelot is one of their best swordsmen.

Once it’s his turn Arthur saunters up to the gate waiting for the current match to end so he can get announced and take what will surely be his most rewarding victory in a while. George silently follows and waits beside him in case Arthur needs anything in the meantime.

The current battle is an intense one, Percival is fighting one of the Northumbrian knights. While Percy is large and powerful the Northumbrian knight is lithe and quick.

Arthur’s attention is drawn away by chortling and the clanging of armor approaching from behind.

“Ah Sir Arthur, I was hoping to be able to meet you on the battlefield!” Elias smiles as he trots up to the gate, Merlin following in tow lackadaisically.

Arthur ignores the prince, choosing instead to eye Merlin for any marks or anything out of place, but the servant merely smiles back.

“Prince Arthur?” Elias asks.

“Yes, right, I’m sure it will be a good fight.” Arthur hardens his gaze at the visiting prince.

The smug smile on Elias’ face and the mischievous twinkle in his eyes puts Arthur on edge.

“And I must thank you, for allowing your personal manservant to attend to me. He is quite the entertaining lad!”

Arthur sees Merlin playfully roll his eyes out of the corner of his periphery and Arthur’s stomach churns.

Merlin chimes in and his bright voice is nearly music to Arthur’s ears. “That’s just because you have a better sense of humor than most nobles, if it were anyone else, I’m sure I would have been flogged within the first minutes of your service.”

Elias laughs before turning his attention back to Arthur, “I’m actually quite surprised you keep Merlin around, I wouldn’t expect Uther’s son to be so… reposed.”

Merlin snorts interrupting before Arthur can speak, “Oh please, when we first met I tried to punch him and he threw me into the cells.”

Elias laughs heartily and Arthur can’t fight off a small smile at the memory.

“I hope he doesn't throw you in there anymore.” Elias half teases.

“No, not anymore, perhaps the stocks every now and then but-”

“Nonsense!” The visiting prince looks between them, “Merlin, if you were to come back to Northumbria with me, I’d surely never treat you in such a way. You would be held in very high regard as one of my favorites.”

Merlin and Arthur know that the servant is jesting since Arthur hasn’t sent him to the stocks in over a year; but the proposal still ruptures a part of Arthur's chest at the idea that Merlin might say yes. He’s more frightened in that moment than he has been for any tournament ever, even his first one which had him nearly sick on his boots at the time.

His fear is squashed out though with Merlin’s quick reply.

“No. I am flattered by the offer but,” Merlin shifts his gaze to Arthur, “Arthur is a good master and an even greater man, I am honored to serve him.” Merlin looks away with a light pink flush on his cheeks.

It’s at that moment the crowd roars to life, the Northumbrian knight standing above Percy. It takes a moment for the noise to register in Arthur’s head, too distracted from Merlin’s words.

“Well, I suppose that’s my cue.” Prince Elias smiles brightly, “Good luck, Prince Arthur.” The blue-caped prince trots into the arena waving at the crowd.

Elias knows he’s not the favored to win, clearly the crowd of Camelot would want their own prince to win, understandably. Though he is going to put his best foot forward to try to impress his father (and perhaps a certain servant). While adept with a sword, his eldest brother Rhys has always been able to outmatch him. If he is able to best Prince Arthur, renowned swordsman of Camelot, surely his father would be impressed.

Though from the stories he’s heard from Merlin, he’d say Arthur seems like a rather good chap, quite the contrast to his father. Uther is known for his harsh and cruel ways of ruling, unwilling to form alliances unless Camelot blatantly gets the better end of the deal. Not that that was an issue yesterday as Camelot had agreed to help Northumbria and join forces. Surely Uther only agreed because the Saxons would sooner or later make their way to Camelot and he’d rather keep the fighting out of his land for as long as possible.

After bowing to the Kings, the Northumbrian prince looks over just before Arthur enters through the opened gate. He sees as Merlin gives Camelot’s prince a reassuring nod of his head and a small smile. The interaction sticks out to Elias as it isn’t the typical look of ‘good luck’ one would expect before a fight, but rather the look is one of indescribable surety, of unwavering confidence, one that says ‘You don’t need luck’.

It’s then Arthur saunters into the arena met with the raucous cheers of his people, his gait is brimmed with a hubristic confidence and an underlying smugness that had not been there during his earlier fights.

After one simple wave to his people and a bow to the kings he stands at the ready in front of Elias. A chill runs down the spine of the Northumbrian Prince at the aura Prince Arthur is radiating, malice rolls off him in waves that are nearly tangible. His gaze is dark and deadly, but it’s not the fire of battle, there's something else there, much greener than anger.

A piece falls into place and Elias can’t help but raise his brows in surprise but his focus is snapped back as the countdown begins.

Elias shifts his weight to the balls of his feet readying to strike, knowing Arthur rarely attempts to strike first. The other prince is a man of finesse who likes to figure out and learn his opponents first and once he finds a weak spot he’ll hone in on it until you fall. If Elias is quick and brutal enough he has a chance to take Camelot’s prince down, but in a battle of stamina, the blonde surely would out match him.

The countdown stops and just as Elias rears his sword back to swing- Arthur moves quicker, striking first, he hits the visiting prince in a weak spot of armor. Using the pommel of his sword Arthur brutishly hits the area just below his underarm and the air is knocked out of the visiting prince who in the same moment finds himself unfooted and facing skywards as the tip of a sword is lowered onto his chest plate.

Arthur’s face is a mix of anger and cocksuredness as he looms over, blocking out the sun from Elais’ eyes.

The crowd who had just a moment ago been eagerly cheering has gone deathly silent at the brazen show of power from their prince. Even the kings are stunned into a confused silence.

That is until one person starts applauding, Elias had expected to look over and see Merlin, but the servant was standing there just as shocked. Rather it’s a knight of Camelot who has rather luxurious hair and a shit-eating grin on his face.

After a moment more applause erupts around them. If Elias wasn’t so close he wouldn’t have noticed it, but Prince Arthur puffs his chest out a little bit further and lifts his head a little bit higher. His eyes still hold a burning challenge, as if daring him to make another move, and the other pieces fall into place.

He never had a chance of convincing Merlin to return to Northumbria with him.

It’s late afternoon and their second break of the day just before the finals. Unsurprisingly to Merlin, Arthur will be facing the eldest son of Northumbria. Thankfully with Elias out of the bracket, Merlin doesn’t have much to do at the moment other than minimum duties.

Merlin is serving Elias with a pitcher of water as the prince talks about his home country. It does sound like a rather lovely place, filled with interesting plants and wildlife Merlin has never heard of. According to Elias, the climate is significantly colder but they have glorious mountain ranges and trees much taller than those in Camelot.

It’s then Merlin feels it once again, the throbbing pain in his abdomen. It hits him much more painfully than the previous times. He places the decanter of water down on the table doing his best to focus on the visiting prince’s words.

It’s only a moment or two before Merlin finds himself swaying at another sharp stabbing pain, he can’t help but scrunch up his face. When he opens his eyes though he finds himself on the floor with a very concerned prince hovering above him.

“I’ll go get the physician.” Elias makes to leave but Merlin is able to grab his wrist just in time.

“No- no get Arthur.”

There’s a moment of confusion before the prince replies, “Merlin I think you’re confused, I’ll go get the physician, you’re clearly not okay.”

“No, wait please-” Merlin tries to convince him but a pained groan escapes him and the prince slips out of his grasp.

Just as Elias is about to exit the tent he is nearly run over by Camelot’s prince who is seething, sword at the ready.

“Prince Arthur!” The Northumbrian prince startles.

Arthur roughly grabs him by the collar of his hauberk after seeing Merlin on the ground. “What did you do to him?!” Arthur’s voice is harsh and demanding.

Arthur had heard Merlin’s distress from his own tent not far away and was on his feet before he could even register what he was doing.

“Nothing! He just fell over!” Elias scrambles out of his hold, “Where’s the physician's chambers? We must get him.”

It takes a second for Arthur to process his words through his anger but realization hits him like a brick.

“He’s busy.” Arthur shoulders past the prince to kneel down at Merlin’s side who manages to look at him briefly before another wave of pain forces his eyes closed.

“Well Merlin is clearly in pain! I’m sure he’ll take time to see his apprentice!” Elias raises his voice and it only aggravates Arthur further.

“It’s okay,” Arthur fights to keep his voice calm, “I keep a spare tincture of Merlin’s in my tent.” Arthur shuffles his arms around Merlin to haul the lad up to his feet.

Merlin leans all of his weight onto his prince as a pained whine comes from low in his throat. The smell of Arthur comforts him a little at least, the familiar scent of armor polish, leather, and the smell of sunny grass that always seems to stick to the prince.

“Is he ill?” The concern would be welcomed if it were anyone but Sir Elias speaking.

“He- has an ailment.” Arthur deludes hoping it’s enough to stop the prince’s questioning.

“Ah- I see, let me help you walk him over.”

“Oh no that’s not necessary, I can’t ask a guest to do such a thing.”

Elias opens his mouth to protest but Arthur continues. “I can take care of Merlin, he will be deposed for the rest of the day however, possibly longer. I will assign our best servant to you in the meantime.”

“Very well, if there’s anything I can do to help, I’m more than willing.”

“Understood.” Arthur grits out, this conversation already much too long for his liking. Merlin nearly falls again at another bout of pain but Arthur steadies him. “Thank you, Prince Elias.”

Arthur steps out of the tent supporting nearly all of Merlin’s weight and they hobble over to his tent.

Arthur has never been so grateful to not see George, and that’s saying something. As soon as the tent flap closes Arthur is on Merlin, his lips fervent with the pent up tension of the past day and a half.

Merlin relaxes against him the pain flagging at their contact and the servant's eyes flutter. Arthur coerces his mouth open with a slide of his tongue as he walks them further into the tent, hands gripping Merlin’s waist now that he can walk on his own.

“Arthur,” Merlin’s breath is hot against his lips.

Arthur plunges his tongue back into his servant's mouth, bringing a hand to the back of his head to keep him there. Merlin moans softly at the action and grinds his hips forward against Arthur’s leg. Arthur’s upper thighs hit the table in his tent and they come to a halt.

“Arthur,” Merlin tries once again but Arthur attacks his mouth until he can feel Merlin smiling against him.

“Miss me that much?” Merlin teases when he can finally catch a breath.

“Oh please, Merlin. Last I checked you’re the one who needs me.” Arthur replies cheekily.

And while that is true, on multiple levels, Merlin would rather not think about that at the moment. “Arthur, we can’t… not here.” If they were to do really much of anything there’s no doubt they’d be heard through the canvas of the tent.

“Oh don’t be such a girl’s petticoat,” Arthur moves to kiss Merlin's neck dragging his hands down to Merlin’s thighs. “It’s not like we have much of a choice anyway.”

Merlin knows he’s right, it's not like they can just mosey up to either of their chambers, Arthur still has the final round left. But Merlin’s certain he’ll die of embarrassment if George is to walk in on them. Not to mention he would most definitely report his findings to Uther, and Merlin can’t cast any spells this close to Arthur.

“It’s fine Merlin, I’ll take care of you.” Arthur whispers breathily against his ear, knowing full well how to keep his servant quiet. Damn him for being so good at this. Merlin’s been thinking about Arthur nonstop since they slept together. He’s glad Arthur was his first, he just wishes it could have actually meant something… though he is thankful it had felt as good as it did.

He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about it, the way Arthur had opened him, the way he had fully filled him up and fucked him so deliciously. The way Arthur had spilt inside of him. Merlin needed it.

“Fine.” Merlin grumbles half heartedly.

With his best friend's consent, Arthur spins them around, now pinning the back of Merlin’s thighs against the table before eagerly descending on his mouth.

Arthur.” Merlin whines impatiently against his lips. Arthur makes a mental note to teach the boy some patience soon. However, today is not that day. Arthur has been waiting for this since they shared his bed the other night and now that he finally has his Merlin again he won’t be letting go anytime soon.

Without replying Arthur spins Merlin around and grabs the back of his neck before grinding his hips into Merlin’s pert arse. Panting, Merlin pushes his hips back against Arthur’s growing hardness and the prince groans lowly.

“Leave it to you,” Arthur’s voice rumbles next to Merlin’s ear as he pushes his body fully against the slimmer man's back, the table digs into Merlin’s legs, “to be lent out to another noble just when I’ve made you mine.”

“I didn’t mean-.”

“Did he touch you?” Arthur can’t help but ask, the only other thing he’s been able to think about other than their recent tumble. If that man so much as looked at Merlin wrong Arthur would do unspeakable things to him. Unfortunately, he’d have to keep him alive or risk an all out war with Northumbria, but there are no rules against disfigurement.

“No, no he didn’t-” Merlin is cut off by Arthur shoving him down by the neck, forcing Merlin to bend over the table until his cheek is squished against the rough wooden surface.

“Arthur?” Merlin asks trepidatiously when the prince doesn’t say anything and simply holds him against the table.

Arthur takes a moment, his anxiety wearing off knowing his Merlin hasn't been touched by another. Only because Merlin is his, no other reason. He can’t help the way his eyes drift down to where his own hips meet Merlin’s arse and another spike of arousal shoots through him before he rubs his groin against the swell of Merlin’s rump slowly, pushing Merlin into the table even more.

Merlin gasps as the table digs further into his thighs but it’s a satisfying kind of pain. Arthur’s hands come to his waist as he rucks up Merlin’s shirt just enough so he can feel the boy's heated skin under his hands.

There’s another swell of pain in Merlin’s abdomen and he sucks in a sharp breath. The pain isn’t as strong as it was before, thanks to Arthur’s ministrations, but what they are doing doesn’t seem to be enough.

“Merlin?” He feels Arthur freeze behind him.

“Pain, need more. Arthur, please.” Merlin cants his hips back against Arthur.

“Okay, okay.” Arthur leans over, pressing his weight into Merlin’s back once more as he kisses the area between Merlin’s neckerchief and his hair. “Don’t forget our word.”

Merlin nods, doing his best to look back at Arthur but given the angle he can barely see the prince out of the corner of his eye. Arthur continues to pepper the small expanse of skin in kisses as he reaches around and fiddles with the strings of Merlin's trousers. Once the knot is undone Arthur kicks at Merlin’s booted feet, getting him to spread his legs a bit more before pulling his breeches down around his knees, quickly followed by his small clothes.

As much as Merlin knows he needs this, the position makes him feel rather vulnerable. He is fully on display for Arthur and unlike the other night, there is plenty of light for Arthur to see everything. Merlin is hit by a wave of self consciousness, he can feel his face heat up against the coolness of the table. It’s an emotion he doesn't feel very often, as overall he is a rather confident young man. He plays his part as a fool when needed and with that comes little room for shame. He squeezes his eyes shut trying to will away his shyness but it doesn't work.

Arthur stops his kisses but before he pulls away he nuzzles the back of Merlin’s hair, the black tresses soft against his nose. It’s an intimate gesture that sticks out to Merlin, Arthur has done such things a couple times now, he’ll do something soft or borderline affectionate and Merlin’s heart can’t help but leap in hope that he knows is rather pitiful.

“Stay just like this, don’t move.” Arthur’s voice is gravelly in a way that warms Merlin’s insides.

Merlin listens, wanting to get on with this before someone prances into the tent to see Merlin in this extremely compromising position. But Arthur pulls away fully, not touching the servant at all, Merlin strains his eyes trying to see where Arthur went, but with his head on the table he can only see a small section of the tent. He turns his face to the other side, the table even cooler on this side of his face, it feels quite nice, and now he can see Arthur.

The prince is messing up the pile of his day clothes that were sitting in a nice folded pile, courtesy of George no doubt. He reaches into his trouser pocket and pulls out a vial with familiar looking contents.

“You brought oil to your tourney tent?” Merlin asks, voice lilted with mirth.

Arthur turns and glares at him, his gaze steely in a way that Merlin has recently started to find rather exciting.

“I told you not to move.” Arthur’s voice is sharp.

Well, yes, he did say that. But Merlin merely turned his head, he’s still in the same position, he didn’t move.

“I didn’t move. I just turned to see what you were doing.”

Arthur pauses, still in Merlin’s line of sight, and raises a disbelieving eyebrow at the boy. “And turning is not a form of movement?”

Merlin opens his mouth before closing it again, yes he supposes turning could be considered movement. Okay, thinking about it, it most definitely is movement, but that’s not what he thought Arthur had meant. And he is too prideful to admit defeat so easily. Even while his arse is fully exposed.

“No, it is not.” Merlin replies haughtily, in an attempt to hide his defeat he does what he does best, diverts. “And you ignored my question.”

The sides of Arthur’s mouth twitch, a tell Merlin has learned to know the prat is trying not to smile.

Merlin,” Arthur purrs as he walks behind the servant to where Merlin can just again barely see him. “It sounds to me like you want to be punished.”

Merlin indignantly sputters for a moment but he’s quick to find his footing. “It sounds to me like you’re avoiding the question.”

Amusement gets the better of him and Arthur can’t help but chuckle. He places the oil down on the table within easy reaching distance, glass clinking against the wood. He moves his hands back to Merlin’s waist and slowly drags them down the sides of his arse to his thighs. Arthur bends his knees, sitting on his haunches giving him a tantalizing view of Merlin’s opening.

Arthur places an opened mouth kiss to the inside of Merlin’s thigh and the servant jumps at the unexpected contact. Arthur sucks roughly, squeezing Merlin’s thighs, and Merlin moans just loud enough to be heard by the prince.

Arthur detaches his mouth to admire the mark that is quickly darkening in a place Merlin would never be able to see. Though if someone else were to try something with Merlin surely they’d see it.

“I started carrying the oil with me in case you need me at a moment's notice.” Arthur’s breath is hot against Merlin’s thigh. The servant feels a rush of arousal throb through his cock, though Merlin isn’t sure if it’s from the situation or from yet another considerate act from Arthur.

“Oh.” Is all Merlin is able to say, not wanting to expose his feelings for his best friend.

Arthur hums in reply as he moves his head higher, sliding his mouth against the supple skin of Merlin’s arse until his hot breath is cascading against Merlin’s hole.

Merlin whines at the strange sensation. “Arthur? What are you doing?”

Merlin can feel the prince smile against his skin as he places a kiss along his crevice. “A-Arthur?”

The prince places another opened mouth kiss, then another and another, running his tongue over soft, heated skin. Merlin starts squirming restlessly against him. Arthur grabs and kneads Merlin’s cheeks watching how his hole flutters. He moves each kiss closer and closer to his entrance and once he’s nearly there Merlin tries to pull forward but the table stops him before he can get very far.

“Arthur, what- what are you doing?” Merlin tries again, his voice already sounding wrecked.

“Tasting you.” Arthur answers simply.

Merlin’s voice is small as he replies, “There?”

“I want to taste you everywhere.” Arthur rumbles before finally moving to his goal, he doesn’t want to startle the boy too much so he just starts with a closed mouth kiss as his hands separate Merlin’s cheeks.

“A-Arthur!” Merlin nearly shouts, he’d never imagine someone’s mouth on his most private area, let alone the prince’s mouth.

Arthur places an opened mouth kiss next and starts greedily lapping at Merlin’s hole. The servant starts to writhe against him, biting his lips hard enough to nearly draw blood in an attempt to stop his moans; but the sensation is heavenly, almost ticklish even, yet his noises still manage to escape.

It’s then Arthur pauses, realizing something. Lavender? There’s a faint yet distinct smell and taste of lavender oil. But Arthur knows for a fact Merlin has since washed from when they slept together. And if Merlin is to be believed Elias didn’t touch him. So that only leaves one option.

Merlin,” Arthur moves to stand slowly and the raven nearly cries out at the loss because he needs more of Arthur’s mouth on him now. The prince leans to the side Merlin is facing to be seen better.

“Did you touch yourself last night? Or maybe even this morning?”

Merlin’s stomach drops, oh gods he didn’t even consider Arthur would be able to tell. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about how Arthur had savagely claimed him ever since it happened. He tried to get off this morning but he just couldn't finish, something was missing. So he took a step and fingered himself with images of Arthur replaying in his mind and he was finally able to find release. Oh gods it’ll be so obvious to Arthur. Why else would Merlin have done it? He’s so screwed.

“I- I-” Merlin stutters, eyes going wide, unable to find a coherent thought through his pleasure hazed mind and growing anxiety. He frantically searches Arthur’s face trying to gauge what he’s thinking but his brain feels like mush.

The deepening blush on Merlin’s face is all Arthur needs. Desire blossoms in his chest tenfold, he can feel the inside of his smalls moisten with precum at the mental image of Merlin wantonly fingering himself.

Arthur disappears from Merlin’s view as he retreats towards his previous spot “It’s okay, Merlin,” Arthur all but coos, though his voice holds an infuriating smugness to it that irks Merlin.

Arthur knows he shouldn’t ask, it could very well reveal too much, but he can’t help himself, much like anything that has to do with Merlin. He hums coyly as he smooths his hand over Merlin’s lower back as he walks around, but he doesn't kneel yet. Instead, the prince ruts his clothed erection against Merlin’s now wet hole, he leans over Merlin’s lithe frame as he asks, “Were you a good boy hmm? Did you think of me?” Arthur’s hips grind slowly, a contrast to his frantic heart rate.

Merlin’s anxiety evaporates, doused by the flood of arousal and traitorous hope, but he can’t focus on much other than the arousal as that pleasant tingly weightless feeling overcomes him again.

The feeling washes over him so harshly he pauses a moment too long, prompting Arthur to speak again. “Did you think about how I fucked in and out of your tight little arse?” Arthur kisses behind his ear, “Did you imagine your fingers were my prick opening you up?”

Merlin’s moan is breathy, voice low as he pushes his hips back against Arthur, “Yes, yes all of it Arthur, thought of you.”

Fuck, Merlin.” Arthur groans as he pushes against Merlin’s movements. Arthur’s not sure he’s ever been this hard in his life, he’s fairly certain he could cum just from grinding against Merlin, like a virginal teen. “What a good boy, thinking of me,” Arthur praises, “so good.” He licks the cuff of Merlin’s ear.

Merlin shudders at the praise. He cranes his neck trying to get Arthur’s attention, when he finally catches his eyes the prince’s pupils are blown wide, nearly overtaking his irises. Merlin moves his head slightly and Arthur’s heart melts a little in understanding.

Arthur leans forward and to the side, so Merlin’s not straining as much, before kissing the young man. Merlin’s tongue enters his mouth immediately, lips eager against Arthur’s own.

They part for breath, Merlin’s eyes are glassy, cheeks red and hair tousled. Arthur doesn’t try to hide his smile as he moves to the exposed skin of Merlin’s neck, “So good for me Merlin, you deserve a reward.”


“Stay.” Arthur commands before he gets up off of Merlin. He sinks down to his knees taking in the view once more.

Fully on his knees this time, he doesn't have to worry about balancing as much as he had before. Arthur dives back in, mouthing and licking at Merlin’s hole so ravenously Merlin’s sure the prince is trying to devour him.

Merlin moans a little too loudly as he pushes back against Arthur searching for more. Arthur complies and probes at Merlin’s hole before pushing his tongue in and Merlin nearly shouts. Arthur’s tongue is warm and wet as he pushes in and out. Merlin moans too loudly again and Arthur can finally enact his plan.

He stands back up, wiping his mouth and chin with the back of his sleeve. “Like that hmm?”

“Yes! Please Arthur ‘want more.” Merlin wiggles his arse to emphasize his point.

“I know, but you’re too loud.” Arthur half-heartedly scolds, walking over until he is in front of Merlin’s face that is still pressed against the table, his cheek comically squished against its surface.


Merlin unquestioningly obeys and opens his mouth, eagerly eyeing Arthur’s bulge. And while that’s a tempting idea, it isn’t what Arthur plans to do and he’s fairly certain he’d cum embarrassingly quick at the moment.

Instead Arthur reaches for Merlin’s neckerchief and hefts it up until it’s settled in the servant's mouth. Confusion is clear on Merlin’s face but is washed away by understanding as Arthur reaches around to the back of his head tightening the makeshift gag.

Once It’s just tight enough to be uncomfortable, pulling at the sides of his mouth, Merlin can feel the telltale tingle of magic interaction with his own as his eyes flash pink and the faint pain in his stomach fully fades.

“There,” Arthur grins wickedly when his servant's eyes flash, “that should save some of your dignity.” His eyes trace over Merlin’s frame, the boy already looks so wrecked. “Not that I’d mind if we were heard.” Arthur ruffles a hand in Merlin’s hair as he once again walks back to his spot. “Then everyone would know that you’re mine.”

Merlin whines at the prince’s rousing words even though he knows Arthur is just talking and that he doesn’t mean them. Similarly how Gwaine talks and flirts with Merlin, the knight doesn’t mean the things he says, it's merely jesting or in this case a way to build to the pleasure... Surely. Otherwise, even if Merlin would like it, Arthur would be out of his mind since Uther would have Merlin’s head in a moment’s notice if anyone were to find out.

Arthur admires how Merlin’s hole gleams as drips of his saliva slowly make their way down to Merlin’s bollocks. He can’t help but push in a finger, it slides in with ease, unlike last time when Arthur had to take his time. Surely due to Merlin’s morning time activities.

Merlin’s moan is muffled against the fabric of his neckerchief as his knees wobble from the pleasure, while his own fingers were adequate earlier they are no match for Arthur’s much stronger and callused digits. Arthur bends down again, licking at Merlin while sliding a second finger into him.

“You’re already so nice and open for me,” Arthur’s voice vibrates against his opening, and Merlin moans again in a higher pitch. Merlin’s fairly sure receiving praise is one of his favorite kinks so far.

Arthur’s fingers hit that spot in him again and Merlin yelps, Arthur can feel his muscles tighten against his fingers and against his tongue. Deeming a third finger unnecessary as Merlin is still rather loosened from earlier, Arthur stands and unlaces his own breeches, his smalls are quick to follow as they fall to the ground around his ankles. Arthur reaches over and uncorks the oil before lathering up his cock, while Merlin is wet and open, he still doesn’t want to risk hurting him.

Merlin feels the blunt head of Arthur’s prick tease at his hole and he tries to push back onto it needing the prince inside him. But Arthur is quick to grab his hips and push him against the table, Merlin gasps as his cock rubs against the wooden surface but the neckerchief doesn’t allow for the sound to be heard.

Arthur slowly pushes in and Merlin’s panting speeds up, his arousal is overwhelming as the sides of his neckerchief, wet with his spit, pull tightly at the corners of his mouth. He cranes his neck to try to get a look at Arthur.

Arthur watches as his cock slowly disappears into Merlin, how the glossy ring of muscle encircles his width beautifully. It’s slick, hot, and euphoric as he bottoms out into his best friend with a groan.

He looks up to see Merlin watching him with a blissed-out yet foggy gaze as small moans are just able to make it through the gag to Arthur’s ears. Spittle dribbles down from the corner of Merlin’s plush and kiss-swollen lips as the gag does its job. And while it seems fitting for their given situation, Arthur isn’t sure how he feels about it. On one hand, Merlin looks unbelievably lewd, his lips being spread apart like that, but on the other hand, Arthur loves the noises Merlin makes and wants to hear his servant’s pleasure.

Arthur starts rocking his hips in small movements at first. He then pulls out just so the head of his cock is still seated then thrusts his hips forward until his thighs meet against Merlin’s arse, though he is careful the slapping noise isn’t too loud.

Merlin is a mewling, writhing mess below him, moving back to meet Arthur’s thrusts the best he can while being pinned against the table. Arthur watches each time as his cock disappears into Merlin and he can feel the slight tightening in his balls, but he doesn't want this to be over yet.

The prince bends over Merlin’s frame so his chest is flush with his back as he slows his thrusts to a more intimate grind and lavs his tongue at Merlin's now exposed neck. Merlin keens and trembles underneath him, the weight of the prince putting more pressure on his trapped cock.

It’s at that moment a voice comes from outside the tent.

“Sire?” George’s voice rings out and Merlin freezes up.

Arthur hisses as Merlin tightens around him, he glances over to the tent entrance. Thankfully for both of them, unlike Merlin, George doesn't just intrude into the Prince’s spaces without permission.

Arthur doesn’t move away from Merlin when he calls out, “I no longer require your services today George. Merlin has returned to service me.” Arthur can’t keep his amusement out of the last sentence.

Merlin glares at him but his eyes squish ever so slightly, as if he’s smiling, though he can’t smile given the gag in his mouth.

Arthur drags out and pushes back into Merlin who gives him a rather frantic look. Arthur raises a challenging brow and smiles that endearingly crooked, boyish smile Merlin loves so much.

“Are you sure, sire? There are fifteen minutes until the final round.” George asks again from outside the tent.

“Quite sure, George.” Arthur thrusts in again and Merlin flails as the prince hits his prostate dead on, as much as he tries Merlin can’t help the moan that escapes him, but Arthur is quick to speak up trying to cover the muffled sound. “You are to assi- assist Prince Elias for the time being.” Arthur picks up the pace, ramming into his servant over and over, tears start to form in the corner of Merlin’s eyes as he fights not to make any noise.

But the thought of someone seeing him like this, seeing how he is being taken by the prince, knowing that Arthur is getting his pleasure from Merlin, it has butterflies dancing in his stomach. George can’t see though, he’d tell Uther, but perhaps someone who wouldn’t tell the king. Someone seeing just how much Merlin belongs to his prince, how much he is willing to give, how good he is for his master.

“Af’ur” Merlin whines against his neckerchief.

Arthur turns back around, meeting his gaze and he can see the pleading in his friend's eyes.

“You are dismissed, George.”

“Yes, sire.” The servant’s footsteps fade in the direction of Elias’ tent.

Arthur keeps the same pace but starts thrusting in and out of Merlin harder. Merlin, unable to keep his eyes open from his pleasure, mewls and whines as his prostate is hit again and again. The table soundlessly rocks underneath them.

Merlin’s noises start to pitch higher as with each thrust the heat in his belly grows.

Fuck.” Arthur grits out pushing even more of his weight into Merlin’s back and it’s the exact pressure his depraved prick needs. Merlin's body tenses as cum shoots out of his cock, smearing against his stomach and the table, he arches from the pleasure that wracks his body, his wail muffled by the gag.

Arthur’s thrusts become frantic and aimless as he watches his best friend cum untouched, from only being fucked by his cock, the tightening muscles and wrought display push him over the edge, flooding Merlin as his release sporadically shoots out of him.

They stay there a moment gasping for breath, Arthur now practically lying on Merlin. The servant squirms under him.

“Sorry.” He breathes into Merlin’s neck before rolling off the lad, landing on the table next to him with a thud.

Merlin looks over, eyes glazed, expression sated. It’s only then when he sees it that Arthur is reminded of the gag in his mouth. He reaches over behind Merlin’s head and undoes the knot, carefully pulling the spit soaked fabric out of his mouth before tossing it onto the dirt floor.

Merlin lazily watches, too relaxed to care about his neckerchief being tossed on the ground.

There are small red marks on the sides of Merlin’s mouth that Arthur is sure will fade in a few moments, unlike that mark the prince left on his servant's thigh, not that Merlin will ever see it there.

They stay there just looking at each other, coming down from their highs when a smile creeps onto Arthur's face. “Well, now I have a new way to get you to shut up.”

Merlin snorts and rolls his eyes fondly, “Prat.”

God, Arthur wants so badly to kiss him, to wrap his arms around him and take care of him.

“We should clean up, I have to get my armor on.” Arthur sits up and rolls his shoulders.

Merlin tries to get up and actually manages to not fall over this time, even with his pants around his ankles, though his legs are still quite wobbly. That and he can feel the cum start to dribble down his thighs, he blushes bright red unsure of what to do in this situation. The other night Arthur had cleaned him without really explaining anything and he had still been a bit out of it.

After wiping his flaccid cock off with a rag and pulling his breeches back up, Arthur turns to see Merlin blushing shyly, then the movement of trickling cum on Merlin’s thigh catches his eye and his prick gives an interested yet spent twitch.

“I- I’m not really sure how to deal with this.” Merlin admits, adamantly avoiding eye contact.

“Right, uhm-” Arthur clears his throat, “I’ll show you next time.” Arthur feels incredibly guilty but they truly don’t have enough time to clean out Merlin, he still needs to get his armor on, and rather quickly at that. And if he enjoys the idea of his cum marking Merlin as his, well, that’s his business. “We don’t have enough time, I need to get in my armor still, I promise I’ll show you next time thou-”

“Oh Gods! The tournament!” Merlin pulls his clothes up, grimacing as the lingering cum seeps into the fabric but he quickly turns to start preparing Arthur.

Considering what just happened, Merlin is able to shake out of his daze rather quickly while still standing on shaky legs. Even so, he is able to dress Arthur in his armor in record time.

Arthur watches Merlin wobble around as he quickly makes work of his armor. It’s quite baffling to watch his clumsy servant hobble around like a newborn foal while still somehow keeping his balance and even making great time in his task. His mused hair and ruddy cheeks are a strong contrast to his focused demeanor as he works.

Arthur doesn't even realize Merlin’s nearly done until he tightens his right vambrace and finally looks up at him. It's a shy look, one he’s only seen on Merlin maybe once or twice, all instances rather recently.

He’s not really sure what to say in this situation, his first instinct is to ask for a good luck kiss, and as tempting as it is, ahem- no. Arthur shakes his head, he and Merlin are friends, best friends, they’re only doing this because they have to. While he may find himself caring more about Merlin, being softer towards him, it’s surely just a side effect of sleeping together. There’s a quiet voice in the back of his head saying he can’t risk Merlin not feeling the same then going to someone else to help resolve the spell. But that’s no- he’s just helping Merlin after the servant took a spell in his stead.

“No more pain?” Is what Arthur’s brain settles on sending to his mouth.

A small smile graces Merlin’s lips. Arthur’s fondness tingles in his limbs, encouraging him to reach out to caress, kiss, and hold, but he doesn’t.

“No, no more pain.” Merlin scans over his armor making sure everything is latched correctly.

“Good, that’s good.”

It’s then the horn sounds, calling everyone back to the arena.

They look at each other for a moment so much going unsaid before Arthur shakes out of it, starting to go into his battle headspace.

Arthur goes to leave the tent, but to his surprise, Merlin tries following.

Merlin, what do you think you are doing?”

“Going to watch you?” Merlin asks, brow furrowed.

“We can’t risk Elias seeing you not sick. And your trousers…” Arthur tapers off.

Merlin’s blush comes back but his face remains determined, “It’s fine, I’ll be careful.”

Merlin.” Arthur’s voice is reprimanding. “We can’t risk someone finding out.”

Merlin looks like he’s going to argue but the fight leaves his posture as he slumps over. “I know.” He pouts.

But Merlin’s gaze is filled with worry, and while Arthur feels a bit warm and fuzzy at his friend's concern, he also feels a bit affronted as he is the best fighter of Camelot, and Merlin has seen him fight countless times. He should have more confidence in him, like in his fight against Elias.

“I’ll make it quick.” Arthur tries to reassure him. It’s not something he would normally do, he’d usually tease Merlin or cuff him upside the head for the lack of confidence in his ability. But perhaps he’s feeling a bit soft.

Merlin rolls his eyes at Arthur’s never ending confidence, and it’s not like he can say ‘I won’t be able to protect you from here.’ Nor could he explain how he wants to just wrap himself up in Arthur and snuggle with him. Gods what is happening to him, is that normal? To want to do soft things with someone after you sleep with them? Maybe he could ask Gwaine. But if it’s not because of the sleeping together and just from his own feelings, maybe he shouldn’t ask Gwaine then.

“Yeah yeah, you prat. Just go and win.” Merlin tries to divert but his soft smile gives him away.

Arthur’s smile is blinding, he ruffles Merlin’s hair roughly before turning away once again. But before he leaves Merlin calls out.


The prince turns around, question clear on his face.

“Thank you.” Merlin can feel his face heat up but forces himself to keep looking at Arthur.

The prince gives him a nod before exiting the tent.

If Merlin casts a protective ward on his armor when he turns around, well that’s his prerogative.

Merlin paces the tent, or well, wobbles the tent as much as his legs will allow. He doubts Prince Rhys will try to do anything to harm Arthur in front of so many people. He can’t help but worry though. While yes, Arthur is a good swordsman, Merlin has seen him in far too many life or death situations to ever let his guard down.

He sighs and stops his pacing knowing Arthur will be annoyed if he wears a path in the ground. Instead he picks up a dirty rag and starts to clean the table since he had... dirtied it. Wiping up his own mess just reminds him of the fluid trickling out of his body. It’s cooled down substantially and is getting rather sticky, but it’s bearable for now.

The crowd roars to life outside, surely the princes are making their appearances. Merlin can easily tell when it’s Arthur who comes out as he always gets the loudest applause no matter who he competes against. Honestly, even if he went against Uther he’d probably get the most cheers.

There’s a strange feeling slowly materializing in his chest as he wipes the table clean. Thankfully the pain is fully gone, but he feels, sad? That doesn’t seem right, empty feels like a better word. His chest constricts a bit as he focuses on it and his heart rate starts to pick up. This is… strange, this has never happened before. Is it from the sex? But then why is it only happening now?

With their other rendezvous sure he had felt a bit sad after but that was more just from his hopeless pining. He takes another deep breath but it does little to calm the sudden wave of overwhelming emotions.

Maybe he’s just worried for Arthur’s safety since he’s not out there. But Merlin has experienced anxiety before, rather frequently actually, given he is constantly on edge watching out for Arthur, and this feels different. It’s duller and throbs slowly, constricting his lungs and heart in a way he’s unfamiliar with. Maybe he should go see Giaus. But then he’d have to explain what he was doing before this feeling started and gods that was not going to happen, he’d actually rather die before that. Oh gods, even just thinking about it makes him feel mortified.

Merlin picks up his neckerchief and shakes it out, trying to shake the feeling from his chest to little avail. The clanging of metal as swords meet in the arena echoes in his ears, the worry for his prince now amplified by this other unpleasant feeling. He could take a peek outside. Everyone is most likely watching the fight anyways, it’s not like anyone would be looking at the arse or inner thigh of his trousers.

Merlin slides over to the tent flap but as soon as he opens it the crowd roars as someone has clearly taken the victory. With that squires start rushing back to their lord’s tents and Merlin is left with no other option than to retreat and wait for Arthur.

Thankfully it doesn’t take long for the prince to return, and Merlin can immediately tell he won by the way he holds himself as he walks in.

“Told you I’d make it quick.” Arthur beams, his hair and face damp with sweat.

“Hmm, not the only thing you’re quick with.” Merlin smirks teasingly from where he is now sat on the clean table.


“Oh come on Arthur, you practically gave that one to me.”

The tight feeling in Merlin's chest fades fractionally.

“It’s not the only thing I gave to you.” Arthur raises a suggestive eyebrow.

Merlin’s face heats up, alright, he walked right into that one.

“So,” Merlin clears his throat, “I’m assuming you won?”

Gah,” Arthur scoffs, “Of course, what do you take me for Merlin?” He walks over to Merlin allowing his servant to start removing his armor without getting up from his spot on the table.

“A prat.” Merlin answers without hesitation, the corner of his mouth quirking up.

Arthur cuffs him on the head earning him a half-hearted glare from his manservant.

Their conversation flows easily, Arthur enthusiastically describing the fight, smile never leaving his face. And while Merlin still doesn’t know all the names for certain moves Arthur describes, he listens eagerly.

Once finished Merlin shifts on his feet, not really sure how he’s supposed to leave the tent with no one noticing his trousers. He could magic the mess away but Arthur would most definitely notice.

Arthur must notice his squirminess as he tosses his day trousers at him, the ones he had gotten the oil from earlier.

Merlin with his renowned cat-like reflexes, misses the catch and the fabric smacks him in the face, one leg wrapping around his head.

Arthur snorts when Merlin pulls them off to scowl at him.

“Put those on.”

Merlin’s brow furrows, “But, what will you wear?”

“I’ll just wear these.” Arthur gestures to the sweaty pants he had worn under his armor. “I have to get changed for dinner anyways.”

Merlin shrugs, “Alright.”

He slides out of his breeches and smalls that have started to crust slightly. Thankfully it seems like everything has already dripped out. He’s rather amused when Arthur looks away so he can change, as if he hadn’t had his mouth on his arse earlier.

While the pants are extremely soft and nearly the perfect length they are a little large in the waist, he keeps a hand on them to keep them from sliding down too far.

Merlin clears his throat to let Arthur know he can turn around.

Arthur eyes him for a moment too long before his gaze settles on the hand holding the fabric up.

Merlin couldn't stop his smile if he tried.

Arthur glares and meets his gaze. “Don’t.”

“I didn’t even say anything!”

They leave the tent and Merlin attends him until the banquet. Unwilling to give Elias the chance to snag him back up, Arthur gives his servant the night off and Merlin isn’t going to say no at the chance for some extra rest. Though the tight feeling in his chest lasts until he is able to fall asleep.

Merlin's final rating: 7

Chapter End Notes

Any kinks or scenes you’d like to see? Comment them below!

Also, the next chapter will be up this Thursday! ~It's a good one~
To give you a little tease, the chapter will be titled: Ménage à trois.

P.S. Who knew ball gags were originally used for animal mouth surgeries? Lol. I had no idea until I researched to see if they existed during ye olden times.

As always thank you so much for reading. <3

Ménage à Trois

Chapter Notes

For those who may not know, ‘Ménage à trois’ means threesome. So if that’s not your thing no worries there will be a synopsis in the end notes. This got a tad angstier than I anticipated this early on lol. It doesn't affect the spice though so don’t worry about that! And there's no cliffhanger, don't worry babes I gotchu.

Is it Thursday? ...No, at least not for me, not yet anyways. But, I'm too excited so here! Take it!
(thank you as always for the comments, kudos, bookmarks and reads. <3 I love you all <3)

**Please read the end notes once you finish the chapter as I just want to make a clarification about something that is said in this chapter! <3**

(slight spoiler about where Gwaine fits in (aka top or bottom, if you’d like to know ahead of time) This is more about sharing Merlin and thus both Arthur and Gwaine Top and there is no penetration between the two knights. <3)

The act of having sexual relations in
a group of three persons

Merlin's initial rating: 8

Arthur has had enough of Elias’ pining over his manservant, even though it hasn’t even been one full day since the tournament and Merlin ‘falling ill.’ So, he rallies his knights together for a multi-day hunt. It’ll get both him and Merlin away from the castle for a while and by the time they’re back the Northumbrian nobility should only have a day or two left.

They are all in the courtyard preparing to leave, the sun is just starting to rise, the summer weather feels far off with the crisp chill of autumn in the air. The early sun refracts off the morning fog casting everything in a hazy golden light. It’s as Arthur is admiring the slow change of seasons when Prince Elias starts down the steps, it’s clear by the way he is dressed in light leathers he plans on asking to join. They had all agreed to opt for light leather armor rather than their chainmail as they weren’t going too far from the citadel; how Elias managed to hear that information, Arthur has no idea.

Arthur nearly falls to his knees in thanks as Morgana intercepts the prince, making conversation with him, his sister shoots him a wink and Arthur can’t help but be a bit frightened at her perception skills.

Everyone is ready on their horses just as he’s about to mount he notices a particular member missing. “Merlin!” Arthur calls out annoyed.

“Right here!” The servant jaunts over from the direction of the stables, a few pieces of hay sticking out of his hair.

“Oi, Merlin! Have a roll in the hay?” Elyan chuckles as the servant passes by his horse. A few of the other knights chuckle.

“W-What?” Merlin nearly trips over nothing.

“There’s hay in your hair.” Leon explains, as Merlin stumbles by, the knight reaches down to ruffle his hair causing the hay to fall to the ground only for his horse to bend down to lip at it.

“Ah, thanks Leon.” Merlin smiles brightly at the knight before mounting his steed.

“On time as always Merlin.” Arthur heckles.

“Doing chores you assign, sire.

“Gods we haven’t even left and they’re already at it.” Elyan half jests.

Arthur clears his throat, Leon and Lancelot at least try to hide their amusement, unlike the others. “Alright, let’s get going.” The prince clicks his horse forward.

Arthur’s spirits are much higher as the day continues on, enjoying the comradery of his knights and the bickering with his manservant. The day goes by rather quickly, surprisingly Merlin had only made a few obvious attempts to scare their prey away and Arthur had managed to shoot down a rather large buck.

Not wanting to lug around the corpse they decide to set up camp where they are. The sun will be setting soon anyway with the days shortening.

Arthur watches as Merlin lights the fire with the flint, he has a focused look on his face that is quickly wiped away as Percy carries the deer past causing Merlin to blanch, his face whitening slightly.

Arthur can understand Merlin’s lack of enthusiasm for killing things, as the boy is rather soft hearted, and there are plenty of others who find such things gruesome. While Arthur can’t relate himself, he certainly understands. What he doesn't understand is Merlin being the physician's apprentice and still having a problem with blood and entrails.

While yes it’s not as if Merlin has to assist Gaius with surgeries daily, births are fairly common and they involve a lot of blood and… goop. Arthur had seen a birth once. He walked into Giaus’ chambers one day looking for his wayward manservant, he hadn’t knocked before entering, and now that image is forever scarred into his brain. Ugh. Rather ironic for a knight to be perturbed by such things, but deaths on the battlefield are almost always by blade and very rarely is it a wound bad enough to disembowel.

But Merlin sees injuries and human innards much more often than the average person. It’s so odd that he can’t stomach seeing an animal gutted. Luckily for the servant, Percival is well versed with gutting animals and doesn’t mind taking on the task. The first time he had seen Merlin nearly get sick trying to gut a boar he had offered to help and has taken over ever since.

Once the fire catches the other knights start to gather around, the sun is still in the sky but the little warmth it had brought in the noon is slipping away quickly as it makes its descent further behind the trees. Merlin stands up and flitters about unsure of what to do, he always gets like this when Percy is preparing their catch. He has already seen to the horses and helped Arthur out of his leathers, there isn’t really anything for him to do while they wait for the large knight to be done.

The knights make small talk, some eyeing Merlin fondly as he fiddles about. The servant finally settles on retrieving the wineskins from the horses, having packed extra on Arthur’s request to have an enjoyable hunting trip and forget about the citadel for a while, no reason in particular. They had more than enough to last them the trip.

It takes Percy quite a while to finish as it’s a rather large buck and once he’s done the sun is nearly fully set with only a few rays of light peeking through the tree line. Merlin thanks the large man, the knight ruffles his hair kindly, telling him as always he’s happy to help him out. Merlin gets to work right away preparing their dinner.

By the time Merlin is done, the sun can no longer be seen, the sky a dark blue but not quite black yet, leaving only the brightest stars shining in the sky for the moment. The crickets have started their night song along with an owl far in the distance barely loud enough to be heard over the crackling of the fire.

They are all starting to feel the effects of the wine, even Merlin who had made sure not to drink too much lest it impede his workflow.

They take their time eating their supper, amiably sharing stories and jests while sobering up a tad as they fill their stomachs. There’s enough for everyone to have seconds with how large the buck was and by the time they are finished the wine is freely flowing again.

It is unlike Sir Leon to drink too much but tonight seems to be the exception as he is regaling the knights of the time Lady Catrina had wooed the King, only for her to be revealed as a troll.

Arthur couldn’t find it in himself to stop the story, if he’s honest, it was rather amusing, especially to his currently wine-addled brain. Merlin and Gwaine have tears in their eyes from laughing so hard and Elyan has a look of clear disbelief on his face.

“I swear! They were tusks!” Leon slurs slightly, motioning with his hands the size of said tusks. His movement is reminiscent of what an old fisherman does when talking about his biggest catch.

“It’s true,” Arthur adds grinning and Elyan’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise, “And…” the prince pauses leaning in to build the tension, the others lean in eagerly. The only sound that can be heard is the crackling of the fire and the nightlife of the forest, “He laid with her.”

Laughter and gasps erupt loudly into the quiet night, Gwaine falls backward off the log he’s sat on and Merlin is nearly dragged back with him, cackling with laughter. Lancelot puts a hand on Arthur’s shoulder to steady himself as laughter racks his chest.

Arthur chuckles and takes another sip of wine, “You didn't hear it from me though, he’ll have our heads if he knows I’ve told you all.”

Leon continues the story and eventually, they break into smaller conversations. Arthur chimes in here and there but he has always preferred to listen to the others, he’s never been the best at storytelling.

It doesn’t take long for Arthur to notice how close Gwaine is sitting to Merlin, but unlike usual, it’s not bothering him. Perhaps it's because Merlin has said he is his, not that Arthur really even knows if he meant it or was just saying it for the heat of the moment.

While he has always been rather protective of Merlin the knights have come to understand that he is Arthur’s. And on a level, he knows Gwaine understands that too, even with how touchy and flirty he is with the boy. Gwaine had come to Arthur when he had learned of the spell Merlin was hit with, and he had even told Arthur that he was the one who needed to help Merlin. And to be fair Gwaine is like that with everyone, just more so with Merlin as they’re so close.

The two have their heads close together and mischievous looks about them, Arthur nearly rolls his eyes, trouble tends to follow Merlin around and it seems trouble is Gwaine’s middle name. It’s just like them trying to pull some silly prank or conjure up some asinine scheme to enact once they get back at the citadel.

Then it happens.

It’s almost like it happens in slow motion, the two laugh together at something Merlin says when Gwaine pats Merlin’s shoulder saying something too low to be heard. Merlin’s eyes flash pink.

The two freeze, Merlin’s cheeks that are already flushed from the effects of the alcohol, slowly flush deeper, all the way to the tips of his ears. Gwaine stares dumbfounded for a moment before a sly grin makes its way onto his face. The knight reaches up to Merlin’s chin making the boy look at him.

Arthur snarls, suddenly standing in front of the pair. “I need to talk to you, now.” His tone gains the attention of the other knights.

Merlin tries to find his footing as Arthur practically drags him stumbling over his feet into the woods.

A few moments go by as the knights share confused looks, Gwaine keeps looking at the ground, brow furrowed.

“Anyone know what the hell that was about?” Lancelot asks worriedly.

No one speaks up, all just as confused. After a few moments, Gwaine breaks the strange unsure tension in the air.

“Welp,” He sighs as he makes to stand up, “I’m gonna make sure they don’t kill each other.” The knight leans from side to side stretching out his legs before turning to follow the two, “It might take a bit, I’ll be back.” He waves his hand dismissively before disappearing in the same direction.

The events of the last thirty seconds have sobered Merlin up quite a bit but he still stumbles as he’s dragged by the brutish prince.

“Ar-Arthur!” Merlin manages to pull out of Arthur’s grip.

The prince turns on Merlin, his expression is…calm?

No, not calm, deceptively calm, it’s the expression Arthur gets before he delivers a killing blow, so angry and ruthless it’s past the point of anger, it’s icy and cold and shut off.

His eyes give him away though, his predatory rumination almost hides the malevolent rage glinting in his gaze.

Merlin suddenly finds himself feeling like the deer Arthur had shot down earlier.

Arthur takes a step and a half, encroaching into the already small space that separates them. “What.” Arthur speaks slowly, annunciating each word clearly. “Did. He. Say.”

Merlin swallows, but the urge to disobey, to get a reaction out of Arthur, tickles his thoughts. He rarely gets to see Arthur this mad, how much further can he push him?

“Why?” Merlin lifts his chin in a challenge.

Arthur reaches out, grabbing the neck of Merlin's jacket and pulls, bringing them chest to chest. While they are practically the same height Arthur currently looms over him. “I am not playing Merlin.” But there’s a glimmer of something that wasn’t there before, it’s daring Merlin to push further.

“And if I am?” The corner of his mouth quirks coyly.

“Then I’ll have to remind you who is in charge,” Arthur growls before descending on Merlin’s mouth.

It’s hot and aggressive and everything Merlin wants from Arthur. The prince is forceful with every movement he makes, he grips Merlin’s hair while the hand holding his jacket slides around to the small of his back, forcing their bodies even closer together. Merlin brings his hands to Arthur’s chest and twists his fingers into the soft fabric.

Arthur’s leg makes its way between Merlin’s thighs and the servant instinctually grinds against it. A low and breathy moan escapes Merlin unbidden and Arthur drinks it in as he bites at his best friend’s lower lip.

Arthur makes quick work of Merlin’s neckerchief letting it fall to the ground, quickly followed by the servant’s jacket. Merlin’s tongue is demanding and aggressive against his as he refuses to fully submit to the prince.

There’s the smallest snapping of a twig and Arthur’s eyes shoot open but he doesn't detach from his servant. Over Merlin’s shoulder, he can see Gwaine approaching, though the knight stops once he’s seen.

They lock eyes, a grin forms on Gwaine’s face as the knight raises his eyebrows. Arthur narrows his eyes and slides his hand from the small of Merlin’s back down to his arse where he unabashedly gropes while still snogging Merlin silly, not looking away from the knight.

“Aw come on princess,” Gwaine’s voice floats through the air and Merlin freezes, clearly unaware that the knight had made an appearance. Merlin tries to pull away from Arthur but the prince’s hold doesn't let him get far. “You never learn to share?” There’s a smugness in Gwaine’s voice that’s just rather natural to the man but Arthur can see the teasing gleam in his eyes.

But No. Being a prince, Arthur has never had to share anything a day in his life, not even with Morgana. If they both wanted something they both got their own, never forced to share.

Merlin tries to turn around to face the knight but Arthur’s hold in his hair prevents him, he stubbornly glares at the prince.

“A prince never has to share.”

The words have Merlin’s heart skip a beat. It's one thing for Arthur to be possessive with him in their own time since he knows Merlin likes it, but in front of someone else? Drops of hope trickle through Merlin’s well built walls.

Gwaine chuckles and takes a few more steps forward but stops before getting in their personal space. “Don't worry princess, I'm not here to infringe. I know he’s yours.” Gwaine raises his hands placatingly.

Arthur and Merlin both tense at the knight's words but neither makes to correct him.

“I’m just offering to help,” he pauses for a moment trying to gauge both Arthur and Merlin’s reactions, not that he can get much out of Merlin with the lad facing the opposite way. When Arthur doesn’t blow up like Gwaine half expected him to, he continues. “Who better to help than someone who already knows about the spell? And if I get to fool around with my obnoxiously attractive best mates? Well, it’s a win-win.”

Once he gets over his initial shock, Arthur mulls over the proposal. His thoughts bring him to a startling realization, he doesn’t dislike the idea, it's actually a rather intriguing proposal. The way he phrased it ‘fooling around’ it’s not anything serious. And with that thought comes the revelation that Arthur doesn't want to share Merlin emotionally. He doesn't want to share his soft smiles, lingering touches, and night talks by the hearth in his chambers. He doesn't want to share his… affection.

Merlin squirms against his hold drawing Arthur’s attention back. His servant's eyes are wide and questioning. Arthur flicks his gaze back to Gwaine who raises a questioning brow at him.

Arthur isn’t too thick to recognize that Gwaine is a very attractive man, hell anyone can see the way he practically oozes sex appeal just by breathing. And he trusts Gwaine, with his life, he knows he wouldn’t step out of bounds on something as serious as Merlin.

He glances back down to Merlin, and as always Merlin knows exactly what he’s asking without even having to say anything, he gives a little nod of his head, his cheeks a brilliant red even in the darkness.

He looks up to Gwaine who now has a rather large grin on his face.

“First,” Arthur says, voice authoritative, “what did you say to him?”

Gwaine's smile drops a fraction in lieu of confusion, “You didn’t ask Merls?”

Merlin, is being an obstinate brat.”

Merlin has to fight down his smile, he loves his ability to rile up the prince so easily.

Gwaine snorts, “Can’t say I’m surprised. But it wasn’t anything obscene, I was explaining how Percival and I could very easily sneak food from the kitchens using a hook and some rope, a terrific idea by the way, but Merls disagreed, so I said, and I quote ‘come on Birdie, it's a good idea’. Then his eyes flashed pink, it was actually rather startling at first.”

It’s a nickname the knight had come up with ages ago some drunken evening in the tavern when they were all playing games. Originally it was to tease Merlin but later on became more like a term of endearment.

It does give Merlin butterflies when Gwain calls him that, but it’s more like the flutter of an individual butterfly’s wings rather than the raging swarm Arthur is so easily able to conjure.

That… is not nearly as bad as what Arthur had imagined, what was left of his jealousness fades away with the new information. Arthur puts on his contemplating face before looking back to Merlin, making sure he is indeed okay with this idea. Merlin nods once again.

Excitement buzzes through Merlin’s limbs, he can not believe this is actually about to happen. Being shared between two of the most attractive knights in Camelot? This is the kind of fantasy he hadn't even entertained knowing it was so unbelievable, but damn is he going to make the best of this. His cock is eagerly filling out again just from the thought of it.

Arthur looks back to Gwaine, the knight must see something on his face because he is grinning confidently, but he waits for a verbal answer.

“Alright.” Arthur sounds like he’s conceding but both Gwaine and Merlin know him too well, they can see the intrigued hunger in his gaze.

Not wasting any time Arthur goes back to kissing Merlin but he keeps his eyes on Gwaine as he approaches, whose bulge is already visible in his pants.

Merlin kisses back, tongue sliding against his. He tenses, tightening his hands in Arthur’s shirt as he hears Gwaine’s footsteps approach from behind. It’s a mix of anticipation and excited nerves. The knight makes sure to sidestep Merlin’s discarded jacket and neckerchief as he moves closer.

Arthur’s hand that’s grabbing Merlin’s arse loosens and slides up under his shirt, along the side of his ribs, to give Gwaine room. The prince’s fingers ghost against his skin in small easy caresses. The hand in his hair tightens fractionally as Merlin feels a new pair of large hands on his clothed hips.

“This okay with you Merls?” Gwain’s voice is soft and warm against his ear, sending shivers down his body he doesn't even try to hide.

Arthur pulls back a fraction so Merlin can answer. The boy's eyes are lidded, pupils blown wide. “More than okay.” His voice comes out scratchier than he would like.

With that Gwaine closes the distance between his body and Merlin’s, the knight moves his mouth to Merlin’s neck placing small kisses. Gwaine grinds his already growing erection against Merlin’s arse, the movement causes Merlin’s hips to move forward and rub against Arthur’s, their clothed cocks brushing against each other. Merlin moans needily, unsure if he should cant his hips forward or backward.

Merlin's eyes flash pink for the second time that night and they can all see as the light reflects off of Arthur’s face.

Gwaine smiles and slides one of his hands from Merlin’s hip to Arthur’s, further entraping Merlin between them. Arthur’s gaze meets his at the contact, Gwaine winks and slides his thumb under his shirt causing the prince to roll his eyes.

Merlin is quickly becoming a panting mess trapped between the two knights, mind getting hazed with steadfast desire, his knees already a little wobbly.

Arthur and Gwaine thrust forward at the same time and Merlin moans at the sensation, the two strong, sturdy bodies, slowly working themselves against him.

Gwaine grunts in reply to Merlin’s whine and Arthur shouldn’t find the sound as enticing as he does. The prince grinds purposefully into Merlin pushing him back against Gwaine and the knight’s hand tightens on Arthur’s hip as he nips at Merlin’s neck. They fall into a steady rhythm meeting thrust for thrust as Merlin quivers between them rocking back and forth with what little room he has.

Their cocks are straining against their trousers almost painfully at this point, Arthur knows they could get Merlin to cum like this but he doesn’t want to waste this opportunity, and he’s rather eager to prove to Gwaine that he can indeed share.

Arthur slides the hand in Merlin’s hair down to his shoulder and separates from Merlin’s mouth, the servant whines at the separation as the prince takes half a step back and spins Merlin around. The movement causes Gwaine to look up in a moment of confusion as Arthur presses himself against Merlin’s arse and starts lapping at the side of the servant's neck Gwaine had not been giving attention.

There’s a brief moment of Gwaine and Merlin locking gazes. Gwaine flicks his eyes to Arthur’s, a silent request.

Arthur is pleasantly surprised at the action. Gwaine looking to him for permission to touch his Merlin, he’s giving all the power, the control, to the prince. It's a heady feeling, holding the reins to his two most rebellious friends. He has the power to deny the knight, to tell him no. But, Arthur’s want is growing by the second and he wouldn’t deny Merlin like that.

Arthur nods to the knight before going back to Merlin’s neck, grinding his cock against the crease of Merlin’s arse.

Even with Arthur’s permission Gwaine is uncharacteristically hesitant as he leans in to kiss Merlin. The knight’s lips are rougher than Arthur’s and his facial hair prickles against Merlin’s skin but he tastes of the same spiced wine they had been drinking.

With a particularly rough nip on his neck from Arthur, Merlin gasps and Gwaine uses that moment to deepen the kiss, bringing one hand to the side of Merlin’s face. Merlin briefly muses how the duo’s innate coordination seems to go further than the battlefield.

Where Arthur’s mouth feels like flames, demanding explosions of fiery hunger that sear into his flesh, Gwaine’s is more like a languid river that despite its fallow currents still threatens to drown him, leaving Merlin gasping for air.

Gwaine uses his hand on Merlin’s face to tilt his head to the side giving Arthur better access to his pale neck. Gwaine pushes forward groaning as his prick meets Merlin’s, Arthur grunts in response as Merlin is pushed against his throbbing erection.

Arthur snakes his hands around Merlin’s waist and starts blindly pulling at the laces on his trousers. Gwaine breaks off from Merlin’s mouth feeling Arthur’s hands between him and Merlin, the knight moves to the unoccupied side of Merlin’s neck and places light kisses on the underside of his jaw, the servant's head lolls back onto Arthur’s shoulder.

Merlin’s trousers fall to the ground with a rustling of fabric; the cool night air forces goosebumps to erupt on his skin.

“Still okay with this, Birdie?” Gwaine asks, panting against his jaw. The knight moves his hands back to Merlin’s waist, slipping under his shirt this time just above where Arthur’s hands now lay.

Yes.” Merlin’s voice is terser than the knight had expected “If one of you doesn’t fuck me soon I’m going to burst into flames.”

Gwaine snorts and Merlin can feel Arthur smile against his neck.

Gwaine leans back just enough to see the prince. “Is he always this impatient?”


Arthur and Merlin answer at the same time and Gwaine’s grin only grows.

Arthur, quickly growing tired of conversing since there are much better things to be doing, pulls Merlin’s smalls down with no warning, earning him a yelp from his manservant.

His embarrassment is short lived though when Gwaine runs his calloused hands down from his waist, stroking over Arthur’s hands on the way down, to the front of Merlin’s thighs, eyes enraptured on his best mate’s stiff, leaking cock.

It’s as a bead of precum dribbles down that Gwaine comes to a realization, “Ah shit- I don’t, I don’t have any-”

“Well it’s a good thing I do then” Arthur interrupts fishing the vial of oil out of his pocket.

“Always prepared, ey princess?” Gwaine chuckles.

“Have to be with someone as insatiable as him.” Arthur nods his head to Merlin as he jests. The prince takes a step back untying the laces of his own breeches. Gwaine looks over at the movement before looking down to his own trousers then back to Arthur.

At Arthur’s nod of approval Gwaine starts on his own laces but his hands are batted away by Merlin who makes quick work of the knot. Gwaine steps out of his breeches and Merlin slides his slim fingers along the top of his small clothes, he looks up through his lashes at the knight teasingly.

“You’re lucky princess, to be undressed by Merls every day.” Gwaine smirks but his eyes don’t leave the servant.

Merlin interjects, his voice filled with mock offense. “I’ll have you know I’m very professional when attending to my duties.” He leans forward placing soft kisses against Gwaine’s clavicle, just to the side of his necklace.

Oh please.” Arthur guffaws as he finally steps out of his trousers.

Gwaine chuckles, moving to grab the bottom of Merlin’s shirt, he’s about to lift it over the boy's head when he thinks better. He looks over to Arthur. With another nod of permission, Gwaine hauls Merlin’s tunic over his head smoothly only musing his hair slightly.

With his shirt discarded and now fully nude, Merlin slides Gwaine’s smalls down, his prick springs free and bounces for a moment.

Arthur, having discarded his smalls as well, presses back up against Merlin’s back, cock head leaving smears of precum on his porcelain skin.

When Gwaine looks over to see Arthur fully erect he nearly scoffs but stops himself. “Is there anything your not good at princess?”

Arthur just shoots him a cocky smile.

Merlin nearly laughs but it’s not like Gwaine has anything to complain about, he looks just a tad shorter than Arthur but certainly thicker all around.

Merlin moves back to kiss and lick at Gwaine’s neck who looks at Arthur not exactly sure how the prince wants to do this.

“As you were.” Arthur’s voice is gravelly as he spreads oil on his fingers.

Oh, yeah Gwaine is more than okay with that idea. Running a hand through Merlin’s hair he pulls the boy from his neck and presses their bodies together, bare cocks dragging against each other.

Merlin lets out a filthy moan that has Gwaine’s cock twitching against his, Gwaine brings their lips together again to drink in Merlin's sounds.

Fuck Birdie, you sing so prettily.” Gwain groans into Merlin’s mouth, grinding his hips forward again.

Merlin keens and his eyes flutter at the praise when he feels his cheeks being spread. Arthur’s oiled finger rubs his entrance, spreading the slippery substance substantially.

“Relax,” Arthur’s voice rumbles as he places kisses on the nape of his neck.

Gwaine can feel as Merlin relaxes his muscles against his body. The servant’s breath hitches against his mouth as Arthur inserts a finger.

It’s not the best angle with them standing but Arthur makes do, careful not to hurt Merlin.

The oil and finger are cool as Arthur pushes into Merlin’s arse. Merlin’s head is so blissfully fuzzy he can barely keep himself up on his feet. It only takes a few strokes before Arthur adds a second finger. It’s a slight sting but one Merlin has recently grown accustomed to.

Merlin cracks his eyes open and moves a hand to Gwaine’s hair, it’s just as silky as it looks. Gwaine’s voice rumbles out in show of his pleasure and the sound goes straight to Merlin’s cock.

Merlin’s mouth becomes more aggressive against Gwaine’s as the servant runs his fingers through the knight's hair over and over. Their cocks are quickly starting to become slippery as their precum mixes together, dripping down their shafts as they continuously grind against one another.

Merlin shivers as he feels Arthur’s teeth softly scrape against the top of his spine.

As bad as Gwaine wants to reach down and stroke them off together, he doesn’t. He’ll wait, he wants to see Merlin being filled, to hear the sounds he’ll make.

Arthur adds a third finger and Merlin sucks in a breath between his teeth at the sting. “There you go Merlin,” Arthur praises as he rubs his own erection against Merlin’s leg.


Mmm good job Birdie, letting princess stretch you out so nicely.” Gwaine’s voice is low and lustful.

Arthur takes his time with the third finger making sure Merlin is properly prepared. The prince watches as his knight and servant lick into each other's mouths exchanging groans and nips. Gwaine looks over, feeling eyes on him, he smiles against Merlin’s mouth and turns the servant's head slightly, giving Arthur a better view.

Fuck.” Arthur groans as he grinds his straining prick against Merlin’s leg again, the movement roughly pushing Merlin against Gwaine.

They both groan at the extra pressure as their bodies press together.

It only takes a few more strokes of his fingers before Merlin starts trying to work himself on the slippery digits.

“Okay,” Arthur says as he draws his fingers from inside of Merlin, earning a distressed sound from his servant.

Much to Gwaine’s and Merlin’s surprise the prince spins Merlin around again.

The knight's eyes go comically wide with shock and Arthur can't help but smirk victoriously.

“What?” Arthur’s voice is laced with amusement as he brings a hand to Merlin’s chin, he flicks his gaze back to Gwaine. “Just because I’ve never had to share doesn’t mean I don’t know how.”

Merlin chuckles but Gwaine just stares baffled.

“You’re sure princess?”

“Well you are the guest.”

Gwaine snorts, running his hands over Merlin’s arse and Merlin pushes back into his touch.

“Okay with you, Birdie?”

“Gwaine, I swear if you don’t fuck me right now I will march back to our camp and get another knight.”

Merlin!” Arthur growls out, tightening his hand on the boy's chin. “Stop being a brat. Do you want another punishment? We can teach you some patience if you so desire.” Arthur reprimands, voice authoritative as if he’s scolding a knight at practice.

Gwaine chuckles, “tsk tsk, better behave Birdie. I don’t want to have to wait any longer.” He half-teases.

Merlin pouts at Arthur before turning his head to the side just enough to barely see Gwaine. “I’m sorry Sir Knight. I’ll behave.” His voice lilts teasingly yet the sincerity behind his words is clear.

Fucking Hell Merls.” Gwaine groans, his cock giving a very interested twitch.

Even though it wasn’t directed at him, Merlin's words still make Arthur’s stomach flutter.

“Bend at your waist.” Arthur demands and Merlin is quick to comply, giving Gwaine a brilliant view of his slicked up hole.


The knight’s eyes dart up to the princess.

“Here.” Arthur tosses him the vial of oil that he easily catches.

“And you.” Arthur narrows his eyes at Merlin. The prince slides his thumb into his servant's mouth to hold his jaw open lest he snark back, “Behave.”

Gwaine watches amusedly as he oils up his prick.

Arthur leads Merlin’s mouth to his cock which he happily takes into his mouth.

The salty taste of precum coats his tongue as he greedily starts sucking, earning a hiss from the prince. Arthur brings a hand to his hair and grips tightly. Merlin puts his hands on Arthur’s thighs to keep his balance. The raven moves up and down his shaft eagerly, wanting to be good for his knights. He’ll have time to misbehave later.

When he still doesn’t feel Gwaine behind him, he wiggles his hips in an invitation.

He can hear Gwaine chuckle from behind him before he speaks, “So impatient Birdie, I’m just admiring how pretty you look like this.” The knight kneads at his cheeks and Merlin can feel some of the oil seep out of him.

Merlin hums around Arthur’s cock, pleased by the words. Then he feels the blunt head of Gwaine pressing against his hole.

Gwaine slowly pushes his cock against Merlin until the muscle gives, allowing him entrance. Merlin is hot and tight around the head of his cock and Gwaine groans at the pleasure that shoots up his spine.

A muffled sound comes from the servant as his mouth slows down on Arthur’s prick, taking in the feeling of being filled.

Gwaine slides in languidly, giving time for Merlin to adjust. Arthur is careful not to thrust forward as to not accidentally push Merlin too far onto Gwaine’s cock too soon.

Arthur’s muscles are tense as he fights the urge to thrust forward as Merlin slows his pace down. His lips had looked good pulled around the gag before but they look so much better stretched around his cock.

Gwaine finally manages to bottom out, his thighs meeting Merlin’s.

Merlin releases a drawn out wine from the back of his throat, panting around Arthur’s cock that is currently resting hot and heavy on his tongue.

Arthur tightens his hold on Merlin’s hair in an attempt to keep still since Merlin has stopped his moving, adjusting to Gwaine’s thickness. Merlin’s eyes are scrunched shut, his breaths coming out of his nose in hot puffs that brush against the half of Arthur’s cock not in the servants’s mouth.

Arthur glances at Gwaine who is clearly in a similar situation, doing his best not to move, giving Merlin time to adjust, his muscles taught and jaw set, lidded eyes observing where he and Merlin are connected.

Arthur moves his hand not in Merlin’s hair to his servant’s face, he strokes his thumb against his cheek soothingly. The raven melts into his touch, body relaxing and Gwaine sucks in a breath he hadn’t even been aware he was holding.

Merlin’s eyes flutter open, glassy and dazed as he looks up at Arthur.

“Alright?” Arthur asks.


The tone of Merlin’s hum is clearly pleasant as he leans further into Arthur’s touch before wiggling his arse again, telling Gwaine to move.

Gwaine grips at Merlin’s little arse as he shakes it teasingly. The knight nearly pulls all the way out before rolling his hips forward in a steady but forceful motion.

Merlin moans loudly around Arthur’s cock, the sound vibrates through the prince’s body.

Shit.” Arthur groans out, tightening his hand in Merlin’s tresses again. He moves his hand from Merlin’s face to his shoulder in an attempt to keep him steady. Merlin starts to suck and lick at Arthur’s throbbing cock again. He’s trying his best to bob his head but Gwaine’s thrusts keep throwing him off his rhythm. Not that the knight is going particularly quickly, Merlin’s just never been a rhythmic person.

Fuck Birdie you feel so good. Your hole is already clenching around me, begging for more, must want it pretty badly hmm?” Gwaine asks breathily from behind him as he continues the fluid rolls of his hips, cock sliding in and out, in and out, over and over again in smooth motions thanks to the oil.

Arthur flicks his gaze back to the knight. His chest is heaving with his panting breath, his eyes are still hooded but he’s looking at Arthur this time, watching as Merlin glides his mouth along Arthur’s length clumsily. Their gazes lock and Gwaine smiles and blows a kiss with his lips. Arthur is barely able to hide the laughter that bubbles up in his chest at the ridiculousness of the situation, but his amused smile is obvious for the knight to see.

It’s when Gwaine thrusts forward again that Merlin practically yowls, thankfully he’s muffled by Arthur’s spit slicked prick. The knight moans in response to Merlin’s noise whereas Arthur chuckles as the servant’s muscles tighten around him.

“Feel good does it?” Arthur brushes the damp hair off of Merlin’s forehead.

Nnn” Merlin does his best to nod given his current position.

Gwaine’s thrusts pick up a little speed and Merlin quickly becomes a mewling mess, spittle dripping down his chin as he mouths along Arthur’s cock. With Gwaine increasing his speed the squelching noises of the oil become more obscene. And Arthur has to restrain himself from fucking into Merlin’s throat.

Mmm. like being filled from both ends?” Arthur continues, “Being shared between the two of us? Is that why you’re finally fucking behaving tonight? Were you cranky because you needed to be filled up?” Arthur accentuates his point with a small roll of his hips.

Merlin continues his sultry whimpering and Arthur can't help but thrust into his servant’s mouth.
The raven keens as he slides his tongue around Arthur’s girth. Gwaine thrusts a little harder and Merlin is shoved further onto Arthur’s cock.

Merlin makes a slight choking noise that has Arthur’s desire flare under his skin.

With each of Gwaine’s thrusts Merlin gets shoved onto Arthur’s cock and the servant feels so full. He feels as Gwaine moves his hands from his arse, his calloused hands dragging across his skin before settling on his hips where he grips before increasing his speed further.

Merlin sees stars as Gwaine brushes against his prostate again. Merlin thrashes as pleasure shoots through him. Arthur thrusts again into his mouth and Merlin chokes again the smallest amount but it feels so good, pleasuring both Arthur and Gwaine, making them feel good, being theirs to use, theirs to make an utter mess of.

With each increasingly harsh thrust of Gwaine’s Merlin lets out more and more little mewling moans that vibrate through Arthur’s prick and he shoves his cock further into his servant's mouth chasing his growing tipping point.

Merlin feels so full he feels like he could burst. His magic is fighting to be released, there’s no space inside him for anything other than the two knights and he has to clench his muscles to keep it from bursting out of him.

Gwaine hits that spot inside him dead on in a sensual roll of his hips and Merlin cums with a shout, his spend spurting onto the leaf covered ground below him.

His muscles contract in tight spasms around Gwaine and the knight’s thrusts become frantic as he chases his release.

Merlin’s eyes scrunch shut as he cums, but he still doesn’t stop sucking on Arthur’s cock, in fact the suction becomes even greater, almost unbearable. Arthur moans lowly and his sound is echoed by the knight who throws his head back.

Shit, gonna fill you up so much Birdie. You’ll be dripping with our seed.” Gwaine moans. He tightens his hands on Merlin until they are near bruising before pulling Merlin onto his cock, working the boy to meet his thrusts.

Gwaine nearly pulls Merlin off the prince’s cock and Merlin frantically increases the pressure of his mouth, as if trying to keep Arthur’s prick from escaping.

Merlin.” Arthur warns as his balls tighten but Merlin swirls his tongue and the prince is gone, cum filling his servant's mouth. A gruff broken groan leaves Arthur’s mouth and it pushes Gwaine over the edge.

Arthur looks over to see Gwaine’s lips parted, eyes locked on Merlin’s arse as the knight's arm muscles flex as he fills the raven.

Merlin is vaguely aware of the hot fluid filling him up. Everything feels so far away, the only sensations he can feel are those from the knights and even then they seem slightly muted, even his magic feels far away as he floats in an ethereal lake of bliss.

They all stand there for a few moments panting for air. Arthur is the first one to withdraw, a string of saliva connects his spent prick to Merlin’s mouth as he pulls out. Gwaine takes another moment before following, cum trickles out of Merlin’s hole once he extracts himself and Merlin gives a small throaty whine.

Gwaine is quick to clean himself off before putting his trousers back on. When he looks back Arthur has also cleaned himself and is currently pulling his breeches up, meanwhile, Merlin is standing there looking dazed and confused as cum drips down his thighs.

“Oh Birdie,” Gwaine coos walking over to the still fully nude young man. Merlin turns his head to look at him but his eyes are hazy and far away. “It’s okay, we’ll get you cleaned up.” He runs a hand through Merlin’s hair.

“That is,” Gwaine pauses, looking at Arthur who is watching them, “If you’d like me to help you with the aftercare? I’ll take no offense if you say no.”

There’s another pause before Arthur speaks up slightly unsure, “Aftercare?”

Gwaine’s eyes go wide with shock but his surprise is quickly tamped down by anger. A million thoughts fly through his mind at once, most being on behalf of Merlin.

Gwaine takes a deep breath trying to calm his sudden anger. “I suppose they didn’t teach you about it in etiquette lessons.” His voice is terser than he intended. “I mean I understand,” Gwaine sighs, “it’s not your fault you didn't know, and it’s not in the book, how could you have known.” Gwaine brushes his hand through Merlin’s hair again, the servant's eyes flutter as he pushes into the touch.

“What the hell are you talking about?” Arthur can’t help but be offended at the implication that his upbringing was somehow lacking.

Easy princess, I’m just here to help, remember?” Gwaine gives him a stern but meaningful look.

Some of the anger fades from Arthur’s stance but he still looks a bit on edge.

Gwaine continues, not willing to let them walk away without this information, “Aftercare is when you, well, care afterwards, for people who, like Merls, get so into it. They tend to become especially vulnerable and can even get heartsick. It happens from being so happy and blissed out only for those feelings to fade too quickly.”

Gwaine looks back at the boy, still hazed in a fog of pleasure. A pang of pity throbs in his chest at the knowledge he hasn’t been getting what he needs.

“That’s-” Arthur is going to say 'ridiculous' when Gwaine shoots him a lethal glare that has him shutting his mouth. The prince looks at Merlin, he does look, well, he looks quite ravished, but he does seem like perhaps he isn’t all there. But how- Arthur doesn’t even know- he doesn’t want Merlin to get heartsick.

Gwaine must be able to see Arthur’s turmoil because he speaks up, his face softening a bit.

“I can show you if you’d like, or I can-” Gwaine stops mid-sentence knowing Arthur wouldn’t like to be told what to do, “explain what to do.”

Merlin nuzzles into his hand again as his motions have slowed down.

“Show me.” Arthur says, taking only a minor hit to his pride. He can’t help it, even though Gwaine is a little older and much more experienced with these things, for him a prince to be lacking in any way, it’s shameful.

“Alright, if I step over any lines or you want me to stop, I’ll gladly let you take over, princess.” Gwaine assures before pulling Merlin’s naked body into his chest.

Merlin nuzzles softly into him.

“It’s alright Birdie, we’ve got you.” Gwaine pets his hair for a few moments letting the boy relax against him. “Gotta clean you out alright?”

Merlin hums distantly and Gwaine pulls a hankie out of his pocket.

“I’ll do it.” Arthur walks over. He hadn’t meant to interrupt so quickly but he had promised he’d show Merlin how to do it himself last time. Even though Merlin looks in no way able to retain any information the least Arthur can do is do it for him.

Gwaine easily agrees and Arthur kneels down and starts cleaning Merlin out. It's a strange feeling to clean Merlin of someone else's spend, but it’s strange in a way that has Arthur worried he might have just discovered one of his own kinks.

Gwaine coos and praises Merlin as Arthur does his work.

Once the servant is as clean as he is going to get without a bath, Arthur pulls his smalls and trousers up. He does what he can with the laces but they look rather messy as he has little practice with such things.

Arthur takes a step back watching how Gwaine is being so soft with Merlin. It stirs something in Arthur. His revelation from earlier coming back in full force, his desire not to share Merlin emotionally. But it’s Gwaine and he needs to see what this ‘aftercare’ is.

“Alright Birdie, arms up.”

Merlin half heartedly raises his arms allowing Gwaine to slide the fabric over him.

Merlin seems a bit more with it now but he still doesn’t seem like he’s all there. It’s strange to see his usual sharp best friend so… sated?

Gwaine sits back and pulls Merlin into his chest. The servant follows, his brow furrowed in confusion.

“It’s alright Birdie.” Gwaine purrs, soothing his hands over Merlin’s cheeks the way one might do with a cat.

Merlin melts into the touch.

This is… strange. Merlin is aware of everything but it feels so far away and fuzzy. He’s still weightlessly floating somewhere just out of reach but Gwaine’s rough hands keep grounding him.

Merlin leans against Gwaine, resting his face in the crook of the knight's neck. His arms are warm around him as the cold of the night air starts to creep its way into his bliss.

Arthur watches as Gwaine hugs and practically cuddles Merlin, praising him all the while.

There’s a moment of silence as Gwaine just enjoys the solid weight of his best mate against him. It’s comforting.

Arthur breaks the silence when he asks incredulously, “This is aftercare?”

“Yes. Some people like or need certain things and dislike others. It’s about what your partner needs.”

Arthur suddenly feels awkward and hot and unsure.

“So I’m meant to coddle him? Like some sort of child?”

Merlin tenses in Gwaine’s arms but the knight holds onto him steadily.

“Arthur!” Gwaine seethes loudly, uncaring if he’s heard by their comrades now.

Gwaine calling him by his name rather than ‘princess’ catches him off guard but he’s quick to recover. “Well look what you’re doing! You’re cuddling him!” Arthur sneers, his heart starts pounding a bit quicker.

There’s a moment of tense silence as Gwaine comes to a realization. One of these days he’s going to smack this stubborn prat of a prince upside his head.

“You do it.”


“You’ve seen me do it, you do it for him now.”

Arthur’s heart picks up a little more.

“What?! Absolutely not.”

“Princess you’re gonna have to. If not tonight then next time, otherwise he-”

“He’s been fine this whole time!”

“How would you know!” Gwaine shouts back. Merlin curls in on himself a bit more, the uncomfortable tight feeling from yesterday reappearing in his chest as the blissful feeling fades away so quickly he almost feels like he’s falling.

“Because I kno-”

“No princess! Have you asked him?! Have you asked him how he feels about this? That he has to sleep with someone! Or that he trusted you enough with this only for you to be too dense to even give him a fucking hug?! He was so worried about ‘using’ you when you’re the one using him and this damn spell for your own satisfaction!”

Merlin abruptly stands up, so quickly that it makes him a little dizzy. His legs wobble from their recent activities but he shakes it off. “Stop it! Both of you!” His voice is hoarse and angry but strong all the same.

Both of the knights eyebrows go up in shock.

He points an accusing finger at Arthur, “Don't assume you know how I feel.” He turns to point at Gwaine, “And I am not going to force Arthur to do something he finds uncomfortable.”

“It’s a damn hug.” Gwaine scoffs.

“It makes him uncomfortable!”

“So uncomfortable that he is going to risk you getting heartsick and depressed?!” Gwaine takes a deep breath that turns into a sigh, his features morph into something sad, “Why is his comfort more important than yours?”

“That’s enough Gwaine.” Merlin hisses.

“If you’re not going to look out for yourself then I’m going to do it for you!” Gwaine takes another breath as Merlin looks away, face pained. “Merls, I don’t want to see you get hurt.”

“I know.” Merlin's reply is quiet, nearly a whisper in the air between the three of them.

“I’m not going to hur-” Arthur pipes up again but Merlin cuts him off.

“Don’t Arthur. Not right now.”

There’s an awkward pause for a few moments, the only sound around them the crickets melodically chirping away.

Gwaine runs a hand through his hair as he looks between the two. “I’ll give you two a moment.” The knight takes a few steps back in the direction of the camp before turning around again. “If you need me just shout Merls, I’ll just be making sure my sword is extra sharp.”

Merlin’s mouth twitches. Arthur grumbles something but Gwaine’s fairly certain he hears the word ‘treason’.

With minutely easing the tension the knight makes his exit to their campsite.

The prince and his servant stand there awkwardly for a few moments.

Then a few more moments...

And then a few more.

It’s Merlin who speaks up first, turning back to face Arthur.

“I’m not going to make you do anything that makes you uncomfortable, Arthur.” Merlin sighs defeatedly, “I just, thought you should know that.”

Merlin turns and takes a few steps in the direction of the camp before Arthur calls out to him.


Merlin stops but doesn’t turn around.

“Have- have you been feeling like that? Like how Gwaine said.”

Arthur doesn’t need an answer from the way Merlin’s shoulders tense. Ever so easy to read but always still a mystery somehow.

Arthur continues before Merlin can try to lie, “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Merlin’s eyes start to sting with unshed tears. It’s not like him to cry this easily, perhaps Gwaine’s words have more credence than he originally believed.

He wants to answer Arthur truthfully, tell him that he just thought this feeling was the hurt of his affection never being able to be returned. That his yearning for something more intimate scared him because he knew Arthur would say no, that the prince wouldn’t want to do anything affectionate, anything soft.

“I told you before. I am not going to force you to do anything that makes you uncomfortable.”

“I can’t assume how you feel but you can assume how I feel?” Arthur asks tersely.

Merlin turns around to face the prince again, his eyes take a moment to find him in the dark. “Arthur, you’ve made it clear to me in the past how you feel about hugs. It’s fine, really.”

Arthur makes a noise Merlin can only describe as a frustrated growl as he stomps up to the servant.

Before Merlin can say anything Arthur wraps one arm around his waist and brings the other to Merlin's head before dragging the boy into his chest, shoving his head into the crook of his neck.

“Arthur!” Merlin thrashes in his arms but Arthur keeps his hold steady. “Let me go you prat! I don't want to make you do these things, stop being ridiculous, it’s fine just let me go.”

“Stop assuming how I feel.” Arthur’s voice is surprisingly calm next to Merlin's ear.


“You haven’t asked me, just like how I hadn’t asked you before. Stop assuming, you idiot.” Arthur manages to make the insult sound like an endearment.


Merlin.” Arthur’s voice is tired, not wanting to argue anymore.

“You promise it’s okay?” Merlin asks, his voice unsure, not emotionally prepared for either answer.


“You don’t mind?”


And Merlin wants to ask, wants to ask if Arthur wants to. But he doesn't.

“alright.” Merlin’s voice is small as he nuzzles into his neck, relaxing into Arthur’s hold.

Arthur feels his own body ease in turn, it’s…strange... strange but... warm.

Merlin’s initial terms of endearment ranking: 5
Merlin’s final terms of endearment ranking: 7
Merlin’s final threesome ranking: 8.9

Chapter End Notes

What I wanted to say (mentioned in the notes at the top) is that hugging and similar kinds of affection make Arthur feel uncomfortable as in awkward and unsure, not uncomfortable in a way where he truly doesn't want to. I Can assure you neither character will do anything they truly are unwilling to do. ~It’s why we got a safeword baby~
(And from the way Merlin was talking about it I can totally see it being interpreted the other way so I just wanted to make it super clear!)
Also, aftercare is important and isn't anything like coddling a child, Arthur's just a knob Lol.

I have discovered the word heartsick and GOD what a great word.

Starting today we will most likely have weekly updates from here on out!
(Unless I get done writing early and get too excited, it's more probable than you'd think lol) For now, I am going to be posting on Thursdays EST but that may change once my summer classes change into my fall classes.

If for whatever reason I can't update on a certain day I will do my best to give you guys a heads up the chapter before, if not I will absolutely post on my Tumblr, not that I'm planning for that to happen but ya know, just in case.

Also another mini teaser for next week: The spice gets turned up a LOT and today is not the last we see of Gwaine~ ;) (The mini spoiler in the top notes will still apply to next week's chapter as well don't worry)

As always thank you so much for reading! Any kinks or scenes you'd like to see lmk in the comments!


Brief synopsis: Quite a bit of angst, some verbal fighting where Arthur and Merlin assume each other's feelings for the worst. Gwaine sticks up for Merlin not wanting to see his friend's feelings get hurt. Arthur and Merlin finally learn about aftercare! They end up making up in the end, understanding not to assume the other's feelings. However, neither of them ask the BIG question aka the 'how do you feel about this?' (they're both still too scared of the answer)


Chapter Notes

.... Okay I know it's not Thursday. I just can't help myself. Can you guys tell I struggle to wait until Christmas to give people their gifts? Lmao.

-I know voyeurism is rarely consensual in fics but no need to worry about that here folks.

-Also, I promise the build up in this chapter is worth it for Merlin, I wouldn’t leave our boy hanging. <3

Also also, I do just want to add, for those who are interested, just because I don’t want to lead anyone on with how this chapter seems to lean, there will be no penetration between the knights, though there is a lot of… fondling.

Anyways, I uhm, ahem i- yeah- well…. I’ll see you in the bottom notes. Enjoy~

Gaining pleasure from watching sexual acts.

Merlins initial rating: 5

The rain thunders against the walls of the inn, the door rattles and creaks from the forceful gusts of wind that batter against the building.

“I’m so sorry, we only have a few rooms left.” The innkeep tells Arthur. She’s a frail woman in her early forties perhaps, hair tied back with a pale yellow cloth.

“But.” She goes on, “I’ll go ask some of the guests to vacate, I’m sure they’ll understand when they learn our knights are in need of rest.”

“Oh, no, please, that's not necessary.” Arthur answers quickly, “My men can share, there’s no need to go to such measures.”

While Arthur would rather not have to share a room, he wasn’t going to have the innkeeper kick some poor souls out into the raging tempest just on their behalf. He isn’t sure the last time he’d seen a storm this bad.

“Are you sure? We only have three rooms left.” The innkeeper frets, wringing her hands together.

Three rooms for the seven of them. “Yes, thank you.” Arthur places some coins on the counter.

“Well if we are sharing rooms, I call Merlin.” Lancelot announces.

Arthur abruptly turns around to his men, and Merlin, they’re all sopping wet, dripping small puddles onto the worn wooden floor, hair and capes plastered to their bodies.

“No fair! I wanted Merlin.” Gwaine contests.

“If one of you gets Merlin I want Elyan.” Percival chimes in.

“Absolutely not, Merlin is my servant, he’s staying with me.” Arthur pauses, eyeing Lancelot suspiciously, “Why would you even want to share a room with this blistering fool?”

“Well, he’s small, he takes up less space.” Lancelot shrugs, “And one of my closest friends, not that you all aren’t, but” Lancelot tapers off.

“But what?” Arthur asks impatiently.

Lancelot’s not dumb, he’s seen how Merlin has been a bit.. off lately. Especially yesterday, there was a strange tension between him and Arthur. And whatever it is, Gwaine seems to either be aware of or part of the issue. Merlin had been much more reserved yesterday, something was clearly on his mind and Lancelot had been hoping to get him alone for a while so they could talk.

“It’s fine!” Merlin interrupts, all heads turning toward him. “I’ll just stay with Arthur, I have to take care of him anyway.”

“Didn’t know you had it in you Merls.” Gwaine snorts.

A few of the knights groan.

It takes a moment for the manservant to understand what he’s insinuating. “No! You perverted… you perverted…” Merlin racks his mind for the right word, “miscreant.” He mentally slaps himself.

“Why don’t we all just draw straws!?” Leon cuts in, clearly over their arguing.

They all agree, some more begrudgingly than others.

Merlin makes his way to the stable where they had left their horses.

When the boy returns, straws in hand, he is dripping more than he was previously. He doesn't feel any wetter though, his clothes already fully saturated.

The room is nicer than Merlin had expected. Granted they weren’t that far away from the city so it shouldn’t be too surprising. The rain had appeared with no warning and the paths quickly began to flood, even creating some small rivulets that had started to wash away parts of the ground. It would have been impossible to get the horses back safely in this weather, so they made their way to the closest village.

There’s an unlit fireplace on the right wall, next to it sits a pile of small logs, ready to be burned. The headboard of the bed is pushed against the left wall. Straight ahead of Merlin sits a window that the rain is currently drumming against arrhythmically. In the center of the floor is a fuzzy brown rug.

Merlin enters the room and tosses some logs into the fireplace, before bending down trying to ignite them using his flint. He can hear the rustling of bags behind him. Once the sparks catch the flame starts to grow steadily, he can feel the heat on his sodden face and hair.

Gwaine groans as he kicks off his boots, “Thank god it’s a double bed. I don’t think we’d fit in a single.”

Merlin hums in agreement as he takes off his jacket.

Arthur stumbles through the doorway, grouching about his bad luck.

Merlin lays his jacket out by the fire to dry. Yes… bad luck. Merlin absolutely did not use his magic so the three of them would have to share a room, nope, that did not happen. That would be ridiculous.

…Alright, maybe he did. But yesterday had been unbearably awkward between them. Merlin could feel the discomfort rolling off the prince all day. Even though Arthur had hugged him and said it was okay, he clearly wasn’t happy about it. Merlin is still refusing to acknowledge how he feels about that. Meanwhile Gwaine had been watching them extra closely and hadn’t been his easy-going self Merlin has come to rely on during their ventures.

So, getting stuck in a room together will surely help break some of the stiffness, right?

Merlin eyes Gwaine and Arthur as they adamantly avoid eye contact with each other. Merlin could understand Arthur feeling a bit bashful after what the three of them did, but Gwaine is far from the same boat. Clearly the tension between them was from their argument.

Merlin sighs untying his neckerchief to set it next to his jacket.


The servant turns around at his name. Arthur is looking at him with an exasperated expression, gesturing to his own body.

Right. “Sorry, sire.” He had been so focused on getting out of his own drenched clothes he hadn’t even thought about undressing Arthur.

Merlin’s socked feet squelch in his boots as he approaches the prince and starts undoing his hunting leathers. They’ll need to be cleaned and oiled when they return. He places the leather farther away from the fire to prevent them from drying out.

As Merlin undresses and re-dresses Arthur, he stays quite unsure of how to break this annoying tension; he can see Gwaine changing his clothes out of the corner of his eye.

Once Arthur is finally dried and dressed Merlin steps back over to the fire and starts undressing again. He’s beyond thankful that his water-proof enchantment has held up on their bags. He is careful not to disturb the clothes already drying by the fire as he adds his own. His toes are wrinkled as he takes off his socks, his trousers and shirt are quick to follow. He’s down to his smalls when he turns to grab his dry clothes and towel when he glances at the two knights, each sitting on opposite sides of the bed, legs dangling off the sides; both of whom look away as if they weren’t just watching him undress.

Merlin feels his face heat a bit but it’s nothing they haven’t seen before. He towels himself off quickly before discarding his smalls, opting to forego another pair as he slides into his sleeping breeches instead. His white sleeping tunic is next, the dry fabric feels comforting on his skin after being stuck out in the cold rain. He’s grateful he brought his sleep clothes on their multi-day hunting trip. By the looks of it Gwaine hadn’t the forethought as he is dressed in another pair of day clothes.

“Think this rain will last long, Merls?” Gwaine asks, looking out the window from his spot on the bed.

There’s something about this rain, how it appeared seemingly out of nowhere that unsettles the warlock.

“I’m honestly not sure.”

“What happened to your all knowing weather sense from before?” Arthur heckles, leaning back on his hands.

“I know you think I'm rather intelligent sire, but even my knowledge has its bounds.”

Gwaine snorts a laugh.

“I can assure you Merlin, I am fully aware of the limit to your astuteness.” Arthur’s voice drips with sarcasm.

Good, this is what Merlin had hoped for, being forced into a room together, for Arthur’s stubbornness to take a backseat so they could return to their amicable banter. And if he has to goad Arthur into it, then so be it.

“Well I’ll have you know-” Merlin starts but he cuts himself off with a gasp as he feels a sharp stab of pain in his stomach, he curls in on himself grabbing his abdomen.

Arthur and Gwaine both stand immediately, Arthur rushes to Merlin’s side whereas Gwaine readies his sword as if expecting someone to burst in and attack them.

By the time Arthur reaches him the pain is barely even noticeable.

“You okay?”

Merlin’s face unscrunches but his brow stays furrowed. That’s unusual, lately the pain has been getting worse each time, why is it not nearly as bad now? Hell, it’s not even as bad as the first time yet. It’s so small he can barely feel it now that the initial wave has passed.

“Yeah,” Merlin answers confused, trying to take further evaluation of his body. “I’m fine actually.”

Arthur looks at him incredulously as Gwaine sheaths his sword now understanding what’s going on.

“You sure Merls? I don’t think people who are fine bend over and gasp in pain.” Gwaine’s suspicion is clear on his face.

“No, yeah, I’m fine. It…” Merlin pauses thinking over his words, “It’s not as bad. Every time- ever since the first incident, the pain has been getting worse. But now it’s not nearly as bad, I have to focus to even feel it.”

“Maybe it’s getting better?” Arthur asks, tone indecipherable. While of course he wants Merlin to get better, another, greedier part of him, hopes it’s not true.

Gwaine slides his sword back under the bed, “Well has anything changed since last time?”

Merlin runs over the past couple of days in his mind, he hadn’t eaten anything different, nor cast any unruly spells or anything of the sort.

“Oh!” Merlin mentally slaps himself for not thinking of it sooner, “Last time, we… I discovered two. The one by the fire and… the other one.” He can feel his cheeks heat up at the reminder.

“So the more you partake in inbetween, the less pain you have?” Arthur raises a questioning eyebrow.

“It’s either that or it just slows down the pain.”

“Or,” Gwaine pipes up, “Could just be a fluke, for whatever reason.”

“It could be,” Merlin answers and shuffles in his bag pulling out his journal and a stick of charcoal, he starts scribbling down some notes. “But there’s only one way to know for sure.”

“And that is?” Arthur asks not taking his eyes off his servant.

Merlin looks up from his journal and eyes him in the infuriating way he does when he deems an answer obvious.

“Only do one this time and see if it goes back to normal or not.”

“And if it doesn’t?”

“Then it’s hopefully getting better… or the more I do the less the pain affects me, whether that’s intensity or time wise though, I’m not sure.” Merlin mumbles the latter half as he scribbles some more in his journal.

“Right.” Arthur ignores the unease bubbling inside him. “So, what’s the plan for right now then?”

Gwaine rolls his shoulders, “Well, I’m here, and you know I don’t mind helping.”

Arthur can’t help but roll his eyes. “What can you even help with?”

“Well, what’s next in the book princess?”

There’s a pause for a moment, Merlin looks at him expectantly as if he has the entire book memorized. Arthur sighs defeatedly before turning to his bag. He plods through to the bottom where he had wrapped the book in fabric, lest someone find it.

“See princess! Knew you were always prepared. So considerate.” Gwaine swaggers his way over.

“Sod off.” Arthur grumbles flipping to where they left off in the book.

Merlin watches as Gwaine rounds Arthur to read the book beside him.

It is considerate that Arthur packed the book, Merlin knows for a fact he hadn’t put it in there when packing the prince’s things. Merlin turns back to his journal, refusing to acknowledge the sugary feeling that rears its head with Arthur being considerate towards him yet again.

“Well we don’t really have the supplies for that one.” Merlin hears Gwaine mumble to Arthur then the soft turning of a page. The knights murmur amongst themselves and Merlin tries to focus on updating his notes about this spell.

Arthur stares at the page, he can practically feel the energy pouring off the knight next to him.

“Well I mean how else are you two supposed to go about that?”

Arthur sighs and turns to face his knight. Gwaine is raising a questioning brow at him but he is clearly trying to fight down a smile.

“It’s actually perfect,” Gwaine continues, “since his pain isn’t as bad right now.”

He’s right. Arthur knows he’s right. And while Arthur doesn’t mind, it still feels like doing this will somehow affect his pride.

“Come on princess,” Gwaine’s voice lilts “you make all the calls, I’ll listen.” The knight winks flirtatiously.

While it’s clear Gwaine means what he says the knight doesn’t have that same dreamy look Merlin gets when he says he’ll listen. Arthur eyes Gwaine, the knight no longer able to hide his smile and Arthur is hit with a fantastic idea.

“Alright, first, we set some ground rules.”

“Aye aye princess just say the words.”

Merlin has finished his notes but his mind has started to wander as he stares into the fireplace, the flames dance across the logs.

Thinking about it, Arthur is most likely attracted to men, right? Why else would the prat not have stopped by now? Unless his sense of duty is so strong he just continues to plow on (literally). Or perhaps his guilt from Merlin being hit with the spell in his stead pushes him to keep going. But Merlin knows he’s slept with women before, maybe he likes both? He supposes that’s possible.

There’s another pang of pain, this one much less prominent than the first, it quickly fades back to a dim throbbing feeling, though he no longer has to focus on it to feel the slight pressure.

Merlin.” Arthur’s voice startles him out of his thoughts. “Come here.”

Merlin tosses his journal and charcoal onto his bag and totters over to the prince, who has a stern look on his face.

“Yes sire?”

Arthur tosses the book onto the bed. “As we both know, in regards to your patience, you have been rather obstinate lately.”

Merlin’s stomach drops, already not liking where this is going.

“And last time,” Arthur continues, “you dared to talk back to not only me, but one of my knights as well.”

Tsk, tsk.” Gwaine clicks his tongue from where he stands next to the prince, shaking his head disapprovingly.

Merlin holds his tongue, knowing whatever the knights have planned will surely be worse if he speaks out against them.

“You blatantly disrespected me in front of one of my men. How do you think it looks when my servant disobeys me? Hmm?” Arthur’s voice is stern and icy.

Merlin sets his jaw, unwilling to condemn himself to more of whatever punishment this is clearly going to be.

“Well,” Gwaine says as he walks past Arthur and Merlin, wrapping his arm around the servant’s waist as he passes by. “It’s quite embarrassing sire.”

“I agree, Sir Gwaine.” Arthur says using his ‘royal prat voice’, “And that is why Merlin, tonight you will finally be getting a lesson in patience.”

Arthur walks around him but when Merlin starts to follow the prat puts his hands on his shoulders. “Stay here.”

Now that Merlin’s turned he can see Gwaine kneeling on the ground a few feet away.

“Gwaine has been briefed and is aware of our word if you need to use it, or your pain gets too bad. And don’t even think about lying.” Arthur pauses for a moment solely to build tension.

“You are to stay put. You are going to be patient and wait. You are not to touch yourself nor either one of us.”

A ball of dread forms in Merlin’s chest, now understanding what is happening.

“Am I understood?”

“Yes.” Merlin grits out.

Arthur grabs his chin roughly. “Yes, what?”

“Yes sire.” Merlin can’t help but emphasize his title in his usual sardonic tone.

Arthur eyes his lips before speaking. “Good.” The prince lets go of his chin and pats his cheek in a rather patronizing way before settling on the floor next to Gwaine.

Arthur brings his hand to the back of the knight’s neck and brings their faces close enough that their lips nearly brush together.

“Oh and one more thing,” Arthur smirks malignantly, “no looking away.”

And the prince brings his lips to Gwaine’s.

There’s a small flicker of jealousy in Merlin’s stomach but it's immediately abated when both men open their eyes and they are watching him.

Merlin can’t help but suck in a breath of air at the intensity of their fierce gazes. Their eyes are lidded, teasing amusement swirling about each of them, but both blue and brown gazes are heated with an almost bloodthirsty desire.

Arthur bites at Gwaine’s bottom lip prompting the knight to open his mouth, but rather than explore each other's mouths they lick and slide their tongues together in the space between them, allowing Merlin to see exactly what they are doing.

While it should feel strange seeing the man who has held his affection for ages touching and being touched, it’s not. Because Merlin knows they are doing this for him, because of him, it’s thrilling in a way words can’t describe. They want to show off for Merlin, to punish him, to keep his attention, the knowledge has embers stirring in his stomach. Even with someone else in front of him, Arthur watches him. They both do. While Merlin may not be getting touched right now, he is certainly getting the attention he has been craving all these damn years. It makes him feel wanted, desired. It gives him a sense of dominion that he is wholly unfamiliar with.

Merlin can feel his prick start to fill out with every pound of his quickening pulse. He does his best to keep his breathing steady, not wanting the knights to know how much they are already affecting him.

Gwaine kneels up so his arse is no longer sat on the back of his heels and he pulls Arthur up by the band of his trousers into the same position, bringing them chest to chest. Gwaine moves one hand to grip at the prince’s waist while Arthur brings his hand to the knight's hair to grab, though not nearly as harshly as he typically does with his servant, but not intimately either. While their movements are fluid and sultry they lack the kindling tension that Merlin gets with Arthur, though it is no less rousing to watch.

Gwaine lets out a gruff and gravelly moan, it’s a little over the top, and it’s then Merlin has the foreboding realization that these are the two most performative knights. They always make sure to put on the best show they possibly can for the crowds during tourneys, soaking up all the attention they possibly can. Even during training if anyone stops to watch, no matter what they are doing, they make sure to enthrall and captivate anyone willing to give them the time of day.

He’s so fucked.

Merlin swallows harshly, trying to focus on anything other than his fervently blooming arousal.

Gwaine moves the hand not on Arthur’s hip to the prince’s firm arse, the blonde tosses his head back with a moan, all the while their eyes never leave Merlin, wordlessly demanding his attention. They move slowly against each other, taking their time, surely intending to prolong Merlin’s torture. Their muscles strain and flex under their clothes as they grind against one another.

With Arthur’s head thrown back Gwaine takes that opportunity to slide his tongue from Arthur’s clavicle, over his adams apple, to his jaw, where the prince gives another audacious moan. But it’s the way Arthur’s gaze drops to Merlin’s now very prominent arousal that tells Merlin he is the one who has the prince enraptured.

The way their lewd gazes hungrily roam over Merlin’s body makes him feel as if they are getting off to him. It fills him with an urgent wanton neediness he can’t describe.

Merlin squirms restlessly, his cock almost painfully hard already. Even if he was allowed to, he doesn't think he could look away. His cock is so hard and throbbing, he itches to touch it, to even just rub the heel of his hand against it for some kind of relief, but he doesn’t.

“Who knew anything so pleasant sounding could come out of your mouth princess.” Gwaine teases.

Arthur cuffs the knight upside his head, drawing his gaze from Merlin solely to hit the knight and thank the triple goddess; it breaks the moment enough for Merlin to regain a fraction of his sanity.

Arthur looks back to Merlin, his gaze dark and calculating and then he smiles. Merlin’s dread builds tenfold.

Without looking away from the servant Gwaine goes back to laving at Arthur’s neck and the prince rolls his whole body into the knight’s. Gods, Merlin isn’t sure he’s ever seen anything as arousing.

The dynamic switches between them as Arthur drags Gwaine up by his hair to attack his mouth, making sure Merlin gets the best possible view of how their tongues salaciously slide together. Gwaine grunts gruffly as he grinds his very clear erection against Arthur’s. Both of them still never looking away from the servant. There’s something inside Merlin telling him that he shouldn’t be watching, that it’s perverse and depraved, and as much as Merlin feels like he should be embarrassed he can't find it in himself.

Merlin watches as their clothed stiffened pricks rub against each other and he has to stop a moan from escaping his own mouth. He’s so hard now his cock is practically straining against his abdomen now. There are blots of small damp patches from his precum. He is severely regretting not having put on another pair of smalls.

Arthur brings his hands to Gwaine’s upper thighs just under the knight's arse and pulls the brunette against him roughly, the knight answers with an unabashed and rugged moan as his eyes flutter but never leave the raven.

Gwaine brings his hand on Arthur’s arse to the prince’s erection and fondles him through the cream colored fabric.

Merlin’s breath hitches as he fights down a whimper. He clenches his fists into the fabric of his sleeping trousers on the outside of his thighs, looking for anything to ground himself. He can feel as his defiant defense starts to crack.

“Shit.” Arthur hisses before bringing his hand to Gwaine’s bulge to reciprocate.

Mmph” The knight’s eyes roll in pleasure at the contact but they are quick to find their way back to Merlin.

When the knight looks back to Merlin he sees his pretty blue eyes flash pink. Merlin lets out the smallest gasp, but Arthur must deem it excusable, given the source, since he doesn’t say anything.

They are both panting hard, chests heaving against one another. Their faces are flushed and the color in their eyes is almost completely overtaken by the abyss of their pupils. They both look sinfully alluring. Merlin aches to take a few steps forward to get some kind of damn friction on his cock, even if they punish him further, he’ll take it. But he can’t, not at the risk of his punishment being to wait longer.

The knights start writhing against each other's hands as licentious grunts and moans spill from their kiss swollen lips.

With each noise that falls from the knights Merlin can feel his balls tighten more and more and he needs release needs to be touched, gods he needs anything please.

With a particularly erotic and throaty groan from Arthur, as Gwaine closes his hand around the prince’s clothed cock and tugs, Merlin can’t stop the petulant sounding whine that rips out of his chest. The servant tightens his grip on the fabric of his pants, shame floods through him as his pride takes a large hit at the feeling of somehow being defeated. Gods it hasn’t even been that long, he’s pathetic. But he can't help it. He needs it so bad, he’s never needed anything so severely before in his life.

Merlin can feel it, his magic is clawing at his chest wanting nothing more than to reach out and entangle itself in the two men in front of him. He has to grapple with himself to not let it out. He tightens his muscles but it only emphasizes the primal need pullulating in his lower gut.

At the sound of his desperate whine Arthur pulls back from Gwaine before smugly asking, “What’s this? Is someone being impatient?”

Merlin’s eyes widen in fear as he fervently shakes his head side to side.

Arthur moves to stand up and Gwaine follows a moment later.

If Merlin wasn’t already as tense as physically possible he would have surely tightened his muscles further as the prince starts to approach. He doesn't let himself get his hopes up, he knows Arthur too well. The prat has a flair for being decidedly sadistic, relishing in Merlin’s discomfort, whether that be professional or otherwise, though the latter is a more recent development.

Gwaine hangs back a moment to watch what Arthur decides to do.

“Oh Merlin.” Arthur condescends, as if talking to a child. A tone he knows pisses off Merlin to no end. So much so that he rarely decides to use it.

Merlin puffs out an angry breath but doesn’t rise to the bait.

“We were just getting started. Already getting impatient are you?” the corner of Arthur’s glistening mouth twitches.

Merlin glares daggers at him, no, he glares long swords at him. It’s the only thing he can do to not reach out and beg the prince to fucking touch him.

A devilish smile makes its way onto Arthur’s face. “You look frustrated.”

Merlin nearly laughs but just stops himself.

“Well,” Arthur continues, his tone apathetic “this is a punishment after all.”

The prince starts undoing the laces on Merlin’s trousers, taking care to not brush against his erection. He moves the fabric around his cock making sure not to make contact as he slides them down his legs.

As he moves his breeches down Arthur gets onto his knees and Merlin’s heart leaps in hope.

The prince drags his hands up the outside of Merlin’s thighs to his hip bones before softly caressing back down. He watches amusedly as his servant’s cock flagrantly dribbles onto the floor.

“Gwaine,” Arthur calls.

“How can I help princess?”

“Feel free to touch him.”

Merlin’s eyebrows shoot up and Arthur’s grin only grows. “Of course just not his prick, or inside him.”

A small snarl tears out of Merlin’s throat, his magic fizzling under his skin buzzing to be released, he sneers at the prince.

“Perhaps your next lesson will be another in obedience, since the first one clearly didn’t work.” Arthur taunts.

Merlin bites down on his lip to stop himself from saying anything he’ll regret.

Arthur watches jovially as a variety of emotions flash across his servant’s face, the most prominent being rage and want.

Gwaine walks around and shoots Merlin a small apologetic grimace, though he still looks very aroused by the situation, enough that he won’t disobey Arthur on his behalf.

The knight walks behind him and places small kisses on his neck, reaching around he teases his hands along the bottom of his sleeping shirt.

“You haven’t been very good have you?” Arthur’s breath is hot on his thigh, causing his cock to do a rather poignant twitch. He can feel the prince's smile on his leg.

When Merlin doesn’t answer he only feels Arthur’s smile widen.

“You are allowed to answer me.”

Merlin still doesn’t say anything, not only not trusting his voice but fearful he won’t be able to hold his tongue and lash out at the prat.

Arthur finally looks up, though he keeps caressing his thighs. “Are you going to keep disobeying me or are you going to be good and behave?” his voice lowers as he talks, each word laced with more danger than the last.

Merlin swallows trying to think about anything other than his prick that feels like solid steel.

“I understand that you think my behavior has been ornery.” Merlin grits.

He feels Gwaine soundlessly chuckle behind him.

“Oh I don't think so, I know so.” Arthur stands abruptly, bringing them to eye level. “Now, if you don’t start behaving,” the prince grabs his hair and pulls his head back harshly, “I can give you a real fucking punishment you insolent brat.” Arthur lets go of his hair roughly.

Merlin knows Arthur’s words should intimidate him, and they do in a sense, but more than anything they fuel his already egregious arousal.

“Okay.” Merlin mumbles, lowering his gaze subserviently.

“Go on.” Arthur caresses his cheek in a manner that is much too tender.

“I’ll be good.” Merlin’s face heats up and he ducks his head, Gwaine can see his blush as it creeps up the back of his neck.

“If you aren’t there will be severe consequences, understand?”

“Yes, sire.”

Arthur sucks in a breath, Merlin has never used his title so reverently before.

“Good.” His voice comes out hoarse and he adamantly ignores the knowing look Gwaine shoots him over Merlin’s shoulder.

Arthur kneels back down still making sure not to accidentally touch Merlin’s straining cock.

The prince places soft barely there kisses along his hip bones as he moves his hands back to his thighs.

Gwaine presses kisses just below the servant’s ear as he skims his fingertips up his chest. He can feel Merlin’s muscles twitch at the ticklish sensation under his digits.

Arthur laps his tongue over Merlin’s right hip bone and sucks hard, but he makes sure not to leave any marks.

Arthur’s mouth is so close to his groin Merlin could scream in frustration, his fingers twitch wanting to reach out and grab his blonde locks and drag his mouth down onto his prick since he is only this hard because of him. Alright, maybe it was Merlin’s fault the three of them ended up sharing a room but he truly didn't think anything like this would ensue.

Gwaine brushes over Merlin’s nipples with his calloused hands and Merlin sucks in a shuddering breath.

“Like that do you?” Gwaine chuckles and runs his hands over them again but with more pressure this time.

Merlin can’t help it, his hips thrust forwards. Thanks to his reflexes Arthur is able to move just quick enough so he doesn’t touch Merlin’s cock. He glares up ready to reprimand Merlin when he sees the cause of his movement.

He supposes he can let it slide tonight, since it was truly an involuntary movement.

Arthur leans back and scrapes his teeth over Merlin’s hip bone and the servant shivers as more precum drips down onto the floor.

Gwaine gives a small tweak to his left nipple and Merlin thrashes. Lightning shoots down his sternum into his lower abdomen.

“P-please!” Merlin begs as he tries to stop his body from reacting, “Please I can’t- I can’t please please.” His magic is bursting at the seams.

“But you can, and you will.” Arthur drags his hand up his inner thigh and stops just before touching his servant’s taut bollocks.

“Again, if you would Gwaine.”

The knight coos, “It’s okay Birdie, so good, being so good for us hmm?” He pinches his right nipple this time and it earns the same reaction.

“Please sire please,” Merlin sobs, tears sting his eyes and quickly start to trail down his cheeks. “I’ll be so good I promise! I’m sorry! So sorry, please.”

Arthur leans back and takes in the stunning display, thick tears make their way down his servant's face as he begs for release. The prince is filled with a steadfast, guttural pleasure, appeased with Merlin finally crumbling. He ignores Gwaine’s chuckled ‘sadistic bastard’.

“Okay.” Arthur states, Merlin’s sobs quiet down in volume but still rack through his body. “But, this is a lesson in patience. And you disrespected me and Sir Gwaine. So you make us cum however you want but we won’t touch you anywhere you need until you satisfy both of us.”

Merlin sobs but agrees, knowing this is the only way he is going to be able to find release.

“Okay, you are allowed to touch us now.”

Almost immediately Merlin spins around and nearly tackles Gwaine to the ground even as sobs still tear through him.

The irony of making Arthur wait until after Gwaine isn’t lost on the prince. He knows Merlin is doing it on purpose.

Gwaine stumbles his way onto the floor as Merlin all but tears his trousers off.

“Woah there Birdie.” Gwaine teases.

Trousers and smalls now around his ankles, Merlin crawls over the knight's legs until he is straddling his knees. He bends over taking Gwaine’s cock into his mouth and the knight hisses at the sudden stimulation. Merlin bobs his head twice, making sure his cock is wet, he then brings his hand to the man's shaft.

As Merlin moves up and down the knight’s length he uses his hand to add more stimulation and reach down to the base where he can’t quite get to without gagging. The servant tactfully wiggles his arse, which is on full display for the prince in this position.

The way Merlin swirls and wraps his tongue is wicked and purposeful. With how on edge the knight already was it doesn’t take Gwaine long to cum. The taste stokes Merlin's arousal even more and he is sobbing again but he is sure to swallow every drop.

The second Gwaine’s cock stops throbbing Merlin veers on Arthur. Before Merlin can devour him in the same demonic crusade, Arthur places both hands on either side of his servant’s face.

“Hey,” his voice is calm and soft, “Be good, alright?” he strokes his thumbs across Merlin’s cheeks brushing away some of his tears.

Gwaine watches from the floor a few feet away, ravaged. Seeing Arthur so caring towards Merls, he knows it was the right call to tell the prince about the spell. While he may be a stubborn arse it’s clear he cares deeply for the boy.

Merlin whines, more tears fall down his cheeks as his words only worsen his need but he nods his head.

“Okay.” Arthur acquiesces.

Merlin’s hands are shaky and he fumbles with the tie on his trousers but he is able to get it.

While his movements are still fervent blaze he’s a tad slower. Arthur is unsure if it’s from his words or if he’s worried he’ll punish him further if his hurriedness might come off as impatience. And while it does, because it is impatience, Arthur isn’t going to punish him any further tonight. The prince would never let it slip that it’s because he wants Merlin to still enjoy pleasuring him.

Merlin is quick to take him into his mouth, it’s warm and slick and hot. Merlin sinks down onto him a few times, moaning all the while before he takes his hand and gently cups Arthur’s bollocks. The prince sucks in a sharp breath and Merlin picks up his speed.

Merlin’s tear-streaked cheeks and red eyes are too much with the stimulation Arthur warns Merlin but the servant keeps him in his mouth as Arthur finds his own blissful release, Merlin wasn’t the only one waiting that whole time after all. To be fair though, at least Arthur was able to find some tactile relief with Gwaine.

It only takes Arthur a moment to regain his wits. Gwaine is maneuvering a whimpering Merlin towards the bed. He guides the servant until his calves rest against the mattress. Arthur does up his sleeping trousers and makes his way over.

“Stay standing Birdie.” Gwaine whispers kindly.

Merlin can’t stop his pitiful tears, At this point he doesn’t care that he won’t last long, he just needs to be fucking touched for the love of the gods.

“Understand Birdie?” Gwaine asks, unsure if Merlin is with it enough to comprehend what he’s saying.

Merlin gives a shaky nod but an angry pout starts to form on his face.

“Shh, shh,” Arthur shushes. “It's okay, Birdie, we’ll take good care of you.” At the prince’s use of the nickname he glances over to Gwaine to gauge his reaction, if it’s okay for him to use it or not. The knight beams a blinding smile at him. Alright, good. Arthur sighs a small breath of relief.

Merlin hums in acknowledgment but if he doesn’t get relief in a matter of seconds he will burn this damn inn down.

“Okay, it’s okay Merls no need to get so extreme.” Gwaine laughs and Arthur chuckles too, getting to his knees.

Huh. he must have said that out loud, whoops.

Merlin’s near certain he is going to cum the moment he’s touched. But when Gwaine moves to get on his knees too, confusion clouds his already hazy, desperate mind.

Surprisingly he doesn’t instantly cum when Arthur places an open mouthed kiss on his cock. However, when Gwaine does the same on the other side of his prick he nearly does.

Both knights move their lips in caressing movements against his straining prick. Arthur swirls his tongue around Merlin and brushes against Gwaine’s lips. The knight is quick to reciprocate and then the two are lapping and kissing not only Merlin’s cock but each other as well.

Fuck. Fuck.

Merlin suddenly finds that he very much does care about cumming too soon. They move up and down his shaft working him in tandem. They kiss and suck and groan but as much as Merlin wants to see more of them both pleasuring him, he can’t hold on any longer.

He isn’t able to warn them but they feel the way he tightens up. Arthur places a stern hand on Gwaine’s arm as the prince moves and encases Merlin fully into his mouth.

The building of searing pressure peaks and he bursts, cumming with a shout into the prince’s mouth. He throws his head back, lips parted, eyes scrunched closed. He feels the slightest slip on the hold for his magic, there’s a powerful clap of thunder that rolls across the sky above the Inn.

The second he’s done cumming he sits on the bed behind him and falls onto his back with a content sigh.

Arthur swallows before standing. He’s about to ask if Merlin is okay when he peaks down at the boy only for a small snore to escape his servant’s mouth.

He looks over at Gwaine who shrugs but smiles brightly nonetheless. “Must have been quite tiring for him.”

Once they get Merlin’s trousers back on they haul him up into the center of the bed. Neither knight too keen on sleeping next to each other unless needed.

“Arthur.” Gwaine says just above a whisper after they’ve settled into bed, squishing a sleeping Merlin between them.


“I’m glad I told you about the spell.” Gwaine knows the prince will take care of Merlin.

There’s a pause before Arthur answers. “Me too.”

Merlin’s final rating: 12 (yes this is on a scale of 10)

Chapter End Notes

Ngl I debated calling this chapter ‘boys kissing’ lmao.

Also, Arthur didn't have to do aftercare since Merlin fell asleep, he get's some more time to think it over lol.

Oh and Merlin's final rating of 12 is solely because it was Arthur and Gwaine lol, otherwise would prob be like a 7.

(I will prob edit this chapter a bit tomorrow, nothing major mostly just grammar stuff etc. so no worries but just a heads up!).

Different question this week! What kinks do you think the knights have? Like for example maybe you think Lancelot really likes bondage etc. I would love to know what you guys think the knights are into! Feel free to be as specific or vague as you want. :)

Uhm as always expect a chapter NEXT Thursday. But let's be real it's most likely coming before that lmao. Just prepare yourself for an update next Thursday and if it comes early, then it's a fun surprise. (I swear I don't do this on purpose lmao I just get too excited.)

Don't worry if you don't super love Gwaine's involvement in the spicy scenes, next couple chapters will mostly likely be just Arthur and Merlin (def at least the next two)

As always thank you so so so much for reading! I appreciate all your comments, kudos, bookmarks, and reads! Thank you again! <3



Chapter Notes

Woo! Celebratory chapter! We passed 50k words! Not only that but 200 Kudos?!? You guys are so wild (wink wink, elbow nudge). But seriously when I first decided to post this I was like, I’ll be happy if I get like 2 Kudos and now look where we are! And all your wonderful comments, my god I wish I had the vocabulary to describe how much I appreciate your kindness but I truly can’t put it into words. Fr I can not thank you all enough. I am beyond grateful that so many of you have found and are enjoying this fic. I seriously can’t thank you enough!

*sniff sniff* Is that? *sniff sniff* Plot?... It is! Enjoy~

‘Collaring, the act of wearing a collar around one's neck.
Can be used as a form of control or proof of
possession / ownership. Typically made from
leather, can be inlined with spikes as a form of
punishment or further control.’

Merlin initial rating: 9

He’s late! Shit shit shit he’s late. He’s so dead. The sun is well past its rising point. Arthur’s going to have his head.

Merlin had been out nearly all last night tracking down the source of the raging storm that had assailed Camelot the past two days. The rain had slowed down yesterday morning but the wind had held up, ripping violent gales through the air. It had been so strong it ended up knocking trees over, even damaging some of the houses in the lower town.

Yet with the raging winds he and the knights were all able to make it back to the citadel safely on top of their steeds. Though Percival had been genuinely distraught that Merlin would get blown off his horse. Thankfully they arrived back home unharmed. Merlin had immediately got to discussing the abnormal nature of the storm with the Gaius. The physician had deduced that the storm was most likely conjured by a Druidic spirit guardian known as the Wind Fish.

Merlin had left immediately after their discussion in hopes of resolving the issue before the rain started back up or heavens forbid snow. It would have been detrimental to Camelot’s crop production as they are on the cusp of harvest season. Merlin knows all too well what an early frost can do to an already struggling village, let alone a blizzard.

In the end he was able to find the spirit in a small pond to the North of the city, thankfully the spirit was appeased easily enough just from the reassurances Emrys was able to give; promising that Magic will be brought back to the lands of Camelot in due time, once Arthur is crowned king.

By the time he had made it back to his chambers the sun had nearly started to rise, the black sky fading into dark blue, but he had been dead on his feet. He fell into his bed without even removing his boots in the hopes of getting a few minutes of rest. And that’s how he ended up sleeping in.

He bursts through Arthur’s chambers, chest heaving from exertion.

Arthur gives him a deadpan stare from where he is sat, already dressed, at his table, eating his breakfast.

“Good Morning Merlin. Or perhaps I should say ‘Good afternoon’.”

Merlin tries not to cringe from the reprimand. “Well,” his panting breath fills the air, “I wouldn’t say it’s afternoon yet.”

Arthur sighs clearly galled, “You say you slept in and yet it looks as if you didn’t get a wink of sleep.”

“Yeah it uhm- nightmares.” Merlin lands on.

Arthur minutely, he knows how bad nightmares affect Morgana so he feels a wave of pity for the boy.

Merlin hates lying, especially to Arthur, but he doesn’t really have much choice or explanation.

“Right.” Arthur clears his throat, “Well, we have a lot to do today.”

Merlin’s head shoots up from where he had been hunched over leaning on his knees. He had been fully expecting Arthur to double all his chores and make him muck out the stables or some other asinine chore that isn't even technically part of his duties.

“So, what’s first then?” Arthur asks before popping a grape into his mouth.

Merlin narrows his eyes at the prince. It would be imperceivable to anyone else, but Merlin can see the enthusiasm hidden in Arthur’s expression.

“Right,” Merlin’s voice is more suspicious than he had meant to let on but Arthur doesn’t seem to notice.

“Well, first you have knight training, and rather soon at that.” Merlin looks to the window, gauging where the sun is in the sky. “Then you are to go to the lower town and assess the damage from the storm. Once that is done you are to report the damages to your father during council. Then you are to see off the Northumbrian retinue. You’ll then have time for a late lunch but your evening is clear as of right now.”

“Excellent!” Arthur stands up from his chair. “Fetch my armor, we will head to the training field at once.”

Merlin furrows his brow as he eyes Arthur skeptically. Even his late arrival seems to not have dampened the prat’s bizarre good mood.

“Come on Merlin, I can’t be late. I have a reputation to uphold, unlike some people.” Arthur calls from where he is already standing at the door.

Merlin rolls his eyes but makes to follow the prince.

Training goes by quickly, Arthur’s good mood holding throughout. He bantered and jested with his men more than usual, putting them in high spirits as well.

He hadn’t even said anything about Merlin’s half-assed polishing of the training swords. To be fair Merlin was still gallantly fighting his exhaustion. Not that that had ever stopped Arthur’s pestering before.

“Elyan!” Arthur calls as he heads back over to Merlin now that their training is finished.

“Yes sire?” the knight trots up behind him.

Merlin hands his master a water skin which the prince gulfs down before answering Elyan.

“Drinks at the tavern tonight, on me. Tell the others.”

Merlin nearly drops the water skin as Arthur hands it back. He must truly be in an exuberant mood; he rarely goes out with the knights, let alone invites them himself. In fact, Merlin can’t remember a time he’s done so.

Elyan’s demeanor brightens immediately, “Of course sire.”

Merlin itches to ask but he’s afraid if he brings attention to it, it may dampen Arthur’s merriness.

“Come Merlin, I must go change, then we will make our way to the lower town.” Arthur walks away not turning to see if his servant follows.

Merlin stands there for a moment dumbfounded by Arthur’s pleasant attitude before stumbling his way after the prince.

Their trip into the lower town is somber. There’s more damage than they had anticipated, thankfully no lives were taken and the few injuries sustained were minor.

They walk around between houses and stores, the market hadn’t taken much damage but that meant the majority of the wreckage was to people's homes.

There are a few roofs that will need to be re-thatched, support beams that will need replacing, fences that will need re-posting, rubble that will need removing. With the help of two of Uther’s knights, Arthur inspects the damage to each affected building. Merlin writes down their findings on some parchment using a stick of charcoal as they make their way around the town.

Some people stop to say hello but most recognize that Arthur is on official business and don’t attempt to disturb him.

By the time they finish Merlin’s exhaustion starts catching up to him, his feet start to drag as he dutifully follows Arthur back to the citadel.

“Well, it’s lucky no one was seriously injured.” Arthur states, turning around to look at Merlin.

“Yeah, who knows what would have happened if the storm lasted any longer.” Merlin chuckles inwardly at himself.

“It’s true.” Arthur turns forward to pay attention to where he is walking. “We’re lucky it stopped when it did.”

Merlin feels a swell of pride at the words even though Arthur isn’t aware he’s the one who stopped the storm. Much like all his accomplishments.

They make small talk the rest of the way to the castle, well Arthur makes small talk, Merlin sleepily replies.

Uther’s knights ascend the steps heading to the council room. Arthur is about to follow when Merlin misses the first step and nearly faceplants into the stone.

“Christ’s sake Merlin.” Arthur exasperates. “Can’t even walk up the steps without knocking yourself out.”

Merlin feels a gentle pressure on his lower back, guiding him up the stairs. It takes his sleep deprived mind a few moments to realize it’s Arthur’s hand splayed against the small of his back.

His heart frantically skips a beat, surely from the adrenaline one gets when missing a step, no other reason. The heat on his cheeks is merely a side effect, and not at all because of Arthur’s doting hand on his back or the very much public touching that if one looked too closely at could come off as affectionate.

He subconsciously leans into the touch, the warmth from Arthur’s hand is comforting. The heat radiates through his shirt, it’s then Merlin realizes Arthur must have slipped his hand under his jacket, making the moment look all the more intimate.

Merlin finds himself much more awake suddenly, but he refuses to turn and look at the prince, lest he see the blush on his cheeks. He keeps his head down, not wanting to draw any more attention to himself from other servants and guards milling about the courtyard.

Arthur steers his servant up the steps. When Merlin ducks his head the prince can see the blush on the tips of his ears. While Merlin’s clumsiness can be rather distressing at times, Arthur has always found it an endearing trait. But the prince knows the boy’s blush is because he’s embarrassed from nearly falling, he isn’t naive enough to think otherwise.

They reach the top of the steps and Arthur reluctantly draws his hand away. “Well,” he clears his throat and Merlin looks back up at him, dark spots evident under his eyes. “Go get some rest.” Arthur waves him off, “Otherwise I’ll be scraping you up off the stone next time you decide to trip over nothing.”

As if he chooses when he trips and stumbles. Merlin stares at him dubiously before questioning, “Are you feeling alright sire?” Merlin brings the back of his hand to Arthur’s head with a slight ‘thunk’ noise.

Arthur swats his hand away sputtering, “Yes you idiot I’m fine. I just don’t feel like having to find a new manservant when you inevitably brain yourself on the next flight of steps.”

“Are you sure?” Merlin ignores the jest, “You aren’t feeling sick? Lightheaded? Floaty?” Arthur furrows his brow, “Enchanted perhaps?” Merlin squints his eyes looking for any signs of magic.

Merlin, unless you would rather sit through this council meeting, I suggest you go to your chambers and rest.” Arthur’s tone is becoming more annoyed by the second.

“Ah, well,” Merlin hands the rolled parchment with his notes to Arthur, “who am I to disobey orders?”

Arthur bats the rolled parchment at Merlin’s head but the servant ducks in time, anticipating Arthur’s reaction, before scampering off.

“Merlin!” Arthur calls before his servant can get too far.

The raven turns around just before rounding the corner, looking expectantly at the prince. A look Arthur has become awfully fond of recently.

“I expect you back for my lunch. On time.”

“Of course, sire.

Merlin heads off in the direction of Gaius' chambers.

Good. Arthur surmises, this day is turning out better than he hoped it could.

It’s much later in the day. Arthur had attended council and saw off the Northumbrian royalty. And as luck would have it Merlin hadn’t been around for Prince Elias to ogle as they said their adieu’s.

Much to Arthur’s surprise Merlin had in fact been on time to serve him his scheduled late lunch. After that he had his servant draw up a bath so he could finally wash away the lingering sweat from morning training that had been causing his clothes to stick to him all day in uncomfortable ways.

Merlin had just finished dressing him in a new pair of day clothes. He looks much better now, while perhaps not fully rested, the darkness under his eyes is gone and he seems to be aware of his surroundings, well, as aware of his surroundings that Merlin is capable of being.

As Merlin looks over Arthur, making sure his outfit is up to standard, Arthur speaks up,“Alright dollophead let’s head to the tavern.” Arthur brushes by Merlin, ruffling the younger’s hair.

Merlin gives him a very affronted and befuddled look, “Isn't it a bit early to head to the tavern?”

Arthur pivots on his heel, an incredulous expression on his face “Since when has it ever been too early for you to go to the tavern?”

“Well, I just mean, you’re not really one to spend much time at the tavern is all.”

Merlin, I am the prince of Camelot, I shall do as I please.”

“I’m just saying, the knights might not be there yet.” Merlin looks out the window, it can’t be more than four hours past midday.

Arthur snorts a laugh before turning around and continuing his way out of his chambers, “I’m paying. They’ll have gone straight there after practice.”

Merlin doubts that, but he follows Arthur dutifully anyway.

All the knights, other than Leon, are already sat at a high-table when they enter, mugs of ale in their hands. Arthur turns and gives Merlin a very smug look of ‘I told you so.’ Merlin just rolls his eyes. With it being rather early there thankfully aren’t too many other patrons meandering about.

Elyan is the first to see them enter. “Ey if it isn’t the man of the hour!”

Gods how much have they drank already? They don’t look drunk per se but certainly buzzed.

“More like the man of the night.” Lancelot smiles brightly at the prince.

“So!” Gwaine speaks a little too loudly as Arthur and Merlin take their seats at the table, between Percival and Lancelot. “What’s the special occasion princess?”

Percival slides the new arrivals each a mug of ale.

“It’s just a good day. And I haven’t treated my men in a while.” Arthur shrugs.

“Well, I’ll drink to that!” Gwaine lifts his glass for the others to clink against.

“You’d drink to anything Gwaine.” Merlin snarks playfully, clinking his mug against the others before taking a sip.

“Even more so if I’m not the one paying.” Gwaine winks.

The conversation flows easily and the ale even easier. Though Arthur makes sure to pace himself not wanting to risk a hangover tomorrow, unlike his knights. Similarly, Merlin nurses his drink, laughing along as the knights poke and jest with each other.

The tavern starts to fill up with more and more patrons though no one dares to approach the prince and a table of knights… and Merlin.

It’s about two hours later, Merlin’s knee keeps brushing against Arthur’s in a way that’s almost teasing yet truly unintentional. He doubts Arthur even notices, he does his best to ignore the burgeoning feeling that has him wanting to lean into the blonde. Merlin takes another sip of his ale and listens amusedly to Elyan tease Lancelot for his obvious affections for his sister.

His knee brushes against Arthur’s again. To his bewilderment, Arthur pushes his knee back against the servant’s and leaves it there. Merlin glances at Arthur, he is listening to Elyan but the pompous smirk on the prat’s lips tells Merlin the prince is well aware of what he’s doing. Arthur takes a sip of his drink to hide his growing smile as he turns to look at his staring manservant.

Merlin turns back to the group quickly, the tips of his cute ears tinting red. Before Arthur can contemplate the boy’s reaction their missing member shows up.

Leon’s presence is met with a raucous cheer from their table. To which Leon seriously contemplates just turning around and heading back to the citadel. But Arthur had invited them and he was paying.

“About time you showed up.” Lancelot claps him on the shoulder as he squeezes in between him and Arthur. With another body at the table they all become rather squished. Merlin is extremely aware of how his and Arthur’s sides are pressed flush against one another. He glances over at the prince who gives him that annoyingly charming, boyish smile, his eyes holding a shimmer of something playful.

“Some of us actually do our diligence.” Leon replies.

Arthur raises a questioning brow turning back to the knight, attempting to hide his amusement.

“Well-” Leon sputters, “out of the knights, obviously. Not you, sire.”

“Yeah yeah save your bootlicking for the training field.” Arthur shoulders the knight. He’s known Leon for as long as he can remember, the man is no stranger to his jests.

Arthur can feel Merlin’s body shake with laughter against his side, further increasing his sunny mood.

A while later they’ve settled on playing some dice, most of the knights are pretty tipsy at this point, and while Merlin has been taking it easy he’s never been able to hold his drink very well.

“Oh come on Lance!” Elyan complains, “he isn’t that lucky.” His broad movements send a ripple of jostling around the table.

Merlin’s grin widens.

“Absolutely not.” Lancelot has to stop himself from laughing.

“Well it certainly isn’t skill that’s gotten the dolt so many wins.” Arthur teases, ruffling Merlin’s hair for the second time that day.

Merlin smiles brightly at Arthur and the prince feels his heart skip a few beats. Being able to make him smile like that always fills Arthur with a fierce fondness and sharp protectiveness.

While Merlin would normally have a surly retort for the prat’s words, he’s more interested in the pleasant atmosphere that has fallen over the two of them. He’s not sure what it is but Arthur seems more… interested in him today. Arthur is always excellent at dividing his attention fairly, he’s had years of training to do so and it shows. But tonight Merlin keeps catching the prince eyeing him when he thinks Merlin isn’t paying attention. But the servant is always paying attention.

“He can’t beat all of us Lancelot.” Elyan gripes.

“Well why don’t you put your coin where your mouth is then?” Lancelot eggs on.

“He’s beaten me twice already!”

“Well he can’t keep beating all of us.” Lancelot tosses the knight's words back at him.

“Fine! Merlin I swear I will beat you this time.”

The way Elyan imitates how Arthur says his name sends Merlin into a giggling fit that causes a few of the knights to start chuckling along as well.

Once Merlin can properly breathe again he tauntingly eyes Eylan. “I mean, you're right, I can’t keep getting lucky.”

Lancelot hides his smile in his drink.

“But it doesn’t hurt to try,” the servant continues cheekily, “I’ve made more winnings tonight than you’d be able to win in one game, so nothing to really lose.”

Elyan haughtily tosses the rest of his coins onto the table, they hit the wood with clinking noises, some spinning before falling onto their sides.

There’s a collective “oooooh” from the knights, playfully building the tension.

“Alright,” Merlin smiles, putting down an equal amount of coin.

Merlin nearly laughs at the intense atmosphere surrounding their table; the knights have even stopped drinking for the moment, putting their full focus on the game.

Merlin shuffles the dice a bit in the cup. “You can go first.” he nods at Elyan.

The knight doesn’t reply; he simply rolls the die out of the cup onto the table.

All eyes shift to Merlin expectantly. Well, all eyes except Lancelot’s, his expression is one of ‘you owe me for goading him into this.’

Merlin smiles at the man before silently casting a spell. The warlock doesn't have to look to know everyone is watching his hands, not his eyes.

When Merlin rolls higher there’s an uproar from those around him. There’s laughter and those ‘horseplay’ pats the knights are so fond of. Percival, well past tipsy at this point, clasps Merlin on his shoulder and shakes him excitedly, not looking away from the dice. The large man shakes him so violently Merlin nearly topples off his stool but Arthur is there to steady him with a hand around his waist before he can fall.

The servant turns to look at Arthur who Merlin hadn’t realized is startlingly close. With Arthur’s arm around his waist, hand wrapped around his hip, the prince nearly has him in a half hug. They’re so close their shoulders overlap, Arthur’s behind his. The prince turns his head to him and their noses are only a few inches apart.

Arthur’s eyes are crinkled from his smile due to Merlin’s win, but the raven doesn’t miss how his gaze dips down to his lips. Merlin’s breath hitches and he can’t hear anything but his own pounding heartbeat.

Until that silence is broken by a very loud Elyan. “How?! How on earth did you win again?!”

Merlin turns his attention back to the man, trying to calm his racing heart, though it’s rather hard as Arthur still hasn’t moved his hand. “Hmm, if it was luck surely I couldn’t keep winning. Must be skill after all.” Merlin scoops the coins into his other winnings from tonight.

The knights laugh and Lancelot gives Elyan a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.

“Here Merls,” Gwaine slides over another pint of ale even though Merlin’s is still half full. “Winner has gotta keep up with the rest of us plebeians.”

Merlin snorts at the ridiculous mental image that gives him.

“Well, unlike you lot I’m technically still on duty.”

Arthur gasps dramatically, “Merlin! You’re drinking on the job?!”

Merlin chuckles and relaxes into Arthur’s hold a bit more. Arthur reciprocates by tightening his arm.

“Uh oh, sire,” Merlin drawls flirtatiously, “You’ve caught me, suppose I’ll have to be punished now.”

Arthur’s eyes darken instantly and Merlin’s cheeky grin broadens.

Thankfully the only one paying attention to them is Gwaine, the others preoccupied consoling a moping Elyan.

“Well,” Arthur’s voice is low and sultry, “I think it's time I retire to my chambers. The spell will most likely kick in soon too.” Arthur shifts his gaze to his men.

“Alright princess, take your Birdie outta here, I’ll keep them occupied.” Gwaine grins, “Don’t mind the tab though.”

Merlin blushes at the brunette’s words.

Arthur rolls his eyes but gives an appreciative nod to the roguish knight.

Gwaine starts to make quite the ruckus and Merlin slides out of his stool. Arthur is quick to follow, putting his hand back on to Merlin, leading the raven out of the tavern.

The walk back is amusing and teasing, not in a sensuous way but a more kittenish and blitheful kind of way. They trade bants and jests while playfully shouldering each other. Merlin can’t even find it in himself to worry about the spell kicking in soon.

They are back in the castle chuckling and stumbling, though it’s mostly from the silly boyish atmosphere between them rather than the alcohol.

Merlin gasps dramatically, standing up straight.

Arthur’s expression falls, “The spell? Are you alright?”

“Oh.” Merlin smiles sheepishly, “Yeah, sorry. Just remembered I had to do something. Might as well since we are here.”

Arthur breathes a sigh of relief and narrows his eyes in annoyance at his servant.

Arthur follows suspiciously as Merlin turns down the knight’s wing of the citadel. The raven opens Lancelot’s door, Arthur is rather shocked, Lancelot is such a responsible knight; he wouldn’t expect the man to leave his door unlocked.

Arthur leans on the doorway as Merlin rummages through his pockets before hauling out the pouch of his winnings from tonight.

Merlin takes a good chunk of the coins and places them on the knight’s desk.

He turns to Arthur with a smile and Arthur can’t help but smile back, though it’s a bit weary. “What’s that about?”

“What? You didn’t notice Lance goading Elyan to bet again?” Merlin saunters past him out of the door.

Arthur watches dumbfoundedly, “You fox!”

Merlin’s laugh echoes off the walls of the corridor as they continue their way to the prince’s chambers.

They tumble into Arthur’s chambers in a fit of laughter. The hearth has died down but the candles are still burning from when Merlin had lit them earlier, fully expecting to drag a drunk Arthur home.

“I can not believe you roped Lancelot into that! I could see Gwaine, but Lance. I would have never guessed.”

“That’s exactly the point!” Merlin chuckles as he shuts the door behind them.

“So,” Merlin tilts his head endearingly, “are you finally going to tell me what’s had you in such a tolerable mood today?”

“You can’t talk to me like that.” Arthur’s cheeks are starting to hurt from smiling so much.

The prince looks at Merlin, not bothering to hide the underlying affection he usually snuffs down.

Merlin’s face is already flushed from laughing but it deepens slightly at the prince’s gaze. God he is so ethereally beautiful it doesn’t seem possible. Another one of those startling swells of affection floods through him.

“Just,” Arthur croaks out, “it was just a good day.”

“Yes but why you dollophead.” Merlin takes a step forward.

“I-” Arthur clears his throat, “I got something for you.”

Merlin furrows his brow. “Are you trying to deflect? Because I’ll have you know-”

Merlin cuts himself off with a gasp as a searing pain stabs his abdomen. The initial surge fades to at least be bearable.

Merlin opens his eyes to a very concerned looking prince.

“Are you alright?”

“Yeah,” Merlin straightens up, “the first wave is always really painful. But bearable now.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah,” Merlin smiles but it’s not nearly as bright as his earlier ones. He starts back up sounding almost reluctant, “That means though, it seems the more we do each time the less the pain affects me.”

“Oh.” Arthur states, heavy stones forming in his stomach. “So… should we just do as many as we can?” If they do that, this will end much quicker than Arthur thinks he’s ready for.


Arthur’s eyebrows shoot up in shock at Merlin’s tone.

“I- I just mean- well, the more we do the less options we have later on. What if we do everything in the book and the spell doesn’t stop? I’d be in pain and we’d have nothing else to try.”

“Oh!” Arthur’s voice is a bit too enthusiastic, “Of course. That’s a great point.” Merlin flushes at the praise but Arthur trudges on unnoticing, “So we stick to one or maybe even two, until we can get a better understanding of your… interests.”

Merlin sucks in another breath, arms wrapping around his stomach, a pitiful whimper escapes his lips.

Arthur tenses, unsure of how to do this with Merlin in such pain, but his servant stands up again after a moment.

“Okay?” Arthur asks frantically as he moves over to his desk.

“Yeah, yeah I’m okay, still bearable.”

“Good.” Arthur states, rummaging around in one of his desk drawers that Merlin will certainly have to reorganize.

“Arthur? What are you doing?” Merlin feels slight annoyance bubbling in his chest as he watches Arthur make a mess. He walks over to his master.

The prince turns to him with a brilliant smile and Merlin’s heart flutters at the sight. “Close your eyes.”

Instead, Merlin narrows his eyes, “You know, you saying that with a wide grin is rather unnerving.”

Arthur huffs in annoyance, “Merlin.” His voice is strong and domineering, Merlin knows better than to keep arguing, and while he has had the urge to disobey recently, he doesn’t want to dampen what a good day it has been.

“Fine.” He grumbles but closes his eyes.

There's some shuffling and what sounds like a click but Merlin doesn’t try to peek, knowing Arthur would surely be watching him.

“Hold your arm out. Keep your eyes shut until I say so.” Arthur commands.

Merlin listens and then something is placed in his hand. It’s smooth and feels wooden. He feels Arthur walk behind him and he shuffles a bit more.

“Here.” Arthur adjusts Merlin’s arm as if he is a guard holding a spear, but the object in his hand is far too small to be any kind of polearm.

“Gonna take your neckerchief off.” Arthur warns, not waiting for a response before untying the fabric. It falls to the floor and Merlin feels rather exposed suddenly.

“Okay, open your eyes.” Arthur’s breath ghosts against his neck.

Merlin cautiously opens his eyes, they quickly widen to saucers.

He’s holding a mirror, not only that but in the mirror he can see that Arthur is holding a black strap of fabric in front of his neck. Now that Merlin can see what it is Arthur gently moves it against his throat.

The material is unbelievably soft against his skin, it feels almost like leather but feels too luxurious, too soft. In the center of the material hangs a refined yet dainty gold carving of the Pendragon dragon. The metal gleams in the flickering candlelight that illuminates the chamber.

Arthur’s calloused fingers brush against his nape as he buckles the collar one notch too tight. It’s not choking or uncomfortable but it certainly puts a steady pressure on his neck, it's actually a rather comforting feeling.

When Arthur finishes securing the collar Merlin watches as his reflection’s eyes flash pink.

“There,” Arthur’s voice rumbles next to his ear. The prince lays his hands on Merlin’s sternum, his thumb caressing the dip between his collar bones, just below where the pendant sits.

“Now you clearly belong to me.”

Merlin can see the satisfaction in Arthur’s expression in the mirror; it’s reminiscent of a cat who has finally captured the songbird that has been flitting about its yard.

Merlin swallows and it only makes the collar feel tighter.

“Arthur-” Merlin tries but he’s suddenly overcome with emotion. There’s something about this, the undertone of pride in Arthur’s voice, Merlin’s devotion being laid across his skin for all to see. The intimacy that fills the air is nearly choking, it’s suffocating, it’s startlingly authentic and Merlin can’t get enough of it.

“Hmm?” Arthur hums as he brings his mouth to Merlin’s neck, placing kisses above the collar but never breaking eye contact in the mirror. The hand not on Merlin’s chest moves to his hip, sliding under the servant’s shirt so he can feel the warm skin under his rough palm.

Merlin’s brain sputters as arousal washes over him like a tidal wave, he couldn’t stop his whimper if he tried. He pushes back into Arthur’s firm chest.

When Merlin doesn’t answer him Arthur can’t help but smile against the boy's neck. “Merlin, I want you to wear this every day under your neckerchief, is that understood?”

Merlin, shaky on his feet, nods but his words are contradicting. “Arthur, this is too valuable for-”

“Merlin,’ Arthur cuts him off before he can continue, “I want you to.”

His words shake Merlin to his core, he can feel his well built walls crack further and further.

Arthur continues, “I want to make sure you understand what this means.” Arthur brings the hand on Merlin’s chest higher to brush against the collar, he slides a finger underneath making it impossibly tighter but it still doesn’t choke him. “Not only am I your prince, your lord, your master. I am your owner.” Arthur’s voice is a low rumble, Merlin can feel it vibrate in Arthur’s chest against his back. “You belong to me.” Arthur scrapes his teeth against Merlin’s neck, causing the raven to shiver as goosebumps erupt on his flesh. “Even if I decide to share you, you belong to me, no one else. Is that understood?”

“Yea- yes I understand,” Merlin replies immediately, that pleasant floaty feeling taking over his body again.

“Good,” Arthur purs as he grinds his hips against Merlin’s arse, “Such a good boy. My good boy, hmm?”

Ngh yes! ‘wan be good for you.”

Arthur chuckles and nips harder at his neck, “Good.”

Arthur walks them over to the bed, stripping their clothes as they walk, though he waits until they are stationary to remove Merlin’s trousers, not wanting the clumsy fool to trip.

Arthur lays him down on the bed, his collar being the only thing adorning his heavenly figure. The air around them is rife with arousal but it’s not their usual urgent fiery passion. It’s inanimate, affectionate, and warm. It whispers a deeper feeling, something much more profound that neither of them acknowledge and will blame on the alcohol in the morning.

Arthur rifles through his bedside drawer and pulls out the vial of oil he keeps there.

The prince tosses it on the bed before crawling over his servant. They’re both already close to full hardness. Merlin watches with wide vulnerable eyes as Arthur straddles his thighs, he slides his hands down the servant’s flanks in smooth caresses. He reaches over his chest, brushing past his nipples where Merlin lets out a gasp. His hands continue to trail up. They brush against his collar bones, his collar, the underside of his jaw, Merlin keens and presses into his touch there. Arthur smiles amusedly at the boy. His hands caress further up until they rest on his cheeks.

The look of pure adoration on Arthur’s face has Merlin thinking this has to be a dream, but even his dreams aren't this nice. His heart surges with such emotion, such rightness, such fear, but he chooses to ignore it, he won’t let worries of the future or prophesied destinies ruin this moment. This is just him and Arthur, no princes, no warlocks, just two men, just them.

“Okay?” Arthur asks, his blue eyes flicking across his face.

It’s when Arthur asks that. They both come to a realization, they know they don’t have to do this. Merlin’s eyes flashed pink before. They don’t have to do this, there is no pain. They don’t have to do this, there is no time limit. They don’t have to do this, there is no rush, they don't have to do this. There’s nothing but them, they want to do this.

Merlin fights down his emotions, doing his best to focus on Arthur and the pleasant floaty feeling, he smiles softly up at Arthur, “Okay.”

Arthur brings his mouth to Merlin’s lips, They move together gently, affectionately. Merlin wraps his arms around Arthur’s neck and deepens the kiss. There are no urgent groans or whines of impatience, just content pleasured sighs and soft appreciated moans.

Merlin opens his legs and Arthur maneuvers between them. Arthur reaches for the oil giving them a moment to catch their breaths. He settles back between his servant’s legs and oils up his fingers. Merlin leans up and cups a hand around Arthur’s neck dragging the prince back down to him. The prince groans as his cock rubs against Merlin's for a moment before he moves his hand to Merlin's entrance, oiled finger rubbing at his hole.

Merlin gasps into his mouth as Arthur presses in his first finger, sliding it in and out gently. Merlin moves to place open mouth kisses on the underside of his jaw, and Arthur adds another finger.

Merlin makes beautifully wanton moans as Arthur continues to stretch him open. By the time Arthur has three fingers gliding in and out of his Merlin, the raven is a mewling mess below him.

He looks to Merlin, a silent question, Merlin eagerly nods his head.

Arthur lifts his servant’s legs so that his ankles rest on his shoulders before he presses in.

The feeling, the closeness, it has Merlin’s magic aching to reach out, to caress, to hold its other half dearly. Merlin keeps his grasp on it tight.

Arthur presses in slowly, it has Merlin’s eyes fluttering and his back arching. His lips are parted, breaths shallow as his head is turned to the side. When Arthur’s bottomed out Merlin has the gall to smile at him, Arthur can’t help but smile back.

He begins his thrusts, balancing Merlin’s legs on his shoulders. He starts slow and shallow allowing Merlin to adjust. Then he rolls his hips into Merlin and his servant moans.

“Ah- Arthur, so good nngh, so good ahh fuck.

Arthur brushes stray pieces of hair out of Merlin’s face. “God Merlin, you're so beautiful.”

Even with his cock in his arse that’s what get’s Merlin to blush, Arthur nearly laughs but he doesn’t want the boy to take it in the wrong way.

“Ah Fuck- Merlin, fucking hell.” The prince groans as his Merlin moves to meet his movements.

Arthur brushes against his prostate and Merlin lets out a delicious sounding moan.

Mmm fuck, such a good boy for me Merlin, so good, so fucking beautiful and all mine.” Arthur brings his hand to tease at the collar and he hits Merlin’s prostate again.

“Arthur! Arthur please.”

Shhh it’s alright, I have you, I always take care of what's mine remember?” Arthur bends over, finding that Merlin is surprisingly flexible, he practically bends the boy in half and laps at his neck, just above the collar.

When Merlin cries out again Arthur benevolently slides his hand between them to Merlin’s leaking prick. With a few more rough rolls of his hips, Arthur’s orgasm sends shockwaves of pleasure through him with each pulse of cum that he fills Merlin up with.

A couple more pumps of his hand and Merlin is quick to follow, moaning Arthur’s name as his cum smears between their abdomens.

Arthur pulls out and falls over to his side of the bed, making sure not to crush Merlin.

They lay there for a while, panting, both blissed out reveling in the afterglow.

The cum is starting to get tacky on his stomach and he doesn’t want it to crust on them. So Arthur stands up and wets a cloth in his basin. He cleans himself off before moving back to the bed to clean off Merlin. The boy has a dopey smile on his face the whole time and Arthur doesn’t try to hide his own grin.

He cleans out his arse first before moving to his stomach, doing his best to prevent any large wet splotches from forming on his sheets. As he’s wiping off Merlin’s stomach, the raven squirming from the ticklish feeling, Arthur finally speaks up.

“Stay here tonight.” It’s not a question but Arthur’s tone leaves room for refusal if Merlin doesn’t want to stay.

“Mmm ‘kay. Tired anyways,”

That’s true, even though he had taken a nap Merlin had looked awful this morning.

“Alright.” Arthur brushes a hand through his hair before retreating to toss away the now soiled cloth.

Even though Merlin is tired he doubts he’ll be able to sleep soon with everything that just happened. He feels the bed dip as Arthur gets in.

They lie in silence for a few moments before Merlin feels an arm snake around his waist. Arthur pulls him into his chest, his other arm slides under Merlin’s head acting as an additional pillow. Merlin doesn’t know if this is because of the aftercare or- No. He’s not going to think about it, he’s just going to enjoy this moment for what it is. He melts back into Arthur’s hold.

They lay there in silence, not saying anything to each other, but Arthur’s breaths haven’t evened out yet so Merlin knows he’s not asleep yet. He shifts a bit and turns in Arthur’s hold so they’re face to face.

Arthur watches him curiously for a moment before relaxing again, as they take in each other's features. It’s then Arthur leans forward and brings his lips to his servant's again. Merlin freezes, taken back by the unexpected contact. But Arthur moves his lips against his and Merlin finds himself melting into him yet again.

They don’t do this. They don’t kiss afterward, not when it’s done.

It’s soft and sweet and slow. They move intrinsically against each other, a perfect balance of give and take, of care and affection. They draw back from each other. Arthur’s heart pounding not knowing how Merlin is going to react. Arthur’s cheeks are dusted pink. Merlin smiles before pressing another soft kiss to Arthur’s lips.

Arthur’s brows shoot up but he doesn’t say anything, the shock on his face clear. Merlin chuckles at the prince’s bewildered expression.

“Goodnight Arthur.” Merlin snuggles in against his chest.

“Goodnight Merlin.” He tightens his hold around him.

God he is so fucking in love with Merlin.

Merlin’s final rating: 9

Chapter End Notes

I went down a rabbit hole researching medieval foods for the tavern scene (I didn't even end up including food in the end lol). But did you know they had fucking Waffle Irons?!? Only the rich could afford them but that’s still so wild lmao.

-We will see a lot more collar use in the future~

-If you couldn’t tell, Arthur was so happy because the Northumbrian royalty was leaving lmao. (that and the collar he commissioned was finished)

-Lancelot’s door wasn’t unlocked, Merlin unlocked it with his magic.

-Yes I referenced the Wind Fish from Zelda lol

-Unfortunately, I have quite a bit to do this week, so I don’t think I will be able to update until next Sunday EST (aka a week from today). If I’m able to get it out earlier then I will but don’t count on an early update this week lol.

Comments? Concerns? Qualms? Kinks? Let me know in the comments! Again I can not thank every one of you enough for reading. <3💕

Knife Play

Chapter Notes

Uuuuuuuh … hi. Okay I said don’t expect an early update and I DID plan on upholding that. But I got super lucky and my class schedule got messed up so I have a few extra days to get my projects done. Sooooooo here you go!

Word of the day: Primogenitary, the exclusive right of inheritance of the firstborn son.

Please be advised that this chapter is intense. There are major content warnings for this chapter so please, if need to, make sure you read through the warnings closely as they may not be what you expect. With that being said if you are someone who does not need warnings, they do contain major spoilers for this chapter, it is up to you if you’d like to read them. There is no shame in skipping parts or even this entire chapter. I will put a synopsis in the end notes for those who would rather skip this chapter.

As always thank you all for the reads, kudos, bookmarks, and comments! <3

Content / Trigger Warnings. !(Contains Chapter spoilers)!
-Just to get it out of the way there will be no blood in this chapter.
-Intense descriptions of a panic attack
-Panic attack relating to a sexual situation
-Intense descriptions of anxious thoughts
-Safeword use
-There are some moments that could also be triggering for self-harm in a roundabout way, while nothing explicitly like that happens there’s something in here that can kind of be related to it.

Again please do not feel bad if you need to skip parts or passing on this chapter entierly, I still appreciate you even being here! <3

Knife play
The act of using any form of sharp blade
as a tool for sexual stimulation. Depending
on the participant blood may be drawn for
furthur sexual gratification.

Merlin’s initial rating: 7

It’s warm and incredibly comfortable, the first thing Merlin registers is the pressure against his neck. The next is the heat radiating from below him.

He blearily opens his eyes, it takes him a moment to find his bearings in the dark. The first thing he sees is the very toned chest his head is resting on. The memories of the previous night come flooding back and Merlin can feel his face heat up. He carefully, as to not wake Arthur, brings a hand to his neck, the leather is supple to the touch.

He looks up at Arthur, his face is peacefully relaxed and stunning as ever, it seems a bit unfair for someone to be so handsome and a prince. His lashes are long and regal, they flutter ever so slightly as he dreams. Merlin can’t help but wonder what he’s dreaming about, perhaps battling some foes and being hailed as a hero, that or herb crusted capon.

Merlin sighs inwardly, his own humorings failing to distract him from the tight sensation in his chest. It’s a despondent ache, wrapping around his limbs like loathsome serpents, making his appendages feel much heavier than they actually are. It urges him to stay here, in the arms of his sovereign, to enjoy the quietness of early morning as a whole rather than a forlorn half, but Merlin knows he can not allow himself to get used to this, no matter how tempting the idea is. He allows himself only a few moments more to admire this serene and placid Arthur. One who doesn’t need to worry about duty or position, one who can give himself to a hushed sleep, a moment of respite where he isn’t shadowed by his primogenitary obligation to an entire kingdom.

Merlin eases himself off the prince, there’s a small indentation from where the pendant of his collar had been pressed up against Arthur’s chest.

The windows are still dark but the faint tweeting of songbirds, muffled by the cobblestone, tells Merlin the sun is not far off from making her appearance. He does his best to silently slip out of the bed but he knows, after years of trying to rouse the prince, that Arthur is a rather heavy sleeper.

The cobblestone is cool on his bare feet, he stretches his arms above his head languidly and rolls his neck, a bit stiff from sleeping propped up on Arthur. He goes about picking up his discarded clothes from last night and slipping them on. A strange mix of embarrassment and vitality heats his face as he ties his neckerchief over his newest accessory.

A part of him doesn’t want to cover it up, wanting to peacock around the castle, showing off that he belongs to Arthur. However, the smarter part of Merlin, the one that doesn’t want to get beheaded by Uther, prevails and he conceals the leather. Though even the smarter side of him feels wrong covering up such an expensive item.

Once fully dressed Merlin traipses around the chamber picking up Arthur’s clothes that had become strewn about the room last night. He’ll have to get the bed clothes too, he’ll wait until after he’s woken Arthur though.

Another peek at the windows tells Merlin it should be late enough to head down to the kitchens for Arthur’s breakfast. With one last pitiful glance at Arthur the servant takes his leave to start his day.

They don't talk about it. They go about the start of their day completely normally. Well, maybe Arthur glances at his servant’s neckerchief a bit more than usual. And perhaps he ponders why Merlin decided to start his duties before Arthur could wake with the raven in his arms, to indulge just a bit more but, no, neither of them talk about it.

It’s a rather uneventful day, that is until Uther calls a council meeting in the late afternoon.

Merlin stands dutifully behind Arthur as they wait for the last few council members to show up. Usually, Uther would be ruffled by the member's lateness, however, one of them is Gaius; and Uther, as stubborn a man as he is, understands the physician's duties can take precedence, wounds and sickness wait for no man, not even a king.

The members that are present murmur amongst themselves. Uther and Arthur both sit stoically, as royalty so often does, not conversing due to some asinine and fanciful etiquette Merlin couldn’t be bothered learning about.

Merlin swallows particularly harshly, causing his collar to press tighter around his neck. It had been rather exciting wearing it the first half of the day, but now in a room full of Uther’s men and the King himself, it’s a little unsettling. If they somehow found out and were able to recognize the meaning behind such an item he’d be dead by the morrow. It feels a bit like if Merlin had decided to walk around with a pointy hat on, nothing says ‘I have magic come and kill me’ more than pointy hats and robes, well perhaps glowing golden eyes shout it a bit louder, but it’s pretty close, either way it’s a quick sentence to the afterlife.

Plus it wouldn’t be that difficult to discern its meaning. It’s clearly much too fine a material for Merlin to ever afford himself, and the gold pendant might as well spell out Arthur’s name. Because obviously Uther would never gift the boy with such a thing. Ugh isn’t that just a horrific idea. Merlin can’t stop the shudder that sweeps through him.

His movement must catch Arthur’s eye because the prince turns around to peer at his servant questioningly. Merlin gives a small shake of his head, indicating he’s alright and Arthur pratishly rolls his eyes before turning back around.

Thankfully it’s not long after that the other councilmen trickle in, Gaius being the last.

Usually these meetings have Merlin longing for the door but today is one of the rare occasions he’s actually glad to be able to sit in.

Uther goes on to explain that there have been reports of a Saxon encampment on their Northern border. Camelot had sent envoys to assist Northumbria in an attempt to keep the Saxons (and the fighting) out of Camelot’s lands. They must have sent out a scouting or spy delegation to set up camp, thinking they wouldn't be found so far from the city.

The men get to discussing how to deal with the issue and Merlin is wholly unsurprised at what they decide on. The prince and his knights, and his manservant, though that went unsaid, are to go and eradicate the camp. They’d leave the day after tomorrow.

The rest of the evening Arthur is busy at his desk looking over maps and forming battle plans. And with anything the prince has to do on paper rather than with his sword comes Arthur’s thin patience.

That’s how Merlin winds up having to muck out the stables, well, if Merlin is being honest, which he isn’t, he did keep trying to talk to Arthur while the prince had genuine work to do.

By the time Merlin finishes it’s just past sunset but thankfully Gaius had prepared him some stew. The physician gives him a quick greeting before bading his apprentice to wash up before tucking in to the table.

Merlin sets the wash basin on the ground in the physician’s workroom, where he usually washes, but at the last second he thinks better. If he undresses and Giaus happens to look over he might see the collar.

So instead he takes the basin up to his room, along with two buckets of water. The basin isn’t particularly large, much smaller than Arthur’s bath. Merlin has to stand up to clean himself off as the top only comes about halfway up his calves, but it’s enough to get properly clean at least.

One of the best things about being the physician's assistant is that they keep a barrel of water in the workroom, that way they always have a good supply of water when needed. Granted Merlin is the one who has to keep it full, but back in Ealdor he had no such luxury.

He slips off his dirty clothes, tossing them on the floor to deal with at a later time, before carefully unlatching his collar. He takes a minute to admire it again, it’s as dark as the night sky, even the ladies of the court can’t get their dresses this dark, it only makes the golden pendant shimmer that much more. Looking at it closer, rather than in a mirror, Merlin can see now that it has almost a pearlescent luster to it when the light hits just right. He’s not sure he’s ever seen anything quite like it.

Not wanting to risk it getting wet, he slips it into his cupboard where his clean clothes lay. Then using his magic to heat the water he begins to clean the muck and grime off his skin. The smell of sandalwood and lavender has him relaxing near instantly.

After washing he sits down with Gaius and they discuss their days and the upcoming plans for Merlin’s travels up north with the knights. Thankfully with his frequent absences, Gaius doesn’t ask where he had been last night.

It’s a good night and Merlin is able to easily drift off to sleep, mentally preparing what he’ll have to pack for the journey.

The next day is a frantic mess as Merlin goes about his regular duties along with packing supplies for their journey tomorrow. Meanwhile, Arthur meets with Leon after knight training to discuss plans for their upcoming encampment siege.

It isn’t until Merlin brings Arthur his dinner that the two run into each other again. It’s a rare occurrence when they don’t spend the majority of the day together but it reminds Arthur just how much he enjoys having Merlin around, it’s a jarring amount. He always feels on edge without his servant around, worried the fool is getting into some kind of trouble.

Merlin regales Arthur with the servant's gossip he had heard today and Arthur discusses their plan for raiding the encampment.

When the conversation lulls, as Merlin does his chores and Arthur eats, Merlin runs over his mental checklist making sure he has packed everything he needed to. He’s near certain he has gotten everything, but he can’t help but feel like he’s forgetting something. Not an unfamiliar feeling to the servant but he can’t help but feel it’s something important.

Arthur watches as Merlin goes about his duties, coming back to refill his goblet every now and then, but the younger keeps furrowing his brow, clearly lost in thought about something. An uncomfortable feeling starts to make an appearance in Arthur’s chest.

The spell should kick in again soon, maybe Merlin’s fretting about last time perhaps it was too…tender. Merlin might be onto how Arthur really feels, not that Arthur will even fully admit it to himself, at least not when he isn’t relaxed and cuddling his best friend in post coital bliss. But Merlin has always been much too perceptive of Arthur’s inner thoughts, it’s a little eerie. But Arthur can’t help but think, how would Merlin feel learning that their arrangement means so much more to him than simply helping a friend? Would he feel used, angry? Disgusted? Happy?

No. He can’t afford to think like that, emotions are a weakness to a crown prince. A tool easily used for dangerous advantages by scheming foes. His duty is to Camelot first and foremost, it always will be, he can’t allow such affectionate feelings to take root, at risk of such affections being used against him. ... Who is he kidding, he was smitten the day he met the surly peasant boy, it’s far too late to prevent such feelings, but he can at least try to stop them from growing any further. Since that’s clearly worked so well before.

Thankfully, or perhaps not thankfully, Arthur is drawn out of his thoughts by a piercing shatter.

Merlin had gathered all of Arthur’s dinner plates on a carrying tray to take them down to the scullery to be cleaned. He only manages to get a few paces away from the table before the pain blindsides him.

Merlin grabs his abdomen with an anguished groan. The plates smash against the cobblestone dramatically, porcelain scattering on the floor as the metal tray wobbles around in a circle. He doesn’t even realize Arthur is there in front of him propping him up by his shoulders so he doesn’t fall into the shattered pieces on the ground.

Merlin takes a shuddering breath and the pain fades to a barely noticeable throb. It’s then he realizes Arthur holding the majority of his weight. Merlin stands back up, a sheen of sweat on his forehead.

“Are you alright?” Arthur isn’t sure he’ll ever get used to seeing Merlin fold under the sudden onslaught of pain.

“Yeah,” Merlin’s voice is gravelly so he clears it before speaking again, “Yeah, I- I’m sorry.” He looks at the plates strewn on the floor.

Arthur has to fight the urge to roll his eyes. He’s not that cruel. “Merlin it’s fine you-” Arthur stops mid sentence, realizing what a good opportunity this is. “Well, clearly you didn't learn your lesson last time.” His voice takes on a cold tone. Merlin looks at him confused. “I think you need to be punished again since you have yet to learn how to properly serve your prince.”

Realization washes over Merlin’s face in the form of a pink blush, but there’s an eagerness about his expression as well.

“Well, I have been thinking of something, a new punishment that will hopefully help you learn what is expected of you.

Arthur takes Merlin’s hand and leads him closer to the bed and away from the shattered porcelain in the ground.

They stand there for a moment as Arthur looks his servant up and down. Merlin, like always, doesn't cower under his gaze, he stands sure, waiting for Arthur to continue.

“Take off your neckerchief first.” Arthur commands huskily.

Merlin eyes him warily for a moment before reaching to the knot on the back of his neck. He starts to undo it but quickly stops. A stone of dread forms in his stomach, suddenly remembering what he had been forgetting all day.

Arthur raises an impatient brow.

Merlin meekly looks around the room searching for some saving grace, but alas there is none to be found.

Merlin.” Arthur warns lowly, “You do not want me to ask again. Because then I will not be asking.”

Knowing there is nothing he can do at this point Merlin slowly, so slowly, undoes his neckerchief. It falls to the ground and it’s impossible to miss Arthur’s reaction, the hurt is clear across his face and guilt twists Merlin’s insides. He doesn’t think about what Arthur’s reaction could mean, surely he’s just disappointed Merlin had forgotten something the prince had gifted him.

Arthur’s brief hurt is gone in an instant as he puts on his ‘prince face’ but that too is gone quickly, replaced with an expression so cold yet blazingly angry Merlin isn’t sure he’s ever seen Arthur look so mad.

“Where. Is. It.” Arthur demands in what sounds like more of a growl than voice.

“I took a ba-.”

“WHERE. Is. It.” Arthur interrupts.

“The cupboard in my room.” Merlin answers this time.

“And why is that?” Arthur grabs Merlin’s chin bringing their faces closer, their noses nearly brush against each other.

“I took a bath last night. I didn’t want it to get wet.”

“That doesn’t answer my fucking question.” Arthur tightens his grip and Merlin worries it might bruise.

“I forgot to put it back on this morning.” His voice is shaky. Merlin does genuinely feel bad but that guilt is being overtaken by a masochistic and curious dread.

“Well, I suppose you just earned yourself a much worse punishment.” Arthur brings his lips to Merlin's but they don’t touch.

Merlin swallows, searching Arthur’s eyes but the prince has put up his walls, Merlin can’t discern what he is thinking.

“Arthur, I am really sor-”

“Did I say you could fucking speak?” Arthur brings a hand to Merlin’s neck but he doesn’t squeeze, no that would not be a severe enough punishment.

Merlin shakes his head no.

“Jacket off. NOW.” Arthur barks the last word as he lets go of his servant, turning to his bedside drawer.

Merlin slides his jacket off before tossing it onto one of Arthur’s dining chairs.

When Arthur turns around his expression is calmer though there is an animalistic and eager sheen to his gaze. But that’s not the only thing Merlin notices. The prince is also holding a dagger in his hand. The handle is intricately carved, smooth and white, either ivory or antler by the look of it. The blade though, the blade is silver but it reflects a blueish purple hue as Arthur twists it around in his hands.

While any person in their right mind would be scared of someone who has been trained to kill encroaching on them in such a predatory manner, Merlin knows Arthur would never truly hurt him. Well… not while Arthur is unaware of his magic at least.

“Roll up your sleeves.” Arthur closes in on him, his face a perfect picture of what a prince should be, strong, determined, calculating.

A spike of adrenaline surges through Merlin but he does as he is told, he rolls up the blue sleeves of his shirt until he can’t anymore, they land in the middle of his biceps.

Arthur watches as Merlin reveals his pale arms, dusted with black hair. Arthur’s quite surprised to see Merlin’s forearms are actually quite well built, it must be from all the chores he has the lad do. His veins can be seen under parts of his pale skin, different hues of blue, green and purple.

Another bout of pain has Merlin hissing but he doesn’t bend over.

“So,” Arthur starts, twirling the blade in his hand, “you say you forgot.”

Merlin nods his head, not willing to speak up again.

“I see,” Arthur circles around the servant, “so clearly it mustn’t be very important to you.” Arthur glares as he reaches Merlin’s front again.

Merlin opens his mouth but quickly shuts it just before he refutes. There’s the slightest hint of a smile on Arthur’s face as he watches Merlin catch himself.

Merlin’s heart is pounding. He won’t lie, there’s always been something thrilling about battles, the adrenaline pumping through his veins, the danger and risk of it all. The familiar exhilaration sends frissons through his body. His breaths come out in pants as Arthur hungrily watches him.

“Well, I’m sure after this you’ll never forget again.” Arthur says airily as he trails the hand not holding the dagger through Merlin’s hair. “You’ll never forget to mark yourself as mine,” The prince tightens his hold on the black strands, “mine to play with, mine to use, mine to damage, mine to do whatever the hell I want with.”

Arthur closes the space between their bodies and ghosts his mouth over Merlin’s neck, breathing him in. Merlin can feel as Arthur’s already hard cock pokes into his own growing erection but then he’s leaning back again.

Merlin’s eyes dart down and sure enough Arthur’s trousers are already tented.

Arthur searches his face, he must see whatever it is he is looking for because his mouth finds Merlin’s a moment later. Their mouths slide smoothly against each other, Arthur’s movements are teasing and leave Merlin wanting more. The prince slots their legs together and grinds softly against his servant a few times before pulling back, just enough to see his face.

“Clearly you must not understand. Or perhaps,” Arthur’s face hardens, “you don’t want to be mine.”

“I do!” Merlin vehemently disagrees.

Arthur’s brows shoot up before a baleful smile works its way onto his face. “Did I say you could talk?” He watches the way Merlin’s adam's apple bobs as he swallows, where his collar should be resting.

Merlin shakes his head, putting on a very innocent and cute look that almost has Arthur giving in. Almost.

“Such a shame.” Arthur grips Merlin’s right arm pulling it out in front of the younger, “If only you would learn to behave.” Arthur brings the dagger to Merlin’s arm, he angles the blade so the sides don’t make contact, only the tip of the blade does. The angle doesn’t mar Merlin’s skin at all but it still somehow stings as Arthur slowly drags the blade up the servant's inner forearm.

Merlin sucks in a breath as he watches the pretty metal slide across his skin. His adrenaline is pumping louder now, pulsing down to his cock in urgent throbs.

Arthur flicks his gaze between the blade and Merlin’s face which is getting a bit of that hazy look to it, but his blue eyes stay alert and watching.

“If you were good I wouldn’t have to punish you.” He carefully drags the blade over the crook of Merlin’s arm and up his bicep until it reaches where his shirt is rolled up. The path leaves tingles that radiate up to Merlin's chest, he has to fight off a shiver. “I could have been fucking you by now.”

Merlin’s eyes dart up to meet Arthur’s lidded ones. It’s then Merlin’s eyes flash pink, the light glinting off the dagger.

Good, Arthur thinks.

The prince drops Merlin’s arm to grab his other one. He angles the blade the same way, but he starts in the center of Merlin’s upturned palm this time.

“I could be shoving my cock into that tight little hole of yours right now.” Arthur’s breath is gravelly as he speaks. “I could be pumping in and out of you by now, holding you down and fucking you open.” Merlin lets out the slightest wanton whimper and Arthur tightens his grip on his arm, the blade slowly ascending to the crook of his elbow.

“I could be gripping your hips, forcing you to meet my movements as I thrust into your damn near addictive heat over and over again. I could be praising you for being such a good boy, for being my good boy.” Arthur groans the last parts and Merlin can’t help but moan in response.

Merlin squirms, his prick impossibly hard now. Adrenaline flows through him in a steady course as he watches Arthur carefully drag the blade up to his bicep.

“But you haven’t been good, have you?” Arthur asks as he lifts the dagger, but rather than bringing it further away he brings it closer to Merlin. He places the blade against his cheek, the metal a cool contrast to his flushed skin.

Merlin shakes his head, the movement causes the blade to press into him a bit further but Arthur is careful enough so that it doesn’t do any harm.

“That’s right, you haven't been good,” Arthur purrs as he carefully slides the metal down and across Merlin’s bottom lip.

Merlin wants to dart his tongue out and lick it but he isn’t sure if he’d get punished further, so he doesn’t.

The blade rests on his other cheek. “Clearly I need to be harsher with my punishments.” Arthur brings his lips to Merlin’s once more but it’s brief and leaves the servant frustrated. He doesn’t dare risk voicing the feeling.

Arthur drags the blade down Merlin’s chin, carefully maneuvering it under his jaw and down to his throat where his collar should be.

It’s cool and when Merlin swallows he can feel the metal press into his skin but still, it doesn’t cut him.

It’s then Merlin sees Arthur’s eyes change, they go from teasing and hungry, to rageful and hostile. His features darken with rabid and unfettered fury.

“You lied to me, you’ve lied to me all this time!” Arthur sneers, his voice trembling with rage.

Merlin's eyes go wide with confusion, the blade still held to his neck.

“Did you think I’d never figure it out? That I was so dumb you could just go behind my back and do as you please?!”

“What? Arthur? What are you talking about?” Merlin’s already surging adrenaline spikes even higher.

Don’t you dare play fucking dumb with me Merlin. I know you’re a fucking sorcerer. I’ve seen it with my own goddamn eyes!” Arthur bellows, the blade pressing further into his neck.

Merlin’s stomach drops out from under him. “Arthur, I’m so sorry, I- I use it for you! Only for you I swea-”

SILENCE!” Arthur roars, his chest heaving, cheeks stained red with anger.

“You have betrayed me! I trusted you!” Arthur’s body shakes with rage. “You were my friend! And all you wanted to do was kill me.” Arthur blanches at the sentence. “What was it? Were you trying to play the long game? Waiting until no one would possibly suspect you? Did you even get cursed?!” Arthur’s voice raises again, “Or did you just do this to get into my bed?! To lower my guard even further?” There are angry tears in Arthur’s eyes but they don’t fall.

“No! Arthur, please! I never wanted to hurt you, I swear!” Merlin pleads, his voice breaking, his ears ringing, throat tightening. He could use his magic to escape, but he never would, not from Arthur, he could never run from him, the reason he is alive, he can’t run from his destiny.

“If you speak up again I will not hesitate to slit your throat right here.” Arthur pushes the blade into him further but Merlin can’t feel it, he can't feel anything other than his pounding heartbeat. Panic starts settling into his bones, weaving into his muscles, into his magic. Merlin squeezes his eyes shut trying to focus on anything other than the panic overtaking his system, anything other than Arthur’s rage. Anything other than how lonely Gaius will be without him, anything other than the panic prostrating his whole body, but all he can feel is the utter need to get away, he won’t though, he could never leave Arthur.

When Merlin opens his eyes he’s met with a confused and not at all angry looking prince. Merlin’s heart frantically pounds in his chest, in his ears, in the tips of his toes. Arthur raises a questioning brow at his servant as if expecting Merlin to say something.

But he can’t say anything, panic constricting his airway, it’s compressing his veins, drowning his lungs.The blade on his neck burns like the flames of hell.

Merlin can barely register Arthur’s brow furrowing in slight confusion.

“orange” scratches its way out of Merlin’s throat.

Immediately Arthur hucks the blade across the room, uncaring if it gets damaged. His hands are off the servant and he raises them as he takes a couple steps back.

“Okay, okay, it’s okay.” Arthur’s heart is pumping off a different kind of adrenaline now, one of worry as he watches Merlin succumb to more and more panic. Arousal instantly forgotten.

The tears flow freely down Merlin’s cheeks as he sobs. He sinks to the ground landing on his arse as he desperately tries to breathe. He brings his hands up to his neck, scratching his blunt nails against the skin in an attempt to get more air but he can’t.

Arthur feels bile rising in his stomach, he has never seen Merlin so afraid, he looks truly terrified.

“P-please-” Merlin sputters brokenly, “please don’t burn me.”

What? “Merlin, It’s okay. No one is going to burn you, you’re okay. I promise, The dagger is over there now. I’m not going to hurt you, I’d never hurt you.” Arthur tries but his words only make Merlin sob more.

Arthur runs his hands through his hair, not sure how to help Merlin.

Merlin’s sobbing starts causing him to dry heave, his shoulders violently quaking.

“Merlin please, look at me.” Arthur’s tone is nothing short of desperate.

But Merlin can't hear him, his blood and heartbeat too loud in his ears. The smell of smoke filling his lungs, the crowd jeering as the flames lick his feet. It’s a fate he knew he’d succumb to eventually, he had just hoped it wouldn't be at Arthur’s hand.

“Merlin!” Arthur tries again to no avail.

Merlin’s nails have dug hard enough to start drawing blood. Arthur knows he has to stop him. The prince does his best to steel his nerves but seeing the bravest man he’s ever known so broken perturbs him to no end, for a litany of reasons.

Arthur slowly, as to not startle the boy, moves closer to Merlin before gently landing on his knees in front of his best friend.


Again the prince isn’t answered, Merlin’s broken and fearful sobs are the only sound that fills the room.

Arthur softly places his hands on Merlin's wrists to stop the scratching.

The contact startles Merlin but it does the trick and he looks up to Arthur, though the tears don’t stop streaming from his red veined, puffy eyes.

“It’s okay Merlin, you’re okay.” Arthur soothes his thumbs on the inside of Merlin’s wrists.

Merlin’s eyes fill with confusion, a welcomed difference.

“Okay, that’s good, good job.” Arthur coos but he’s still still tense waiting for something to happen. “Take a deep breath.”

It was in my head. It wasn't real. It wasn’t real. It wasn’t real.

Merlin’s sobs stutter a bit as he unsuccessfully tries to breathe deeply. His eyes are desperate and pleading and Arthur’s heart hurts.

“Okay, it’s okay, try again.” Arthur hesitantly lets go of one of Merlin’s wrists, when it doesn’t go back to the boy's neck Arthur rests his own hand on Merlin's heaving chest.

Arthur takes a deep breath and Merlin follows.

“Good! That’s it, just like that, good job.” Arthur lets go of Merlin’s wrist and brings his hand to his best friend's cheek, brushing away some of the tears.

“Again.” Arthur says before taking another deep breath.

It’s a long process but Arthur goes slow and takes his time. By the time Merlin has calmed down, well perhaps calmed down isn't the right phrasing, when he has outwardly stopped heaving and his tears have run dry, he sits across Arthur’s lap, leaning into the prince’s side, head resting on his shoulder. Arthur’s fingers trail against his back in light whispery touches. The prince subconsciously rocks them side to side.

Every couple of breaths Merlin’s lungs sputter and his chest rattles. His nose and ears painfully tingle, an effect of the lack of oxygen. The scratches on his throat sting. They sit there in silence for a while until Arthur finally speaks up.

“Here, can we get up? I’d like to look at your neck, if that’s alright.”

His questioning tone is a bit unnerving honestly, Merlin’s so used to Arthur demanding things, he never asks.

Merlin nods his head and slowly stands up. A wave of dizziness hits him but it fades quick enough.

Arthur places an arm around his shoulders and maneuvers him to the bed. Merlin sits down too exhausted to really think, his mind is blissfully quiet as he watches Arthur move to his desk.

The prince pulls out the small emergency aid kit Merlin keeps in one of his drawers before making his way back to the bed.

The bed sinks down as Arthur sits. With a gentle hand, the prince turns Merlin’s head towards him to get a better look at the scratches. They aren’t particularly deep, but heaven forbid they get infected.

“Is it okay if I apply some disinfectant?”

“I can do it.” Merlin’s voice is small and croaky. He reaches for the supplies but Arthur moves them away.

“Can I?” There’s a small pause before Arthur adds on, “Please.”

Merlin sighs, he never wanted Arthur to see him like that, while anxiety isn’t new for the warlock, panic attacks are usually rare for him.


Arthur takes out the rag and small bottle of disinfectant and starts dabbing at Merlin’s neck. Merlin welcomes the sting, it’s better than the achingly empty and anxious feeling lingering inside him.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Arthur keeps his eyes on his work but he feels the way the bed shifts and how Merlin’s muscles tense at the question.


“Okay.” Arthur replies easily, he wouldn’t force Merlin.

Arthur works in silence for a while, he’s nearly done when he speaks up. “I’m sorry.”


Merlin’s voice comes out so strong it has Arthur looking up, meeting his confused, puffy eyes.

“I’m sorry, I took it too far. I should-”

“Arthur, no.” Merlin interrupts, “You stopped when I said the word. You didn’t take it too far.”

Arthur sighs searching Merlin’s face. His expression is similar to when he gets scolded by his father, he’s disappointed in himself. Merlin wants to reach out but he doesn’t.

“I should have known, it-”

“Arthur,” Merlin exasperates, “I didn’t even know. There’s no way in hell you could have. In no way is this your fault.”

“Just, I’m sorry- I’m sorry it happened then.” Arthur waves his hand.

“You know, sometimes I think you’re too good hearted.” Merlin’s lip quirks up but the rest of his face stays solemn. For all the responsibility and tribulations Arthur has to go through daily, Merlin does truly respect Arthur insurmountably.

Arthur gives him a strange look, he’s never gotten used to Merlin’s rare compliments, they always catch him off guard.

“Sometimes I think you’re too stubborn,” Arthur parries, Merlin opens his mouth to argue but Arthur continues, “it’s okay to ask others for help, hell I do it all the time, you, the knights, the servants, the councilmen. You don’t have to go through everything alone.” The prince’s expression is sincere and caring and worried and all the things Merlin needs him not to be so he can ignore his feelings for the stupid prat.

But Arthur’s words cut into Merlin’s chest, they carve and carve until there’s nothing left, like a widdler who keeps trying to fix his mistakes not realizing he’s used up all the wood. Because it’s not true, he does have to do this alone, he can’t tell anyone.

The servant exhales wetly.

“I don’t think you ask those people for things, certainly not me. It’s more like demanding.” Merlin tries to joke, attempting to change the topic.

Arthur gives him a sad look, one that tells Merlin he’s not fooled but Arthur thankfully doesn’t push him.

“Do-” Arthur pauses looking down to Merlin’s lips for a moment before meeting his eyes again. “Do you want to stay here tonight?”

Merlin’s heart skips a beat. “I- I shouldn’t. Gaius will wonder where I am if I’m gone again.”

“Ah right, of course.” Arthur scratches the back of his neck as he turns his attention to the fireplace. “Well then, I expect you ready bright and early for our ride out.”

“Yes, of course.” Merlin stands up, his gaze landing on the broken plates. “I’ll just-”

“It’s fine. I’ll get George to do it, you go rest.” Arthur looks back to him, his expression unreadable.

Merlin nods before picking up his neckerchief and jacket as he makes his way to the door. He stops before exiting. “Thank you, Arthur.” The door shuts softly behind him.

Arthur isn’t sure what Merlin is thanking him for this time.

Merlin’s final rating: N/A

Chapter End Notes

Hehe sorry.

I was debating if I wanted to do a discovery of a ‘hard no’ since it can be really intense but the comments convinced me to do it! I don’t know if I would have been confident enough to write it without you guys. I hope I did it justice! (Personally, I really like how it came out, I’m a hoe for some good whump lol) <3

If you need some fluff after that feel free to re-read the last chapter, I made it fluffy knowing what was coming lol.

Again I can’t thank you guys enough for reading, bookmarking, kudos (kudoing? lol) and commentating as always.

I am aiming to get the next chapter up Thursday est! (Honestly not sure what time of the day, could be later in the day but we’ll see).


Synopsis: Arthur and Merlin learn of an encampment of Saxons on Camelot's Northern border, they and the knights are planned to leave tomorrow (next chapter) to start their journey there to eradicate the camp. Merlin is hit with pain but he forgot to wear his collar, Arthur is visibly hurt. Arthur punishes Merlin by using knife play. However, Merlin starts to panic imagining Arthur realizing he's a sorcerer while holding the blade to his neck, cursing him out asking if Merlin was even actually cursed or just wanted to get into his bed. It was all Merlin's imagination though. However His panic is not, so he ends up using the safe word. Arthur respects that and stops touching him instantly. Arthur calms him down and after a bit asks if Merlin would like to stay the night in his chambers. Merlin makes up the excuse Gaius would wonder where he was. Pretty much two steps back from last chapters one step forward.

Cum Play

Chapter Notes

What's this?!? An update on Thursday?! Okay yes, it's only a few minutes past midnight but hey I posted on the day I said I would and not earlier. Lol

Phew, what a week! Happy it’s over, everything went super well though, just tiring lol. I was so excited to be able to sit down and write again! Not only does this chapter have one of my favorite moments in this fic so far, it might be my favorite chapter yet, so I hope you guys like it!

Also 300 Kudos?! Ngl it’s a little overwhelming lmao but in the absolute best way! I can’t thank you all enough for your support, I am so glad you’re enjoying this story! Thank you so much! <3

(There is a very good chance this kink will come up again in the future as well~)

Cum play
Using a participant's cum
in some sort of abnormal yet
sexual manner.

Merlin's original rating: 6

Merlin stands there for a moment leaning back against the door, his head throbbing. He holds his jacket clutched in one hand, neckerchief in the other. He closes his eyes, listening to the crackling of the torches that light the royal corridor. He hears one of the guards shift slightly at the end of the hallway but he pays it no mind. Too focused on other matters.

Where his heart had been pounding too frantically before, it feels as if it is beating too slowly now, as if trying to compensate for earlier. His pulse is a steady throb all throughout his body, each palpitation sending waves of sharp discomfort that radiate through his skull as if he’s poorly hungover.

He takes a deep breath, his lungs heave a bit but the air feels cool inside his chest. Not wanting to look strange to the guards, Merlin peels himself off Arthur’s chamber door. He’s a bit unsteady on his feet but he makes due, the guards nod to him as he passes.

He makes sure to only think of Gaius’ chambers and the path that takes him there, leaving any unsavory thoughts out of his reach. It’s surprisingly easy to keep his mind off of what just happened. He is always exhausted after any kind of anxiety or panic attack, and with that comes the ability to focus solely on his fatigue.

That is until he's in his chambers.

He doesn’t bother changing out of his clothes but he does take off his boots, tossing his jacket and neckerchief on the floor.

He squeezes his eyes shut as he plops down onto his bed, trying to get the image of a murderous Arthur out of his mind. He has never truly been afraid of Arthur per se, it isn’t like Arthur is a bad person. He’s as far from a bad person as someone can get. No, he has never been afraid of Arthur, what Merlin is afraid of is his reaction. What the prince will do if he finds out and the repercussions of his actions.

Arthur is the epitome of goodness, Merlin has never seen someone with a truer or more courageous heart, he honestly doubts there is even anyone else of Arthur's caliber out there. And Merlin… well Merlin is the other side to Arthur’s goodness, the other side of his coin. Now, does this make the warlock inherently bad? No, at least, he wouldn’t say so. Not anymore anyways, not after years of saving Arthur’s backside and Gaius’ paternal reassurances.

But, if Arthur were to condemn him, to sentence him to the pyre… if he asked, Merlin would light the flames himself. He would conjure the fire, using his last act to give Arthur the one part of himself Merlin hadn’t already willingly given. His magic.

If Arthur found out and was forced to choose between his servant and his kingdom, Merlin knows what Arthur would choose. Even if Arthur somehow returned his feelings, not that Merlin would delude himself with such thoughts, he knows Arthur would always choose his kingdom, his family, his father. That’s part of what makes Arthur so noble. But the prince would have to live knowing he was the one who sentenced his best friend to death. Merlin would never want to put him through such a thing.

With the upbringing and life that the prince has had, he has never seen magic other than anything but evil. Arthur isn’t at fault. Merlin could never blame him, he’s a product of his raise. Even if the prince ran Merlin through himself, the warlock wouldn’t be angry at him.

And that’s what truly scares Merlin. It’s his own devout loyalty that terrifies him. It’s not as if he wants to die, but he’d burn for Arthur a thousand times over.

Merlin takes a deep breath opening his eyes back up, he stares at the ceiling above, willing away his uneasiness in an attempt to get his thoughts in order. He’s thought it over countless times, what would happen, how it would happen, what Arthur would go through afterward, what the knights would do, what would happen to Gaius for harboring him, his mother for birthing him, Lancelot for protecting him.

It’s ironic, him and his magic being a risk and burden to every person in his life, yet it’s purpose is to protect Arthur. Perhaps that is where Merlin’s loyalty comes from, Arthur is his purpose, and with purpose comes a reason to exist, to live. It seems rather selfish.

If Merlin’s loyalty is solely because Arthur gives him a purpose, then the warlock is just protecting the prince for his own peace of mind, to know he has a reason to live. But Merlin knows better, that is not the only reason he is so set on keeping the prince safe, he loves Arthur.

He could not bear to live in a world without him… but that’s just as selfish isn’t it? In that sense, Merlin is doing it for himself. And yes he could argue he is doing this to bring back magic to Camelot, that will benefit countless magic users who live their day to day lives in fear, it would stop the persecution of his people. But that’s the thing, it’s his people, Merlin will benefit just as much as anyone else if magic becomes legal. How can he be sure he isn’t just doing this all for himself?

That’s how he completes Arthur’s goodness. Arthur always does what is right, always saves those in need and while he may get the glory, that certainly isn't why he does it. Being a prince there isn’t really anything Arthur can gain from helping others. Meanwhile, Merlin has everything to gain if he brings back magic.

Merlin has attempted to die on behalf of the prince multiple times. And Arthur has done the same in turn. But Merlin was willing to die to protect the heir to the throne, the one who is meant to bring back magic to Camelot. The one Merlin couldn’t stand to live without. Arthur did it because it was the moral thing to do.

Merlin presses the heels of his palms against his eyes until he sees spots of colors dancing behind his lids. He hadn’t expected to be afraid of Arthur, he doesn’t really think he is, even after what happened in the prince’s chambers. But the reality of Arthur holding a blade to him, it was more startling than Merlin had imagined. In a strange roundabout way, he feels almost more prepared if Arthur were to find out, knowing what it’s like to be on the end of a weapon wielded by his destiny.

He sighs and rolls over in his bed, thoughts and images of pyres, swords and blood running through his mind until exhaustion finally takes over.

Arthur sits on the side of his bed, staring across the room. George had come to clean the broken plates but when the servant went to pick up the dagger Arthur had thrown across the room earlier, the prince told him to leave it before dismissing him.

The flames of the dying hearth reflect off the metal blade mockingly, as if laughing at him.

God he’s an idiot.

How could he… how could he do that to Merlin?

He had been so frightened. He looked terrified, and Arthur had caused that. He was the reason for it. He feels sick to his stomach. Merlin had willingly stayed by his side while fighting a dragon yet Arthur was able to instill such a visceral fear in him.

Arthur had barely been able to try and comfort the boy before he all but ran out of his chambers. He runs a rough hand down his face.

Not to mention Merlin hadn’t worn his gift. Maybe he only wants to be Arthur’s during those times. And well, obviously that was what they had agreed upon, this was simply Arthur helping a friend out, why should he want to be Arthur’s any other time?

Arthur’s chest twists painfully.

It’s not as if they could be together anyway. It’s a good thing that Merlin doesn’t want to be his. Arthur’s breath hitches.

Even if Merlin prefers blokes it doesn’t mean he likes Arthur more than a friend. Hell Merlin wasn’t even going to ask him to help with the spell, he was going to ask Gwaine, and then Lancelot. Who knows how many people Merlin would have gone through before asking Arthur. God, he’s a fucking idiot.

But, there were these moments, in the heat of their discoveries, where Merlin truly looked as if he wanted to be Arthur’s. Merlin wears his heart on his sleeve, he's always been rubbish at hiding his feelings. There were always these times where Merlin would become distant and sad, though he tried to put on a brave face, and for whatever reason he never talked about it. Arthur had asked but each time he’d get some flimsy response. Eventually, Arthur learned he wouldn’t get any answers so he stopped asking. Perhaps Arthur has looked too deeply into Merlin’s loyalty, hoping that there may be something else underneath it, something fueling the boy to stay by his side. Maybe Merlin doesn’t trust him as much as he thought, especially given his reaction to what just happened.

Arthur likes to think that he knows Merlin after their years spent together. And he can’t help but feel that Merlin’s words have been genuine, about wanting to be together his. Obviously, Arthur couldn’t be Merlin’s, but perhaps Merlin could still be his… No, he couldn’t do that to Merlin, that would be horrible. But God Arthur doesn’t think he could see Merlin be with someone else, flirting, courting, sneaking off together.

Arthur aggressively strips his shirt off, bunching it into an angry ball before throwing it at the wall.

There’s something inside him that just knows it’s wrong for Merlin to be with someone else. But Arthur is a prince, the future king, nothing can ever happen between them. Not that Merlin would even want something more to happen between them.

Arthur plops onto his back, legs still dangling off the side of his bed.

How is he so bad at emotions? First he can’t even give Merlin a hug, and now he’s sent him into a full blown panic. And obviously, Arthur has been reading too much into what they say when taking pleasure from one another, clearly, Merlin’s words were from the heat of the moment and nothing more.

His eyes sting, Arthur refuses to acknowledge the sensation.

Rather than focusing on the emotion that is not heartsick, he focuses on the only other thing he can right now. The guilt.

God what must Merlin be thinking, feeling right now? Sure Arthur has never been good at comforting people but he would have done his damnedest had Merlin stayed. Not that Arthur doesn’t understand why he left, he doesn’t blame Merlin in the slightest for not wanting to be around him right now.

He’s never seen him so scared before, it was so unsettling. He got that look in his eyes that Arthur has seen far too many times not to recognize. It’s one battleworn soldiers get when they are stuck reliving their past combats, when the torture of war has persisted to such an extent that even years later the images still haunt them.

And Arthur had triggered that in his servant.

God Arthur is filth. The next time Merlin mucks out the stables Arthur wouldn't be surprised if he finds himself being shoveled out as well.

He has to make it up to Merlin.

Oh God.

What if Merlin wants to stop their arrangement after this?

Arthur quickly sits back up. While yes he would obviously respect Merlin’s decision to do so, but it might actually kill the prince.

No, he doesn’t want that to happen. It can’t happen. Merlin is his. Merlin said he was his! He said he wanted to be his. He knows Merlin. He can tell when Merlin is lying, he’s a horrible liar. If Merlin says he doesn’t want to be his then fine Arthur will be forced to accept it. But that hasn’t happened yet.

So he’ll just have to prove to Merlin he is the best man for the job. And to do that… well, Arthur would say he’s already proved himself rather well skill-wise, so he’ll have to do so emotion-wise now. He is a battle hardened warrior, the crown prince of Camelot, one of if not the best sword fighters in all of Albion, he can be affectionate! It isn't like he doesn’t already have affections for the fool. And Arthur is not one to ever back down from a challenge, especially not one that has to do with Merlin.

Arthur will prove to Merlin that there is no other choice but him!

Arthur stands up, suddenly invigorated with the need to prove himself, he marches halfway to his door before he thinks better.

His vigor dies down at the remembrance of Merlin not wanting to stay the night. Clearly, he wants to be alone, rightfully so. And Arthur isn’t going to intrude on his space, especially after scaring him so badly.

Arthur relents, sighing as he makes his way back to his bed. Tomorrow it is then, tomorrow he will start proving himself to Merlin.

Even with his newfound determination, thoughts of a terrified Merlin fill the prince’s mind as he settles in for sleep.

Merlin breathes a sigh of relief as he readies his and Arthur’s horses, finally getting a moment to himself.

They haven't even left yet and Merlin is already feeling antsy. This very well has to do with his royal pratness. Arthur had not only been up and dressed already when Merlin arrived to wake him, on time might he add. But the prince already had breakfast laid out, for the both of them.

It was clear Arthur was trying to make up for the previous night. Merlin had insisted once again that the prince was not at fault whatsoever but Arthur had then insisted he just sit down and eat. Merlin gave in, not only because the food smelled delicious (it tasted just as delicious), but in hopes that if he ate perhaps Arthur would feel less guilty. The tension in the air eased between them as they ate.

That wasn’t the only thing though. Arthur has been so touchy this morning. While Arthur touches him fairly often it’s usually in a similar vein as the knights, punches to the shoulder, aggressive hair ruffles, friendly shoves. Today it is, well Merlin doesn’t know what it is. It’s almost a mix of his usual rough touches but they lingered longer and felt almost protective.

All the while Arthur has had an adamant look on his face Merlin couldn’t fully fathom out. It was beyond strange. And when Arthur had offered to help Merlin carry down their bags to the courtyard the servant nearly fell over.

Merlin can’t say it isn’t endearing though, Arthur trying to make up for a mistake he didn’t even actively make. Merlin dare even call it cute.

Once finished with the horses he leads them out to the courtyard to attach their saddlebags. There are other squires about working on readying the knight's horses. Usually, they are a rambunctious group, chatting away with each other about the latest gossip or heroic tales of the knights, today though they work dexterously in an uneasy silence. Surely that has nothing to do with the crown prince standing there in the middle of them.

Arthur,” Merlin grouses as he fights off a smile, “what are you doing out here?”

“I am the prince of Camelot Merlin, I can be wherever I want to be.”

“And you want to oversee the squires ready the horses before the sun is even past the trees?” Merlin raises an eyebrow as he brings the horses up to Arthur, their hooves clopping on the stone all the while.

“No. I want to oversee you ready the horses.”

There’s something about the way Arthur says that that has a pleasant shiver running down Merlin’s spine.

“Is my work not up to the high expectations of the prince of Camelot sire?” Merlin’s tone is laced with sarcasm.

Arthur fights down a smile as he pets his mare’s flank. “No, actually it isn’t.”

Merlin’s brow furrows in confusion. The squires look between themselves, sharing worried looks.

“And as you are my servant,” Arthur continues, oblivious to the tension amongst their surrounding audience, “I find that I must be the one to remind you how it is done.”

Arthur steps back to pick up one of the bags before he starts attaching it to Merlin’s horse.

Merlin’s jaw nearly hits the ground at the realization of what the prince is doing. He isn’t the only one, squires all shamelessly staring at their prince.

Arthur,” Merlin says in a more hushed tone but with no other noises than the chirping of morning birds and intermittent snuffling of the horses he can still be clearly heard by those now taking their time working to see how this plays out.

Arthur looks up from where he is latching one of the straps.

“You really don’t have to do this.” Merlin’s voice is still hushed.

“But then how else will you learn what is expected of you?” Arthur turns his focus back to the horse, starting the second latch.

It’s one thing for Arthur to prepare his own horse, but to prepare his servants?


“It’s fine. I want to.” Arthur doesn’t bother lowering his voice.

Merlin’s heart skips a beat. Seriously, Arthur needs to stop doing randomly kind things for him, Merlin does not need to become any more disturbingly besotted than he already is.

Arthur speaks up when his servant doesn’t say anything, “Come on Merlin, get to work. We have a few days of travel ahead of us.”

Merlin stands there for another moment bewildered. He’s snapped out of it as Arthur looks up at him clearly waiting for him to start working.

It isn’t long before the knights start down the citadel steps, capes billowing behind them.

They share confused looks as they approach the horses, clearly not expecting Arthur to be helping the servants.

“Sire?” Leon questions when they get close enough.

“Ah Leon! You’re all here.” Arthur turns his head but his hands don’t stop working.

The knights look between the prince and his manservant who is adamantly keeping his eyes on his hands.

“Yes, uhm we are.”

“Good. We’ll depart as soon as the horses are ready.”

“Right. Of course.” Leon looks around to the knights but they’re all just as lost as he is.

There’s a beat of silence before Leon speaks up again. “Uhm- Sire, if I may… why exactly are you helping ready the horses?”

Arthur’s gaze flicks from the horse to Merlin and then to Leon. “I wanted to. I am the prince of Camelot, I can do as I please.”

“Right, of course sire, my apologies.”

Merlin’s forehead thunks against the saddle as he rests his head, hiding his face from the others. Surely Arthur isn’t going to keep this up all day, he can at least deal with it until they leave in a short while.

Unfortunately riding on their horses doesn’t give Arthur very many opportunities to try to be affectionate to his manservant, even if they do ride next to each other. They do banter as always though and it helps calm a bit of Arthur’s guilt. Meanwhile, there’s something else eating away at him.

Arthur can’t stop looking at Merlin's neckerchief. His desire to know if Merlin wore his collar today claws at his thoughts constantly.

Merlin has caught him staring more than once now and keeps giving him strange looks.

By the time they stop for the night Arthur is practically vibrating with curiosity if Merlin wore the collar. If he didn’t then Arthur will take it as a sign that the servant truly doesn’t want to wear it, surely he wouldn’t forget twice in a row, unless he hadn’t actually forgotten the first time.

Merlin flits about their campsite going about his chores, Arthur’s eyes watching him the whole time. Waiting for an opportunity to strike.

As the sky grows darker and the air cooler Merlin is still going about his tasks. Arthur never realized how much work Merlin truly does, especially on their journeys as he has taken to not only taking care of Arthur but the other knights as well.

The knights discuss their latest tavern tales and castle gossip since their last outing but Arthur can’t find it in himself to pay attention. Too focused on trying to get some form of confirmation about what Merlin’s neck looks like under his neckerchief.

The crickets have started chirping by the time Merlin is finally able to sit down to eat.

The servant is about to take his regular place between Gwaine and Lancelot when Arthur calls out.

“Here Merlin, sit here.” The prince pats a small spot in between him and Leon.

The request gets him some strange looks but Arthur doesn’t care, not only has he barely gotten any opportunities to prove himself to Merlin today, but he needs to know if his servant is indeed his. God, he needs to know.

Leon scoots over while Merlin stands there truly stunned for a moment. Gwaine clears his throat shaking Merlin out of his confusion and the boy walks around the fire to sit next to his master.

Merlin wants to ask why Arthur has made such a request but with his strange mood today, he is afraid of what the prince will say in front of his men, so he doesn’t ask. Instead, he turns to his stew.

But before he can actually start eating there’s a hand clasped on his shoulder giving him a small yet aggressive shake.

“You did good work today Merlin,”

Oh gods what now?

“I’m happy you are able to come along. You do so much for all of us.” Arthur moves his hand from Merlin’s shoulder to the back of his neck but still keeps shaking the raven.

Merlin nearly spills his bowl on his lap.

The others watch on with a mix of confusion and knowing smiles.

“Arthur, what the hell has gotten into you?” Merlin narrows his eyes. This is more than Arthur’s guilt, the prince has never been able to be forwardly kind to him for more than thirty seconds before following it up with an insult. “Have you been hit with some sort of enchantment that makes you inexplicably kind to servants?”

It doesn’t look as if the prince is enchanted, he still looks like himself, none of that magical haziness in his eyes. Though perhaps he does look a bit manic.

Arthur very brightly fakes a laugh as the pads of three of his fingers slide down the nape of Merlin’s neck. The raven can’t help but tense at the feeling.

“Oh Merlin, you're always so amusing.” Arthur pushes his fingers under the fabric, it’s warmed from Merlin’s body heat, it feels comforting compared to the briskness in the air. Arthur then feels the telltale sign of supple leather.

His body almost immediately relaxes, he hadn’t realized how on edge he had been, his nerves feel a bit frayed but that is overtaken instantaneously by a joy so genuine it is nearly impossible to stop smiling.

Merlin’s eyebrows shoot up and cheeks pinken, now clearly aware of what Arthur is doing.

The servant bats his hand away. “Stop being so… so.. so... nice you dollophead.”

“You don’t want to be treated kindly?” Arthur half asks half teases, barely paying attention, too giddy about his discovery.

“Not when it’s from you. It’s unsettling. Unnatural even.” Merlin is finally able to get a spoonful of soup into his mouth.

“Has something happened recently sire?” Lancelot asks from the other side of the fire looking between the two. “You do seem rather… happy, today.”

“Am I not allowed to be nice to others?” Arthur asks but he can’t hide his joyous tone.

“No!” Merlin haughtily replies. “You’re never nice to others!”

“And who’s going to stop me Merlin? You?”

Your father. Is what Merlin would have liked to say but he knows better.

“Well, I think it’s good!” Gwaine butts in. “it’s about time the princess learned to loosen up!”

The knights go on to poke fun at Arthur but tactfully don’t hint that they may know what (or who) has the prince in such good spirits.

Merlin finishes his dinner before escaping their clearing to find some firewood.

Unfortunately, the next morning is not any better.

Merlin’s not exactly sure why Arthur is so adamant about being nice to him but honestly, Merlin hates it. It’s not Arthur. Sure some thanks and praise here and there wouldn’t be bad but this is so exceedingly excessive it’s starting to piss the servant off.

So, as they ready up in the morning, Merlin purposefully goes slow, he drops an apple before giving it to the prince, he fumbles with Arthur’s sword more than once and even trips more than normal, though truthfully that one isn’t on purpose. He just feels so off kilter with this overly friendly Arthur.

Arthur doesn’t rise to the bait though, he simply assists Merlin each time he makes a mistake. Merlin’s annoyance builds further.

Their day of riding goes by horrendously slowly, the air unusually warm and humid this late into the year.

When they finally stop for the night Arthur is first to dismount. He quickly moves over to Merlin’s horse. The boy had started ignoring him about an hour and a half ago, in hopes that Arthur would stop being so distressingly pleasant. In an attempt to keep ignoring him, Merlin pays him no mind as he slings his leg over his horse. That is until he feels Arthur’s hands on his hips.

Merlin flails his way to the ground, Arthur’s hands steadying him the entire way. When his feet hit the ground his back meets Arthur’s sturdy chest. Merlin whirls around on the prince.

“Arthur.” Merlin growls out.

“It's okay, no need to thank me.”

The knights snicker amongst themselves.

“If you don’t let up soon I will drag you back to Gaius so he can figure out whatever enchantment you are under and I will make sure he gives the foulest potion possible to cure you.”

“Is that a threat Merlin?” Arthur gasps over dramatically.

“No.” Merlin says easily, “If you don’t stop I will poison your portions tonight, don't think I don't know how.” His tone lowers as he speaks. “That. Is a threat.”

“That’s treason Merlin.” Arthur smirks.

“I-” Merlin pauses at Arthur’s smug aura. “You’re messing with me.”

Arthur’s smile turns blinding.

Arthur had genuinely intended to be nice to Merlin. But when his servant made it very clear how much it annoyed him, well he couldn’t resist.

Elyan chuckles, patting Merlin’s shoulder as he walks by, “Should have kept it up until he helped you unpack the horses.”

Merlin turns his glare back to Arthur who tries to wink, but he has still yet to master such a skill.

“Well, you better get to it.” Arthur ruffles his hair before pompously walking away.

While Merlin is a bit miffed that Arthur had been playing with him, he is more relieved that Arthur isn’t so ridden with guilt that he felt like he had to be excessively kind. Plus he’d get his work done much quicker without the prat getting in his way.

After he has finished cleaning their bowls Merlin sits back down next to Leon. Even though Arthur said he had been teasing him, Merlin hadn’t missed the way his eyes continued to linger on him as he went about his duties.

So just to annoy him Merlin sat on the other side of Leon, closer to Arthur than usual but far enough away that he can’t touch.

Arthur watches as Merlin rests his head companionably on Leon’s shoulder. The knight gives him a friendly smile before turning back to listen to Elyan’s outlandish story.

Merlin tries to ignore it, the want growing in his lower stomach. He wasn’t in pain, not yet but… he just… he wants.

He sits there a moment trying to figure out what has him feeling so… frisky, when he comes to a startling possibility.

Perhaps his body has gotten used to this routine. And last time he and Arthur didn't actually do anything.

Oh gods is he just going to get horny on schedule now? What happens after this is all over? He has to keep up and wank every two days? Merlin doesn't have time for that! Not between serving Arthur, working under Gaius, and saving Camelot. The only reason it works now is because it happens on the time he would be with Arthur anyway. Once this is over he can’t just sneak off every two days, Arthur would unquestionably know what he was doing.

But this want, gods it’s making him squirm. Well maybe he can sequester Arthur away even if it’s a bit early, they’ll need to soon anyways.

Merlin stands up suddenly, drawing the knights attentions. “I’m going to get some more firewood.” He turns to Arthur, “Perhaps his highness is still feeling kind enough to help? With two people we will be able to get the flames burning a bright orange in no time.” Merlin hopes he picks up on the hint.

Arthur immediately perks up, though neither of them notice Gwaine’s knowing grin spread across his face.

“Only you are too incompetent to find firewood on your own.” Arthur stands and starts making his way to the tree line, “Don’t worry I’ll protect you from the darkness.”

Merlin huffs indignantly before stomping after the prat.

The moment they are far enough away Arthur turns to Merlin and immediately pulls him into a deep kiss that leaves the servant breathless.

Arthur pulls back a bit, warm breath mixing with Merlin’s. “Pain?”

He can feel Merlin tense. Arthur instinctively takes a step back, not wanting to push Merlin, especially after last time.

“Uhm well, actually no. But just-" Merlin fumbles, his face flushing further as he looks anywhere but Arthur, “We didn’t get to last time, and well now I-” Merlin gives Arthur a pleading look in hopes he understands.

“Oh thank god, me too.” Arthur says before stepping forward, grabbing at his manservant’s hips as their mouths meet again.

Merlin moans as their bodies press together, he brings a hand to Arthur’s silky blonde locks. The prince works his leg in between Merlin’s and can already feel the younger’s hardness poking into his thigh.

God he has been on edge ever since he learned Merlin had worn his collar yesterday. Merlin marking himself as Arthur’s. The prince had tried to put his energy into teasing and being obnoxiously kind to him but it could only distract him so much. He had to hold himself back from pouncing his servant multiple times.

He’s quick to undo Merlin’s neckerchief, letting it fall to the ground. He can feel the raven smile against his mouth.

Arthur moves his lips down to Merlin’s neck, he places open mouth kisses along the length of the collar, nipping in certain spots he knows Merlin likes.

Each nip of Arthur’s teeth sends sparks of pleasure down to Merlin’s already leaking prick. Gods this is going to be a problem, how can he ever go back to not having this?

Arthur pushes Merlin’s coat off his shoulders and the servant is suddenly very annoyed that Arthur is wearing his chainmail.

Merlin huffs and tugs at the material to get his feelings across.

“It’s alright. We’ll work around it.” Arthur murmurs against his neck.

Merlin nuzzles Arthur’s face away from his neck only to kiss at the prince’s neck instead. His stubble is rough against Merlin’s lips.

Arthur groans at the heat from Merlin’s mouth. The prince runs his hands up under Merlin’s shirt, admiring the softness of his skin.

Merlin bites the crook of his neck and Arthur moans, his fingertips pressing into Merlin’s skin.

It’s not like Merlin can just strip Arthur’s chainmail off him, the time it takes to take off and put back on would surely have one of the knights coming to check on them. Merlin can however at least untie his cape, so he does. It falls silently to the ground below them.

Merlin is forced to detach from Arthur as the prince lifts his shirt over his head.

“Hold on,” Arthur says before Merlin can start kissing him again.

Merlin furrows his brow but listens. The prince turns around and picks up his cape, he gives it a shake before laying it on the ground.

“There, that’s better.” Arthur moves back to him, tongue sliding back in his mouth.

He leads his servant to his cape and coaxes him to lie down on it. Merlin raises an impatient eyebrow and Arthur can’t help but smile fondly at him.

Merlin tries and fails to hide his smile. He opens his legs teasingly in a silent invitation and Arthur’s prick gives a very interested twitch.

He settles between Merlin’s legs before devouring his mouth again. Arthur ghosts his hands down the boy's sides and goosebumps erupt on Merlin's arms and chest, his nipples pebbling.

Merlin groans at the feeling, one hand slides back into Arthur’s hair, the other resting on the side of the prince's neck.

Arthur moves his mouth down from Merlin’s kiss swollen lips to his neck, he places one kiss right below his golden pendant. He moves lower again to lave at Merlin’s collarbones.

Ngh Arthur.”

The prince slides his hands under Merlin to grope at Merlin’s clothed arse. Merlin tightens his grip in his hair.

“We- mmph- we can’t be out here too long.”

“I know, don’t worry.” Arthur rumbles against Merlin’s chest.

The prince moves his mouth to Merlin’s nipple and his servant keens, thrusting his hips up against Arthur’s erection, or well his chainmail.

“Arth- uh- r.” Merlin moans but his complaint is clear.

Easyyy” Arthur moves to his other nipple and Merlin has to stop himself from shouting lest he alert the knights.

Arthur continues to trail kisses down his stomach, Merlin’s muscles tighten at the ticklish feeling.

The prince makes quick work of Merlin’s trouser laces before pulling them and his smalls down around his mid-thigh where Arthur’s own body stops their path. Merlin’s cock twitches eagerly.

Not giving him any warning Arthur envelops his servant's cock in his mouth, the tart taste of precum coating his tongue.

Merlin groans at the feeling he can’t help but thrust up into Arthur’s mouth. Arthur chokes slightly and glares up at him.

“Sorry.” Merlin’s voice is gravelly, his head is raised to watch Arthur, lips swollen and parted.

Arthur rolls his eyes before sinking further down Merlin’s shaft.

His mouth is hot and tight and Merlin has been waiting longer than usual and he can feel his release building much too quickly for his liking.

“A-Arthur.” Merlin warns, Arthur pulls off just as Merlin cums, hot seed near violently coating his own stomach.

Merlin’s head falls back and his eyes scrunch close as he finishes.

His chest is a splotchy red heaving with panting breaths.

Arthur ignores his own entrapped erection for now, wanting to focus on his servant, another form of apology.


Merlin nods, cracking his eyes open to look at Arthur.

“Good." Arthur continues, "Because we aren’t done yet.”

Merlin’s heart skips an excited beat. His enthusiasm must show on his face because Arthur chuckles as he moves back up Merlin's body, careful not to get any of his best friend’s seed on his armor, he leans over kissing Merlin again, it’s slow and secure.

When they part Merlin looks dazed out of his mind. Pupils wide, hair tousled, lips swollen. There’s a guttural sense of satisfaction in Arthur as he takes in the enticing view.

“So,” Merlin’s lips quirk mischievously “now what?”

“Now,” Arthur drawls. The prince takes two of his fingers and runs them through the cum on Merlin’s stomach before bringing them to the raven’s mouth. “Open.”

Merlin’s eyes dip down to Arthur’s fingers then back up to his eyes before taking the prince’s fingers in his mouth.

Unsurprisingly his own cum tastes just the same as any other he's had in his mouth before.

“Good boy.” Arthur praises and Merlin’s eyes grow darker with want.

Merlin swirls his tongue around the two digits before sliding in between the calloused fingers.

He sees the pink light reflect off of Arthur’s rapt face.

Arthur pulls them out and Merlin tries to chase them but instead, he is met with Arthur’s lips, his tongue aggressively lapping, licking up the taste of Merlin’s cum from his own mouth. The thought has Merlin’s spent cock awakening.

Arthur pulls back only to lick a stripe through his cum this time. Rather than bringing it into his mouth for himself, Arthur brings a thumb into Merlin's mouth holding his jaw open before diving back down, cum covered tongue rubbing and swirling against Merlin’s own.

Merlin’s wanton moan is met with a gruff groan from the prince.

Using more of Merlin’s cum, Arthur starts to work a finger in and out of the younger, working him open.

By the time Merlin is ready, Arthur could honestly spill in his trousers.

“Gonna fuck you now alright? Fuck your own cum into you, fill you with a mix of both of our spends.”

“Fuck, Arthur, yes, please yes.”

Arthur sits on his haunches, he unties and slides down his trousers and smalls before hauling up his chainmail with one hand. Then he takes a scoop of Merlin’s cum and spreads it across his throbbing prick.

“On your hands and knees.” Arthur commands and Merlin is quick to follow once he untangles their legs.

Settling on his knees, Merlin bends so his shoulders and upper chest lay on Arthur’s cape. The angle gives the prince an erotic view of Merlin’s arse, already wet with his own cum.

When Arthur takes too long admiring, Merlin wiggles his arse playfully, “Please sire, want you to fill me up.”

Arthur feels something inside him snap.

He takes Merlin’s hips in a harsh grip with the hand not holding his chainmail up and slides into his best friend in one thrust. Merlin gasps and jerks forward at the unexpected feeling. It takes everything in Arthur to not move, if they had gone all the way last time he wouldn't be holding back but he doesn’t want to risk damaging his Merlin.

When Merlin moves Arthur doesn't hesitate to move his hips back before snapping them forward again.

Merlin Moans into his arm, not wanting to be too loud, but even muffled, his pleasure filled sounds send shockwaves through Arthur.

Arthur is rough as he fucks down into Merlin nearly pushing his servant to the ground with the force of each thrust.

Beautifully broken ‘ah, ah, ah’s, throaty whines and needy whimpers escape Merlin’s parted lips as he’s fucked relentlessly by Arthur.

“Not gonna last much longer.” Arthur grunts out as his thrusts become sporadic.

“Please Arthur, please want it, want you.”

“Fuck I- ah fuck Merlin.” Arthur groans, moving his hand from Merlin’s hip to the servant's cock.

Merlin wails as his second orgasm of the night washes over him. He shakes as his muscles tense, hot cum spurting onto the cape below him.

Arthur can’t hold on any longer when Merlin tightens around him, his cum floods into his Servant, and god does it feel divine.

They stay there for a moment before Arthur pulls out and flops down next to Merlin.

“Uhm, Arthur?”

“Hmm?” Arthur turns to the raven who hasn’t moved.

“Your cape.”

Arthur looks down to where Merlin’s second orgasm now lies.

“Eh, it’s fine.” Arthur shrugs, “you’ll clean it anyways.”

“I can't before we get back to camp.”

“Oh.” Arthur realizes what he means. “Well, I’m sure it’ll be fine.”

Merlin narrows his eyes but Arthur pulls him over so half of his body rests on his.

Arthur’s chainmail is uncomfortable but the coolness of the metal feels nice.

“Arthur we can’t stay here, we have to go back.”

“Fine. But I need to show you how to clean up since I promised ages ago and haven't been able to show you.”

Merlin blushes but nods.

Once Merlin is fully cleaned off, thanks to Arthur's cape, they get their clothes back as orderly as they can. Arthur insists on tying Merlin's neckerchief for him, giving him another chance to admire the black leather that sits against his servant's skin.

“Alright we really need-” Merlin starts but before he can continue Arthur pulls him into a crushing hug, the prince buries his head in the crook of Merlin’s neck.


“I wasn’t- it wasn’t a joke earlier. I wanted you to know how much I appreciate you.”

Once his shock fades Merlin relaxes into Arthur’s hold, wrapping his arms around the prince in return. He nuzzles his head against the prince’s.

“Thank you for telling me. I- I appreciate the effort.”

Arthur hums in acknowledgment.

“But if you try to get in my way again-”

Arthur snorts. “At first I meant it, then I saw how annoyed you were getting, I couldn’t help myself.”

“Prat.” Merlin huffs out.

Arthur tightens his squeezing even further.

“Too tight.” Merlin wheezes out.

Arthur chuckles before loosening his hold again but still doesn't let go.

“I do though.”


“I do appreciate everything you do for me.” Arthur’s voice is unsure.

There’s a pause before Merlin replies, his voice soft. “I know Arthur. I know it’s difficult for you to talk about such things. But I appreciate you telling me.” Merlin burrows further into Arthur’s hold.

“Okay. Good.” Arthur’s voice is gruff as he gives one final squeeze to his servant, placing a kiss on his temple.

Merlin looks at him, eyes wide and beautiful. They stare at each other for a moment before Arthur clears his throat. “We should… we should head back.”

“Yes. Right. Of course.”

Merlin is both surprised and confused when no one questions why Arthur is carrying his cape rather than wearing it.

He’s even more confused when a few of the knights toss some coins to Elyan.

“What’s that about?” Merlin asks curiously.

“We had a bet if you two would actually bring back firewood.” Elyan says with a mischievous smirk.

Merlin and Arthur both freeze mid-step.

There’s some snickering as Merlin blushes a bright scarlet. He frantically turns back to look at Arthur who is also blushing, yet the prince holds his chin up in a rather self-satisfied manner.

Merlin glares daggers at him.

“What?!” Arthur exasperates, "You forgot too!”

Oh gods.” Merlin groans “It’s not what you think.”

They go on to explain what has been going on. Not in very much detail but Merlin does explain how to dispel the curse, so there’s no confusion.

There’s some laughter and disbelief but Gwaine makes sure to back up their statement to those who think they were just trying to hide their relationship. That brings up more questions to which Gwaine replies ‘he doesn’t kiss and tell’ which is not only an answer in itself but they all know it’s a load of bullshite.

They are actually not as surprised as Merlin thought they would be. He doesn’t know how to feel about that.

After some more teasing and jests they settle in for the night, Lancelot kindly offering to take first watch.

Everyone opted to sleep on their bedrolls rather than in them due to the humid air. Merlin has always struggled to sleep when it’s too warm out. And it’s not like he can take off his neckerchief lest he is teased until the end of time come morning.

The stars are bright tonight, dancing between different colors. He knows a few constellations but he can’t be bothered to find them, he simply enjoys the beauty of the celestial lights. He peeks around to see if anyone else is awake other than Lancelot who sits a bit away. While no one is snoring they all have their eyes closed as far as he can see, except for Arthur who is looking at him from his usual spot next to his servant.

Merlin raises a questioning brow.

“Can I ask you a question?” Arthur asks, tone hushed.

“You just did.”

Arthur stretches over to shove at his servant.

“Of course, Arthur.” Merlin’s tone is laced with amused yet relaxed teasing.

Arthur looks up to the starry sky above them. The fire crackles softly as the crickets sing in the forest. “You always talk of destinies and great futures and fate.” His voice is contemplative.

Merlin’s heart skips an unsure beat.

Arthur continues, not looking at him, “Do you truly believe in such things? That no matter what, our futures are already decided for us?”

Merlin sighs, isn’t that a loaded question. He can’t help but think of Kilgharrah and his talks of such things.

“Honestly? I’m not sure.” Merlin turns his gaze back to the sky as well. “But I think that perhaps there are some things that are so strong they will come to fruition, no matter what.”

Arthur hums and the silence stretches out for a while before the prince breaks it again.

“Like what?”


“What’s something you believe will happen no matter what?”

“Oh. Well, that’s easy.” Arthur can hear the shy smile in Merlin’s tone without having to look at him. “Obviously, you’re going to be the greatest king Camelot has ever seen. That all of Albion has ever seen.”

“How can you be so sure?” Arthur narrows his eyes and turns to Merlin but his servant doesn’t turn to meet his gaze.

“Because I know you, Arthur. The real you, not the prince. Not the knight. Not heir to the throne. Just…you. You’re a good person”

Arthur doesn’t know how to reply to that. Merlin’s unwavering faith always fills him with an unyielding determination to create the future the boy dreams of. To be the best king Albion has ever seen, to give Merlin the future he deserves.

“Is there anything else? You believe to be already written in the stars?”

There’s another long pause before Merlin speaks again.

“Yes. I think perhaps some souls are tangled together by the strings of fate. Destined to be together, in whatever way that may be.”

“Like soulmates?”

“I suppose.”

Hmm. I like that idea.”

Merlin takes a deep breath, focusing on the stars and nothing else knowing he wouldn’t have the courage to ask otherwise. “Do you think, perhaps in another life, if you weren’t a prince, and I wasn’t a…sorcerer a servant, do you think we’d still find each other?”

Merlin isn’t sure what answer he wants to hear. But perhaps this pull he’s always felt towards Arthur isn’t just because Merlin knows of their shared destiny. Maybe … maybe there’s more to it. Would Merlin still feel the way he does about Arthur had he never learned about their inevitable fate?

Arthur is silent as he thinks it over for a moment. “No, I don't think we would.”

Merlin’s heart sinks. Perhaps his knowledge of their star crossed destiny has misguided his feelings down a desolate and naive path that-

“Because,” Arthur continues, his voice barely a whisper, “I was lucky enough to find you once, I doubt I’d be so lucky again.”

Merlin turns to look at Arthur but the prince is staring resolutely at the stars.

Arthur continues on, “But, if somehow we were to find each other again,” the corner of Arthur’s mouth quirks up slightly, “well, maybe you’ll land your punch next time.”

Merlin snorts.

Arthur turns to him with an amused yet soft smile.

Merlin smiles shyly as they look at each other. Merlin speaks up first.

“Goodnight, Arthur.”

“Goodnight, Merlin.”

Merlin’s final rating: 8

Chapter End Notes

Got a bit of a long one this week! As always I can’t thank you guys enough! The response to this story has been phenomenal and I am beyond grateful for every one of you guys. I'm so happy so many of you are enjoying reading this as much as I am writing it!

I know we didn’t get too much time with the knights this chapter but there will be plenty in the next one!

Also this is a random question (but I feel like it would be strange to Google lmao). I feel like in most Merlin fics I read it’s usually spelt ‘come’ rather than ‘cum’. Is this a UK thing? Or is it just like a fandom thing I’m not privy to? I’ve seen it in other fandoms too but I feel like I see way more with Merlin fics. Not that I mind either way, I’m just curious because of the kink in this chapter lol.

Side note: The unofficial theme song for this fic is ‘You put a spell on me’ By Austin Giorgio. I use it a lot when I write lol. (If anyone listens to it lmk what you think! I seriously think it fits this story so well lol.)

Anyways, per usual expect an update Thursday! And if it’s early then we do a little happy dance.


Chapter Notes

Boo! Surprise update! ~Does a happy dance ~

Hi guys! Before we get into this I just want to say something real quick. Firstly, please if you need to, please check the content warnings for this chapter. Secondly, there will be some small teasing in this chapter of Merlin wearing women's clothing. That being said I am in no way trying to sexualize, mock, or poke at anyone who cross-dresses or the trans community. The teasing is playful and friendly and is not meant to actually belittle Merlin or anyone else in any way.

While this story does revolve around the ideas of kinks I did my best to not overtly sexualize the idea of cross-dressing itself and hopefully, that comes across in the writing, if it doesn’t, please let me know. This all sounds rather dramatic but I promise the teasing isn't even that bad lol. But if something comes across as rude or insensitive please let me know! The last thing I want to do is offend or upset anyone.

As always thank you guys so much for all your support! <3

Here is the dress reference for those who would like to see it:

Content / trigger warnings
Nonconsensual touching and kissing, not
between Merlin and Arthur (it’s brief and easily skippable!) :)

The act of wearing clothes
traditionally worn by
the opposite sex.

Merlin’s original rating: 3

It had been just over a day of traveling until they reached a spot the prince deemed close enough to the Saxon encampment. Thankfully the humidity has since died down, though the cool wind of early autumn chills Merlin’s fingers as he tends to the horses.

“Alright men gather round,” Arthur calls to his knights.

The knights all make their way over to the prince, their armor clamoring as they move.

“You too Merlin.”

Merlin’s head snaps up from the horse to Arthur who is beckoning him over. A few of the knights raise teasing eyebrows at each other.

Merlin pulls on the rope making sure the horse is safely tied up before warily walking over. “Me?”

“Yes you Merlin, unless you see someone else with such a ridiculous name around here?”

Merlin grumbles something inaudible to Arthur as he joins their circle. Gwaine playfully shoulders the servant as he stands next to the knight.

“Leon and I have been in discussion and have come up with the best plan of attack.”

Leon nods his head from his spot next to the prince. “Due to the reports we received, we believe it will be best if we cause a distraction before attacking, to catch them off guard.”

“And that is where you come in Merlin.” Arthur says seriously, but there’s the slightest hint of amusement in his eyes.

“And why do I have to be the distraction?” Merlin drawls.

“Well,” Leon speaks up again, “No one else could pass as a woman.”

The silence stretches on far too long.

Merlin blinks comically, clearly not understanding what Leon means. “What?

“Well if one of us trie-”

What?!” Merlin says again, truly baffled at what the hell is going on.

Leon clears his throat a bit sheepishly, “Sire, perhaps you should explain.”

“No,” Arthur’s voice is tight with restraint, clearly trying not to laugh. “I really don’t think I should.” The prince exhales a puff of air that sounds suspiciously like a chortle.

“Let me get this straight.” Merlin stands up to his full height, raising his chin defiantly as he narrows his eyes at the first knight. “You expect me to dress up like a woman and distract their encampment?”

“No. Not the entire encampment, just their leader.” Leon smiles as if what he is saying is any better.

“And just exactly how do you expect me to distract him?”

“Oh God no.” Arthur cuts back in, “Nothing like that. We just need to create a diversion.”

“And Merlin can’t do that without being dressed like a woman?” Lancelot asks.

Merlin shoots the man an appreciative look.

It’s Gwaine who speaks up next, “If Merlin were to go in there and try to create a diversion they would just kill him. They wouldn’t kill a woman though.”

“Exactly.” Leon exclaims.

“Hold on!” Merlin huffs, “That still doesn’t explain why I have to be the one to do it.”

“Well, you could pull off being a woman more than any of us could.” Leon replies.

If it was anyone other than Leon saying that Merlin would have seriously considered trying to sock them.

“How does that make any sense! I’m one of the tallest here!” Merlin argues looking around at all the knights who have begun to inspect each other, clearly trying to picture the others as women.

“I mean, I get why you didn’t volunteer Percival. But what about… Elyan?” Merlin argues, gesturing to the man.


“His shoulders are too wide.” Arthur argues.

“Then Gwaine! He’s shorter and his hair is longer!”

“Hey! I’m not that much shorter.” The knight pouts.

“Yes, because a bearded woman won’t be suspicious.” Arthur retorts.

“So Lancelot and I are out as well.” Leon unhelpfully supplies.

Merlin turns his gaze to Percival only for the large knight to shrug apologetically. Merlin’s gaze snaps to the prince.

Arthur swallows harshly. He isn’t unused to Merlin’s glares but it's rare for the servant to stand at his full height, not that Arthur would ever admit it but Merlin can be rather intimidating when he wants to be. Merlin encroaches on him and Arthur hates the way he has to lift his eyes, even if it’s the smallest of fractions.

“And you sire?”

“I have to lead my men.” Arthur supplies easily. However, Leon responds at the same exact time with, “His waist is too wide.”

Arthur can visibly see the amusement make its way onto Merlin's face, though unfortunately, it’s not enough to distract him.

“And what do I get out of this?”

“You get to make sure your prince returns back to Camelot safely,” Arthur replies cockily.

Hmm can’t say that’s worth it.”

Arthur narrows his eyes at his servant as the knights chuckle.

“What do you want then?”

“A week off.”

Arthur sputters for a moment. “Absolutely not!”

“Five days.”

“One day.”

“Three days.”

“One. Day.”

Two days.”

“Twenty-four hours.”

There’s a pause as they hold each other's glares, neither willing to back down.

“I get to choose the day.”

“Within reason,” Arthur replies, “I can’t have you parading about during a time where I require your services.”

“Fine.” Merlin grouses.

Honestly, it’s better than nothing. Not that Merlin even really minds the idea of being used as bait. And the idea of wearing women's clothing isn’t bad either, he just didn't appreciate everyone immediately agreeing he was the best candidate. He is just as man as anyone else here, even if he isn’t a knight.

“Do we even have a dress? I can assure you I didn’t pack one.”

“I did.” Leon replies almost excitedly and Merlin has to take a deep breath to calm himself. Leon isn’t purposely trying to rile him up, he’s just never been the best at social cues, likely due to his noble upbringing.

The knight goes over to his horse to pull out the dress of one of his saddlebags as Arthur explains the rest of their plan to the others. Merlin begrudgingly follows.

He isn’t sure what he had expected but it certainly wasn’t one of Morgana’s dresses. While Merlin can’t see exactly what it looks like from the way Leon is holding it, there’s no doubt it belongs to the lady Morgana as it’s clearly made out of rich materials.

Merlin stares at the rich fabric incredulously. “And why must I wear a noblewoman’s clothing?”

Leon shrugs while digging further into his bag, “They’ll be less likely to harm someone they could get a ransom for, if it comes to that. And Guinevere’s dresses were too short to adjust to your height.”

Leon pulls out a small satchel. Merlin does not like where this is going.

The knight continues, “We couldn’t ask any of the other serving girls in case word of our siege spread.”

Merlin supposes he can understand that.

“Here.” Leon hands him the dress.

Merlin takes it with a frown. “You know Leon, you just fell a few places on my knight rankings.”

“You have such a thing?”

“Of course I do.” Merlin smirks mischievously.

“Well… you’re still my favorite servant.”

“Flattery will not undo your new ranking.” Merlin smiles.

“Not yet it hasn’t.”

Merlin snorts.

“Alright, go and get changed.” Leon nods his head to the trees, “I’m sure you’d rather do it while Arthur is still occupying the others.”

“Right.” Merlin grimaces.

After finding a spot obscured by enough foliage Merlin holds up the dress out in front of him. Surprisingly it has a hood that will allow him to hide his face a bit at least. It looks like it’s one of Morgana’s fancier dresses. How they managed to convince her to let them borrow it is beyond him.

There are two main layers, a blue satin underskirt and the outer purple layer that is inlined with some kind of gray fur, at first Merlin had thought it was hare but upon closer inspection, it looks to be fox.

The sleeves are lined with fur up until the elbow where a white-gold embroidered cuff lays, from there to the hand hole is a loose sheer fabric that billows down much further than what seems practical in Merlin’s humble opinion.

On the front the skirt is slit up the middle revealing the blue satin underskirt up until the waist where an elegant pattern is embroidered with the same white gold as the cuffs around the elbows.

Now if Merlin could only get the freaking thing on.

Merlin hadn’t known how to do half of the prince’s clothes when he first arrived let alone a noblewoman’s clothing and it’s not as if he’s ever practiced such a thing. There are so many layers and flaps and ribbons.

It takes far too long but he does manage to get it on his body well enough. It is a bit tight in the shoulders and rather loose in the chest. But now that he’s gotten this far he has no idea how he's supposed to tie up the ribbons on the back.

After some more time passes with him unable to even attempt tying the ribbons he calls out for Leon, hopefully he is still standing by.

When no one arrives after a few moments he tries calling out again a little louder this time.

Finally, he hears the shuffling of brush as the knight approaches. However when the figure appears Merlin’s hope sinks.

“You’re not Leon.”

Arthur stares at Merlin a moment too long, eyes raking up and down his body before he clears his throat. He takes a few steps closer as he speaks, “No. And you should be glad I’m not.” The prince flicks the golden pendant on Merlin’s collar, clearly unhidden by the dress.

“Ah.” Merlin flushes. “Right.” He goes to unlatch it but Arthur is quicker. The prince reaches around his neck, Merlin would be able to feel the heat coming off of Arthur’s body if it weren’t for the prince’s armor.

To Merlin’s surprise, Arthur pockets the object himself but neither say anything about it.

“What do you need help with?” Arthur takes a step back.

“I can’t get to the ribbons on the back.” Merlin turns around to show Arthur what he is talking about.

Merlin, how many times have you told me just how capable you are at dressing yourself?” Arthur teases. “Being a peasant you’d never be so incompetent as to rely on someone else to dress you. You could never be so idiotic as to not know how to do such a thing! It’s common sense really. Only those spoilt arrogant nobles are dumb enough to need someone to dress them.”

Merlin looks over his shoulder and rolls his eyes. “A lady’s clothing is much more complicated, sire. They actually need assistance with the bits they can’t reach. It's no wonder Gwen never complains about serving Morgana, she’s clearly actually needed.”

Arthur starts to do up the silk laces, perhaps just a tad too tight. It’s not unlike lacing up his boots, though he hasn’t had to do such a thing himself since he was young. “Are you saying your position is unneeded then?” Merlin can feel the prince’s breath cascade across the back of his neck. “Then I suppose I could just fire you and you could find another job.”

Oh please, you'd come looking for me in less than two days.” Merlin can feel the fabric getting pulled tighter around his body as the prince continues. “Truly it would be more like one day, but your bullheadedness would have you holding out longer.”

Arthur gives the laces a particularly harsh tug causing Merlin to gasp.

Honestly, it isn't as unpleasant as he thought it would be. The fur is incredibly soft against his skin and the satin feels so silky against his legs, he’s never felt anything quite like it.

Arthur has seen plenty of different noble women's dresses to know that the ribbons should be tied in a bow but he has never learned such a thing. Unwilling to admit that to his servant he simply ties it in a sturdy knot.

“There.” Arthur puts his hands on his own hips and admires his handiwork, not perfect but good enough.

Merlin turns around and, the fabric, now tighter in his chest, is still not quite tight enough. Not much he can do about that though, he isn’t a woman after all.

As he moves the luxurious fabrics brush up against his skin and he can’t suppress his shudder. Nor can he suppress the magic he feels tingle through him.

Arthur just manages to see as Merlin’s eyes fade from pink as he turns around.

Arthur can't help the sly smile that makes its way onto his face.

“It’s not what you think.” Merlin huffs.

“I told you Merlin, I would never tease you about this sort of thing.”

Merlin narrows his eyes at the egotistical looking prince.

“Plus, what a man does in his spare time is completely up to him.” Arthur turns and starts walking away.

“It’s not what you think! The fabric is just so nice-”

“It’s alright, it just makes the siege tonight all the less worrisome.”

“Arthur really it’s not-”

“The color suits you, Merlin.” Arthur quips before sauntering back into the clearing.

Merlin stumbles and nearly trips over a root as his heart skips a traitorous beat at the vexatious compliment.

The moment Merlin is out of the treeline he is met with various wolf whistles and flirty catcalls. He has to fight down a smile at the ridiculousness of his friends. Instead of rising to the bait, Merlin decides to play into it.

He gasps dramatically and puts a hand to his chest. “Oh my,” Merlin says in a breathy voice he pitches up, “And to think I had heard the knights of Camelot were a chivalrous bunch. Clearly, your reputation does not precede you.” Merlin snootily harrumphs.

Arthur sits down on a log and watches amusedly as his servant teases his men. Gwaine stands up and starts to sashay over to Merlin but surprisingly Leon makes it to the servant first.

“My sincerest apologies my lady.” The knight takes Merlin’s hand and brings it to his lips, it’s clear Leon is doing his best to look serious but there’s a slight twitch to his lips. “Please excuse the others, they don’t know how to behave in the presence of such a beautiful woman.”

Merlin nearly keels over at the gobsmacked expressions of the others, Arthur in particular looks half horrified and half dumbfounded.

“Sir Leon, while I appreciate such affable words I am worried you may have ulterior motives.”

Leon?” Gwaine squeaks, “ulterior motives?

Lancelot chuckles, “Never thought I’d hear those two things in the same sentence.”

“And on what grounds do you make such a claim, my lady?” Elyan asks, coming to Leon’s aid.

Merlin opens his mouth to reply but the first knight is quicker.

“I’m afraid she is right.” Leon hangs his head lowly.

There’s a raucous of startled laughs, gasps, and choking sounds. Merlin can’t hold it in any longer and starts laughing.

“Well, Sir Leon, I suppose you could retain your previous ranking on my list.”

“Thank you, my lady, you are very generous” Leon half bows.

“List? What list?” Arthur asks from where he sits.

“Uh oh Merlin,” Lancelot calls out, “You’ve done it now.”

“What list?” Arthur asks again more impatiently now.

“Sorry sire, I’m afraid I must finish getting Merlin prepared.” Leon starts to tug Merlin over to the horses.

“What list!”

Merlin stares at the first knight incredulously.

“Merlin, we need for this to work.” Leon urges.

“Clothes are one thing, this is completely different.”

“It needs to be believable.”

“Next banquet you have to snag me a honey cake.”

Leon rolls his eyes, “Fine. Now will you stand still?”

Merlin sighs but relents. It would be so easy for him to go in there and just use his magic to deal with the encampment but here he is, dressed as a woman.

The brush is smooth against his lips, and a pleasant minty scent drifts up his nose. It’s a strange sensation that Merlin can’t really relate to anything, he imagines this is how it feels to have paint on one's skin; not that Merlin has ever used pain in his life but he’s seen royal artists meander about the castle, their hands splotched with varying colors.

“Don’t lick it.”

“But it feels strange.”

“Stranger than a sword in your abdomen?” Leon raises a brow.

“Fine. Just get on with it.”

“Of course, my lady.”

“Don't think I won’t poison your food.”

Leon smiles as he dips another brush in a black pigment. As the knight brings it to Merlin’s eyes he instantly recognizes the smell, charcoal, just this one seems to be in the form of paste.

Merlin closes his eyes and he can feel how meticulous the knight is being, the brush barely ghosting across his skin. There’s a moment where Merlin doesn't feel anything and is about to open his eyes when the brush makes contact with his other eyelid and he can’t help but jump at the unexpected feeling.

“Sorry.” Leon murmurs.

Merlin huffs out a breath in reply, not wanting to move and mess the knight up.

“Okay. All done.”

Merlin’s eyes flutter open.

Leon looks at him for a moment before the lightest blush tints the knight's cheeks.

“Uhm, here.” Leon holds up a small pocket mirror for Merlin to peer into.

The servant’s cheeks heat at what he sees. As much as he loathes to admit it, he does look… well he looks pretty. The red paste brings out the shape of his lips and the charcoal on his eyes makes the blue look even more vibrant. Even with his masculine features, he looks remarkably feminine.

“Alright.” Merlin clears his throat, “Let’s get on with this.”

He had been expecting a similar reaction from the knights from when they saw him in the dress. What he hadn’t expected was the wide eyes and startling silence.

Merlin narrows his eyes at the group and crosses his arms. “What?” His voice is terse, but he can’t help it, the silence is unsettling.

“You just…” Lancelot trails off.

“It’s… you…” Elyan tries and fails to follow up.

Percival is the first one who manages to get a sentence out. “I- I’m confused.”

Gwaine perks up at that, “Well big man, I’d be glad to help you clear up that confusion.”

It’s enough to shake the others out of their stupor. “Gwaine!” Leon reprimands.

Arthur clears his throat but doesn’t stop looking at Merlin. His expression is a peculiar amalgamation of confusion and lustful hunger.

Merlin doesn’t know how to feel about that.

Arthur speaks up, “We don’t have time for you to adulterate the other knights.”

Percival’s confused expression quickly turns embarrassed.

The prince continues, “We go over the plan one last time before we take our positions, understood?”

His question is met with a round of ‘yes sire’s.

It’s just before sunset and they are all huddled in a collection of gangly brush. Through the gaps in the foliage, they can see the flickering of flames on canvas fabric. There have to be at least thirty tents.

Men dressed in rugged furs meander about their campgrounds, some already drunk, others going about their assigned duties.

“It’s alright.” Arthur says lowly next to Merlin.

The warlock isn't sure exactly what prompted such words as he truly isn’t that worried, it isn’t as if Merlin hasn’t been on countless scouting missions with them. And even though it’s a rare occurrence he has been used as bait before. Though if he’s being honest he much preferred wearing the chainmail instead.

“I know.” Merlin replies easily.

Arthur glances over to him. His servant's unwavering faith in his abilities is always a bit unnerving. Not that Arthur doesn’t think he can keep Merlin safe, he knows he will, but no matter how many times it presents itself the raven’s bravery will always fill Arthur with confounded awe.

“You remember the plan?”

“Yes Arthur.”

“Alright. Good.”

“Sire.” Leon states, indicating they need to get a move on.

“Right.” Arthur clears his throat. “We’ll be watching the whole time. We’ll step in if something goes wrong. Don’t go looking for trouble.”

Merlin’s red painted lips form a bright smile, “When do I ever get into trouble?”

Lancelot has to muffle his choking sound, Merlin sends him an impish look.

Arthur sighs, “Just, be careful.” He pulls the hood of the dress up so it frames Merlin’s face, it’s an intimate gesture but thankfully none of the knights say anything. Purple really does suit him.

“Yeah, yeah.” Merlin dismisses as he stands up, untangling his dress from the bushes. But just before he leaves the woods he whispers “You too.”

“Oh sirs! Thank gods! Sirs please! I need your help!” Merlin dramatically calls in his best womanly voice, stumbling into the clearing.

Two men rush up to him immediately and Merlin drapes himself on the larger one’s chest in an attempt to hide some of his height. “Oh please, my guards were attacked by bandits! I’ve been running nearly all day. You must help, please, who knows what they would have done! I promise I can reward you greatly! Please let me talk to your leader.”

The two men look at each other for a moment, the one Merlin is leaning against clearly flustered, he waves his arms aimlessly, unsure of where to put his hands.

“Let’s bring her to the boss, he’ll know what to do.” The other one says with a seedy smile. “Don’t worry my lady, we'll be sure to help you.”

“Oh thank you! Thank you so much!” Merlin’s eyes fill with tears as he looks up at them.

The two men start to lead him further into the encampment, hands not leaving his body. He quickly garners the attention of everyone they pass, clearly not expecting to see a distressed noble lady. All the while he can feel the intense gazes of the knights on him.

In the center of the encampment, there is a large bonfire burning as a man plays his lute while others drink, gamble, and roughhouse with each other. There’s also quite a few cages that contain muzzled foxes, badgers, boars, and even some eagles. Clearly, they’ve decided to poach while they are in enemy territory.

They arrive at the largest tent and the only one that has guards standing outside. They give the two men wary looks, Merlin doesn’t want to decipher the looks they send his way.

“What’s the meaning of this?” The guard on the left asks.

“That's for the boss to hear.” The man Merlin had originally draped himself against sneers as he tightens his hand on Merlin’s hip.

The two guards share a look before the one on the right pokes his head into the large tent. “Boss, you’re gunna want to see this.”

There’s a grumbling sound from inside before a man steps out. Merlin had expected the usual bandit leader type, the ones that are usually large, not particularly muscular, well fed.

He had not expected a man whose stature surpasses even that of Percival. He has no shirt on, yet has fur draped around his shoulders and leather straps that cross over his scarred chest, holding the axe on his back in place. The left side of his face has a gnarly scar that goes over his cloudy left eye. His curly brown hair is tied up, adding to his height. His pants ride low on his hips, where an assortment of small daggers and hunting trophies hang, Merlin can only recognize a rabbit's foot.

“My my,” the leader’s voice is low and gravelly. “What do we have here?”

“Boss, we found this woman on the outskirts of our encampment, says her guards were attacked by bandits, and she needs some help.” The amusement is clear in the lackey's voice.

The leader narrows his eyes at Merlin. “And what exactly was a lady and her knights doing traveling through the woods?”

“Ah you see, my brothers and father headed home a bit ago and I was to stay in Camelot in hopes of winning the prince’s favor.”

“And how did that go, lady…?”

“Lady Ambrosius of Northumbria. And not well mind you, the prince is a complete prat! Truly insufferable. He had no manners and didn't know how to treat a lady.”

“Well don't worry my lady, I can assure you I know how to treat a woman right, nobility or not.”

The others snicker around them as Merlin feels his insides turn.

“Well I would hope so, especially with the day I have had, you would not believe it.” He tries to play off the remark.

“Oh don’t worry,” The large man takes a step forward and moves his hands to either side of Merlin’s hips, pushing the other men away in the process. “I’ll make you forget all about your disastrous day.”

“Oh,” Merlin giggles airly, “well, I do like a man in power.” He takes a quick glance around the camp. “Perhaps you’d be so inclined to show me around first? I’d love to see what you are in charge of.” Merlin draws with a sultry tone.

Merlin has met more than enough power hungry men in his life to know exactly how to inflate their ego.

An amused look overtakes the rapacious one on the leader's face. “If that is my lady’s only request, I can oblige.”

“Thank you very much sir….?”

“Oh please I am no sir. Just call me Bowen, sweetheart.” The man brings his hand to cup Merlin’s face, the tips of his fingers brush against Merlin’s hair that is currently hidden underneath his hood. The man frowns slightly.

“Short hair?”

“Yes, It is a family tradition, I am not to grow it out until I am betrothed.” Merlin answers easily.

The man grumbles something about ‘ridiculous noble traditions’ under his breath before answering. “Very well, let me show you around my lady.” He tucks Merlin into his side and starts to lead him around the camp, though the warlock gets the feeling it’s more to show him off to the others rather than showing off his encampment.

Arthur watches stony faced, muscles taught, as various men lay their hands on Merlin. He needs to focus on the plan though, Merlin’s safety is on the line. No matter how badly he wants to march in there and run those men through, he’s not going to risk Merlin.

Some of the knights have started the second step of the plan, currently working their way around to the other side of the encampment. It’s just him, Lancelot, and Percival who have not moved yet, keeping an eye on Merlin in case anything goes wrong.

“He’ll be alright.” Lancelot offers softly.

Arthur glances to the knight for only a second before returning his attention forward. “Of course he will be, he has us watching after him.”

“He’s stronger than you think.” Lancelot offers amicably.

Arthur nearly laughs at that. “Strong isn’t a word I would associate with someone who is so lanky.”

Lancelot chuckles slightly, “That's not what I meant. He just- he’s done a lot, for all of us.”

“I know.”

Lancelot whips his head to the prince.

Arthur continues, “He’s in danger every time he joins us on our travels. Hell, even just being my manservant puts him in danger.”

Lancelot sighs a breath of relief.

“He knows that though, he’s brave.” Percy interjects.

His statement is met with affirmative hums.

The sun has sunk below the horizon, now casting everything in a dark blue hue. The night is particularly cool, just a bit colder and Arthur is certain he’d be able to see his breath puff into the air. Even the crickets aren’t chirping tonight.

When Merlin and the leader of the encampment come to a stop in front of a rowdy group of men, Arthur’s blood runs hot as the man lowers his hand to Merlin’s backside. Arthur goes to grab his sword but Lancelot stops him with a firm grasp.

“Not yet, we haven't received the sign. He's alright.” Though Lancelot does not look to be happy about the situation either.

The laughter of the drunken men echo in the air around them. Then Arthur watches as the leader brings his mouth down on Merlin's; the hand on his arse starts vigorously groping.

Arthur and his two knights are up immediately, Percy whistling a bird call, sending out their own signal to warn the others they aren’t going to wait any longer. Hopefully, they are close enough to keep to the plan.

The three of them do their best to move silently as they close in on the encampment.

Merlin nearly gags as the man shoves his tongue down his throat. He tastes of ale and smoke. Merlin wills himself to not shove the man off. His magic is humming under his skin urging him to fight back but he can’t, not when he knows the knights are watching.

It’s then everything seems to explode around them.

Bowen pulls off as the laughs of his men turn into panicked shouts. It’s then the leader sees multiple tents up in flames.

He tightens his grip on Merlin before grabbing his forearm so harshly Merlin is afraid it’ll snap. “You scheming whore.” The man's face is scathing but Merlin can’t help but feel pride for getting such a reaction out of the man.

“What? Did you think some lone noble woman would willingly let you take her to bed?” Merlin keeps his voice high just in case Bowen decides to run him through, and based on his expression he most certainly would.

The man yanks Merlin harshly back towards the center of the camp and he can’t help but yelp out in pain as his shoulder is nearly dislocated. “Oh don't worry I still plan to have my way with you.” The leader growls as he drags the warlock behind him. “And after I’ve had my fill of your pretty mouth I’ll cut yer fucking tongue out.”

When Merlin sees where he is being led he starts fighting harder. The last thing he wants to do is make this even more difficult for the knights.

Unfortunately, there is no feasible way for Merlin to overpower this man by strength alone, so when he yanks one of the large animal cages open Merlin can’t stop himself from being thrown in. Thankfully he doesn’t hit his head but his shoulder takes the brunt of the impact, slamming against one of the bars on the other side of the cage, not that it’s very large to begin with.

The warlock hisses at the pain and grabs his shoulder.

“Stay here and watch your comrades die. Then, when I’m covered in their blood I’ll come back for you.”

Merlin’s stomach clenches at the idea but he has full confidence in the knights. (And his own magical abilities.)

Once Bowen takes off from the center of the camp Merlin immediately gets to work using his magic to locate all the knights. Seeing that they’re all safe for the time being, Merlin focuses on spreading the flames to the other tents without getting in the way of the knights. When the fire starts spreading too rapidly more and more of the Saxon men start taking off into the woods. After only a few moments Merlin can sense Arthur approaching so he immediately cuts off his magic.

“Merlin!” Arthur calls as he runs up to his cage.

“Arthur!” Merlin calls in his regular voice.

They each grab onto the bars of the cage on their respective sides.

“Are you okay?” Arthur’s eyes scan his body for injuries.

“It’s fine, I’m fine.”

“We have to get you out of here, the fire’s spreading fast.” Arthur quickly inspects the lock.

Merlin feels an all too familiar pang of guilt.

“Arthur it’s okay I’m sure… ARTHUR!

The prince ducks just in time to avoid an axe to the head. The weapon clangs against the metal and Merlin swears he just felt his teeth chatter in his head. Once his head stops vibrating Merlin watches as Arthur does not hesitate to swing at Bowen, each slash of his sword just as brutal and relentless as the last, every attack aimed to kill. Even with his bad eye, Bowen is able to parry each of Arthur’s attacks though he is on the defensive. But Arthur is quick and wearing down the larger man’s stamina.

Merlin is watching intensely for a moment where Arthur might need his help.

Lancelot slides to a stop in front of the cage and Merlin nearly falls on his arse from being startled.

Lancelot looks around quickly, his eyes linger on Arthur’s fight for a brief second before turning back to Merlin. “Unlock it, quick.” The knight hisses.

Merlin doesn’t have to be told twice. He wordlessly unlocks his cage with a quick thought.

The moment it’s unlocked Lancelot turns to stop a wayward Saxon lackey from teaming up on Arthur.

He makes quick work of the man as Arthur’s battle persists. Each man is dripping sweat from the exertion and the heat of the growing flames. Over to the far left Merlin can see Leon and Gwaine fighting back to back but he doesn't see any sign of Elyan or Percy. But he has to focus on Arthur.

But it seems Arthur doesn’t need his help, Bowen is growing slow. His movements become heavier as he tries to keep up his defense against Arthur’s blazing attacks. Lancelot gives Merlin a nod before going off to look for the other two knights.

It’s only a few more swings before Merlin sees it coming. He looks away as he hears the routine sound of Arthur’s sword being driven through a man. However, Merlin hears it again and again and again. He can’t help but wince, though he takes that moment for another wordless display of magic, he unlocks and unmuzzles all the caged animals before commanding them to a path that is clear of flames.

When he turns around Arthur’s chest is heaving, blood splattered on his armor and a bit on his face. The flames light up the smoke around them ensconcing everything in a fiery haze. Arthur looks like an angel of death as the firelight halos his body and dances across his chainmail and bloodsoaked sword that is still plunged into the bleeding chest of a very dead Bowen.

“Arthur.” Merlin calls calmly.

The prince’s head snaps up to him, rage immediately replaced by concern.

“Are you alright?” Arthur pulls his sword out with a squelch before moving to his servant, Merlin does not look down to the listless body.

“I’m fine Arthu-”

Arthur stabs his sword into the ground before bringing his hands up to cup Merlin’s face. “God, I saw him.” Arthur’s voice is laced with anguish. “I saw him touch you, he- he-”

Merlin's eyes go wide in shock, Arthur is never unnerved by battle. “It’s okay, I’m okay Arthur, I promise.” Merlin returns the sentiment and brings his hands to Arthur’s face, he uses his thumbs to try to wipe away the blood but it just smears against the prince’s cheek.

“God I’m so sorry, Merlin.”

His servant’s lip paint is smeared over his lips from where that bastard had laid his mouth. He feels sick.

“You don’t have anything to be sorry for. It wasn’t-”

“Hey!” Gwaine calls as he approaches, Leon in tow. “We have to get out of here before the fire spreads further.”

“Right.” Merlin pulls away, “Lance went this way to look for Percy and Elyan.”

Merlin starts in that direction when Arthur reaches out and grabs his arm. Unfortunately, that is exactly where Bowen had gripped and nearly broken his arm. Merlin hisses at the contact and Arthur immediately lets go.

“You’re hurt.” Arthur seethes.

“It’s fine, really Arthur, we have to get out of here.”

Gwaine and Leon wait for them a few paces ahead.

Arthur takes a deep breath before grabbing his sword in one hand and Merlin’s hand in the other.

“Let’s find the others.” Arthur demands as he pulls Merlin along with him.

It doesn’t take long to find them, they were headed their way after Lance found them and had steered them in the right direction.

They manage to leave the encampment avoiding the growing inferno. The glow fades as they make their way back to their own camp. Merlin casts another wordless spell to keep the fire from spreading too far, he is careful no one is looking at him when he does so.

The march back is quiet and led by a fuming Arthur who refuses to let go of his servant’s hand. The knights don’t dare speak up. Merlin focuses mostly on not tripping on the dress.

When they finally reach their camp they are all beyond relieved none of the fleeing Saxons came across it. That has nothing to do with Merlin’s magic at all…

Arthur doesn’t stop at their camp though he marches past dragging a confused Merlin with him.

“Arthur? We're already at camp.”

“Yes Merlin, I'm not dumb.” Arthur spits but doesn’t stop walking, he scoops up Merlin’s bag as he passes it. “Gwaine you’re with me.”

“Right behind ya princess.”

It’s only a couple of minutes of walking until they come across their destination. A small unassuming river.

“Gwaine you’re on watch.” Arthur demands as he tosses his sword down.

“Aye Aye captain.” Gwaine turns around to face the direction they just came from.

“Arthur it’s freezing out! Can’t you wait until morn-”

But before Merlin is able to finish he finds himself being dragged into the icy water.

“Arthur! What the hell?!” Merlin thrashes as he tries to find his footing, for a small river it’s rather deep; plus the dress floats up around him, leaving his legs and small clothes fully exposed under the water.

Arthur strips off his chainmail and tosses it onto the bank after he’s gotten it more than half soaked already. The blood trickles off it into the sandy dirt below.

“Arthur! I asked you a damn question!”

“We need to get clean.” Arthur rumbles as he approaches the servant.

“Clean?! It’s freezing in here! We’ll catch our deaths like this!”

“Merlin, do not argue with me right now.” Arthur spins his servant around and fumbles with the ribbons. He curses himself for tying them in a knot earlier.

Still fueled on adrenaline and anger Arthur manages to rip one of the ribbons allowing him to slide the laces out.

“Arthur!” Merlin angrily reprimands, turning back around to face the prince. But the servant suddenly can't see his master due to the wet fabric being dragged over his head. Once fully over his face, Arthur tosses the dumb thing by his chainmail.

“Arthur what-” Before he can finish Arthur is diving under the water and grabbing a handful of sand.

The prince resurfaces and shakes the water out of his hair, reminiscent of a dog.

“Arthur, I swear to the gods I will drown you right now if you keep ignoring me.”

The prince starts adamantly scrubbing the coarse sand against Merlin’s waist. “I’m cleaning you.”

“Arthur.” Merlin growls.

Arthur huffs an angry breath as he glares at his idiot servant. He drops the sand and rubs it off his hand, instead scooping a handful of water and rubbing it against Merlin’s mouth but some of it goes up his nose and he starts coughing.


I'm cleaning that bastard’s filth off of you!” Arthur thunders.

Merlin’s coughing dies down as shock rocks his system.

“Now open your damn mouth... Please.” The prince's voice cracks on the last word.

Even if he hadn’t asked, Merlin's mouth would have fallen open due to Arthur saying ‘please’.

Arthur takes that opportunity to pour his handful of water into his servant’s mouth. “Swish it around, don't swallow it.”

Merlin obeys simply because his mind isn’t capable of anything on its own at the current moment.

“Again.” Arthur demands and they go through the process two more times.

“Good.” Arthur praises before bringing his own mouth to Merlin’s. They’re both wet and cold but the lightning that shoots through their bodies warms them up from the inside out.

“A-Arthur.” Merlin pants as they break apart for air. The loss of contact has him shivering from the cold.

“Merlin,” the prince’s expression is pained. “Just, we’ll talk about it. Not tonight. I can’t.”

There’s a pause as they stare at each other, so many emotions laid bare yet not said out loud. They’re never said out loud, not between them, not between Merlin and Arthur, servant and master, sorcerer and prince.

“Alright.” Merlin whispers as his eyes search Arthur’s. They stand there in the freezing water for another moment before Merlin clears his throat. “Can we get out of here? I think I’m starting to actually freeze to death.”

“Right. Of course.” Arthur goes to move away but before he gets too far he grabs Merlin's hand again. “Come on,”

Using the towel in Merlin’s bag the prince insists Merlin dries off first. Then as his servant changes back into his regular and dry clothes Arthur uses the damp towel to dry himself off after stripping down to just his trousers.

“Gwaine.” Arthur calls to the knight.

“Yes sire?”

“Make sure you wash up, I’ll send the others over. You need to wash off the smoke.”

“Sure thing princess,” Gwaine says not unkindly.

“Oh and bring back my armor when you’re done too.” Arthur adds as he bends down to pick up his sword and Merlin’s bag.

“Fine.” Gwaine waves him off as he starts to strip out of his own armor.

“Let’s go.” Arthur tugs Merlin along again by his hand.

Feeling brave thanks to the surge of energy from the cold water Merlin intertwines their fingers. Arthur doesn’t say anything but he give their hands a squeeze as they continue back to their camp.

The fire is blazing when they return and the knights make no indication that they’ve noticed the two holding hands, even though it’s impossible not to notice. Arthur dismisses them all to go wash with Gwaine and they listen easily enough, even with the cold temperature, and Arthur is grateful for their compliance.

Arthur putters about the camp after demanding Merlin to sit on his bedroll, next to Arthur’s as always. After dressing himself in dry clothes Arthur digs out a salve for bruises from Merlin’s pack.

The prince tends to Merlin’s injuries being as gentle as possible and Merlin can’t quell the butterflies in his stomach. They sit there in silence, the crackling of the fire and the faint splashing of the knights are the only sounds between them.

Thankfully the fire is quickly warming them back up. Merlin’s damp hair slowly starts to dry. “Arthur,” Merlin says quietly but the prince doesn’t acknowledge him, too focused on the bruise forming on his best friend’s forearm. “Arthur,” Merlin tries again, this time lifting his other hand to Arthur’s cheek, gently lifting his face to look at him.

“It’s not your fault. You can’t control or predict the actions of others.”

He can’t be sure if Arthur has tears in his eyes or if it’s a trick of the firelight. “I’m sorry, I just-”

There’s a pause but Merlin knows that look, the ‘you’re my friend and I couldn’t bear to lose you’ look.

“I know.” Merlin gives him a sad smile.

Arthur nods his head and goes back to work.

Only a few moments pass before Merlin starts nodding off and Arthur can’t find it in himself to shove his fondness down this time. “Hey,”

Hmm?” Merlin hums without opening his eyes.

“Go to sleep.” Arthur runs his hand not moist with salve through Merlin’s now dry hair.

“M’kay.” Merlin leans down and is asleep before even getting under his blanket. Using so much magic in one day, especially directing that much fire at once, has taken its toll on the warlock.

Arthur smiles and shakes his head fondly. He wipes his hand off before setting up to take the first watch, right beside Merlin.

It isn’t long until the knights come back, courteous enough to approach quietly, though Arthur doubts a stampede would wake Merlin up right now.

Gwaine drops off the prince’s armor beside him but Arthur sets it closer to the fire so it can dry before he puts it back on.

They all get ready for bed, understanding Arthur wanting to take first watch.

It isn’t until they are all nearly in their bedrolls that Arthur speaks up. “I’m sorry.” The knights look up at him. “I’m sorry, back there I was too-”

“It’s alright.” Eylan cuts him off, “We understand.”

It’s Lancelot who speaks up next. “We’d do the same if someone we… care for deeply, were put into a situation like that.”

They don't have their usual teasing looks about them. Instead, their faces are all… sad. God they all know. They know he loves Merlin, and that a prince could never be with a servant, let alone a male one.

“Right.” Arthur clears his throat. “Well, I’ll take first watch.”

The others hum their acknowledgment as they settle in for the night.

Arthur stays up through the second watch, allowing Merlin to rest through the night. He stares up at the stars contemplating if there’s a way to change destinies, to change fate.

Merlin’s final rating: 5

Chapter End Notes

This was meant to be a fun wholesome chapter… But I still really like how it turned out! Even if it’s way longer than I had intended lol.

I have an important question this week as it seems rather a few people are on the fence about it (and I’m still not sure exactly how I feel about it yet either). Do you guys want to see a chapter with Merlin / the knights? Or would you prefer it just be Merlin/Arthur? I mean I know we’ve had Gwaine help out already but I’d just like to know if Merlin/ the knights is something you’d actively like to see. :) Just comment below what you’d prefer, don’t feel like you have to explain yourself either you can just say if you’d rather or rather not see it. And don’t feel bad if you see a lot of people say one thing and you wanna say another, all opinions matter to me because I can always make a skippable chapter.

The next chapter will be up this Thursday! It might not be until later in the day but it should be up at the latest Thursday night or like 12 am Friday morning Est lol.

(I may edit this chapter a bit tomorrow, we'll see how I'm feeling lol)

As always thank you guys so much for the reads, kudos, comments, and bookmarks! <3


Force Feeding

Chapter Notes

WAIT! Okay I know ‘force feeding’ kinda sounds gross but I mean it like the ‘rat soup scene’ kinda way. Just ya know, not using nasty rat soup lol. That being said this chapter is highly inspired by that scene, as I’m sure you’ll be able to tell lol.

This chapter is quite a bit shorter! I hope you guys don’t mind, it’s only because the next couple are going to be a bit lengthy so we have a nice little short one as a breather before we get to those. :)

Okay ALSO I just discovered there’s a statistics tab???? Apparently, I can see how many people have subscribed to this story and the total number of bookmarks, not just the public ones?! (Don’t worry I can’t see who privately bookmarks). So uh now that I can see that information I just want to give a huge thanks to those who have subscribed to the story! I mean I knew it was an option I just didn’t know there was a way for me to see how many people have done so, lmao. So thank you to all those who have subscribed to the story and thank you to those who have subscribed to me as an author! Every time I start thinking about it I get so giddy and feel like I have to do laps to get rid of my energy lmao. And obviously thank you to anyone who bookmarks, comments, leaves kudos and really just anyone who reads the story. I am so happy so many of you have found and are enjoying this journey so far!

As always thank you guys so much for all your support. I gotta say the comments on the last chapter were all so freaking sweet and just AHG I love each and every one of you T-T.

Okay last thing for real. It has officially been over a month since I first started posting this story! (I posted the first 5 chapters at once lmao). I can not thank all of you enough for your continuous support, it’s your love and excitement for this story that keeps me pumping out chapters at such a high rate Lol and I can’t thank you enough especially with this being my first published fic. Okay okay God I’m sorry this is such a long note. Anyways enjoy~

Force Feeding
The act of forcing one to eat.
This can be done with food
or played out using oral sex.

Merlin’s original rating: 8 (based off previous experience)

They’ve all just stopped for lunch on the second day of their travels back to the citadel. They’re making great time, and now that the somber mood of the raid has faded a bit, the knights are in rather high spirits at the prospect of returning home and celebrating a successful siege.

Merlin shuffles between the knights, handing out apples and pieces of bread to each of them as they stretch their legs from riding. Arthur takes his food with a silent nod of his head. They haven't talked about it, not that either of them particularly wanted to with the knights around anyway.

While Arthur is rather okay not discussing it, Merlin wants to make sure the prince knows it wasn’t his fault the Saxon leader forced a kiss on him. It’s not like he could have known, and Merlin agreed knowing full well what might happen, knowing that their leader could have gone a lot further. And while yes having a kiss forced upon him like that was indeed horrible and slimy and beyond unpleasant, Merlin’s used to nobles taking liberties with him as a servant. Not that any of them went beyond groping, not for lack of trying, but Merlin was always able to escape their incursions. But the feeling isn’t something new to him, not that Arthur needs to know that, but Merlin would do just about anything to keep the prince safe.

The knights talk between themselves as Merlin hurries around to tend the horses, they’ve been working hard and deserve some apples too.

The servant peeks over and sees that Leon, Percival, and Gwaine have started talking to Arthur, the prince’s shoulders relax a bit and an amused look takes over his face from whatever the two knights must be saying to him. Seeing Arthur finally not sulking Merlin feels like he can breathe a sigh of relief.

As his chest expands he feels the reassuring weight of his collar under his neckerchief. Arthur had covertly slid it into his hand the morning after the raid before telling Merlin to make sure they didn’t forget to pack anything, giving the servant ample time to put it back on while not being in the knight’s line of sight.

The pressure on his neck gives him something to focus on, a reminder that he is Arthur’s in whatever way the prince will have him, even if some Saxon leader shoved his tongue down his throat. Merlin shakes his head, moving his focus back to the task at hand.

Once the mares have had their treats Merlin starts brushing them down, removing the accumulating dust from their bodies. It’s as he’s finishing up Elyan’s horse that Arthur calls out to him.

“Catch.” Arthur calls out no other warning before tossing his waterskin at Merlin.

Merlin drops the brush and reaches up to catch the skin but it flies over his head and the horse beside him. The servant gives Arthur an unamused glare.

“You know,” Arthur feigns thoughtfulness, “I think my dog can fetch better than you.”

“Possibly because you treat him better.” Merlin replies sardonically before going to retrieve the water skin. Though he smiles once he turns around, glad to see Arthur being his prattish self.

The knights chuckle at Merlin’s response. Arthur doesn’t though, too occupied thinking over the intriguing idea that just gave him.

The sun is nearly set as they find a place to camp for the night. It doesn’t feel like they’d been riding that long but the days are starting to grow noticeably shorter.

Merlin is quick to start the fire and get working on dinner. They’re starting to run low on provisions but they should hopefully arrive back to the citadel tomorrow.

The knights are eagerly discussing the harvest banquet that is laggardly approaching. It’s one of Merlin’s favorite holidays, there’s something so comforting about this time of year. The warmth of the hearths, the brisk chill of the wind, the constant smell of apples and spices that waft through the citadel from the kitchens, the slow shift of green to oranges and reds in the forest.

It’s a time back home when they would have ample food, right after the harvest. His mum would always make the best apple bread and they would be spoiled with extra vegetables for their stew, a reward for their labor harvesting the goods. Then the village would always gather for a celebration once the harvest was complete, there would be a large bonfire keeping the chill of the night away, honeyed mead would be passed around as Griffith would play lively songs on his viol that they’d all dance to.

In Camelot it really isn’t all that different. Everyone in the town celebrates the harvest season, even if they don’t actively harvest anything themselves. There’s always plenty of food to go around, even among the servants, along with ale and wine and the sweets that would be left over after the nobles had their fill; though you’d have to be quick to get one before they’re all snatched up. He and Gwen always worked together to snag some sugared pears.

Even the knights and guards were usually in higher spirits, no longer having to train or sit out in the blazing sun all day. Nor is it miserably snowy and freezing. The cold season always brings sickness, snow, and ground too frosted to yield anything. Harvest season is the perfect in-between of sweltering and icy. It just feels like the world comes together a bit more during autumn, it’s like a warm comforting blanket before the bitter air of the cold season settles in.

Merlin is brought out of his musings by a particularly loud pop from the fire. He gives their stew another stir before deeming it ready. The knights are laughing at something Gwaine has just said when Merlin reaches beside him to grab the stack of bowls, however his forearm bumps into the log he is sat on. He hisses in pain, dropping the bowls in front of him. He hit the worst spot of the bruise Bowen had left on him.

“Merlin?” Elyan asks from diagonally across the fire. “You alright mate?”

The question catches the others attention.

“Yeah, sorry ‘m fine.” Merlin mumbles picking up the bowls again before he starts filling them. He can’t help the wince as he fills each bowl, the stew adding more weight than is comfortable to hold on his injured arm.

Thankfully it seems no one notices as Merlin passes out a bowl to each of the knights. And if Merlin purposely avoids Arthur’s scrutinizing gaze, well hopefully the prince doesn’t notice. (He does).

Once the knights are all served Merlin goes to fill his bowl and sits down next to Arthur, as it seems this is his new designated spot as of recent. He can feel the prince’s eyes on him but he ignores it, instead focusing on his stew.

As always the knights eagerly scarf down their fare. Arthur per usual eats slower, royal customs and practices ingrained so deeply in him that he doesn’t even notice anymore.

As the knights break off into small conversations of their own, Merlin finishes his portion, he moves to get up but a hand on his knee stops him.

“Here.” Arthur holds out his own bowl, half full, to the servant.

Merlin furrows his brow. “If you tell me it wasn’t up to your standards, I made it how I usually do. Granted I had a little less to work with than normal but-”

“No, it was fine.” Arthur interrupts before his servant can go on a tirade. “But you need to eat more.”

Merlin tilts his head. “I already ate.”

“That measly portion you gave yourself is not eating.”

Merlin narrows his eyes, he hadn’t expected the prince to notice such a thing, but it’s more important that the others get their fill. “I’m fine Arthur, really. Now finish so I can wash the bowls.”

Arthur scoffs, “And who put you in charge? Last I checked you were the servant, and I was the prince.”

Ah you haven't heard? While we’ve been away the servants have overtaken the citadel and have deigned me their new king.” Merlin replies, snarkily grinning.

Merlin.” Arthur narrows his eyes in a challenge. “Watch your treasonous tongue.”

“See it would be treason if I weren’t the new king.”

Arthur fights down a smile. “Merlin.”

“Oh just hurry and finish eating before it goes cold you prat.”

You will eat the rest. Don’t think I didn’t notice how you didn’t eat anything when we stopped earlier.”

Merlin feels heat rise in his cheeks, yet another thing he wouldn’t expect Arthur to pick up on. And okay, yes he hadn’t eaten earlier, to be fair he was busy with his duties but it certainly isn’t the first time he’s skipped a mid-day meal in lieu of chores. “Well some of us don’t need to keep up our wide waists.”

Merlin.” Arthur warns, his patience starting to slip.

“What? I’m serious! Some of us don’t have to eat until we’re full.”

Arthur pauses, caught off guard. “What?”

“What?” Merlin blinks at him.

“What do you mean you don’t eat until you’re full?”

“Well, I just eat so I’m not hungry anymore.”

Merlin is slightly concerned at the bewildered look Arthur is giving him.

“You don’t eat until you’re full?”

“Why would I? It seems like a waste.” Merlin shrugs. “Now will you please just-”

“Christ, no wonder you’re so slim.” Arthur pinches the bridge of his nose with the hand not holding his stew.

“I’m not slim, you’re just not as fit as-”

“Merlin. First of all, do not finish that sentence. Second of all, with all the work you do day to day you should be eating until you’re full.”

“Arthur I am not arguing about this, just finish-”

Merlin.” Arthur’s voice comes out low and dangerous.

Merlin glances to the others but they are all too invested in their own conversations to pay him any mind.

“Arthur, you need your energy, I’ll be fine.” Merlin back talks.

Merlin.” Arthur firmly brings his hand to the nape of Merlin’s neck while leaning closer. His breath ghosts against the cuff of Merlin’s ear, “You will eat this or I will force it down your gullet in front of my knights.”

Merlin glares at the prince. He is the one who needs to keep up his energy, Merlin is used to going periods with eating very little, unlike the pompous prat. Knowing Arthur and his delicate sensibilities he’d end up passing out from simply skipping one meal and the last thing Merlin wants is to lug the prince the rest of the way back to the city.

“No.” Merlin raises his chin defiantly, in the way that always has Arthur itching to discipline him.

“I warned you.” Arthur rumbles, placing the half full bowl on his own lap.

And before Merlin can reply he is getting a spoon thrust into his mouth as the hand on the back of his neck holds him in place.

The servant flails as the stew is forced past his lips, he frantically looks to the others but those that look over just seem amused yet unsurprised, as if this is an everyday occurrence, before going back to their own conversations.

Arthur removes the spoon and Merlin starts coughing as the stew unceremoniously makes its way down his esophagus.

Merlin flails a bit more but Arthur vigorously shovels more stew into his mouth. “See what happens when you don’t listen?” Arthur’s voice is husky.

An angry puff of air is exhaled through Merlin’s nose, the heated air cascades across Arthur’s hand.

The prince’s other hand tightens further on the back of Merlin's neck. “Do not think I will not punish you just because we have an audience.”

Arthur pushes the spoon further past Merlin’s lips and the servant releases an almost inaudible whimper between them. Arthur’s gaze ardently darkens.

A shiver runs down Merlin’s spine and his eyes flash pink.

It’s then a distraught shambling and the unmistakable sound of a sword being drawn breaks them apart.

Lancelot quickly closes in on the two, heart pounding in his ears. This is it, this is the moment where the prince finds out. This is the moment the knight betrays the crown for his closest friend. There is no way Arthur had missed the way the warlock’s eyes flashed sitting that close together. Lancelot truly doesn’t know what to expect, how the prince will react, but gods forbid it’s violently, he won’t give Arthur the chance to hurt Merlin.

Merlin watches in horror as Lancelot closes in on him and Arthur. It’s then the servant simultaneously realizes multiple things. Firstly, when explaining the curse to the knights, neither he nor Arthur explained that Merlin’s eyes would flash pink. To be fair he wanted to go into as little detail as possible and that hadn’t seemed like a prominent thing to mention until this very moment. Secondly, Merlin knows Lancelot is incredibly loyal and he can now see, by the knight's stern expression, that the man’s loyalties lay further with Merlin than the prince. Thirdly, Lancelot is clearly on a crusade towards Arthur, and not only may he actually threaten Arthur with a blade, a genuine form of treason,but he may also inadvertently expose Merlin’s magic to a still blissfully ignorant Arthur.

Before Merlin can think any further he theatrically stands up, his empty bowl falling from his lap onto the ground rolling dangerously close to the fire. He brings his arms out to the side as if expecting a sudden attack, “What are the rest of you doing?!” Merlin questions with a false panic. “Didn’t you hear that?!”

Lancelot stops only a few steps away from Merlin, brow furrowed. But thankfully Merlin’s words have spurred the others into action, all standing and drawing their swords.

“Over there!” Merlin points to the tree line to his left. “Footsteps, I heard it too.”

Lancelot shoots Merlin a cautious look but concedes, “Yes, right.” The knight clears his throat. “Couldn’t have been too far off.”

“Could be some of the Saxons that escaped into the woods.” Arthur states. “On me.” He calls getting into a semi-crouching position as he approaches the trees. “Merlin, you are to stay put.” His tone is authoritative and princely. “Lancelot, you stay with him and guard the camp.”

“Yes, sire.” Lancelot takes up post as the other men tactfully start making their way into the surrounding woods.

Merlin and Lancelot stand there for a few moments, making sure their comrades are far enough away.

“Merlin?” The knight asks tentatively.

The servant looks over to him, his expression is a strange mix between deadpan and amused. “It’s alright.”

Lancelot’s brows shoot up, “He knows?”

“Oh gods no!” Merlin’s eyes go wide.

“Then what on earth was that?”

Merlin sighs before explaining the curse he was hit with, in detail this time. He knows he can trust Lancelot.

By the time he is done they’re both blushing red.

“And,” Merlin adds on after, tone taking on a seriousness Lancelot rarely hears. “If something does happen, if Arthur ever does find out. Please. Do not step in. As much as I appreciate it, I will not have you condemned for a crime you have no part in.”

Lancelot opens his mouth to reply when they hear the rustling of leaves, surely the others returning. He closes his mouth before opening it again, giving Merlin a look that the warlock can’t quite discern, “Alright.”

It’s then the rest of their group trudge back into the clearing. Arthur grumbles that it might have just been a large stag the two heard but that they’ll take watch in pairs tonight just in case.

During their watch Merlin tries to talk about the siege with the prince but Arthur waves him off with worries of waking the knights. Though Merlin isn’t sure if that’s truly the reason for not wanting to discuss what happened. They spend the rest of their watch in amicable silence.

Merlin’s final rating: 8

Chapter End Notes

Dammit Lancelot! Cockblocking like that smh.

Don’t worry, your regularly scheduled smut will resume next chapter! And ooo baby the next two are spicyyyy~

Also, I am not a nutritionist please don’t take any eating advice from my writing. I have no idea what I’m talking about lmao.

Again I hope this chapter being on the shorter side is okay, the next couple should be pretty long!

Thank you so much for all your kind words on the last chapter, I am always more than happy to hear people's opinions on, well, anything really! If you didn’t get a chance to share your opinion last time you are always more than welcome to do so on any chapter. Once again thank you guys so much for your support! <3

As always expect an update next Thursday est! (Let's be real though it's more than likely going to come early lol)

Pet Play

Chapter Notes

Guys I have an issue, I get too excited and can’t help posting chapters lmao.

Anyways, welcome back to your regularly scheduled smut! If you aren’t familiar with pet play or have heard of it and been like mmm not for me. I suggest you still give this chapter a try! I feel like the description of this particular kink is never able to do it justice, it sounds a lot worse than it actually is and I can see how it could turn people away. It has nothing to do with actual animals, just to get that out of the way.

That being said, if you do try reading it and it’s still not for you I totally get it! There is a bit of plot but it's before any of the smutty goodness, just so you are aware. :)

Per usual, thank you guys so much for such amazing support! <3

P.S if any of you like to listen to music while you read I figured I'd share what I use to write my spicy scenes, so feel free to listen while you read! I wouldn't use it until you get to the smut though lol.


Pet Play
The act of treating someone
as you would a human pet. Typically
using them for your pleasure while
not allowing them the respect one
would typically give a partner. This
can also include: petting, training,
collars/leashes, and even forcing your
‘pet’ to eat from a dish on the ground.

Merlin’s initial rating: 3

“Arthur!” Uther exclaims as the prince enters the throne room, servant in tow.

“Father.” Arthur bows his head as he approaches, his boots click against the polished floor, Merlin bows at his waist.

“I hadn’t heard you had gotten back.” Uther hands the parchment he had been looking over to a servant.

“We only just arrived.”

“Excellent. I’m sure you bring only good news.” The king voices in his usual acrid tone.

“Yes father. The siege went well. I managed to take out their leader and we burned down their encampment. Whatever stragglers have survived will surely spread word of their loss.”

“Very good.” Uther nods. The king’s gaze flicks to Merlin and the raven nearly winces at the unexpected attention, Uther is never one to pay mind to any of the servants. Merlin can’t help the way his pulse increases ever so slightly.

“Since you and your knights left there has been an increase of bandit attacks to the west. I believe them to have gotten word of your leave and attempted to use your absence as an opportunity of sorts. I expect you to take a patrol to put an end to any loutish bouts of unwarranted confidence.”

“Of course father.” Arthur agrees with a bow of his head. “Will there be anything else?”


Arthur keeps his face impassive as he waits for his king to continue.

Uther waits a particularly long time before speaking up, it’s an act of intimidation that Arthur has long learned to deal with. Merlin on the other hand, does his best not to squirm at the lengthy silence.

“Just after you left. There were some rumors floating about.”

“Rumors, father?” Arthur asks, genuinely confused.

“Yes. Supposedly there are whisperings among the servants that you’ve started to… favor your manservant.”

Arthur’s heart sinks to his stomach, it takes every ounce of his being not to step in front of Merlin, to block him from his father’s view. But he knows better, he can’t give reason for the king to actually believe such rumors… even if they aren’t exactly rumors, though the servants certainly don't know that.

Arthur scoffs, “And do you know on what grounds someone would make such outlandish claims?”

“It seems some believe you to have prepared the boy's horse for him before you left.”

Merlin mentally starts strangling the prince. He had told Arthur not to help. Of course something like this was going to happen. Oh gods Merlin is so dead.

“Ah. A misunderstanding then. I found Merlin’s work to be unsatisfactory that day and felt the only way he could see work to my liking was for me to show him personally.”

“So you deny the claims?”

“Of course.”

“You are not fond of the boy?”

Arthur pauses for a moment, thinking over his words briefly before answering. “Well, I suppose as he is my manservant I am closer to him than I am with other servants. But I am not fond in the way originally suggested. I see Merlin more… as a pet. A very loyal dog if you would.” Arthur is thankfully able to keep the amusement out of his tone with the last two sentences, hopefully the irony will not be lost on Merlin later. Though even without looking at him he can feel Merlin's mood shift to annoyance.

“Right.” Uther drawls, used to his son and manservnat’s bizarre relationship. He supposes he could see someone misunderstanding the two. The boy is fond of Arthur and helped save him before, it’s why he gave the boy the position in the first place. He had even told Merlin to take care of Arthur before, perhaps someone just misunderstood the servant’s fidelity. Uther would be ignorant to ignore such a thing.

“I ask then,” Uther continues, narrowing his eyes slightly. “If the boy's work is not up to your standards why don’t you just dismiss him?” He trusts Arthur knows better, he has to be certain though, he won’t have the prince .

Arthur pauses just a moment too long and he’s aware of it as he answers. “Well, Merlin does do quite a few things to my liking, it would be a nuisance to have someone starting from scratch.” The prince does his best to keep his breaths steady.

“Very well.” Uther waves his hand dismissively. “I expect you to ride out on that patrol when you have recovered from your recent siege.”

“Yes father.” Arthur nods. The prince turns on his heel and makes sure not to even glance at Merlin lest his father notice.

Merlin follows the prince dutifully, head bowed in proper severance until they are well away from the throne room. It isn’t until they’ve ascended the stairs to the royal corridor that Merlin breaks the tense silence between them.

“We only just got back and must prepare for a scouting patrol? Rather unreasonable if you ask me.”

“You’d rather have the bandits attacking defenseless travelers? Or outlying villages?” Arthur looks over his shoulder.

“No, of course not. But the knights need their rest, they expend a lot of energy during battles.”

“Which is exactly why my father said after we have recovered.”

They arrive to Arthur’s door, Merlin moves to open it for the prince. “Yes and according to Uther that’s, what, one day?”

Merlin.” Arthur walks past his bed before holding his arms out to the side.

“I know I know, treason, you’ll put me in the stocks.” Merlin haughtily rolls his eyes as he walks over to the prince, he starts undoing his armor.

“Look at that, you are capable of learning! Only took you a couple years.”

“Prat.” Merlin grumbles just loud enough for Arthur to hear.

Arthur lightly cuffs him on the head.

Once Arthur is divested of his armor Merlin goes about setting up a bath in his chambers. “Is there anything else you require sire?”

“Have somewhere to be, do you?” Arthur asks as he lifts his gambeson over his head, the muscles in his shoulders flexing while he does so.

Gods that should not be as attractive as it is. Merlin clears his throat. “I’m sure Gaius will need some more herbs with my absence the past days.”

“Very well.” Arthur waves him off. “I expect you back here with my dinner though.” The prince starts unlacing his breeches, eyes not leaving his servant.

Merlin swallows. “Right, of course.” Thankfully he’s able to tear his eyes away and make a hasty escape.

Arthur huffs an amused breath, the turnip hadn’t even realized he was supposed to be the one undressing him. The prince doesn’t fight his smile as he settles into the warm water.

Merlin huffs as he fills the small wash basin he has once again hefted into his room. Gaius had indeed needed a resupply of herbs. In all honesty, it’s one of Merlin’s favorite chores to do for the physician, being able to meander about the forest freely while gathering plants that will be used to help the people of Camelot, it’s both relaxing and fulfilling. More often than not though Merlin gets quite begrimed, thus his opting for a wash.

Once fully undressed, clothes messily strewn about the floor, collar delicately laid out across his bed, he steps into the water. With the use of a well practiced spell, the water is the perfect temperature. He takes a deep breath enjoying the steam that tickles its way up his body.

His mind starts to wander as he cleans off. He can’t help but think back to what Uther had said this morning. If Arthur tries anything like that again Merlin will have to make sure to put a stop to his facetious antics. And while Merlin knows why Arthur said what he did, as is glad he did so, it still stings a bit. Obviously, Arthur did the right thing, but the prince saying he isn’t fond of Merlin… well he knows Arthur isn’t fond of him, not in the way he is fond of the prince anyway, but hearing him say it so easily aches a bit more than he would have expected.

It’s all Arthur’s fault for doing borderline kind things for him lately. It’s getting his heart all confused. I mean really, helping with horses is one thing, but the caresses? The affectionate words? The outwardly care for his well being? How is he supposed to keep his heart in check?! He scrubs a bit harder at his arm.

He knew this was going to happen, it’s why he hadn’t wanted to go to the prince for help with the spell in the first place. But then the prat had insisted and, well, Merlin’s only so strong-willed.

That trail of thought brings him to Arthur stripping to get into his bath before Merlin had left his chambers. The way his muscles flexed as he removed his clothing. The trail of hair from the prince’s naval that disappears below his trousers, the mix of amusement and hopefulness in his gaze. Merlin’s breath picks up, gods he wants to touch himself. He and Arthur hadn’t been able to do anything since before the siege, he’s been so needy for the prince yet unable to do anything about it without the knights knowing exactly why they were sneaking off. He could just reach down and no. He’ll wait until he’s with Arthur. But he’s so… so wanting. He tries to will away his arousal but nothing is working. He is then hit with a brilliant idea, instead of wanking, perhaps he could open himself up, it’ll feel good and save time later.

He squeezes his eyes as he pours water over his hair, washing the sudsy lather away.

Arthur doesn’t look up from his desk as the door gracelessly crashes open. “I thought I told you to be back for my dinner.”

“I am! I have it right here.” Merlin sets the tray down noisily against the table.

Arthur sighs leaning back in his chair, he turns his head to where Merlin is filling his goblet with wine. “And you should have been here twenty minutes ago.”

“Yes well, I figured I should wash before I came back.” A small blush paints Merlin’s cheeks.

The image that gives Arthur is enough to spur him up from his desk and over to the table, the sooner he eats the sooner he can have what he is truly craving. It’s been days since they’ve truly been able to do anything and Arthur is just about ready to jump Merlin.

“Very well,” Arthur says as he sits down and starts eating. He watches as Merlin goes about restocking the hearth.

“So,” Merlin stands up brushing his trousers off, “what’s the plan for tonight?” He hopes he doesn’t sound as eager as he does in his head. But gods if they don’t do something soon he’s afraid his magic will truly start rebelling.

Arthur’s brows shoot up in surprise at his forwardness but he can’t fault the boy, he’s quite antsy as well. His surprise quickly turns into a mix of conniving and poorly hidden amusement that has Merlin both eager and curious.

“Well,” Arthur starts off smugly, “do you remember the other day, how you claimed I treat my dog better than you?”

“Yes.” Merlin answers warily from where he stands next to the warmth of the hearth.

The prince’s tone is jovial as he responds, “Well I couldn’t help but think, you are completely right.”

Merlin narrows his eyes in suspicion. Not only would Arthur never admit such a thing, he only ever uses such a tone when intentionally annoying Merlin.

Arthur waits for Merlin’s reply but when his servant doesn’t say anything he can’t help but chuckle at the suspecting look on his face.

“Well then, come here.” Arthur gestures his head, beckoning his servant over to the table.

Merlin totters over, his hands fiddling with the ends of his sleeves.

“Neckerchief, off.”

Merlin complies, taking the blue fabric off before folding it neatly and placing it on the table. Arthur is pleased to see he is indeed wearing his collar.

Arthur takes a sip of wine as he admires his claim on the boy. “Jacket.” He commands after a moment.

Merlin slinks off the jacket before hanging it on the back of the chair.

Arthur presses his napkin to his mouth wiping any residue that may be left from the wine. “Sit.”

Merlin starts pulling out a chair when Arthur stops it with his booted foot. “Ah, ah” the prince chides, “I would never let my dog on a chair.” He can’t keep the amusement out of his tone.

Merlin stares at him incredulously as understanding washes over him. “Arthur you can’t be serio-”

“Last I checked, pets don’t talk back.” His voice hardens.

As much as Merlin wants to argue, he wants to be fucked even more. He takes a calming breath before sinking to the ground, sitting on his haunches next to Arthur’s chair.

Merlin had played ‘animals’ with the other village children when he was younger, as children tend to do. The other children would always want him to be a bird because of his name, though he preferred to be larger creatures like a deer or a horse he even pretended to be… a dragon… oh. He had never thought about that. But he supposes this has the same kind of rules given what Arthur has already said.

“Good boy.” Arthur seductively praises as he runs a hand over Merlin’s hair.

Okay, perhaps not the same rules.

The acknowledgment has the already restless arousal in his stomach ignite with sparks that stir through his abdomen and flare out down his limbs.

Merlin is filled with a feeling similar to when Arthur had first punished him with the lashing from his hand, it's an amalgamation of shame and unfettered desire. Much to Merlin’s aggravation, Arthur simply turns back to his dinner, though his lips quiver with a hidden smile, instigating Merlin’s impudence.

Merlin waits in the rather humiliating position but Arthur pays him no more mind. He contemplates tying the prat’s bootlaces together but decides against it, not wanting to have to wait any longer than this is already seemingly going to take. Fine, Arthur want to play that way? So be it.

Merlin relaxes his legs so he rests on his feet rather than his haunches. Arthur still doesn't pay him any attention. He scoots a little closer before resting his cheek against Arthur’s thigh. He can feel the muscle tense under him.

Arthur glances down to Merlin who looks up through his lashes at him. The want shining in his eyes does things to Arthur, he has to stop himself from hauling Merlin onto the table and stuffing him full with his cock right there. No, they have to do this the right way, mark a kink off the list.

“You know,” Arthur feigns a conversational tone, “while you have the loyalty of a dog, you manage to have the asinine obstinance of a cat.” Merlin smiles mischievously at the prince, Arthur adds on, “And the virility of a rabbit.”

Merlin can’t help but snort at that. “Oh please like you’re any better.” Merlin’s eyes drift to the bulge forming in Arthur’s trousers.

The prince brings a hand down to hold Merlin’s chin, “Behave.” His voice is low and husky with warning.

“Yes master.” Merlin smirks, Arthur’s cock gives a very interested twitch.

He forces his attention back to his dinner. In all honesty though he is done eating, he pushes around what's left on his plate solely to make Merlin wait. It’s not long until Merlin starts rubbing and nuzzling against his thigh. The servant hungrily watches as the bulge in Arthur’s trousers starts to grow. Arthur brings his leg closest to Merlin around to the side of the chair nestling the lower part of his leg right in between his pet’s thighs.

The pressure against his groin has Merlin gasping as he resists the urge to rub against it. He is able to fight against desire until Arthur starts moving his leg up and down teasingly against Merlin’s erection.

His breath stutters as the flames of arousal lick through his core, he can't help but push into Arthur’s limb, adding much needed friction against his needy prick. After a few thrusts, he brings his hands around the prince’s calf allowing himself to press further against the prince’s leg, enhancing the pitiful relief he is able to find. Merlin pushes as close as possible, his chest pressed firmly against the appendage, he doesn't doubt the prince could feel his heart racing. All the while he keeps nuzzling needily against Arthur’s thigh.

Completely foregoing his dinner now, he watches with lidded eyes as Merlin ruts wantonly against his leg, the hardness of his pet's cock dragging up and down against his trousers. He doubts the servant even realizes he’s sitting on Arthur’s foot. He experimentally tilts his boot up, heel never leaving the ground. His servant’s eyes flutter at the new pressure against his bollocks and arse. He keeps capriciously grinding his hips making small salacious sounds, each pushing Arthur’s restraint further and further.

Nngh Arthur,” Merlin whines breathily.

Merlin.” Arthur strains, “Good pets do not beg at the table.” He can feel his own pulse picking up, the heat from Merlin’s body radiating through his trouser leg. “Though I suppose it’s not food you’re begging for hmm?” He pets Merlin’s hair watching as his pet shamelessly seeks his own pleasure.

“No, I’ll- mmph take something else in- ah in my mouth though.” He nuzzles a bit further up Arthur’s thigh.

“Cheeky brat.” Arthur grabs the younger’s hair though not harshly. Merlin pushes into the touch.

“Stay.” Arthur instructs as he pries his leg from Merlin’s grabby hold and lifts himself out of his chair.

A broken whimper escapes past Merlin’s pouty lips as Arthur walks over to his bedside drawer. The prince takes a moment fishing out what he is looking for. It’s when he turns back around Merlin can see what is in his hands. He is unsurprised to see a vial of oil, however the long black strip of leather with a gold hook, that perfectly matches his collar, he had not expected.

With each step Arthur takes, each click of his boots on the stone, Merlin’s nerves pulse with effusive excitement.

The prince crouches in front of his pet, his eyes are dark as they trace his features, Merlin doesn’t miss the way they linger on his lips before falling to his collar. “So pretty,” he murmurs before looping the hook through the small ring where his pendant hangs from.

Merlin preens proudly at the compliment and Arthur’s lips tick up. The prince ruffles Merlin’s hair before standing back up.

“Come.” Arthur tugs on the end of the leash on his hand, it pulls against Merlin’s neck.

The servant sits there for a moment not sure what to do. Does Arthur expect him to crawl over? Or is he allowed to walk over? He supposes he could crawl but the cobblestone is harsh enough on his knees when he's not moving so-

“On your feet.” Arthur speaks up, clarifying the confusion on the raven’s face.

Merlin wobbles to his feet and is then immediately pulled forward by the leash. Though Merlin is confused when they don’t head for the bed, instead his master leads him to the rug in front of the hearth.

“Hands and knees.” The prince’s voice leaves no room for argument.

Merlin crouches down before landing on all fours. Merlin hadn’t been sure about this at first but honestly, it’s quite… fun. He had never thought he’d be having fun while resolving this spell.

Arthur stands there eyes roaming over Merlin as he looms above him. Merlin, feeling rather cheeky, jokingly lifts one knee up imitating how a dog takes a piss and Arthur chokes on a laugh. Merlin can’t help but to start laughing too he has to lower his leg back down to keep himself steady.

It isn’t until they’re both done laughing that Arthur lowers himself onto the rug, sitting on his arse legs stretched out in front of him. “Heel,” Arthur tugs the collar and Merlin crawls to two paces needed to sit beside Arthur, though still in front of him enough so they face each other.

Arthur puts his hands around Merlin’s waist, he maneuvers his pet so he is now sat on the prince’s thighs.

Merlin’s face is flush with arousal and laughter, his eyes bright with amusement yet pupils wide with desire, Arthur’s not sure he’s ever seen his servant look so perfect. Arthur removes his hands from the boy's waist before commanding “Arms up.”

Merlin follows easily, eager to get out of his clothes as quickly as possible. Arthur lifts the red shirt over his frame, leading the leash all the way through. Once the leather is fully out of the shirt Arthur wraps the end around the palm of his hand multiple times, making Merlin’s leeway even shorter. Merlin watches raptly, throat bobbing when he swallows.

It’s then the prince notices the bruises that still adorn his servant’s pale skin, a smattering on his forearm and shoulder, leftover from the siege, left by someone else. A spike of fury shoots through him.

“Hand.” Arthur demands harshly, the way one would ask a dog for its paw.

Merlin holds his hand out, Arthur takes it in his own before placing it on his shoulder, they go through the same process with the other hand.

Arthur is quick to move the raven further up his legs until their erections are nearly lined up. Merlin tightens his grip at the unexpected movement. Arthur tightens the leash around his hand once more before giving it a harsh tug until Merlin's face is right in front of his.

“You are mine Merlin, understand? My pet, my servant, mine to do whatever the fuck I want to with. Mine to fuck however I want.”

Before Merlin can even reply Arthur brings their mouths together with another yank of the leash. Merlin moans as their lips meet, just before they fully close their eyes Arthur can see Merlin’s eyes flash pink. The prince smiles into the kiss.

Merlin shifts his hips forward and Arthur groans as their clothed pricks rub against each other. “Eager as ever hmm?”

Please master.” Merlin’s voice is throaty and full of need and Arthur can’t help but buck his hips up against his pet.

Merlin moans tossing his head back.

“Gonna be a good boy and obey your master?” Arthur eggs on as he laces a hand in Merlin’s hair before tugging.

“Y-yes I’ll be so good, so good for you Arthur please.”

Mmm good pets take whatever their master gives them, are you gonna take all of my cock? I am gonna fuck you so hard my pet will never forget who he belongs to.” Arthur rumbles against Merlin’s mouth.

“Yes please master I- I want it so bad, want all of your cock please.” Merlin’s breath hitches as he wrangles his magic in, it dances across his skin lighting up all of his nerves just further increasing his already impossible want.

“Fuck,” Arthur groans as he brings his mouth to Merlin’s neck, the prince uses the hand in the boy's hair to tilt his head, giving him better access to suck and nip. “God you taste so good.”

Merlin keens, he can feel a particular eager spurt of precum escape his prick and smear against his smalls.

Merlin gasps at a rather harsh nip. Arthur laves his tongue over the bite before groaning, “Gonna fill you up so good, I’m gonna spill so much in you, been waiting for days to get you alone, you’re going to be dripping with my cum. Fuck gonna breed you like a good boy.”

Merlin lets out a sinful moan and his eyes flash pink for the second time that night. They both pause for a second, surprised at another kink being discovered. Not bothering to think about it at the moment, Arthur continues to lave at his pet’s neck, around his lovely black collar, a stark contrast against his skin.

Merlin moans and fumbles with Arthur’s shirt before he’s able to get it over the prince’s head. After Arthur detaches from Merlin’s neck to allow his shirt to be discarded he slides out from under Merlin. “Hands and knees,” he domineers.

As Merlin gets back on all fours Arthur kicks his boots off as he walks around to the back of his pet, making sure not to walk too far lest the leash pull the boy.

He lowers himself on his knees grabbing at his servant’s arse through his trousers, Merlin pushes back into his hands. The prince groans appreciatively before reaching around to untie the laces of his breeches.

Arthur slides his fingers into his trousers and small pushing the fabric down tantalizingly slow, appreciating the curve of Merlin’s thighs. His servant shifts allowing Arthur to pull his clothing down to his boots which Arthur makes quick work of before tossing them towards the door. Shortly followed by Merlin’s bottoms.

Gods Arthur please I need it, need you inside please.”

“I’ve got you,” Arthur soothes as he slides his hands up Merlin's inner thighs, the smooth leather of the leash, wrapped around the prince’s palm, drags across his skin. The sensation has goosebumps erupting on Merlin’s legs even with the heat of the hearth so nearby.

Arthur softly bites the swell of Merlin’s arse, his pet makes a wonderful half-moan half-sob sound that goes straight down to his already heavy cock.

Arthur grinds his own hardened cock against Merlin’s thigh. Merlin whines and pushes back into him, he bends forward so his shoulders touch the rug giving Arthur a delectable view, his collar pulls ever so slightly against his neck at the added distance. The firelight of the hearth reflects off the slick wetness that coats Merlin’s hole and he groans as his arousal becomes near overwhelming, the heady feeling sends prickles all through his limbs as his lower abdomen flutters with a guttural satisfaction.

Merlin wiggles his arse and Arthur savagely grabs the globes, the leather wrapped around his palm digging into his pet’s skin. The force of his hands pushes Merlin further into the ground with a small yelp that is quickly muffled by the rug. The prince uses his callused hands to spread his best friend further before rubbing his thumb across his glistening hole.

Merlin?” Arthur asks as he lightly probes but doesn’t enter Merlin’s hole.

Nnn wanted to save time.”

Fucking hell.” Arthur grunts as he pushes his thumb past the ring of muscle, it slips in easily. “Christ Merlin, what am I going to do with you?”

“Fuck me.” Merlin answers the rhetorical question snarkily.

Mmm, oh I will, such a good pet deserves only the best fucking. And I am more than happy to give it to him.” Arthur moves his hands, trailing them up Merlin's sides and back down; it gives the servant a bit of reprieve from the slight tug of his collar.

Arthur unties his trousers, not bothering to shuffle them past his knees. He oils up the fingers on his hand not holding the leash before immediately sliding two into Merlin’s waiting hole, he is rewarded with an utterly profane moan.

Ah- yes Arthur mmph.” Merlin pushes his chest off the ground, moving himself further back onto Arthur’s digits. Gods he needs this so bad, he could cum just from Arthur’s fingers at this point.

Arthur shuffles his knees against Merlin's calves getting the boy to open his legs wider. Arthur sees his pet’s cock eagerly dribbling onto the rug beneath him and it only further fuels his hunger.

Arthur eagerly pumps his fingers in and out with obscene squelching noises making sure Merlin is properly ready for him. “God look at you pet, already so open and wet for me, he wants to be bred so badly by his master hmm?”

“Yes gods Arth-master please fuck me please I’m ready I can take it please.” His pleas are starting to sound more like sobs and it’s music to Arthur’s ears.

Arthur extracts his fingers with a filthy wet sound before slicking up his own cock. He takes a deep breath in an attempt to control his libido as he wraps the leather around his hand another time. The sensation gives him a heady feeling of power that he relishes in.

Without warning Arthur slides into Merlin, not slowly but not enough to sting too much either. A moan tears out of Merlin’s throat at the delectable intrusion, the hearth burns just a bit brighter. Arthur groans Merlin’s wet heat swallows him.

Arthur starts off with small movements until Merlin cries out a broken “please,” and the prince can’t hold back anymore.

Arthur starts ramming in and out of his pet, illiciting heavenly cries of pleasure from the boy.

Fuck Merlin, shit you feel so good. So fucking good on my cock. Right where you belong.” Arthur grunts

Ah tha-nngh-nk you ma-ah-ster. Feels so oh good fuck.”

Mmm my good little pet deserves mmph only the best.” Arthur tightens his hand on the leash before pulling it back.

A lewd low moan scratches out of Merlin’s throat as he is forced up onto his knees by the pull of the leash, his back thumping against Arthur’s chest. The rush of adrenaline sends thrilling waves down to his weeping prick that bounces in time to each of the prince’s thrusts, unfettered.

Arthur wraps the leash around his hand a couple more times so it’s just long enough that he can reach to the front of Merlin's chest. He runs his hands hungrily over his pet’s chest, Merlin pushes back into him.

Stars flash behind Merlin’s eyes as Arthur’s cock rubs against that spot inside of him, gods he’s not going to last much longer.

Ah-Arthur please I’m mmph clo- oh -se.”

Mmmph fuck, good that’s a good pet.” Arthur groans breathily into his ear as he licks the cuff.

Arthur drags his hands over Merlin’s nipples, the leather of the leash adding further friction before taking them between his digits and rolling the pink nubs.

Merlin feels the coil in his stomach reach its breaking point and he can’t hold on any longer, Arthur’s grunts of pleasure send him over the edge. He whimpers as his cum eagerly shoots out painting the rug in front of him, it comes out in excess after having to wait so long to finally find release. The pleasure crashes over him in pulsing waves that rock him to his core.

“Fuck pet, look at- ngh - look at you, cuming untouched. Fuck so good,” Arthur presses his hands against Merlin’s chest as he unyieldingly pounds into him. “Such a good boy, so good, so pretty, cumming with my cock up your arse.”

Merlin mewls hazily at the words as he comes down from his orgasm.

“Gonna, fuck-” is all Arthur is able to get out as his hot seed spills into Merlin’s clenched hole.

Arthur untangles his hand and grabs at Merlin’s hips, rocking the boy against him with each spurt of cum that leaves Arthur’s cock.

After a moment of kneeling there Arthur drags them both down onto the rug, still inside Merlin, but when they land he slips out. Merlin whines at the feeling as lands facing away from the prince though his arm is underneath him.

Arthur uses his trapped arm to roll Merlin over so his servant can rest his head on his chest. Merlin instinctively tosses an arm and leg across Artrhur’s sprawled body.

“Okay?” Arthur asks, fully worn out.

Mmmm’ Merlin hums pleasantly as he nuzzles into the side of Arthur’s neck, he knows he should get cleaned and dressed, he has early duties in the morning but the boneless exhaustion has other plans.

Arthur can’t stop his smile, he peeks over but Merlin’s eyes are closed. The prince is so exhausted and comfortable he can’t find it in himself to move them. He tightens his hold on his Merlin, he places a soft kiss to the crown of his head before sleep overtakes him.

Merlin’s final pet play rating: 8

Merlin’s initial breeding kink rating: N/A (it’s not in the book)
Merlin’s final breeding kink rating: 7.9

Chapter End Notes

GOD this fandom needs more pet play fr. I get it’s not for everyone though.

This chapter wasn't quite as long as I thought it would be but hey that means you get it earlier! Lol

As always thank you guys so much for your kudos, comments, bookmarks and reads!

As always, I feel like I shouldn't even say this anymore lmao, expect an update Thursday.

Tumblr: lexplosion
TikTok: Lex1800

Bath Sex

Chapter Notes

… uhm hi

It’s Thursday somewhere right?
...No? Its Monday at the latest? And still Sunday here?
Well, ya know about that…
*drops chapter and runs*.

The music I use for spicy scenes if you'd like to listen while reading the smut:

Having intercourse in
some form of water.
This can range from
lakes and ponds to oceans
and even washtubs.

Merlin's initial rating: 6

Merlin feels as if he weighs an entire ton when his boots hit the cobblestone, the contact reverberates up through his legs all the way up into his skull. Thankfully some of the stableboys have already started unpacking their mares.

The prince looks around at his men, all clearly laden with exhaustion. It had been a rough thirty hours, it seemed Lady Luck was not on their side as they had not only one group of bandits attack them on their patrol but three. THREE times they were attacked by bandits in the past 30 hours! It was a new record for all involved, the attacks weren’t coordinated either, nothing linked them together that they could find, it was just pure bad luck.

The sun was setting and the thought of sleep nearly made Arthur shiver. They had just been preparing their camp the evening before when they were attacked by the second group of bandits, by the time they finished fighting and found somewhere safer the sun was rising once again only for them to be ambushed again not soon after.

A footman trotts down the steps of the citadel towards Arthur but he slows as he catches a glimpse of the state of their group.

The prince is speaking before the footman can even think of bringing up a meeting.

“We are to retire for the night, please inform my father that we have returned safe and that I shall give him report tomorrow.”

“Yes sire.” The man bows deeply before quickly taking off.

Arthur stands unmoving, his muscles and brain unwilling to work as his knights slowly make their way up the citadel steps, surely to get rest themselves.

The idea of rest is able to spur him into action again.

As he takes the first few steps Arthur doesn’t hear the slightly lighter footsteps he’s so used to echoing his own.

He turned around to see Merlin in just as bad of shape as the rest of them, staring off into space unseeing.

Merlin.” Arthur calls out.

His manservant’s attention shifts over to him, slower than normal. “Coming, sire.”

Merlin shakes his head trying and failing to wake himself up.

As they ascend the steps Arthur hears Merlin lose his footing twice, followed by grumbled curses the prince chose to ignore.

As they enter the citadel they thankfully run into Gwen of all people.

“Guinevere!” Arthur exclaims slightly too loud, causing the maid to nearly drop her basket of linens.

“Arthur!” Gwen exclaims, adjusting her hold on the basket, “Is everything all right?”

“Yes, yes fine, just a long day.”

Merlin snorts behind him. “You could say that again.”

“Could you ask some of the servants to fetch the largest bathing tub and have it filled in my room?”

Merlin groans internally, Arthur requesting the larger tub means he’ll have to wait even longer to dress the prince let alone make his way back to his own chambers to sleep.

“Of course, sire.” Gwen says with a small curtsy before continuing on her way.

Arthur starts back on the venture to his chambers when halfway up the steps to the royal corridor he hears Merlin’s steps fading. Sure enough, Merlin has only made it up half the height Arthur has.

Merlin shoots him an exasperated look. “What?”

Arthur gives his servant a once over, checking for injuries for the umpteenth time. “Are you alright?” Poorly hidden concern laces his words.

Merlin had been knocked to the ground in their most recent bandit attack; Arthur feels a surge of heated anger at the memory, waking him up just the slightest. Thankfully it had just been a shove, not an actual weapon attack and Elyan had been quick to step in. Arthur needs to make sure he gives the knight an extra day off.

“I’m fine Arthur, just exhausted, as we all are.” Merlin scurries to catch up with the prince.

Arthur squints his eyes, he can’t see any visible injuries, not even a limp, just a rather large amount of dirt smeared onto his manservant’s clothes.

When Arthur doesn't move, Merlin passes him with a playful yet careful shove to his shoulder. “Come on clotpole the sooner you get bathed the sooner I can sleep.”

The prince makes an indignant sound and moves to catch up with his manservant.

As they make it to the prince’s chambers Merlin immediately goes to light the hearth as Arthur toes off his boots.

By the time Merlin gets the hearth roaring, not that it takes long, three servants are lugging in the castle's largest washtub. The prince typically uses one of the regular sized washtubs when bathing, (though it’s still obscenely large in comparison to anything a peasant might have), only using the larger one when he wants long relaxing baths. Meaning Merlin will be working late tonight. Plus Merlin can’t carry the large tub by himself so Arthur rarely asks for it.

Normally Merlin would prepare Arthur’s bath as the prince gave report to the king, but he had thankfully been spared the duty today with Arthur not reporting to Uther until tomorrow.

Merlin makes his way over and starts undoing Arthur’s armor as the other servants filter in and out with steaming buckets of water.

Merlin can feel his movements slowing down down, exhaustion creeping up on him again and again, each time he catches himself it’s only a few moments until he slows down again.

He glances up at Arthur expecting an annoyed prattish expression but the prince is merely lazily watching him just as exhaustedly, if Merlin didn’t know any better he’d think Arthur looks a tad sympathetic.

Once Arthur is finally fully undressed Merlin takes a step towards the bedside table but Arthur gently grabs his wrist stopping him in his tracks.

“I’ll get the oil and soaps, just deal with my clothes.” Arthur gestures to the garments at their feet.

With not enough energy to argue or even question, Merlin just nods and starts tossing the clothing in a basket.

By the time Merlin finishes picking up, Arthur is standing at the side of the tub adding a few drops of lavender oil. He detested the idea ages ago when Merlin first suggested it, saying he didn’t want to smell like a flowery girl, but after the way it had helped his muscles and helped him relax, he rarely bathes without it.

The pale yellow drops scatter on the warm surface of the bath water in a mesmerizing way that has Arthur staring for a moment too long.

The prince turns around to see Merlin standing by the door where he had placed his basket of laundry, he is turned towards the prince, though his face is slack and eyes closed. Is.. is he sleeping standing up? Arthur would have laughed if he hadn’t been so boggled.

“Merlin?” Arthur asks tentatively.

Merlin's eyes shoot open, bright blue staring at him in surprise, “Yes sire?” He asks too loudly.

“Alright, that’s enough.” Arthur runs his hand down his face “You’re going to get injured at this rate.” The prince sighs “Come on.” Arthur gestures his head for Merlin to come closer.

Merlin’s brow furrows as he takes the few steps he needs to make it over to the bath.

They stand there for a moment just looking at each other, one fully dressed and one fully nude. Arthur has an expectant and now slightly impatient look on his face.

“Yes?” Merlin tilts his head in the adorable way he frequently does when he’s confused.

“Come on.” Arthur says again, this time rolling his eyes as he clambers his way into the tub before lowering himself into the water.

Merlin, still confused, stands there for a moment before he sits on his haunches grabbing the bar of soap expecting to have to wash Arthur. It’s an uncommon yet not rare request that tends to occur after a particularly rough training session or tournament.

Arthur eyes him incredulously. “I know how often you are raring to do your job Merlin,” Arthur says sarcastically “But even I’m not going to overwork you right now, so, get in.”

Merlin falls onto his arse and squeezes the soap too harshly causing it to fly up and land in the water with a loud splash.

“What?” Merlin’s wide eyes stare up at Arthur.

“Merlin, your clothes are filthy and not to mention you’re dead on your feet, you’ll never make it back to your chambers to wash before sleeping.”

“What?” Merlin repeats blinking owlishly. Maybe he’s more tired than he originally thought, surely this is an exhaustion induced hallucination. He did have to use more magic than normal with three bandit attacks, he’s just so tired he’s imagining things now. Great.

Sure he and Arthur have been getting closer recently but sharing a bath?

While Merlin has had more than his fair share of fantasies of being naked with Arthur in the prince’s chambers, now having experienced a few, he had never in a million years would have imagined sharing a private bath together. Or in all honesty having the ability to partake in such a luxury, as Merlin’s only ever used streams or the wash basin in Gaius’ chambers.

“Merlin,” Arthur sighs, closing his eyes, “just get in already I’m too tired to argue anymore.”

Merlin sits there for a few more moments dumbstruck by the prince. Arthur cracks his eyes open. “You can get in now, while the water is hot, or I will pour the cold water on you later.”

Arthur is now glaring at Merlin who is still waiting to see if this might be some sort of joke.

They hold eye contact for a few moments before Merlin relents. He gets up and goes to the changing screen to undress.

Merlin is able to quickly undress, and is for the first time able to see the giant smear of dirt on the back of his jacket. He makes sure to fold his clothes neatly as he’ll have to redress afterwards. He places his collar next to his dirtied clothes to prevent it from garnering any grime.

As he is about to exit when he is filled with a sudden shyness, it’s not like Arthur’s never seen him naked, obviously, but this seems so much more personal. It’s not like Arthur ever shares his personal baths with his knights, Merlin would know having to lug up the water. Nor is the prince offering on behalf of the spell. While sure they have had a few moments Merlin would call intimate this just feels like… more.

“Come on Merlin it’s not like we’ve never bathed together before.” Arthur calls out knowing Merlin has had more than enough time to undress.

Merlin sputters, sticking his head out from behind the changing screen, “Yeah in rather large ponds! Not a small washtub!” His cheeks are flushed a pretty pink.

“If you think this washtub is small I’d love to see what you’d consider a large one.” Arthur smirks, “Perhaps I can commission a larger one for you to drag up here each time I require bathing.”

“You know what I mean.” Merlin half heartedly scoffs.

“Feeling shy are we?” Arthur raises a teasing eyebrow at his manservant.

Merlin’s cheeks flush a deeper pink as he retreats behind the screen in an attempt to collect himself before stepping out with a false bravado. “No, not at all.”

The flush that Arthur can now see is spread to his shoulders and upper chest gives Merlin’s true feelings away however.

Arthur’s eyes shoot back up before they travel any lower, only to see that Merlin is staring back at him defiantly. He doesn’t want to let on just how quickly Merlin is able to rile him up.

“Well, do you plan to get in? Or are you just going to stand there and give me a show?” Arthur drawls feigning nonchalance.

Though the prince is in fact not nonchalant, feeling a surge of adrenaline now. He hadn’t expected this to happen, he hadn’t planned to invite Merlin to join his bath until they were more than halfway to his chambers. Merlin looked so utterly tired and he had been traveling and working to keep up with the knights. Having to set up camp multiple times, is a lot of work.

And Merlin is exhausted. Not only having to make camp over again and then not get any sleep but using his magic for three separate bandit attacks was incredibly draining.

The splashing of Merlin’s foot entering the water shakes Arthur from his thoughts of Merlin’s hard work. The prince’s gaze follows up Merlin’s leg, from his foot to his ankle bone going next to his calf as it too enters the water. He then traces the slight curve of Merlin’s thigh to the rounder curve of his pert arse. His eyes linger there a moment before moving up to Merlin’s petite waist where his hip bone sticks out, he traces up the curve of his back. As Merlin bends to get his other foot in, Arthur can’t help but flick his eyes back to Merlin’s rump admiring how it sticks out while Merlin attempts to keep his balance. His eyes ascend to Merlin’s shoulders and follow the flush up to his cheeks just as Merlin turns to face him again, standing in the tub with an awkward but endearing air about him.

Arthur brings his feet in closer to himself allowing his servant more room, bending his knees so they’re just above the water’s surface now. Merlin follows Arthur’s lead and lowers himself on the opposite side of the tub so they are facing each other, knees bent at the halfway mark. Sitting like this causes their legs to intersect, Merlin pushes Arthur’s legs more to the center so he can rest his own against the walls of the tub. Since they are such similar height their knees poke out of the water at the same distance.

Merlin comes to quickly regret his positioning though as having his legs on the outside of Arthur’s leaves him much more… open than expected and unable to close his legs for any form of self preservation.

When their eyes meet though there is this sort of tension in their air that causes Merlin to tense up as he tends to do in situations he doesn’t know what to do.

Arthur rolls his eyes and attempts to smother a smile. The prince flicks droplets of water at him. “Relax Merlin, baths are used to unwind.”

Arthur rummages in between his legs, splashing the water around until he finds the bar of soap Merlin so elegantly flung into the water before.

He starts by rubbing the silky bar over his left forearm working the sweat off. When he reaches his bicep he can feel Merlin slowly start to relax across from him, succumbing to the bliss of the warm lavender scented bath.

Arthur glances up to see Merlin face still flushed, lazily watching Arthur clean himself unaware of the prince’s gaze.

As Arthur finishes his first arm Merlin sinks further down into the water until it’s just covering his nipples, he makes sure not to move his legs so as to not intrude into Arthur’s space, only moving his butt further down.

Arthur can’t help but think about how Merlin is so exposed under the water even though he can't see into the steamy water he feels his heart rate pick up.

Arthur continues cleaning, taking his time, enjoying the presence and view of his best friend.

Merlin unabashedly watches Arthur as he cleans, the soap and water dripping down his muscular shoulders and chest as he moves along working and massaging his sore spots. When Arthur moves to his legs Merlin lets his eyes fall closed as he tries to will down his arousal. Surely Arthur is too exhausted to do anything.

Arthur glances up again to see Merlin has shut his eyes and his head is lolled off to the side with a small smile on his face, he lets out a content sigh.

Good. Arthur thinks. He deserves to relax.

Arthur is nearly done, carefully scrubbing his legs so as to not accidentally touch and startle Merlin. Arthur lathers up his hand before reaching in between his legs, normally Merlin would try to casually look away when he washed his manhood but Arthur has the slightest hope Merlin will open his eyes to see Arthur thoroughly cleaning and tugging himself. It’s much easier at the moment as he is currently rather hard, how could he not be with the man he’s been sleeping with displayed so enticingly across from him?

Once his body is fully clean the prince speaks up again. “Merlin,” He says softly and perhaps a little too fondly to go unnoticed.

“Hmm.” Merlin hums indicating that he is indeed awake and just enjoying the warm water and soft sounds of Arthur bathing.

“Come here.” His voice is still soft but he attempts to hide his fondness a bit more.

“Hmm?” Merlin cracks his eyes open, his brow furrowing slightly in confusion.

Merlin’s not sure if he’s ever had such a luxurious experience before, sure the river in his hometown was splendid and he and the knights came across some really refreshing lakes on their journeys around Camelot, but this is true bliss. The warmth of it all is making his head fuzzy.

Arthur lets out a low chuckle “Merlin, come here.”

Merlin holds his head straight up now, no longer resting it on his shoulder.

“What?” His voice lazily drawls, his country accent making its rare appearance.

Arthur pauses for a moment briefly second guessing himself before steeling his nerves.

“Come on, you’re exhausted, I’ll wash you.” Arthur pauses for just a moment before adding, “You’ve done it for me countless times, so...” he trails off, waving his hand as if its an explanation.

Merlin can feel his pulse quicken though he isn’t nervous at all. Perhaps he’s too blissed out from the bath or perhaps he’s drunk off exhaustion and the simmering arousal in his stomach or maybe it’s a mixture of everything.

Merlin stares at Arthur, his eyes lidded. Merlin tries to read Arthur’s face but he just looks, happy isn’t the right word, comfortable, content maybe. Merlin’s eyes scan his face a little longer before nodding his head, not willing to lose an opportunity like this. He’s never had a proper bath like this before let alone someone bathe him. Unless you count the time after their raid on the Saxon encampment but this is completely different, it’s slow and soft, not frantic and rushed, plus he’s not freezing his bollocks off.

Merlin scoots his way closer so Arthur can reach him but once his hips are within reaching distance Arthur grabs his waist and turns him around. Merlin startles at the contact. They struggle for a moment untangling their legs but Arthur finally maneuvers Merlin so his servant’s back is facing his chest, Arthur’s legs now bracketing Merlin. Though the prince makes sure to keep his servant's body just far enough away so that his erection doesn’t brush against the other man. Merlin already looks beyond exhausted, he wouldn’t want to tire him out further.

“Relax” Arthur breathes on his neck as he takes the bar of soap and very slowly starts to lather the top of Merlin’s shoulder.

It takes a moment to relax, he leans closer to give Arthur better access to his back but Merlin tenses again when Arthur trades the soap for his hand, massaging it to a lather on his skin.

Once Merlin’s grown acquainted with the new sensation of someone carefully washing him he finds himself relaxing once more.

“That’s it.” Arthur hums as he slowly moves the soap down Merlin’s shoulder blade and across his back.

“It might sting a bit, you have a few cuts on your back, not bad, just scrapes.”

“Mm’kay” Merlin nods, his head falling forward slightly.

Arthur can’t help but smile, he always loved sleepy and relaxed Merlin the most. He loves when Merlin gets so soft, though Arthur doubts he’s ever seen him this pliant before. Thankfully Merlin is facing away so he can’t see the prince’s smitten smile.

There are a couple of spots that sting but not terribly. Merlin takes a deep breath, enjoying the scent of the sandalwood soap mixing with the stronger scent of the lavender oil.

With Arthur unable to see his face Merlin uses that moment to cast a wordless spell to keep the water warm.

Arthur runs the soap over Merlin’s back before putting the bar down and running his hands over Merlin’s slippery skin. He glides his hand over the bumps of Merlin’s spine, he works his fingers into the muscle, focusing on his shoulders and his neck. Merlin starts making soft, appreciative noises in the back of his throat at Arthur’s touches that send prickles of arousal through the prince’s body.

Arthur is taking his time, enjoying touching Merlin in a way he has rarely been able to, slow, soft and meaningful. But Merlin’s rare soft noises are just making Arthur want to touch more and more. He wants to hear the other noises he can get his manservant to make.

He cups water over Merlin’s hair before pouring some of his hair soap onto his own hands and massaging it into his servant’s scalp. Merlin eagerly presses into the feeling as Arthur’s blunt nails scrub his head. He tilts Merlin’s head back as he cups more water onto his hair, watching the sudsy lather run down his shoulders. Merlin signs contently keeping his eyes closed.

Arthur picks up the bar soap again and starts at Merlin’s shoulder once again, gliding the bar to his front side now instead.

“Hold your arm up.” Arthur’s tone is gruffer than he expects.

Merlin easily complies, lifting his arm forward, just above the water.

Arthur drags the soap down Merlin’s bicep, just past his elbow but can’t get much further with the space that still separates them.

Arthur moves the soap from the top of Merlin’s bicep to the underside as he snakes his other arm around his servant's waist under the water before dragging him back into his chest, creating little waves in the tub.

Merlin thumps into his chest with a surprised gasp.

“That’s better.” Arthur says, lips ghosting against the crook of his best friend’s neck.

Arousal is quickly taking over any traces of exhaustion Merlin had.

Feeling empowered by Arthur’s boldness, Merlin leans back against Arthur, when he feels it. Arthur’s erection pressed up against his lower back.

Merlin’s breaths start to come out in shallow puffs as a wonderful hazy feeling starts to come over him.

“Good.” Arthur murmurs into his neck as Merlin relaxes against him.

Arthur’s hand stays tight around his waist as his other works the soap down the rest of his arm and to the palm of his hand.

Arthur abandons the soap once more, trailing his fingers down Merlin’s arm, wrapping around his wrist as he works the soap in. Merlin can feel the pad of each of Arthur’s fingers as they slide along his skin. Arthur intertwines their fingers as he massages the soapy lather in between their hands.

Merlin lets out a content sigh as he rests his head back against Arthur’s shoulder, baring more of his neck.

Arthur dips Merlin’s arm back into the water and quickly fishes out the soap before bringing it to the front of Merlin’s neck. The prince goes slowly, moving the bar against his servant's windpipe, down to his collarbones. He brings the bar down to the pale expanse of his chest, he runs it down Merlin’s right side first before bringing it back up and passing it over his nipples, Merlin sucks in small breaths as he tries not to grind back into Arthur, his legs twitching with restraint.

Arthur can feel his own breath starting to come out in short puffs matching Merlin’s own. Even with the warm water, he can still feel the heat of his own breath bouncing off Merlin’s neck. The neck he rarely gets to see as Merkin is always wearing his neckerchiefs. Perhaps when he’s king he’ll outlaw such fabrics.

The prince lowers the soap even further, dipping it into the water he runs it over Merlin’s ribs, while he has gained some weight since moving to Camelot he is still rather thin. Merlin’s eyes flutter at the feeling.

Once satisfied with the amount of soap Arthur switches back to his hands. Starting at Merlin’s ribs, he flattens his hands to rub his palms against either side of Merlin's torso, dipping under the water as he runs his hands down his sides.

Arthur drags his hands to Merlin’s hips, wrapping his hands around them and giving a firm squeeze before moving his hands towards his center, where Arthur can just feel the dusting of hair below his servant’s naval.

Arthur startles out of his reprieve when Merlin’s whole body tenses against him.

“Merlin?” Arthur asks worriedly.

“Sorry,” Merlin lazily mumbles. Arthur can see his flush skin darken further as Merlin looks away bashfully “ ‘M ticklish.”

There’s a pause for a moment before Arthur genuinely laughs, and Merlin can feel the reverberation against his back and can’t help but chuckle along.

Arthur drags his hands up above the water, fingers dragging up to Merlin’s sternum. The prince runs his hand over his servant's right nipple, giving it a soft pinch.

Merlin gasps but closes his mouth before the needy noise he makes can escape the back of his throat. His eyes flash pink, reflecting off the sheen of water on his skin. He can feel Arthur smile against his neck.

Arthur nips at the juncture of his neck rubbing the rough pad of this thumb against his nipple again. Merlin’s breath stutters and he rocks his hips back into Arthur.

“Ar-Arthur,” Merlin whimpers.


But Merlin’s sleep addled mind can't think of how to respond so he simply leans further back against the prince.

Arthur trails his dripping hand up further cupping it around Merlin’s neck, it fits so perfectly in his hand. He doesn’t squeeze though, he only adds a bit of pressure that has Merlin grinding back against him again, Arthur pushes his hips forward to meet Merlin’s movement.

Merlin turns his head so he can look at the prince, their noses nearly brush against each other. He doesn’t miss the way Arthur’s eyes dip to his lips but neither of them move forward.

Instead, Arthur smooths his palm against Merlin’s throat, rubbing the slick soap into his skin. He can feel his servant’s breath hitch under his hand.

Merlin’s lashes flutter as his panting breaths ghost against the prince’s clavicle.

Using the hand not on Merlin’s neck, Arthur grabs the soap again. He places it against Merlin’s knee and slowly inches it up his thigh. He can feel his servant’s pulse flitter under his fingers as he gets closer and closer to his groin but Arthur stops just before he can brush against Merlin’s cock.

A pouty breath is exhaled from Merlin’s nose and Arthur peeks down at him, his expression is as bratty as his exhaustion will allow him to muster and Arthur can’t help but smile.

But Merlin can see how the prince's eyes all too clearly say ‘behave’. Merlin softly nuzzles the top of his damp hair against Arthur’s cheek. The prince rolls his eyes fondly before bringing the soap to Merlin’s other thigh. The warlock gasps at the unexpected touch.

Arthur gives the smallest squeeze to Merlin’s neck before removing his hand. Merlin thankfully doesn’t move from his spot. The prince grips Merlin’s inner thighs in his hands, his sword calloused hands gliding against his servant's skin easily under the water.

A closed mouth moan comes from Merlin’s throat as he grinds back against his best friend’s cock. He wraps his hands around the outsides of Arthur's thighs to give him better leverage.

Arthur slides his hands up and down Merlin’s thighs a bit longer until he can’t take it anymore. He grasps at the juncture of Merlin’s groin and hips and pulls his servant against him as he ruts his own cock against the younger arse. The waves from their slow movements crest just to the top of the tub.

Soft blissed out ‘nn,nn,nn’ sounds from Merlin fuel him on as he pushes his servant back against his motions.

“Arthur,” Merlin whines as he pushes his face into Arthur’s neck where he starts giving open mouthed kisses.

Arthur lets go with one hand as he fumbles for the soap under the water. He manages to work up a lather with one hand before bringing his slippery hand to Merlin’s prick. He is unsurprised but very pleased to find Merlin just as hard as he is.

As Arthur tightens his hand around Merlin’s cock the servant bites his neck causing a gravelly moan to escape the prince.

The prat’s hand glides across his prick and Merlin finds himself trying to thrust up into his hand but the water is making it too slippery, it’s not enough friction.

“Arthur, more, please,” Merlins murmurs against his skin, tone heavy with blissful contentment.

Shit yeah okay.” Arthur breathes airily. “Stand up.”

Merlin takes a moment to get control of his facilities again but manages to rise to his feet, albeit a little wobbly.

Arthur reaches over the side of the washtub and grabs the oil before following Merlin to stand. Rather than exiting the tub though, he puts a hand on Merlin’s back and leads him to bend over until Merlin places his hands on the far side of the tub.

Mmm good.” Arthur leans over and places a kiss against Merlin’s shoulder blade.

He coats his fingers in oil before prodding at Merlin’s entrance. With how relaxed he is from the bath it doesn’t take long at all until he’s ready.

Arthur oils himself up before slowly pushing into his best friend.

Merlin’s needy mewls send tingles through Arthur’s limbs, no matter how many times he gets Merlin like this it’ll never be enough.

Arthur pauses after he bottoms out, giving his servant a moment to breathe. It isn’t long until Merlin starts small rocking movements against him. Hands on the raven’s hips he guides Merlin into larger movements, working the boy on his cock in steady and delicious movements.

This angle makes Merlin feel so full his movements are a bit unrefined but still have Arthur’s prick sliding in and out beyond pleasurably. It isn’t long until his thighs begin to sting and his movements slow down.

Arthur watches as his prick disappears and reappears as Merlin works himself on his cock. When he starts slowing down though Arthur gives in and starts thrusting into him fervently.

“Arthur pl-please.” Merlin begs.

Arthur reaches around and slides his hand over Merlin’s still slick erection. Arthur’s thrusts become quicker as he chases his own release, already so edge from all their touching. Merlin has to push back against the rim of the tub to not fall.

Arthur cums with a groan, filling his arse with hot seed. It pushes Merlin over the edge and his orgasm wracks his exhausted body, working Arthur through the latter half of his finish. The prince makes sure to aim Merlin’s cock downwards so his spend splashes into the water.

Being in the washtub already, cleanup is much easier than normal.

They sleepily dry off with towels much too fine for Merlin to ever be using, he relishes in the softness before slipping back into his clothes.

“You can stay here you know.” Arthur says softly as he climbs into his bed fully nude.

How many times has Merlin imagined such an image?

“Early duties, gotta go back.” Merlin sleepily murmurs.

“Okay.” Arthur responds and does not sound disappointed. “I’ll get someone to clean up the bath in the morning.”

Merlin nods, his jacket and scarf askew, not enough to see his collar but enough to look disorderly, his hair is a mess sticking up in all directions from his overuse of the towel, he doesn’t bother to fix it as he makes to the door.

He watches with guttural satisfaction as Merlin totters out of his room looking thoroughly debauched.

The servant slurs out a soft “thank you Arthur,” before shutting the door behind him.

They both fall asleep moments after their heads hit the pillow.

Merlin's final rating: 8.5

Chapter End Notes

So Aquaphilia is rather broad and focuses more on underwater activities but from what I understand bath and shower sex are still included in that.

Thoughts, kinks, qualms? Let me know in the comments!

As always thank you guys so much for the comments, kudos, bookmarks, and reads! I’m so happy you’re enjoying the story so much! <3

Oooo a feel good, smutty update~? I hope nothing bad happens in the next chapter…

The next update should be before Thursday! If not like Thursday morning at like 1 am lmao but honestly It’s most likely going to be sooner because I have no self control. What day? Great question lol. Honestly, I think Tuesday est is most probable but I don’t want to make any promises, so just be prepared for an update at the very latest Thursday.

Magic Reveal

Chapter Notes


The act of deliberate disloyalty.
A violation of a person’s trust
or confidence.

It’s an overcast and windy day as the prince leads his knights, and manservant, through the forest. They left their horses at their makeshift camp about a league back, agreeing it would be better to look for signs of a bandit encampment on foot. The clouds cast everything in a dull gray tone as they make their way forward.

So far they have yet to come across anything, but based on the reports this area is where they were seeing the largest influx of attacks. It wasn’t far from here that just over a month ago Merlin was hit with the spell that has since dramatically changed his and Arthur’s friendship.

The constant cool breeze rustles the trees sending the weakest of the leaves fluttering to the ground, the change of seasons is finally upon them.

Merlin eyes the dark clouds above them, he can sense the incoming rain but it still feels a ways off. He takes a deep breath enjoying the damp pre-rain smell of the forest.

Everything around them is quiet, on edge, anticipating the rainfall.

Well, everything other than the knights, who playfully jest and horseplay as they look for any signs of bandits. Merlin’s glad to see them all enjoying their outing, especially after their last one, they had truly needed the rest, even though it was really only one night. But sleeping in a bed rather than the forest floor makes a substantial difference, you can actually relax and don’t need to worry about being snuck up on.

Merlin always struggles to sleep when they’re out on journeys. The smallest rustling of leaves or a loud pop from the fire has startled him awake more than he’d care to admit. Even with his magic on hand, he can never be too careful, who knows who or what would sneak up on them, he’s seen enough pissed magical creatures for one lifetime.

He certainly wouldn’t have minded a few more days to be able to rest in his own (or Arthur’s) bed. However, Uther had been adamant on finding a reason for the increase of bandit attacks, especially since they still hadn’t stopped even after their return from the Saxon siege. While they hadn’t been able to find anything linking the three bandit attacks on the last patrol it doesn’t mean they’re unconnected. It was too strange for them to have been attacked so consistently.

“Merlin!” Arthur calls out jovially from behind him, shaking the servant from his thoughts.

Merlin turns around with an air of suspicion, knowing never to trust the prince when he uses that tone.

The knights look over to their leader who has a rather sizable stick in his gloved hand.

“Fetch!” Arthur tosses the stick into some brush just ahead of Merlin.

The warlock stares unbelievingly for a moment, though his face heats up at the remembrance of one of their more recent discoveries. The collar around his neck a firm reminder of that night.

Merlin shoots Arthur a deadly glare as he and the knights chortle, the servant then over zealously turns and trots over with false excitement only causing the knights to laugh even more. Merlin rifles through the dying brush until he grasps the stick.

Arthur whistles out behind him as if summoning his dogs, before calling out “Here boy! Bring it here!” His voice rife with mirth.

Merlin turns around, stick in hand, arm reeled back to chuck it at the prat’s face. Arthur manages to see his intentions, face turning serious as he readies to catch the stick. But before Merlin can throw it, the forest around them erupts.

Bandits clad in black leather armor shout and jeer as they materialize from the surrounding treeline with their weapons drawn. The clanging of metal rings out as swords meet and spark against one another. Merlin is able to turn around just in time to dodge a swing from a broad shouldered bald man. The servant takes another step back just out of the sword's reach, he turns on his heel and smashes the stick against the man's head, he falls unconscious.

Merlin takes a split moment too long making sure that the bandit is down for good, oblivious to the other reeling back behind him.

Arthur however sees it coming clear as day, he removes his sword from the abdomen of the man who tried ambushing him and his feet move before he can think.

“MERLIN!” Arthur shouts, blood pumping in his ears, eyes wide with horror as he weaves between men. The man lowers his weapon in a swing as Arthur’s feet desperately push off the ground with each precipitous step.

The servant turns around just in time to see Arthur slide to a stop in front of him and parry the incoming blow away. But the bandit recovers faster. Merlin reels his stick back but the large tan man already has a hold on Arthur. The bandit easily turns the prince around, even with all Arthur’s thrashing, and holds his sword up to the prince’s throat.

Merlin’s magic roars under his skin, thrumming with a godly rage as it viciously tries to rip out of his control, desperate to defend its other half. It takes every ounce of Merlin’s control to strangle it down.

“Drop your weapons!” The man bellows across their improvised battlefield.

The others glance over to see Arthur taken hostage. As Merlin looks around he can now see they are vastly outnumbered, there has to be at least two if not three bandits for every one of their group. It’s no surprise they were overtaken so quickly.

The knights realizing the same and seeing their leader with a sword at his neck throw down their weapons.

Merlin turns back to the man holding Arthur with a deadly glare. He’s a rather ugly fellow, cropped brown hair that even at its short length is still knotted, he seems to be about middle-aged, clean shaven but his tan sun-wrinkled skin has a sheen of dirt and grime to it. The man’s lips turn up exposing yellowing teeth, “Drop the stick boy.”

Merlin looks at the stick, he had forgotten he was even holding it. If he just hadn’t gotten distracted-

Merlin.” Arthur grits out his eyes desperately trying to get Merlin to listen.

Merlin drops the stick and holds his hands up.

Other bandits are quick to brutishly manhandle their group until they all have their hands tied behind their backs. The others are moved to a semicircle and forced to their knees, Merlin remains in his spot as he’s shoved down, he’s at the end of their line and still closest to Arthur.

“You have us, now demand your ransom.” Leon calls out.

“Oh,” the bandit restraining Arthur smiles greasily, “We don’t want a ransom.” He kicks the back of Arthur’s knee forcing him to kneel as well, all while keeping his sword at the prince’s throat.

“Then what do you want?” Arthur spits out.

“What we want, little prince, is you dead.”

Merlin feels his hackles rise. But if they wanted him dead, why haven't they tried yet?

“Then what are you waiting for?” Arthur grits out, his jaw tight as he looks around trying to take count of how many bandits there are. He has to get his men out of here safe, get Merlin out of here safe. But he has to play his cards right, he can’t show any weakness.

“Well,” The man sneers, “we want some information first.”

Of course. Merlin just stops himself from rolling his eyes.

“Then I shall give it to you. Let my men go, it’s me you want, not them.”

“Oh Arthur Pendragon,” The man feigns a withered sigh, “It is them we want, we want everybody who serves that wretched, murderous bastard you call a king.”

“Then let my servant go, he has no fealty to Camelot’s king.” The prince keeps his voice steady as he glances to Merlin.

His servant’s features are harsh as he scowls at the man restraining the prince, chin raised stubbornly.

The man's attention turns to him. Good Merlin thinks, let him focus on me, not Arthur. It’s then he gets an idea, not a great idea, but an idea nonetheless.

“Is that right boy?” The bandit, who Merlin now assumes is the leader as no one else has bothered to speak up yet, questions caustically.

“Yes, I am not from Camelot.”

“Then where are ya from?”

“Cendred’s kingdom.”

“So you’re loyal to him then?”

“No.” Merlin smirks.

Merlin.” Arthur growls as a warning, knowing full well what the idiot is trying to do.

“I am loyal to Prince Arthur.” Merlin announces boldly.

If they get out of this alive Arthur is going to kill the servant himself.

The man belly laughs and some of the others chuckle along too. Time, he just needs to buy them more time to figure a way out of this. He can get time for the knights to think, for him to think.

“Excuse him, he’s an idiot.” Arthur jumps in.

Clearly if he’s loyal to you.” The man spits.

The leader continues, “He may be an idiot but he’s a rather brave lad hmm? Not bad on the eyes either.”

Alright. Not how he wanted to distract him but fine, whatever he needs to do.

The man’s words give Merlin the strangest flashback of his first encounter with Arthur, it feels like a lifetime ago now. Arthur has grown so much since then, truly a man who will be the greatest king all of Albion has ever seen. And Merlin will make sure he gets there, no matter the cost.

The knights start struggling against their bindings but are forced into submission by their handlers.

“Caine.” The leader calls, another wide yet slightly shorter man with a half shaved head walks over and the leader hands Arthur off to him before stepping around the prince towards Merlin.

Arthur struggles against the new hold as a different sword is pressed against the same spot of his neck. He has to stay calm, he needs to think their way out of this.

Lancelot calls out from the middle of the knights, “Leave him alone. He’s just a serv-” he is cut short by a slap from his captor.

“I’ll kill you fuckers.” Gwaine shouts, earning him a harsh kick to the side of his knee.

Merlin’s magic restlessly buzzes under his skin ready to strike, like a deadly serpent lurking in the murky waters of a bog, just waiting for an unsuspecting fool to walk by. But Arthur is right in front of him, the knights would all see. He can’t.

They’ll make it out of this, they always do.

“Perhaps I’ll keep you alive for a bit hmm?” Now that the leader is closer Merlin can see a small scar that cuts through the man's eyebrow.

Unbridled rage sears through Arthur’s core, conflagrant and storming, his muscles are coiled with restraint as he does everything in his power not to put Merlin in even more danger.

Merlin sneers, only causing the man to laugh. “Oh you’ll be a fun one.”

All the while the man's eyes flick to Arthur, watching his reaction, how his jaw tightens, the throb of the vein on his forehead. The cool, calculated and practiced expression on his face.

The man reaches for Merlin’s neckerchief and it’s almost as if time slows down. Merlin’s eyes widen a fraction as his heart sinks to his feet realizing just how badly he’s fucked up. Arthur’s eyes mimic the motion as dread fills his chest.

Time swoops back to normal speed.

Don’t you fucking touch him.” Arthur seethes, thrashing against the man who holds him so violently that the sword nicks his throat.

The leader turns his licentious grin to the servant and yanks off his neckerchief.

Oh my,” His large stubby fingers stroke Merlin’s neck, “What’s this? A favor?” The man flicks the pendant on Merlin’s collar before turning his gaze back to the prince, “Or perhaps a favorite?”

Merlin just went from being a distraction to being the weakest link in Arthur’s armor.

He can still get them out of this though. If he can distract their leader long enough he’ll surely get an opportunity to use his magic unseen. Or one of the knights might get an opportunity to cause a distraction giving him a chance, but right now the men that hold them down are still too on guard.

“I’ll tell you anything you want.” Arthur breathes out as he helplessly watches the bastard fondle Merlin’s neck.

Anger and disbelief flare in Merlin as his gaze snaps to the prince. Arthur knows better. He and the knights are trained to deal with torture tactics. Why on earth would he give in so easily like that!? Who does he think he is!? Willing to give surely detrimental information just for a servant? Sure they could be considered best friends but Arthur would never put anyone before Camelot.

“Arthur, I swear to gods if you say anything I will never forgive you.” Merlin fumes.

“I’m not going to let you get hurt!” Arthur all but shouts. “Not again!” Not again. Not when Arthur can’t intervene this time. No, he won't let Merlin get hurt.

The prince’s expression is burning but… fearful. Arthur, he rarely shows fear, and certainly never in front of his knights.

“And I’m not going to let you die!” Merlin yells back as he searches Arthur’s face, trying to figure out what the hell has him so fearful.

The leader grabs Merlin's hair violently causing the servant to hiss in pain. “Funny you think you have a choice in the matter boy.”

The knights all start vigorously fighting back shouting and jeering at the leader, earning them retaliation from their captors.

The man chuckles as he unlatches Merlin’s collar. “Looks like the prince isn’t the only one fond of you.” The leader eyes the knights before turning his attention back to Merlin, “Are you even a servant? or are you just the whore passed around between troops?”

Merlin opens his mouth to retort but the man keeps going, bringing his face in front of the warlocks not relenting his hold on the raven's hair, “I bet my men will treat you much better.”

There’s a round of catcalls and whistles that set Arthur’s insides on fire. He will disembowel every single one of these fucking pathetic scum.

Merlin spits in the man's face, just below his eye.

The leader pauses in disbelief, the man holding Merlin from behind tightens his grip to a painful level but Merlin doesn’t let it show.

The leader wipes the spit from his cheek before reeling back and violently backhanding Merlin. The warlock would have been sent to the ground if it weren’t for the man holding him up, his vision swims for a moment.

Another wave of revolt surges through the knight’s as they see their most vulnerable helplessly attacked; only to be met with more ruthlessness from their handlers.

“Too much trouble for what you’re worth.” The man sneers as he stands up. He holds the collar out in front of him, “At least I’ll be able to get a pretty coin for this.” He pockets the item. “I’ll tell you what little prince,” the man walks back around Arthur and takes him from the other man's hold once again. “Since you’re so fond of the lad I’ll let him live the longest,” his hot breath crawls down Arthur’s neck, “he can watch as each and every one of you gets your throats slit open. One. By. One. I won’t need my information when the king is driven mad from grief at the loss of his only son. It’ll be easy enough to take over the city then.” He says the last sentence offhandedly.

Arthur’s eyes don’t leave his best friend’s, the sound of swords being drawn echoes in the quietness of the forest that surrounds them. It really doesn’t look like there’s a way out this time. Merlin’s face is a mix of fear and anger and something else Arthur can’t recognize. Even after all this time he’s still never been able to fully figure the boy out, and now he never will.

“Merlin, Merlin look at me,” Arthur rasps out.

Merlin’s eyes focus back on his best friend as a sword is pressed against his own neck. Out of his periphery, he can see the knights being held in similar positions.

“It’s okay Merlin, it’s going to be okay.” Arthur’s eyes sting with unshed tears, but not for himself. If only he had been quicker, if he hadn’t gotten outsped by the bastard, if he had kept his footing. He could have kept his men safe, kept Merlin safe. He can feel the blood from his earlier cut trickle down the center of his neck. After all they’ve been through, it’s a group of unruly bandits that just happened to get fucking lucky.

“Ar-Arthur.” Merlin’s voice is laced with just as much raw pain that shines in his crystalline eyes.

“How ‘bout we start with you Pendragon hmm? So your men can all watch, they’ll die knowing they’ve failed.”

The knights eyes all flick around, looking for any way out of this, all looking for some escape, anything. But there’s just too many of them, even if one of them were to somehow slip out of their binds and past the one holding a sword to their neck… there’s just too many.

Merlin looks around similarly, fervently looking for any way out of this without... without… his eyes catch Lancelot’s, there’s a sad and knowing expression on his face before the knight lowers his gaze to the ground.

They always get out of this. There’s a reason they always get out of this. And Merlin knows it. He knows what he has to do.

“Anyone got any last words?” The man jeers as he pulls Arthur’s head back, exposing his neck further. The new stretch has more blood trickling down his neck.

There’s a bout of silence before Gwaine speaks up, “It’s been an honor boys.”

Merlin’s throat tightens.

Elyan is the next to call out. “I am happy to have lived and die with you all by my side.”

The servant’s eyes fill with tears, would they still say such things if they knew? Would they still have fought for him? Or would they instead be cussing him out for lying, for hiding who he is, what he is?

None of the others speak up, some with watery eyes, but all hold their heads high, happy to die honorably for their home.

It’s Arthur who breaks the silence. “Merlin,” he says much too fondly, drawing the warlock's attention back to him. There’s a smile on the blonde’s face, it’s despondent yet Arthur’s misty eyes crinkle with bittersweet misery.

“I-” his voice breaks, “Merlin I-”

“I’m sorry.” Merlin interrupts him, a few meager, soft tears, roll down his cheeks.

“Merlin you have nothing to be sorry for.” Leave it to this clotpole to blame himself for this situation. He hadn’t known someone was behind him. Arthur made the decision to intervene, and he’d do it again, even just for the chance of saving his servant. Merlin isn’t a trained knight, he had no way of knowing someone had been coming up from behind him, it’s not his fault. It could never be his fault. He’s done more for Arthur than he could ever repay a servant for, from drinking poison for him to being the only person he’d ever consider a true friend, and so, so much more. His righteous loyalty and unwavering faith in destiny, in Arthur, have made the prince who he is today, God knows where he’d be without the boy. Arthur, he should have been quicker, he should have never got distracted, he should have trained Merlin to properly use a sword, he should have-

“Yes-” A sob leaves Merlin’s mouth, “I do Arthur.”

“Merlin you are not at fault-”

“Oh get on with it!” One of the bandits calls out.

Arthur continues quickly, his face marred with anguish, “Merlin, I’m sorry I couldn't tell you before, I-”

Arthur,” Merlin’s features twist ruefully, the pain on his face is insurmountable, Arthur’s never seen someone look so tortured. “Arthur. I’m sorry.” Merlin squeezes his eyes shut as he repeats just above a whisper, “I’m sorry.”

He takes a moment thinking back to all the times he’s shared with the knights, Gaius, Gwen, Morgana, his mother, Arthur. He thinks about his destiny, how Arthur will be the one to bring back magic to Camelot and how he won’t be there to see it. But even then, his faith does not waver, if it is his destiny to die for the prince, he will beholdenly surrender to its quiescent behest. He just hopes that he is only a mere stepping stone for the prince. He would never wish, not in a million years, for Arthur to ever regret killing him, to be forced to live with the illimitable guilt of such an action. He thinks about how the tender and thoughtful hands and the lips that whispered altruistic adulations will be the same ones to dole out his eternal castigation. He can only hope that his betrayal will hurt enough for Arthur to never forgive him. That he will never grieve his once best friend.

When he opens his eyes they’re blazing gold.

His magic crackles through his veins like tempestuous lightning before wordlessly rupturing out from his body. Golden light reflects off of the solemn tears on his face, the sword at his neck, the prince’s armor; as his magic decimates everything around them other than his comrades.

Arthur can’t process what he’s seeing.

There’s a warm whisper of air that ghosts through him. The sword at his neck and bindings around his wrists suddenly gone.

The flash of gold dims, bringing back the gray hue of the air that surrounds them.

The grass is singed black in a perfect circle, trees coated in a thin silt of ash as the bodies of bandits are slung against them, their bodies ragdoll in the air before their bones ruthlessly crunch and snap as they collide with the natural pillars of the forest.

There is a sole breath, where everything is silent.

It’s as the first few raindrops splash against his armor that Arthur moves.

The prince grabs his bloodied sword as he angrily takes the few steps needed to reach the sorcerer. His ears are ringing, pulse throbbing through his body with adrenaline as he fights for air to reach his constricting lungs.

Merlin does not move from where he kneels. He lifts his chin as the tip of the blade is pressed to his throat.

Arthur’s expression is one of unquestionable fury and hurt, eyes brimmed with tears. It’s so much worse than Merlin could have ever imagined.

Lancelot is a second slower to move. Leon reacts in turn but Lancelot reaches Arthur before anyone can stop him, sword pressed against the side of the prince’s neck. Only then to feel the tip of the first knight's blade against his nape.

Arthur sees Gwaine move out of the corner of his eye but he pays it no mind.

The prince nearly shakes with uncaged wrathful fury. The ringing in his ears fades and the only sounds he can hear are the slight ‘plink’ from the scattered raindrops against his armor and the beating of his own heart.

He stares at Merlin as thousands of thoughts fly through his head all too muddled and quick to understand.

It’s Leon’s voice that startles Arthur, nearly making him jump.

“Lancelot drop your weapon.” The first knight’s tone is firm and authoritative as he puts more pressure on the man’s neck.

“You’re one to talk.” Gwaine says from where he holds his weapon to Leon.

“Stop it.” Merlin’s voice is strong as he calls out. Arthur presses his sword further into his neck but still not enough to make him bleed, lest he take too deep a breath. “Lance, Gwaine. Put down your swords, I will not have you persecuted for something you have no involvement in.” Merlin gives Lancelot a particularly harsh glare.

It’s a tense moment but Lancelot relents, Gwaine then follows, each sheathing their swords. Leon lowers his weapon but keeps it out at the ready.

Elyan and Percival stand to the side uneasy, hands on their pommels, eyes flicking between their friends.

“How could you?” Arthur’s voice shakes with despair, his chest and shoulders heave as each breath painfully wracks through his body. The wind billows his cape out behind him.

The tears no longer fall from the sorcerer's eyes, his expression is cold and morose. But there’s a strength to him that Arthur has never seen before.


“Don’t.” Arthur pushes his sword forwards further, until there’s a pinprick of blood on the sorcerer’s neck. Every part of Arthur’s being is telling him to stab his sword forward, to finish this sorcerer, to execute this traitor; every part of his being, except one perfidious, loathsome, weak part.

“How. Long.” Arthur demands around the lump in his throat, paying no mind to the incorrigible throbbing inside his chest where his heart is supposed to be.

The sorcerer’s brow furrows in confusion.

“How long have you practiced magic?!” Arthur snarls as he fights to see through the tears clouding his eyes.

“I was born with it.” Merlin states, he swallows and the blade cuts his skin just a hair more.

“DON’T YOU DARE LIE TO ME AGAIN.” The prince murderously roars. “I will end you where you kneel.”

Merlin watches as the rain picks up ever so slightly, a few drops run in small rivulets down Arthur’s reddened face. The water saturates the prince’s cape and the added weight prevents the wind from moving it anymore.

“I am not lying.” Merlin haughtily retorts. “Ask my mother if you so wish. I could float things before I could walk.”

No that, that can’t be right. Sorcerers learn the craft, it is a choice and one that they use in the hopes of gaining power that eventually corrupts them. It’s just more malicious lies.

God how has he never noticed? How had he never seen it, with all the time he’s spent with… with the sorcerer. The years.

“Why,” Arthur’s voice is scratchy. “Why haven’t you killed me yet?” Arthur says through his clenched teeth as he fights to keep his hand steady.

The sorcerer’s facade cracks ever so slightly, a semblance of something that resembles sadness reflects in his eyes.

“Arthur, I would never- could never kill you.” Merlin’s breath hitches, “I- I care too-”

“Don’t you fucking dare finish that sentence.” The tears finally spill from Arthur’s eyes, unbidden. “I have heard enough of your filthy lies.” The prince spits out.

“I didn’t want to lie to you-”

“What have you been doing this whole time other than lying to me!?” The prince’s yell echoes through the trees.

“Saving you!” Merlin shouts back just as vehemently before his face falls blank again.

“One more lie and I will run you through right here, do not test me.” Arthur sneers.

“Sire,” Lancelot interrupts. The prince’s gaze doesn't leave the sorcerer for a moment. “He’s telling the tru-”

“Speak out of turn again and you’ll be the next to burn.” Arthur seethes.

It’s then Merlin’s facade drops. His eyes go wide with fear in understanding.

The rain starts to fall a bit quicker.

“Arthur please,” Merlin muffles a sob but he doesn’t allow any tears to fall, “Don’t burn me. Please just- just not the pyre. Just kill me now please. Anything but the pyre.”

At those words Arthur is taken back to the night in his chambers, when he held his dagger to Merlin’s neck. When his best friend the sorcerer broke down in a panic. When he was truly and genuinely afraid of him. When he hadn’t wanted to stay the night, hadn’t wanted Arthur to comfort him. God it makes sense now.

Arthur stares at the sorcerer as his chest rises and falls in unsteady breaths as they puff out of his mouth. Arthur stares as raindrops cascade over the lips that he’s dreamt of countless times, that have met against his own in blissful passion, that have danced across his skin. That have whispered years of lies.

Gwaine’s shout ripples through his body, the knight unsheaths his sword once again, “You mother fucker he saved us! He just saved all of us!” But before he can approach the prince Percival steps up and restrains him.

“Please,” Merlin bares his neck further, his voice is wet but he does not allow any tears to fall “It’s the one thing I ask for, if you can find me any mercy at all, please just kill me now.” He pushes himself forward against the blade. A profound contrast to that night in his chambers.

Arthur instinctively pulls his weapon back.

It’s then neither of them can feel the rain hammering against them, the only thing in the world is the one in front of them. There’s so much pain, and sadness, and hurt, so raw, so excruciating, shared between the two. Shared for so many different yet painfully similar reasons. Shared between two halves of the same unfair destiny.

The prince sheathes his weapon as he calls out, “Leon. Arrest the sorcerer.”

Ah. Flames it is then.

Merlin’s eyes widen a fraction before he hardens his face. He will not cause Arthur any more guilt, he won’t let his emotions slip again.

Arthur watches as Merlin’s face falls back into emptiness, void of any emotion. He doesn’t even look angry, just… blank. His hair plastered to his forehead where raindrops drip down his face, where they fall off his lashes, but no tears fall. No, the only tears shed are Arthur’s, ones of truth, of honesty, of betrayal and heartbreak.

Arthur turns around and starts for their camp, ignoring the struggling from Gwaine and the looks from his men. He doesn’t turn around once.

Merlin holds his arms out in front of him as Leon approaches. There’s the slightest moment of hesitance before the knight clasps the cuffs around his wrists.

Merlin’s vision goes white, pain sears through his skin as the cold iron is snapped into place, he can’t help his pained groan at the feeling. He breathes out his nose before schooling his face. Leon stares down at him worriedly.

He shakes his head as if he’s alright and gets to his feet. Leon half heartedly grabs the chain that connects the two cuffs and starts leading Merlin, though the sorcerer willingly follows.

On their walk back Gwaine is able to calm down enough to stop trying to fight everyone through words from Lancelot and looks from Merlin.

When they get to their makeshift camp they saddle up. Merlin’s horse is tied to Percivals as the sorcerer is laid across the back of Leon’s horse on his stomach. It’s only then that he allows his tears to fall once more, for soundless sobs to rip through his body, through his soul, as he feels his glass heart splinter into countless fractals.

It’s only just past midday as they make it back to the citadel, rain still hammering down, bouncing off the cobblestone and splashing into puddles.

Thankfully due to the weather, there is nobody in the courtyard.

The knights all slide off their horses, Leon then sliding Merlin down who wobbles on his feet. The knight only now realizes that Merlin is still without his neckerchief that had been discarded by the bandit leader. And the awareness of how strange such a sight is, it unsettles him, knowing a prisoner, a sorcerer, so well to notice something so trivial. This is… this is Merlin, but he is a sorcerer and the law is the law… even, even if he did save them.

“Leon.” Arthur calls over the pounding rain in his princely voice, the one he rarely uses on the knights. “Bring the sorcerer to the dungeon. Then report back to me immediately.”

Arthur doesn't look at him when he gives the order, instead he rifles aimlessly through one of his saddle bags.

“Yes sire.” The knight turns back towards Merlin, his face is blank and his eyes dull, none of his usual fire anywhere to be seen. There’s a slight shiver that runs through the boy's pale figure, his jacket surely doing nothing to protect him from the rain anymore, his blue shirt fully saturated by the cold rain. “Come on Merlin.” he mutters before taking the chain between his cuffs in his hands again, he doesn’t even have to pull, the servant willingly follows him.

Anger sparks into Gwaine again but a firm hand on his shoulder from Lancelot stops him.

Arthur waits until he’s certain Leon has had enough time to ascend the steps before he turns to his men.

“If any of you speak of what has happened to anyone, even the king. There will be lethal consequences. Is that understood?”

They nod, none willing to use their voice.

“Lancelot.” Arthur turns his focus on the knight. The man narrows his eyes slightly, his grip on Gwaine’s shoulder instinctively. “While I have no proof of your… knowledge of such crime. I have my suspicions. For the time being you are placed under house arrest. You are to stay in your chambers in the knight’s wing where your door will be guarded until I have proof either confirming or denying my suspicions.”

“Yes. Sire.” The knight’s response is terse. Arthur ignores his tone.

The knight starts heading up the steps with one final look at Gwaine as if he’s trying to communicate something to the rogue knight.

It’s then Arthur takes a few steps towards Gwaine until they are nearly chest to chest. “Sir Gwaine. While I can’t be sure, I do not currently suspect you of having knowledge of this crime. With that being said,” Arthur lowers his tone as he carefully enunciates each word. “If I see or hear word of you doing something irrational. You will not be the only one who suffers. Do I make myself clear?” Authority rolls off Arthur in waves.

Gwaine’s jaw is clenched as he glares hateful daggers at the prince. He does not deign him with a response before storming off into the citadel.

Arthur watches the knight disappear into the castle before turning to his last two knights.

“Elyan, bring the horses to the stables for the stable boys to unload. Percival, keep an eye on Gwaine.” Arthur gives the two stern looks. “I trust you two will abide by our confidentiality.”

“Yes, sire.” Elyan’s voice is rife with vitriol.

Percy does not answer but he gives a curt nod before following the others up the stairs.

Arthur’s mind is blank as he makes his way to his chambers, dripping water all the way. Faceless servants pass by, all bowing their head in subservience as he walks by them, head held high, the image of the perfect prince.

That is, until he gentles the door to his chambers shut behind him.

Arthur’s chest heaves with a broken sob as a clap of thunder sounds outside. Everything in his chambers, other than the windows, broken beyond repair, by either fist or sword. Porcelain and glass shattered across the floor, splinters and chunks of broken furniture scattered throughout the space. Feathers from his bed and pillows sit on top of the mess. Stands of fabric from his bed clothes and curtains strewn about carelessly after having been ruthlessly slashed by his sword.

The only light in his room comes from the hearth that has burnt through countless parchments and the occasional strike of lightning that flashes across the dark sky.

He grips his shirt over his chest with the hand that doesn’t hold his sword, as the realization of his whole world being upheaved from under him comes crashing down. His eyes sting but he has no more tears left.

How could he? How could he?! After everything! EVERYTHING they’ve been through. Why? Christ.

Merlin has saved his life! On multiple occasions! Why would he, a sorcerer, do such a thing? They are evil, they are all evil. Was he just waiting? Just manipulating him to get closer? To get into his bed? To have Arthur fall in love with him? …Because it worked. It fucking worked. And now Arthur is being torn apart from the inside out, his heart now split into two, its strings wound around his neck as they unrelentingly constrict tighter and tighter at every damn thought of the fucking traitor.

Even if he saved them, saved his men. All this fucking time, all the lies. God only knows what else he’s lied about.

All the secrets Arthur has shared with him, all his vulnerabilities and all this time he’s been a fucking sorcerer. Who knows what he’s done with the information he’s learned? Not that… even after their years together, there’s been no proof or even incidents to suggest Merlin had shared the information.

He probably just kept it to himself for when he wanted to kill him. Maybe that was it, maybe he was waiting until Arthur was king to enact his scheme. Even though the job had been given to him… he hadn’t sought out a place in the royal household.

And if he had wanted to get Arthur to like him then, why... why when they first met had he tried punching him? And then… he’d actively disagree with the prince, he wasn’t a bootliker like the others who wanted to win the prince’s favor.

No. He still lied! So he wouldn’t be executed. But that’s only if he was actually born with magic, and Arthur has no reason to believe anything he has said.

He tried to keep it out of his head but he can't stop seeing it. The utter exhaustion that was written all over Merlin’s face, he looked so much older in that moment, when he realized what was happening. Actually, it didn’t really seem as if he realized anything; it was more… he expected it to happen. All the times he had thrown Merlin in the cells or even the stocks, he always looked genuinely shocked but this time… he wasn’t surprised. He had expected Arthur to react as he did, expected the prince to kill him. And he wasn’t fully wrong in the assumption. He is a sorcerer after all and Arthur should have killed him, should still kill him. And Merlin hadn’t thought that maybe even just maybe Arthur wouldn’t do so? He had been fully prepared to die right then and there, fully expecting it. God he had tried to push himself into Arthur’s blade. Just the remembrance of it makes Arthur want to peel his own skin off. But he had lied. He had lied and is a sorcerer.

Not to mention apparently Lancelot knew. Based on his quick reaction and adamance that Merlin wasn’t lying about saving the prince, it implies he knew.

Why did Merlin tell him but not Arthur?

Why should that even matter? It doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter that Merlin trusted someone else with his secret and not Arthur.

Was he not good enough? Did Merlin expect the prince to kill him if he came clean? Well, given what happened.. But that was because Merlin hadn’t told him! He was forced to show him, would he have ever shown him otherwise?

But that doesn’t matter, none of it matters.

Hell, they shared a fucking bed together and Merlin had trusted someone else more than Arthur! Arthur had been his first yet he trusted another person more than him. But then, he had planned on going to Gwaine and Lancelot first for help, Arthur had been the one to insist he be the one to help. Arthur hucks his sword against the wall, it clatters to the ground scattering some of the nearby feathers.

He has to stop thinking about it. It changes nothing. He is a sorcerer.

At least he hadn’t told Gwaine. There’s no way in hell the man would have told Arthur about the spell that hit Merlin if the man knew. He’d probably never let Arthur within throwing distance of the boy again had he known.

And, God what if what Lancelot was trying to say was actually true? If what Merlin said was true?

But… if he was telling the truth, it wasn’t his choice. God what if he was telling the truth? Arthur’s chest constricts even tighter, he runs a hand through his unruly hair. If there are people who are born with magic, God how many unwilling participants of magic has he murdered?

His stomach turns at the thought.

Maybe, Arthur sighs, maybe he could ask the sorcerer. He has nothing to gain now that he is in chains and in line for execution.

He’ll, he’ll just go ask the sorcerer and… he'll threaten him if he refuses to tell the truth.

Yes, he can do that.

Arthur grabs his sword before making his way to the dungeons.

It’s just past 3 in the morning as Lancelot creeps down the stairs, he had forgone his armor so as to not make any noise, though his sword is clenched in his hands at the ready.

Something metal loudly clangs against the ground and he nearly jumps out of his skin at the unexpected clatter.

He eases down a few more steps to see a goblet on the ground wobbling on its side, next to the two dungeon guards that are very clearly unconscious as they’re sprawled on the cobblestone.

Lancelot quickly makes his way down the rest of the steps now worried that someone could be trying to escape the dungeons.

He peeks down the hall and stops at what he sees.


The man turns around, face concerned before lighting up, “Lancelot!” He takes a few steps closer, sword swinging in his hand as he walks, “How’d you get out of your chambers?”

“The same way you just got into the dungeons.” Lancelot gives him a scheming smile.

“Right.” Gwaine gives a small chuckle before pausing and holding his hand out. “You’re a good man Lance.”

The knight grips his forearm in a shake, “As are you Gwaine.”

Gwaine smiles mischievously, “So, we breakin’ Merls out?”

“Course.” Lancelot answers with a confident nod before the two make their way down the hall.

Leon makes sure to take Merlin the least populated way lest people start asking questions. They both drip trails of water as they pass through empty halls before finally making it to the dungeons.

The knight unlocks the furthest cell door and Merlin walks right in before sitting down, his back pressed against the wall. He bends his legs and rests his forearms on his knees so his hands hang out in front of him, still cuffed in cold iron. The stone is cold against his sodden garments. He keeps his eyes trained on the knight's boots, not willing to see the betrayal in his friend's face.

Leon hesitates before closing and locking the cell door. Merlin looks so, well, not dangerous.

The knight can’t help the surge of pity for him. He hadn’t even tried to fight back, not that Leon would ever expect him to, especially not against Arthur.

But he could have. The servant could have stopped Arthur at any moment when the prince was holding his blade to his neck, but he didn’t. He simply accepted his fate, accepted that Arthur was going to end his life.

Leon sighs wearily, making him sound older than he is, he pauses before he speaks. “Thank you.”

Merlin's head darts up, his brow furrowed in confusion. Did he just imagine that?

“Thank you,” Leon states again, seeing the boy's confusion, “For getting us out of there. Getting us all out of there.”

Merlin clenches his jaw as his throat tightens and tears spring into his eyes. This is… the first time… the first time anyone has thanked him for what he’s done, other than the rare few times Gaius has thanked him. But this is different than that, this is the first knight of Camelot thanking him for using his magic.

Merlin purses his lips to stop them from quivering. Leon looks at him rather sadly, but also full of pride, the way he looks at the knights. Merlin straightens his shoulders and raises his head before giving the knight a curt nod, unable to voice his thoughts as he’s overrun with emotion.

Leon gives him one final look before returning the nod. He makes his way out of the dungeons, leaving Merlin there alone.

Merlin doesn’t try to sleep, not knowing how long he has left to live, he might as well be awake for it. He doubts he could sleep with the cuffs constantly burning against his skin anyways.

As much as it hurts, he doesn’t really mind, it’s better than the numbness that has settled into his soul. At least it’s something, something other than numbness or heartbreak.

He isn’t sure how much time has gone by when he hears footsteps approaching.

Arthur can’t say he’s surprised to find the dungeon guards knocked out. But his heart skips a beat at the prospect of Merlin being gone.

He hurries his steps down the dungeon but slows his pace as he hears multiple voices talking.

When Lancelot and Gwaine come into view Merlin’s lip quirks up, more out of amusement than joy.

“Don’t get too excited Merls.” Gwaine teases, trying to lighten the mood.

Merlin rolls his eyes.

“We are here to get you out.” Lancelot adds.

“Clearly,” Merlin drawls, his voice raspy. “And how do you expect to do that?” Merlin leans his head back against the wall.

“With these.” Gwaine twirls a ring of keys around his fingers.

The knight makes quick work of the lock and when the door creaks open his grin is bright.

“Come on Merlin,” Lancelot urges, “Before the guards wake back up.”

Merlin sighs as he looks between the two. “I’m not leaving.”

What?” Gwaine guffaws.

Lancelot’s expression mirrors Gwaine’s of disbelief.

“I’m not going.”

“Merls, I will drag you out of here myself if I have to.” Gwaine argues.

“Why not?” Lancelot asks in a much calmer tone.

“If Arthur wants me burned then I am not one to fight destiny.”

“Merls, that's insane!” Gwaine seethes. “And if it were Uther who condemned you?”

“Uther is not where my loyalties lay.” Merlin answers with a casual shrug of his shoulders.

“That’s a bullshit reason.” Gwaine scoffs.

Anger spikes in Merlin and he can’t find it in himself to reel it in anymore after holding so many emotions in for so long. “I am not leaving because if Arthur would rather see me dead then I have no reason not to be!” He fumes out of frustration.

There’s a moment of silence as the two knights reel back in shock from Merlin’s words.

It’s Lancelot who speaks up, “Are we not enough”?

Merlin feels what little piece of himself he has left inside crack at the hurt in the man's voice. The friend who has always been there for him, has always known the real him.

“That’s not,” Merlin sighs slumping further against the wall, “That’s not what I meant.”

“Then what did you mean?” Gwaine asks, hurt clear across his face.

“Arthur is my destiny.” Merlin breathes wetly, “It is my destiny to serve and protect him. Without him, I have no destiny, no reason to continue on in a world that would rather see me dead.”

“And those who would rather see you live?”

“What would I do?” Merlin asks angrily again, “Where would I go? Home? I wouldn’t put my mother at risk like that. And,” his voice wobbles, “Camelot is my home now, I would have nowhere to go.”

When Gwaine speaks his voice is full on conviction, “I’d go wit-”

Ahem.” All three of them turn to the new voice.

Even though Merlin can’t see down the hall from where he is sat in the cell he’d recognize that air of superiority anywhere.

“And just what do you two think you’re doing?” Arthur asks, his voice laced with annoyance.

Gwaine readies his sword, “What do you think you’re doing?”

“Gwaine.” Lance hisses as he bats his the knight’s arms down.

“I am here to talk to the prisoner.”

“Merlin. You fucking know his name.” Gwaine steams.

“Leave. Both of you before I change my mind and throw you each in your own cells.” Arthur demands as pompous as ever.

“I’d like to see you try.”

“Gwaine!” Lancelot reprimands. “We’ll be going.” He grabs Gwaine and drags him away by the scruff of his shirt while murmuring something to him too low for the prince to hear.

Arthur’s boots click against the stone as he walks into view of Merlin.

The sorcerer looks at his boots and nowhere else.

Arthur looks to the open door, to Merlin and to the door again. He has so many questions, so many emotions running through him, he doesn't know where to start. But to his shock, the sorcerer speaks up.

“You know, Gwaine still has the keys.” His eyes don’t leave Arthur’s boots. He can’t say he’s surprised that the prince is still in his armor. The idiot probably couldn’t figure out how to get out of it himself.

Arthur nearly scoffs at the absurdity of a prisoner saying such a thing.

“I know.” Arthur says, because he does, why else would Lancelot be so willing to leave, he didn’t want their one way of getting Merlin out confiscated.

Merlin’s eyes dart up to him then. “So what is it? Can’t get out of your armor?” he deadpans.

Arthur hates himself for the bubble of amusement in his chest. “No, I came to interrogate you.”

“Oh good, you already know how I like it.”

Merlin!” Arthur gasps scandalized.

The corner of the sorcerer's mouth twitches. He can’t help it though, he talks when he gets nervous, and Arthur knows that.

Arthur sighs, “Will you just,” he rubs a hand down his face, “just be honest with me?”

“Yes.” Merlin answers clearly, keeping eye contact with the prince, “It is up to you if you choose to believe the truth however.”

There isn’t really anywhere for Arthur to sit so he instead chooses to lean against the open cell doorway. “You said you were born with magic. Is that true?”


Arthur’s heart sinks. “Are… are a lot of people born with magic?”

Merlin feels a pang in his stomach at the realization of why Arthur is asking this question. “No, I only know of one person who also has innate magical abilities, but they’re very different from mine.”

“You consort with other sorcerers?” Arthur’s tone turns sharp immediately.

“No! Well- not- not really, they don’t know I know.” Merlin cringes at himself.

“Who are they?”

Arthur.” Merlin closes his eyes painfully. “If- if they were dangerous I’d tell you, I swear, but it, it isn’t for me to share. I will not condemn someone else.”

“Fine.” Arthur replies tersely.

Merlin's eyes shoot open.

The only reason Arthur does not push on that question is from what Merlin had said when he hadn’t known the prince was listening.

“How did you learn to use your magic? Is your mother a sorcerer too?”

“No! No she absolutely isn’t.” Merlin’s whole body tenses with fear, “It was, well I learned from a book. But, it was my father who had magic, my mother has no magical abilities whatsoever. Though I'm sure she wishes she did when raising me, trying to keep a magical toddler hidden when raising him yourself, it’s hard enough with a regular child.”

The image that puts into Arthur’s head should be terrifying not.. not amusing.

“I thought you didn’t know your father?” Arthur narrows his eyes as if catching Merlin in a lie.

Merlin looks back down to the ground. “I… I didn’t at least for a long time… but then… Do you remember Balinor?”

“The dragonlord.”

“Yeah,” Merlin’s voice is shaky and that’s all Arthur needs to know.

It’s like a punch to the gut, Merlin knew his father for mere days before the man died on the way to help Camelot, to help Arthur’s people.

“I-” Arthur clears his throat “I had no idea.”

“I know.” Merlin says softly. “There’s so much you don’t know Arthur.”

There’s a pause as the prince stares at the sorcerer, but his expression is unreadable.

“Have you killed anyone?”

“Yes. Only those who were a threat to you, your father or Camelot.” Merlin adds on quickly.

“My father? You protected my father when he persecutes your people?” Arthur asks incredulously.

“I didn’t want you to lose the only parent you have left.” Merlin answers quietly as he still stares at the ground.

Arthur takes a step forward into the cell and Merlin flinches at the sudden movement.

A flare of hurt shoots through Arthur but he ignores it. “It’s alright.” Arthur says before stepping closer and kneeling in front of the sorcerer.

Merlin finally looks back up at him but Artuhr’s focused on getting the key into his cuffs. With a twist of his hand the cuffs open and fall to the ground.

Arthur is horrified at what he sees.

Merlin's skin is burned raw and red. His head shoots up to the servant’s eyes.

Merlin simply looks away and pulls his slides over the marks.

“What?” Is all Arthur is able to ask.

“I’m not like other sorcerers Arthur. I’m..made of magic. It’s a part of who I am.”

“God, why didn’t you say anything?”

“I didn’t think you’d care.” Merlin shrugs and shrinks in on himself.

He’s right. Arthur shouldn’t care.

“Go get checked by Gaius.”

Merlin's head whips back to Arthur’s.

“I have not passed my final judgment. But until then I will allow you to keep working under Gaius. As of now you are relieved of your position as my manservant.”

Merlin opens his mouth to argue but thinks better. He simply nods. If he at least gets the chance to say goodbye to the physician he will take it. But… deep down he knows why Arthur is doing this.

Merlin hobbles to his feet and walks past the prince. “Thank you sire.”

Merlin knows Arthur does not want his death on his hands. Arthur is giving him the chance to run, for both of their sakes. He makes his way to the physician's chambers.

Gaius is brewing his morning tea just before the sun starts to rise when his door is slammed open nearly scaring him half to death.

“Merlin!” The man reprimands as he places his cup down.

“Gaius! Arthur knows.” Merlin hurries into the chambers and jogs up to his room leaving the door open.

“What do you mean he knows!?” Gaius calls from where he is standing.

“I mean he knows.” Merlin calls as he casts a spell to dry his damp clothes, not wanting to waste time changing. He pulls out his blue neckerchief and ties it over his now dry blue shirt. Merlin hears some shuffling as he throws his other clothes into his bag that one of the knights must have returned after they arrived.

When Merlin leaves his room Gaius is at the bottom of the stairs with a somber knowing look on his face. It makes Merlin pause, his eyes sting but he won’t cry, not in front of Gaius.

“My boy,” Gaius’ voice shakes.

Merlin purses his lips together as he descends the stairs.

“Gaius,” Merlin’s voice comes out scratchy. He is beyond exhausted but he wants to get a head start. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s alright my boy. We- we knew this day might come. Has he told-”

“No.” Merlin shakes his head. “Not yet at least, I don’t know if he will but, he wanted to burn me Gaius.” Merlin’s voice breaks at the memory. After all he’s put Arthur through though, he won’t force his hand.

“Where will you go? Back home?”

“As much as I want to, I won't endanger my mother like that.”

“Then where will you go?”

“I don’t know. But, I promise I’ll write you once I’m there.” Merlin's smile is watery. “Gaius, you know, I’ve always seen you as the father I was never able to have.”

“And you, my boy, will always be a son to me.”

“Just promise me Gaius, you won’t admit to knowing, if anyone asks. Please promise me, I can’t-” Merlin’s breath hitches, “I can’t lose you too.”

“I promise you, only if you promise me you’ll try to stay out of trouble. And you’ll dress warm when it gets cold, the cold season is approaching and-” Gaius sniffles, “Well, I just want you to be safe.”

“I will, I promise.” Merlin leans over and hugs his father figure. The old man wraps his arms around him and it takes everything in Merlin to not break down then and there. “Thank you, Gaius, you’ve done so much for me.” Merlin takes a deep breath as he fights against the stinging in his nose before pulling back.

“Thank you my boy, without you…” A few tears fall down the man's face.

“I know Gaius, I know.” Merlin smiles as he fights down his own tears.

Merlin clears his throat, “This isn’t goodbye forever,” Merlin lies, “I’ll see you again, I’m sure. And I promise to write.” He’s always been a good liar.

“Of course.” Gaius nods his head with a sad smile, “I’ll be here waiting.”

Merlin nods his head, not trusting his voice. He takes one last look around the place that has been his home the past year, admiring the different potions, and vials, and books, and messy piles of parchment.

Merlin makes his way to the door and stops just before pushing it open. “Thank you Gaius, truly.”

Merlin shuts the door behind him and wipes his eyes with his sleeves being mindful of the wounds on his wrists. If he starts walking now he should be able to get pretty far by… well by nightfall.

The spell of one’s deepest desires.
This spell will cause increasing pain in timed intervals to the target. When a sexual interest is discovered the target's eyes will flash pink and will temporarily stop the pain. To undo the spell the target must experience all of their deepest sexual desires. If the target fails to do so they will face increasing pain until succumbing to death.

Chapter End Notes

Oh? You thought this was coming at the end of the fic? Where’s the fun in that?

I meant that angst tag bby.

If this was a TV show the end credit song for this episode would be Heaven by Khalid you can listen to it here if you’d like.

-I do have a playlist for this chapter but I'll upload it in the am. Sorry I have a bad headache rn X(

I would love to hear your thoughts on this chapter!! Even if you haven’t commented on the fic at all or rarely comment on fics in general, I’d just love to hear feedback so I can learn for future works. Don’t feel like you have to though! I’m more than happy that you’ve even read this far!

Also I’d like to clarify just because it isn’t blatantly said until the next chapter, but I don’t want to leave anyone confused. Merlin knows the entirety of the curse. He also would never willingly have Arthur choose between his friend and his home so Merlin is making the choice for him (he does genuinely think that is why Arthur said what he said though.) Merlin left knowing what is going to happen to him, he’d rather go that way then force Arthur’s hand.

I had to cut this chapter down because it got so long I was writing so much and then got a bad headache and then a skunk sprayed right outside my house and it is not helping my headache lmao. That being said the last like 1/4th of this chapter hasn't been edited but I'll fix it up in the morning! I just really wanted to post this lol. And the next part should be coming very soon as I already have so much of it written since it was originally going to be part of this chapter.

And as always thank you guys for your support! It means so much to me! <3


Chapter Notes

There is one content warning for this chapter. However it is a major spoiler so I have put it in the bottom notes of this chapter. If you do not usually need content warnings I highly advise not reading it until after as it spoils almost this entire chapter. That being said, there is no shame whatsoever in reading it and if you need content warnings I please urge you to read it!

Just a reminder that this chapter was originally part of the previous one and thus picks up right where we left off!

Lacking a usually necessary part.

Arthur sighs as he pinches the bridge of his nose as he sits on the floor of his room, parchment scattered around him. He has never been good at sitting down for long periods of time reading over documents, and now that his desk and chair are destroyed, it’s even harder to focus.

He had given up on trying to sleep hours ago, after he had let the sorcerer out of the dungeons. Another reason why he is having trouble focusing on any of his paperwork. Not only is it unnerving knowing a sorcerer is walking about, even if he claims to protect Camelot. There’s also the very real risk that the idiot would use his magic and get caught by someone else. But then, if he uses magic he deserves to be caught. Surely.

But it has been a while, a few hours, since he let Merlin out of the dungeons, he should… he should go check on him, make sure he isn’t up to anything nefarious. And perhaps while he’s there he can make sure Gaius had looked at his wrists. He wouldn’t want the sorcerer to die of an infection before he has cast his final judgment.

He corks the ink pot that is sitting precariously close to his knee before standing and stepping over the mess that decorates his chambers.

He knocks on the physician's door but when no one answers he pushes it open.

The physician is nowhere to be seen and Merlin’s door is wide open; he's clearly not here either. They must be doing morning rounds in the lower town. It is about that time. The sun peeks through the windows of the chamber scattering rays onto potions illuminating them in various hues, specks of dust can be seen floating in the beams of light.

Arthur pokes around for a bit trying to inanely distract himself before making his way up to Merlin's room.

It’s just as messy as he would have thought, clothes strewn about and cupboard doors left open as if a storm blew through.

Curiosity gets the better of him and he starts snooping around. At first glance you’d never be able to tell a sorcerer lives here but who knows what could be hiding in here. There’s nothing obvious though, like a cauldron or hay stuffed dolls filled with pins.

He pokes through the cupboards whilst being careful to leave no trace that he was ever here. But there is nothing interesting in here, just a few clothes and some books that should surely be in the boy's book case and not just left in his cupboard.

He sits on the hay stuffed bed, feet hanging off the side as he looks around. The floorboard is a bit squeaky under his foot and he subconsciously presses on it over and over again. He eyes Merlin’s small bookcase reading the worn titles on the spines, it’s mostly books of herbs and medical practices with a few classics and two or three fairytale books thrown in there. Such a girl, of course he’d have sappy love tales of princesses being saved by their knights in shining armor. If anything he should be focused on how their armor could get that shiny. Arthur is taken out of his thoughts then when the floorboard fully moves under his foot with a ‘thunk’.

The prince looks down to investigate only to see something under the board. He gets on his hands and knees, heart pumping in uncertainty, half expecting some sort of sinister magic item, when he pulls it out. It’s… a book. He takes a deep breath.

But when he flips through it his heart speeds up, it’s clearly a magic book. Though he can’t understand any of it. He does recognize Merlin’s handwriting in some of the margins, but he still can’t understand what those say either.

Merlin did say he learned from a book. At least that part doesn’t seem like a lie.

Arthur sighs and goes to put it back, not really sure what else to do with it, he’d never put such a thing in his chambers, and he certainly can’t bring it to his father. But when he goes to place it back he sees that there’s something else down there, below the loose floorboard. He reaches down and pulls it out. It’s a box, it’s a bit smaller than the book he had just pulled out. A layer of thin dust coats his fingers from the box. He opens the lid carefully, not sure what to expect. Inside are pieces of folded parchment, thankfully not sealed with any wax. The one on top reads ‘Lancelot’.

Unable to dissuade his paranoid curiosity, Arthur unfolds it.

The first thing that stands out as off to him, is that it is written in ink and not the normal, much cheaper, charcoal Merlin usually uses when he writes. The second thing Arthur notices is that the ink certainly isn’t fresh, they were written a while ago.

Dear Lancelot,
You were always there when I needed someone to talk to. Someone who truly knew me. And for that I am eternally grateful. You are truly one of the best men I ever had the pleasure of meeting. Truly the embodiment of what a knight is supposed to be. I know you’ll do great things. Thank you for always being there for me.

Arthur’s stomach churns, he feels a heavy weight pressing down on his chest as he realizes what he’s reading. Goodbye letters. These are…if Merlin were to ever get caught.

He unfolds the next one.

Dear Percy,
Such a large man for such a large heart. You have always been the epitome of kindness and in harsh times I came to rely on your gentle nature. I knew I could always lean on your shoulder when we came across troubling times and I will forever be grateful for that. Your kindness made things much more bearable, never change my friend.

Dear Morgana,
I write this to you with the utmost care. I know we come from completely different lives but I always felt you were the most relatable noble I ever had the pleasure of meeting. Even when I first arrived to Camelot you treated the servants and common folk with kindness and compassion. Always keep a steadfast hold on your beliefs, the people need it. I hope you do not let my death put a wedge between you and Arthur, he did what he thought was right, and I can’t blame him for that, and neither should you. I truly wish you the best.

Arthur blinks away tears, he shouldn’t be sad. This is a lying sorcerer. He’s seen countless sorcerers put to death, all with families, all with ones who care about them. It is selfish for Arthur to care, to be sad. For he is responsible for inflicting the same pain on those who have lost magic users close to them. It’s selfish for him to be upset.

He takes a deep breath as he reads the name on the next one trying to calm the frantic buzzing of his nerves.

Dear Gwaine,
There is so much I want to say yet I find my words suddenly lacking. I know I know me speechless, a rare feat indeed but only something you could cause. You were truly the best mate I could have ever asked for. I want you to know that no matter how long my time was, it would not have been long enough with you. Even if I were here a century I assure you I would have never grown tired of you Gwaine. Lean on the others, they care about you.
And please, if you can, try not to drown yourself in ale.

Dear Elyan,
All my years in Camelot and I have never met anyone else with conviction as strong as yours. You were always an inspiration to me, a person to look to when I found myself unsure of my abilities, and for that I can not thank you enough. I am sure you will, but please look after Gwen, she is such a kind soul and will need a strong shoulder.

Dear Leon,
I am truly sorry. There is not much I can say other than no matter what happened, know I hold no grudge against you nor any of the knights. You are a great man and I know you will always do what is right. I know it is selfish of me and I can only hope you might understand but I have a final request to ask of you. Please, take care of Arthur.

Arthur fights to keep his hands from shaking. This… this could all just be a ploy to throw someone off if they were to ever find out. It could just be an attempt to gain some kind of sympathy or forgiveness. But then why hide them? Why put them somewhere so difficult to find? And Arthur knows, in the deepest part of him he just knows that these are genuine, that Merlin truly cares for his friends. For… for him.

Dear Gwen,
Where do I even begin? You were the first friend I made in Camelot and without you who knows how long I would have lasted. Your sunny smiles and warm hugs were always able to cheer me up. You truly made Camelot feel like home and I’ll never be able to thank you for all the kindness you have shown me. At whatever banquet or feast comes up next, make sure to snag an extra sweet on my behalf. I will miss you dearly.

Dear Gaius,
You already know you were the father I was never able to have. There’s so much I want to thank you for but the parchment is only so long. I ask you please be sure to find another apprentice, I’ll come back to haunt you otherwise. If Arthur ever asks about what I did, I’d like you to tell him, though only if he asks. I can rest peacefully if Arthur is told what I’ve done. Perhaps this is how my destiny was always meant to play out. You have taught me so much and have been there for me through every moment, words will never be enough to show my gratitude.
Please, don’t work yourself too hard.
Thank you for everything,

Arthur breathes around the lump in his throat but when he reads the name addressed on the next one he can’t fight off his tears anymore. He... he really shouldn’t, but he has to know.

‘Hunith of Ealdor’

Dear mum,
I am afraid this will be the last letter I write you. You watched over me for so much of my life and now, it’s my turn to watch over you. I left some savings with Gaius, they should arrive with this letter. Perhaps you can move to Cenred’s city since you no longer have to live in fear. I hope that now that you no longer have to worry about me you are able to find some peace.
Forever your loving son,

God. Why does Merlin think he’s such a burden? He… well, he is a sorcerer but, no. There are no exceptions. He is a sorcerer.

But it does sound like he was truly born with magic. Oh God that... that can’t actually be true, can it? But his wrists with the cold iron, and this letter it…

Arthur takes a deep breath trying to calm his pulse throbbing in his ears.

Arthur almost wants to scoff at the next parchment, unlike all the others this one is written in charcoal. The page is worn thin and covered in messy smudges. There are fuzzy spots where the parchment has been rubbed for erasing and written over repeatedly.

Dear Arthur,
I’m not sure you’ll ever even read this. I fear that once you find out you may be too angry to give me another moment of your time. Though I fear more that you do take the time to read this. But know no matter what has happened, that I will never blame you. I regret nothing more than having to make you choose between your friend and your kingdom. Though truthfully I still can’t find it in myself to regret being in your life. I know that’s rather selfish of me, but you gave me a purpose, a reason, a destiny, hope for a better future. No matter what happens, I know that you will still be the greatest king Camelot has ever seen.

I once said I would be happy to be your servant until the day I died and I meant it. If you are the one I am to die for I shall go happily. Thank you for everything.

Arthur’s breath catches in a half-sob.

The only part of the letter not smudged is the signoff and bottom signature.

Surely he means a brotherly sort of love right? But then... why is his the only one like that, why aren't the knight’s letters…

No, it can’t, he must be reading into it too much. He…

Arthur clears his throat before folding the letters back up, putting them back inside the box, and sliding it back into its hiding spot. He places the book and board back on top.

He storms his way out of Merlin's room, then out of the physician's chamber. His heart is throbbing through his whole body. He can’t think. He doesn’t want to think. He wants things to go back to how they were. He wants all sorcerers to be evil, he wants…he wants to see Merlin. God he wants to see him so badly.

But what would he say? He’s still lied for years, used magic under Arthur’s very nose. To keep him safe. He could have told him! He’d have been executed. He could have, could have…

God what could he have done?

He could have left. But he didn’t. He stayed here. Why did he stay here? Why…


Arthur looks up dazed to the guard in front of him.

“The king has requested your presence.”

Arthur groans internally, of course. At least he’ll be forced to think about something other than Merlin.

“Very well.” Arthur nods.

The guard nods and turns to walk in the direction he had come from.

Arthur takes a deep breath in an attempt to calm the adrenaline rushing through him and rubs a hand down his face before forcing his mind to go blank. He heads to the throne room.

Merlin’s feet are starting to ache by the time the sun starts setting. The sun peeks through the trees dappling the ground in fading golden rays as it descends further and further behind the trees. The leaves brush together in soft swells of rustling in time with the cool breeze that rolls through the air.

The sun had been keeping some of the coolness away but with its descent, Merlin’s nose and fingers start to feel the slight bite of coolness that the wind carries.

He looks around the small clearing, a sweep of magic tells him there are no people anywhere to be found nearby. The forest feels so alive, giving its last valiant effort before the incoming cold season starts to creep in. It’s a fitting place to spend his last moments.

Using his magic knowing Arthur knows about it, it feels wrong. Like he shouldn’t be doing it. Even if there’s nobody around.

He sighs and tosses his bag down before laying on a particularly comfy looking patch of grass. He settles down and the grass tickles the nape of his neck just above his neckerchief.

He should be able to see the stars at least one more time tonight, the deciders of his fate, the writers of destiny.

Maybe his soul will join the sparkling things up there after tonight. His throat tightens. Or maybe he’ll get lucky enough to meet Arthur in another life. But, when have the fates ever been kind to him?

It isn’t until its nearly sunset that Arthur is released from meetings. He was just about ready to run himself through if they didn’t adjourn soon.

They even served dinner in there. An extremely rare occurrence. They had to go over new war tactics for their battles with the Saxons in the North, something that understandably could not wait. But of course, it would happen when he is consumed with emotional turmoil.

But there’s no way Gaius and his apprentice aren’t back yet. He has to go see Merlin, perhaps he can get some more answers from him. And make sure he’s obviously not doing anything dangerous.

The prince quickly makes his way to the physician's chambers. He doesn’t bother knocking this time before all but shoving the door open.

The man doesn’t even seem startled, he looks up from the table with a withered look about him. A bowl of steaming stew sat in front of him.

Arthur’s eyes instinctually dart to Merlin's door but it’s still wide open, just as it was earlier, with no sign of the boy inside.

“Sire? Can I help you?” Gaius asks his tone curt.

Arthur’s eyes shift back to the old man, dread quickly building in his gut.

“Where is Merlin?” Arthur asks just above a whisper. There’s only one bowl of stew prepared, his heart picks up.

“He’s out garnering herbs sire.”

The physician's eyes are puffy and have a hint of redness to them. Arthur’s breath picks up.

“He only just gathered herbs the other day.” Arthur states barely paying attention to his words, he remembers when they came back from the siege, Merlin had said he was going to gather herbs, it was only a few days ago though it feels like a lifetime now.

“Yes, well,” Gaius deadpans, “The cold season is coming up, it doesn’t hurt to build our supply early.”

“Gaius. Where is he?” Arthur is not stupid.

The physician's mouth twists but does not say anything.

“That is an order Gaius.” Arthur grits out between his teeth.

The stubborn old man lifts his chin. “I do not know sire.”

“I- I just want to talk to him, please Gaius. I can not bear any more lies,” Arthur’s voice cracks with emotion.

The man's eyes soften a fraction. “I truly do not know sire. Even if I did, I made a promise to my boy.”

“Has he left Camelot?” He holds his breath.

Seconds tick by, the man does not answer, he only turns back to his meal.

But that in itself is an answer.

Arthur slams the door as he leaves so viciously the physician is surprised it doesn’t split into two.

Merlin gasps as the first wave of pain shoots through him. But as always it’s quick to fade.

He stares up at the stars trying to keep his mind blank, trying not to think about the inevitability of what is to come. It’ll be okay, Arthur will be okay.

His body convulses in agony as blades of pain rake down his chest and sear through his limbs. He can’t hold in his magic anymore, it bursts through him in fiery hot surges trying to get away from the torment. He can’t even tell what it’s doing as the only thing his brain will register is the ferocious eruptions of pain overtaking his very being,

It’s just over half an hour when the pain becomes too much, his vision sways and blurs as blackness creeps in from the edges.

Arthur chucks another piece of already destroyed wood at the wall and it bursts into splinters.

His hands are scratched up but he can’t feel the sting. The only thing running through his exhausted body is hurt. Unbearable and heart wrenching hurt.

How can he be so stupid? The sorcerer said he wouldn’t leave. He told Lancelot and Gwaine that Camelot was his home, that he wouldn't leave. That he wouldn’t leave Arthur!

Another chunk of wood explodes into fractals against the wall. He lied again!

And that damn letter, Arthur lets out a pained grunt of anguish as he hacks further away at his bed frame with his sword. He said he’d serve him until the day he died. He’s a liar! He’s gone and left him here all by himself. He can’t… Arthur drops his sword to the ground defeatedly, he can’t do this by himself. He can’t do this without Merlin.

God why can’t he just stop loving him? He’s a damn sorcerer for fucks sake and still, Arthur can’t help but love him.

He runs a hand down his face before opening his window, letting the cool breeze kiss his hot and angry skin.

But it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter because Merl- the sorcerer left. He’s made his decision clear.

He takes a deep breath as he leans against his windowsill, allowing the cold air to fill his lungs.

The moon is nearly full tonight as it nears its peak in the sky. Casting the city in silvery streaks of light.

There’s a pull in his chest, a yearning. To go find Merlin and wrangle him back here and just tie him down so he can never try to leave again. Not that Arthur would actually do something like that, but the thought is nice.

Arthur sighs as he watches the stars dance in the sky.

If it hadn’t been for that damn curse, maybe he wouldn’t have realized his feelings. Maybe he could have just kept pretending Merlin was simply a servant and a friend.

He wouldn’t know the heartache of never being able to kiss those lips again, of never hearing his name called out in the throws of passion, the teasing and playful stubbornness that Merlin brings even to the prince’s bed. The eyes filled with adoration and care that teeters on a very dangerous precipice. Looks filled with whispers of words they could never say.

If it wasn’t for that…

Arthur’s whole body tenses.

His head shoots up to look at the moon in the sky.

That fucking idiot.

The stable doors violently burst open, startling the stable boy awake.

“You!” The prince shouts.

The boy nearly soils himself on the spot.

“Y-Yes! Yes sire?” he stands up straight as if he weren’t just sleeping.

“Help me ready a horse, as quickly as possible. Now!” Arthur gives the boy no time to recover before hauling down his saddle from its keeping place.

The boy gets to work helping the prince as quickly as he can move.

Even with nervous shaking hands, he is able to help the prince get his horse ready in record time. The prince hauls himself onto the horse. “Fetch Sir Leon, wake him up if you must. Tell him I am going to find my manservant and that I will be back.”

And without another word, the prince is bolting out of the stables on his mare.

He all but flies through the town, horse’s hooves thundering on the cobblestone, cape billowing out behind him.

It isn’t until he’s nearly out of the lower town that he realizes he has no fucking idea where he is supposed to go.

They exit the city, the clacking of hooves now muffled on the dirt path.

He looks around frantically vying his options. He knows Merlin wouldn’t go to Ealdor, he told Lancelot and Gwaine as much. Though he also told them he wouldn't leave Camelot. Fuck where the hell-

It’s then he feels that yearning pull in his chest again, but it’s stronger this time, even just slightly, but he can feel it, he can feel it pulling in a direction. He squeezes his eyes shut in a silent prayer that he isn’t going crazy.

He veers his horse to the left with a strong pull to the reins.

Arthur thanks every deity he has ever heard of for the bright moonlight that night that is preventing them from running headfirst into any trees.

Branches whip by as he and his horse make their way further and further in the direction that he felt the pull. But with each passing minute, the moon gets further past its peak and more and more dread thrums throughout his body.

The cold air rips at his face, their breakneck speed only adding to the iciness that clings to his skin and armor. A spine-chilling wave runs through him. Something… something’s wrong.

He feels his throat tighten with emotion. There’s another pull in his chest, it’s not as strong as before.

He turns his horse to the right on a sharp turn, his fingers strong and cold on the reins. The horse skids a bit on the dirt but regains its footing before continuing where Arthur leads it. The hooves thud fiercely against the ground as if the mare senses the urgency of the situation.

The moon is well past its peak when Arthur feels it. It’s faint at first but grows stronger, it’s almost like a buzzing, a humming that goes under his skin and sends comforting chills through his body.

It’s getting stronger and stronger, and then the forest is too thick. There’s no way to get his horse through. Arthur curses before dismounting, not even waiting for his mare to fully stop, he grabs the reins, taking a quick mental note of where they are as he ties his horse up.

He starts weaving through the tightly packed foliage when the humming dies down. And a moment later he stops in his tracks.

Tendrils of wispy golden light flicker and dance around the clearing, lighting up tiny blue flowers. Being a noble and learned in the language of flowers, Arthur easily recognizes these as ‘forget me not’s. They’re everywhere. They grow in between the leaves of the trees and sparsely down trunks. They litter the ground, leaving no grass visible; except the circle in the middle of the clearing where a very familiar figure lay crumpled in on his side.

Arthur dashes over and slides on his knees next to Merlin. He’s curled up on his side, arms wrapped around his middle as if he’s in pain. But his face is slack.

Arthur immediately feels for a pulse on his neck, his skin is cold to the touch. The prince holds his breath.

He waits.

And waits.

And there’s the smallest of flutters under his fingertips.

Thank God. He rolls the boy onto his back, his head lolls to the side.

“Merlin,” Arthur tries shaking him but he doesn’t respond, his body lifelessly wiggles under his movements. “Merlin come on, you’ve got to wake up. I need to help you.” Arthur says louder and shakes him more roughly but there’s still no response.

God. The spell. He has to do something. But… he’s knocked out for Christ's sake.

He wracks his brain for something, anything he can easily do. Merlin can run him through afterwards if he wants but, he isn’t going to lose him. He can’t. And it’s then Arthur has his answer of what his final judgment is, as if it could be anything else. As a prince, he is never able to be selfish. But Merlin is an exception, he always has been, to a lot of things.

And then he remembers a chapter in the book he was saving for a rainy day. And out of his options, it seems like the best bet given the situation.

He lowers Merlin’s neckerchief slightly before leaning over him and placing a small kiss against his chilled skin. He leaves a closed mouthed kiss before sucking a small little red spot into his skin.

The prince pulls back and watches Merlin for any sign of movement.

It’s only then that Arthur notices the dried tear streaks that decorate Merlin’s pale cheeks.

He watches his face as flickering golden light that swirls around the clearing reflects off his face.

But, there’s no movement.

“Merlin?” Arthur asks, panic sliding up his throat.

There’s no response.

Arthur leans down and tries again, leaving another small red mark on Merlin’s neck.

“Please,” Arthur whispers into the sorcerer’s neck.

Still, there’s nothing.

“Merlin please, I’m sorry, god I’m so fucking sorry, please. I need you.” Arthur breathes out before trying again, leaving a bit of a darker mark this time, still concealable by his neckerchief.

He pulls back and waits for any kind of reaction, any movement.

And he waits.

And waits.

His eyes fill up with tears as he fights off the urge to hyperventilate. He can’t, he can’t be gone.

“Come on, it's not funny anymore.” Arthur says wetly. “Merlin, please.” his voice breaks.

He leans over, taking Merlin’s face gently between his hands, and kisses the sorcerer’s lips ever so softly. “Please,” A sob leaves Arthur’s throat as he rests his forehead against Merlin’s. “I can’t do this without you.”

The prince squeezes his eyes shut. He might as well lie here next to him in this field of flowers and wait for death to take him too. He can find Merlin in their next lives, he’ll search through all of the stars to find him again, he’ll run his sword through the strings of fate himself if he must.

“Does that mean I finally get that week off?” Merlin’s voice is weak and broken from his earlier shouts of agony.

Arthur doesn’t even open his eyes but a blinding smile makes its way onto his face. “You fucking idiot.”

It’s then the prince opens his eyes. Only to see blazing gold ones looking back at him, hazily as they try to blink away the daze. Arthur has never been so relieved to see such a sigh.

The prince pulls back slightly as Merlin blinks his eyes from gold back to blue. But the golden wisps keep flying around them.

“What- what are you doing here?” Merlin asks, brow furrowed as he regains more of his cognizance.

“Saving my clotpole of a manservant.”

“You fired me.” Merlin leans up on his elbows. Gods he’s sore.

“Yeah well, I’m reinstating you. That is,” Arthur looks away for the first time since Merlin opened his eyes, “if you want to come back.”

“You?” Merlin cocks his head to the side partially wondering if this is a dream. “What?”

“Well, I made my final decision, and… well. I don’t think you’re corrupt.” And if you are, I'd rather you just kill me as I can not live a life without you.

Merlin’s smile lights up his face, the golden wisps shine brighter and a few more patches of flowers sprout from the ground.

“Arthur- I- thank you.” Merlin says around the lump in his throat.

“It doesn’t mean I forgive you though. At least not yet.” Arthur says as he looks to the ground.

“I- yeah, I understand.” Merlin answers solemnly. He can’t get a read on Arthur’s face other than he’d been crying and looks absolutely exhausted, though Merlin doubts he looks any better.

He doubts the prince has slept at all in the last two days. Merlin clears his throat. “We should find somewhere to sleep for the night.”

Arthur raises an eyebrow and looks around the clearing, deeming this a suitable location.

“Ah, I think it might draw a little too much attention to our location.” Merlin smiles bashfully.

“Very well.” Arthur stands up, his legs wobbling with both relief and utter exhaustion. “Here.” He holds his hand out.

Merlin reaches out and Arthur nearly hisses when their hands touch. “Christ Merlin, you're freezing.” He hauls the boy to his feet.

Merlin stumbles a bit but Arthur steadies him with a hand on his hip.

“Yeah, sorry that’ll happen when you’re outside for a long period of time.” Merlin replies sardonically.

“Yeah, don’t think we won’t be talking about this either.” Arthur narrows his eyes. Merlin looks away, and only now realizes just how many flowers are around them. The smell is almost overwhelming.

“But not tonight,” Arthur says as he lets go of the servant. “My brain is barely functioning with how exhausted I am.”

“And that’s different from normal how?”


“Sorry.” Merlin says blatantly unapologetic.

“We need to find shelter so you can get warm.” Arthur says fiddling with his cape as he looks around, not that he can see much through all the flowers.

“I can uhm- look if you want.” Merlin tentatively suggests.

Arthur understands what he means just from his tone. “Fine. Only because I’m dead on my feet. We will talk about this though, I mean it.”

“Right. Of course.” Merlin nods his head before clearing his throat, “So I’ll just-?” He waves his hand questioningly.

“Any day now.”

“Right, yes. Of course.”

Arthur watches as Merlin’s eyes flash gold for the briefest moment, no spell said aloud. He isn’t going to lie, it’s rather unnerving to watch Merlin’s eye turn like that.

“There’s a cave not far from where you left your horse.”

“You can see that?” Arthur asks a bit uneasily.

Merlin just answers with a simple nod of his head.

“Right…” Arthur stares at him with a mixture of uncertainty and curiosity, though it's mostly uncertainty. “Well then, here.”

Arthur swoops his cape off and places it on Merlin’s shoulders.

“Arthur you don’t have to I’m-”

Merlin,” Arthur lifts an incredulous brow as he starts tying the sting over the boy's neckerchief, “Your lips are practically blue and you’re freezing to the touch.”

“Ah, well. Thanks.” What little heat Merlin’s body has raises to his cheeks.

Arthur nods before taking a step back, covertly admiring how Merlin looks ensconced in his Pendragon red cape. “Let's go then.”

They make their way to the cave with no interruptions, picking up firewood along the way, all the while Merlin snuggles into Arthur’s cape.

They set up camp to the best of their ability with really no supplies. Merlin lights the fire with his magic when the prince isn’t looking, still unsure of how Arthur exactly feels about such a thing.

They lay down on the dirt ground, next to each other but not touching. Merlin had tried to give Arthur back his cape but the prince refused, making an offhand comment about Merlin being so thin he’d freeze to death before the sun has risen.

They agree to talk in the morning before they travel back, both too encumbered by exhaustion to think properly.



“Thank you. For coming to get me.”

There’s a pause for a while but Arthur eventually answers.

“You’re welcome… get some sleep Merlin.”

“You too clotpole,”

Arthur smiles at the rocky ceiling of the cave.

Merlin continues, “Goodnight, Arthur.”

“Goodnight Merlin.”

Chapter End Notes

There is one scene that out of context I could see possibly coming across as dubious consent. Arthur leaves a couple of small love bites on Merlin when he is knocked out, as well as a kiss to his lips but it's very very brief and it’s meant to be sweet. I want to make it absolutely clear that everything in this fic is consensual!!!! The consent isn’t explicitly talked about until the next chapter though so I just want to make it as clear as possible now. (MAJOR CHAPTER SPOILERS ABOVE)

So many of you loved the last chapter and I am so beyond thankful for your feedback! I can’t express how happy it makes me that you are all enjoying it so much!

That being said, not only did we pass 100k words with the last chapter we also passed 500 kudos! So exciting! I can't even picture what 500 people look like in my head as a quantity but each time I think about it it’s terrifying lmfao but in a good way! I’m so glad you're all here and enjoying the story so much! For real you guys freaking popped off with the last chapter but I'm so glad you all enjoyed it! <3

And don't worry we still have a lot more conflict and angst to get through before this story is done lol.

With that being said, I have an update about my uploading schedule. Unfortunately my fall classes start up this upcoming week so I will have a lot less free time on my hands. So those who have been around for a while and have been spoiled by my frequent updates, we are more than likely ACTUALLY going to have only weekly updates now Lol. On top of that my update day will now most likely be either Friday or Saturday EST. (I'll have to see how my class schedule vibes). It's part of the reason I've been pumping out SO many chapters the past week and a half, I wanted to make sure I was able to get through these past two while I still had more than enough time on my hands. That and all your comments just get me so excited to write lol. And if for whatever reason I can't upload one week or a certain day I will do my best to let you guys know a week ahead, if not I'll absolutely post on my tumblr. But I promise this fic will not get abandoned or anything like that!

So as always thank you guys so much for all the love and support it really means so much to me! <3

Some Discussion and Cock Warming

Chapter Notes

Soooooo I totally forgot that yesterday was a holiday in the U.S so my classes don’t actually start until tomorrow lmao. So here ya go!

I seriously can’t thank you guys enough for all your support. Not to get too sappy but truly your guys love of this story has made me so happy. Like I just go about my day and start randomly smiling because you are all just so sweet and supportive and I just wanna wrap you all in a nice warm blanket. T-T

Cock Warming
The act of using any orifice of
someone to keep a man's genitalia

Merlin's initial rating: 5

The bird song is obnoxiously loud. Merlin cracks his eyes open, sunlight shines into their cave. He blinks the grogginess out of his eyes, it seems to be before midday but not by much. He usually wakes up much earlier, but given the last two days he supposes his body needed it. Gods even his magic feels sore.

He sits up and pulls Arthur’s cape tighter around his body, it still smells like the prince. He looks over to the older, unsurprisingly still fast asleep. He’d surely been awake the past two days just as Merlin had.

Even asleep he still somehow looks tired. Merlin sighs and slowly makes his way to his feet, his limbs feel as if they’re made of lead. He unties the cape around his neck before gently laying it over Arthur.

He’ll let him sleep in a bit longer, he can make a simple lunch for the both of them in the meantime. Merlin reaches down and shuffles through his bag picking out some of his rations before getting to work.

“-thur. Arthur.”

It’s Merlin’s voice, yet it isn’t his normal irritating wake up call.

Arthur scrunches his face before prying his eyes open. It’s as he sees the ceiling of the cave the past days events come tumbling back to him.

He immediately sits upright, cape pooling at his hips. His eyes find the sorcerer.

Merlin sits on the other side of their small fire, he gives him an unsure smile before turning his attention back to the pot that sits above the flames. “Lunch is ready.”

“Lunch?” Arthur flicks his gaze to the opening of the cave, sure enough, the sun is shining bright.

“Mmm” Merlin hums as he starts filling the two bowls.

“You packed two bowls?” Arthur asks suspiciously as he watches the sorcerer. Was he going to meet someone? Or perhaps someone was going to meet him?

“I checked on your horse this morning, your saddlebags were on, so I grabbed yours.” Merlin shrugs and hands Arthur a bowl.

“Right.” Arthur clears his throat, “Of course.”

They sit there in a tense and awkward silence as they nurse their stew.

It drags on far too long until Arthur sighs and sets down his bowl, “Merlin,”

The servant nearly drops his bowl at the sudden break in the silence. “Yes?” His voice is pitched up and diffident but he does not raise his gaze to the prince.

God where does he even start? There’s been so many questions flooding through his system from the moment he found out.

“Why…” Arthur is unable to keep the hurt out of his voice, “Why did you leave?”

Merlin’s gaze finally meets his, his brow furrowed in confusion. “What?”

“You told Gwaine and Lancelot that you wouldn’t leave.” Arthur’s voice raises in anger, “You told them! In the dungeons. You told them you wouldn’t leave.” The prince stands up as he speaks, he starts pacing on his side of the fire.

“I-” Merlin starts then stops, not fully sure why that question of all is the first the prince is asking. “Didn’t you want me to?”

Arthur stops at that, “What?”

“Why else would you have let me out of the cells? It was so I’d leave and you didn’t have to kill me yourself…Wasn’t it?” Merlin hesitantly adds on the last part.

Arthur stares unbelieving at the raven before rubbing a hand down his own face. “No, you idiot! I told you it was so I could think it over.”

“I thought you were just being perfunctory.”

“Do you think, that just possibly, there was a chance I didn’t want you dead?!” Arthur fumes.

“No!” Merlin shouts back, putting his own bowl down now, “I wouldn’t dare give myself such optimistic falsehoods.” His eyes sting but he ignores the sensation. “I would truly be an idiot then, had I allowed myself such a hope.” Merlin’s chest rises quickly with angry breaths.

“Am I truly that horrible?” Arthur runs his hand through his hair, touseling his blonde locks messily, “That you’d doubt I wouldn’t even hesitate to kill you?”

“Arthur,” Merlin breathes sadly, “I have seen you kill countless sorcerers, I have watched as they choke on smoke from their own bodies, I have watched as their families cried out for them.” Merlin’s throat is tight, “Why would I be any different?”

Anger so overwhelming it engulfs his entire being in rageful chills. Because he’s right, Merlin is right. He shouldn’t be any different. What makes him different? That he is lucky enough to be favored by the prince? Any one of the sorcerers he’s killed could have been Merlin. But he’s different, he's Merlin! How could Merlin ever be evil? And then who is to say other magic users weren’t like the servant? But does Arthur even really know the boy? All Arthur has ever seen from magic users is violence, rage, and lies. However, Merlin has saved his life on multiple occasions, more than he knows from the sound of it too. But he’s also lied, who knows if Arthur can trust what he says even now. But God it’s Merlin and it is different, it shouldn’t be different, for so so many reasons.

Arthur stops his pacing, “B-because! It’s different because...”

“Arthur.” Merlin cuts in harshly, “My life is no more valuable than any of the innocent sorcerers that have had their lives by the hand of Camelot.”

Arthur loathes that he understands. It’s a perfect reflection of how Arthur views his knights lives to his, they are all equal, hell really anyone else's lives Arthur would put equal to his own. As much as he understands it he hates it in equal measure.

“I know.” Arthur says much too weakly and resumes his pacing.

Merlin’s eyes follow the prince as he walks a few steps before turning and walking the other way, he doesn’t say anything though. He allows Arthur his time to think. But for the prince to have not killed Merlin yet, and for him to admit that the other innocent magic users lives were equal to his, in turn that means that perhaps he can see the value in their lives too.

“Why did you come to Camelot?” Arthur asks after a few moments.

Another question Merlin had not been expecting.

The servant sighs rather despondently at the thought of his childhood home. “Do you remember when you came to my village? With Morgana and Gwen.”

“And we defeated Kanen and his men.”

There’s a painful throb in Merlin’s chest at the memory. “Do you remember Will?”

“Yes, of course, he…” There’s a long pause as Arthur’s pacing slows to a stop again. “It wasn’t him, was it?”

Merlin purses his lips and shakes his head solemnly. “No, it wasn’t him. But he found out about my magic only a few years before I left. My mother was livid but she accepted it, there wasn’t much she could do at that point. But then time went on and other people in the village started to get suspicious.” Merlin grimaces at the memories, “In Cenred’s kingdom, magic users are enslaved rather than being killed. And anyone who turns them in is promised a hefty reward.”

“So you came to Camelot?”

“Where the crown prince can’t even get me to listen to him. You think I’d do good under a slaver?”

Arthur can’t help his amused scoff, “No, I suppose not.”

“I’d rather be dead anyways.”

That deepens this pit in Arthur’s stomach but he understands where Merlin is coming from. “If you’re so against working for Cenred, why work here? Why accept a job as my manservant? I mean I know it’s far from slave work but…”

“Ah, because it is my destiny to serve you Arthur, it always has and always will be.”

“You say that with such certainty.”

“Because I know it to be true. Just as I know you will be the greatest king all of Albion has ever seen.”

“And just how do you know such things?” Arthur asks, voice dripping with sarcasm.

“A- uhm…” Merlin steels himself for this conversation, “A dragon told me.”

There’s a long pause as Arthur stares at him, as if waiting for him to continue. Merlin looks around the cave, trying to avoid Arthur’s stare.

“A dragon.” Arthur deadpans, clearly not impressed.

And Merlin finds that just a tad offensive, he’d say it’s a rather impressive tale, one that would surely earn him rapt attention around the fire with the knights. “Yes. A dragon. The… the one that used to live under the castle.”

“And what exactly did this dragon say?” The prince’s expression becomes more serious by the moment, now understanding the sorcerer isn’t joking.

“That it is my destiny to protect and serve you as you will become the Once And Future King. And it is I who shall protect you on your journey there.”

“Merlin, I thought you’d tell me the truth.” Arthur puffs out as his anger starts to come back.

“Arthur, I am telling the truth.”

Merlin there is no way you are supposed to protect me.”

To Arthur's surprise, Merlin snorts, “Yeah I know, I didn’t believe it at first either. I couldn’t see myself ever wanting to protect you, I told Killigharah just as much, that’s the dragon's name. I told him that if anyone wanted to kill you, I’d give them a hand.” Merlin chuckles almost giddily. “Gods look where that got me.” The look in Merlin’s eyes is too fond and Arthur finds himself looking away.

“So you stayed… were my servant, so you could protect me.” Hurt wafts through Arthur’s chest, making his feel as if he isn’t getting enough air.

“No,” Merlin answers firmly before softening his voice. “Well at first yes, but then I came to see the real you, the Arthur who is caring, and generous, and understanding, and annoyingly noble.”

Arthur can’t help the way his chest swells with pride at the words.

Merlin continues, “And I saw for myself just how good of a king you would be. And I could just feel it inside me, I knew that it was my destiny to be by your side, to help you become the greatest king Albion will ever see. And then… well I fell for you would consider you the best friend I could ever ask for, and there was no way I’d ever leave your side. Unless you commanded it.”

“God Merlin. I thought- I thought I knew you.” Arthur says pained, to Merlin’s surprise.

“You do Arthur.” Merlin replies solemnly, “It doesn’t change anything. I’m still-”

“It changes everything!” Arthur shouts, he doesn’t miss the way Merlin flinches.

The hopefulness in Merlin’s eyes cracks as they become tinged with sadness.

God it changes everything, Arthur thinks. Merlin, if he doesn’t leave, he’ll be living in constant danger every single day, every single moment he is in Camelot. Though he supposes it’s been like that this whole time. But how is he supposed to keep Merlin safe while the idiot is trying to keep him safe? He could tell Merlin to leave. He won’t though, he couldn't.

“Who else knows?” Arthur asks gruffly.

A terribly pained expression comes over the sorcerer's face, he remains silent.

“Can’t-” Arthur’s voice breaks, “Can you not trust me? Not even now when I have reinstated you, a sorcerer to my closest position?”

Merlin hardens his expression and gives a curt nod, Arthur has a point, he just instinctually feels his nerves on end with such a question.

“My mother, obviously.” Merlin’s voice becomes much quieter as he continues, “Gaius,”

Obviously, Arthur thinks.

“And Lancelot.”

God does that one sting. For Merlin to trust someone else more than him. The prince does his best to keep his emotions off his face.

“Okay, that’s enough questions for today. I already have enough thinking to do.” Arthur rubs his temple with one hand.

“Right,” Merlin clears his throat sheepishly, “Should I ready the hor-”

“Wait,” Arthur calls out as Merlin stands up. The servant looks to him. “There’s one more thing.”

Arthur pulls his sword out and Merlin’s heart all but stops in his chest. It’s impossible to not notice the boy’s reaction but Arthur shoves his feelings down for the moment.

“Here,” Arthur walks over and holds out his sword sideways, handing it to Merlin safely.

Merlin cautiously takes it in his hands, keeping it sideways as he was given it. He watches dumbfoundedly as Arthur pulls his chainmail over his head.

The prince kneels on both knees, Merlin nearly drops the sword in shock.

“I need to tell you something. And If you want to run me through, know I will not hold it against you.”

Merlin’s heart is pumping in his ears, there’s nothing Arthur could say that would have Merlin genuinely want to kill him, but what the hell is going on?

“While you were knocked out, with all the flowers,” Arthur gestures to the mouth of the cave in the direction they had come from last night. “I- to wake you up. I didn’t know what to do. I mean I knew it had to be the curse so… I left some marks on your neck. And I kissed your mouth while you were knocked out.”

Merlin blinks owlishly at him as if expecting for Arthur to continue.

Arthur stares back for a few moments before realizing Merlin isn’t going to say anything.

“I did that- without your permission.” Arthur’s voice is laced with shame and trepidation, unsure how the sorcerer will react.

Merlin blinks again and looks down at the sword in his hands then back to the prince.

Merlin almost laughs at the absurdity of the situation but stops himself at the last moment. Arthur and his righteous nobility, the prat knows he doesn’t need a sword to hurt him, but the act of deliberately handing Merlin a weapon is not lost on the warlock.

“Arthur, it’s fine. I would have done the same thing if our positions were reversed.” Merlin answers tentatively.

“Merlin I-”

“Arthur, I assure you it’s okay, it’s kinda like that sleep chapter in the book, I’m okay with it I promise.” Merlin pauses looking the prince up and down before continuing, “Now, as much as I don’t mind seeing you on your knees-”

Arthur can’t stop his smile, he scoffs and rolls his eyes but he gets back to his feet. “Cheeky brat.”

Arthur supposes in a sense the situation was similar to one of the kinks they have previously discussed, but he isn’t foolish enough to assume that they are one and the same. He still feels guilty for doing such a thing. Even if Merlin consented, it was still afterwards, it makes him feel rather ill.

Merlin hands the prince back his sword and there is an unspoken understanding of the trust such an action takes between them. Though they both know there is still a long way to go.

Merlin turns to ready the horse with a nod of his head.

Arthur doesn’t even notice how he watches Merlin’s hips sway as he leaves.

The prince readorns his armor as best he can before picking up his cape and tying it back around his neck.

Merlin is petting the mare as Arthur approaches them.

The servant doesn’t turn around as he hears the prince approach. “You shouldn’t push her too hard on the trek back, she’s still rather tired from your venture out here.”

“How can you tell? She looks fine to me.” Arthur says warily as he approaches.

There’s a slight hesitation before Merlin answers, “I can just tell.”

Arthur stops suddenly in his approach, “Can you talk to animals?”

Merlin can’t help his snort, “No. Well…”

Arthur’s eyes go wide with surprise and disbelief as his servant trails off slightly.

“It’s not so much talking,” Merlin turns his head towards Arthur, “it’s more… I can just feel what they are feeling I suppose." His tone is wistful.

“That’s-” Arthur doesn’t even know what to call that. Strange? Useful? Not evil sounding?

When he doesn’t finish Merlin turns back around to the horse before speaking quietly, “Arthur, magic… it isn’t all bad. There is so much good in it. You’ve just been the subject of so many attacks, you have no idea the good magic can bring.”

As much as Merlin wants to explain the goodness in magic, he knows Arthur needs to come to that realization on his own. Merlin won’t try to sway his opinion, but if given the opportunity he will show Arthur that there are positives to it, but he will not try to sway the prince, it is up to Arthur to come to his own conclusion.

The sadness in Merlin’s voice sends a small pang through the prince’s chest. But it’s not as if he can just change his opinion on magic based on one person. Perhaps Merlin is an exception, or perhaps that’s just Arthur’s bias showing.

“Right,” Arthur draws out, not knowing how to respond to that. He clears his throat, “Well, we best get a move on.”

Merlin takes a step aside allowing Arthur to mount up. It’s as Arthur sits down he and Merlin both come to a realization they would have made much earlier had their minds not already been preoccupied with other thoughts.

There’s only one horse.

Merlin stands there awkwardly fiddling with the bridle.

Clearly a dastardly embodiment of sorcerery. Arthur rolls his eyes before holding his hand out to his servant.

“Come on.”

Merlin looks between his hand and the horse before placing his own hand in the prince’s.

By his posturing it’s clear Merlin is going to try to ride behind Arthur. As if the prince would ever let him do that.

With a tug of his arm, Merlin saddles in front of him. Thankfully the servant doesn’t say anything about it.

With his servant's back against his chest, Arthur slides his arms around Merlin and takes the reins into his hands, bracketing the slimmer man between his arms.

Merlin is tense as he brings his hands to the pommel (front part of the saddle) for something to hold on to.

Arthur clicks the horse into a gentle canter, the movement causes Merlin to fall back into his chest ever so slightly but neither say anything.

It takes a while for Merlin to be able to relax, he’s rarely shared a horse before and with everything that has transpired between him and Arthur, he feels a bit tactless.

Eventually, he is able to relax though, the sun warming the cool air around them. He feels a bit guilty but the protection he is able to find with Arthur’s arms around him is solacing. He relaxes further against the prince. He doesn’t say anything but he readjusts his grip on the reins, bringing his arms tighter around Merlin’s relaxed frame.

It isn’t until they’re more than halfway to the city that Merlin breaks the silence. And thank god because even in his armor Arthur can still feel the pressure of Merlin’s arse rubbing against his groin.



“I just uhm- before we get back,” Arthur watches as the tips of Merlin’s ears tint red. “About- about the spell, how should… Do you…?” Merlin prattles, tripping over his words as he tries to get the question out.

Thankfully Arthur understands what he is trying to say. “We will continue as before.” He answers confidently, a contrast to the blush forming on his cheeks, thankfully though with their positioning Merlin can’t see him.

Merlin looks down to his hands a bit shyly before nodding his head.

“That is,” Arthur continues, “of course only if you’d like to.”

“Yes!” Merlin answers much too eagerly, but thankfully the prince is a bit daft. The warlock clears his throat “Yes, uhm that would be the easiest.”

“My thoughts exactly!” Arthur answers much too enthusiastically.

“You’re okay with that?” Merlin turns around just enough so he can catch Arthur’s eyes. “Knowing that I’m… that I have…”

“Yes Merlin, I’m okay with it.” Arthur answers seriously, holding his servant's gaze.

Merlin turns around as tears form in his eyes.

They ride the rest of the way back in silence, each lost in their own thoughts.

As they arrive to the citadel the knights are just starting their evening practice, currently being led by Leon.

Arthur is quick to dismount, “Merlin once you pout my horse away I expect you to clean my chambers.” he says as if trying not to smile.

“Right.” Merlin has to fight down his own smile, he hadn’t thought he’d be able to ever do such a task again.

Arthur trots over to the knights, having a brief word with his inner circle of knights about the situation before taking over their training.

Merlin is quick to stable Arthur’s mare before having an emotional reunion with Gaius filled with happy tears and hugs.

Then, Merlin makes his way to the prince’s chambers, eager to do a good cleaning to show Arthur that he won’t regret his decision.

That is until Merlin opens the door to find Arthur’s chambers in utter disrepair, splinters of wood and fractals of glass are scattered along the floor, there are feathers everywhere, even the bedpost is broken beyond belief, void of its mattress. Well that explains the feathers.

It’s only a few hours later that Arthur enters his chambers. He’s a few steps in before it hits him, Merlin is scrubbing at the floor, the perfectly cleared floor. On top of which, lays his perfectly made bed, a desk with a stack of parchment for him to look through, along with all of his regular furniture.


“Yes sire?” The servant doesn’t look up from where he is scrubbing.

Merlin.” Arthur says harsher this time.

“Oh what?” Merlin finally looks up at him, “How else was I supposed to fix that ridiculous mess? It was as if an army of barbarians ransacked the castle and chose to hide all the evidence in your chambers.”

“And if someone saw you?!” Arthur harshly reprimands.

At least Merlin has the forethought to look at least a little sheepish, “I locked the door,” he pouts.

Arthur runs his hand down his face, just another thing to add onto his list of things to think over. And if he’s honest he doesn’t want to argue with Merlin after having just got him back.

“Just, be careful.” Arthur says lamely as he gets into position to have Merlin strip him of his armor.

Merlin stands up, rubbing his hands on his trousers to dry them. “I always am.”

“I somehow seriously doubt that.” Arthur murmurs just loud enough for his servant to hear.

The next day some of the tension fades between them, neither of them bring up the ‘m’ word and it’s unnervingly easy to fall back into their regular routine.

It’s later that night Merlin starts to get antsy about the spell kicking in, he flits around Arthur's chambers tirelessly looking for different tasks to occupy his time. He feels awkward and left-footed as he moves about the chambers. Arthur said they’d go back to how things were but how could they now that he knows? What if he changes his mind, or is so revolted by the new revelation he can’t get it up? Certainly, it must be a deterrent for the prince at the very least. Merlin stumbles over the rug in front of the hearth but manages to stop himself before he actually falls.

Merlin.” Arthur pinches the bridge of his nose from where he sits at his desk. He can certainly understand why Merlin is so on edge after last time but with so many patrols recently Arthur has fallen behind on his paperwork.

“Yes?” Merlin squeaks.

“Come over here.” Arthur waves him over, pushing his parchments to the side of his desk.

Merlin waddles his way over fiddling with the sleeves of his shirt.


Arthur just stares at him, looking him over enjoying how the flames of the hearth illuminate him, solely to have his servant start squirming. Arthur wants to do something a bit less advanced with all the events as of late. And with all the work he still has to get done, well, it’s a perfect opportunity to try out something he has wanted to try long before the spell ever hit Merlin.

Arthur stands up as he speaks “Stay here. Take off your jacket and neckerchief.”

Merlin quickly gets to work, butterflies of apprehension and arousal fighting for control in his stomach. He slinks his jacket off and unties his neckerchief, letting both fall to the floor. He feels so much more vulnerable now that Arthur knows, it’s truly as if Arthur can see all of him now.

Arthur drags over an armless chair from his dining table and swaps it with his desk chair. Merlin watches curiously as Arthur settles his dining chair at his desk.

However Arthur doesn’t sit down, instead he steps over to Merlin, being mindful not to step on his discarded clothing. He takes Merlin’s chin in his hand, Merlin’s breath stutters as tiny explosions of arousal spark through him.

“It’s okay,” Arthur soothes as he brings his face right in front of his servants, “I’ll take care of you, I’ll make sure it doesn’t happen again.” It goes without saying that the prince is referring to Merlin’s passing out from the pain. Hopefully, the statement is vague enough for Merlin to not know the true emotions that lay behind such a statement.

Merlin’s throat bobs as he swallows, he nods his head, eyes not leaving Arthur’s lips.

Arthur brings his lips down on Merlin’s softly, the servant immediately winds his hand in the back of Arthur’s hair as he eagerly reciprocates. Arthur licks his way into Merlin’s mouth earning him a moan that the prince breathes into his lungs. Arthur brings a hand to the back of Merlin’s neck and his other to the boy’s hips, slipping under his shirt as he pulls their bodies together. Merlin is quick to grind forward against Arthur, the servant’s erection already making an eager appearance.

Arthur stumbles the few steps over to his desk while pulling his servant along, Merlin nearly topples over but Arthur’s hand on his hip is able to right him. Arthur pulls back, their breath is hot between them, Merlin’s eyes are glazed and his pupils are blown wide.

“Stay.” Arthur commands as he sinks to his knees, mindful of the chair behind him, but he doesn’t remove his hand from Merlin’s waist.

Merlin’s heart rate picks up as the prince kneels in front of him, the light from the hearth casting his hair in a golden sheen of light. The prince smirks up at him cockily before squeezing his hip ever so slightly. Merlin has to ball his hands into fists to stop himself from reaching out and touching Arthur’s hair.

Arthur uses his free hand to easily unlace Merlin’s boots before using both hands to remove them from the servant’s feet. Merlin wiggles his socked toes and Arthur can’t help but softly chuckle.

The prince tosses the boots to the wayside before slowly rising back up, dragging his hands up Merlin’s outer thighs.

Arthur can feel as the desire is pumped through his body, it's warm and coiled tight, ready to pounce. But he takes his time, he’s going to enjoy this.

The prince slots a leg between Merlin’s and brings his lips to his servant’s neck, adding a few more marks. The boy can’t forget who he belongs to, even if he doesn’t have his collar anymore.

“Arthur,” Merlin whines breathily as he grinds against Arthur’s leg.

“Hmm?” Arthur hums teasingly into the crook of the younger’s neck.

“Please,” Merlin breathes as he gently pushes the crown of his head against Arthur's temple.

Arthur pulls back a bit, raising an eyebrow in question as he runs his thumb across Merlin’s bottom lip, “Please?”

“Just,” Merlin’s face is flush, his chest rising fast with quick breaths. He thought he’d never be able to be with Arthur like this again, never be able to touch him, to be touched. He’s going to relish anything Arthur is willing to give him. His tongue pokes out in a kitten lick against the blonde’s calloused thumb. “Touch me, please.” He nips at Arthur’s thumb as his hands come to Arthur’s waist in an attempt to pull them closer, though they are already pressed against one another.

Arthur slides his thumb just past Merlin’s bottom teeth and holds his mouth open for a moment, Merlin’s tongue slides over the digit and Arthur feels his patience slipping.

The prince brings his mouth back to Merlin’s winding their tongues together in perfervid fiery motions.

“Turn around.” Arthur rumbles into the boy's mouth. Merlin follows the command eagerly.

“Hands on the desk,” Arthur says as he brings his hands back to Merlin’s hips.

Merlin splays his palms against the wood, it’s cool against his fevered hands. Arthur’s hand pushes him down until his chest is flush with the desk, the smell of ink and parchment is strong in his nose.

Arthur reaches around the boy to tie his breeches before pulling them and his smalls down in one fell swoop.

“Step out of them.” Arthur demands as he steps on the fabric to assist his servant, all the while his gaze doesn't leave Merlin’s pale and pert arse.

Merlin wiggles his way out of his bottom clothes, Arthur kicks them away.

God how can someone be so arousing every single time. Arthur grips at Merlin’s arse and the servant keens, pushing back into his touch.

“God you look so good like this, displayed so nicely for me.” Arthur purs as he kneads Merlin’s arse, enjoying how the firm globes feel in his hands. “You’ll look even better once I’m stuffing your little hole with my prick.” His voice rumbles.

Merlin whines and pushes back harsher into his grip, clearly starting to get impatient. Well, that certainly won’t do with what Arthur has planned.

Tsk tsk” Arthur clicks his tongue as he pulls out the vial of oil from his pocket. “You aren’t getting impatient, are you?” Arthur reprimands.

There’s a guilty pause before Merlin answers smally, “no.”

Hmm, I didn't think so.” Arthur uncorks the vial with his teeth before sweating his fingers.

He tubs at Merlin’s furl, getting it nice and slick before prodding a finger in. Merlin’s groan is low and wanton.

It doesn’t take long for Merlin to be rocking back against three of Arthur’s fingers as oil seeps from his hole and trickles down his thighs.

“Fuck, look how nice and open you are for me now,” Arthur curls his fingers causing the sorcerer to yelp in pleasure.

Please Arthur,” Merlin whimpers.

Christ, Arthur loves when he whimpers so needily like that.

Arthur pulls the chain in from behind him and takes a seat just behind Merlin. “Stand up.”

A frustrated sound comes from Merlin and Arthur has to fight down a smile. But the servant does stand and turn around, though it causes more oil to slide down his thighs. Unsurprising Merlin’s prick is flushed and leaking wantonly.

Arthur stares for a moment too long and Merlin starts to squirm.

“It’s a bit cold don’t you think?” Arthur asks.

Merlin’s eyes dart over to the hearth then back to Arthur. “Do you want to me add another-”

“No-” Arthur chuckles before clearing his throat. “No, I fear it’s only one part that isn’t quite warm enough.” Arthur rubs the heel of his hand against his tented trousers.

The prince can see the understanding wash over Merlin’s face. “I see,” Merlin purrs as he hungrily watches Arthur fondle himself. “Well, it is my duty to make my master as comfortable as possible.”

“If only you were so ardent about your other tasks.” Arthur quips. He wraps his fingers around his clothed erection giving a performative tug as tosses his head back with a gravelly moan.

“Well,” Merlin’s voice breaks, “I should make up for it then, by performing this task to the best of my ability, sire.” Merlin looks at him through his lashes, eyes lidded with palpable lust.

“Well then,” Arthur pulls down his trousers just enough to drag out his cock and bollocks from their confines. “Best get to work then hmm?”

Merlin takes the step needed to reach Arthur before straddling the prince’s pelvis, Arthur’s sturdy hands guide him with gentle movements.

Merlin’s eyes are hazy as he looks down trying to line himself up. Arthur moves one of his hands under the boy’s chin and the other to his own cock to help in lining up.

“Eyes on me,” Arthur murmurs as he brings Merlin’s face to his before devouring Merlin’s mouth again, though they keep their eyes open and lidded, Arthur needs to see the light..

Merlin’s breath hitches as Arthur’s cock breaches him. Arthur groans hotly into the servant’s mouth. The wet heat is so intoxicating Arthur has to still his lips against Merlin’s.

Shit.” Arthur hisses as Merlin slides down his length until he’s bottomed out, Arthur moves his hands to Merlin's waist to guide him down.

Merlin’s pants cascade across Arthur’s face, his plush lips are parted, his cheeks such a pretty red and his brow pinched in pleasure.

Arthur tightens his hold on Merlin to a bruising extent to keep himself from thrusting upwards into his euphoric tightness.

Merlin goes to move but Arthur pushes him back down, they both groan at the feeling.

“Don’t move.” Arthur grits out. “It is your task to warm my cock, that is all.”

Merlin’s expression dances between disbelief and frustration. “Arthur- you can’t-.”

“But I can.” Arthur brings his hand back to Merlin’s chin and grips firmly, “I can do whatever I want with you, if I want you to sit here and warm my cock then you will. Do you understand?” He growls out. Though they both know Merlin can use their word at any moment if he so desires.

Merlin pouts and gives him puppy dog eyes that nearly have Arthur caving, nearly. It’s then Merlin’s eyes flash pink. Interesting, Arthur thinks.

Merlin sighs in petulant exasperation, “If I’m good for my master,” he drawls as he tightens his muscles around Arthur’s cock, the prince sucks in heavy breath at the sensation, “can I be promised a reward?”

Arthur thinks it over as he takes Merlin in. His shirt is just long enough to cover his cock but it’s damp with spots of precum, the hearth backlights him beautifully, he manages to somehow look both wanton and obstinate at the same time. It’s easy to forget he is a sorcerer like this.

“If you’re good I’ll think about it.” Arthur answers impassively, “Now, If you don’t mind I have some more parchments to read over.” He doesn’t manage to hide his snarky smile.

Merlin tucks his head into the crook of Arthur's neck not only to give Arthur access to his desk but to hide how turned on he is by this, by being used by the prince. He wants nothing more in that moment than to start rocking up and down on the prince’s cock, to just take what he wants and fuck the repercussions. But gods Arthur using him like this makes that fuzzy feeling in his head fully envelop him until there’s almost no thoughts in his head, just a warm tingly feeling.

Arthur grabs a parchment and starts to look over it. And by looking over it he means reading the same sentence three times because he can’t focus. As much as he tries to ignore the servant, Merlin keeps twitching around him, and his breath is so hot against his neck.<

After a particularly intense twitch Arthur growls a warning, “Merlin.” It takes a lot of self discipline to not give in.

“Can’t help it,” Merlin whines breathily and pitched up, “feels so good, so good being so good for you Arthur,” the servant nuzzles into Arthur’s neck, “ ‘wan be good for you but feels too good.” Merlin lifts his hips ever so slightly before lowering back down. “Fills me up so good.”

Fucking Christ allmighty. “Merlin?” Arthur asks gently, “Can you look at me?”

Merlin pulls away from his neck and sure enough, his eyes are dazed he has a faraway look about him.

Arthur drops the parchment for a moment to run his hands down Merlin’s sides, slipping under his shirt. “You’re being so good for me,” he coos, “but you have to stay still. I have work to get done, I promise we’ll continue once I get just one more parchment done.” Arthur says as if he’s gotten through even one.

Merlin’s lip quivers but he acquiesces, returning to his previous spot. The movement has Arthur’s cock shifting inside Merlin and the prince can’t help but groan, Merlin replies with a needy whine.

Arthur is able to get through the first paragraph of the parchment, talking about how fertile their fields have been this year when Merlin starts squirming on his lap. His muscles clenching and throbbing around Arthur’s cock. God maybe if he hadn’t been imagining this for years he would be more resilient, but Merlin being put in his palace, properly used by Arthur. Using his heat to please the prince while he goes about his duties not paying the servant any mind as his hole is stretched around his royal prick.

Arthur can feel the warmth of Merlin’s thighs through his own trousers, the way his legs twitch as he fights to not move.

It only lasts for a few more moments though until Merlin tries to subtly shift his hips higher and then lower, Merlin gives little closed mouth moans at the feeling of finally getting some friction. Arthur allows him to get away with it a few times because it just feels so good.

“That’s it.” Arthur snarls, grabbing Merlin’s hair and pulling them face to face. Merlin yelps at the tug. “You fucking asked for this.”

Merlin doesn’t even try to hide his smirk, it only fuels Arthur more.

Arthur stands up abruptly and the movement forces Merlin to slide off his cock, now not in the heat is his servant, does feel cool.

The prince manhandles Merlin, forcing him to turn before bending him over the desk, Merlin hits the surface with a little ‘oof’ but he is quick to moan whorishly as Arthur enters him in a quick thrust of his hips. He doesn’t give the boy any time to adjust as he’s already had plenty of time. Merlin’s feet scramble to find purchase at the new shift of position but Arthur is already ramming his cock in and out of him. Merlin can’t tell up from down with the fuzziness in his head all he can register is Arthur and the pure ecstasy as he is fucked so thoroughly and fully.

Merlin’s moans and whimpers are loud and fill Arthur’s chambers but the prince just pistons his hips harder, forcing each obscene sound out of his sorcerer. “You will learn to fucking behave.” Arthur pulls on Merlin’s hair, causing the boy to arch his back.

“Ah yes Arthur nngh ah so- ah so good fuck,”

“You think you get to service me and fucking misbehave? I’ll fucking teach you. Don’t- ngh Don’t think this is your punishment it- it’s not even close.”

Arthur’s thrusts are strong and rigorous as he fucks into his servant. The front of his thighs meet Merlin’s repeatedly as he pulls the raven back against each powerful thrust.

Merlin’s cock is just missing the contact of the desk as Arthur pulls him back into each movement and Merlin cries out that he needs more, that he needs to touch his cock but Arthur only increases his pace to a frantic speed refusing the younger’s cock any sort of relief.

“Only good boys get to cum.” Arthur grunts as he shoves his cock into Merlin’s arse over and over again.

Merlin is only able to get out a few ‘uh, uh, uh’s before getting enough reprieve to form words.

Please” Merlin cries as he writhes against Arthur “Please I- I can't,”

“Fucking spoiled brat.” Arthur snarls as he reaches around Merlin.

It only takes a few pumps of his hand before Merlin’s cum decorates the floor of Arthur’s chambers.

Merlin’s muscles spasm as his orgasm wracks through his body. Merlin clenching down is all Arthur needs before he’s spilling hot seed into his manservant.

Arthur lies down on Merlin’s back, pushing the smaller further into the desk, but they both just stay there, panting heavily as they come down from their highs.

Arthur is the first to recover, he slides off and out of Merlin, he watches perversely as his cum dribbles out of his servant.



Arthur chuckles before tucking himself back into his trousers. “Stay there, I’ll clean up.”


Arthur makes quick work of cleaning him and Merlin up. Though it takes Merlin longer than usual to come out of his blissed-out state, even then Arthur doesn’t think he’s fully back yet.

Arthur helps Merlin stand up but the boy's legs give out under his weight.

“I got you.” Arthur grunts as he catches Merlin’s weight, hands under the servant’s underarms.

“Sorry,” Merlin sleepily apologizes.

“I’m sorry,” Arthur replies as he hauls Merlin to the bed. “I was a bit rough.”

Nn was s’good.”

Arthur snorts before he carefully helps Merlin onto the bed. “You’re staying here tonight.”

M’kay.” Merlin nuzzles into the pillow which smells just like Arthur.

Arthur is assaulted by another unexpected wave of fondness and adoration for the servant. He must have been staring at the boy too long because Merlin reaches out and grabs a weak handful of Arthur’s tunic and tries dragging him onto the bed.

Arthur puts his hand over Merlin’s. “I have to get changed.”

“Hurry.” Merlin half sighs half breathes.

Arthur moves to change, he enters the bed only adorning a pair of trousers, though he brings the matching white shirt with him.

“Merlin,” Arthur murmurs.

Hmm?” The servant cracks his eyes open.

“Lift your arms.”

Merlin sighs as if he has been given the most taxing task ever but he lifts his noodly arms. Arthur is quick to change the raven’s shirt for his, but it still leaves him without any bottoms. And if that is a choice Arthur purposefully made well, Merlin doesn’t ask so why would anyone else?

Arthur maneuvers both of them under the covers. With little to no help from Merlin. Though the servant is uncharacteristically quick to snuggle right up to the prince.

“Thanks Art’er, g’night.” Merlin slurs before his body fully relaxes against Arthur’s.

Arthur chuckles, “Goodnight Merlin.”

The prince tightens his hold on the servant. He can do this, they can do this. A few small steps at a time. They’ll figure everything out.

Arthur snuffles his nose into Merlin’s soft hair, thoughts of his servant’s punishment fill his mind until he succumbs to sleep.

Merlin’s final rating: 9

Chapter End Notes

Expect the next update by Tuesday at the latest! (And then after that we'll most likely move to Friday or Saturday... probably, I have no idea have I'm doing lmao) <3

This kink may reappear again in a future chapter, I wanna give it some more time to shine lol.

I'm so excited for the next chapter, it'll be a good one~! Merlin will be getting his next punishment from Arthur~.

Also the land is extra fertile thanks to Merlin’s recent activities lmao.

As always thank you guys so much for your kudos, comments, bookmarks, subscriptions and reads! It means the world to me! <3


Chapter Notes

Oh bby I’ve been waitin for this one.

ALRIGHT PEOPLE I need to give a massive shoutout to xenioshelios on tumblr for this this fanart of the scene where Arthur finds Merlin in the field of forget-me-not’s. I can’t stop looking at it and just asdfhjleb.

That being said if any of you make any fanart or anything related to this fic, even like an edit with a song you found from one of my playlists, I would freaking love to see it. Feel free to message me on Tumblr or TikTok or even just @ me on your post, I can assure you I will cry. (socials are in the bottom notes)

Just a little note for this chapter, for those who haven’t watched the show in a bit I just want to remind you that Cedric is the ‘servant’ from the Cornelius Sigan episode where he tries to take Merlin’s job, he’s very briefly mentioned in this chapter lol.

Again a huge thanks to xenioshelios for that amazing fanart I can’t express how much I appreciate you taking the time to make fanart of this story. <3

Spicy music if you'd like to listen during the smut:

The act of using bindings
to restrict a person’s movements
during sexual stimulation.
Take care that there is no constriction
to the participant’s blood flow.

Merlin’s initial rating: 6.5

The next day has Arthur properly focusing on his paperwork. Though thoughts of the prior night's activities keep slipping their way into his thoughts, how nice it would be to have Merlin sat on him again, though truly Arthur knows he would never get any work done that way.

It’s then George knocks on the door. Arthur knows it’s the servant as Merlin would never knock and he had sent for the bland man merely moments ago.

“Enter.” Arthur calls out as he places his parchment down.

The man walks in and bows at the waist as the door shuts behind him. “You called for me sire?”

“Yes. I have a request, and I can only ask it of you as I know you will not gossip to the other servants.”

“Of course sire!” The man eagerly replies, he’s filled with a sense of pride at having earned the prince’s utmost trust. And he wouldn’t dare break it now. He’s always been loyal to the royal family and that isn’t going to change any time soon.

“I need you to get me something. And I need it by tomorrow at midday.”

The previous day had been odd to say the least, at least for Merlin. He had been still precariously walking on eggshells around Arthur, afraid the prince might change his mind about the whole magic incident. So when Arthur had given him the later half of the day off, Merlin had been anxiously keeping himself busy with menial tasks for Gaius, worried that Arthur was going to change his mind and banish him, or worse tell Uther.

They still hadn’t talked about it very much, at least not in depth. And the half day Merlin had been in the presence of the prince, Arthur had been doing paperwork that he surely should have finished the night before. And Merlin isn’t going to go out of his way to bring anything magic-related up, he understands that Arthur needs time to think things over. So he’ll wait until the prince is ready to ask more questions. They still have so much to talk about.

Arthur did say it was okay, though Merlin knows he didn't mean it was literally okay, it was more of an ‘I am not going to kill you’ kind of okay. So when nothing came of it last night or this morning Merlin couldn’t help but be on edge. And today Arthur has been in meetings almost all day, catching up on things he had missed during their recent outings.

At least it’s a rainy day, otherwise, Merlin would be on the receiving end of Arthur’s frustration at having to miss knight training. Merlin looks to the window from where he is sat on the prince’s chamber floor polishing armor, it’s not so much as rain anymore, more like a cloudy misting. With the cooler weather, Merlin tends to do whatever chores he can in the prince’s chambers as it’s one of the warmest rooms in the castle. That and the armory is one of the coldest, no other reason, certainly not to spend more time with the prat.

A knock at the door startles Merlin so badly he nearly drops the vambrace in his hands. After a deep breath in an attempt to calm his racing heart, he makes to the door.

His smile wavers as he sees who it is.


“Merlin.” The man replies in a deadpan tone.

“Can I help you with something?” Merlin raises an eyebrow.

“No. I am delivering something on special request from the prince himself.” He pompously exults.

It’s then Merlin notices the wooden box in the man’s hold, it’s large enough that he needs both hands to hold it. He drags his gaze back up to the servant’s face, “Arthur asked you to do something for him?” Merlin asks skeptically as he crosses his arms.

“He did. A task he said he could only entrust to me.”

A spike of peeved irritation shoots down Merlin’s spine from the arrogant tone of the other man.

“Well, it must have been because Arthur knew I was so busy with the tasks he gave me.” Merlin lies, “So here, I’ll make sure this gets delivered to him.” Merlin goes to take the box but George takes a step back out of his reach.

“I am afraid he asked for me specifically to do this task for him.” George replies tersely, but his face remains impassive, ever the perfect servant. It just irks Merlin further.

“I can assure you George I am perfectly capable of placing a box on Arthur’s desk.”

“And I am perfectly capable of placing a box on the prince’s desk. Now, if you could step aside.”

Merlin doesn’t miss the way the man drags out Arthur’s title, a silent reprimand for Merlin using the prince’s name.

“I believe, and correct me if I’m wrong George,” Merlin starts, knowing full well he is not wrong, “that as the prince’s manservant I am the second highest ranking servant in the castle, and that I am the only one whose duty it is to report directly to the prince.”

The servant pales a bit at the realization of his blunder. “O-of course, my apologies.” George bows his head as he speaks. How can he ever be the best servant to ever walk these castle halls if he dares talk back to his superiors? He clears his throat before holding out the box, “If you wouldn’t mind delivering this to the prince’s desk.”

“Of course.” Merlin takes the box from him before turning around and closing the door behind him.

Who does George think he is? Doing a job for Arthur when Merlin is perfectly capable. Why would Arthur even ask George to do something for him? It stings to think about the possibility that Arthur doesn’t trust Merlin as he did before, but that doesn’t explain why he’d go to George. And what could possibly be too difficult for Merlin to do? The box isn’t even particularly heavy. He places it down on the desk.

He stares at it for a moment, then turns around to peek at the door, then back around at the box. He carefully unlatches the lid to see what has Arthur requesting George’s services.

It takes Merlin a moment to process what he’s looking at. It’s…rope? But it’s dyed red. Why on earth would someone waste materials to dye rope?

It’s then the handle on the door clicks and Merlin quickly shuts the box. There’s the sound of the door opening followed by a resigned sigh.

“Why am I not surprised to find my servant not only not doing his duty but that my armor is only half polished and scattered along the floor?”

“I’ll have you know,” Merlin spins on his heel to face the prince, “I was just placing down George’s delivery.”

It’s impossible not to notice how Arthur’s demeanor instantly brightens.

A grudging uneasiness settles into Merlin’s stomach as Arthur approaches the desk. “And just what exactly has you requesting George’s services?” He can’t help but ask.

Arthur stops his movement, hand resting on the lid of the box. The prince tries to fight off his smirk but based off Merlin's scowl he must not be successful. “Merlin, it almost sounds as if you’re jealous.”

Even if he never admits it out loud Arthur knows the pride Merlin takes in his position, ever since that incident with Cedric and the man tried to swipe Merlin’s job. It’s so strange to think about now, that Merlin, a sorcerer, is so resolute on being his servant. He shoves that thought away for now.

“I am most certainly not.” Merlin guffaws as his cheeks tint a telling pink. “And you didn't even answer my question. What’s even in there?” He does his best to change the subject.

“I am the prince of Camelot,” Arthur turns to the side so he is fully facing Merlin, “I do not have to answer to you.”

Merlin’s jaw sets stubbornly but he doesn’t try again, instead, he walks back over to the armor on the floor and gets back to work.

Arthur is about to open the box when he pauses. That was far too easy.

Merlin.” The prince drawls, turning his head to look at the boy.

“Yes sire?” Merlin answers dully, not looking up from his work.

“Did you look inside?”

Arthur does not miss the way Merlin’s polishing stops, even if it’s almost imperceivable.

“No.” Merlin answers still not looking up.

This utter tart. Well, good to know he’s still a bad liar in regards to anything non-magical.

When Arthur doesn’t reply Merlin risks a peek up but Arthur has his back to him now, looking into the box.

The prince closes it and places the box on his nightstand before settling in at his desk to look through more paperwork. Usually, he’d be pissed that he’s had to miss knight practice due to the weather but thoughts of how his night will go fill him with a giddiness that leaves him in a rather pleasant mood. That and having Merlin in his chambers where he can keep an eye on the idiot, he doesn’t have to worry about his servant getting caught using magic.

It’s a few hours later that Merlin brings the prince his dinner. It’s a bit earlier than typical but Arthur had requested as much.

Merlin fiddles about the chambers doing his evening tasks. They make small talk as Arthur eats his dinner, the prince catching Merlin up to speed on how his meetings went and Merlin filling the prince in on the most recent castle gossip.

Once he’s finished Arthur has Merlin bring down his plates. He watches as Merlin cleans up and makes his way out the door. It’s then the prince starts to enact his plan.

The moment the door is fully closed Arthur shoots out of his chair, not bothering to push it back in. He dashes over to his bedside table and opens the box that has been tantalizingly sitting there all evening. He pulls out a strand of rope, it’s smooth in his hands, not quite pendragon red, it’s a little darker but it will still do perfectly. While not as dense as the rope they use for the horses it is still well thick enough. He wraps it loosely around his forearm as he paces over to the door.

Rather than walking through the threshold, he presses himself against the wall that flanks the entrance.

And he waits.

It isn’t long until Merlin makes his way back into the prince’s chambers, he’s only a few steps in when he pauses, not seeing the prince anywhere. But before he can even worry, Arthur pounces.

The prince attacks his servant, tackling the fool to the ground in a strange half-tackle half-hug. Merlin yelps as Arthur ambushes him, he meets the ground with an ‘oof’. The boy thrashes but he is no match against Arthur in physical strength.

“Arthur!” Merlin shouts, “What the hell is wrong with you?!”

Even with all his wriggling Arthur is able to pin his servant down. He straddles the younger’s arse as he restrains the boy’s hands by wrapping his own hands around his slim wrists. He slides Merlin’s hands above his head, Arthur’s chest coming to rest against his servant’s back.

“Don’t tell me you forgot about your punishment.” Arthur snickers against Merlin’s ear.

The servant’s heart skips an excited beat as he realizes what is happening, though it makes him no less annoyed he was quite literally just ambushed by the prat.

Merlin stills under him for a moment while he contemplates the prince’s words but he’s quick to start squirming again. “Arthur you quite literally just ambushed me! In your own chambers!”

The servant’s wriggling has his arse rubbing against Arthur’s groin and the prince has no doubt Merlin knows what he is doing.

“I did.” Arthur answers easily as if it’s taking no effort to hold his servant down. He adjusts his grip on Merlin’s wrists to hold them with one hand, the other coming to untie his neckerchief.

“No person in their right mind would attack a servant like this!” Merlin continues to wiggle, making sure to push his hips back into Arthur.

Arthur doesn’t even have to look at his face, he can hear it in Merlin’s voice, his attempt to hide his smile. The deviant.

“Perhaps,” Arthur says as Merlin’s neckerchief comes loose, “But we both know that you are not a servant, but my servant.” He rumbles into the boy's now bare neck.

“Well, I certainly know you’re not right in the mind.” Merlin cheekily retorts.

The quip earns him a particularly rough nip to the juncture of his neck.

“The more you misbehave the more you’ll regret it later.” Arthur warns as he laves his tongue over the spot he just bit as he grinds his hips down into Merlin’s arse.

“Is that a promise?”

“Feeling particularly cheeky today are we?” Arthur asks but he continues before Merlin can answer, “It’s alright, it’ll be just that much better when I have you begging for me to fuck my cock into you later, when those pretty eyes of yours fill with tears as your want becomes unbearably onerous.”

“Of please,” Merlin faux pas, doing his best to not think about how Arthur just called his eyes pretty, “I’m made of sterner stuff.”

Arthur balefully chuckles and tightens his grip on Merlin’s hands, “We’ll see about that.” He brings his free hand to the bottom of Merlin's jacket. “Keep your hands there.” Arthur gives them a squeeze for emphasis.

The prince lets go of his servant’s hands so he can use both of his hands to get the boy's jacket off, Merlin however has other ideas. The moment his hands are released he brings them down to his sides as he uses his elbows to push against Arthur's legs trying to get the brute off of him.

A flare of excitement shoots through Arthur at Merlin’s fight, the prince always loves a good challenge, it’s one of the main reasons he became so fond of the servant. Merlin isn’t just going to roll over belly up for him to walk all over, he makes Arthur work for it, earn it. It makes the reward all the more satisfying.

He grapples with the servant as he tries to escape his hold, but they both know it’s part of the fun, had Merlin actually wanted to escape he would use their word. If his servant wants to be properly punished Arthur will gladly dole out a fitting punishment.

In their scuffle, Arthur is able to get Merlin out of his jacket and shirt yet the servant has managed to flip over, leaving Arthur sat on his stomach. The prince has a knee pressing down on one of Merlin’s forearms while he holds down the servant’s other arm with one hand, the prince’s other hand is gripping tightly at the raven’s hair, pulling his head back and baring his neck. They’re both panting from exertion at this point, teasing arousal thrumming through their veins.

“You know,” Arthur says between breaths, “If you want to be thoroughly punished you just have to ask.” He smirks down at the younger.

Merlin narrows his eyes, “Maybe I would ask if you were actually capable of fucking me properly.” His words have no actual bite, they both know he is just trying to rile the prince up.

“Oh Merlin, I don't think you could have said anything more damning given the situation.” Excitement sparkles in Arthur’s lidded eyes, he bends his head down to his own forearm, takes the loosely wound rope between his teeth and yanks it, the motion causes the binding to unravel.

Merlin’s not sure he’s ever seen anything as arousing, he does his best to burn the memory into his mind.

Arthur smirks knowingly before letting go of his hair and instead reaches for the rope. Merlin’s struggle grows a bit apathetic, it’s now more just for show as Arthur ties the rope around his wrist. The prince is quick to overlap Merlin’s second wrist and tie it as well, leaving the servant’s wrists bound in the shape of an ‘x’. The rope is surprisingly smooth against Merlin’s skin, it feels nothing like the rough and frayed rope he so often worked with in Ealdor.

Once finished Arthur lets go of his hands. Merlin immediately tries to get out of the bindings, more so to test Arthur’s skill rather than to actually break out. There’s no budge. Predatory arousal flickers in Arthur’s sternum as he watches his prey helplessly try to escape. The muscles in Merlin’s arms and shoulders flex as he brings his arms above his head, stretching. Arthur admires the pale expanse of Merlin’s chest. Merlin’s eyes flash pink at the realization he can’t physically abscond. Arthur grins menacingly.

“Perfect,” Arthur rumbles, “we have all the time in the world now.”

Merlin swallows harshly as he goes lax under Arthur, knowing there is no way out. His head lolls to the side submissively, Arthur runs his nose against Merlin’s jaw teasingly. Hot breath cascades down Merlin’s neck and clavicle. The servant’s hips twitch but he fights the urge to thrust forward, not wanting to give Arthur the satisfaction.

The prince is quick to haul Merlin up and over to the bed.

Merlin sighs contentedly as his back meets the silky top blanket, much more comfortable than the cobblestone floor. He’s always loved the feel of Arthur’s bedding on his back. Arthur climbs right on top of Merlin, choosing to sit on the boy's stomach again, not wanting to give him any friction by sitting on his groin. Unbeknownst to Merlin, the punishment has already begun.

Arthur takes Merlin’s crossed wrists in one hand and pushes them above his head. “Keep your hands here.” Arthur commands as he releases his hold. But once again Merlin brings his bound hands back down, purely to annoy the prince.

Arthur grips Merlin's hands with one of his own, Arthur’s second hand firmly grasps at his servant’s chin, fingers squishing into the flesh of his cheeks. “You obstinate brat.” Arthur spits, “I should just tie you up like this outside so the whole city can watch as I punish you for such impudence. Let them watch as I teach you a fucking proper lesson.” Arthur harshly lets go of his face.

Merlin successfully fights down the whine that tries to crawl out his throat, but he knows this is a battle of wills and it will take more than some pretty words for him to break. He wiggles his arms fruitlessly as he speaks, “Well, I’d be sure to give them a good show.” Merlin flirtily raises his eyebrows.

“I don’t doubt that,” Arthur lowers his mouth just a hairs distance away from his servants, his free hand gently slides down his sternum in ticklish strokes. “I’m sure the people would love seeing the prince’s surly manservant be put in his place by his master. Unfortunately for them, I think I’ll keep this instance private.” As interesting of an idea as it is, Arthur would rather not have others ogling and what is his.

“Hmm a shame really.”

Merlin,” Arthur warns, “Hold your tongue or I will find another use for that mouth of yours.”

Arthur doesn’t miss the way his servant’s gaze slides down to his erection.

Tsk tsk” Arthur clicks his tongue, “If you think you’ll be rewarded anytime soon with your attitude you are sorely mistaken.” Arthur gives a harsh yank to Merlin’s tied hands before kneeling up on his knees.

He leans forward to reach the box on his nightside table before taking out three separate pieces of rope, two long, one short. Not bothering to move he stretches and starts tying one of the longer ropes around the bedposts adjacent to the headboard.

Merlin stays still as he hears Arthur open the box of rope George had delivered earlier. But as Arthur stretches even further his groin is right in Merlin’s face. Not bothering to worry about the consequences as this is already a punishment he teasingly noses against the bulge in Arthur’s trousers. He can hear his master still for a moment before he starts back up doing whatever he is doing above Merlin’s head.

After a few moments, Merlin encircles the tip of Arthur’s erection in his mouth and laves at it with his tongue through his breeches. The fabric gets saturated enough that Merlin swears he can taste the saltiness of Arthur’s precum. He absentmindedly tries to bring his hands down to untie Arthur’s trousers but finds he can’t move them, the prince must be holding them still.

It’s then Arthur shifts so he is leaning towards the other side of the bed, he has to stretch a bit more and it brings his cock just past Merlin’s nose, so instead the servant starts licking and nuzzling against the prince’s bollocks.

Arthur sucks in a breath at the sensation but otherwise doesn’t say anything. After a moment Merlin feels a rather tight pull on his arms causing him to gasp out at the pleasurable stretch of his muscles, his back arches into the motion instinctively. Little bolts of pleasurable pain tingle down his arms as he’s pulled just past the point of comfort.

“There.” Arthur settles back on his servant’s stomach arrogantly. Merlin makes a show of Arthur being too heavy, earning him an unamused glare from the prince.

“Do your arms feel alright?” Arthur asks, eyeing his knotwork rather proudly. Even though the rope is a shade darker than what he imagined the red still looks unbelievably erotic against Merlin’s alabaster skin.

“Stretched a bit more than I’m used to, but when it comes to you I can’t say it’s a wholly new feeling.”

Arthur twists his mouth trying to stop his smile but fails. Merlin’s mouth quirks up in turn.

“You better start behaving you brat.” Arthur lightly pinches one of Merlin’s nipples before swinging a leg around and getting off his servant.

Merlin gasps at the feeling as embers of pleasure sizzle down his chest to his lower abdomen. He watches curiously as Arthur takes a shorter lengthed rope and slowly makes his way around to the foot of the bed.

The prince places the rope on the bed and undoes Merlin’s boots before sliding them off his feet, quickly followed by his socks. Arthur then reaches up and undoes the servant’s breeches. He slowly eases them down taking care to not accidentally brush Merlin’s cock, he then does the same thing for his smalls, all the while Merlin watches curiously, intrigued by what this punishment could possibly be.

Perhaps because it’s been a while but Merlin is itching to be punished, to be fucked and used by his master properly.

Arthur gently takes Merlin’s ankle in his hand, his thumb brushes over the protruding bone in comforting caresses before he starts tying the rope around it. It feels cool against Merlin’s heated skin. The prince ties it just tight enough where the pressure is unignorable yet not too tight. He then ties the other end around Merlin’s other ankle, leaving about a five inch (12.7cm) give in between each leg.

“Okay?” Artur asks.

Merlin nods.

“Good.” Arthur grins.

The prince grabs the rope connecting Merlin’s ankles and lifts it up as he makes his way back onto the mattress. The closer Arthur gets the more Merlin is practically folded in half, but the prince relents when Merlin’s legs are just past the halfway point, and just before the tip his cock comes in contact with his abdomen.

It’s as Merlin feels his arse become more and more exposed that he realizes that he is fully nude while Arthur is still fully dressed, other than his boots. It has a strange sense of vulnerability settling in his stomach.

“I must say,” Arthur purrs as he lowers Merlin’s legs back down, he moves to kneel next to his servant’s waist. He faces towards the boy but his eyes roam down his body as he takes such an appealing sight in. “You look lovely tied up, just waiting to be used by me. It’s rather tantalizing.”

Merlin flushes at the genuine compliment, the blush spreads down to his chest where it tapers off into a blotchy pattern.

Arthur moves his hands across Merlin’s stomach in gentle strokes, he slowly moves further down where he grips at the boy's hip bones. The servant pushes up into the touch. Arthur bends over and places an opened mouth kiss on the protrusion before sucking harsher, leaving a reddish-purple mark. “So pretty,” the prince murmurs into his skin.

Arthur shifts himself so he is hovering over one of Merlin’s legs, his own leg slots between Merlin’s, though not close enough to his waist for him to find any reprieve.

“Can I ask you something?” Arthur looks up at him through lidded eyes.

Merlin nods as he fights to keep his breathing normal, he doesn’t want to let on how worked up the prince is able to get him with only a few words and touches.

Arthur trails his callused hands up Merlin’s sides gently, being so stretched out Merlin’s ribs are much more prominent than normal, he can feel each ridge under his hands.

“Would you be able to use your magic to get out of this?”

Merlin’s breath stutters at such an unexpected question, his heart instinctively starts being a little faster. Nevertheless, he nods his head, “I could, yes.” Merlin answers truthfully.

Hmm, but you won't.” Arthur states as if he knows it for a fact.

Merlin doesn’t know if he feels happy that Arthur still has some trust in him or exasperated at his willingness to trust someone who he knows has lied to him for so long. Not that Merlin would complain but what if one of his knights had been a magic user, or if someone close to him had planned to use magic against him? He’s almost a little too trusting.

Little does Merlin know that he is the only one Arthur would ever give such a chance to.

Merlin nods again, choosing not to vocalize his answer.

Arthur places some kisses along the side of Merlin’s ribs. It has Merlin twitching at the ticklish feeling. “I have to say, it’s a strange feeling, knowing I have a sorcerer tied up in my bed, willing to give himself to me.”

Merlin blushes deeper at the prince’s words.

“Knowing you could just stop this at any moment if you chose to do so, yet you make the decision to stay here, to let me tie you up, to let me have my way with you however I see fit. It’s a heady power even I, as a prince, am not accustomed to.” Arthur’s teeth graze Merlin’s skin and the sorcerer can feel goosebumps erupt over his body.

“I’m- every part of me is yours Arthur,” Merlin breathes out.

“I know.” Arthur nuzzles Merlin's side softly, “My servant,” Arthur clambers up Merlin’s body back onto his stomach, just far up enough to not touch his prick, “My advisor,” Arthur leans over and presses his chest against Merlin’s landing his mouth on the base of his neck, “My pet,” he runs his tongue over his adams apple, “My sorcerer.” Arthur’s fingers ghost up Merlin’s stretched arms, lighting trails of desire in their wake.

Merlin can’t fight off the chill that runs through his body.

“Like that do you?” Arthur chuckles as he brings his mouth to Merlin’s ear, he nibbles at the cuff. Merlin can’t stop his whine, he pulls against his binds but he can’t move any further.

Arthur brings his face in front of Merlin’s, they stare at each other for a moment simply just looking before he descends on his sorcerer’s mouth, the boy is quick to open for him, invitingly sliding his tongue against Arthur’s.

Arthur groans as he licks into Merlin’s mouth, he brings a hand to Merlin's hair and gives a harsh tug. The prince drinks up the younger’s moan. The building heat of desire starts to become too much and Arthur needs to be touched.

The prince detached from Merlin’s mouth, the boy’s gaze now dazed, lips swollen. Arthur shuffles forward further up Merlin's body until he is midway up his chest. Arthur distributes his weight between his own haunches and Merlin, not wanting to put too much pressure on his servant’s lungs.

Arthur slowly strips off his shirt, making sure to work his muscles as he does so. Merlin watches with a rapt and hungry gaze. The prince takes his time unlacing his trousers and he pulls his cock and bollocks out. Merlin starts to get a bit squirmy under him again.

Arthur gives himself a few lazy strokes, all the while watching Merlin watch him. Arthur runs his hand over the head of his prick so he can spread the precum down his shaft as he strokes back down. He grunts at the feeling.

“If you had behaved last time I could have already been fucking you by now.”

Merlin’s hooded gaze lifts to meet his. “I could be fucking you, telling you that you’re such a good boy for me,” Arthur grabs at Merlin’s hair again, “I could be using you to satisfy my own urges, my needs, I could be pumping you full of my spend right now.” Arthur groans, “But you had to misbehave.”

Merlin whines as he watches Arthur’s hand speed up on himself. He feels his own cock give a valiant spurt of precum that dribbles down his length.

Arthur continues, “I should just cum like this, cover your lips and chest in my finish. Would you like that? For me to remind you who you belong to? To remind you who it fucking is that is in charge? Just like a dog marking its fucking territory, you belong to me Merlin.”

Merlin’s breaths are coming out as pants now as he watches Arthur speed his hand up, twisting ever so slightly as he nears the tip, it has Merlin aching to reach out but the damn rope holds firm.

Shit,” Arthur hisses and Merlin can’t help but whine in response, his hips thrust into the air behind Arthur yet he finds no semblance of relief anywhere.

Merlin lifts his head forward but he still can’t get close enough even if sticks out his tongue, he just wants to taste, wants to be good, and help Arthur feel good. He pulls at the rope again but it only pulls at his arms more. Merlin whines frustratedly and thrashes a bit under him.

The closer Arthur gets the more desire Merlin feels thrumming through his body, each pump of his accelerated pulse sends a throb of want to his aching and leaking prick.

Arthur’s hand tightens further in his hair and Merlin can tell he’s close, the prince’s lips are parted, face flushed, and eyes dark with burning desire as his gaze flits from Merlin’s face to his bound hands above his head.

Fuck Merlin, gonna paint you with my cum, shit.” Arthur’s hand speeds up as he chases his cresting orgasm.

“Don’t you dare open your mouth.” He growls out before pulling roughly at Merlin’s hair.

A pained whine tears from Merlin’s throat at the sensation, pleasant painful tingles dance down his spine.

Merlin’s pained sound pushes Arthur over the edge, his cum spills out onto Merlin’s chest, onto his lips, and his cheek. The prince’s gruff groans of pleasure just have arousal flaring inside Merlin’s chest. He keeps his mouth shut, as he was told, so he can hopefully be able to find his own pleasure soon. The feeling of Arthur’s cum coating him has that fuzzy feeling dancing just outside of his reach.

Arthur’s chest heaves as he milks the last bit of cum out of his prick, all the while his eyes never leave his sorcerer tied up in his bed.

He sits there for a moment before sliding off Merlin. To his pleasure, his servant still doesn’t open his mouth or attempt to lick away any of his cum. Arthur looks him over, a deep primal satisfaction purrs in his stomach at the sight of Merlin so blatantly marked as his. His spent cock gives an interested twitch.

Arthur takes two fingers and runs it through his finish on Merlin’s chest before he brings it to Merlin’s mouth.

“Open,” The prince’s voice is husky.

Merlin eagerly opens his mouth and Arthur obliges the boy, he lets his servant lick and suck at his fingers. They do this quite a few times until all of Arthur’s cum has been lapped up by the raven.

Merlin tries to rub his thighs together over his proud erection but it doesn’t work. Tears of frustration sting his eyes.

“Oh, don’t worry, I haven't forgotten about you.” Arthur coos, “But this is a punishment. We aren’t done just yet.”

Merlin’s stomach sinks.

Arthur finally fully slides off his trousers and tosses them off the side of the bed,

He places a kind hand on Merlin’s cheek, the sorcerer nuzzles into his palm.

Mmm,” Arthur hums pleasantly, “Behaving now I see.”

“Yes,” Merlin’s voice comes out a bit scratchy, “I’ll be good I promise, ‘wanna be good for you.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Arthur bends over Merlin and starts kissing and licking his nipple, Arthur’s hand tweaks the other.

Merlin’s moan rings out through the room as he cants his hips into the air helplessly.

The feeling has shudders rolling through his body. He pushes his chest up into the feeling and he can feel Arthur smile against him.

The prince teases and laps at his nipples until they are red and sore, similar to Merlin’s weeping cock that is begging for attention in fretful twitches. Merlin focuses on breathing out of his nose lest he start yelling at Arthur to get on with it. He really can’t wait much longer.

When Arthur deems himself done with Merlin’s chest the servant relaxes ever so slightly from the reprieve of stimulation.

Arthur works his way down, leaving a path of burning kisses in his wake, his mouth lands at the juncture of Merlin’s leg and groin, when he pulls away Merlin almost sobs.

“Arthur please, I can’t take anymore.”

The prince smiles at him, “Oh please, I know you’re made of sterner stuff than that.” Arthur throws his words back at him.

Merlin growls as he fights against his restraints, the rope digs into his skin but only as much as Merlin pulls. He sighs frustratedly and sends a glare to Arthur.

“It’s not a punishment if you enjoy it, now is it Merlin?”

Merlin sets his jaw, unwilling to condemn himself further.

“Good.” Arthur praises as he moves even further down the boy's body. “Bend your knees.”

Merlin begrudgingly listens.

Arthur chuckles at his pouty expression.

Taking the rope that connects his ankles in his hand Arthur pushes Merlin’s legs to the raven’s chest until Arthur has a perfectly unobstructed view of his entrance.

Arthur gives no warning before he leans in and starts laving at Merlin’s tight furl.

Merlin’s voice breaks in a shout of pleasure as he tries to yank his legs up further in shock but Arthur’s hold on the rope is too strong. The rope pulls at his legs and the sensation of being restricted and forced to endure the pleasure just fans the already blazing desire burning inside him.

Arthur’s tongue is hot and wet against him. Each stroke of his tongue has wanton moans spilling from the servant’s lips. The prince switches between swirling his tongue and rough flat tongued licks across his opening.

Merlin tries to push his hips down but his position and bindings allow such little movement that he finds no extra relief.

“Arthur, please please, I’ll be good I- ah promise please just nngh fuck me please.

Arthur leans back just enough so he can be properly heard, “If I recall correctly Merlin, I am incapable of fucking you properly.”

“I’m sorry!” Merlin cries as his tears of frustration finally spill down his cheeks, “I’m sorry Arthur please I need it need you to fuck me, just touch me please.”

Merlin’s cries have Arthur’s cock quickly filling out again.

Hmm I don’t think you’ve learned your lesson yet.” Arthur says impassively before bringing his mouth back to Merlin’s hole.

Anhg” Merlin’s back arches off the bed “Arthur please fuck.” Merlin throws his head back just to do something. “Please Arthur please.” Merlin sobs and Arthur feels a pang of pity for the boy but another more prominent side of him revels in his whimpers.

Merlin's magic licks at his skin as he tries to hold it in, it’s more eager than ever to escape now that Arthur knows about it. It yearns to reach out and surround the prince but Merlin won’t let it, Arthur’s not ready to see his magic again let alone unprompted.

Arthur slides a finger into Merlin but rather than relief it just furthers his need.

After some thrusting and a lot more please and sobs Arthur adds a third finger. Merlin’s legs tremble under the intense need to find release.

“Arthur!” Merlin shouts, “gods I’m sorry, I’m so sorry please need your cock, need you to touch me please, I lied you fuck me so good, always so good please Arthur please nngh.” Merlin writhes as tears stream down his face, he can taste their saltiness in his mouth and on his lips.

“Since you asked so nicely,” Arthur smirks up at the boy and reaches over to his nightside drawer and pulls out the vial of oils and slicks up his cock.

He pushes Merlin’s legs back again as he pushes into him. With so much preparation Merlin is beyond prepared, but Arthur still takes his time just in case.

Merlin can’t stop his sobs or moans anymore, they’re a mix of relief at being so full and the painful throbbing want of his neglected cock.

As Arthur bottoms out he makes quick work of one of the ties around Merlin’s ankles, allowing his feet to flop down on either side of the prince. Merlin’s legs are quick to wrap around in an attempt to get him to move.

Arthur finally starts thrusting, each movement of his hips becomes more and more powerful until he is slamming in and out of his servant.

Merlin yelps as Arthur brushes against his prostate, there are stars exploding behind his lids but the agonizing throbbing of his cock is just enough to hold off his orgasm.

Merlin savagely fights against the binds around his wrists.

Please.” The word is so broken and prayerful Arthur finds himself reaching and wrapping a hand around Merlin’s prick.

The prince doesn’t even get through the first stroke before Merlin’s cumming all over his own chest and Arthur’s hand with a shout of unrestrained relief. Merlin’s orgasm has his limbs shaking with tremors as pleasure so strong and pent up washes over the hellish flames of desire as he reaches what he swears is salvation.

With Merlin tightening around him Arthur is quick to follow with a groan please as he cums for the second time this night, this time filling his sorcerer’s arse with his seed.

Merlin’s hit with a hazed and exhausted pleasure so strong it feels as if he isn’t even in his body anymore.

He registers Arthur untying his wrists, he hadn’t even felt the prince pull out. Merlin glances down, or clean them for that matter. But he’s so fucked out of his mind he can’t really seem to focus on much of anything for too long.

“Merlin?” Artur’s voice is warm and comforting as he places a hand on his cheek. Merlin pushes into the touch.


“Right.” Arthur snorts as he brushes his thumb over Merlin’s cheekbone. “Wiggle your fingers, do your arms still feel okay?”

Merlin’s brow furrows as he wiggles his fingers, they feel fine, more than fine, every part of him feels more than fine right now.

“Okay,” Arthur chuckles.

Oh, he must have said that out loud. Merlin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before his eyes flutter back open.

He’s laid on his side, looking at Arthur who is still stroking his cheek.

“Hi,” Arthur whispers, a dopey smile on his face.

Merlin can’t help but smile back. “Hi.”

The prince’s smile widens further before he closes the small space between them as their lips meet in soft benevolent kisses.

A tiny surge of adrenaline grounds Merlin a bit more, kissing afterwards again. But Arthur doesn’t seem to mind so why should he overthink it?

When they pull back Merlin is struggling to keep his eyes open, Arthur isn’t much better.

“Get some sleep, we’ll sleep in.” Arthur runs his fingers through Merlin’s dark locks. “You did so good, such a good job, took your punishment so well,” Arthur nudges his nose against Merlin’s.

Merlin burrows into the prince’s chest, “Arthur,”


“I- '' When he thinks about it in the following days Merlin has no idea what possessed him to say such a thing but he’s glad he at least had mind enough to not say what he had truly been thinking. “I- I care about you… quite a lot.”

Arthur pulls back just enough so Merlin can see the exceptionally affectionate smile that lights up his face. “And I you.” He leans in and kisses his sorcerer again, it’s soft and sweet and loving.

When they pull apart Merlin looks up at him all doe-eyed yet full of exhaustion. “Sleep.” Arthur pulls him back into his chest.

Merlin’s eyes are already closing as he mumbles “g’night,”

“Goodnight, Merlin,” Arthur smiles as he nuzzles into the top of Merlin’s head.

Merlin’s final rating: 9

Chapter End Notes

I’m sorry I love George so much I don’t want to villainize him lmao. But I feel like we don’t get enough of Merlin using his position of power as Arthur’s servant very often and I’d love to see him use it more Lol.

We deserved some quality smutty goodness after all the drama the past few chapters.

This got a bit more tender than I had anticipated lol, but who am I to stop these two idiots from loving each other? We will be seeing a lot of this kink we will see a lot of in the future, more so as restraints rather than a focus on the bondage itself.

As always I can't thank you guys enough! Thank you so much for your support it truly gives me the warm fuzzies, I'm so happy so many of you are enjoying this story! <3

Expect the next update most likely by next Sunday night if not Monday est!

Tumblr: lexplosion
TikTok: Lex1800

Materialism (?)

Chapter Notes

ALRIGHT BEFORE WE GET INTO THIS LONG ASS NOTE, I have to give a huge shoutout to kitzatara on tumblr for this fanart for the scene where Arthur gives Merlin his collar.

For the life of me I could not find the name of this kink and I LOOKED. So if anyone knows if there’s a name for this kink PLEASE let me know lmao.

Hello! I am alive! I have unfortunately been hit with ao3 writers curse. My grandfather fell very ill this past week and he has been in the ICU and I had to drive my mom to the airport so she could fly down to see him. He literally almost died but he ended up pulling through! So woohoo! Unfortunately, then my 6 month old puppy had what we think is a seizure, we are waiting on the bloodwork to see exactly what happened. So that’s been pretty rough ngl but thankfully she’s doing okay since then. But with that being said my updates will probably be a bit unreliable the next two weeks or so. I will do my best to make it so you guys don’t have to wait more than 7 days for an update but that might be more like 9-10 days in between, depending on how everything goes. Again don’t worry this is not permanent! And please don’t feel bad, I love writing and it gives me a lot of joy and a space to get away from everything and just relax, so I am more than happy to keep writing. <3

This was genuinely such a fun chapter to write so I hope you enjoy it!

And again I need to give a massive thank you to kitzatara on tumblr for their fanart! For anyone to like this story enough to take the time and make something from it I just asjlhjkf it makes me wanna cry.

Gaining any form of sexual
gratification from receiving gifts.

Merlin’s initial rating: 5

Merlin trudges into the prince’s chambers carrying his dinner tray. The day has been grueling, he had been laboring all day between his regular tasks and helping prepare for the harvest festivities that are scheduled to start tomorrow. Not to mention he had been doing so while on rather wobbly legs from the prior night's activities.

“Merlin!” Arthur calls out when his servant enters his chambers.

“I know I know I have your dinner right here.” Merlin rolls his eyes as he moves to set the tray down at the table.

“No, that’s- well yes that- I mean, I really can’t say I don’t expect you to be late. But that isn’t what I wanted to say.”

“Sire?” Merlin raises a questioning brow that would surely have Gaius proud, “Are you feeling alright?”

“Yes,” Arthur clears his throat as he stands up at his desk. “I just, I got you something.” The prince reaches into his desk drawer.

“You got me something?” Merlin asks suspiciously.

“Yes. For harvest, people give each other gifts.” Arthur pulls out a small wooden box wrapped with a red ribbon.

“I'm aware. But you’ve never gotten me anything before.”

“Yes, well,” Arthur trails off, not finishing his sentence. Things have changed goes unsaid, but Merlin still understands what the prince means.

Arthur walks over and holds the box out to Merlin.

“Arthur, you really didn’t have to.”

“Nonsense.” Arthur shoves the box into his chest forcing Merlin to grab it. The prince sits down and starts cutting into his dinner while trying to discreetly watch for his servant’s reaction. But Merlin just stands there dumbly looking at the box.

“It’s inside the box.” Arthur drawls sarcastically.

“Gee thanks.” Merlin deadpans, he takes a deep breath before continuing, “Arthur I- I didn’t get you anything.”

“Oh please.” The prince snorts, “Merlin I am a prince, there isn’t anything you could get me that I don’t already have. And as the one who pays you, I know that for a fact.”

“Maybe I need a raise then.” Merlin shrugs, still not opening the box.

“Oh for the love of- just open the damn thing.” Arthur grouses.

Merlin finally unties the ribbon, being careful with the fine material. He places it on the table before opening the small box.

Arthur does his best to look as if he isn’t watching for Merlin’s reaction.

Merlin’s expression softens as a pink dusting decorates his cheeks. “Arthur,” Merlin says shyly, “You really didn’t have-” he interrupts himself with a small gasp as he feels the telltale tingle of magic flicker through him.

Arthur’s eyebrows raise in surprise as Merlin’s eyes flash pink, his cheeks flush darker. “Merlin. Do you like getting gifts?” Butterflies dance around Arthur’s stomach at the idea.

“I- well- I mean everyone likes getting gifts.” Merlin pouts bashfully. “But-” Merlin starts before Arthur can reply, “really Arthur you didn’t have to.”

Arthur’s mind is flooded with the ideas of different gifts he could give the boy, from clothes to jewels to books. But, if Merlin liked getting gifts, why hadn’t his eye flashed when he was given his collar? Perhaps domestic and sexual gifts are different, or maybe it’s a stipulation in the spell, who is Arthur to know how magic might work?

Merlin takes the fabric out, already knowing what it is before unfolding the pendragon red cloth.

“Well, your other red one was taken by those bandits so,” Arthur trails off again, his cheeks flush at such a blatant act of care. He’s not sure if he’ll ever get used to feelings not experienced in the afterglow of intercourse, it makes him feel too warm and squirmy.

“Thank you Arthur.” Merlin says sweetly, Arthur has to fight his urge to start punching the air at his servant’s adorableness. A grown man should not be able to be so damn cute.

“Yes, well I- I mean that “ Arthur flubs over his words, but it only causes Merlin to smile more affectionately and for Arthur’s insides to flutter even more. “Just,” Arthur is finally able to get out, “this way you have something nice to wear for the feast tomorrow.” He finishes lamely with an awkward wave of his hand.

Merlin has to fight down his chuckle at Arthur’s uncharacteristic rattled demeanor. “Yes, well thank you. I appreciate it.” Merlin’s smile is bright as quickly unties his current blue neckerchief and shoves it in his pocket. He then ties the new silken red fabric around his neck. The sudden burst of happiness helps ebb away his exhaustion.

Arthur knows it’s a rather bold statement of claim for a servant. But with what happened with Prince Elias at the last banquet it doesn’t help to be too careful. Lest some other noble tries to proposition his Merlin. Just the thought of it puts a sour taste in Arthur’s mouth.

“What do you think?” Merlin does a dramatic twirl.

“Good.” Arthur nods approvingly. The compliment should not affect Merlin as much as it does. “Can you stop dawdling about now? You do still have a job to do after all.” The prince redirects in an attempt to calm the proud possessive beast inside his sternum.

Merlin’s face shifts to annoyance. “Of course sire, right away.” He answers dryly, though as he goes about his evening duties in Arthur’s chambers he has to keep fighting down smiles.

Merlin makes sure to wake early in the morning, he dresses quietly and sneaks past a still sleeping Gaius.

The cold morning air bites at his nose and fingers as he makes his way towards the forest.

While Arthur has a point, Merlin can’t get someone who is a prince anything he doesn’t already have. He can certainly try, and a gift from the heart will always be meaningful.

The warlock walks into the forest until he finds a clearing a comfortable distance from the city. After a quick glance to make sure no one is around he lets his magic flow free. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He focuses on Arthur and his affection for the prince, he can feel his magic tingle through him happily as it swirls around the clearing. The magic warms him up from the inside and manages to fight off the briskness of the air.

When he opens his eyes he is surrounded by a small circle of varying flowers. He smothers the bubble of amusement in his chest at the types of flowers.

Merlin hadn’t learned the language of flowers until he had come to Camelot. He hadn’t really intended to but all the herbology books he studied included the meaning of the plants along with their medicinal properties.

Surely Arthur would know the meaning of these flowers, but maybe that isn’t a bad thing.

The sun is just starting to rise when Merlin makes it back to his chambers, flowers in hand.

Gaius greets him when he enters, he eyes the flowers in Merlin’s hand questioningly but when Merlin offers no explanation he doesn’t ask. Especially since he already has a hunch who they are for.

Gaius pours his morning tea into a mug before taking a seat at the table. “George stopped by not that long ago looking for you.”

Merlin stops in his tracks to get some tea for himself. “George?” Merlin can’t help the downturn of his lips.

“Yes, he delivered a package. Said it was courtesy of the prince.” Gaius takes a sip of his tea as he watches Merlin’s face redden.

“I well- you know- it’s harvest and-” Merlin sputters looking for a way out of this, but he knows the flowers in his grip are rather damning, Gaius will surely be able to make the connection.

“It’s in front of your door.” Gaius interrupts, sparing the boy some embarrassment.

Merlin clears his throat, “Right, of course. I’ll just go and uh yeah.” He scurries away, grabbing the box before closing himself in his room.

He leans against the door, face aflame. What does Arthur think he’s doing giving him another gift? Had he planned this from the start or is he just teasing Merlin since he liked receiving a gift yesterday? It’s not his fault he likes getting presents! It’s not so much that Merlin likes the value of the gifts more so than Arthur even taking the time to consider giving him something. But the value part isn’t a bad thing either, his red neckerchief will make him stand out from the other servants, being made of such a fine material.

He paces over to his bead before carefully placing down the box and the flowers. It’s then he notices a small note tied onto the box.

To: the worst servant in all of Camelot

Be sure to wear this today.

From: The most handsome prince in all the realm

Merlin rolls his eyes fondly, this prat.

Merlin opens the box and the first glimpse startles him so bad he drops the lid, it bounces off his bed onto the floor.

Merlin’s usual wake up call grates on Arthur’s ears, waking him up from a particularly nice dream. He had been living on a farm; the village consisted of his knights and their partners as well as Morgana. Of course Gwen had been living with Lancelot, and Merlin he had…

Arthur’s eyes drift to his servant, but the sight that greets him has his mind going suddenly blank before a smug satisfaction starts purring low in his stomach.

Merlin stands there impatiently waiting for him to get out of bed. His neckerchief is the new Pendragon red one and his shirt is the purple one he had requested George to deliver. It’s truly a stunning combination.

“You wore it.” Arthur smiles.

“Oh this is from you? I thought the most handsome prince in the realm had sent it.” Merlin puts on his best innocent face.

Arthur’s pleasantness is immediately washed away, he scowls at his servant. “And just who might that be?”

The temptation to say Prince Elias of Northumbria tickles Merlin’s masochistic desire, but he might actually be put in the stocks for saying such a thing.

“I don't know, maybe a secret admirer.” Merlin shrugs, doing his best and failing to fight down a smile.

“And you’ve been galavanting with so many other princes have you?”

“Yes because I just have so much free time to be doing so between your’s and Gaius’ duties.”

“Well maybe if you weren’t gallivanting with princes you’d have more time to do your duties.” Arthur counters teasingly, he grabs a pillow from behind his head and tosses it at his servant. It hits him in the shoulder before falling to the ground. “I’m glad you wore it.” Arthur smiles.

“Well, you asked me to.” Merlin smiles back before his face turns into a half hearted scowl, “Surely this won’t give your father any wrong impressions.”

“It’s fine Merlin.” Arthur stretches his arms above his head, “Believe it or not we are allowed to give harvest gifts. Morgana gives Gwen something every year.”

“Right.” Merlin says stiffly, “Well, I’m sure then if the king tries to take my head off-”

“Oh don’t be such a worry wart.” Arthur sits up, his blankets pool around his waist.

“Yes, why should I worry? It’s only my head at stake.” Merlin throws the prince’s blankets off and hauls him to his feet to dress him.

Merlin it’s-” Arthur gets stopped by his servant yanking a red tunic over his head, “Hey.” Arthur grabs one of Merlin’s wrists, “I wouldn't let anything happen to you.”

The prince’s serious tone does help calm Merlin’s fickle anxiousness a bit.

“Plus, you look,” Arthur pauses searching for the right word “well, dare I say regal.”

Merlin can’t help but snort at the compliment, being called regal by someone who is actually a noble is absurd.

“Alas I’ll never be as regal as the king of prats himself.” Merlin teases as he pulls Arthur’s sleep trousers down and quickly gets the prince into his day breeches.

Arthur guffaws, “Well of course not. No one will ever come close to my stateliness nor my comely good looks. Some would even say I am on par with Adonis himself or even Narcissus.”

Merlin stands up abruptly from tying Arthur’s boots. “Do you know what happened to Narcissus?”

“He got his pick of the ladies of course, with all his good looks.” Arthur saunters past him to eat his breakfast.

Merlin rolls his eyes. “You know, I think you're more like him than you even realize.” He grumbles as he starts about his morning duties.

Arthur finally sits down at his desk to look over some documents about the week's events and some of the few speeches he’ll have to give alongside his father. “You’re dismissed Merlin, I expect you back here with my lunch.”


“Of course, sire.” Merlin stands from where he had been dusting the bottom of the dresser.

He reaches into the back of his trousers, under his shirt, where he had hidden the flowers. He had learned to not hide them above his shirt after that time Arthur thought Merlin had fancied Morgana. He places them on the table as he passes by along with the small note he had attached by way of some twine. He’s careful not to not make any noise to draw the prince’s attention.

It isn’t until he is at the door that Merlin speaks up. “Arthur, I left something on your table for you to look over.”

Arthur puts a finger to his parchment so he doesn't lose his spot and furrows his brow. “Just place it on my des-” But when he looks up Merlin is gone.

Arthur stares at the door for a moment in disbelief. What the hell was that?

Arthur haughtily stands up, he has half the mind to shout for Merlin to come back but he instead turns to see what the idiot could have left on his table.

But it is not a parchment on the table but a small bouquet of flowers.

Arthur’s face warms immediately and his heart skips a rather girlish beat. He shuffles over to the table to get a better look.

He reads the small note.

To: The most prattish prince in all the realm

Happy harvest.
Thank you for everything.

Yours truly,
The only servant who can put up with you.

A fond smile makes its way onto the prince’s face. It shouldn’t be feasible for one body to contain so much fondness for another.

Looking at the flowers Arthur can’t help the genuine laugh that bubbles up inside his chest. Merlin must know the languages of flowers, otherwise the wild roses are a very comical coincidence.

The bouquet is made up of mostly daisies, ‘innocent and loyal love’. With white primrose scattered in as well, ‘I can’t live without you’. And lastly a few wild roses, ‘pleasure and pain’.

The primrose and wild roses make sense, in fact almost too much sense for Merlin not to know their meaning. The daisies though, does Merlin… are Arthur’s feelings returned?

Merlin had said the other night how he cares for Arthur, and the note he had found, Merlin had signed off only on his letter with ‘love’. If that’s the case, if Merlin does share in the prince’s feelings, Arthur should be thrilled. Truthfully he has had his suspicions for a while that Merlin may value him in the same regard; it’s why when he learned of Merlin keeping his magic from him it hurt so much, still hurts so much, not that he is willing to go down that thought path for the millionth time right now. But they have been dancing around each other for a while now sharing in fond caresses, needless kisses and hushed words of reverence. They have never come any closer than when Merlin had said he cared for the prince. And they never can get any closer than that, because Arthur is indeed a prince, who will one day be king. And as much as Arthur detests it, Merlin is just a servant, and a magical one at that.

He brushes his fingers against some of the daisies, their petals soft and pliant under his sword callused skin.

Arthur feels his throat tighten a bit at the knowledge they can never properly be together, not in the way his soul cries out for, not in the way he suspects Merlin may also desire. No, instead what is between them must stay hidden and never come to fruition, as Arthur has a destiny, one in which he must put his people before his own heart. If he wants to create a future to be proud of, a future that Merlin can be proud of, then there are duties as a prince and king Arthur must abide by.

But then in turn Merlin would most likely fall into the arms of another lover, one who can love him as he deserves to be, freely and completely. Yet the idea of Merlin being with someone else makes him want to reach into his chest and pull his beating noble-blooded heart out so he’d never have to witness such a thing. But he’d never expect Merlin to stay by his side all the while not having someone to hold close when the day is over, Arthur could never do that to the boy.

Arthur plucks a single petal off a daisy and rubs it between his fingers.

It’s such a horrible feeling, loving and being loved yet unable to change the tides of destiny, unable to change the status of which someone is born, one with political power the other with arcane power. But both pale before the power of destiny.

Arthur smiles at the flowers though it feels more like a grimace. He had never particularly liked the language of flowers, it had always seemed so inane and girlish to him. But now he finds himself finally understanding, when they cannot speak, the flowers do so for them.

They are a silent vow that need not be said aloud; if they give it words the brutality of a destiny written amongst the stars would surely come crashing down from the heavens. For even if they know, and they do, neither dare tempt fate by daring to breathe such words into existence. It is a prince’s destiny to rule and the sorcerer's to serve.

Uther nearly spits out his wine when he sees his son walk into the banquet hall later that evening, he looks fine dressed in his red jacket and brown pants, golden circlet gleaming on his golden hair. No, it isn’t Arthur who he watches. It’s the servant, Merlin, who walks in behind his master, head lowered like a proper servant. However, the lavish fabric of his ridiculous neckerchief and the ostentatiously vivid purple of his shirt makes the king’s blood boil. The boy isn't even wearing his usual ratty jacket over it! He’s clearly peacocking about, flaunting his closeness to the prince.

It’s obvious the boy could never afford such luxuries so there is no doubt as to who bestowed such objects to him.

It takes everything in Uther’s power not to rub a displeased hand down his face. He had hoped that the rumors of Arthur favoring the boy were unfounded, as the prince himself claimed before. But the gossip had just gotten more insistent since then. At first, Uther brushed it off as someone misinterpreting the servant’s loyalty, but now at such a blatant display of favoritism Uther has half the mind to lock the boy up somewhere Arthur wouldn’t find him. But Merlin has saved his son's life before, not that the king would ever admit it but knowing someone is always with the prince ready to take an arrow for him at a moment's notice does ease his wandering thoughts every now and then.

Uther glances to his ward, she isn’t even trying to hide her shock. The king doesn't even dare glance to the other nobles, not wanting to see their reactions. God his son really is an idiot isn’t he?

Uther takes another, much larger, sip of wine knowing this is going to be a long night.

“Father.” Arthur greets as he takes his place at the king’s side.

“Arthur.” Uther greets in his usual stoic tone.

There are many ways the king can choose to go about this, he had already asked the prince himself and it seems he can’t take his word about the servant any more. So instead he’ll just keep an eye on his son while he can, to try to gauge his and Merlin’s interactions through the night.

The thought of his son favoring a male servant is already enough fuel for the fire that is the staff’s hushed discussions, to even entertain the idea that Arthur could have his manservant warming his bed. It’s unthinkable and has been growing more common in their gossip lately. If word were to get out to other royals that the prince has bedded a man, every princess in the realm would refuse any sort of marriage with him.

And whatever Arthur thinks he's doing by allowing his servant to prance about in such refinery, especially in front of nobles, surely isn’t helping his case.

A few more minutes go by as the last of the guests show up and take their places at their respective tables and the king starts his speech.

Merlin loses interest about halfway through, listening to Uther drone on about such a successful harvest season while they sit at tables filled to the brim with goods he nor anyone here helped cultivate.

Arthur had told Merlin in his first year that they celebrate the yield and the workers. Yet if that were true they’d have invited the farmers who worked so hard to produce such excellent crops.

Merlin is drawn out of his thoughts when everyone starts clapping at the end of the king's speech.

He scurries in between the other servants to get Arthur’s plate and bring it to him before filling up his goblet. All the while Merlin swears he can feel the eyes of nobles and servants alike lingering on him. While that attention isn’t bad per say, he feels a bit vulnerable without his jacket, the prat had insisted he didn’t wear it. Just furthering his suspicion Arthur wanted to show off that he could dress his manservant for whatever reason.

The servant takes a step back to his usual position behind Arthur. It isn’t long until Gwen slides up next to Merlin.

“Quite the outfit you have on.” Gwen smiles knowingly while keeping her eyes forward.

Merlin glances sideways and feels his cheeks heat up, “It was a gift for harvest.”

“Mmm,” Gwen hums, “You do look nice, the color suits you.”

“Thank you.” Merlin tries and fails to fight down a smile.

“Though I’m sure this is just going to ignite the already kindling gossip.” Gwen glances at him.

“What?” Merlin furrows his brow and fully turns his head to look at Gwen now. She has on a lovely yellow dress with a matching ribbon tying her hair back.

“You know,” Gwen’s voice drifts off as if expecting Merlin to know what she’s saying.

Merlin gives her a confused look.

“You know, that you’re…” she lowers her voice in an even quieter whisper, “warming Arthur’s bed.”

“What?!” Merlin exclaims much too loudly.

Gwen rightens up just before the prince and king turn around at the loud noise that had just come from behind them.

Uther and Arthur both shoot a glare at the servant, it’s beyond unnerving how similar their expressions are.

Merlin winces and curls his shoulders in on himself, thankfully both turn around not saying anything, though Merlin doesn’t miss the way Arthur rolls his eyes.

The servants wait a moment, making sure the royals go back to conversing with whatever noble was currently trying to gain their attention.

“What do you mean,” Merlin hisses under his breath.

“How have you not heard?! It’s the talk of the servants lately.”

“I guess nobody wants to gossip about me with me.” Merlin replies a bit sardonically.

“Ah, I suppose that makes sense.” Gwen answers easily before taking a few steps forward and refilling her mistress's glass. “You have to admit though,” Gwen says smiling as she settles back next to Merlin, “it’s a rather amusing tale.”

It takes Merlin a moment too long to think of an answer, “I- w-well yes of course- it’s-” he tapers off not knowing what to say. Gods why is he so bad at lying about anything other than magic?

Gwen’s smile falls as her expression becomes serious. “Merlin, don’t- don’t tell me you’re…”

He can’t help but wince at the question, he’s always struggled to lie to Gwen, she’s just so kind and pure hearted.

“Merlin!” Gwen gasps quietly.

She gives glances between the servant and Uther with a very clear look of ‘he will behead you’.

He gives a very clear wince of ‘I know’, before Arthur calls him to refill his goblet.

As the feast shifts from supple and juicy meats, broths, and starches to decadent sugary harvest themed desserts the music steadily grows livelier and the alcohol flows quicker. Some take to drunkenly dancing their way across the dancefloor while others laugh and jest loudly amongst each other, the knights start to become especially rowdy.

Even the servants are able to have a goblet or two of honey mead or spiced wine as the night continues on. All the while Merlin can practically feel the intrigued gazes of others lingering on him.

“Merlin,” Arthur lifts his goblet to be refilled again. While not drunk the prince is certainly starting to feel the effects of the alcohol.

Merlin steps over and starts refilling the prince’s goblet, he glances to the king but he is jovially reminiscing about olden days with some older and retired knights.

“Arthur, I don’t think it was a good idea for you to give this to me.” Merlin says lowly so as to not garner any more attention from the surrounding nobles.

The prince smiles wolfishly as he turns so his face is far too close for a servant and his master, “I’d like to have gifted you even more clothes but they’ll just get in the way later.”

Arthur watches thoroughly amused as Merlin’s cheeks flush and his lips go pouty as he glares at him.

The prince winks at him, though really he has still yet learned how to properly do so, so he blinks instead.

“I expect you to fill my goblet when needed but you are free to enjoy the festivities yourself.”

Merlin’s eyebrows shoot up in surprise, “Really?”

Arthur just waves him off dismissively before turning his attention back to those sat at his table. Morgana gives him a rather sly look that the prince doesn’t really know how to interpret.

Merlin, not one to push his luck, places down the flagon of wine before scurrying off towards the rowdy knights.

If Uther hadn’t been so tipsy he surely would have been more upset at the way he sees his son's eyes follow his servant through the hall.

Before Merlin can even reach them Gwaine stumbles his way over and lifts his friend into a bear hug. “Merlin!”

“Gwaine!” Merlin squawks indignantly, “Put me down!” His arms come around the knight's shoulders so he isn’t dropped on his arse.

“It’s so good to see you mate.” Gwaine puts him down and lets go, before pulling him into another hug. The knight pats his back a little too roughly.

Merlin can’t help but smile though, “It’s good to see you too.” He says, meaning clear in his words.

Gwaine pulls back again, but he still leaves a hand on the sorcerer’s shoulder; he gives Merlin a brotherly nod that conveys more than they’d dare discuss in a banquet hall in the heart of Camelot.

“Gwaine,” Merlin says after a moment of basking in the familiar camaraderie of his best mate, “I’m sorry-”

“Nonsense.” Gwaine says very seriously all of a sudden. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

Merlin fights down the flood of emotion that dares overtake him.

Thankfully at that moment Lancelot trots over to them.

“Merlin.” The knight smiles and nods at him.

“Lance.” Merlin smiles back before he’s pulled into another hug, much less aggressively this time.

“I’m glad to see you’re alright.” The knight says slowly right beside his ear.

“So, am I.” Merlin smiles at the man as he pulls back. His eyes drift to the others as they are laughing at something one of them said.

“Do- how are they-” Merlin isn’t sure how to ask.

Thankfully Lancelot knows what he’s saying. “Surprisingly well, while they might still be a little hesitant, it isn’t lost on any of them what you did in the forest, for all of us.”

Merlin nods and Lancelot gives him another pat on the shoulder.

Gwaine is then shoving a goblet of honeyed ale into his hands, “Here, now we can really start celebrating!” he starts dragging the servant over to the other knights.

There is some hesitancy in the knight’s gazes but they greet him happily with some pats on the back and nods of their heads. Merlin keeps taking sips of his mead to distract from the emotion that stings his eyes and nose. Instead, he focuses on the sting of the mead as it goes down his throat.

Elyan is the most forward out of the other knights, unsurprisingly Leon is still a bit unsure but he holds no malice towards the servant. And well Percy is usually pretty quiet so Merlin is fully sure what to take from the large man.

But they get on well drinking and teasing per usual, they quickly invite him to join in their game of dice.

When Merlin’s turn comes up the knights eagerly watch the tension between him and Elyan. It isn’t until Merlin is about to throw his dice that Elyan nearly shouts, “Wait a minute!”

Merlin watches as the realization washes over his face, he and Lancelot burst into laughter.

It’s then the realization dawns on the other knights.

“You little scoundrel!” Percy calls out not harshly, his voice full of baffled amusement.

Merlin has tears in his eyes from laughing so hard, the alcohol taking its effect.

They continue their games, as Merlin is now only allowed to watch rather than play, not that he minds, he has to keep an eye on Arthur anyways in case he gestures for more drink.

But slowly a few noblemen meander their way over to the knights, more so to Merlin.

“Rather nice garb you have for a servant lad,” A lord about Gwaine’s age says as he saunters over.

The knights glance at the man but don’t say anything as they are all outranked by the nobility.

“It was a gift from my master, my lord.” Merlin answers lowering his gaze as he speaks, not wanting to draw any more attention to himself tonight.

“I see,” the lord drawls, his speech a bit slurred from the effects of the alcohol, “And who is your master boy?”

Merlin’s gaze flicks up, he figured the pendragon-red neckerchief was a bit of a giveaway but maybe it’s not. That or this man is just too drunk to pay attention.

“Prince Arthur.” Merlin answers.

“I see!” The man exclaims brightly, “Leave it to the prince to have such good taste in… servants.”

Merlin narrows his eyes, positive that the man was not going to originally say ‘servants’. He can practically feel Gwaine bristle next to him.

“Is there anything I can help you with, my lord?” Merlin asks to get this conversation over with as quickly as possible.

“No, nothing at all boy, I simply wanted a closer look at who is lucky enough to have such a handsome servant.” While keeping a respectable distance between them, the man reaches out and takes Merlin’s chin in his hand before tilting his head one way and then the other.

“Looking and touching are two very different things, my lord.” Merlin replies tersely.

Merlin feels a stare boring into the side of him, strains his eyes only to see the King staring directly at them. That explains why the knights haven’t tried to intervene. But the chair next to the king is empty.

Merlin.” The sorcerer nearly jumps out of his skin at Arthur’s voice behind him. “I called you for more wine ages ago.” He huffs out as the lord lets go of his servant’s face.

“Was my servant bothering you Lord Thomas?” Arthur grits out, doing his best to hide his anger.

“No, not at all, Prince Arthur.” The man bows at the waist, “I simply wanted to meet the young gentleman who has managed to gain the position of your bed warmer.”

“I don’t see how that is any business of yours.” Arthur radiates authority, shoulders back, circlet bright on his head.

Merlin nearly smacks Arthur upside the head for not denying the claim.

“And Merlin is merely my manservant. So lest he is bothering you I suggest you don’t distract him from his duties.” Arthur shifts his attention to Merlin, “Go and fill my goblet you bloody idiot.” Arthur gives him a gentle shove in the direction of his seat.

Merlin is quick to scuttle away.

“Of course sire, I meant no offense.”

“Of course. I hope you enjoy the rest of the festivities, Lord Thomas.”

“Thank you, you as well Prince Arthur.” the man bows before sauntering off.

There’s a moment of tension as the man walks away.

Arthur turns to Gwaine, the knight’s eyebrows raise in surprise at the sudden attention.

“Is it just me or is Merlin getting more attention from nobles lately? I mean not just today, even at the last banquet.” He genuinely asks, sounding a bit exasperated.

Gwaine's smile is smug but there’s a hint of pity there. “He’s always been rather popular, it’s you who's only just starting to notice princess.”

Arthur looks to the other knights who have similar expressions on their faces, Leon gives a nod confirming Gwaine’s words.

Arthur pinches the bridge of his nose. “Right. Alright.” He walks back to his seat where Merlin stands and his filled goblet sits.

As Lord Thomas walks away he glances at the king. He isn’t quite sure why Uther had asked him to seek out the prince’s bed warmer. But he wouldn’t let such an opportunity pass him by, the renown he would have gotten from sleeping with the Prince’s personal manservant and bed warmer. Perhaps another time.

The rest of the evening goes very quickly, it’s much rowdier than usual, everyone is so happy at having such a good harvest, they should have an excellent winter this year. The music is upbeat and lively as couples drunkenly misstep onto each other's toes as others decide to retire for the night. Morgana took her leave a while ago and with her went Guinevere. Not soon after the King made his departure and many more followed after him.

Ever since his father left Arthur had been sliding Merlin wine and little apple tarts shaped like flowers. While the nobles kept trying to have conversations with him.

It’s when Arthur looks over to his knights and sees that only Gwaine and Elyan remain that he decides to take his leave as well. He’s drunk a bit more than he usually does but the atmosphere had been so enjoyable, it’s always so fulfilling seeing his people so happy.

Merlin’s shoulder keeps bumping into Arthur’s, unable to fully walk straight as they make their way down long hallways. But if you ask Merlin it’s Arthur who keeps walking into him.

“Hurry up Merlin!” Arthur chastises.

“Yes yes heavens forbid the people see their prince drunkenly stumbling to his chambers.” Merlin chuckles. Arthur has always had this bizarre idea that he shouldn’t be seen drunk by his people in the castle, yet everyone sees him at the feasts anyways, it’s rather redundant if you ask Merlin.

“Unlike you I actually have a reputation to uphold.” The prince adds on.

“I’ll have you know I have my growing reputation as your bed warmer to uphold now.” Merlin cheekily smiles at the prince.

Merlin!” Arthur hisses looking around the empty hall.

“Oh relax everyone is either piss drunk passed out somewhere, or still drinking themselves half to death back in the banquet hall.”

Arthur knows he’s right. The feast really did become rather rowdy. Hell, even Arthur drank more than he usually allows himself, but everyone had been so jovial the mood from such a great harvest had just been so infectious. Perhaps he should cancel knight training tomorrow knowing his men surely drank even more than he had.

“Should I cancel knight training tomorrow?” Arthur looks to his side at his servant, but no longer looking where he is going he stumbles ever so slightly.

Merlin snorts, “Drink that much did you? You could always have Leon take over training tomorrow.”

"Oh please I'm not that drunk, and everyone else had more than their fair share of drink as well."

"That's true," Merlin chuckles, “I mean did you see the way Lord Bennington put his goblet over his-” Merlin stops in his tracks with an abrupt air of seriousness.

Arthur follows, stopping beside his servant, he turns his gaze to where the sorcerer is looking but doesn’t see anything.

“What is it?” Arthur asks, knowing Merlin rarely goes so quiet.

“There’s someone up ahead.” Merlin whispers, not taking his eyes off the hallway. His magic prickles under his skin, he knows he just heard someone, there’s no one else visible in the hall though. With such an extravagant banquet he wouldn’t doubt someone planning an assassination attempt.

Arthur draws his sword from his belt.

There’s another indecipherable shuffling sound but this time they both hear it. Arthur readies himself and Merlin widens his stance, ready to use his magic if need be. They look to each other exchanging a nod to move forward.

But before they can move forward Sir Leon stumbles out of an alcove looking rather ruffled.

Before they can even feel relief, George stumbles out of the same alcove, the ever perfect servant’s clothes are very clearly rumpled. Instead of relief, they are both subjected to the wildest disturbed bafflement either of them has ever felt.

The other two men turn and stop in their tracks as they see the prince and his manservant.

The four men stand there in a tense silence for the briefest of moments before George dares to speak up, shattering the precarious silence that had settled around them. “Sire,” the man bows quickly before righting himself, “Merlin.” The servant is somehow capable of keeping his face as serious as always, as if there is nothing strange about this situation.

Neither the prince nor his servant are capable of returning the greeting. So, Leon speaks up instead.

“Arthur.” He greets the prince with a nod of his head, “Merlin.”


They answer at the same time, both still too shellshocked to acknowledge George.

Merlin is able to slide his gaze over to Arthur, he can practically see the smoke from the coals burning in his head. It takes every part of Merlin’s willpower to not laugh at the prince’s confused yet perturbed expression.

After another moment of awkward tension of Leon and George pretending as if nothing just happened the first knight clears his throat before speaking, “Is everything alright my lord?”

“It’s perfectly fine.” Arthur somehow manages to get out. “We’re… Merlin, tell Leon what we’re doing.” Arthur commands, truly unable to form any thoughts at the moment lest he be subjected to mental images of what his first knight and the servant were just doing.

There’s a pause before he answers, “We were just, headed to Arthur’s chambers.” Merlin answers lamely, “Not! Not like that of course! Just- you know, I must get the prince ready for bed.” He finishes in a formal tone.

Arthur closes his eyes for a moment and takes a deep breath trying to ignore the hole his bumbling idiot of a manservant is digging them into.

“Right.” Leon answers, “We’ll just… be on our way then.” He clears his throat. “George,” He calls for the servant to follow him before stepping around an unmoving prince and manservant.

George bids them each a farewell though neither man really hears him.

Arthur and Merlin turn towards each other disbelievingly before looking further back over their shoulders to watch Leon and George both walk down the corridor and then turn in the direction of the knight’s wing.

Arthur and Merlin look back to each other.

“Merlin, please tell me that was an alcohol induced hallucination.”

“I- I’m afraid I saw it too.”

They manage to take a few tentative paces before Merlin speaks up again. “You know, it makes sense.”


“I mean think about it, Leon is pretty much the perfect knight, he is noble, strong willed, and very proficient in his work. George is also very proficient, hard working… They meet each other's high standards.”

“Oh god- It makes sense.” Arthur scrunches his nose.

"Maybe you should cancel knight training tomorrow."

Merlin's final rating: 6

Chapter End Notes

Bahahahahaha, take whatever you will from George and Leon.

This chapter was a bit schmoopy but I needed some schmoop this week lol.

Merlin deserves to be spoiled to no end and so we may be seeing more of this kink in the future~

The next chapter is going to pick up right where he left off in this one! We got some more plot set up for us now bby. Again I’m not exactly sure when the next update will be, the longest you guys will have to wait is 10 days max but I’m gonna do my best to make it 7! But I mean if it's a good week it might come earlier, idk, I gotta keep you on your toes lol.

Again I will post about when a new chapter will be coming out on my tumblr so feel free to hop on over there or feel free to message me on TikTok or comment on one of my videos lol or even here, I'm usually pretty good at getting back to comments.

As always I can’t thank you all enough for such amazing support I can't express how much it means to me. Thank you for all the kudos, comments, bookmarks, subscriptions and reads! <3


Chapter Notes

We have finally gotten to the first (sort of) requested chapter! (It was more so information graciously bestowed upon me allowing for even more possible kinks!) Can’t believe it took 20 chapters for us to get here lol.

So with that being said this chapter is dedicated to Kumioko! Thank you for the lovely suggestion and information that made this chapter possible!

We also get to celebrate two whole months of this fic! Woohoo! It’s honestly so crazy to think had I posed one chapter a week we’d only be at chapter 8 lmao.

Anywho, there is a content warning for this chapter! Peep it at the end of this note.

As always I can’t thank you guys enough for your love and support of this story, it means the world to me. Whether you’ve been around for the whole 2 months, just started reading it now or even if you’re reading this 15 years in the future (because let's be real this fandom is truly immortal) I really appreciate you taking the time to read this story! <3

And again a special thank you to Kumioko!

Content Warning
Non-consensual touching,
not between Arthur and Merlin, it doesn’t go beyond touching/rubbing.
(and there are clothes in the way too).

Spicy music if you'd like to listen during the smut:

Anal plugs are typically used to keep a
person’s anal entrance open and
ready for intercourse at a moments

Merlin’s initial rating: 4

Merlin eases the door closed behind him.

“Just- They didn’t actually- in the corridor. Right? I mean Leon would never, George would never… Would they?” Arthur asks, his voice still heavy with repugnance.

Merlin smothers down the chuckle that tries to bubble out of him. Arthur looks rather cute with his nose scrunched up like that.

“Why don’t you ask him yourself?” Merlin asks as he makes his way over to change the prince.

Arthur visibly blanches at the suggestion. “I’d rather gouge my eyes out than have that conversation with Leon.” He wobbles a bit on his feet as Merlin undoes his red jacket, still feeling the effects of the alcohol. “I mean, the man’s just so, stiff.”

The corner of Merlin’s mouth quivers and his eyes flick up to Arthur’s, “Well surely not after th-”


“Oh don’t be so dramatic.” Merlin snickers, turning his attention back to undressing the prince. “Most of the knights have had their own steamy soiree somewhere inappropriate on the grounds.”

Arthur narrows his eyes, “And how would you know that?” His vision is obscured momentarily as his servant pulls his shirt over his head, he can feel his hair get ruffled in the process. Merlin stumbles a bit and places a hand on Arthur’s bare chest to right himself, his fingers are cool against the prince’s warm chest.

“Do you even listen when the knights tell stories on our outings or is your head too dolloped to pay attention for that long?”

“Oi! I am not a ‘dollop’ ‘head’. And I do listen, you’re just too much of an idiot to realize at least half those stories are rather embellished.”

“Well half the stories alone involve Gwaine, so if you disregard those you still have Percy’s tale of the stables, there’s Elyan’s of the kitchens, oh that one Leon told of the armory-” Merlin interrupts himself with a gasp locking eyes with Arthur, “You don’t think that was with-”

Merlin for the love of everything that is holy I do not need to associate details to what we just stumbled across.”

“I- yeah you’re probably right.” Merlin grimaces before sinking down to his knees to undo the prince’s boots.

While there is nothing inherently arousing by which the way Merlin lowers himself down to do his job, Arthur still finds his prick perking up at the sight. His body just can’t seem to not respond to the servant anymore.

Arthur steps out of his boots with Merlin’s help. His servant’s hands then go to the laces of his breeches and Arthur can’t stop himself from threading his fingers through Merlin’s soft hair. Merlin pauses his movements, blue eyes flit up to meet the prince’s gaze, the servant's eyes are lidded, flickering with the nearby candlelight, his frame backlit with the warm orange light from the hearth. The light illuminates him ethereally, the rich colors of his newly acquired clothing only further accentuating his intrinsic radiance. There’s a lustful query in his alcohol-suffused gaze that need not be vocalized as Arthur has become something of an expert in Merlin’s charged looks.

The servant leans into the prince’s touch, his cheek just barely brushing against Arthur’s fabric clad thigh. Arthur swallows harshly as warmth flutters low in his abdomen, his hand tightens a fraction in his servant’s hair. But it’s then something near the center of the room catches his eye, the flowers Merlin had gotten him, which still sit on his table. Their pale colors look orange with the light from the hearth. There’s an acrid throb in the prince’s chest, there’s so much they have to talk about, conversations he has actively been trying to ignore.

Merlin almost turns around to see what caught Arthur’s attention but the prince brings his gaze back, though now it is woven with something akin to sadness. Arthur removes his hand from his hair and takes a half step back.

“That will be all for tonight Merlin.”

Merlin furrows his brow and makes to stand up, though he’s still a bit wobbly. He’s not particularly hurt, more confused than anything, and perhaps a little disappointed but not immensely so.

“Sire? Is everything alright?” Merlin asks, concerned at the prince’s sudden shift.

“Yes. I think I just drank too much tonight.”

Merlin knows that’s bullshite; but there’s something about Arthur’s demeanor, he can’t exactly pinpoint what it is, but he knows he shouldn’t push further.

“Should I finish helping you change?”

“That won’t be necessary, just, go get some sleep.” Arthur nods towards the door.

Merlin nods, not answering aloud, and walks towards the door. Before he opens it though Arthur calls out to him again.


The servant turns around questioningly.

“Tell the guards to inform the knights that tomorrow’s training is canceled.”

Merlin’s mouth quirks up, “Of course sire.”

Arthur’s restless thoughts are minutely calmed by Merlin’s smile, he’s truly fortunate that the boy can understand him so well without Arthur having to try to put his feelings into words, something he’s always struggled with.

“Goodnight Merlin.”

“Goodnight Arthur.”

Arthur makes quick work of his trousers before sluggishly slumping onto his bed. He runs his hands over his face as he tries to sort out his tipsy thoughts.

He knows he can’t put off their much needed conversations forever. But how the hell is he supposed to go about it? He can’t just ask Merlin everything he’s done with magic, can he? That would be absurd… In all actuality, it seems like the most reasonable thing to do, but then Arthur would have to face the truth of Merlin’s magic. For now, he can just pretend Merlin knows a few magic tricks, and that’s it.

He groans to himself, running a hand through his hair. He isn’t dumb though, Merlin had said he has killed people before. Arthur has seen Merlin kill people before. All the bandits in the forest that day were killed without even a single word uttered. A chill runs down his spine at the memory.

But there’s no way Merlin of all people is a strong sorcerer. That display was so outlandish it had to be a surge of adrenaline in the final moments of hope. Arthur’s seen similar things with knights before, remarkable acts of strength that seemed impossible for a person, but in a last ditch effort between life or death, they miraculously prevailed. There’s no doubt that was what happened with Merlin.

But that doesn’t answer how Merlin killed before then, or who. Though he had insisted that it was always on behalf of Camelot.

God he still has so many questions. Would Merlin have ever told him? Why did he tell Lancelot of all people? That particular question seems to gnaw away at his thoughts every night. But how is he supposed to ask that without revealing his true feelings for the servant? Not that he’s even really trying to hide them anymore.

And that just brings up a whole slew of other issues in regards to Arthur’s responsibility to Camelot. He has to marry a princess to strengthen Camelot’s political power. And yet here he is, drunk in bed pining over his magical manservant. He’s fairly sure the very idea would send the king into an early grave. Not that he would ever want that, he is still his father after all. But if Merlin is right, and there are those out there born with magic, a wave of anger surges through the prince causing all his muscles to tighten, then his father has demanded the life of god knows how many innocents. But is it his fault if he was unaware people could be born with magic?

A very dangerous and dark thought flashes into Arthur’s mind then. What if his father had known? Had he known people could be born with magic and still execute them? Surely not, his father may be a strict man but he isn’t immoral.

Arthur slithers his way under his blankets. He knows he can’t put their conversations off much longer, they need to figure this out once and for all.

Sleep eventually takes hold of him as he ruminates different ways to talk to Merlin.

As Merlin leaves the royal corridor he makes sure to inform one of the guards of Arthur’s request and the man scurries off towards the knight’s wing.

The corridors are barren this late at night only accompanied by the tapestries that hang listlessly on the walls, though he can just make out the faint hum of music still coming from the banquet hall for those who are still drinking the night away. He absently wonders if any of the knights are still partaking in the festivities.

“Ah! Merlin was it?” A slurred voice comes from behind him.

Merlin closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before turning around.

“Yes, my lord.” Merlin gives a perfunctory bow. Perhaps with being one of the strongest sorcerers to ever live he was cursed with horrible luck to keep the balance, why else would he run into Lord Thomas of all people?

“You’re leaving your master’s chambers earlier than I would expect.” The man says with a greasy smirk.

“My duties for the night are finished. As Arth- the prince said before, I am merely his manservant.” Merlin keeps his face perfectly blank.

“So it would seem.” The man takes another step closer and Merlin has to fight to not recoil from the clearly inebriated noble.

The servant hadn’t noticed before but the man is rather tall, he might even be taller than Merlin by a hair or two.

“Well then, if you are finished with your duties perhaps you could accompany me to my chambers?”

Merlin’s mouth turns downwards in a blatant show of distaste but lord Thomas does not seem to be perturbed in the slightest.

“I must decline your request my lord, if there isn’t anything else I must be going.” Merlin turns to leave and is only mildly shocked when lord Thomas grabs him by the wrist before shoving him against the wall, crowing well into Merlin’s personal space. The noble shoves a leg in between Merlin’s as he pins the servant's hands above his head.

Merlin does try to fight back, but he’s never been particularly strong. Perhaps, if he hadn’t drank as much he would have been able to fight back a bit better but there’s no point in regretting that now.

The lord painfully tightens his grip on Merlin’s wrists. Having the man's body flush against him makes Merlin’s skin crawl and magic stir restlessly inside him. This is far from the first noble to try something like this in a drunken stupor, if it comes to it Merlin can knock him out using magic, he’ll just have to make sure the man can’t see his eyes somehow.

“I assure you it was not a request boy.” Lord Thomas spits out as he pushes his hips against the sorcerer’s.

Merlin blanches at the feeling of the noble’s hardened prick against his own groin.

“Let go of me or you’ll fucking regret it.” Merlin rumbles as his magic swirls at the ready.

“Mmm big words for someone in such a powerless position.” The man grins and brushes his nose against the servant’s.

What a horrible choice of words, Merlin muses.

But of course, his luck striking again, that is the exact moment he sees movement out of the corner of his eye. A possible witness if he chooses to use magic. But then again they could come to his aid.

Merlin, a little too used to situations like this, keeps his eyes locked on his attacker, not willing to alert lord Thomas of the witness to his assault. Merlin can only pray it isn’t a servant too weak willed to stand up to a noble.

“I’ll give you one more chance before I take you right in this corridor and leave you for the morning guards to find, with my seed spilling down those long legs of yours.” Lord Thomas grunts out as he thrusts his erection against the servant’s groin again. Merlin’s stomach churns at the feeling, he has to keep a tight hold on his magic as it crackles under his skin. He can smell the ale on the man’s hot breath as it invades his senses.

Out of his periphery Merlin can see the other person making their way to the back of lord Thomas, the figure is blurry but Merlin can’t miss the way their chainmail reflects the dim lighting of the hall.

“Fucking pig, no wonder you decided to attack a hapless servant, no one would be willing to sleep with you otherwise.” Merlin spits out.

“Why you little bastard!” The man releases one of his hands from Merlin’s wrists only for the pommel of a sword to slam against his temple, knocking him out cold, his body hits the ground with a satisfying thud.

Merlin can now finally see the two other people in the hall. His face splits into a large smile.

“I swear trouble follows you around.” Elyan says from where he stands next to Gwaine who is currently sheathing his sword.

“You have no idea.” Merlin breathes out as he relaxes against the wall, letting the blood flow back into his arms.

“Are you alright?” Elyan asks, taking a step closer to look him over for injuries.

“ ‘m fine. Thanks.” Merlin says to both of them, Gwaine’s expression quickly changes from deadly to concerned.

“You sure Merls?”

“Yes, thank you. Both of you.”

“Why didn’t you call for help?” Elyan asks as he eyes Lord Thomas’ limp body.

“I can handle myself.” Merlin answers with the smallest bite of defensiveness to his voice.

“As we’ve seen before,” Gwaine interrupts before Elyan can answer, “but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t ask for help.”

“Never thought I’d find myself saying this, but Gwaine’s right.” Elyan replies, “You’re not alone in this Merlin, not anymore.”

Merlin feels his nose sting as he fights away the wave of emotion that threatens to crash over him. That and the adrenaline leaving his body has him feeling rather vulnerable all of a sudden.

“Thanks.” Merlin manages to get out, though his voice is wet with raw emotion.

“It’s no problem at all.” Gwaine clasps him on the shoulder, “And I’m more than willing to be your knight in shining armor,”

Merlin chuckles though his eyes still feel rather misty. “I think your armor needs another cleaning then.”

Elyan snorts.

Gwaine’s voice is lilted with a teasing tone as he speaks up again, “Though I fear the position of your knight in shining armor has already been taken by a prince with particularly gleaming armor.” He finishes with a wink.

Gods, please don’t tell Arthur.” Merlin pleads.

The two knights grow more serious again before exchanging a look Merlin can’t quite decipher.

“Why not?” Elyan asks.

“He has enough to worry about, and I’ll be the one having to deal with his foul attitude. I’m busy enough this week as it is without having to deal with his prattish incivility.”

“So you expect us to just let this-” Gwaine toes Lord Thomas’ face with his boot, “creep to just go unpunished?”

“As you said, you’ve seen that I am perfectly capable of handling myself.” Merlin straightens his shoulders.

Elyan lowers his voice to a whisper though really it still isn’t particularly quiet, “and risk getting yourself caught?”

“I haven’t yet have I?” Merlin counters. Though his fight is leaving him fast, it’s been a tiring day and he’s growing more tired by the second. “I’ll be alright. It’s nothing us servants aren’t used to.”

Something flickers over Gwaine’s face too quickly to decipher, “Fine.” Gwaine answers. Elyan’s head snaps to look at the knight disbelievingly. “But Merls, you know we are concerned because we care about you, not because we think you’re weak.”

Merlin’s shoulders relax, lowering further away from his ears, he hadn’t even realized he was so tense. “I know, just- thank you, both of you.”

“Get some sleep, if anyone asks we’ll say we saw Lord Thomas drunkenly stumbling through the halls, claim he just passed out from drinking too much.”

“Get going mate,” Elyan chimes in, “Get some sleep.”

Merlin nods appreciatively and starts to make his way towards Gaius’ chambers. He only makes it a few steps before turning around though, Gwaine and Elyan still standing over the lord’s body.

“Oh, by the way, training is canceled tomorrow.”

The two knights' expressions light up before Merlin saunters down the corridor.

The two knights wait a few moments before starting to their chambers. After the first few steps, Elyan speaks up, “We’re telling Arthur right?”

“Of course.”

The next morning Merlin allows himself to sleep in a bit, with knight practice canceled he doesn’t need to rush around preparing Arthur’s chainmail. He languidly stretches out his limbs before dressing, choosing to once again wear his newly gifted clothes, unsure if Arthur expects him to wear them again but he might as well.

He eats some toasted bread with peanut spread courtesy of Gaius, it’s a mutual favorite of theirs during harvest.

Merlin then grabs Arthur’s breakfast and makes his way to the prince’s chambers. The halls are bustling with servants and nobility eager to partake in the day's festivities. It doesn’t go unnoticed by the sorcerer that Lord Thomas is no longer laid out where he had been last night.

Merlin makes his way through Arthur’s door only to stop in his tracks as Arthur is sitting at his table, already dressed and sitting very still, his face a perfect image of malice. The curtains are open bathing the prince in the early daylight, illuminating him in the likeness of a heavenly harbinger.

Merlin clears his throat sheepishly, “Sorry I’m late?" Merlin asks as if it's a question, "I thought with no training you’d want to sleep in.” He meekly paces over and uncovers the tray filled with hearty breakfast foods. “I even brought you a hangover tonic.” Merlin fishes in his pocket and places the small green vile on the table.

Arthur cuts into his food and starts eating at a very slow pace, still not saying anything to the servant. Merlin hovers fiddling with his sleeves for a moment before starting his morning chores. The silence hangs heavily in the air as Merlin tries to remember if Arthur had asked him to do something he hadn’t. He had told the guards to inform the knights of their canceled training, hell he even told Gwaine and Elyan himself. He racks his mind as he picks up Arthur’s clothes from the floor.

Merlin.” Arthur’s voice is so cold it sends shivers down Merlin’s spine, though he’s getting worse and worse at distinguishing his worried shivers from his excited shivers lately.

“Yes?” Merlin straightens up and faces the prince.

Arthur raises an eyebrow clearly waiting for Merlin to continue but the servant has no clue what he’s waiting for.

After a moment it becomes clear Merlin isn’t going to say anything, Arthur pinches the bridge of his nose before sighing and giving Merlin another stern look, “Is there anything you want to tell me?”

Perhaps if Merlin wasn’t so self-deprecating he would have understood what the prince was asking. But the sorcerer has unsavory run-ins with nobles so frequently it genuinely doesn’t even occur to him what Arthur is very heavily hinting at.

Merlin blinks a few times and Arthur stands up from his chair, it drags against the stone from the force he stands up with.

“So nothing happened last night? No nefarious meetings with a wretched nobleman?”

“Ah.” Merlin’s stomach sinks. Those traitors. Though Merlin can’t find it in himself to truly be upset, he’d have done the same thing had the positions been reversed and one of the knights had been threatened.

“Mm forget about that did you?” Arthur takes a few steps closer.

“I- well- no, but it’s- nothing happened. So it’s fi-”

“Really? Nothing happened?” Arthur takes the last few steps needed to reach his servant, Merlin doesn’t back down though. He stands there, as insolent as ever.

“No, nothing happened, Arthur there’s no-”

Arthur gently takes Merlin’s hand in his own stopping Merlin mid-sentence. The prince gently pulls the sleeve of both Merlin’s jacket and shirt up his arm. Arthur holds his servant’s arm in front of his face.

Merlin furrows his brow until he sees a faint bruise he in all honestly hadn’t even noticed until just now, how Arthur managed to notice it is beyond him.

Merlin pulls his hand back and pulls his sleeve back down. “It’s a small bruise, it’s-”

“You seem to be forgetting Merlin.” The prince’s eyes are sharp, his voice low and terse in a way Merlin shouldn’t find as enticing as he does. “You belong to me,” Arthur’s face draws closer, just far enough away that Merlin can keep all his features in focus, “and I do not like others touching what is rightfully mine.”

Merlin swallows, fully unsure of what kind of punishment Arthur is implying.

“Now, you are going to tell me exactly what happened, so I can dole out a proper execution to Lord Thomas.”

“Arthur, he is a nobleman you can’t just-”

“And I am the prince!” Arthur shouts, making Merlin jump ever so slightly, “I can do whatever the hell I want! Why are you so adamant about protecting the man!”

“I’m not!” Anger flares in Merlin’s chest at whatever Arthur might be trying to insinuate.

“Then why do you keep brushing it off!”

“It’s hardly the first ti-!” Merlin snaps his mouth shut.

Arthur’s eyes widen and his face pales for a moment before flushing angrily again. Merlin’s eyes dart to the door but the prince steps in his way before he can try to escape.

Merlin.” Arthur’s voice is much softer this time, wrought with emotion Merlin doesn’t dare think too closely about. “This has happened before?”

The servant’s eyes flit around the room looking for another route of escape.

“Please.” Arthur breathes out.

A word so rarely spoken by the prince has Merlin’s eyes snapping back to him without even thinking about it. The anger is still there, but there’s a desperate kind of morosity there now as well.

Merlin sighs giving in, while he’s better than most at saying no to Arthur, there are still instances where he finds himself bereft of any ability to deny his prince what he wishes. Though Merlin’s case is rather different from others.

“Arthur, I’m a servant.” Merlin says as if it’s an explanation.

Arthur nods, waiting for him to continue.

“It isn’t uncommon for nobles to proposition servants,”

Arthur’s face twists in disgust.

“And,” Merlin continues, “it also isn’t uncommon for nobles to react violently if we decline ‘their offers’.”

“How many times?”

Merlin’s wince is answer enough for Arthur.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” Arthur’s voice is sterner again.

“It’s a servant’s word against a noble’s. Even if you knew Uther would never take the word of a servant.”

Arthur’s stomach rolls in realization that Merlin is right. “I can still try to do something. I’ll talk to him.”

“But,” Arthur continues after a moment, “that is no excuse for you to not tell me.”

Merlin looks away guiltily, but Arthur takes his chin in his hand keeping his servant’s eyes on him.

“What kind of prince- what kind of man would allow someone to get away without retribution after touching something that isn’t theirs to even look at?” Arthur enunciates each word slowly and clearly, his voice dark, laced with possessive irritation. His eyes flick between Merlin’s eyes and mouth.

Merlin’s stomach swirls excitedly at the prince’s tone, he can feel the heat rise in his face.

“Bed. Now.” Arthur rumbles out, “Boots off.” He gives Merlin a slight shove to the bed.

Merlin’s movements are frantic as he tries to take off his boots while walking to the bed, it nearly has Arthur laughing, unfortunately, his mood is a bit too rotten for laughter. When he had awoke this morning there were two pairs of brown eyes staring at him, Gwaine and Elyan, each leaning over opposite sides of the bed. They startled him half to death and then the message they delivered had Arthur seething with rage, he would have gone and dealt with Lord Thomas himself had his comrades not held him back. Seeing the bruise on his Merlin while he fiddled with his sleeves earlier had been the tipping point.

If anyone dares touch Merlin there will be no doubt who he belongs to after Arthur’s done with him.

Arthur walks over to the door and locks it before turning back around.

Merlin is sat on the side of the bed watching him, boots discarded on the floor. He’s twitchy, unsure of what he should be doing. Arthur just looks at him for a moment, letting his servant ruminate on what his punishment could be.

Merlin’s eagerness has his magic purring deep inside him, vivaciously waiting for its other half’s intoxicating embrace.

Once Arthur has waited what he has deemed long enough and Merlin has deemed far too long, he saunters over slowly. The prince slowly strips his shirt over his head and that alone has Merlin’s cock taking interest. The sunlight allows him to get a much clearer view than usual.

Arthur stops just before their knees touch, he looks down at Merlin though still doesn’t say anything. His gaze is heavy, flickers of anger still simmering there.

Merlin looks up through his lashes with a faux innocence that prods at Arthur, urging the prince to despoil and ravage him in every way possible.

Arthur gestures his head in a silent command and Merlin obliges, moving to the center of the bed, he lies down so he is rested comfortably on the lush pillows.

Arthur takes his time unlacing his boots while he eyes his servant’s lithe body. Merlin starts squirming impatiently but doesn’t try to rush the prince.

“Here is what is going to happen.” Arthur’s voice comes out low and husky. He climbs onto the bed and settles himself over Merlin’s clothed thighs. The servant’s full attention is on him, it settles a bit of the anger still stewing inside him, only slightly though. Arthur runs his hands over Merlin’s sides on the outside of his purple tunic.

Merlin watches enthralled as Arthur leans over him so their chests are nearly touching, though their faces are too far for Merlin’s liking.

“I am going to fuck you, remind you that I am the only one who gets to touch you. Then,” Arthur lowers his mouth to Merlin’s neck, he noses of Merlin’s Pendragon red neckerchief, “I am going to fill you with my cum.” He nips at Merlin’s exposed skin.

A small closed mouth moan comes from the back of Merlin’s throat.

“Then,” Arthur purrs, his lips brushing teasingly under Merlin’s jaw. “I am going to give you a plug, you’ll walk around all day filled with my fucking royal spend.” His voice grows more aggressive, “If anyone dares touch you will see the way my cum has been keeping your little arse warm all day.”

Arthur’s weight shifts as Merlin’s hips try thrusting up looking for some kind of friction and the servant lets out a needy grunt.

“Is that understood?” Arthur licks at Merlin’s jaw.

Nngh yes gods yes Arthur please-”

“God, look at you,” Arthur pulls back to get a good look at his servant, his sorcerer. His cheeks are flush, chest already heaving rapidly with each breath, eyes lidded but they still gleam with impatience.

Merlin doesn’t dare voice his impudence though, not after his last punishment. He does not want to have to wait that long again. At least not today.

Arthur chuckles balefully, “So eager to be filled with my cock hmm?”

“Yes, Arthur please,” Merlin takes a hit to his pride but as it’s early in the day they are on a bit of a time limit. “Fuck me please, need you to fill me up,” Merlin’s voice is gravelly and wanton “mark me as yours.”

Merlin’s eyes are wide and pleading.

Fucking Christ ,” Arthur dives down and brings his lips down on his servant’s.

Merlin arches up into him with a moan returning the kiss with just as much passion, tongues sliding hotly against each other, teeth nipping, each gasp a breath shared between them.

Arthur unties Merlin’s neckerchief and tosses it somewhere in the room, the servant’s tunic follows. All the while Merlin's hands grab and caress the muscles flexing along the prince’s toned back.

Merlin’s already a dizzy mess as Arthur pulls down his trousers and smalls in one pull, the cool air is a welcome feeling on his fervid skin. He tries to reciprocate but Arthur’s mouth is just so damn distracting against his, he keeps fumbling with the prince’s laces to no avail.

Arthur grins against his mouth, “I love reducing you down to uselessness, can’t do anything other than moan wantonly to be filled by me.” Arthur groans as he moves a hand to undo his own laces.

Merlin’s lip quirks against his, “Are you mmph, saying I’m not usually useless?”

Arthur pulls back and gives Merlin the boyish smile that the sorcerer has always been so fond of. “Semantics,” the prince shrugs playfully.

Merlin sorts but before he can reply Arthur’s mouth is back on his, he can’t help but arch up into him again.

Not completely useless, at least not yet, Merlin slides Arthur’s breeches and smalls down. Arthur moves to shuffle out of them while settling between his sorcerer’s thighs.

There’s always a sort of primal satisfaction that surges through Merlin when he sees Arthur’s stiff prick, knowing he is the cause for it.

Arthur leans back over and laves at Merlin’s neck, leaving open mouthed kisses just above his collarbones, his servant’s blunt nails dig into his skin as he tries to pull the prince closer.

The prince obliges and grinds his hips down, their cocks rub together deliciously. Merlin’s hips buck against his and they exchange gruff moans, pleasure simmers in Merlin’s abdomen.

“Arthur please- don’t have all day.”

“You’re lucky or I’d keep you here all day, that way no one else could even look at you, I’d fuck you all day long, I’d have you warm my cock while we ate, I wouldn’t give you any reprieve.” Arthur rumbles out as he grinds down again purposefully.

Gods” Merlin whines, threading one of his hands through the back of Arthur’s soft tresses.

“Stay.” Arthur breathes into Merlin’s clavicle before stretching over the side to his bedside table.

“Really wasn’t planning on going anywhere.” Merlin’s tone lilts. There’s something about doing this in the broad daylight, being able to fully see Arthur that makes Merlin feel a bit snarkier than usual.

Arthur rolls his eyes as he fishes out the bottle of oil and a silver plug he had commissioned a few weeks back. He settles back between Merlin’s legs and takes a moment to appreciate Merlin laid out on his bed, fully giving himself over.

“Hire a painter if you’re just going to stare.”

Arthur narrows his eyes but they quickly fall back to their regular shape, “that’s actually not a horrible idea.”

The prince’s hungry gaze roaming over his body sends chills through Merlin and has a deeper flush raising to his cheeks.

“God you’re perfect.” Arthur doesn’t even register the words leaving his lips at first. Merlin’s brows raise in surprise at such praise and Arthur feels his own cheeks heat up. He dives back down to Merlin’s mouth before his servant can respond, but Merlin’s smile against his mouth has his heart skipping a beat.

As Arthur rubs their groins together again Merlin tosses his head back with a garish moan, his eyes fluttering at the sensation.

It’s not long until Arthur has Merlin writhing and begging underneath him, slick fingers squelching in and out of his arse.

“Please Arthur please” Merlin whines, “fuck me, please ngh wan’ your cock, need it, fill me please.”

Arthur gives a rough lick to one of Merlin’s nipples that has the servant moaning whorishly. “Only if you promise to be good later when the real punishment starts.”

“Yes, please I’ll be good Arthur, so good for you, ah!” Merlin yelps as Arthur licks at his other nipple.

“I’m going to hold you to that.” Arthur says, removing his fingers from his servant’s opening.

“Mmm’kay just, please.” Merlin cants his hips up brushing his leaking prick against Arthur’s.

“Fuck,” Arthur hisses, he can’t help but thrust back against Merlin.

He’s quick to spread oil over his prick before pushing forward, teasingly rubbing the head of his cock against Merlin’s fluttering hole.

A heavenly sob slips past Merlin’s lips that sounds something like ‘please’ and Arthur finally slides his cock into his servant’s slick opening.

Merlin’s breath catches for a moment and he keens at the feeling of being filled. His mind is fuzzy, limbs tingly as the blissful feeling of being able to satisfy his best friend crests over him in a wave of pleasure.

Arthur groans as he pushes deeper into Merlin’s heat, the muscles grasp tightly around his cock, urging him to snap his hips forwards. But the last thing he wants to do is make Merlin too sore, not for what he has planned.

Arthur bottoms out and Merlin doesn’t need long before he is squirming below him again. “Shh I’ve got you.” Arthur coos, bringing a hand to Merlin’s face, thumb brushing over his flushed cheek.

Merlin leans into the touch with a whimper that has the sadistic side of Arthur’s desires kindling in his chest. The prince starts grinding his hips slowly, his sorcerer gasps as Arthur just brushes past that spot inside him. The hand not gripping Arthur’s hair digs into his lower back in a pleasant kind of pain.

“Gods Arthur please- more just- nnghh fuck me.” Merlin’s voice breaks on the last two words.

“You better start behaving.” Arthur growls out as he snaps his hips forwards. Merlin’s pleasure filled wail resonates through the prince’s chambers.

ahg, fuck ah Arthur!

He sets a swift and harsh pace being sure not to be too brutalizing, Merlin does have to work today. The prince slides his hand from Merlin’s face up to his hair and firmly yanks, forcing Merlin’s head back, exposing more of his neck.

His servant’s noises become a serenade of obscene moans and bawdy mewls as he does his best to meet Arthur’s movements though he isn’t able to move much with the force of the prince’s thrusts.

As Arthur pulls his servant’s hair he takes a moment to really appreciate seeing Merlin in such a state lit by the bright light of the early day. His lips are swollen, cheeks flushed, the skin just under his eyes is red, making his eyes look even bluer in contrast, his chest is splotchy with red marks from his own arousal and from Arthur’s own lips. His glistening eyes peek up at him with a foggy bliss and veneration, though Arthur swears there’s a flicker of amusement there as well.

He really is perfect, Arthur could never in a million years imagine a being as brilliantly beautiful.

Merlin’s muscles contract around him as he presses into his prostate again. “Shit.” Arthur hisses, his eyes closing momentarily before opening again, though they remain heavily lidded. “Mmm fuck Merlin. God, look at you,” he gives another tug to his hair, earning him a throaty whine, “being such a good boy, my good boy, taking my cock so well.”

His words have a filthy moan spilling from his sorcerer’s lips, “ah- so nngh so good sire your cock ah feels so good, I fuck feel s-so full” Merlin tightens his grip on his hair, his nails scrape at his scalp in way that has goosebumps erupting down Arthur’s body.

“So good Merlin,” the prince praises as he lowers himself, slightly shifting his servant’s hips, to be able to kiss again. Their mouths are heated and intense against each other as they breathe the other’s panting breath in. He can feel the tingling start to build up in his lower abdomen, “Mmph fuck, gonna fill you up so well. Ah- Show everyone that you’re mine, that only I can mmph fuck you like th-this.”

“Yes,” Merlin keens, “oh-only yours Arthur.”

“So pretty,” Arthur gives his hair another pull, less harshly this time, “so good for me, such a good boy.” He brushes his nose against Merlin’s,

Another sob of pleasure slips past Merlin’s lips and Arthur can’t stave off his orgasm any longer. He lets go of Merlin’s hair instead grabbing the raven’s cock, and starts vigorously pumping. Arthur leans his forehead against his sorcerer’s as his own muscles constrict his spend filling Merlin’s arse.

The prince’s lascivious groan of release has Merlin tipping over the edge as well, his face scrunches as Arthur’s hand works him through his peak. Arthur gives small kisses along his jaw as cum coats his and his servant’s own stomach as well as the prince’s hand.

Arthur only gives him a moment to recoup before speaking up, voice hoarse, “gotta plug you up now okay?”

Merlin nods, not ready to use his voice yet.

Arthur grabs the plug that had slid over a bit during their activities, “Going to do it quick.”

Merlin merely nods again, too caught up in the afterglow to really worry, and he trusts Arthur.

Arthur pulls out and some of his cum does spill out but he manages to wriggle the plug in fast enough to keep most of his spend inside the boy.

Merlin hisses at the feeling.

“Are you okay?” Arthur asks quickly, prepared to remove the plug need be.

“Yeah- just, just feels cold.”

Arthur watches as his eyes flash pink, he sighs a breath of relief before settling down next to the servant.

His hand absentmindedly traces shapes across Merlin’s chest.

Arthur lets quite a few moments pass before breaking the amicable silence between them. “Okay?”

Mmm” Merlin hums pleasantly.

Arthur chuckles, “And the plug, feel okay?”

“More than okay.” Merlin turns his head and smiles at him.

“Yeah?” Arthur asks a bit teasingly as he moves to brush the hair off Merlin’s forehead.

“Mmm,” Merlin’s voice becomes rather shy, “I- like the implications.”

Butterflies swarm in Arthur’s stomach at the idea of Merlin enjoying being filled by his cum, being marked as his.

“Me to-”

They both tense as the doorknob to Arthur’s chambers rattles. Thank god he had the forethought to lock the door. Arthur is quick to scramble off of the bed and starts hurriedly throwing his clothes back on. Merlin, unable to move nearly as quickly, is only able to get out of the bed when they hear the click of Arthur’s lock. There’s only one other person who has the key to his room.

Arthur’s heart all but stops in his chest at the sound. It’s just as the door starts to creak open that Merlin sneezes particularly loudly.

Arthur suddenly finds his clothes sitting on his frame perfectly.

“Arthur,” Uther’s voice bellows through the chambers.

But instead of answering, the prince whips around to his servant.

Merlin, also fully dressed, is rubbing his eyes with one hand before looking over to the king. Arthur doesn’t miss the way the bed is perfectly made as well.

Arthur.” Uther says again impatiently.

Ahem, yes father?” he asks, turning back around, heart pounding adrenaline through his veins at a soring rate.

“You missed this morning's council session, and I heard you canceled knight training.”

“Yes, I-” Arthur does his best to think through the pounding heartbeat in his ears, “drank too much last night.” It’ll be all the more convincing when he hurls on his boots in a moment.

“Arthur, you know better than that. And then, “ the king's gaze slides to Merlin, “why was your door locked?”

“I didn’t want anyone to disturb me while I waited for the hangover remedy Merlin delivered to kick in.” Arthur answers quickly, nodding to the vial on the table.

“Right.” The king drawls, “Well make sure you don’t overdo it tonight,” his voice is stern, “ I will not have you embarrassing us in front of an entire banquet hall of witnesses.”

“Of course father.” Arthur complies easily, wanting his father to get out of here as soon as physically possible.

“And you,” Uther addresses Merlin, a different kind of adrenaline rushes through Arthur this time. But the king closes his mouth and scowls as Merlin sniffles. “Are you ill?”

“No, Your Majesty, my apologies, just seasonal allergies, with the seasons changing.” Merlin answers easily but Arthur can see the tension in his stance.

“I didn’t ask for your whole life story.” Uther rolls his eyes before exiting with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Merlin doesn’t try to hide his pout at the king's words.

Arthur whirls on him.

“Uhm- sorry?” Merlin says looking anywhere but the prince.

Really?” Arthur seethes. “You just- you know what- practically right in front of him!”

“Would you have rather had him see us naked in your bed together?!” Merlin huffs gesturing to the bed.

Arthur runs a hand through his hair. This stress is certainly going to put him in an early grave. “What am I going to do with you?”

Merlin’s final rating (so far): 7.9

Chapter End Notes

Arthur: My father isn’t immoral.
Me: STRONG Side-eye.

Okay, it's past 3 am here so my editing may not be perfect, I'll give it another look at some point within the next 48 hours lol. I honestly expected this chapter to be shorter but here we are lol.

Don’t worry the next chapter will start where this one left off! We will see how Merlin manages through his day and the end result of this kink!

I have an update story wise for you guys. It really pains me to say this but, the rest of the story is officially planned out. I know, trust me I wish this fic could go on forever lmao. I don’t want to give an exact number yet because it’s very up in the air as I might have to split one of the chapters in half and I could always decide to include more chapters based on requests. But don’t worry the end is still a ways away lol.

The good news though, for those who want it, there is officially going to be an epilogue! Don’t worry I can assure you it’s not needed for this story, all plot points will get resolved here! The epilogue is going to just be some kinks I couldn’t fit into the main story and won’t have an impact on the plot. But I’ll explain some more about it when we get further down the line.

That being said, if you have any requests that you really want to see in this story that have yet come up, please comment them! I am more than down to include them if they fit into the story, and if not there’s a very high likelihood I will add it to the epilogue. But with the end of the story officially in sight it’s going to get more difficult to make room for new chapters with each update. Don’t let that discourage you from commenting your requests though!

As always I can’t thank you guys enough for your support. It means the world to me. I really wish I had the words to convey my gratitude but alas I don’t think there are words powerful enough. And again thank you for all the kudos, comments, bookmarks, story and personal subscriptions, and of course for taking the time to read this story. <3

And once again a very special thank you to Kumioko! <3

Tumblr: lexplosion
Tiktok: lex1800

Primal Play / Breath Play

Chapter Notes

WAIT! Before you read this chapter. I need every single one of you to see this tiktok edit inspired by this fic. The amazing Dollophead101 (aka: all about the edits) has blessed us and I just sdfjklasdj. Truly one of the best things I have ever seen. I can’t express how blessed I feel for people taking the time to create from this story. If you’re comfortable doing so, I would love to see you guys show them some love in the comments of their tiktok!

I have another shoutout in this chapter as well to the very helpful akihito_asami who helped me resolve how I wanted to include something in this story! So thank you very much for the kind suggestion! This chapter is dedicated to you! <3

Alright! Now with that out of the way, I checked prior to writing this chapter and there are only 26 pages TOTAL (across all fandoms) on ao3 tagged with primal play so I hope I get to introduce this concept to some of you! The name is rather intimidating but in actuality it really isn’t that bad lol.

This was quite a fun one to write so I hope you enjoy!<3

And of course, as always thank you so much for your lovely support and again a special thank you to Dollophead101 for that phenomenal edit.

Spicy music if you'd like to listen during the smut:

Primal play
The act of giving into one’s baser instincts.
Typically a rather playful kink, primal play
often includes faux tussling or ‘play’ fighting.
Though it can also be more intense even
using bindings. See Bondage pg19.

Merlin’s initial rating: 7

Breath play
Breath play is the act of constricting one's airway,
usually done by choking from hands. Be careful not
to damage the airway or constrict for too long.
Some may prefer a simple pressure on the outer neck
rather than the airway.

Merlin’s initial rating: 8

“You know I am starting to think you actually do have a mental affliction.” Arthur angrily huffs, heart still pounding through his body from their close encounter with his father.

“If it weren’t for me I’m sure we’d both be getting dragged to the dungeons right about now.” Merlin motions haughtily at the door.

Arthur’s expression morphs into something between a grimace and sneer. “You can’t just go doing magic so close to the king like that!”

“I haven’t been caught yet! The only reason you found out was because we had no other options.” Merlin angrily glares at the prince, his eyes are steely and challenging.

A wave of hurt rolls through Arthur. So Merlin wouldn’t have told him lest he truly had to.

“Well you almost were!” Arthur seethes, leaning into his anger in an attempt to ignore the ache in his chest. “He would have you executed!”

Merlin’s face falls more serious as he spits out, “You think I don't know that?”

Arthur can practically feel the tight anger in Merlin’s tone, it sobers the prince. Of course he knows that. Arthur searches his face but all he can see is resolute anger.

They glare at each other for a moment before Arthur sighs, his shoulders relaxing a fraction. “Just- I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

Merlin’s face softens, understanding washing over him like a cool mist. “Arthur, I’ll-” he wants to say he’ll be okay. But he had told Arthur he wouldn’t lie to him anymore and Merlin knows that’s a promise he wouldn’t be able to keep. “It’s nothing new.”

Arthur still can’t fully grasp how Merlin has been able to live in constant fear all the while being friends with the prince himself. But now that Arthur knows about it, how can he not worry? Every second Merlin is in danger, and when he actually does magic that danger increases exponentially. The worry just adds on to his already brewing hurt from Merlin implying he wouldn’t have told him unless necessary.

Just as he is about to voice the question Merlin speaks up with a sigh.

“We need to go down to the courtyard, you are to judge the turnip carving competition. It’s already late noon.” He is somehow able to sound professional yet not at all at the same time.

Arthur whips his head to the window and sure enough, the sun is just past its midpoint.

Since he had slept in and then had his earlier argument with his magical manservant before their… other activities and then yet another augment, most of the day is gone. And even with their little spat, Arthur would be lying if he wasn’t eager for Merlin to walk around filled with his spend. But that doesn’t mean he wants to go inspect turnips.

“Ugh fine.” Arthur reluctantly acquiesces, “I don’t see why I have to be the one to judge turnips.” He starts walking to the door.

“Arthur, as someone raised in a farming village, I can assure you that you are the most qualified,” Merlin slips by him to open the door. “Only someone as turnip-headed as you-”


Walking around with an object in his arse isn’t as bizarre as he had expected. It’s neither comfortable nor uncomfortable. But to be fair it wasn’t like he has been doing much. Descending the stairs had been a rather interesting feeling, but other than that he has really just been standing off to the side as Arthur scrutinizes turnips.

Even though Arthur wasn’t thrilled about the task it’s clear he is taking it seriously. There’s a warm fuzzy feeling in Merlin’s stomach. It’s one of the things he loves most about the prince, he always puts forth the maximum effort, even if it’s something he’s not keen on. While Arthur is always attractive when fighting there’s this kind of quiet resplendence about him when he relies on his mentality.

Merlin’s eyes follow the prince’s gaze. There are some turnips that have clearly been carved by artisans with their intricate designs, though if you ask Merlin the one displaying the Pendragon herald is a kiss-arse. Thankfully it doesn’t take long for the ‘judging’ to be over.

Unfortunately, though that means a council meeting before the start of the evening’s feast. Merlin stands there equally enthralled as Arthur, which is not at all, as the council members go over the week's activities and plans, though neither young man is particularly paying attention any longer.

Merlin’s eyes keep flicking over to the prince as he feels his near-constant gaze roaming over his body, it has Merlin’s face heating up, fully aware of what he must be thinking.

It is a thrilling and sating feeling at the same time. Standing amongst Camelot’s most esteemed while being full of the prince’s cum. Merlin shifts his weight between legs having been standing for too long and he can feel the plug adjust in turn. More so than the feeling of the object, it's the constant reminder that he is filled with Arthur’s spend, that the prince so blatantly marked Merlin as his, it has Merlin dipping in and out of that fuzzy feeling in his head. And Arthur’s appreciating gaze certainly doesn’t help.

Merlin tightens his fists and tries to focus on what is being said with little success.

Arthur watches as his servant twitches and his face flushes every so often, no doubt for what is causing his reactions. Just the thought that Merlin is still filled from his spend a few hours ago has him fighting down his eager erection. They lock eyes every once in a while and something about the look on Merlin’s face is just driving the prince mad. It’s almost as if his expression is saying ‘I am being good for you’ or ‘I’d not only walk around all day like this, I’d do it on all fours if you asked’.

Arthur.” Uther’s voice echoes through the room finally catching his attention. It is clear this isn’t the first time he has tried to get his attention based off his tone.

“Yes father?” Arthur asks quickly in some sort of an attempt to appease his father.

Uther narrows his eyes at him as if he is looking into his soul. The king does not say anything for a few moments, letting Arthur grow uncomfortable in the tense silence.

“There was an incident with some of the tapestries that were supposed to be displayed tonight. We are moving the Knight’s capture competition to tonight instead.”

It’s impossible to miss the way the prince perks up. It’s one of his favorite harvest activities. While they didn’t have tournaments for harvest, allowing the knights time with their families, they instead would participate in the capture competition.

He can see Merlin wilt out of the corner of his eye.

“Understood father.” Arthur answers with a blinding smile. “My manservant will go inform the men so they can properly prepare.”

Uther’s eyes slide over to Merlin who averts his gaze.

“Very well,” The king waves a dismissive hand.

Arthur watches as Merlin bows, his servant stumbles a moment sending a fizzle of arousal through Arthur, before scuttling out of the room.

If anyone notices Merlin’s strange gait no one questions him as he runs around delivering the change of schedule.

The plug now rubbing against him deliciously when he moves certain ways, he finds gasps frequently escaping his lips though he does his best to hide them.

By the time he informs the majority of the knights he is running late for the feast.

Arthur hadn’t seen Merlin arrive but he catches the prince’s eye as he approaches to serve his master.

He has a quick word with Gwen that has the maid laughing at whatever he said before making the rest of the way to Arthur.

“Took you long enough.” Arthur rolls his eyes and waggles his goblet.

Merlin gives him an unimpressed look before leaning over to pour him some wine. He can’t stop the gasp that leaves him as the plug rubs against him, though thankfully it’s quiet enough to not catch anyone's attention, at least anyone other than Arthur.

Arthur watches as his sorcerer’s cheeks tint a pretty pink and refuses to meet his gaze.

A smirk creeps onto Arthur’s face, he keeps his voice low as he speaks, “I’d offer you some food but I know you’re already rather full.”

Merlin nearly drops the flagon of wine but steadies it on the table at the last moment, cheeks a bright scarlet now.

The servant glares at him and Arthur’s smirk just grows. It isn’t hard for him to see through Merlin’s facade, even though he is glaring the prince can practically feel his servant’s lustful undertone.

“Well,” Merlin drawls, his eyes sparkling with challenge, “Maybe with the disadvantage you’ll be able to find your own servant.”

It’s Arthur’s turn to glare.

It’s true he had never been able to catch Merlin during the Knight’s capture but that’s only because the idiot would be found nearly as quick as the competition started by someone else. The entire point of the festivity is to find the most participants and whatever knight found the most people would get bragging rights, as well as some kind of reward. It’s a sort of exercise for the knights to practice their hunting/perception skills with friendly competition. Even some retired knights like to participate since it’s usually so fun and gives them a chance to goad the younger knights.

Unsurprisingly Merlin would always tease the prince that he’s never been able to find his own servant. But Arthur swears the boy gets caught early on purpose, before he even has a chance. Not that it matters much in regards to the competition, Arthur would always finish in the top three if not win himself. He’s one of the best hunters in Camelot, that and the participants, consisting mostly of servants, aren’t particularly trained on how to hide or evade capture. It’s all in good fun though, it’s not so much capturing than touching, a simple touch from the knight’s hand and they are ‘captured’ and out of the game.

“I can assure you your incompetence getting you caught early has nothing to do with my skill.”

“Of course sire.” Merlin’s voice is dripping with sarcasm.

It’s then a nobleman raises his voice to speak with Arthur over the ruckus of the feast. It’s even louder than normal with the knight’s excitement for their favorite festivity being moved up to this evening.

In reality, Merlin knows he is most likely the most adept out of the usual participants, he has more than enough practice in stealth missions given how many times he’s had to save Camelot. Not to mention he is the only one who has been on actual missions with the knights, he knows how they operate and their different tactics. Truly he just gets caught so he doesn’t have to run around the woods all night, and with Arthur busy it gives Merlin time to enjoy other festivities.


The servant is shaken out of his thoughts. The prince gestures his head impatiently to the fork he must have dropped on the ground. Merlin refrains from rolling his eyes and steps forward, placing his flagon of wine on the table before crouching to pick up the piece of cutlery. He can feel the plug move around from his change of position, it has the floaty feeling just out of his reach again. Unlike his now missing collar, being claimed in this way is much more intimate, to not only have the constant reminder of who he belongs to but the way he can sometimes feel he plug squelch against the prince’s royal spend has him fighting down his much too enthusiastic prick. Not to mention he had been thoroughly fucked by the prince earlier today, he can’t keep the thoughts out of his head, Arthur’s flexed muscles as he worked his hips, his dark possessive eyes, his ardent groans that just bordered growls.

Just as Merlin is about to pick up the fork, a very well polished, pretentious boot, kicks it further under the table.

Merlin snaps his head up to glare at Arthur who is very obviously failing at hiding a smile while he pushes around the food on his plate, listening to the nobleman drone on about his family's accomplishments. The prince glances down at Merlin’s glare and his lips quiver trying not to laugh as Merlin mumbles some kind of threat about Arthur being lucky he hadn’t dropped a knife.

Merlin lowers himself fully to his knees and stretches forward to get the damn fork. It’s then the plug brushes against his prostate and he purses his lips just in time to stop the moan that erupted from his throat. He hadn’t even realized how his body had leaned against the prince’s calf for support until Arthur’s hand comes to rest on the small of his back. Only to push him down more so his chest is practically flush against the floor. Merlin has to burrow his head into the crook of his elbow to stop his whine as the plug hits his prostate again, it has his cock quickly filling out.

Merlin takes a moment to breathe and will down his arousal the best he can before grabbing the cutlery. Not willing to let Arthur get away with such an act, Merlin brings his hand to the inner side of the prince’s thigh and slides his hand up, being sure his fingers brush against his groin as he pushes himself up from the floor.

When the prince’s face is no longer blocked from view by the table Merlin can see the way his jaw is set as he pretends to listen to the nobleman who is still droning on.

Merlin scurries off to replace the now dirtied fork. Heavens forbid the prince use one of the three other forks at his disposal.

The rest of the feast goes by similarly, Arthur purposely dropping items to have Merlin bend down and get them and in turn making his plug shift inside him. Merlin’s not sure he’s ever been more grateful he wears his shirts untucked, the purple fabric hiding the bulge in his trousers. Thankfully with the capture tonight a majority of the guests get to leave the feast early, including the prince and in turn Merlin.

The prince’s arousal melds into his excitement as Merlin changes him out of his feast attire into his darkest attire, his blue tunic and dark leather vest. They don’t talk much other than a few goading words from Merlin, though Arthur isn’t fooled as his servant is much more twitchy than normal.

As much as Merlin wants to ask Arthur for permission to remove the plug, he had told the prince he would follow through on the punishment and he plans to stay true to his word. Even if he hadn’t planned to run around the forest filled from the prince.

Merlin.” Arthur calls exasperatedly now standing outside of his servant’s door as Gaius works on finishing up some potions at his table.

“And you think I’m impatient.” Merlin huffs as he exits his room, “If you think I was risking getting that tunic dirty you’re more dense than I thought.”

“Merlin!” Gaius reprimands from where he is standing.

Merlin winces.

Arthur gives the servant a look that very clearly says ‘Haha you got in trouble.’ To which Merlin pouts at the blonde.

Arthur is washed over by one of those waves of affection for his sorcerer that has him wanting to just wrap Merlin up in his arms and declare his recalcitrant adoration with sweet whispered words that verge precariously close to apotheosizing.

“I won’t wait up for you tonight, my boy.” Gaius gives the two a knowing look that has heat rising on both of their faces.

While Merlin hadn’t explicitly told his mentor about his trysts with Arthur, the physician had known he had been staying in Arthur’s chambers rather often and seemed to come to his own conclusion, especially after Merlin had reassured him Arthur wasn’t going to execute him for his magic.

“Well- we just- we-” Arthur sputters endearingly before clearing his throat trying to fight down his nervousness, “The Knight’s capture was moved to tonight so… we’ll be out most of the night. If not all night.”

He hadn’t talked to Gaius since Merlin tried to run away and the last thing he wants to do is be on Merlin’s father figure’s bad side. Not that it matters because nothing can happen between them, but still.

Merlin loops his arm around Arthur’s as he drags the prince towards the door, “I’ll see you tomorrow Gaius!”

The warlock closes the door behind them before the old man can insinuate anything else.

Merlin huffs and lets go of Arthur’s arm. The feeling has Arthur feeling rather bereft and he can’t help but think how nice it would be if he were able to escort Merlin places.

“Come on Clotpole, don’t wanna be late do you?” Merlin teases but on the first step downwards he finds himself gasping from the plug rubbing against his insides in a way that has lightning tingling through his lower abdomen.

Arthur hums lowly as he steps over to Merlin, taking advantage of being on the higher step and taller than his servant. Merlin watches with curious eyes as the prince saunters close enough that their noses nearly brush. Arthur puts a hand on his sorcerer’s jaw and tilts his head up “Merlin,” Arthur purrs, “be sure to put up a fighting attempt this year, I can promise you that I will get you this year.”

The prince’s words spark a competitive flame in Merlin’s stomach. “Bold of you to think you could ever actually pursue me if I were unwilling.” The servant smirks up at the prince, looking through his lashes.

“Is that a challenge?” Arthur asks, eyes dipping down to the sorcerer’s lips.

Merlin’s smirk grows as he shrugs nonchalantly, choosing not to answer before turning back around to sashay down the steps leaving the prince breathless, an eager excitement pulled taut in his stomach.

It’s a brisk night but not terribly cold. Nearly all of the knights are already there dressed in similarly dark clothes, swords ready at their hips just in case someone gets any regicidal ideas.

The prince and servant break off into their respective groups. The starting grounds are lit by torches held by stands allowing enough visibility to see one another. There are even some men passing around skins filled with ale. Arthur quickly finds his inner circle of knights who are currently placing bets on who will find the most participants.

Meanwhile, Merlin heads over to the group of volunteers. Typically in events like this he would stand by Gwen but women aren’t allowed to participate in this competition as no knight would dare lay a hand on a lady. So instead he heads over to the group of boisterous stable boys and squires who are eager to compete and show off their skills not only to each other but their masters as well.

Thankfully even with the rumors lately the young men don’t treat Merlin any differently and welcome him into their conversation easily with hearty pats to his back. In actuality all the servants know just how hard Merlin works and as he frequently offers to help others with their duties he has grown quite appreciated over the years with the staff. Well perhaps other than some of the kitchen workers. But really isn’t it a compliment that their sweets are so good that he can’t help sneaking a few every now and then?

Merlin can’t help the way his eyes keep flicking over to Arthur, who in turn keeps sneaking glances of him as well. Arthur’s hair reflects the torch light brilliantly, orange flickers in his eyes, bright with mirth at whatever the knights are jesting about. Each time their eyes meet Merlin’s magic tickles his skin in charged bouts of swirling energy.

“Alright.” Sir Kay’s voice rings out loudly, quieting the ruckus. He’s a comely man with about a decade on the prince. One of Uther’s most renowned knights, he’s always been one of the nicer of older knights, he had a rather large hand in Arthur’s training when he was younger.

Arthur’s glad he himself can participate in this event rather than mediate it. If he was stuck suffering through menial harvest duties all the while having no tournament he might have gone mental.

“For anyone new this year the rules are simple. If a knight touches a participant that participant is out and reports to me or Sir Bedivere with the name of the knight who managed to catch you. If you so desire you can then go back and continue with the event or retire for the night. If you are a knight you can take a break but are not allowed to leave as this is a training exercise. There is absolutely no use of weapons allowed. This is a battle of physical strength and cunning strategy only. You will hear the blow of a horn when the event is over. There are ribbons tied around trees to indicate the boundaries. If you leave the boundaries you are no longer our responsibility and are out of the competition.” (a/n: this is basically hide-and-go-seek tag in the dark, known where I am from as Manhunt) The man’s eyes roam over everyone making sure they are all paying attention. “Is that understood Sir Gwaine?”

Gwain straightens up from where he had been whispering something to Elyan. “Yes sir.”

The knights snicker at their comrade getting scolded.

“Are there any questions?” Sir Kay calls out loudly.

No one speaks up.

“Alright, volunteers get a head start. Your time starts now.”

Chaos erupts around Merlin as people start sprinting into the woods already laughing and horseplaying with their mates. The air is charged with contagious excitement as people disappear into the darkness of the woods out of range of the torchlight.

Merlin along with some others take a slower approach, saving their energy for when they will need it. Merlin turns to look at the prince who isn’t even trying to hide how avidly he is watching his servant, seeing what direction the boy will go in.

Merlin grins at him before jaunting into the darkness.

It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust to the change of light but when he does he sees people eagerly looking for hiding spots in all directions, some wander around aimlessly wanting to be caught early on.

Merlin doesn’t blame them, it’s what he typically does too, anyone who works in the castle is allowed the following morning off if they participate in the capture, so if you get caught early and choose to leave you basically have a free night and morning off. Though most of the younger lads around Merlin’s age are always eager to prove themselves and run around all night. However this year Merlin is more inclined to play along.

He scans the forest as he walks deeper in. He’s only just past those who want to be caught early on when he sees a servant he’s not sure he’s ever seen participating in the capture.

“George?” Merlin can’t help but ask as he approaches the man.

“Ah. Merlin, hello.” George greets. It’s very clear the man has no idea what he should be doing as he looks around the forest insecurely.

“Have you ever done this before?” Merlin asks, growing more certain with each passing second that George has never partaken in this festivity before.

“Oh, no, I haven’t. Have you?”

“Yeah.” Merlin eyes the man cautiously. “Do- do you want to get caught?”

“Oh heavens no!” George exclaims, eyes going wide showing the most emotion Merlin has ever seen out of the man. “In fact I wish to do the best, to prove myself.”

Merlin’s mouth quirks up, he has a hunch who the man may be trying to prove himself to. “Right.” he clears his throat, “Well, if you don’t want to be caught, stick close to the start and climb up a tree. The knights will be so eager at the start they’ll run right past you.”

George’s eyebrows shoot up, “That’s clever, I’ve just, I’ve never climbed a tree.”

Of course. Merlin just stops himself from rolling his eyes, George was probably polishing cutlery for fun as a child.

“Well, no time like the present.” Merlin pats him on the shoulder before turning around to continue on his way.

“Th-thank you!” George calls out before Merlin gets too far.

Merlin turns and gives the man a genuine smile before disappearing into the shadows of the forest.

As Merlin makes his way forward he comes to realize how much of an advantage he has over the others. He passes by multiple people crouching in brush or attempting to hide themselves by pressing up against a tree, the most obvious spots someone would try to hide in. But out of the servants, he most likely spends the most time in this forest as he regularly searches for herbs in these parts. Honestly without even using his magic he’d bet he has better knowledge of this area of the forest than Arthur.

As Merlin continues further into the darkness he can hear groups of lads chuckling and shuffling about looking for hiding places. Two young men run quickly past him, the one in the lead nearly trips over a fallen log but manages to steady himself at the last moment only for his friend to fall into a fit of chuckles, Merlin can’t help but smile along. The capture is so much more fun and less harmful than tournaments it’s a shame they don’t do it more.

He himself is careful as he puts a boot on the log to step over but the motion has his plug adjusting again and he has to bite his lip to stop the sound that was about to escape him. The feeling has that fuzzy bliss cresting over him as the longing to please sends shivers rolling through his body.

The further from the start he gets the quieter it becomes as everyone starts spreading out further. He scans for a good place to hide while he continues forward, doing his best to ignore the rubbing of the plug, though he’s rather unsuccessful.

Arthur is practically vibrating with energy as he waits for the signal. Surely from what he said earlier Merlin is actually going to play along this time. And Arthur will be damned if he doesn’t catch the boy at least once. His mind is already going over what Merlin’s most likely strategy would be, he hadn’t run in like the majority, a good idea on his part to conserve energy. And he knows he couldn’t outmatch any of the knights in a battle of attrition, so surely he will be relying on his wit and try to find a good hiding spot. Unless he knows that’s what Arthur expects him to do.

“Sire?” Lancelot places a hand on his shoulder.

Arthur looks up at the knight.

“Yes sorry, what did you say?”

Lancelot’s eyebrows raise at Arthur so easily saying ‘sorry’, seems as if Merlin is still impacting the prince in ways he doesn’t even realize.

“I said good luck, my lord.” The man has a knowing smile on his face.

Arthur narrows his eyes at the knight, “I do not need luck. My skill will prevail.”

Lancelot chuckles kindly, “He’s a lot more competent than you realize sire.”

Arthur clenches his fists as a rush of invidious jealousy licks through his veins and pierces his chest. The fact that Lancelot knows so much about his Merlin that Arthur himself doesn’t even know. And Arthur should know as Merlin is his.

What’s so good about Lancelot that had Merlin trusting the man with his secret?

“I seriously doubt that,” Arthur replies brashly in an attempt to conceal his sudden displeasure.

There’s a loud bout of laughter that rings out from the forest shaking Arthur from his thoughts.

“Oi princess!” Gwaine shouts much too loudly for only being a few feet away, “I bet I’ll get more captures than you.”

Arthur gives him an incredulous look but just as he’s about to speak up Sir Kay gives the knights the go ahead. The prince’s pulse instinctually quickens in anticipation as he jogs into the forest.

It’s utter havoc and disorder as they come across those who aren’t hiding, standing just outside of the torchlight’s reach. There are men running around laughing like boys as they chase each other, some of the participants at least making the knights work for it a little bit. There are yelps and grumbles as knights tag as many persons as possible.

Arthur pays no mind in trying to catch any of them and instead scans the area for his sorcerer, when he doesn’t see the lad a thrilling rush shoots down his spine. Good, he’s participating properly this year.

Arthur makes his way through the disorder heading further into the forest, honing the senses he’s been training since before he was even ten summers old.

He walks for what feels like twenty minutes but he can’t be sure. The moon keeps slipping behind wispy clouds above the forest's canopy, thankfully they aren’t thick enough to block any of the moonlight that reaches the forest floor.

He easily sees people lurking in various places but none of them are Merlin so he continues forward on his crusade to find the boy.

Arthur’s heart is a steady pulse as he focuses on his surroundings using every bit of knowledge he has learned in his years of training. Each nerve in his body on edge as he prowls for his target.

It must be nearing an hour when Merlin feels a shift in the crisp autumn air. He doesn’t look up from the strands of grass he has been weaving together.

Merlin does his best to keep his breathing steady but his heart is pounding with adrenaline now, urging him to move, to run. But not yet, he can’t. The hair on the back of his neck prickles as he feels a pair of eyes watching him.

The only audible sound is the rustling of leaves in the gale, his jacket is thankfully able to keep the sharpest sting of the cold away. His fingers move automatically, weaving the grass together without having to think about it. Every ounce of Merlin’s being is honed in, concentrating behind him, listening for the slightest movement.

It’s then, much closer than he had expected, that a leaf, barely audible crunches under a boot.

Another spike of adrenaline surges through Merlin’s chest as he dives into something that resembles an inelegant forward roll that careens slightly to the right. His knees almost buckle as his plug rubs against but the adrenaline muffles the feeling just enough. He lands in a rather graceful crouch, well graceful by his standards, about two feet (just over half a meter) away from his pursuer.

Arthur’s chest hits the ground with a huff as Merlin slips through his fingers barely avoiding his grapple. The prince is quick to bounce back into a crouch mimicking that of his servants.

They stare at each other, heated gazes, chests heaving, as the air crackles between them with anticipation. Merlin’s pale skin looks almost iridescent in the light of the moon. The sorcerer’s tongue darts out to wet his lips and Arthur can’t help but follow the movement.

If he’s being honest with himself, the prince is rather shocked that Merlin had noticed him coming. Arthur isn’t even wearing any armor, which usually impedes his ability to stealth. His eyes flick back up to Merlin’s, the boy's gaze is swirling with mirth as his mouth breaks into that infuriatingly cheeky grin.

“Took you long enough. I think your skills might be getting a bit rusty.”

Arthur exhales a huff of amusement out of his nose. He doesn’t think he’ll ever understand where Merlin gets the gall to talk to him in such a way.

“I think that’s just your impertinent impatience rearing its head again.”

There’s some jovial shouting in the distance that echoes through the air around them but neither pay it any mind, too focused on the one in front of them.

Mmm don't think so.” Merlin’s grin widens. “You know maybe it’s all the food from the feasts the past two nights. And you did cancel training this morning.” His voice lilts with a teasing amusement.

“Oi!” Arthur guffaws, “I needed energy to be at my physical peak tonight, especially after burning so much energy earlier in the day.” His eyes lower to Merlin’s arse.

The servant’s stomach flutters at Arthur’s perverse and hungry gaze.

Even in the dark the knight can see the way Merlin’s eyes go a bit hazy with servility as a bit of docility pushes back against his surliness.

Arthur watches as Merlin goes to reply but the boy’s face quickly falls serious, his eyes snap to a spot over the prince’s shoulder.

Arthur turns around only to see nothing but the dark forest behind him. When he looks back Merlin is sprinting away.

Merlin can’t stop the laughter that bubbles out of him as he hears Arthur scrambling up behind him with a curse.

The air is cold on his face as he dashes through the woodland doing his best to avoid any fallen logs or thick bramble. His boots pound against the forest floor as energy thrums through his limbs. His magic sings inside his chest at the boyish joy that stirs through him.

Arthur’s footfalls are not too far behind his though they seem to be at an equal speed for the moment. It sends a chill of anticipation down Merlin’s sternum.

Merlin bounds over a fallen log and veers to the left around a tree, he glances back and gives Arthur a taunting smirk but the prince follows easily.

There’s a pleasant burn in Arthur’s legs as he chases after his sorcerer. All of his nerves tingle in a near orgasmic urge to catch the raven. The competitive fire flickering in his abdomen now a ravenous blaze that has a primal desire curling up his spine.

The trees are whipping by as they sprint through the darkness, lungs stinging as they filter in the cold air to their heated bodies.

The chase goes on longer than Arthur anticipates, not expecting Merlin to be able to run for so long, he won’t deny he is rather impressed. He’s not sure how much time has passed by when the raven starts to slow down but it is certainly more than he would have ever expected out of the servant. They’ve been running so long Arthur starts to worry they left the boundaries without noticing.

Merlin’s stamina is waning with each thump of his boots. But he refuses to make this easy for Arthur. His magic expands inside him urging him to use it to his advantage but he won't, Arthur’s still not ready to see him cast superfluous spells.

Arthur sees it before Merlin does, a yellow ribbon tied around a rather large tree, marking the boundary. Arthur’s steps start to lead him a bit more to the right as his sorcerer fractionally slows down, becoming laden with exhaustion.

Merlin too focused on not tripping and getting more space between him and the prince doesn’t see the ribbon until the last moment and veers to the right, his boots skirting on the ground.

A predatory grin breaks out on Arthur’s face as he reaches out and wraps his arms around the boy’s waist before tackling him to the ground. The sorcerer landing on his stomach and Arthur pressed against his back.

They hit the ground a bit harshly but nothing either of them aren’t used to.

Much to Arthur’s delight Merlin immediately starts fighting back. In actuality, Merlin is actually caught in accordance with the rules, but his pride is still at stake, and they both know there is more to this with how the air around them is coiled tight as if lightning is about to strike.

All the while the plug sat in Merlin’s arse keeps just barely brushing against that spot in him but he is far too stubborn to give in so easily, even if he is already half hard.

They scuffle for quite a bit, exchanging out of breath insults and curses. Merlin’s thrashing underneath him grows stronger and with a growl of frustration his bony elbow finds Arthur’s stomach, the prince heaves out a pained groan. Merlin uses that moment to lift his hips upwards knocking Arthur off kilter before flipping them over using his hands to grab the prince’s wrists pinning them down on either side of his head.

There’s a look of shock on Arthur’s face, his brows raised high, eyes wide and lips parted as his servant leans over him with a manic grin on his face, chest heaving from exertion. The adrenaline only further fuels Merlin’s pride.

Arthur’s surprise quickly morphs into a deadpan expression and Merlin is barely able to register his own confusion before he finds them flipping over again.

Merlin fiercely flails as he scrabbles at Arthur’s shirt and arms with his blunt nails. The sting inflames the prince’s urge to dominate the boy. Arthur catches one of Merlin’s wrists in his hand and brings his other to his servant’s shoulder and muscles him over again so Merlin’s chest is flush with the chilly ground.

Even then Merlin’s squirming does not stop as he tries to get out of the prince’s hold in an attempt to show his own competency. But Arthur is just too strong. The prince pushes his weight down into the back of Merlin's thighs and pins the wrist he already has in his hand to the ground while bringing his other hand to the back of Merlin's neck in a firm grip while pushing him further against the ground.

Merlin’s cheek is pressed roughly into the ground, he can just see Arthur out of the corner of his eye, which in that very moment flashes that pink, and in turn has Arthur’s already thrumming arousal curl in his stomach with an intrinsic kind of satisfaction.

The prince leans over so his lips ghost the back of Merlin’s neck just above his neckerchief as he snarls, “I am the one in charge you insolent little brat. You think you can out run me? Out fight me? I will always be able to overpower you.” Arthur ruts his hips down rubbing his erection against Merlin’s arse. The motion puts more pressure on the plug inside Merlin, it has the sorcerer moaning lewdly as his lashes flutter.

“Really?” Merlin’s voice comes out hoarse, “So you caught me good job.” Merlin pokes, “I am rather encumbered at the moment. You only won because of the disadvantage of having an object up my arse.” He snarks as he wiggles in an attempt to escape but Arthur just pushes him further into the ground.

There are some shouts and delighted laughs from a ways away in the forest.

“It seems you need to be reminded who owns who here.” Arthur snarls and tightens his hand on Merlin’s wrist so much he doesn’t doubt it’ll leave a bruise. The prince’s arousal is nearly overwhelming from the thrill of the chase, the ecstasy of overpowering his sorcerer, the chance to fully dominate his Merlin.

Arthur grinds his hips down again leaving Merlin gasping as lightning dances through his body, amplified from where the prince is holding him down.

“I’m going to fuck you right here,” Arthur growls as he releases Merlin’s wrist to untie his neckerchief, “take you right where anyone could see.” He grapples his jacket off, ” Put you in your fucking place so anyone who stumbles across will see you being used by me, dominated by me.” His voice is gruff as he slides the hand not grabbing the back of Merlin’s neck under the boy and unlaces his trousers.

“Well I haven't- ah- seen it yet.”

Merlin can feel Arthur’s sneer twist into a sadistic smile on the back of his neck as he rucks down the servant’s trousers and smalls with one hand. He pulls them down just enough to reveal his arse, though they get caught on his erection and leave his cock and bollocks still covered.

The air is cool on his arse but it’s a nice contrast to his already fervid body. It’s as he hears Arthur unlacing his own trousers that Merlin casts a wordless spell to keep anyone from the area they’re in. As much as the idea of someone catching them thrills him, he doesn’t feel like losing his head so recently after Arthur has learned about his magic.

Merlin’s hips are forcefully hiked up as far as they’ll go with Arthur still sitting on his legs while simultaneously holding him down by the neck. Arthur drags his hand from Merlin’s hips around to his arse as he grips a globe of firm muscle and spreads it just enough to see the plug still sat deliciously in Merlin’s pert arse.

The sight alone has precum eagerly dripping from the prince’s cock down onto his sorcerer’s rear. “God I’ve been waiting for this.” Arthur’s voice rumbles as he leans forward pressing his chest to Merlin’s back. He grinds his cock against Merlin’s crevice until he is rutting between the boy's cheeks.

The pressure has Merlin’s plug adjusting in tandem with Arthur’s cock, the servant doesn’t try to stop the mewls that spill from his lips. Each slide of Arthur between him pushes Merlin closer and closer to that blissful floaty feeling.

“Arthur please-”

Arthur scoffs as his teeth graze the back of Merlin's neck, “So eager to prove yourself but you’re already arse in the air begging for my cock.”

Merlin should feel shame but instead, he just feels wanton arousal pulsing through every part of his body.

“God, such a pathetic little thing, a bark much bigger than your bite hmm?” Arthur sits back up, still not releasing Merlin’s neck as he slides down in between the boy's legs while hauling Merlin just high enough to, giving him an even better view of Merlin’s little hole clenching down on the plug.

God he could cum just to this view alone. He brings his hand to the base of the plug and gives it a slight wiggle, watching the ring of muscle flutter from the stimulation. “I would have rewarded you for taking your punishment so well but you couldn’t keep your pretty mouth shut.”

Merlin keens at the compliment and the promise it holds.

Merlin opens his mouth for a haughty retort but he instead gasps as the plug is quickly yet carefully pulled from him.


Arthur has to grasp his prick to stave off his own orgasm as he watches his spend trickle out of his servant so obscenely.

After a short moment of Arthur being sure he isn’t going to prematurely cum like some young lad. He rubs the tip of his cock against Merlin’s opening, letting the cum and oil that’s been kept warm by Merlin’s body, coat the head before he slides into his sorcerer in one thrust.

Merlin wails an utterly profane moan as Arthur enters him. He can feel the prince’s cum from earlier squelch and seep out of him down to his bollocks as he is so thoroughly filled again.

“Fuckin Christ Merlin.” Arthur groans as he takes a moment to let Merlin adjust to the feeling, even if he had been prepared earlier the prince doesn’t want to risk hurting him.

Giving a much shorter time to adjust Arthur doesn’t hold back, he drags his slick cock out of Merlin fully before slamming back into his deliciously wet heat.

A throaty moan is knocked out of Merlin as Arthur puts more weight on the hand that is still holding Merlin’s upper half against the ground. There is very little stretch from their earlier activities and from being kept ready by the plug all day.

It’s now that Merlin understands that Arthur has been holding back quite a bit, seemingly afraid to hurt him. But now he leans into his primal sadistic urges as he rams his cock in and out of his servant’s opening. Merlin grips the grass in his hands to keep him grounded as every breath and moan is forced out of him as Arthur fucks him into the ground.

“God, look at you, such a fucking pitiful sight,” Arthur’s voice wobbles in time with each thrust, “thought you could best me?” The prince makes a sound that’s a mix of a chortle and groan of pleasure, “Look at yourself. It’s like you were made to take my cock Merlin.”

The sorcerer whines and tries to cant his hips back but is unable to due to the sheer power of Arthur’s thrusts. “See, can’t fight back even now.” The prince coos.

Arthur watches as each push of his hips has his cock dragging more cum and oil out of his sorcerer only to push it back in with another snap of his hips. It’s a heady feeling that has Arthur feeling voracious with the need to fully consume Merlin until he is a listless heap on the ground.

The prince reluctantly slows down his pace as he focuses on not cumming yet, he is going to get the most out of this opportunity. God how can he ever be with anyone else after this, he will never be able to find someone nearly as captivating as Merlin with his debauched hole leaking cum as his pitiful moans fill the air around them.

“Ar-Arthur- mmph- fuck” Merlin is able to get out now that he can breathe with Arthur not slamming into him so harshly.

The prince’s chuckle reverberates through Merlin’s body. “God I can’t believe you thought you could get away from me. A knight.”

Arthur hits that spot and Merlin tenses, he’s so close but his prick is still stuck inside his damn trousers.

“My cock, Arthur- nngh- please.”

“See, I have to do everything for you.” He growls as he pulls out of Merlin with an indescribable vulgarly wet sound.

He assertively flips the boy onto his back. There’s a dusting of dirt on his cheek that was pressed into the dirt. Even in the dark Arthur can see the flush on Merlin’s cheeks that trails down his neck and disappears below his tunic. His proud cock is ensnared by his trousers. Arthur makes a show of rolling his eyes at Merlin’s incompetence but in all honesty, he finds it rather adorable.

“You’re lucky no one else is here to see your sniveling.” Arthur sneers as he tugs Merlin’s trousers and smalls down until they are fully off one leg allowing them to at least be out of the way.

“What would the knights think hmm?” Arthur slides his wet cock back into Merlin who tosses his head back at the sensation, tantalizingly exposing his neck. His chest rises quickly with each libertine breath that puffs out those heavenly lips.

“They’d see you for what you really are.” Arthur’s thrusts become stronger but he keeps a slower pace.

Aghn gods, yours, I’m yours, all yours Arthur.” Merlin peers up at him through his thick lashes. There’s a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead and along the tendons of his neck.

Yes,” Arthur grunts, “You are all mine and they’d see that. They’d fucking watch as I used you for my pleasure.”

Merlin groans at the thought and brings his hands to Arthur’s shoulders for something to grab onto other than the ground. His fingertips leave smears of dirt in their wake on the prince’s skin.

Arthur leans forward and licks at the juncture of his sorcerer’s neck, it tastes like Merlin and salt.

“They would all see as you beg like a harlot for my cock.” Arthur trails a hand up Merlin’s clothed chest as he increases his speed.

Merlin whimpers brokenly as he presses the side of his face to the top of Arthur’s head. Arthur trails kisses up to his under jaw, nuzzling his nose against Merlin’s cheek before leaning back to see his servant’s face. His hazy eyes are wet with needy tears of desperation wanting to find release, Arthur can tell by his fucked out expression he’s in the lowest levels of that all-encompassing bliss.

He brings his hand to the base of Merlin’s neck, the skin is so smooth under his calloused skin. He picks up his thrusts again and he can feel as Merlin becomes more and more twitchy underneath him.

He tightens his hand on the outside of Merlin’s neck being careful not to put pressure on his windpipe. His dazed eyes flash pink before rolling back as he arches in pleasure, beautiful little whimpers spilling out of him. Arthur tightens his hand a fraction more and Merlin gets that tell-tale far away look on his face.

“Hmm so good.” Arthur purrs, “All the knights would see- mmph- how well you take my cock. How you fully surrender yourself to me. How fuckyour spitfire wit is fucked out of you as a reward for being such a good boy for me.”

Arthur watches how Merlin’s body bounces from each thrust of his hips, watches as his lidded eyes watch Arthur watch him.

All of the muscles in Merlin’s body contract, his face scrunching up as he cums with a groan, decorating his tunic with splotches of his spend. That’s more than enough to have Arthur quickly following, filling his servant up for the second time that day, though this time he doesn’t plug him back up.

Arthur collapses beside Merlin, pulling the raven into his arms in one fell swoop.

They lie there for far too long but Merlin is too blissed out to notice so Arthur takes the opportunity to coddle him. He runs his hand through his soft locks, enjoying the slowing rise and fall of his chest. He brings a hand to his cheek as he peers into his eyes and Merlin nuzzles into his palm but still doesn’t say anything. After a few more moments Arthur reaches over grabbing Merlin's neckerchief to clean the boy up. He’s glad Merlin hadn’t worn his newly gifted neckerchief now.

After using the newly soiled fabric to wipe himself off as well he pulls up both of their trousers before settling in next to Merlin again, pulling the raven to lay partially on his chest allowing Arthur to watch the stars peak through the trees above, though the clouds are thickening and start blotting more and more out.

Merlin finally stirs and burrows into the side of Arthur’s neck.

“Welcome back.” Arthur mumbles into his hair.


Arthur snorts but doesn’t try for any more conversation, allowing Merlin time to recoup.

It’s quite a while before Merlin breaks the silence between them, though there’s still laughter and shouts in the distance.

“d’you clean us up?”

“Mm. I used your neckerchief.”

Merlin snorts, “prat.”

Arthur can feel his smile against his neck and his own smile grows. Merlin adjusts so he can see the sky out of the corner of his eye.

They lie there for a while longer enjoying the stillness between them, just enjoying the others presence. Though eventually Arthur breaks the silence.

“Can I ask you something?”

“Anything.” Merlin answers easily.

“Would-” Arthur takes a deep breath, “Would you have ever told me?”

Merlin doesn’t miss the sadness hidden in the prince’s voice.

“I wanted to, so many times Arthur. I was just, afraid.” There’s a pause before he continues, “I didn’t want to put you in that position. Having to execute your best friend on behalf of your kingdom.”

They talked about that briefly before, when Merlin insisted he wasn’t any different than any other innocent sorcerer, But he is different, he’s different to Arthur.

Arthur is about to speak up when Merlin continues on. “I did actually, tell you once I mean.”

“What!?” Arthur sits up in shock and Merlin slides off his chest though he doesn’t sit up, he instead lazily rolls onto his back looking up at the prince.

“It wasn’t long after I first came to Camelot. With that deadly sickness was going around, when Gwen was accused of sorcery for curing her father.” Merlin’s voice lilts upwards as he continues on, “I burst in through the doors and revealed myself.”

“Merlin you absolute fucking idiot!” Arthur shouts but Merlin just smiles back.

“I cured her father. I wasn’t going to watch her be executed for something I did. Though I admit it was rather foolish, I’ve learned a lot since then.”

Arthur stands up in a flail of limbs as he starts pacing, rubbing a hand through his hair. “How, how did I not realize you were telling the truth.”

“And then there was the witch hunter. He accused Gaius and - ” Merlin catches himself, “I. ahem obviously Gaius used to practice magic, so even though he did lie about what happened he wasn’t wrong about us having magic.”

“But he accused Morgana as well.”

“Yes, well, can’t always be right I suppose.” As much as Merlin hates to lie to Arthur, that is not his secret to tell.

“God you how are you still even alive Merlin.” Arthur’s eyes are wide with worry as he stops mid pace.

“Hey, I’m more talented than you give me credit for, even now apparently.”

The claim reminds Arthur of Lancelot’s earlier words, another spike of jealousy floods through him.

The prince stomps over and sits down aggressively before hauling Merlin onto his lap.

Merlin flails as he’s manhandled into Arthur’s lap but relaxes as the prince’s arms envelop him in a secure hold. He tentatively rests his head against Arthur’s chest. This isn’t something they do. They don’t cuddle unless they are both too exhausted and relishing in the afterglow.

There’s another long silence before Arthur speaks up again, “Why did you tell Lancelot?”

Merlin tilts his head to look up only to see Arthur already looking back. “I didn’t, he figured it out. Remember the griffin?”

Arthur nods.

“I enchanted his lance to defeat it. But he’s a bit more perceptive than most people and saw. It was a magical creature, it had to be defeated by magic.”

You killed the griffin?” Arthur asks incredulously.

Merlin chuckles, not offended in the least at the prat’s reaction, he had believed he was a fool this entire time, it’s a big shift to take in.

“Well, Lancelot did most of the work, I just said some words.”

Arthur is far too relieved at the understanding Merlin didn’t choose for Lancelot to find out.

God Merlin what else have you done?”

Arthur doesn't miss the way Merlin tenses in his arms.

“Arthur, I’ve- not everything I’ve done is good. I swear I had good intentions but-”

“Well,” He tightens his hold around his sorcerer, “let’s just start with the good things then.”

How is it possible for Merlin to fall even more in love with this prat?

Merlin spends the rest of the night regaling Arthur with all sorts of tales from a completely different perspective he’s never heard before. Though with how much has happened and all of Arthur’s questions Merlin doesn’t get through very much.

When the sun starts peeking into the sky the horn to announce the end of the capture is over.

In an excuse to not bother Gaius Arthur offers for Merlin to sleep in his chambers this morning. The sorcerer eagerly agrees. They spend the entire sleeping wrapped up in each others arms.

Merlin’s final primal play rating: 8.5

Merlin’s final breath play rating: 9

Chapter End Notes

Alright, I knew this chapter was going to be long but oh boy that was a doozy, got spicier than I planned too, but that’s never a bad thing lol. I usually like to keep my chapters around 6-7k and this bad boy is just shy of 10k, one of the longest chapters lol.

I hope no one finds it strange Arthur only got one capture this year…

I have a fun question for you guys this week. Even if you’re reading way in the future, I’d love to know where you guys are from! Obviously don’t feel obliged to answer! I’m just curious is all lol. Even if this is your only comment on this fic I’d be more than happy to hear where you’re from!

As you can probably tell from my spellings I am from the United States. I am from the state of Rhode Island, the smallest state in the country! It takes about half an hour to drive from the east side to the west side and 45-50 minutes to drive North to South (without any traffic lol). Also it’s not even an island lmao, kind of a dumb name. It’s in the North Eastern part of the U.S located between Massachusetts and New York.

And of course another huge thank you to Dollophead101 for this amazing edit. And akihito_asami for giving me the idea of the dirty talk about the knights, such a good idea and I loved working it into this chapter.

Oh I almost forgot! Since multiple people have asked and honestly I want to anyways we will be getting a small fic of Leon and George lol. Not sure when I’ll get around to that but I plan to do it before this fic ends hopefully. The more I think about it the more I unironically ship them, it’s becoming an issue.

Anyways lmao, expect the next update within 7-10 days!

Thank you guys so much for your continuous support and love for this story. It means the world to me. <3

Blindfolds / Exhibitionism

Chapter Notes

Hello! Welcome back for another update! This one is a little shorter since the last chapter was so long and we have some longer chapters coming up as well!

You may have noticed I added the final number of chapters! Don’t be fooled though, that is the MINIMUM lmao, there is a good chance I may have to add one or two to that number but I didn’t want to get close to the end and be like surprise we only have three chapters left lmao. And I figured it would be better to say too few and have to add some rather than say too many and have to be like jk we aren’t getting that many chapters and take some away.

As always thank you guys so much for your support! I know some of you have been eagerly awaiting these kinks and I’m happy we have finally gotten to them! Enjoy~

Very minor spoiler:
Just because I don't want you to worry, the exhibition is still just between Arthur and Merlin as I know the majority of you guys wanted to keep the fic solely focused on Merthur! (the rest of you though, peep the bottom notes when you're done with this chapter~)

Spicy music if you'd like to listen during the smut:

Blindfolding is the act of using
fabric or some kind of object
to fully obscure a person's vision.
This in turn enhances the person's
other senses, making them more sensitive,
typically used to enhance sensitivity to touch.

Merlin's initial rating: 7.5

Gaining sexual gratification from being
watched while partaking in sexual stimulation.
Very commonly considered the counterpart to

Merlin's initial rating: 5

The following day goes by easily enough, Arthur is busy participating in silly events he’d rather not be and Merlin is busy running around helping the servants with their harvest duties.

Though all the while Merlin kept catching himself besottedly smiling to himself like an idiot. He had finally been able to tell Arthur about what he has done. Well, some of it at least, very little to be more accurate, but the prince just had so many questions. And while his disbelief was somewhat irritating Merlin can’t say he doesn’t understand. There’s so much Arthur hadn’t known, to then learn how much he has missed, especially being as arrogant as he is, it’s understandable he was doubtful. Though when Merlin had fully explained the griffin incident Arthur seemed to come around a bit more. He went from a boy listening to embellished tales of heroism to a prince starting to truly understand the implications of Merlin’s words. And that’s where they had stopped for the time being, Merlin and Lancelot defeating the griffin.

They hadn’t talked about it since, last night they were both so exhausted from their duties and with getting such little sleep the night prior, due to the capture, they went to sleep in their own chambers. And while Merlin is beyond eager to share stories of his successes, he isn’t going to push, he knows with all this new information Arthur will need time to think everything over and come to terms with the reality of the situation on his own.

The day goes by easily enough, not much different than the prior day, though there were other festivities, none as riveting as the capture, that the prince participated in. After another night of feasting, the two men find themselves in the prince’s chambers. They may have left earlier than expected but in all honesty, they were both buzzing with intrigue for their activities for the night. And while they could have stayed later since they did discover two kinks last time, neither mentioned it. Not to mention the king seemed more tense than normal, not that Arthur could blame him, it’s a rather hectic time of the year, but he was in no mood to deal with his father’s foul mood.

Merlin has been flitting around the room the past few minutes after getting Arthur dressed in his night clothes. There’s just something about the prince in his white tunic that makes Merlin antsy, in a good way. He’s just tossed some logs into the hearth to rid the room of the autumn chill that is clinging to the stone.

“Come here.” Arthur calls out from where he is standing by his table in the center of the room, his voice is authoritative, embers fizzle in Merlin’s stomach.

The servant traipses over not knowing what to expect. He stops a respectable distance away from Arthur. The prince however just looks at him, his blue eyes roaming over Merlin’s body as if he is taking note of every detail of the sorcerer, every fold in his clothing, every twitch of his lashes as he waits for Arthur to say something.

“Strip.” The prince’s command leaves no room for argument.

Merlin’s heart skips a beat at such an imprudent order. Arthur’s lips twitch at the endearing blush that stains his sorcerer’s cheeks.

The servant hesitantly starts removing his jacket but he pauses, glancing at the prince to see if he is serious. Arthur simply raises an impatient eyebrow. With a harsh swallow Merlin continues stripping out of his clothes.

Arthur watches raptly, eyes following his servant’s slender licentious hands as he coquettishly peels off each garment. His fingers brush against each fabric teasingly from his jacket to his neckerchief to his boots until Merlin is down to his smalls. The sorcerer gives him another questioning look but Arthur isn’t fooled, the coy way the boy looks at him through his lashes is a clear giveaway of his vexatiousness. The boys' smalls join the heap of clothing now on the floor.

But Arthur doesn’t do anything yet, he just looks, taking in his sorcerer as he starts to fidget under his gaze.

Arthur.” Merlin finally breaks the silence.

Arthur’s eyes trail up his body to meet his gaze. “Hmm?”

Merlin rolls his eyes, “Are you just going to stare at me all night?”

Merlin’s breath catches at the baleful smirk that starts to spread across the prince’s face. “Well, I suppose you’re not far off.” Arthur takes a step forward and brings his hand to cup Merlin’s jaw, the servant leans into the touch, his doe-eyed gaze wistful and eager to please, even with his usual air of surliness.

Arthur’s not sure if there’s anything so satisfying as Merlin giving in to his desire to please, his ubiquitous disobedience crumbling at the feet of his prince. When he finally gives into the longing to behave for his master, in a way Arthur could only ever crave from his sorcerer.

Merlin’s brow furrows in that adorable way it does when he’s confused and Arthur has to fight down the fondness in his chest that urges him to reach out and wrap the boy in his arms, but they have to find another kink.

“Sit on the foot of the bed, feet on the ground.”

Merlin gives Arthur a puzzled look but does as he’s told.

As always the feather stuffed mattress and fine blankets cushion Merlin’s body magnificently, the silken fabric of the top most blanket is cool on his skin. With such a large mattress and an ensemble of blankets Merlin’s feet can barely reach the ground, he is able to just rest the balls of his feet on the flagstone. Not really sure what to do with his hands he rests them on his thighs so as to not block any of Arthur’s view.

The prince strolls over to stand in front of Merlin though he keeps his distance, deciding to lean his back against his dresser.

The longer Arthur takes, the more antsy Merlin becomes, embarrassment starts trickling into his sternum as he sits fully nude while Arthur is still fully clothed, boots and all.

“Arthur?” Merlin asks after only a moment of Arthur looking him over again. The prince’s eyes shoot back up to his.

“You are going to sit there and touch yourself while I watch.”

What?” Merlin squeaks out, his already flushed cheeks darken considerably.

“I want to see how you pleasure yourself when I’m not there.” Arthur says much too honestly. But if they ever do get to the end of this spell, and they stop taking pleasure from each other Arthur will know exactly how Merlin finds some semblance of satisfaction. He will know exactly how Merlin will be stroking himself, each twist of his hand, tightening his grip, how each muscle in his body reacts to his own touch. He will be able to hold onto that information even when this is all over. Hopefully, Merlin doesn’t think about it too hard, but Arthur doubts the boy would see his hidden intentions.

Merlin sputters an attempted response but he really can’t think of anything to say to that. Merlin glances down to his already semi-hard cock and then back to Arthur. The prince’s eyes are dark and lidded as he waits for Merlin to begin.

Merlin nervously curls his fingers into his clammy palms. Usually he can get lost in the lust with Arthur, focus on the prince’s exploring hands and roaming mouth, even his dirty words. But now Merlin feels suddenly uneasy, having Arthur just watch him, while sure Arthur can find pleasure with Merlin, the sorcerer has the ability to touch the older and make him feel good. Surely Arthur wouldn’t particularly enjoy watching him. Merlin would easily watch Arthur do the same but Arthur is radiance incarnate, he is strong, defined muscles, brilliantly blonde hair, defined jawline, he is practically made in the image of Apollo himself. And Merlin, well, he’s just… Merlin.

Arthur watches as Merlin’s face starts to grow worried, while not panicked he certainly looks hesitant.

“Merlin, you can use our word if you need to.” Arthur’s voice is soft and far too tender not to notice.

“No! I- no I’m okay... I’m just- just-.” Merlin fidgets, his knees rubbing together anxiously.


Merlin nods his head timidly. It’s rather embarrassing to be shy about this with everything they have done so far. But it’s always been a push and pull between them, teasing words and soft lips, but now Merlin has nothing to work off of.

“Okay. That’s okay.” Arthur soothes as he takes a few steps closer, “Stay there for a moment, alright?”

Merlin nods again but this time keeps his eyes on his bare legs, worried about what he might see on Arthur’s face.

Arthur rifles through his drawer until he finds what he is looking for. He may have bribed the head seamstress for this when Merlin agreed to Arthur’s help for the spell. He walks back over to Merlin who is still not meeting his eyes.

“Here.” Arthur speaks up and finally gets his sorcerer to look at him again.

Merlin eyes the long swath of sheer red ribbon in Arthur’s hands. He gives the man a questioning look.

“I’ll tie this around your eyes, so you can pretend I’m not even here, or so you don’t have to feel like I’m staring at you.”

Merlin huffs out a breath of hot air, “It’s not that I don’t not want you here, just…” Merlin looks up to meet his gaze, nervously biting his bottom lip, “Do you actually want to just watch me? I don’t want you to do something you don’t actively want to.”

“What?” Arthur asks, his voice no longer soft but genuinely confused.

“I mean, if you don’t wanna watch me -”

“What?” Arthur asks again, just as confused.

Merlin’s expression grows annoyed from being interrupted and he feels a little less vulnerable about being fully nude. “Oh please Arthur it’s not like I’m particularly attractive. So I understa-”

Arthur laughs, genuinely laughs. It’s Merlin's turn to be confused.

Merlin. Just when I was starting to think you might be more capable than I originally thought.”


“You truly can’t think so little of yourself, right?”

Merlin blinks owlishly at him.

Arthur sighs and has to stop himself from rubbing a hand down his face.

Merlin, as much as it pains me to admit this.” Arthur starts looking around the room, avoiding eye contact, “You are genuinely one of the most attractive people to ever step foot in the citadel. And as someone who is fond of both men and women, you can take my word on that.”

Merlin’s jaw practically drops to the ground, a warm flush heating his face and chest. He searches for something to say but his mind has gone completely blank in shock.

“I mean,” Arthur continues incredulously, “Why do you think noblemen or hell even the bandits take such an interest in you?”

Merlin’s mouth opens and closes like a fish before he is finally able to form a response. “Because I look like an easy target?”

Arthur glares at him.

Merlin sputters unsure of what Arthur expects him to say to that. “I just- it’s- it’s not like I’m all muscley or sun kissed like the knights.” Merlin answers pitifully.

“No, you aren’t.” Arthur’s voice is sharp as he tightens his grip on the fabric, “Instead you are slender and elegant, you are artful in a way anyone would notice at a single glance. Your beauty is outright ethereal, in a way I have never seen on someone else. Your smile lights up your face in a way that has everyone around you smiling in turn no matter the situation. Your eyes are the same striking blue as the brightest flashes of lightning. Your hair is as black as ink, the only person who I’ve ever seen with such black hair is Morgana who, mind you, is a noble and revered for her beauty. And yes your skin is pale, all the more perfect to draw attention to any mark I adorn your flesh with. All of that and it doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of your charming and infuriatingly charismatic personality or- or that blasted wisdom you seem to have hiding somewhere in that head of yours.” Arthur puffs out a breath of indignation.

Merlin remains gobsmacked at the prince’s word, unable to form a coherent thought. While Arthur has called him ‘pretty’ before it was always in the heat of the moment and Merlin had just assumed the prince was building the moment. That and he always thought Arthur was able to… get it up assist him with the spell, from Merlin’s own touches and behaviors, not his actual appearance.

As the moment of silence stretches on, realization dawns on Arthur, he has most certainly shared too much. He feels his own face warm rather dramatically but he can’t find it in himself to take back any of what he has said.

The prince’s blush jolts Merlin out of his reprieve, Arthur so very rarely blushes. As much as Merlin wants to tease Arthur he also knows how difficult it is for the prince to admit such things, and he truly appreciates the knight’s candidness. Though perhaps a little teasing, this is too good of an opportunity to pass.

Merlin’s lip quivers as he fights down a smile, “Elegant?” For all the time Arthur harps on his clumsiness it seems only fair to call him out on the use of such a word.

Arthur shoots him with a deadly glare, but once the prince sees the sorcerer’s poorly hidden amusement he scoffs and rolls his eyes, an attempt to hide his ever increasing affection, “Shut up.”

Merlin’s face breaks into a brilliant smile that has Arthur’s stomach spirling with the flutter of butterflies.

“Thank you Arthur.” Merlin’s voice is genuine though his jovial tone gives away just how much the prince’s words truly meant to him. He continues more shyly, “I- I find you rather attractive as well.”

“Well obviously.” Arthur grins arrogantly, embarrassment quickly forgotten.

“It’s a shame about your personality though.” Merlin deadpans.

Arthur’s smirk falls almost comically. “And now the blindfold is no longer an option but a requirement.”

Excitement prickles at Merlin’s bare skin, he shrugs in attempt to play off his arousal, though it’s a rather hard thing to hide while fully nude.

Arthur’s eyes drop to Merlin’s hardening prick with a knowing smirk. Merlin can’t help but look away from his gaze.

“Now, this is what is going to happen.” Arthur drawls, as he knees Merlin’s legs apart stepping between them. Merlin turns his attention back to the prince, hanging on to each word raptly. “You are going to touch yourself exactly how you do when I am not there,” Arthur brings the fabric in his hands in front of Merlin’s eyes but does not press it to his face yet. “All the while you are to keep this around your eyes until I tell you to remove it or I remove it myself. Is that understood?”

Merlin’s eyes flick up from the fabric back to Artuhr’s eyes, “Yes sire.” His voice is breathy in a way that already has Arthur’s cock eagerly filling out.

Arthur folds the fabric in half making it thicker before laying it across his servant’s eyes. He secures it on the back of his head with a knot, making sure it’s tight enough that it won’t slip off.

The fabric is rougher than Merlin anticipated but not uncomfortably so, it is certainly smoother than most clothing he’d ever worn before coming to Camelot.

Even before Arthur can step away Merlin gasps as a familiar surge of magic rushes through him.

“What is it?” Arthur asks, worried that he may have tied the fabric too tight.

“Just- the spell, I felt it.”

“Pain?” Arthur asks quickly.

“N-no.” Merlin’s face heats.

The prince takes a calming breath. Right. The spell, the whole reason they’re doing this. And with his eyes covered Arthur can’t see when it happens.

“If it happens again, tell me, I want to know.” Arthur’s voice is low and Merlin can feel it ghost across his lips.

Even though the fabric is sheer it’s thick enough to where Merlin can’t see through, especially after the prince had folded it in half. But even now he can tell Arthur is leaning in close by the sound of his voice. Merlin nods, not voicing his answer.


Merlin can feel Arthur move away before he hears his boot retreating as they click against the floor back towards where he had been standing earlier by his dresser.

Merlin sits there for a moment not sure if he should just start or wait for the prince to command him to do so.

“Go on.” Arthur eventually speaks up, giving Merlin his answer.

The prince watches Merlin hesitate for a moment. With his stance, legs now spread further apart, his arse is barely on the bed. He is more half-sitting half-standing, weight distributed on the bed and the balls of his feet that are just able to reach the floor.

Merlin brings his right hand to his mouth and licks a stripe across the palm of his hand making sure to leave a generous trail of spit against his skin. The sight alone already has Arthur yearning to reach out and touch the boy, but he needs to know how Merlin touches himself in the confines of his own chambers.

Merlin moves his hand down to his already erect cock, wrapping his fingers around the shaft in a firm yet delicate grasp. Arthur can tell from the tension in his body he’s still nervous but after the first few strokes he relaxes into his own touch.

Mmm just like that Merlin.” Arthur can’t help himself.

Merlin gives a small closed mouth moan as he continues to languidly stroke himself from base to tip, where precum starts to bead.

“Ah, ah.” Arthur tuts, “None of that, I still want to hear you.”

“Y-yes sire.” Merlin breathes out reverently causing Arthur’s own prick to strain against his trousers.

It’s a strange and vulnerable feeling doing this in front of Arthur while he can’t see him. But Merlin can still feel his eyes on him, watching every move, every breath that he intakes, he can hear every ruffle of the prince’s clothes when he shifts ever so slightly, he can feel each line in his own palm as he drags his hand up and down his cock, he can feel the warmth of the precum as he slides it down his length. He can even feel the buzzing of his magic that so often just fades into the background. Things he’d usually never notice, but without his sight everything else feels so much stronger, his nerves pricked, picking up on every change he can detect with his other senses.

The thought of it has another moan bubbling out of him, this one escapes his lips with his permission, eager to please his prince.

“Much better.” Arthur rumbles, his voice husky.

The praise has Merlin keening, his head falling to the side bearing his neck as his hand speeds up igniting the already growing arousal in his lower stomach.

Arthur watches fully enthralled, unable to look away even if he wanted to. The tendons in Merlin’s neck are taught as his hand speeds up to a more moderate pace, his tongue darts out to wet his plush lips that are parted enticingly and nearly as red as the fabric covering his eyes. The candles illuminate his lithe figure sensually, just further adding to the intimacy of such an act. The prince watches as the muscle on Merlin’s forearm flexes slightly as he tightens his grip at the base and tip of his now steadily leaking cock.

Merlin lets out another moan as he passes his palm over the sensitive head of his cock collecting the precum to spread it over his throbbing prick.

It’s a few more strokes when Arthur can’t take it anymore, his own prick painfully hard at such a marvelous display. He fumbles with his belt unwilling to take his eyes off his servant.

Merlin can hear Arthur discard his belt, the shuffling of fabric as the prince’s trousers fall to the ground. The prospect of Arthur getting aroused enough just by watching him gives Merlin a vast boost to his confidence.

Even with the distance between them, Merlin is able to just make out the sound of Arthur working his own cock.

Merlin whines arching his back as he speeds up his hand faster, his toes curl against the cool stone as promising flickers of release tease up his spine.

Mmph god just like that Merlin.” Arthur grunts as he works himself in tandem with his sorcerer.

Angh, so good, feels so good.” Merlin mewls as his head lolls further back. His now audible breaths increase, the rise and fall of his slender torso, his ribs expand with each breath of pleasure. Now finally able to give into his arousal, no longer worried about Arthur watching, Merlin allows himself to relish in the feeling of his own movements.

Each drag of his hand, each ember fizzling in his stomach, each spark of arousal that shimmers across his skin and coils in his stomach are only amplified by the lack of vision. The silky bedclothes caress his body at every point they touch. Even the flames from the distant candles feel warmer.

All the sensations only have his magic more restless to leap out and make up for his lack of vision. And with his eyes closed and covered Arthur would never be able to know-

His thoughts are cut off by the prince shuffling closer, the sound of his pleasure only growing as he encroaches.

“Keep going Merlin.” Arthur commands lowly.

Merlin hadn't even realized his hand had nearly stopped, too focused on his surroundings and the eager fluttering of his magic.

He tightens his grip and continues sliding his hand over his cock, he makes sure to brush over his tip every few strokes and to put extra pressure at the base just as he likes it. But knowing Arthur is there, knowing the prince could be touching him instead keeps pulling him away from that tight build up of tension in his abdomen.

Mmph good job,” Arthur’s voice is much closer than Merlin had anticipated.

Arthur smiles when his sorcerer jumps at the sound of his voice. Arthur leisurely strokes his own cock as he watches Merlin work himself so close to the edge but not quite able to reach the peak.

“God look at you, touching yourself in front of your master. How improper.” Arthur presses himself between Merlin’s knees but doesn't touch, he will see Merlin bring himself to completion, no matter how much he wants to just reach out and ravish the boy.

Merlin’s chuckle is breathy, amusement tickling his stomach from Arthur’s words.

Arthur continues, leaning over to brush his nose against his sorcerer’s, “Little would anyone know how well you’re truly behaving, taking orders from your master so well.”

Merlin nuzzles back against Arthur’s face in hopes of meeting his lips but the prince keeps his mouth angled away. His body is so close Merlin can feel the heat radiating off the prince, he can feel every puff of hot breath, the slick sound of Arthur’s pleasure so close yet not nearly close enough. Every sound of skin, each stroke of the prince’s hand sound so much louder, so much more profane without seeing it, leaving his imagination to conjure the most indecent images.

He can hear Arthur speed his own hand hand and his breaths puff out quicker cascading down Merlin’s chin and the servant can’t help himself, he lifts himself up just enough to meet Arthur’s mouth.

The prince is too shocked to move for a moment but quickly brings his unoccupied hand to Merlin’s cheek only to deepen the kiss. While anger licks inside his chest at Merlin disobeying he is also far too aroused to not give in, he’s always been so powerless against Merlin.

The prince slides his tongue into Merlin’s mouth and the servant can’t help but feel a bit smug, like he won some wordless competition, but when it comes to the prince when aren’t they bickering or fighting?

Arthur groans at the feeling and it takes everything in his being not to swap his and Merlin’s hands, but for the sake of his future wank sessions sans servant he needs to see Merlin make himself cum.

The prince reluctantly pulls back. “Don’t think I am going to forget about that.” He growls out removing his hand from his servant’s cheek.

Merlin smirks and Arthur has the sudden urge to throttle the boy but his punishment will have to wait for another time, he is on a mission tonight.

Instead, Arthur decides he will beat the servant at his own game.

“Fuck, I just want to bend you over and stuff you full with my cock.” Arthur watches blithely as Merlin’s hand increases in speed once again, “God you have no idea how badly I just want to touch you right now.”

Merlin whines petulantly.

Shhh just keep going, ah- I want to see you feel good, want to see you make yourself feel good. Just like when you’re by yourself. When you’re all wanton and writhing all by yourself.”

The words send shivers through Merlin. Gods he feels borderline overwhelmed with all the amplified sensations, in the best possible way.

He focuses his attention on his own hand, the slide of skin, the pads of each of his fingers, the way he tightens and loosens his grip, the difference in texture and thickness from the base of his prick to the wet and slick tip.

His stomach and leg muscles start to shake as he gets closer, his hand finding a frantic pace as he starts to chase that all encompassing feeling.

Mmph Arthur.” Merlin moans.

Not that he would ever admit it but there may have been a few instances, in the privacy of his own chambers, where he has called out the prince’s name in the throes of passion.

The blindfold is suddenly forcefully slid off the top of his head, thoroughly musing his hair.

Watching Merlin touch himself and call out Arthur’s name unprompted has the prince reeling himself in from mercilessly despoiling the sorcerer. The thought of Merlin calling out for him even when he’s not there sends a rush so strong through the prince he has to bite the inside of his cheek lest he assail his manservant right then and there.

Merlin is greeted by a feral looking prince, his cheeks are flushed, hair messy, steely gaze, a contrast to his blown pupils that nearly swallow the blue of his eyes. He still has his shirt on but his bottoms sit on the floor where the prince had been standing before. Every muscle is taught, his hand matches Merlin’s own pace as if copying his movements.

Arthur releases his cock not wanting to cum yet, instead, he brings both hands to the sides of Merlin’s ribs. His fingers ghost against his skin, the servant’s hand stutters at the sudden touch.

“Don’t stop.” Arthur growls, “I want to see you finish Merlin, mmph be good, cum for me.”

Nngh, shit, Arthur.” Merlin cries out as he starts to frantically chase that feeling building, tightening inside of him. He tosses his head back but doesn’t take his eyes off his prince, savoring the way Arthur is paying such close attention to him, how his eyes keep flicking over his body as if trying to memorize every movement but they inevitably keep coming back to meet his gaze. He truly feels wanted.

Arter a particularly bawdy moan from Merlin where his eyes flash pink, Arthur can’t take it anymore and brings his hand back to his pulsing cock. He sucks in a breath through his teeth and tightens his free hand into a fist not watching to interrupt Merlin finding his own release. And just as that tension comes to a snapping point inside Arthur’s bollocks Merlin shouts his name, his face scrunching up as cum coats his hand and stomach.

Arthur follows almost immediately, though he purposefully aims his prick to coat Merlin’s own in his royal spend, earning another lewd moan from the sorcerer.

Once done working himself through his orgasm Merlin flops backwards onto the bed. It’s not long before Arthur joins him, falling onto the bed beside him onto his stomach. Merlin stares at the bed canopy and Arthur stares at Merlin.

Once they have caught their breath Arthur speaks up, “that enough proof that you’re rather attractive?”

Merlin snorts and looks over to the prince who has an endearingly wide smile on his face.

Mmm I don't know, I might need another demonstration.”

Arthur snorts, “Cheeky tart.”

They lie there in comfortable silence for a while until Arthur’s ribs start to hurt and he can’t lie on his front any longer. So he instead fetches a rag to clean his sorcerer off with before laying back down next to the younger.

“So, what other good things have you gotten up to under the guise of being completely inept?”

Arthur’s not sure if he’s ever seen Merlin light up so instantaneously. His servant is quick to start regaling him with tales that seem too outlandish to be real, but he knows better now. He listens intently, asking questions whenever the time arises.

They talk late into the night until Merlin is yawning more than speaking, Arthur hauls them further up the mattress where he covers them in blankets, they fall asleep wrapped comfortably in each other's arms.

Merlin’s final exhibition rating: 6

Merlin’s final blindfold rating: 8

One day prior (The morning after the capture)

“What do you mean he came in last?” Uther seethes.

“He only caught one person, Your Majesty.” Sir Kay answers truthfully, though be it a little reluctantly, he has nothing against the prince but he isn’t one to defy the King’s orders.

“How is that possible?!” Uther bellows angrily.

“I am not fully sure Your Majesty. As far as I’m aware he was participating throughout the entire night.”

Uther takes in a steadying breath before speaking again, making sure to keep his face as neutral as possible. “And who was this one person?”

The knight hesitates for only a moment but Uther still shouts at him. “Now!”

“It- it was his manservant my lord.”

Of course it was.

“Get out.” Uther grits out through his teeth. “And do not tell another soul about this, if anyone finds out it will be your head on the executioner's block. Do I make myself clear Sir Kay?” The king's tone leaves no question for the validity of the threat.

“Yes Your Majesty.” The knight bows before taking his leave.

It seems the rumors are true. With Lord Thomas’ report of the boy leaving Arthur’s service much later than proper, reports of the servant leaving his son's chambers bedraggled, Uther himself finding the prince’s door locked with his servant inside, and now this. It is more than enough proof for the king that his son is far too fond of his servant.

Uther pinches the bridge of his nose. When it comes to dealing with his son the king is the only person who outranks him. He wouldn’t doubt the prince to try to undertake some scheme by pulling rank. Uther knows, especially when it comes to his son, if he wants something to get done right he must do it himself.

Chapter End Notes

Since it’s been a minute since that chapter I just want to remind you that Merlin did leave Arthur’s room at a decent time that night. Lord Thomas straight up lied to Uther because Merlin refused his advances.

Open your damn eyes Merlin this man is WHOLLY besotted with you.

A little bit of a shorter chapter this week since the last one was so long, and ngl pretty much every chapter from here on out will be quite lengthy~ Eeeeeee I’m so excited hehe.

I feel like this was a bit less spicy but then again the last chapter was so spicy lmao. Plus it’s difficult to write intense spice when the characters barely touch lol, but either way don't worry, we have another VERY spicy chapter coming up soon.

For anyone who was hoping for some Merthur / Knights action, I am happy to say I will be including a very fun chapter with this in the epilogue~ Real quick some more info on the epilogue, it's basically going to be kinks that either didn't fit into the story or were too intense for Merlin who is still learning his way around different kinks. But the epilogue can be canon or not to this fic so if it's not your thing then we can just pretend it never happened lmao.

As always I really can’t thank you guys enough for all the kudos, comments, bookmarks, subscriptions and of course the reads. <3

As always, expect the next update in 7-10 days!

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TikTok: Lex1800

Wax play

Chapter Notes

Woooooooooo EARLY UPDATE!!!! You guys have been so sweet and understanding of my upload schedule, you seriously deserved an early update. So here ya go! It’s a long one too so settle in and get comfy.

Sorry this note is so long but please read there's important info!! <3

I have been waiting SO LONG to get to this chapter hehe the plot is going to really start to pick up from here on out~ Eeeeee I am so exciteeeed. I hope you guys like this one! Also please just be aware at the content warning at the bottom of these notes :)

There are some flowers that make an appearance in this chapter, I put their meanings in the bottom notes so you can see it afterwards. :)

There is a scene where I highly recommend listening to this song! Like HIGHLY recommend. I will hyperlink the song at the start of the scene as well so you know when to play it! You can stop the song when you get to the next underlined text. It might seem weird in a few spots but trust me lol, you can listen to is quietly too, doesn't have to be too loud :)

And of course thank you guys so much for your amazing support, the comments on the last chapter were so sweet I really can’t thank you enough.

Oh! And also really quick before we get into this. I just want to add that wax play requires a specific kind of wax! Regular candle wax can be way too hot and cause actual burns and scarring / permanent damage. So be sure to use candles or wax that is made for this sort of thing!

Alright enough of that let's get into this chapter! Enjoy~

Content warning:
Moderate description of a panic attack

Spicy music if you'd like to listen during the smut:

Wax play
Pouring or dripping melted wax, typically
from candles, onto ones skin to cause
heated and pleasantly painful stimulation.

Merlin’s initial rating: 8

Things had been going well recently, everyone was in high spirits with such a great harvest and all the festivities. It was such a great feeling, the widespread joy between nobles and peasants alike, it really felt as if all the people were unified no matter their status. It was a feeling the prince could only ever wish to have amongst his people. So of course it was only a matter of time before something dragged them back to their bitter reality.

Bile stirs in Arthur’s throat, his stomach churns in revulsion, nausea thrumming through his body restlessly. He does his best to not look at the pyre, where a young man no older than himself is restrained, he’s dressed in worn clothes, triskelion tattoo just peeking out from where his tunic hangs loosely around his collarbones.

His father’s voice booms out from beside him, startling the prince. “This man.” Uther pauses for a moment as his people's murmuring dies down. “This man, has been found guilty of practicing sorcery in Camelot.” The king stands proud as he stares down to the crowd, the light of the overcast sky shines off his crown and golden adornments. “It is our duty, our kingdom's duty, to purge out this wretched evil, as magic corrupts anyone who dares practice it.”

Arthur has to fight down his queasiness as his stomach angrily twists and wretches. He knows, he knows it could be Merlin down there… and god what if that man was born with magic too? Who is to say he wasn’t, who is to say he is evil? As far as Arthur had been told the man was caught practicing sorcery and everyone he asked had refused to explain further. It’s a world-altering discomfiture. How many executions has he been to where he was simply told the criminal was a sorcerer and he accepted that at face value? Who is to say this man, or any of the others he had never considered questioning, were doing something good, what if they had been curing someone like Merlin had Guinevere’s father? Or doing something as asinine as lighting their hearth in front of the wrong person?

When he had started to ask questions this morning his father became irate and dismissive, insisting that it hadn’t mattered as all magic is evil. And as much as Arthur wanted to push further, to push for answers… he was afraid. Afraid of his father, afraid the king might look too closely at his newfound inquiries and somehow come to the correct conclusion. Because if Arthur had learned anything as prince, it is that his father will not have his authority questioned.

All these years Arthur has been blind, he had been fooled by those so called ‘trials’ the king adjudicates. Even Arthur knows how just a simple whisper of the word sorcery is enough to earn someone a ‘trial’. How had he never noticed?! He’s always been so worried about his father's opinion, wanting his father to be proud of him, he had never once thought of questioning the validity of the king’s actions. But, a voice whispers in his head, maybe his father doesn’t know the truth, maybe Merlin is just an exception. How could Arthur ever know not being old enough to remember a time before the purge? His father was there, saw what magic can do, did do, to Camelot. His father wants what’s best for his people, so why would he knowingly do something so detrimental unless it’s for the greater good?

“Let this be a reminder to everyone that the evils of sorcery still exist and that it is our responsibility to rid these corruptions from our lands.”

Arthur glances over his shoulder at Merlin. The boy stares ahead resolutely, face stoney and shut off, his eyes, usually so full of life, are fortified, letting no emotion show. Anyone looking at him would assume he looked as such from disdain for the sorcerer, for magic, but not Arthur, not anymore.

Merlin’s gaze softens a fraction as their eyes meet. Arthur swallows around the lump in his throat as he turns his attention back forward, not wanting to bring any awareness to himself or his servant.

Arthur can’t seem to focus on the rest of his father’s words, not that he’d want to anyways. He avidly avoids looking to the pyre, instead looking to the people who stand and watch as the king preaches his usual lecture about magic. It’s as if everything around him is muffled and all he can see are the individual faces of the people who look up to the king. Some listen eagerly, but most just watch blankly, wearily, exhaustedly. There are men, women and even children, his father has always said how important it is for everyone to know the punishment for the most despicable act in all of the kingdom. But some of the children must be even younger than Arthur was when he saw his first execution.

There are claps and cheers as his father must have finished his speech. And for the first time in his life, Arthur watches the crowd, not his father, not the person to be executed, not the ominous looming clouds above head. What he has always heard as an uproar of joy, a clear sign of victory and pride at defeating yet another sorcerer, he now sees it for what it truly is.

There are some in the crowd that cheer out happily, relieved that another evil magic user has been captured. But there are others, it must be nearly half of the audience, just stand watching. They do not cheer, they do not clap, they just watch, almost solemnly. It’s then Arthur realizes, dread slowly building, the majority of the celebratory jeers are coming from the knights who stand guard around the civilians, making sure they are watching.

While none are his personal knights, they are still his knights, even if they had been enlisted when Uther had been in charge of their militia, they are still Arthur’s.

All these years, the fucking years, he has always heard the cheering of the crowd felt the pride in his accomplishments of protecting his people.

It has been so ingrained in him, ever since he was young that he must watch the executions and never look away, he had learned that lesson the hard way as a child. So, he never looked away. And now that he has, how can he ever look back?

Is this truly what his people want? What they need?

Uther lifts his hand, readying to give the signal to light the pyre. Arthur can’t look, he can’t look at the way the druid man lifts his chin defiantly, or the stubborn glare aimed at his father in a way that far too closely resembles the one person Arthur is desperately not trying to think about at this very moment. The prince’s hands dampen with sweat, his already pounding pulse speeds up even further as he fights down the horrific all all-consuming dread that vigorously tries to claw its way from his chest to his throat.

He doesn’t look as the flames first catch, he doesn’t look as the man refuses to shout for as long as he can, as the flames crawl their way up the wood. But the pain becomes too much for the druid, and the man’s cries of agony ring out; and all Arthur can hear is screams that could belong to Merlin, screams he’s heard countless times.

It isn’t until his father turns away to walk back inside the citadel that Arthur realizes the execution has finished. He catches a concerned look from Morgana who had been stood on the other side of the king. She was never one to like executions, not only as a lady but she has always just had a rather soft spot for people no matter who or what they were. But Morgana’s look of concern is not her usual disdain for the execution itself, rather her concern is for Arthur. They hold their gaze for longer than usual, Morgana clearly trying to decipher what has the prince so distraught, though he hides it better than most. She has always been unsettlingly perceptive.

“Sire.” Merlin calls out softly.

Arthur clears his throat and turns to walk inside, unable to meet his servant’s gaze.

He can feel Merlin’s eyes on him the entire way to his chambers. It’s as if his eyes are burning against the back of his neck. He can’t help but compare it to what he imagines a final judgment to feel like. Standing before such an altruistic being and having all your sins laid bare in front of you, seeing all the vile acts you have ever committed unhidden and stripped raw as you wait to learn if you shall reach salvation or be cast to the flames for eternity.

When they finally reach his chambers, Arthur stops in the center of the room, unseeing as all he can focus on is the overwhelming panic that anxiously whirrs through his veins. He hears Merlin shut the door behind him but he does not turn to look at him.


“I do not require your services this morning.” The prince stares at the window ahead of him looking at the dim clouds. The execution had been ordered for first light and it’s now just barely past that.

There’s a long stretch of silence before Merlin replies with, “yes sire.” Followed by the closing of his door.

Only then does Arthur let his tears fall.

It’s just before lunchtime when Merlin makes his way back to Arthur’s chambers. He stands in front of the door for a moment, contemplating if he should knock or not.

He wasn’t going to push, he knew Arthur had a lot to think about. Seeing a sorcerer executed knowing, for the first time in his life, they might not have been as evil as he thought.

Truthfully had Merlin heard about the execution earlier he would have tried to help the man escape. But he had been arrested in the dead of night and his execution was arranged for first light. Maybe when he had first arrived to Camelot he may have still tried to save the man, but with countless negative repercussions in the past he wasn’t going to push his luck, especially with Arthur and the knights just learning of his magic. He won’t have any of his friends come to harm on his behalf.

And Merlin knows with the rumors of him warming the prince’s bed he is already in precarious territory with the king. As much as he seemed to trust Arthur’s words Merlin knows for certain the king will jump on any opportunity to prove otherwise, any slip up to relieve Merlin of his duties on the off chance the rumors are true.

From what Merlin had heard from the other servants was the druid had been caught practicing spells in the forest, surely when he thought no one was around. Unfortunately, he had been on Uther’s land and a passing traveler had been eager for some extra coin.

He takes a calming breath, not sure what mood Arthur will be in, nevertheless, he opens the door without knocking.

Arthur startles from where he is sat at his desk, he glares at Merlin only for a moment before another expression eclipses his features, one Merlin isn’t sure he’s ever seen before. But it’s gone before he can try to look closer.

“I thought I told you I didn’t need your services this morning.” Arthur deadpans.

“It’s nearly noon.” Merlin gestures to the window, not that you can really tell the time with the overcast still heavy in the sky.

“Strange,” Arthur faux pas, “using the word ‘nearly’ implies you understand that it is, in fact, not yet noon.”

Merlin’s lip quirks up as he rolls his eyes, a welcomed sight to the prince. Though the next words out of his servant’s mouth are from it, “The king has requested your presence in the council chambers.”

Surprisingly his son enters the room in a timely manner, unsurprisingly followed by his servant.

The king has to fight down his grimace seeing the boy so eagerly following his son. In reality Merlin is following Arthur like always, if not a bit more cautiously after this morning’s events. But Uther can’t help but think of the inappropriate affection his son has garnered for the boy.

“You summoned me father?” Arthur walks up to the table where the king and his councilman, other than Giaus who is busy seeing to a woman who has gotten a bad case of hay fever.

“Yes,” Uther’s eyes dart from his son to the serving boy who has taken his position to the side of the room. As important as it is to deal with Merlin, the danger of magic takes precedence.

The king gestures down to the map that is spread out on the table. “I want you and your men to go find the druids and warn them that if another one of their people dares practice magic in our lands we won’t hesitate to burn their outpost down to the ground.”

Outpost, as if they’re a militia planning a coup. His father has said himself how the druids are a peaceful people.

“You leave the moment your bumbling manservant packs your wares.” Uther looks over to Merlin again who is now standing unsure if that was a cue to leave or not.

Arthur furrows his brow and looks to his fidgeting manservant.

“Well?” Uther says impatiently, clearly expecting Merlin to have already started to hurry on with his duty.

Merlin looks to Arthur who gives him a nod of approval and the boy starts to take his leave.

“Wait.” Uther holds up a hand, his voice is harsh even for him.

Merlin stops in his tracks, turning around to face the king, eyes and head lowered properly. “Yes Your Majesty?” He asks, voice clear and confident, a stark contrast at Arthur’s surge of adrenaline at whatever the hell is going on.

While the boy won’t be in his son's services for much longer Uther can not allow such blatant disrespect.

“I gave you an order. Did I not?” Uther’s tone is sharp and unyielding in a way that urges Arthur to step in front of his servant, but he knows better.

Merlin peeks up, confusion clear on his face. “You did, Your Majesty.” Is Merlin supposed to leave or isn't he?!

“Yet you waited for my son's permission to leave.”


It takes everything in Merlin not to look over to Arthur again. Meanwhile, the prince is staring holes into the side of his head.

Merlin flounders for a moment trying to think of some response but thankfully, or not, Uther continues.

“You follow the prince’s order before your king’s?”

Arthur bristles, he is seriously regretting not having brought his sword with him. There is something about the way his father says ‘your king’ that rankles Arthur, as if his father has any claim to Merlin. Merlin is his and he’ll be damned if anyone thinks otherwise, even his father.

Uther continues, his voice growing dangerous “Let me ask you then boy. Who are you loyal to?”

“I feel like this is a trick question,” Merlin says derisively.

Arthur groans inwardly as he tries not to repeatedly slam his own head against the table.

Uther’s eyes narrow into a deathly glare, clearly not in the mood for the servant’s usual cheek.

Merlin clears his throat, “I am of course most loyal to you sire.” He lies through his teeth.

Arthur obviously knows this is not true yet the words still have a fiery jealousy singeing his stomach. For his father to assert such power, and just after killing a sorcerer this morning, it sparks a fierce protectiveness in the prince.

“Then you best remember that.” Uther speaks slowly, his words dripping with venom. “You are dismissed, go.”

Merlin makes sure to not look at Arthur before leaving. He can hear them start talks of strategy as he exits the room.

With the days getting shorter and the dreary weather lingering in the sky they run out of daylight rather quickly.

“We’ll set up camp here.” Arthur calls to his men as he pulls his horse to a stop before dismounting. His men, and Merlin, are quick to follow.

Their ride out had been fairly normal, it was colder than any of them had preferred but that was to be expected this time of year, but there was no denying the tension in the air. While not worry per se, it more felt just awkward, as if the knights didn’t really know how to interact with Merlin, even Arthur was a bit more fidgety than normal. And to make matters worse it was clear the morning’s execution still hung over their heads, though they were doing their best to keep the tone of their trip cordial.

The knights go to do a quick patrol of the surrounding area as Merlin scuttles about setting up camp. To his delight, Elyan and Lancelot bring firewood back with them.

Merlin takes his flint and stacks up some wood on the makeshift fire pit. Out of habit, he glances around before lighting the fire, the only one who is watching him is Lancelot thankfully. The knight gives him a small smile and Merlin puffs out an amused breath. That man is too mindful for his own good. While the knights all know of his magic, Merlin isn’t really sure if he’s allowed to openly do any magic. And even though Lancelot had said before they were all accepting he did say some of the knights were still a bit wary, the last thing Merlin wants to do is distress any of his friends. With another glance around, just to be safe, he wordlessly lights the fire.

The knights all huddle together to look over the map and discuss the most likely place the druid camp might be.

Meanwhile, Merlin goes about preparing their dinner as normal, he lets his mind wander as he waits for the stew to boil, enjoying the peacefulness of being in the forest. The last time they went out on a mission, well, Merlin revealed his magic. He can’t help the shudder that runs through him at the memories, the bandits, Lancelot’s sad knowing look, the pained confusion of the other knights, the fury and betrayal in Arthur’s eyes. Merlin’s shaken from his thoughts when someone calls his name.

He looks up to see all the knights staring at him.

“What?” Merlin blinks.

Arthur rolls his eyes “He can’t even pay attention how is he supposed to-”

“He can.” Lancelot says confidently only for Arthur to glare at him.

“I can what?” Merlin asks warily, he turns his attention to the stew giving it a good stirring.

It’s Elyan who speaks up this time, “Could you find the druid camp? With.. ya know.” The man wiggles his fingers in a strange imitation of what Merlin can only assume is supposed to be magic.

“I could,” Merlin drawls uneasily, “though if I’m being honest the druids will most likely find us before we find them. They have a strange way of just appearing when they need to. I could at least point us in the right direction though.”

The silence stretches on for a moment more than is comfortable before Arthur nearly shouts, “Why the hell didn’t you say something earlier?!”

To the prince’s surprise Merlin doesn’t retort cheekily, instead bites his lip and bashfully keeps his eyes downwards on the stew “I-” he speaks slowly and unsure, “I wasn’t sure if it was okay. If- what I’m allowed to do.”

A strange feeling falls over the knights, suddenly aware of the turmoil Merlin must still be living with in regards to his abilities. There’s a pang of guilt in Arthur’s chest as he realizes that they most certainly should have talked about this already, but obviously, Merlin wouldn’t have brought it up himself.

“I’ll be damned Merls!” Gwaine stands up grinning brightly, “All this time you would have been able to take us right where we were trying to go, think of all the time we could have saved.” The man chuckles as he walks over to the sorcerer and ruffles his hair.

Merlin smiles up at the knight “Well to be fair I do try to point you guys in the right direction, but Arthur in his ever prattish-ness always dismissed my ‘funny feelings’.” His teasing gaze slides over to the prince.

Arthur feels his face heat up, how was he supposed to know that?! Why would he have trusted his manservant who can’t even walk on two feet with navigating?

A breathy and almost astonished laugh spills from Leon and the other knights join in.

Merlin blushes at the attention and clears his throat, “Bring your bowls, foods ready.”

After eating their fill, and drinking their spiced wine, courtesy of Gwaine, they have fallen into their familiar jesting and camaraderie, awkwardness long forgotten. The fire crackles as it warms the air around them though the breeze carries a cold sting that still bites at Merlin’s ears. Gwaine gestures widely as he tells the tale of his most recent rendezvous, his elbow accidentally catches Merlin pushing him into Lancelot who tosses an acorn at Gwaine’s head.

The roguish knight pouts and rubs his forehead. “Well, what about you then Leon? Surely you’ve had a run-in or two since our last outing.” Gwaine wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

Merlin inhales wine at the unexpected question causing him to sputter and cough, his eyes instinctually find Arthur across the fire and the servant has to suppress his laugh as Arthur blanches at the memory.

“Afraid I’ve been too busy for anything of the sort.” Leon lies but the scarlet blush on his face says otherwise.

Gwaine, Elyan and Percy all immediately start teasing him, poking to get answers from the man who does his best to fend them off.

The teasing and discussions of their recent soirees last for a while, though the knights know better than to ask the prince or Merlin about such things, ever since learning about the curse at least.

It isn’t until there’s a lull in the conversation that Gwaine says maybe the most outlandish thing Merlin has ever heard from him.

“So Merls,” The knight turns to look at the younger man with a mischievous grin, “How long do we have to wait for you to show us some magic?”

The warlock’s eyes go wide at the sudden question and the atmosphere shifts around them, rather than an uncomfortableness though it is more curiosity, and perhaps a very slight wariness. It’s as if everyone is suddenly holding their breath. All but Lancelot who quickly matches Gwaine’s eager grin.

Merlin sputters for a moment unsure of what he is supposed to say to that. He looks over to Arthur who also has a rather intrigued look on his face. They stare at each other for a moment before Arthur gives the smallest of nods.

Merlin’s magic practically leaps out of him at Arthur’s permission; he has to clutch onto it so it doesn’t burst out and startle anyone.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep soothing breath, the cool air feels refreshing in his chest.

He opens his eyes, lifting his hand to the fire in front of them, he does one more quick glance around at the knights to make sure it’s alright but nobody speaks up.

He whispers some words of the old religion and carefully lets his magic spill out through his hand. There are some gasps from the knights but Merlin can’t help but smile. For the first time in his life, he truly feels free. He commands the energy in him, creating glowing golden sparks of pure magic, they dance and shimmer in the air around them, at first he focuses them around the flames of the fire but he slowly spreads them out further until they float around the knights. He can feel all of his friends, the energy vibrating through them as the magic softly swirls around them. They all feel so different yet each is just as comforting as the last, his magic seems drawn to the prince but Merlin ignores the pull, instead focusing on the pure unadulterated joy thrumming through him. There is still an underlying trepidation in him but he will make the most of this opportunity no matter what, and so he fully gives himself to his magic.

The golden sparks softly illuminate the area around them as each individual spark pulses with its own beat and it’s as if they are surrounded by a sea of golden stars. Their light reflects off the trees and their dying leaves, the cool ground of the forest floor, off of the armor of the knights of Camelot as they watch emphatically.

Merlin focuses his magic back towards the fire with a smooth gesture of his hand, the golden sparks converge into a singular small ember before bursting out into a fiery dragon. There’s another round of gasps and Merlin’s smile only grows. He moves the dragon, flying it above the knights heads as it weaves between them. Though Merlin doesn't tell it to, the dragon twirls and spreads its wings as if his magic is trying to show off. The sorcerer moves his hand as he commands the small fiery beast to fly faster as it starts circling between them all as it starts flipping, twirling and swooping through the space between them. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Gwaine gently hold his hand out. The dragon slows down and brushes against the knight’s palm.

Gwaine chuckles breathily, “It feels like you Merlin.”

Merlin isn’t sure what he had expected the man to say but it certainly wasn’t that.

Arthur watches enraptured by the interaction, it’s so different from the first time Arthur had seen it, when Merlin had saved them, it’s not heartbreaking, it’s not violent, it’s not dangerous. Instead, it’s as if every part of him wants to surge forward and become entwined with the warmth that so clearly beckons to him. And as beautiful as the display is, his eyes keep drifting back to Merlin, his servant, his sorcerer, as his eyes glimmer the most brilliant gold he has ever seen.

The other knights all tentatively lift their hands as well, wanting to touch the dragon.

Merlin flies the dragon to each knight other than the one it keeps trying to reach out to. He has the dragon crawl up Percy’s arm, swirl around Elyan’s hand, softly brush against Leon’s trembling fingers before the dragon swirls around Lancelot’s and lands on the man's shoulder. He reaches up to pet it as one would a dog and Merlin can’t help but laugh giddily. And each knight understands what Gwaine meant, as they come into contact with Merlin’s magic they are overwhelmed by a wave of warmth and security, it’s familiar and caring, and for each of them it feels like home, like family, a feeling each man has so deeply coveted; and now it’s as if they have finally found it.

The dragon blows a ring of smoke around Lancelot's face before eagerly making its way over to the prince. Arthur holds his hand out and reaches to the dragon as it approaches but Merlin flicks it away before he can touch it. The dragon darts around the prince teasingly, it spins around his arm and torso playfully and a chuckle bubbles up in Arthur’s chest, his eyes flick to Merlin who is watching with an expression just as lively. When their eyes meet Merlin’s heart skips a beat and the realization that Arthur finally sees him for who he truly is.

The dragon comes to a stop in front of Arthur, hovering just in front of his hand now. The prince pushes his hand forward. It’s warm, it’s so warm, and not just in the temperature sense but a loving warmth that engulfs him in a caress so profound he audibly gasps. And it’s then Arthur truly feels, truly understands just how much he has been missing. A part of himself, he hadn’t even realized was missing snaps into place, and he suddenly feels whole.

The dragon suddenly dissipates into a flurry of incandescent blue butterflies, they flutter softly into the space around them, some landing on the knights, others floating peacefully through the air. Merlin leans further into his magic letting take over, The crackling fire flickers a size larger and the oranges and yellows morph into brilliant colors Arthur didn’t even know existed.

There are shapes in the flames, a couple dancing, a man fishing, armored knights sparring, a figure being crowned.

The longer he keeps it up the more he feels like himself, but his magic keeps trying to pull towards Arthur, to do what Merlin isn’t exactly sure but he doesn’t want to unknowingly do anything to the prince. So with one final breath, Merlin slowly brings his magic back in, the only evidence of anything happening are the few butterflies that can still be seen now disappearing to the dark sky above.

Merlin’s smile falls as he looks around to the others, they have pained expressions and Merlin is overcome with anxiety. Gods it was too much too fast wasn’t it?

“Merlin,” Leon calls out, his voice hoarse. The servant looks over to the knight only to see tears wetting the man's cheek. “I am so sorry. I- I had no idea.” The man is nearly sobbing and it’s then Merlin understands why he is apologizing. Merlin goes to speak but Leon continues, “Is- is all magic like that? Or is it only yours?”

The sorcerer looks around and can now see the others are in a similar state, eyes shining or cheeks damp with trails of sparse tears.

There’s a pulse of bitterness in his chest for making his friends feel troubled, but they deserve the truth, and Merlin knows he is the only one who can give it to them. The sorcerer sounds much older when he speaks, his voice weary, “Magic… It’s like a sword.” He stares into the flickering flames of the fire, “Some use it for great heroic deeds, others for selfish and depraved reasons… Yes there is dark magic that should never be used, just as you would never run through a defenseless surrendering man. It doesn’t mean someone won't.” Merlin looks back up to the knights, he makes sure to hold his head high and speak confidently. “It is the hand that wields it, just as it is the hand that wields a sword, that determines its actions.”

God what have we done?” Percival’s voice breaks.

“You didn’t know.” Merlin cuts in harshly, “There is no way any of you could have known. And there were evil sorcerers. But the blood of the innocents is not on your hands.” The rest of that sentence need go unsaid, for they understand whose hands the blood is on.

Arthur feels eyes shift to him as he stares angrily at the ground in front of his boots. How could his father… it doesn’t make sense. His father would never harm innocents, there would be no reason to, it would be a waste of resources. Maybe Merlin’s understanding of magic is different because he’s an exception.

Arthur clears his throat, “We have an early morning ahead, we should get some rest.”

There’s hesitation for a moment before Lancelot stands, giving Merlin a reassuring pat to his shoulder. Merlin smiles up at the man gratefully.

“I gotta say Merls,” Gwaine stretches next to him, “that was incredible, I've never seen anything like that in all my life.”

The corner of Merlin’s lip rises in a bittersweet smile, “Thanks Gwaine.”

“Maybe next time you can show us that trick you did with the bandits last time. Hell you could even help us train!”

Merlin grimaces at the idea, “Because I need more duties.”

“Then perhaps a friendly spar?” Elyan asks as he settles on his bedroll.

Merlin looks over to the man confused.

“Why on earth do you suddenly want to fight my manservant?” Arthur huffs out.

“Well,” Leon speaks up, his voice is still shaky but his tone is intrigued, “It’s true we’ve never had any training against someone who actually has magic.”

As much as Arthur loves punishing Merlin by forcing him to partake in the training, that was before he knew of his magic and before his feelings were so… loud. The idea of Merlin anywhere near a sword, especially after the events of this morning, distress Arthur more than he’d care to admit.

Lancelot chuckles, “I really wouldn’t try that if I were you, he’d have you all on your backs before you could even draw your weapon.”

“Alright.” Arthur speaks up, his voice louder than it needs to be in the middle of a quiet forest. “To sleep, all of you, like I said, we have an early morning.” The prince turns his attention to Lancelot, “Lance you take first watch.”

“Yes sire.” The man walks a few paces over before taking up post.

It takes no time at all for everyone to settle in, falling asleep is another task entirely.

Merlin stares at the sky above, the clouds are just starting to thin enough for the brightest stars to peek through. His magic is purring happily through, he has to fight down his smile. It’s a quiet night, too cold for any chirping bugs or distant owls.

“Merlin.” Arthur’s voice is hushed.

Merlin turns his head to the right to see the prince already looking at him. “Hmm?”

There’s a pause as Arthur’s eyes dart over his face, when he lands back on his eyes he speaks up again, “Thank you. For showing us.”

Merlin couldn’t have fought down his smile if he tried. Tears spring into his eyes unbidden but they do not fall. “You’re welcome.”

The prince’s expression softens, “Goodnight Merlin.”

“Goodnight Arthur.”

Arthur shoots up on his bedroll and grabs his sword heart pounding, awoken by what sounded like a gasp or pained groan.

He sees the other knights doing just the same, some already standing up, though wobbly on their feet.

“Sorry,” A croaky voice comes from beside him, “Sorry it was just me.”

Merlin is staring at his lap, hands fisted in the dead grass. His chest is heaving and there are tear streaks on his flushed face. His expression is ashamed, clearly embarrassed from waking everyone.

“Are you alright?” Arthur asks, his voice is rough with sleep as he scans his servant for any signs of injuries.

“I’m fine.” Merlin says a little too quickly, “Just a nightmare. I’m fine really.”

The knights sheath their weapons, a solemn mood falls over them, it’s no doubt what the sorcerer would have been dreaming about with what happened this morning. The men fidget, they want to help Merlin but aren’t exactly sure how they can.

“I’ll take this watch.” Arthur calls to Leon who stands a few paces away.

“But sire-”

“That is an order Sir Leon.” Arthur’s tone leaves no room for argument.

“Of course, sire.” The knight answers formally before slinking over to his bedroll.

The prince gives his men a fierce look that has them scrambling back to their own bedrolls.

Now that no one is blatantly staring Arthur stands up and shuffles his bedroll right next to Merlin who glances up timidly before turning his attention back to the grass he is listlessly pulling out of the ground.

Arthur sits down cross-legged facing his servant.

“Want to talk about it?” Arthur asks quietly.

Merlin’s eyes flick to the fire and if Arthur had any doubts about what his nightmare was he certainly doesn’t now. “No.”

Arthur hums his acceptance and doesn’t try to push.

They sit there for a while, Merlin tugging grass and Arthur scanning the perimeter but when it becomes clear Merlin’s breaths aren’t going to calm on their own Arthur snakes a hand around his servant’s waist and pulls him close so that his shoulder is flush with the prince’s own chest. Merlin tenses for a short moment before relaxing into the hold and nuzzling his face into the crook of Arthur’s neck, just above his chainmail. The smell alone of leather, armor polish and Arthur helps soothe his restlessness much quicker than Merlin ever thought possible.

It doesn’t take long for Arthur to start subconsciously rocking side to side. Merlin focuses on the gentle swaying and on the prince's steady heartbeat, a reminder that they are both alive and okay.

Arthur reaches up with a tentative hand before he starts carding his fingers through Merlin’s hair. The servant tries to nuzzle deeper into his neck and a small smile graces Arthur’s lips.

Arthur isn’t sure how long they stay like that but when he feels Merlin fully relax against him, as if to sleep, he gives the boy a small jostle. “You can’t sleep like this. You’ll be sore in the morning.” He keeps his tone hushed to not wake any of the others.

There’s a small petulant sound from Merlin but he pulls away, leaving Arthur’s neck feeling suddenly cold. There’s a pink splotch on Merlin's cheek from where he had been pressed against Arthur.

“Get some sleep. I’ll be right here.” Arthur says earnestly and even though he doesn’t have to say it out loud because he knows Merlin knows, he does anyway, “I won’t let anything happen to you. You have my word.”

The pink splotch fades into the blush that appears on Merlin’s cheeks. Merlin nods his head and looks down bashfully.

Arthur expects his servant to turn to his own bed roll to lie down. But instead his lips are suddenly pressed against Arthur’s.

It’s a short, soft kiss that lingers for just a moment before Merlin pulls back, his eyes wide and brimmed with sleep yet he looks fully awake, he searches Arthur’s eye for a moment before whispering, “Thank you.” He sinks down to his bedroll leaving Arthur to sit there dumbly unable to form a single thought over the tiny explosions happening in his brain.

Leave it to Merlin, after all they’ve done together, to be able to nearly stop his heart with a single soft and innocent kiss. But it’s so so much more than that.

Arthur lays his sword on his lap, hand grabbing the hilt, his other hand sliding to Merlin’s. His eyelashes flutter but he doesn’t open his eyes, nor does he remove his hand.

Arthur takes the next two watch shifts, one hand holding Merlin, the other ready on his sword to defend his men, to defend his sorcerer. All the while he can’t stop smiling like a right idiot.

It’s late afternoon when Merlin feels the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. “Wait.” He pulls his horse to a stop.

Merlin. How many times do I have to tell you-”


Arthur gasps scandalized, “You utter brat just wait until-”

“Emrys. Prince Arthur.” A voice comes from their right.

There’s shuffling as the knights reach for their weapons, as they spot an older man with white hair, there is a fog that seems to cling to his feet.

“Who are you?” Arthur demands in his authoritative princely tone.

“Iseldir, I am the chieftain of the druid camp here. I understand you are looking to have a meeting with my people young prince.”

“I am.” Arthur answers warily.

“Very well. Dismount your horses I will have someone see to them.”

Merlin is the first one to dismount and Arthur scrambles to follow, even though Merlin has magic he is far too trusting of this man already.

“Emrys.” The man repeats while bowing at his waist.

Arthur raises an eyebrow and turns his attention to a sputtering and blushing Merlin. “No- that’s not necessary, please.”

The man rises with the smallest of smiles before turning to the knights and then to Arthur.

“If you would be so inclined as to follow me.”

They all look between Merlin and the man before Arthur nods.

Iseldir starts walking in the direction he came from, where the strange fog seems to be coming from.

Arthur frowns at his sorcerer, not liking the way he got all flustered, like a maiden, due to some strange man, and a druid no less. “What was that about?”

Merlin guiltily avoids his gaze and shrugs before starting after the druid.

The prince turns to Lancelot but the man looks just as lost as he feels.

Arthur sighs before quickly catching up to his servant.

They walk for less than a minute before the fog clears, revealing a large camp, much larger than Arthur had expected. It seems everyone was anticipating their arrival, there are men, women and children alike standing around the main path eagerly whispering to each other. It’s hard to make out what they’re saying but he is certain he hears the word ‘Emrys’ over and over again.

Iseldir turns to them just before the threshold. “It is customary if you wish to enter that you leave your weapons outside of the premises.”

Arthur and the knights are quick to bristle.

“Perhaps,” Merlin speaks confidently, yet there is still something slightly timid about him, “you could make an exception this once? I promise no harm will come to your people while we are here.”

As if asking nicely has ever worked before.

“Very well.”

Arthur’s head snaps to Merlin but the raven refuses to look at him.

Iseldir continues, his voice more stern as he addresses Arthur, “Do not take advantage of our kindness Pendragon. It is only for Emrys’ peace of mind we allow you to keep your weapons.”

Arthur clears his throat, “Yes, of course. Thank you.”

The druid gives him an assessing look before leading them into the camp.

Arthur glares at Merlin who is still adamantly looking forward.


“Yes sire?” The sorcerer squeaks.

“Why does he call you ‘Emrys’?”

Hearing Arthur say that name is beyond strange and Merlin’s feet falter but he manages to catch himself before he falls. “It- it is what the druids call me.”

Just as Arthur is about to ask more they enter the camp, and it’s instantaneous, the excitement buzzing through the air, the grass grows greener around them, the trees turn from browns and oranges to green, everything is full of life as flowers sprout along the ground. The whispers of excitement only grow and even Arthur can feel the magic humming through the air.

It makes him uneasy and looking at his knight’s tense postures he isn’t alone.

Two children rush up and Arthur has to stop himself from reaching for his sword. They’re just children. Magical children. Magical like Merlin.

They stop in front of Merlin and bow. Alright, one person was strange, but two more, and children nevertheless, is odd, to say the least.

“Oh please you really don’t need to bow.” Merlin cringes as he waves his hands in a way that shows he clearly doesn’t know what to do with his lanky appendages.

As odd as it is, a part deep down inside Arthur quite likes the idea of people bowing to Merlin, his Merlin, he can almost pretend Merlin is his… well he wouldn’t exactly be a queen but-

There’s a flash of gold from the children and Merlin is shyly bowing down as they adorn his head with a crown of vibrant purple Iris flowers, accented with small white magnolias.

And then Arthur feels something fall onto his head. He gently brings it in front of him, small red hydrangeas, also accented with white magnolias.

There’s chuckling from his men and Arthur turns to see them all with their own flower crowns made up of orange gladiolus and red nasturtium.

And the next thing Arthur knows they are being surrounded by druids eagerly thanking them and bowing, more so to Merlin but to Arthur and the knights as well and Arthur is truly lost.

Arthur, not unfamiliar with such attention, graciously accepts it and shakes offered hands, meanwhile Merlin flounders as he struggles to address everyone who comes up to him. And if either of them turned around they would see the knights giving kind smiles, Gwaine perhaps a little too kind.

“Alright, that is enough.” Iseldir’s voice rings out over the chaos and the druids step back.

“Emrys, Prince Arthur, sir knights’ I am sure you all have questions. Let us discuss over the prepared feast.”

Iseldir leads them to a long table adorned with all different kinds of meals and alcohol.

Two druids around Merlin’s age rush to pull out the sorcerer’s chair for him. Arthur frowns at the display but takes a seat next to Merlin. The knights sit on the same side of the elongated table, Leon next to Arthur, Elyan, and Percy next to him. Lancelot sits on the other side of Merlin, and Gwaine on the other side of him, already trying to talk up one of the druid women.

Iseldir and some other druids take the seats on the other side of the table.

“Alright.” Arthur says a bit impatiently, “Now that we are here can you please explain what is going on?”

“Of course.” Iseldir answers, “We all felt Emrys’ magic last night. And when I found you all in the woods our suspicions were confirmed. That he and the once and future king have properly bonded.”

“What?” Merlin squeaks, his face quickly flushing scarlet.

“Well,” an older druid woman speaks up from across Leon, “we can all see that you two have become one.”

Oh gods.” Merlin shrinks in on himself trying to hide into his neckerchief.

Arthur does his best to keep up his regal air but the knight's snickers as they try to suppress their laughter certainly isn't helping. Merlin had told him about the whole Once and Future King and how he was supposed to protect Arthur, though he had never mentioned the name ‘Emrys’.

Arthur clears his throat, “Why do you keep calling him Emrys?”

It’s Iseldir who answers again, “Because that is what he is called in the prophecy, the strongest sorcerer to ever walk the earth.”

There are some choking sounds from the knights this time. Iseldir looks as if he is trying not to smirk.

Merlin?” Arthur asks incredulously.

“Yes. That is the name he chooses to go by.”

Arthur turns to Merlin who just gives him a sheepish smile.

Arthur blinks twice, a strange look of disbelief so strong it almost looks like disgust.

“I’m sorry but there is no way Merlin-”

“How dare you-!” One of the older elders snaps from the furthest seat down the table.

“Kian. That is enough.” Iseldir’s tone is sharp.

“Prince Arthur, as I can see there is much you still need to learn. But I assure you there is no mistake, Merlin is the one we call Emrys.”

Arthur slowly turns to Merlin, he can see Lancelot’s and Gwaine’s shocked expressions over his shoulder, and at any other moment he would be tempted to laugh. His eyes slide to a Merlin who looks like he’d rather be anywhere else at the moment, the flowers on his crown making much more sense now.

Merlin,” Arthur says far too calmly. “Is there anything else I should know about how powerful you apparently are?”

“Well,” Merlin starts nonchalantly, but each word he speaks comes out faster than the last, “since we are getting it all out there I should probably tell you I’m also a Dragon Lord.”

There’s a groan from behind the prince and Arthur’s fairly certain it’s Leon. At least he isn’t alone in his exasperation.

Arthur looks calm on the outside, but Merlin knows better, the prince is so far past angry that he is deceptively calm, yet Merlin knows that expression as ‘if there wasn’t anyone else here I’d have throttled you twenty minutes ago’ and not in the fun way.

“Right.” Arthur’s tone is clipped, “Of course. So that explains the extravagant welcome.”

“It is only right,” Another one of the druids speaks, he seems to be the youngest out of all of the druids at the table, maybe a few years older than Leon, “Now that Emrys and the Once and Future King have been joined. It is a joyous occasion that calls for celebrations. And we owe thanks to Emrys for such a plentiful harvest this year.”

“What?” Merlin asks, clearly confused. He certainly didn’t enchant any land or crops.

“As magic itself,” The young druid answers, “the more you spill your seed the more plentiful the earth becomes.”

There are hums of agreement amongst the druids as if this is a completely normal conversation.

For the first time today Arthur feels a pang of pity towards Merlin as he clearly is about to keel over from embarrassment. This information is a great selling point as to why Arthur should keep sleeping with Merlin after the curse is broken.

“Holy hell Merls.” Gwaine lets out an impressed whistle, “I gotta say that might be the most impressive thing I’ve ever heard.” The knight says truly awed.

“God no wonder you didn't tell anyone mate.” Elyan says from his spot, “Imagine if another king heard of that.”

Arthur’s stomach sinks as it dawns on him just how serious this issue actually is. Not only is Merlin the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk to earth. It’s his Merlin, and any other nation would surely try to get their hands on such power.

“I didn’t even know that was a thing!” Merlin complains.

“Do all the druids know of Merlin?” Arthur asks Iseldir, unable to hide his worry.

“They do. Not all know the name he chooses to go by but they know of him and know of his return.”

“Like Christ?” Gwaine asks unhelpfully.

“Well, some see Emrys as a God.” The man who shouted before speaks up this time.

Everyone on Merlin’s side of the table looks over to him.

“I’m not a God! I swear my mother gave birth to me like any other mother.”

“So did Mary.”

Gwaine.” Merlin hisses, “really not helping.”

The man shrugs and puts his hands up placatingly, “Hey, I’m not trying to piss off a God.” He hides his grin in his goblet of wine. But Merlin’s eyes flash gold and his goblet is suddenly empty. “Oi!”

Iseldir clears his throat. “What we were trying to say, is that we know why you came, the druid man executed was not part of our camp, but we sent word to his home on what happened. Along with word of Emrys and the Once and Future King bonding properly.” The tone grows more serious once again.

“My father sent us to warn you.”

“We expected as much. We are the closest druid dwelling to Camelot.” The woman next to Iseldir speaks again, “Uther is not one to care where druids are from, only that his message gets across.”

Arthur tenses instinctually at such a bold claim about his father, but he takes a moment to really think about her words, there’s been so much lately that points to his father not being as great a ruler as he's come to believe.

“Emrys, Prince Arthur, and knights, we humbly offer you this feast tonight as not only thanks for such a plentiful harvest but as to strengthen the bond between you and the druids in the future.”

“You still seek peace, after what my kingdom has done to your people?” Arthur asks bewildered.

Iseldir’s voice is thoughtful when he speaks, “It is not you who has done this to our people. You as the Once and Future King with Emrys at your side, will bring salvation to our people. We have no bad blood against you young prince.”

Merlin’s shoulders drop slightly. He hadn’t even realized he had been so tense still. He’s not sure how but he can just tell the druids are being truthful.

The warlock watches as Arthur hesitates, the decision clearly weighing heavy on him. To his surprise, the prince glances over to Merlin in a silent question.

They have a silent conversation through looks alone, a skill they had learned early on in Merlin’s employ while sitting through inane council meetings.

It’s clear from Arthur’s expression he wants Merlin to speak to them. It’s a show of absolute trust between the two men, between sovereign and servant.

Merlin clears his throat as he manages to pry his gaze away from Arthur. “As you know you always have my support,” Merlin answers diplomatically much to Arthur’s surprise, “There is still much we have to discuss but be assured you are no an enemy of ours.”

Arthur looks around to his men, he isn’t the only one taken aback by Merlin’s sudden regality, though Arthur supposes the boy has always been rather well with words.

Iseldir nods approvingly, “We are happy to be in your hands, Emrys.”

There are nods and hums of agreement from the other druids and they all start feasting together. The food is certainly different from what Arthur is used to but it certainly isn’t bad. Arthur can’t stop watching as his goblet does not lessen no matter how much he drinks out of it, he’ll have to make sure Gwaine never tries to learn magic, he’d flood the whole city in ale.

By the time they finish it’s well into the evening, they head back to what Arthur can only call a town square, a camp square if you would, when they are overwhelmed by excited druids again. Being surrounded by so many sorcerers puts Arthur on edge, he makes sure not to lose sight of Merlin who is being flocked by people.

Some of the knights are pulled away by excited mages who lead them over to a rather large bonfire where sorcerers are dancing, some are even doing little spells of light, not dissimilar to what Merlin did yesterday, only much less showy.

Arthur watches them fondly, as his men prance about like fools not knowing the steps to the druid’s dances. Their flowers practically glow in the firelight. He can’t help but question how any of this can be evil. The druids are clearly a compassionate people, yet they use magic every day and remain uncorrupted.

That only leaves the option that his father doesn’t truly know how magic works, that it’s a tool, as Merlin said. But how the hell is he going to bring it up to his father, especially without giving Merlin away.

A few people come up to Arthur and thank him for such a great harvest. It doesn’t dawn on him until the third druid why they are thanking him, because they know. The thought makes Arthur far happier than it should. He can’t help but think of how Merlin had kissed him last night unprompted, for the sole purpose just to kiss.

Arthur tries to let his thoughts wander as he stands by, just close enough to get to Merlin quickly if something goes awry, but his eyes keep finding their way to his flushed sorcerer and all Arthur can think about is that kiss.

Arthur watches amusedly as Merlin tries to talk to everyone who approaches and answers their questions while also turning down offers to dance. Arthur can’t help but wonder if it’s because Merlin truly doesn’t want to dance or if he knows he’d be punished for such an action.

As if summoned by thought, Merlin gasps loudly while hunching over his stomach.

Arthur is by his side in a blink, hand resting on the small of his back. There are concerned murmurs from the druids as Merlin slowly stands back up. It’s only then Arthur realizes Merlin’s flower crown didn’t fall off his head.

“Are you alright?” Arthur asks, his breath ghosts against Merlin’s ear.

“Yeah, just- you know.” Merlin’s voice is hoarse.

“Right.” Arthur can see his men have stopped their merriment and look over in worry. The prince waves off their worry before grabbing Merlin by the wrist.

“I’m afraid we have to retire for the evening. We thank you for your hospitality, truly.” Arthur graciously bows his head, some druids returning the gesture with a full bow.

Arthur tugs Merlin along in the direction he had last seen Iseldir headed. It takes no time at all to find the man, he is talking to a blonde woman near where they had entered the camp.

“Emrys,” The man turns before they even get close, “Is everything alright?”

“Yes,” Merlin clears his throat. “Is there any chance you happen to have some extra tents we could use for the night?”

“Of course, we expected you to stay the night.” The man’s eyes glow golden with a short spell, Arthur instinctively tightens his grip on Merlin and pulls the servant behind him.

The woman huffs out a chuckle before Iseldir speaks up again, “Just follow the path, it’ll lead you to your tent.”

“Thank you.” Arthur eyes the breadcrumb trail made of sparkling gold light.

Iseldir and the woman bow to Merlin as he’s pulled away by the prince.

Arthur- Arthur!”

“What?” Arthur turns to his servant annoyed.

“I can walk on my own.” Merlin tries to tug his arm away but Arthur’s hold is strong.

The prince slows to a stop and glares at him, Merlin meets his glare just as annoyed. Arthur turns back forward to continue on, but before he does he slides his hold from Merlin’s wrist to his hand.

Merlin can feel his face heat instantaneously and he nearly stumbles when Arthur pulls him forward again.

“Hurry up you idiot.” Arthur chides.

The tent is much larger on the inside than it appeared on the outside. The walls are still made out of canvas, held up by wooden poles but it has to be nearly as large as Arthur’s sleeping quarters. There's a large bedroll in the center of the room, donned with different types of fur and flat unassuming pillows. There are also far too many candles, they cast everything in sleepy golden-orange hues.

Just as they kick off their boots Merlin doubles over again as another swell of searing pain pierces his abdomen. Arthur soothes his hand over his sorcerer’s back until the raven can stand again.


“I will be in a moment.” Merlin says, his tone vague and mysterious.

Arthur frowns but before he can ask for clarification Merlin practically hurls himself into Arthur, their lips crashing together.

The prince’s stomach explodes with fluttering butterflies and he can’t help but smile when he feels Merlin’s own smile against his.

“Don’t think you are getting out of our conversation that easily.” Arthur chortles.

“What conversation?” Merlin asks as he slides his tongue against Arthur’s bottom lip.

Arthur pulls back to flick Merlin on the forehead.

“You prat!”

Oh I don't know, maybe the fact that you are the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the earth?”

Merlin at least has the decency to look sheepish, but of course, his audacity wins out. He shrugs playfully, “Well, we have much more important matters to attend to right now.” He grins before wrapping a hand around Arthur’s neck and pulling him back into a heated kiss.

Their hands fumble over capes, neckerchiefs, armor, and clothes until they’re both down to their trousers, Merlin splayed out on the bedroll enticingly, Arthur leaning over him. The flower crowns lost somewhere along the mess.

Merlin hikes his hips up, grinding his hard-on against Arthur’s. The prince groans across his lips, “God you’re infuriating.”

“It’s infuriating that we still have clothes on.” Merlin counters.

“Always so impatient.” Arthur rumbles against Merlin’s neck, leaving a particularly harsh bite that has the servant keening underneath him.

Merlin’s fingers quickly untie the prince’s breeches down to his knees where he can’t pull any further.

Arthur shifts his weight to one hand to unlace Merlin’s trousers, though he still doesn’t have half the speed as the servant.

Just as he gets the knot undone Merlin shouts in pain as his stomach burns with the fires of hell.

He can barely register Arthur’s mouth swooping down to his or his fingertips that brush up and down his ribs. It takes the edge of the pain though it is still unbearable, tears spring into his eyes as he clutches at the prince.

After a moment the pain fades back into a dull throb, Merlin lets his head fall back against the pillow, chest heaving.

“Alright, it’s alright.” Arthur soothes as he struggles to get out of his breeches, though he makes sure to keep the vial of oil. He looks around frantically trying to think of a kink they can do quickly. He is suddenly grateful for the excessive use of candles.

“Are you okay?” Arthur asks as he brushes the hair on Merli’s forehead.

“Yeah, yeah I’m okay.”

“Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

Arthur stands and grabs one of the longer candles by the base. He can feel the heat radiating from the steady flame.

Merlin tosses his trousers to the side just as Arthur comes back. The sorcerer eyes the candle curiously.

“Hand.” Arthur commands as he kneels back down between his servant’s legs.

Merlin holds his hand out palm up.

Arthur gently takes his wrist and flips it over. “This might hurt a bit, if it’s too much tell me. Alright?”

Merlin nods, eyes flicking between the candle and Arthur.

“Words.” The prince’s tone is icy.

Arousal pools in Merlin’s lower stomach. “Yes sire.” He watches as Arthur’s adams apple bobs.

“Good.” Arthur praises tersely.

He tilts the candle just enough so a drop of hot yellow-white wax lands on the back of Merlin’s hand.

It only truly burns for a moment but it stays hot for longer, he watches as the drop slides as he moves his hand, leaving a hardening trail in its wake.

“Too hot?”

“No sire.” Merlin leans back invitingly, tilting his head to the side in a way that always stirs something sadistic in the prince.

Hmm, look at you, behaving.” Arthur purrs. He carefully settles the candle down next to them before pressing his broad body against the slimmer man below him.

Merlin’s cheeks flush oh so prettily but he doesn’t look away, instead, he runs a hand through Arthur’s hair.

The prince takes a moment to just appreciate how lovely Merlin looks in the candlelight. But of course impatient as ever he is pulled into another kiss. Not that he’d ever truly complain.

Their tongues dance as they lick into each other, nipping lips teasingly as they grind against each other, their precum mixing into a slick and hot mess between them.

Merlin tosses his head back as Arthur laves at the crook of his neck, a spot Arthur has learned his sorcerer is particularly fond of.

He feels Arthur shift and there’s a sudden, delightfully hot, pain on his chest.

Arthur watches as his servant moans, arching his back into the feeling. The drops of wax shift around on his chest with the movement. The image has a pulse of precum escaping the prince’s prick.

Arthur shifts his weight more so he has a leg on either side of Merlin’s left leg. Arthur grabs at Merlin’s hair with his free hand before spilling more wax onto the center of his chest.

The heat has goosebumps erupting on Merlin’s skin as he moans out beautifully, Arthur is able to see a flash of pink in his sorcerer’s lidded eyes as he throws his head back, only adding to the pull of the prince’s hand in his hair.

“Ngh fuck Arthur that feels so good.” Merlin brings his hand to his chest, dragging his fingertips in the small puddles of hot wax, dangerously close to one of his nipples.

Fuck,” Arthur groans as he watches the lewd act.

Merlin whines and cants his hips petulantly.

The prince removes his hand from his hair and reaches for the vial of oil.

Merlin takes that moment to wipe some of the warm wax onto Arthur’s chest, just below his collarbone. The prince gasps at the unexpected sensation.

The servant smiles cheekily at him.

God I love you so much.

“Good thing this isn’t your punishment for misbehaving last time, now we have two punishments to look forward to.” Arthur uncorks the oil with his mouth before coating his fingers.

Merlin wiggles his hips teasingly.

“Masochistic bastard.” Arthur chuckles, leaning forward stopping short of Merlin’s lips.

“Oh please like you're any better.” Merlin smirks before leaning up to connect their lips again.

Arthur places the candle down, letting it melt more while he works Merlin open. It doesn’t take long for the sorcerer to become a whimpering begging mess.

“Arthur please.”

“Shh, don’t want anyone hearing now do we?” The prince coos.

“Like they- ah- don’t already know.”

Arthur groans, the thought has greedy arousal licking his stomach.

Merlin chuckles, “Like that do you?”

Arthur crooks his fingers and Merlin's hands claw at his shoulders, accompanied by a bawdy moan.

“You are mine Merlin. Everyone in the five kingdoms will know exactly who you belong to.” Arthur extracts his fingers from his sorcerer.

Merlin whimpers pitifully at the sensation but it quickly turns into a shout of pleasure as Arthur trickles more hot wax onto the boy. He pours under the just of his ribs, down to his hip bone, stopping just short of his groin.

Arthur doesn’t give him any time before slowly sliding his cock into his stretched hole.

Merlin sobs in pleasure.

“Always such pretty sounds.” Arthur purrs as he gives small thrusts with his hips getting Merlin used to the feeling.

“More pl-please Arthur.”

“Tsk,” Arthur clicks his tongue, “Only behaving when you want something.” Though truly he’d have it no other way.

“I’ll- I’ll be good please.” Merlin pulls at Arthur’s shoulders fruitlessly.

“Why can’t I ever say no to you.” Arthur grumbles more to himself than Merlin.

“Because- ahg!” Merlin interrupts himself as Arthur starts thrusting in an attempt to stop whatever surly retort his servant was about to give.

“I’m ah- y-your mmph favorite.”

Arthur chuckles lowly between grunts, “Don’t get mmph cocky.”

“I’m sure nngh- ah- there’s shit there’s a pun somewhere there.”

Arthur starts thrusting harder because clearly Merlin is still able to talk too much.

It doesn’t take long, listening to the slapping of their skin, the wet sounds between them, and Merlin’s whorish moans for Arthur to feel his bollocks tighten.

Merlin,” he groans out.

“Please, please” The servant mewls out.

And Arthur’s filling Merlin with his hot spend.

The sorcerer gasps, arching into the feeling for a moment before he starts whimpering, needing to find his own release.

Arthur takes a moment to gather himself before bringing his hand to Merlin’s slick, swollen prick.

He groans in relief at some friction.

Arthur takes that moment to use the candle to drip a trail on Merlin’s shaft.

The servant thrashes in pleasure as the hot wax mixes with the slick precum coating Arthur’s hand and his orgasm bursts out of him, coating his own chest and stomach.

After another moment, just enjoying the quietness between them as their breathing calms down. Arthur gets to cleaning them off.

They lay there for a while, wrapped in each other's arms, trousers resecured around their waists, in case one of the knights needs them for something.

“I think that’s everything, well I’m sure I'm forgetting some but I’ll tell you when they come back to me.”

They sit there in silence for a while longer as Artuhr processes everything, but he has waited and will wait until he hears everything to come to a final judgment. Not that he’d ever hurt Merlin, he won’t, but he needs to hear what else Merlin has done, what else his magic has done.

“Then, what about the bad things?”

Merlin hesitantly sits up, pulling out of Arthur’s arms.

“Arthur. There are some things I’ve done,” his voice wobbles but does not break. “I’ve done terrible things. I just-” Merlin sighs, “I need you to understand why I did what I did.”

“Okay.” Arthur says calmly and sits up as well but he does not try to hold Merlin again, it’s clear he does not want to be coddled at the moment.

Merlin looks at him with sad, tired eyes before starting.

Arthur listens, watches Merlin’s pained expression, watches the tears that fill Merlin's eyes. And the prince listens calmly. Until Merlin gets to Kilgharrah.

Arthur is on his feet now, “YOU let the dragon out?!”

“Arthur-” Merlin’s voice breaks.

“There were so many- so many INNOCENT lives lost because of you!”

“You think I don’t know that?!” Merlin shouts back, tears streaming down his face, breath catching in his chest.

“Get out.” Arthur growls.


The prince isn’t sure if he’s ever heard Merlin sound so broken before.

“I need to be alone. Get out. Now.” Arthur turns away so he doesn’t have to face Merlin’s tears anymore.

He hears the shuffling of fabric as Merlin gets fully dressed.

The sorcerer stares at the door of their tent before turning back around to face the knight’s back.

“There’s one more thing. I- I need to tell you first.”

Arthur turns back around, he doesn’t say anything.

Merlin swallows and wrings his hands.

“Out with it. It can’t possibly be as bad as the deaths of hundreds of innocents.” Arthur sneers.

Merlin’s face contorts at the jab, guilt and hurt stab his chest unrelenting.

“There was- when- Morgause, she challenged you to that duel.”

Arthur’s face remains stoic, angry, closed off.

“I- I lied Arthur.”

The prince’s brow furrows slightly in confusion.

“About- about your mother Arthur. She was telling the truth. You have to understand I didn’t want you to lose your only-.”

Arthur’s world shatters around him.

His father.

His father.

His father.

It’s the only thought able to form in his head.

“Out.” Arthur snarls.

Merlin escapes with a whispered, “I’m so sorry.”

What’s worse than the deaths of hundreds of innocents?


Chapter End Notes

Merlin’s final rating: 9.1

Eeeee I couldn’t not do a fun little Emrys reveal in this story. Also I’m sorry for how this chapter ended T-T I hate leaving chapters on angsty endings. We can all go read that kiss scene again now

Not only was this a long chapter, it was THE longest chapter so far, beating out the magic reveal! Crazy stuff lol. Anywho,

Here are the flower meanings!

Merlin’s crown:
Iris: a flower often related to the gods, also represents faith, hope, courage, wisdom and admiration
Magnolias: represent nobility

Arthur’s crown:
Red hydrangea: Deep gratitude, can also represent love
Magnolia: represent nobility

The knight's crowns:
Gladiolus: Strength, character, faithfulness (The flower of the gladiators)
Nasturtium: victory in struggle, compassion and warmth.

Again I can't thank you guys enough for all the kudos, comments, bookmarks, subs and reads! <3

Expect the next update within the next 7-10 days!

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TikTok: Lex1800

THE BDSM Chapter

Chapter Notes

Happy Halloween!

Welcome back you kinky bastards (very affectionate), welcome to THE BDSM chapter~ Don’t let the chapter title fool you we are still chugging through the plot! But of course, when the plot thickens the smut heightens in turn, I am nothing if not an author of equal opportunity.

Lmao with that being said this chapter is a bit more intense so I just wanted to give you all a heads up! Don’t worry though it’s not anything crazy or anything you won’t see in the kink definitions (or that we haven’t already seen), see the minor spoiler chapter at the end of this note for more info.

Also we passed 1,000 kudos!!!! AAAAAAH it’s actually so insane like I can’t even comprehend it. I truly can’t thank you all enough, I am so so so happy so many of you have found and are enjoying this story. I really can’t express my gratitude to each and every one of you. I truly never expected so much love for this story especially as it is my first fanfiction and your response has been so overwhelming in the best way possible. And for so many of you to enjoy something I created and pour my energy into, its just arhg I love you all. Okay I am actually getting emotional writing this ahhh lol.

But what better way to celebrate 1,000 kudos than some fucking hot kinky smut? And of course some good plot, ngl there are MULTIPLE scenes in this chapter I have been dying to get to. So enjoy~

Very minor spoiler for this chapter in regards to the smut.
There is use of a phallus in this chapter but I didn’t really feel like it fit the way I’ve been defining ‘kinks’ so far, so while it is used I am not classifying it as its own kink. But I always like letting people know what they are getting into ahead of time. :)

Spicy music if you'd like to listen during the smut:

The act of bringing one to the brink
of completion only to stop before they
are able to find release. A common form

Merlin’s initial rating: 4

This kink is exactly as it sounds.
The act of continuous stimulation even
after completion. This gives the participant
stimulation while particularly sensitive, this
may cause an urgency to get away from the

Merlin’s initial rating: 8

Flogging is the act of lashing using certain
tools such as whips, paddles or crops. Not
dissimilar to spankings. See pg. 3

Merlin’s initial rating: 7.5

The prince rolls out his shoulders. He had barely gotten any sleep last night, his mind had been whirling nonstop at the implications of his servant’s words. Another surge of molten anger surges through him, his damned father.

As much as he hates to think about it, he can see where Merlin had been coming from, had Arthur learned similar information about Hunith would he have told Merlin? Or would he have kept the information to himself as to not ruin the one familial relationship the boy has left?

No matter how much he considers it the prince has no idea what he would choose. But then again he knows Merlin would never harm his mother, the same can’t be said about him. He held a sword to his father's throat for Christ’s sake. But even after all of this, and learning everything Merlin has done for Camelot, for him, that voice in his head still whispers, ‘what if he is lying’. In reality, it is more likely hope than anything, hope that his father hasn’t knowingly slaughtered countless innocents.

After quite a bit of struggling Arthur manages to get his armor on, not nearly as secure as if someone else had helped him but he is certainly not going to go searching for Merlin after last night. If anything Merlin should be the one coming to find him. Where is that idiot anyway? He hadn’t snuck back in the middle of the night to sleep like Arthur expected.

The sun is just breaking through the trees when Arthur exits the canvas flap of his tent. The cold air caresses his skin with an unwelcome prickle, his breath puffs out in front of him in bouts of white mist graced with the sun's early light. The cold air encases everything in a quietness even the birds don’t dare to break.

Frost covered leaves crunch satisfyingly under his boots as he quietly makes his way toward the center of the camp. There are a few druids milling about, starting on their morning duties of preparing wood for burning or wool for looming. Though he doesn’t miss how their eyes flit to the direction he is headed.

It only takes a handful more paces until he sees some of his men huddled around a comfortably sized fire. His eyes find Merlin’s back instantly, his head resting gently on Percival’s shoulder. From the other side of the fire, Lancelot meets his eyes and gives a small nod of his head in greeting, as Leron tosses another log onto the fire. There are also a few druids sat with them as well, they seem remarkably comfortable given they are in the presence of Camelot’s knights.

Arthur can’t help but wonder if Merlin has something to do with that. Would they still be so comfortable without their idol by their side?

It’s intriguing how Merlin has always had that effect on people, his presence is calming, at least when he keeps his mouth shut, perhaps that has been an underlying effect of his magic all along.

As Arthur approaches he can now see those around the fire are nursing bowls of mostly finished porridge.

With the way Lancelot clears his throat and Percy cuts himself short Arthur doesn’t doubt they were talking about him. Those not with their back to him say their greetings but before Arthur can even sit down Merlin startles upwards, his grip tight on his bowl.

“Thank you for the food Sabina.” Merlin nods to the druid sat nearest Lancelot, “I shall go wash my bowl.”

“Oh Emrys please you don’t-” The woman stops talking in the middle of her sentence and instead stares at Merlin who is staring back.

Arthur looks between them strangely, it’s clear his servant got very little sleep if any as well, based off the dark circles under his eyes and the puffiness of his lids, though that is most likely a lingering effect from the tears shed last night. Merlin is then suddenly scampering off with his bowl, never once looking to the prince.

Arthur slumps down on a log, Leon offers him a bowl of porridge.

The knights make simple conversation, the druids listening along easily as more people emerge from their slumber and start their day. It isn’t terribly long until Elyan and Gwaine join the bunch and start scarfing down their portions.

Their conversation shifts to what their story will be for Uther. They won’t claim to have harmed the village but, just gave a stern warning.

It feels strange to speak of such things in front of those who openly practice magic. But if for whatever reason Uther sends his own men to make sure then they will surely back up his story. It’s not as if anyone here would side with Uther, if they had surely the king would have heard word of Emrys before.

Arthur lets Leon take charge for the time being, doling out duties and keeping the knights in check as they prepare to leave, he has enough to think about as it is. And the knights have clearly picked up on his tumultuous mood and thankfully don’t pry.

It doesn’t take them long to pack, even without Merlin’s help, since the horses were being seen to by the druids anyway.

Arthur and the knights all start towards where they had entered the camp last night, saying their goodbyes to those who approach. It’s just at the edge of camp where most druids huddle with excited whispers, and there’s no doubt as to why.

Merlin is crouching to be on the level of three children who look up to him with eager and hopeful eyes. There are two boys and one girl, all rather impoverished looking but not unhealthy.

“Oh pleaseeee Emrys just once more.” The shorter of the two boys asks, tugging on Merlin’s jacket.

“Fine.” Merlin grins, he’s always been a sap when it comes to children. “But this is really the last time. Who else is going to protect that royal prat hmm?”

The children giggle into their hands.

Merlin’s smile grows and his eyes flash golden. There's a burst of gold and purple sparks that swirl around the youths playfully before forming a near perfect replica of the citadel. The children ‘ooo’ all together at such a wondrous site and Arthur feels another wave of guilt roll through him as he wonders if these children have ever seen a proper building before, even a hovel, anything but a tent.

The sparks flash blue and form a hawk that swoops up to the trees and swirls around. The excited murmurs of the older druids grow louder and Arthur can just make out a few scattered sentences from the crowd, ‘did you see that?’, ‘he didn’t use any incantations’, ‘I told you!’, ‘he is the one who will save us’.

The bird grows much larger and starts to quickly descend towards the children but before it is even halfway back down it shimmers brightly into puffy white snowflakes that delicately fall onto all four of them.

The children squeal with delight as they catch some of the flakes in open hands.

“Tank you Emrys.” The girl lisps as she does her best curtsey.

“Oh ah- you’re welcome.” Merlin stammers not knowing how to ask a child to not treat him so highly, and he would never not say ‘you’re welcome’ to a child saying thank you, it’s important they learn their manners. He bows to the children, the two boys giggle and elbow each other as they bow back.

Merlin smiles brightly at them and Arthur’s stomach flutters, it’s a bit unfair that Merlin is able to have such an effect on him, such an ability to practically yank the ribbons of affection in Arthur’s chest and wrap himself up in them.

Merlin clears his throat as he stands back up, brushing off the lower half of his trousers so he has something to do with his hands. “Be sure to keep practicing that spell we went over, I’m sure you’ll get it in no time.”

It’s then Arthur is once again struck by the strange idea of having to raise magical children. The thought should be a stressful and disturbing one. Yet he can’t help but imagine young children conjuring their own small little dragons, similar to the one Merlin made the other day. Or for one to sneakily duplicate an extra cookie when they were explicitly told they could only have one.

“Merlin,” Leon calls out, shaking Arthur from his thoughts. “We need to get going.”

“Right, of course.” Merlin’s eyes flick to Arthur, the sadness is clear in his gaze but he doesn’t say anything, instead, he shuffles over to the furthest side of the group with Gwiane.

“Thank you Emrys.” Ideldir speaks up, Arthur hadn’t even noticed the man in the crowd. “And you Arthur Pendragon, once and future king. We can rest assured that the prophecy will now fall into place. We wait to eagerly hear from the both of you once again.”

“Yes, well,” Arthur pauses for a moment, thinking of how to answer, “Thank you for such hospitality.”

The druids nod to the prince before bowing to Merlin who looks more than ready to leave this place.

“Alright, let's get on, come on Mer- Emrys?” Leon ends in a question, not sure how he should address the servant in front of the druids.

Merlin crinkles his nose in a look of disgust before walking past Arthur, being sure not to look at him. He falls to the back of the group where Gwaine whispers something that has the servant rolling his eyes, the corner of his lip quirking ever so slightly.

Their trip back takes just over a day. The whole journey is quieter than normal with the prince and his servant not talking to each other.

The entire ride Arthur is distracted, thinking about what Merlin had said, not only that he was the one who released the dragon but that his father very likely has hunted down innocents for over two decades now.

No matter how he thinks about it he can’t figure out a way to broach the subject with his father. While last night he would have charged into his father's chambers sword swinging, he’s had time to really think about it and consider that if he were to do something drastic not only could he lose his father, the kingdom would truly be rested on his shoulders.

One thing is for sure though, he absolutely can’t bring it up right when they get back. The king would assume the druids enchanted him and he’d send men to burn down their camp and the surrounding woods.

The night before they return to the city Arthur can’t help but notice the distance between his and Merlin’s bedrolls. While Merlin is still technically next to him he is practically lying in the woods with his back to the prince.

Arthur sighs before turning to the starry sky above, it feels like everything is crumbling around him, the weight of such crucial information is crushing him from all sides, like a collapsed cave.

Arthur gives one last look over the tools he’s laid out on the bed before going back to his desk. On top of which sits a small oblong velvet box, dark purple in color.

His mind wanders to the meeting he had this morning with his father upon their return. Arthur couldn’t help but feel as if something was off. It’s not possible for his father to have heard what actually happened at the camp. But Arthur can’t shake the feeling away. Perhaps the pressure is getting to him a bit more than he thought.

Arthur jumps when he hears the handle on his door jostle before it’s gently pushed open. The door falls shut behind a very timid looking Merlin.

“You summoned me sire?” Merlin keeps his eyes on the floor.

It’s rather strange Merlin isn’t wearing his jacket, especially this time of year but Arthur doesn’t question it. He had dismissed Merlin right after his recount to the king this morning, still not ready to face the boy. It had given Arthur nearly the entire day to think over what he would say to the servant. And with the spell going to kick in soon he was out of time to think over his words.

The prince grimaces at Merlin’s subservience, he can only enjoy such an attitude from his servant when he has earned it, certainly not like this.

“Yes.” Arthur straightens his back, “The spell should be kicking in soon.”

“Right.” Merlin fiddles with the end of his tunic’s blue sleeves, “of course.”

“But before that,” Arthur struggles to find his words for a moment, “We have some things that need discussing.”

Merlin's eyes finally meet his, trepidation and anxiety are rolling off of him in waves. He says nothing, waiting for Arthur to continue, to bring up whatever it is he wishes to discuss first. It’s clear there is much Merlin wants to say, but Arthur must do his part first, it's only fair, after what he said the other night.

But all Arthur can focus on is the sadness and hurt, and the fearfulness in Merlin’s eyes. Not like when the prince had found out about his magic, it's not a fear of life or death but more so a fear of the unknown, the unexpected. The look has Arthur suddenly forgetting any of the words he had rehearsed before the servant’s arrival.

Merlin waits patiently, knowing Arthur is never good at talking about such things, just another reminder of how close they have become, how much they mean to each other. Raindrops start to patter against the windows. Arthur’s mouth opens and closes as he tries to get out his words, any words really.

He runs a hand through his hair with a frustrated sigh before huffing out. “Hold on.” He aggressively trudges to his desk and picks up the box before stomping his way over to Merlin and holding it out, poking it into his servant’s chest a bit too forcefully. “This is for you.”

Merlin’s brow furrows as he looks between Arthur and the box.


“Just- open it, please.”

Merlin knows Arthur only even uses ‘please’ when he’s either very serious or very frustrated. And right now he’d wager it’s a good mix of the two.

Not wanting to upset Arthur even further, especially after their fight, and not knowing where he truly stands now, he takes the box and unlatches it.

Arthur watches as Merlin’s face shifts from emotion to emotion, most are too quick for the prince to decipher.

Merlin stares down at the object. A brilliant Pendragon red collar, with gold stitching on the top and bottom, and of course a glittering gold Pendragon dragon pendant.

The material somehow seems even finer than his last one, so much so that Merlin is afraid to even touch it. The red looks nearly as red as the finest rubies Merlin has seen on visiting royalty a scant amount of times.

Little does he know Arthur has had twelve more commissioned, all with varying materials and colors. Each just as luxurious as the next, made with the finest materials only royals would be able to afford. His sorcerer deserves only the best after all.

A thousand thoughts run through Merlin’s head, but he lands on the most prominent one. He slowly lifts his eyes back up to the prince who is staring at him rather intensely.

“You- you still want me?” Merlin asks, voice small. His face is marred with confusion, his brow furrowed as he tries to make sense of such a concept.

The question has something snapping in Arthur, something that has been pulled taut for far too long, something that has slowly been fraying down to the very last valiant string. Heated anger singes through his veins, but not at Merlin, at himself, for allowing his sorcerer to feel such a way. After all this time, how does Merlin still not understand how valued he is, how important he is? Even if he has made a few mistakes, which is inevitable, just as Arthur has made mistakes before. After all he’s done for Camelot, for Arthur, how can he not know?

“What don’t you understand!” Arthur shouts angrily, perplexing Merlin even further. “You are the reason I get up in the morning! The reason air fills my lungs with each excruciating breath as I go by day to day and you are not mine! Your face is the last thing I see at night and the first I see in the morning yet I can not have you! I sit in my place on the throne where I cannot see your endearingly idiotic smile because you stand behind me ready to serve as destiny commands. I eat feasts most could never even dream of when the one being I truly hunger for refills my goblet.” Arthur clutches at his tunic, crumpling the fabric over his heart, “When your fingers brush against my skin each time you undress me but aren’t allowed to linger, it kills me every god forsaken day Merlin! I want nothing more in this life than the one thing I can not have! I would- Christ Merlin, I would leave Camelot if it meant I could be with you. You always say how I am so noble and will always put my kingdom first and that’s what will make me a great king. But I do it for you! I do it all for you! I want to be the king you deserve.” Arthur finishes brokenly, his chest heaving as he stares Merlin down, daring him to even try contradicting.

The silence is thick between them but Arthur can’t find it in himself to regret any of what he has said.

“I would leave with you.” Merlin says, his voice barely a whisper, afraid the fates will hear him.

“And then what?” Arthur huffs, his voice bitter. “Live your life hiding away from the constant patrols that would be hunting us down?” Arthur sighs. “I’m not going to make you hide even longer Merlin. I won’t do that to you.” And for that to change, I need to be here.

Merlin does his best to fight the stinging of his nose and the tears welling in his eyes but he can’t stop them as they begin to slide down his cheeks. Arthur’s words should make him happy, and in a twisted way they do, knowing Arthur has thought this through enough to consider Merlin’s perspective, it only shows how serious he has thought about this, how much he cares to even consider such an option in the first place. But the grief is still overwhelming.

They are both so painfully aware that nothing can happen between them. No matter how much they wish to see it changed, Arthur will have to marry eventually, have an heir. And for Arthur to be the king Merlin needs him to be, he can’t have other countries or his council question his ruling by not having a queen.

Arthur cups Merlin’s face, thumbing away the tears. It’s only then Merlin notices Arthur’s own tears.

Merlin bites his lip to stop a sob from slipping out.

“I’m so sorry.” Arthur’s voice is soft, his lips quiver as he does his best to keep his face strong.

Merlin purses his lips sniffling, he searches Arthur’s face, finding nothing but raw sincerity and anguish. Arthur wipes a few more tears away before Merlin pushes forward, bringing their lips together. It’s passionate and yearning, an intimacy they rarely allow themselves; as they open for each other, tongues sliding together, it’s a flicker of warmth in this ever encompassing darkness.

“Arthur,” Merlin breathes as he pulls back just enough to speak, their lips still brushing. “You say I am not yours. But I can assure you every part of my being belongs to you, and only you.” Merlin brings one of his own hands to rest on the prince’s cheek, “No matter what happens, I will always be yours.” He reaches behind his neck and unlaces his neckerchief, letting it fall to the ground.


The servant pokes the box into his abdomen.

The prince takes the collar from the box, taking half a step back giving him just enough space to lay the collar around his sorcerer’s neck, he gets it clasped easily.

The fabric is smooth against Merlin’s neck, it nearly feels like satin. And Arthur clasps it just a hair too tight to be comfortable, the way Merlin had preferred wearing his last one.

“Merlin,” Arthur starts again, his servant’s eyes are watery but no more tears fall. “I would never ask that of you. You deserve to find your own peace.” The prince leans forward this time, bringing them together in a gentle and tender kiss, his hands sliding from the back of Merlin’s neck back to cup his face again. He pulls away just far enough so their lips are brushing against each other again. “Though for the time being, would you so selfishly indulge me?”

“You need only say the words, I am at your every command sire.”

They meet in another intense kiss, Arthur sliding the box from Merlin’s hand onto the table as they slowly make their way towards the bed.

Arthur’s fingers are warm on Merlin’s skin as the prince slides his calloused palms under his servant’s tunic to grip at his waist, keeping them pressed together as they clumsily stumble through the room.

Merlin stumbles into Arthur when the prince’s hand slides down to his arse, Arthur can’t help the small smile that works its way onto his lips.

They reach the bed and Merlin goes to move away but Arthur holds him steady. “Wait.” The prince’s voice comes out gruff. Merlin looks at him questioningly. “I’m sorry.”

Merlin’s brows raise up, his grip on Arthur slackens.

“For what I said the other night.” Regret swims in the prince’s eyes. “I was angry, lost my temper. And I know that is no excuse for what I said, for how I treated you. I truly am sorry Merlin, you were honest with me and I lashed out on you.”

Merlin shifts uncomfortably, unused to the prince being so forthright. “You didn’t do anything wrong Arthur, it was a valid reaction given-”

“No.” Arthur cuts him off harshly, his hands tightening on his sorcerer’s body. “You had no way of knowing what was going to happen. It was unfair of me to blame you when I have made such similar mistakes. Everyone has made mistakes, you had no way of knowing what was to happen Merlin.”

The prince can still see the emotions swirling in Merlin’s eyes. It’s clear no matter what Arthur says the sorcerer will not be able to forgive himself for his actions, but perhaps with time Arthur will be able to siphon some of the hurt.

“Thank you for saying that.” Merlin breathes out.

Arthur hums his assent, his thumbs rubbing small circles where they press against Merlin’s skin.

“That being said,” Arthur drawls lowly, his voice gravelly. “I did have a punishment planned for tonight, but if you are not feeling up to-”

“I am.” Merlin says a bit too eagerly, his face heating in turn.

“Then I want to make it clear, this is in no way a punishment for what you shared with me. Is that understood?”

“Yes sire. Then may I ask what I am being punished for?” Merlin asks coyly, looking at the prince through his thick glistening lashes.

Arthur gives him an unamused look, “Well, remember the other day when I had you so nicely blindfolded. I distinctly remember telling you to pleasure yourself, I never once gave any indication you were allowed to touch me, yet you did. And you even had the gall to be smug about it.”

Merlin at least looks sheepish, though Arthur doubts he truly feels such a thing at the moment.

“Or perhaps the other night, do you remember rubbing hot candle wax onto me without my permission.”

Merlin guffaws, “Oh please that was hardly-”

Arthur’s eyes darken with a heat so intense it's nearly frightening. Merlin snaps his mouth shut.

Hmm you think you’d have learned not to talk back by now.”

The prince uses his grip on Merlin’s hips to spin the younger to face the bed. Arthur sidles up behind him, his chest pressed firmly against his servant’s back.

Arthur drags a hand up Merlin’s front, caressing his new collar on the way up, until he has a firm grip on his jaw.

“Since you’ve been so bad lately,” Arthur’s voice rumbles next to Merlin’s ear, “I have prepared an adequate punishment, do you wish to not use any of these objects? I will not be offended if you say so. Though this is your only chance.”

Merlin eyes the objects on the bed. He isn’t surprised to see the red rope, nor a new leash, this one matching his new collar, even the wooden paddle isn’t too shocking. What is unexpected is the silver phallic looking, well Merlin doesn't know what it is exactly, but he can guess its purpose from the shape.

“Well? Anything you don’t want included in your punishment tonight?” Arthur’s voice is comforting, in a way Merlin knows is a ruse, but one he’s happy to give in to.

“No sire.”

“Very well.” Arthur nips at Merlin’s neck, “I plan on pushing you to the brink tonight, if it becomes too much be sure to use our word.”

Merlin shivers under his touch, lust already heavy in his belly at the idea of what is to come. He can feel the prat smirk against his skin.

“Boots off, on the bed.” Arthur commands.

Merlin, the tart, bends at his waist not bothering to move away from Arthur to unlace his boots, rubbing his arse right against the prince’s groin.

The hand on Merlin’s hip tightens, Arthur brings his other hand to slowly run down the back of Merlin’s tunic.

It doesn’t take long at all for Merlin to step out of his boots. He crawls on the bed, carefully climbing over the objects, before resting himself comfortably on the pillows, his legs bent at the knees.

Arthur is quick to follow as he is already barefoot, he moves to settle between Merlin’s legs which the manservant enticingly splays as Arthur approaches. The prince places a hand on Merlin’s knee and slowly slides his hand up until he is unabashedly palming Merlin through his trousers.

Merlin can’t stop the pitiful sounding whine that rips out of his throat, he truly hadn’t expected Arthur to touch him yet, they almost always start out with kissing or teasing caresses. He can feel the embarrassed blush heat up his face.

He risks a glance at Arthur, the prat gives him a deviously knowing smirk.

Merlin huffs an exasperated breath but it gets muffled as Arthur starts yanking his tunic over his head, though he’s careful not to get Merlin’s collar caught.

The servant manages to shimmy out of the tunic and Arthur wastes no time moving his hands to unlace Merlin’s trousers.

It must be a record speed for Merlin to be fully undressed.

His heart is pounding with anticipation, his nerves on edge, excited to see what has the prince so eager.

Arthur pauses leaning back on his haunches to take in the view.

Merlin’s still rather squirmy and looks away from the prince’s ravenous gaze. His eyes linger on Merlin’s new collar, such a loud claim. Arthur will never tire of seeing Merlin in his colors, and for a moment the prince can pretend, pretend Merlin is truly his. He clenches his jaw as he fights the stinging in his eyes.

He drags his gaze back up to Merlin's which has found him again, there's a somber understanding exchanged between the two.

Merlin wraps his hand in the fabric of Arthur’s tunic and pulls the prince over him, crashing their lips together. And they both know, know that this is a distraction, a distraction from the pain, the abhorrent yearning; so they both give themselves wholeheartedly into the desire, letting their minds blank with nothing but instinct, passion, and need.

Merlin rolls his hips forward into Arthur, the prince groans hotly into his mouth grinding his own hips down. Arthur’s tongue plunders Merlin’s mouth and the servant revels at the feeling of Arthur’s ascendency.

The servant listlessly pulls at Arthur’s tunic, not really trying to get it off but to tell Arthur he wants it gone.

“Rather demanding given this is a punishment Merlin.”

“And who says I can’t have a nice view?” The sorcerer raises a cheeky brow.

Arthur chortles, his ego well stroked, “charismatic bastard.”

Merlin winks at him before his eyes lower to Arthur’s still clothed chest.

Arthur rolls his eyes before sitting up to his full height. He reaches over his shoulder catching the back of his tunic, he makes sure to flex as he drags it over his head.

“Better?” Arthur asks, tossing his tunic to the side, cocksureness radiating off of him.

“Well, since you’re asking.” Merlin’s eyes dip down to his trousers.

“Nice try.”

Merlin shrugs playfully.

“Hands.” Arthur demands.

Merlin instantly brings his hands out in front of him.

The prince reaches over and grabs a short length of rope. Excitement has sparks tittering in Merlin’s lower abdomen.

The rope is just as he remembers it, rough yet much smoother than any other rope he has ever dealt with before. The bindings are just tight enough so he can’t ignore it, much like his collar.


“Yes sire.”

“Good.” Arthur grins before flipping Merlin over onto his stomach. The servant bounces against the mattress with the force used by the prince. “Stay.” Arthur’s voice is stern enough to have Merlin properly listen.

Merlin feels the bed shift and then he can see Arthur in front of his face. The prince latches the hook of the red leash onto the loop of his collar. The act alone is enough for that fuzzy feeling to start tingling Merlin’s skull.

Arthur reaches between Merlin and the mattress, Merlin’s stomach turns in excitement but instead, the prince’s hand brushes against his stomach and the sorcerer can’t stop his yelp at the ticklish sensation.

Arthur just snorts and finds his bound hands, dragging them out above Merlin’s head. Merlin gives him a half hearted glare as the prince retreats behind him again. The prince tactfully turns Merlin’s collar as he walks back around making sure the loop rests on the back of his neck.

The bed shifts again as Arthur gets back on.

Merlin gasps as he’s manhandled onto his knees, putting him in a position reminiscent of a stretching cat.

“Perfect.” Arthur’s voice rumbles, his lips place small kisses onto Merlin’s upper thighs that have the servant’s prick eagerly leaking.

Merlin focuses on the warm soft feeling in his head, it’s nice, relaxing even, but not as strong as he would prefer.

“Now,” Arthur purrs. “I am going to give you only five floggings, as I still want to use you for the rest of the night.”

The words ‘use you’ have Merlin’s pulse speeding up in anticipation.

“I want you to count. Understood?” Arthur gives a little tug on the leash in his left hand, putting pressure on the front of Merlin’s neck.

“Yes Arthur.” Merlin breathes out wistfully.

“Good. If it’s too much use our word.”

The handle of the paddle is sturdy in his hand. He gives it a twirl as he tends to do with his sword, it is remarkably well made, it’s well balanced too, it makes him all the more eager to use it.

He doesn’t give Merlin any warning before the first smack. It's a loud sound that resonates through his chambers, along with Merlin’s yelp as he lurches forward trying to get away from the harsh sting of the wood, though he doesn’t get far with Arthur’s strong grip on the leash. Arthur sees the pink light reflected off his wooden bed frame.

The paddle is wider than Arthur’s hand and just long enough to hit a strip of skin across Merlin’s entire arse and fuck does it hurt more.


“One.” He grits out through his teeth.

The moment the word is out of his mouth his arse is being struck again, with an even stronger hit.

Ahh!” Merlin’s voice is gravelly as he half-shouts half-moans.

He sucks in some breaths and braces himself, “two.” But the next hit doesn’t come. He peeks over his shoulder to see Arthur admiring his surely pink, if not already red, arse.

“Oh come on Merlin, that wasn’t even hard.”

This time looking over his shoulder Merlin can see the strike incoming. He braces himself just in time. He manages to fight off his instinct to shout and instead groans lowly. The hit has lightning dancing across his skin, up his spine and down his limbs, curling his toes in pleasure.


“This is what happens when you don’t listen Merlin,” Arthur reprimands, “but don’t worry we are just getting started, this is merely the warm up to your real punishment.”

This smack isn’t as harsh but after the last three it stings even worse, the wood of the paddle had started cool but has now warmed from swatting him.

“Four.” Merlin pushes his cheek into the bed. Each throb of his marred arse travels through him to his stiff prick that, thanks to his positioning, doesn't have any kind of friction.

Mmm, see, not so difficult right?” Arthur coos, palming a globe of Merlin’s arse, the red skin is heated against his hand. It has Arthur’s already hardened cock perk up further.

The prince reels back, power thrumming through his shoulder down his wrist to his fingertips gripped around the wooden bases. He still holds back considerably, but this is by far the most solid smack. Merlin lurches forward with another low moan, his knees nearly giving out under him but he manages to stay upright. The movement has the leash tugging on his collar

It takes a moment for Merlin to catch his breath but when he does he counts, “Five.”

“Good job.” The prince gives his arse a few patronizing pats that have Merlin wincing.

Arthur unhooks the leash as he gently turns Merlin over, careful to not put too much weight on his arse, giving him a moment of reprieve. Satisfaction curls in his stomach as his sorcerer continues to keep his arms above his head as told.

Laying like this has Merlin’s erect cock on full display. “God look at you,” Arthur runs his hands down Merlin’s sides, “Just a few smacks and you’re already so wet for me.” He brings his hand to his servant’s prick and thumbs at the precum glistening on his tip.

Merlin gives a closed mouth moan as he thrusts up into Arthur’s hand.

Arthur gives a few teasing strokes, but he knows if he wants to do this properly he’ll have to finish before the sorcerer.

The prince removes his hand to instead palm himself through his trousers. “God you look so erotic like this, maybe that was enough punishment for now.” Arthur lies through his teeth.

The hope that lights up Merlin’s features intoxicates the prince, stroking that sadistic predilection deep in his sternum. However, he doesn’t miss the slight disappointment in Merlin’s eyes as he looks over to the tools they haven’t yet used.

Arthur shucks off his trousers and smalls as he uncorks the oil and coats his fingers. He leans back over Merlin to adorn his neck with kisses as he rubs a slick finger into the servant, coaxing him open.

Merlin keens at the feeling, the oil is cold on his skin but he can’t find it in himself to care as he slowly gets ensconced in that fantastic floaty feeling. He focuses on Arthur’s warm lips on his neck, the stretch as the prince opens him up to be used. Gods he wants to make Arthur feel so good, it's only fair with how good the knight is able to make him feel.

Arthur licks at his collar bones and Merlin can’t help the way his hips thrust up.

The prince groans as their cocks brush against each other, “Shit Merlin,” he adds another finger.

Merlin quickly becomes a whimpering mess as Arthur prepares him, he moves his mouth to the prince’s, he licks into Arthur’s mouth, but his tongue is moving sluggishly as he loses himself in the urge to please. Though he makes sure to keep his bound hands above his head still.

Please Arthur.” Merlin whines, wiggling his hips asking for more. His panting breaths ghost against Arthur’s lips.

Arthur pulls back a fraction to look him over. Merlin’s lips are puffy, his blue eyes are lidded, face dusted red, chest splotchy as it falls quickly with each wanton breath.

He wants to lean down and lave at one of Merlin’s pert nipples but he won’t risk giving the boy too much stimulation.

“You’re so pretty when you beg.” Arthur’s eyes roam over him as he slicks up his cock, giving it a few teasing strokes. His eyes drift over Merlin’s abdomen to the arms stretched above his head where the rope holds him so perfectly. His eyes have that deliciously hazy glaze to them.

Please,” Merlin whines again, arching his back.

“Since you asked so nicely.” Arthur smirks before slowly sinking his cock into Merlin’s opening. It’s hot and tight and throbbing and the prince forces himself to take a deep breath, lest he go too quickly.

Arthur watches the muscles in Merlin’s arms flex as he forces himself to not move. The servant's eyes flutter, his brow pinched in pleasure as he takes in the prince’s cock.

Arthur reaches up to cup Merlin’s face, his sorcerer gives him a befogged smile. The prince feels his insides melt a bit.

Arthur smoothly bottoms out, curling Merlin’s hips upwards so Arthur’s own thighs are pressing to the servant’s tender arse.

Arthur,” Merlin groans out, “move.”

Sadistic excitement builds in Arthur as he starts rocking his prick in and out of Merlin’s snug hole.

Each slap of their skin stings the skin of Merlin’s arse, it sends thrilling pulses of painful pleasure into his lower stomach, only fueling his arousal. Arthur’s shoulder muscles move and flex with each thrust as he holds himself up, looming over Merlin. The prince just brushes against that spot inside of him, it has embers fizzling on his skin.

Merlin tosses his head back with a lewd moan and Arthur can already feel the tightening in his lower stomach. The ardor of knowing where this is headed inflames his libido, he wouldn’t be able to fight it off if he could.

Mmph fuck, Merlin.” Arthur grunts as he picks up speed, thrusting vigorously into his sorcerer. He slides a hand over Merlin’s sternum to the bottom of his neck where he grips firmly around the collar.

“Ngh, ah- ah- Arthur,” Merlin keens, doing his best to present his neck further as each breath is pounded out of him.

It only takes a few more thrusts for Arthur to spill into his sorcerer, hot cum filling the servant's arse.

Arthur tilts Merlin’s waist back to normal, in turn sliding his cock out, he takes a moment to catch his breath. Though that’s all the time it takes for Merlin to start whining impatiently, seeking his own release.

“Will you ever learn to be patient?” Arthur asks with faux aggravation.

“Arthur please” Merlin wriggles bound arms.

The prince rolls his eyes but acquiesces, bringing a hand to Merlin’s restless prick.

A moan of relief tears out of his throat as pleasure shudders through him. He swallows harshly and the pressure of his collar against his neck has his muscles clenching, hiss bollocks tightening as Arthur’s hand picks up speed. Merlin’s face scrunches as- Arthur pulls his hand away.

A whine of distraught confusion bubbles out of him, his orgasm stops before it can even begin. The feeling has need throbbing through his entire body, from his toes to the tips of his ears. It leaves every part of his being feeling bereft. His heart is pounding in his chest as he looks around confused, the fuzzy feeling fading as looks for answers.

Rather than a distressed or urgent prince that Merlin expected to see, he instead sees a pompous prat with a feral grin plastered onto his face and eyes that have a pernicious gleam to them.

“Wha-?” Merlin asks, still working through his fog.

The prince’s spent cock gives a valiant attempt to rejoin the fight, alas Arthur is no longer a wound up lad and has to take a reprieve. The way Merlin’s face completely crumbled as his bliss was stolen away at the last moment is something Arthur will be thinking about until the end of time.

Oh Merlin,” Arthur’s voice lilts with theatric pity, “Don’t tell me you really thought you weren’t going to get out of your punishment.”

The servant’s furrowed brow is no longer out of confusion but anger as he quickly sobers up from the prince’s words. Arthur can see the exact moment it clicks for the young man as his eyes flash pink when he realizes it was not a mistake but rather a play of power, though that doesn’t stop the torrent of epithets that starts spewing from his sorcerer.

Merlin’s magic sparks angrily under his skin, “You utter arsehole! You pompous fatuous cabbage-headed prick! You dollop-headed prevaricator! I-”

“As much as I enjoy your soliloquies,” Arthur drawls, unable to hide his self-satisfaction. “You seem to be forgetting I am in charge.”

Merlin sets his jaw in a very bratish manner.

“You are mine, and that means you only get to finish when I give you permission.”

Merlin’s eyes widen as it finally dawns on him just what this punishment is.

“Ar-Arthur,” His voice is shaky, the complete opposite to his tone a moment ago, “I- I’m sorry, it won't happen again, sire.”

Arthur’s grin somehow manages to grow even larger on his face. “Hmm looks like you learned to behave during punishments now, or you just don't want to get punished again.”

Merlin swallows, his collar tightening around his neck for a brief moment.

“I’ll- I’ll be good.” He cringes inwardly, it’s a lot different saying such a thing without the high of ecstasy.

“We’ll see about that.” Arthur smirks, and gods does he look beautiful in the candlelight.

Merlin looks up to him with that eager to please look of his that the prince loves so much.

“Well,” Arthur reaches over to grab the metal phallus. The way he oils it up confirms Merlin’s suspicions of what the object is intended for.

“Royal blacksmith must have been intrigued with that commission.” Merlin truly can't help himself.

Arthur snorts before narrowing his eyes as if he didn’t just laugh, “It was an anonymous commission.”

“To the royal blacksmith? That you, as the prince and head of the knights, only ever use?”

They stare at each other for a moment before Arthur takes an elongated blink to stop himself from quarreling with the tart. “Do you really think now is the time to be cheeky with me?”

Merlin purses his lips, “No sire.”

“Thought so.” Arthur nods. He gives no warning before sliding the slick phallus into Merlin in one fell swoop.

A guttural moan spills past Merlin’s lips, his back arching as he is filled once again. The metal is cool inside his fervid body. His prick which had lost a fraction of its rigidity is quick to stand proud once again.

“You sound so much better like this, with something shoved up your pert little arse.”

Merlin wants to retort but the wave of warm bliss hits him like a wall, much stronger than it had been before. Surely his body is eager to get what was so rudely taken away from him.

Arthur trails his free hand up Merlin’s chest and pinches his nipple just as he thrusts the metal object in again.

The sorcerer tightens his fingers into fists then switches to flexing them in an attempt to keep himself from moving. He absolutely does not want to be cut short again. It’s a strange feeling, the metal is so smooth, there’s much less friction than Arthur’s prick, it’s both intriguing and maddening, he needs more.

Arthur leans back to watch as he pushes and pulls the object into his sorcerer, each thrust has Arthur’s own spend squelching in Merlin’s hole and the prince finds his spent cock starting to slowly fill again.

He watches the drag of metal against the entrance of Merlin’s messy opening. To be fucked with something that’s not his royal prick must feel rather degrading. Perhaps he can make Merlin prove himself worthy of his cock, though that will have to wait for another time.

After the first few thrusts Arthur starts a relentlessly unforgiving pace that has Merlin mewling and writhing against the blankets. The momentum has Merlin's cock bobbing in time with each movement of the prince’s hand.

Merlin is just able to glance down, the muscles in Arthur’s arm are flexing, his veins protruding as he fucks the phallus in and out of him. The sight has even more precum dribbling down his prick. He starts wantonly undulating his hips trying to get Arthur to hit that spot inside of him.

Arthur reaches for his servant’s leaking prick. At this point it’s practically sopping wet with precum, it’s sticky and slick, glistening in the candlelight. “God Merlin you’re so wet for me, so wanton to finally get that release hmm?”

Arthur’s voice is muffled in the cloud of blissful haze that caresses every part of Merlin’s body.

“Please, please Arthur, please.”

Arthur speeds up the hand on Merlin’s prick and realizes it’s rather difficult to move his hands at different timings, so he speeds up the hand fucking his sorcerer as well.

Merlin’s toes curl into the top blanket as he looks for any form of purchase as he feels his bollocks start to tighten again, anticipation whispers promises of release against his skin and the agony is delicious as all he can do is wait as the tension builds and builds.

His orgasm is just starting to crest when Arthur slides out the phallus and removes his hand from Merlin’s cock.

The servant snarls insults that would surely shame his mother.

Arthur,” Merlin sobs oh so beautifully from the sudden lack of pleasure. But this time that fuzzy feeling doesn’t go away if anything it gets stronger as he is overwhelmed with so many emotions at once. More than anything though he needs, he just needs. Even his magic years for release.

The tears spill from his eyes, rolling back towards his hair given the way he is laid on his back.

He listlessly thrashes in anger and petulance.

Arthur’s not sure he’s ever seen anything so tantalizing. His sorcerer so wanton he is brought to tears, his breath hitching, every sound, every movement drips with need.

“Plea- ah!

Arthur thrusts his cock back into Merlin giving the boy nearly no respite. He’s still so slick with Arthur’s earlier spend and oil there’s little to no resistance.

Merlin shouts as the unexpected stimulation.

Arthur grips his scorer’s hips and works his lithe body against each savage push as he drives his cock into the servant.

Merlin is a babbling mess blind with desire unaware of anything else other than Arthur. It’s as if Arthur’s presence surrounds him.

Arthur brings his hand to Merlin’s throbbing cock and he can’t help but yelp at the feeling, finally finding some kind of solace but dread washes over him, afraid Arthur will stop again.

please, please I need- I need-” Merlin cries out.

The prince leans forward as if sensing Merlin’s distress, he leaves open mouthed kisses just above his collar as he breathes into his skin, “It’s okay, I promise I won't stop this time.”

“Pr-Promise?” Merlin sobs trying to search for Arthur’s face but everything is too foggy.

“I promise.” Arthur accentuates his words with a particularly harsh thrust as he speeds up his hand further.

“Ah- Arth- Arthur.” He invokes the prince’s name like the highest prayer in a plea for salvation.

His whole body tenses and another sob rips out of him.

The prince slows his hips but keeps pace with his hips as he brings his free hand to Merlin’s face.

“Look at me, I want to see you.” His voice fills the space between them.

His whole world shrinks down to him and Arthur in that moment. His whole body tenses, his soul aflame in a final cry of reprieve as he finally finds release.

Cum near violently spurts out of his prick onto his stomach and chest, coating Arthur’s hand in the process.

The prince’s movements stutter as Merlin’s lidded eyes flash a brilliant gold. But he is quick to fix his mistake and works Merlin through his orgasm.

Thinking back on it, Merlin always closed his eyes when he came, does he do that every time?

Merlin’s body goes completely pliant and it’s as if he is no longer even in his body, he is drifting on the wind, completely weightless. He feels as if he is truly floating, though can still vaguely feel Arthur’s thrusts slow and deepen as he gives Merlin a moment to gather himself. But there are no pieces of him left, he is a singular cloud of blissed out contentment.

It’s a bit symbolic, Merlin’s mind supplies as he hovers above his worldly body, wanting something so bad, and being brought to the precipice just for it to be taken away.

His incorporeal limbs tingle with happiness as he revels in the rapture.

That is until a bolt of lightning lights up his abdomen.

The shock allows him to blink away just enough of the fog to see that Arthur has his calloused hand back on his prick.


Arthur’s grin is somehow equal parts fond and conniving. “I meant what I said about pushing you to the brink.” His voice is husky.

“Wha- nngh-”

Merlin brings his hands to clutch at Arthur’s shoulders. Oh, he hadn’t even noticed the prince undo his bindings. His limbs are heavy from not being moved but he manages to land them on Arthur’s shoulders, much less gracefully then he intended but nevertheless.

Arthur moves his hand faster on Merlin’s cock, he isn’t nearly as hard as before but he is more hard than not. The stimulation has his sorcerer’s arse tightening around him, he groans at the feeling.

Mmph Arthur,” Merlin mewls softly.

The prince bends down, making sure to keep his thrusts steady and slow, he runs his tongue through the cum on Merlin’s chest and over his nipple.

Familiar blunt fingernails dig into his shoulders.

Arthur continues as he starts to increase his hips and hand again.

Merlin becomes a babbling mess of ‘too good’, ‘too much’, ‘more’, and soft curses.

Arthur’s own orgasm starts to simmer in his abdomen, so he pushes Merlin just a bit harder. He rolls his hips in deep strong motions that have the servant gasping and languidly scrambling his hands against his shoulders.

“I’ve got you,” Arthur reassures, nuzzling against Merlin’s jaw. “Give in to it, it’s alright.”

And for the second time that night, Merlin is cumming. Unlike the first time his spend dribbles out of his cock.

Arthur pulls back just in time to see his eyes fade from pink to gold and back to blue. The sight and the tightening around his cock have Arthur following with his second orgasm for the night.

Merlin goes completely pliant underneath him again, Arthur chuckles nuzzling his jaw again.

Arthur crawls back into the bed still nude. He’s not sure if he should be worried, usually by the time he has them cleaned up Merlin comes back to himself. Arthur cleaned them and put away all the tools they used, other than Merlin’s collar of course.

The prince rests his back against the pile of pillows on his bed. He runs his hand soothingly through Merlin’s hair for quite a while but he hasn’t said anything yet, lost in the land of pleasure still, it’s clear he’s awake just not fully there yet.

After a few moments, Arthur gives in and hauls Merlin onto his lap, sitting his sorcerer so he’s straddling him. His arms instinctively come around Arthur’s neck, his head resting in the crook of the prince’s neck.

“Merlin?” Arthur asks tentatively.

Merlin just nuzzles further into his neck.

Arthur chuckles, “Merlin.”

His amusement fades fast though when he feels Merlin’s chest sputter against his.

“Merlin?” He asks more seriously this time, carefully moving his sorcerer’s face so he can see him.

His eyes are watery and his lip quivering.

“What’s wrong?” A small surge of adrenaline shoots through him, “Are you hurt? Merlin, what's wrong?”

“Was- is- was I good?” Merlin asks brokenly.

“So good,” Arthur soothes. His panic abates slightly as he comes to the conclusion this is one of the things Gwaine had mentioned ages ago. With the aftercare and heartsick, it feels so long ago now, racks his brain for what the man said, something about cuddling? Coddling?

“You were so good, Merlin, did such a good job for me. I promise” Arthur rubs small circles on Merlin’s cheek with his thumb as he is overtaken by the need to care for Merlin.

It takes quite a while to work Merlin out of it, so long that the hearth dies down to embers, filling the room with a slight chill. Though Arthur wraps them in blankets the best he can without jostling Merlin too much.

When Merlin finally comes to he doesn’t move, just takes a much needed deep breath before softly biting the prince’s neck.

“Hey!” He can feel Merlin smile against him.

“Thank you Arthur.”

“It’s my pleasure,” Arthur noses his hair, “Both literally and figuratively.”

Merlin snorts and pulls back, soft smile on his face.

Arthur tentatively leans forward bringing their lips together in soft reverent, tired kisses, their hands roaming in gentle caresses. When they pull apart they rest their foreheads together and just look at each other, studying the other's features.

“I have a question. “ Arthur eventually breaks the silence with a yawn.

“Hmm?” Merlin pulls back further so he can see the prince’s full face.

“Why didn’t you come here with your jacket on?”

Ah,” Merlin’s tone is less than enthusiastic, “I was helping Gaius with a patient this morning and- actually, you probably don't want to know.”

Arthur tenses against him, “Please tell me you have bathed since.”

“Yes you prat. Multiple times and very thoroughly.”

“No wonder you don’t smell as bad as normal.” Arthur teases.

Merlin playfully smacks his shoulder.

“Speaking of,” Merlin yawns now, “Is it okay for me to leave my collar here tomorrow, just for a bit, at least until I know my other set of clothes are fully clean, I don't want to risk-

“Yes Merlin, urhg I do not want to know.”

“Mm’kay, thanks.” Merlin mumbles as he settles back against the prince.

Arthur tightens his arms around his sorcerer before lowering them down to lie on the bed. Merlin clinging to him like some kind of baby animal.

Once they are settled Arthur obnoxiously rolls on top of and then over Merlin so they are on the correct sides of the bed.

The action earns him a disgruntled sound from the sorcerer but nothing else as he pulls the man into his chest again.

“Goodnight Merlin.” Arthur rumbles into his hair.

Merlin wiggles just enough to look up at the prince. He leans in bringing his lips together in a delicate kiss that Arthur returns in kind.

“Goodnight Arthur.”

With their rigorous evening they are both able to fall asleep easily.

Merlin’s final flogging rating: 8

Merlin’s final edging rating: 8.2

Merlin’s final overstimulation rating: 7.5

Chapter End Notes

AAAAAHG I am dying to know your guys thoughts on this chapter. I’ve been so excited to write this one, they are so tragically in love and I just love them so much arhg.

I really did intend for this chapter to be fluffier but the feels and angst gripped their claws deep into me and I couldn’t get out of their hold. Hopefully, the ending of this chapter helps soften the blow.

Our boy finally got another collar! I know some of you were eagerly waiting for that, as was I lol.

Also, it was so hard to keep Merlin’s eyes shut every chapter up until now, I was tempted so many times lol. Good for you if you happened to pick up on that lol.

Alrighty, expect the next chapter in 7-10 days! Don’t be startled if it takes an extra day as this next chapter is the one I truly have no idea how long it’s going to end up. Though I might end up splitting it, so we’ll have to see what happens lol.

As always thank you guys again so much for the support and for 1,000 kudos! Seriously, I'm beyond overjoyed so many of you are enjoying this story. <3

Happy Halloween!

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Tiktok: Lex1800

Another Magic Reveal

Chapter Notes

What an ominous chapter title….

This chapter’s content warnings contain MAJOR spoilers! So they can be found in the bottom notes! If you do not need content warnings I HIGHLY recommend you do not read them ahead of time. But if you do need content warnings there is absolutely nothing wrong with reading them! I wrote them for a reason! That being said I will put an overarching warning as well as a very spoiler-heavy warning for those that need to know exactly what we are getting into. BOTH WARNINGS CONTAIN MAJOR SPOILERS, just one more so than the other. And once again if you do not need content warnings I can not stress how much I recommend not reading either of them until after this chapter.


Breaking Point
The moment of greatest strain at which
someone or something gives way.

Merlin’s spot in front of the hearth is warm, the flames reflect off the armor in his hands as he polishes away. While it is sunny out the air is still far too cold to be doing his polishing down in the armory. He does his best to keep his mind from wandering to last night but with nothing else to occupy his mind other than the monotonous drag of his cloth it’s rather difficult. This morning Arthur had been summoned to an early council meeting leaving the prince to scarf down what he could of his breakfast, allowing Merlin to snack on his favorites.

Every few minutes Merlin’s mind would drag him back to Arthur’s words last night and each time his chest would ache with melancholic appetency. To know that the prince cares for him in such a way, yet there’s nothing either of them can do about it. It hurts in a way he would have never been able to prepare himself for.

The door to Arthur’s chambers opens, shaking Merlin out of his woeful thoughts. The prince somberly shuffles inside, the door closing gently behind him.

“Everything alright?” Merlin asks tenderly. It’s not unusual for Arthur to be huffy or wound up after council meetings but outright despondent is a rather rare occurrence.

“Yes. I just…” Arthur sighs heavily, “I have a lot of thinking to do.”

“Well we both know how challenging that can be for you.” Merlin tries to lighten the mood. The prince shoots him a glare, though it's only a halfhearted, a mockery of their usual light hearted teasing.

Arthur trudges over to his desk before slumping into his chair. Even though Merlin is trying to come off as positive he can’t fool Arthur. The prince sees the sorrow in his eyes, the slouch of his shoulders, the way his smile doesn’t meet his eyes.

“Want to talk about it?” Merlin asks, turning his attention back to polishing as to not seem too invested.

Arthur’s never been one to talk about his emotions, and when his turbulence is about Merlin he’s even less inclined to do so. In all honesty, if asked Arthur would not be able to say what the council meeting had even been about as he hadn’t been able to pay attention. But whenever Arthur is in a situation he doesn’t know what to do it’s his servant who he goes to for answers.

“No.” Arthur replies gruffly, sliding some documents in front of him so he can at least look like he’s doing something.

A silence hangs between them, it’s certainly not awkward or uneasy, in fact it’s rather comforting, but it’s underlain with quiet anguish, desolation and the worst of all, understanding. A mutual understanding of the inevitable.

Arthur pinches the bridge of his nose, he very well can’t go asking Merlin what to do about their situation. Arthur already knows what his answer will be and he can’t bear to hear it. He knows Merlin will put aside his own happiness in a heartbeat for his. That’s how it’s always been. Hell, he is supposedly the most powerful sorcerer to ever walk the earth yet here he is, a servant to a kingdom that would see him being killed just for being born.

They sit together in the chamber doing their duties, fire crackling cozily in the hearth, or well Arthur looking as if he is doing his duties while his mind restlessly searches for some kind of solution, something he overlooked.

After last night, getting confirmation Merlin cares for him the same… Well perhaps he didn’t get direct confirmation, but his sorcerer’s willingness to leave Camelot with him, to leave the life he has built, is confirmation enough for the prince, that and his devotion of being his.

Arthur’s brain has persistently been trying to look for a loophole, an opening, anything at all, it feels almost as searching for the weakness of a warring enemy. Looking through all possible outcomes with meticulous care in hopes of finding something, anything you didn’t see before. And while Arthur is a near master strategist, he is truly inept when it comes to troubles of the heart, especially his own; not that he’d ever admit that aloud.

They sit there for just over an hour when Arthur finally gives up, it’s useless just sitting here thinking by himself, his mind just keeps repeating the same outcomes over and over again.

While he can't talk to Merlin about this, lest he give the servant even more reasons to ruminate, the fool already has enough on his shoulders, perhaps there’s someone else he could speak to. Before Merlin came crashing into his life Arthur did have another confidant, And another person's opinion wouldn’t go amiss, even if he’d rather not discuss such things, it would be worth getting another opinion.

“Merlin.” Arthur stands up quickly, his chair scraping along the stone floor.

Merlin fumbles, nearly dropping the vambrace in his hands onto the floor at the sudden noise. “Yes?”

“I am going for a walk to clear my head. Be sure you finish your duties by the time I return.”

“I- You shouldn’t go alone.” Merlin protests.

“In case you somehow forgot Merlin, I am the best swordsman in all of Camelot.”

“And I have lost count of the times I've saved your royal backside.”

Arthur sighs knowing Merlin is right. “I just need some time to myself, to think. I won’t go far, you have my word.”

Worry flickers across his sorcerer’s face but he reluctantly gives in. Merlin has needed time to himself plenty, he knows the feeling well. “If you aren’t back for dinner don't think I won't go looking for you.”

Arthur’s lip quirks with amusement as he scoffs, “I’ll surely be back for dinner, otherwise you have my express permission to go hunting my assasin down.”

“That’s not funny.” Merlin deadpans.

“On second thought, perhaps I’ll wait until you do come looking for me, it would be quite the sight to see you come barreling in, swords blazing… or well, eyes blazing I suppose.”

“You know what, I think I’ll just leave you to the wolves instead.”

Arthur snorts before turning a fond smile on the servant, “I’ll be careful. I promise.” His eyes are soft with adoration.

“Better be,” Merlin grumbles “or the wolves will be celebrating a royal feast tonight.”

Arthur huffs an amused breath as he makes his way to the door, though as he closes in on Merlin he ruffles his hair playfully, it ends in a fond caress that has the sorcerer blushing.

The prince clears his throat before continuing on his way, grabbing a fur lined cloak, “I meant what I said. I expect my chambers to be spotless, the hearth to be restocked, my bed clothes to be changed, my armor to be sparkling.”

“Want me to press your socks while I’m at it?” Merlin asks sardonically.

“Good idea.”


The prince is already out the door.


The sun has warmed the air considerably since they first left the citadel, though the frigid nip clings to the balmy gusts of wind. The sun is bright just past its peak in the sky, the trees casting speckled shadows onto the ground below. Birdsongs twitter through the surrounding air.

Now will you tell me why you’ve dragged me out here?”

“I thought you liked these girlish walks through the forest.” Arthur rolls his eyes theatrically.

“I do, when my company is worthwhile.”

Arthur pivots on his heel, scowling at Morgana who raises an unamused brow. She too has a fur lined cloak on, keeping away the worst of the chill. The red fabric suits her, not in the way it represents the bravery and valor of the Pendragon name but more so in an intimidating and foreboding way, like seeing an enemy coated in blood that does not belong to them.

“I don’t know how I ever put up with you.” The prince grouses.

“Shall I head back home then? I’d rather not be forced to stay in the middle of the forest if I am not needed.” Morgana snips, knowing just how to annoy her brother.

She watches as Arthur’s glare twists into a pout before he sighs heavily. “I need to talk to you about something.”

He looks around, he supposes this is far enough away from the city without going too far. This is certainly not a conversation he wants to risk anyone overhearing. And just in case Morgana has some choice words he’d rather keep her out of earshot of any who might hear. He even made sure to sneak out of the citadel lest any of the guards or knights try insisting they shouldn’t be out in the woods alone.

“I wonder what it could possibly be,” She taunts airily, “It must be a serious issue for you to come running to me instead of Merlin.”

The prince sputters sounds of indignation as his cheeks pinken ever so slightly.

“Oh please,” Morgana rolls her eyes, flicking her hair, “You may have fooled Uther but I’m not blind.” She saunters past him, continuing on the path.

Arthur huffs in annoyance stomping his way forward to catch up with the infuriating woman. In all honesty it’s really no surprise she knows. It hasn't gone unnoticed by the prince how on more than one occasion she stepped in to divert attention away from him and his servant.

“Morgana,” Arthur’s voice comes out scratchy, making him sound much younger, a version of himself Morgana remembers well.

Her footfalls slow at the weight of the prince’s voice. She waits for Arthur to continue, studying his face, but the unmasked pain and the vulnerability tell Morgana what she needs to know.

“Oh.” Her voice is soft, “I thought you were just… I didn't realize… do you…?” Her steps slow until she comes to a complete stop.

“I did not know it was possible for someone to care so strongly for another.”

Morgana smiles softly, a smile so genuine Arthur swears he hasn’t seen in years.

“I’m happy for you Arthur, truly.”

Arthur narrows his eyes waiting for some sort of bilious remark, but when one doesn’t come he relaxes his shoulders, a worn sigh escaping his lungs.

“As I’m sure you know, father…”

“Gods forbid he finds out.” Morgana answers knowingly.

Arthur sighs again, looking down to his feet, his boots have gathered a film of dust from their walk. There's so many things going through his head right now. The main one being just how much he should share.

“Morgana, I… there’s a lot more I need to tell you.”

She raises a curious brow waiting for the prince to elaborate.

The cool wind does nothing to help Arthur’s rising body heat as fear and doubt start to slowly creep their way into his chest, winding around his lungs like insidious vines.

“I need to know I can trust you.”

Morgana’s brow furrows, “You know you can Arthur.” Her voice is tinged with choler at Arthur even having to say such a thing. But the seriousness of the situation settles into her stomach like a stone. For Arthur to be so scared, and to do so openly. Whatever it is plaguing him truly must be dire.

“Give me your word.” His voice is stern but his eyes shine with fear.

“You have my word, I promise you can trust me Arthur.”

The prince searches her face for a moment and he must find whatever he was looking for.

“I am only going to tell you this because for you to make an informed decision you need to know all the details... I need to know what I should do, I am so lost.” His voice cracks on the last word.

“Okay.” Morgana answers easily, though she’s growing more anxious by the second from the prince’s intensity.

“And because, you… I have noticed your opinion on such matters vary from where mine had laid not even a month ago.” Arthur speaks quickly as he practically vibrates with nervous energy. Morgana has never seen him like this, in all the years they have known each other.


“Merlin has magic.”

Morgana’s face immediately falls, her complexion growing even paler than normal. “Wh- what?

“I know we were told growing up that magic is evil and corrupts. But… but I don’t think that’s true. And Merlin… God Morgana he was born with it. It wasn’t even his choice! And I thought maybe it was just him, maybe because he was born with it he was different. But after that druid’s execution we had to go find their camp and after talking with them and seeing it for myself. Seeing Merlin’s magic. How can such a thing be evil?”

Morgana reaches out to the nearest tree to steady herself, there’s a ringing in her ears that nearly drowns out the prince’s words.

Arthur takes the few steps he needs to put a steadying hand on her shoulder. “I know it’s a lot, but I’ve seen the way you stand up to Uther, how some part of you must believe the same. Who are we to make the decision on who gets to live and die by how they choose to live their life? For those who didn’t even have a choice to begin with?”

The hand on her shoulder keeping her steady is trembling, she looks to Arthur with wide eyes, thoughts flying through her head far too fast to process. “Merlin… he has… and you…?”

Arthur’s face is set in a harsh scowl but his eyes are wet with tears that refuse to fall.

Morgana daintily clears her throat, “And how do you feel about Merlin, knowing that now?”

“It changes nothing. If anything it makes me care for him more. He’s stayed by my side all this time, protecting me, when at any moment he could have been burned, could still be burned, just for being born.”

Tears slip down Morgana’s cheeks and Arthur’s anxiety spikes. “Please, if you don’t agree then I can understand but you can’t tell anyone. Please I couldn’t bear to lose him Morgana, you have to understand-”

“I do too.” Morgana’s voice is shaky in a way that is very unlike her.

“What?” Arthur asks, genuinely not understanding how that sentence fits into their current conversation.

“I have magic too.”

His hand falls from her shoulder, “What?”

“Arthur, I- I have magic. I was born with it, just like Merlin. I didn’t ask for it. You have to believe me.”

Arthur stumbles back a few steps, his chest clenching in instinctual terror as disbelief and confusion wash over him.

Morgana’s expression breaks as she watches Arthur stumble away from her.

“You?... You can’t Morgana, I’ve known you practically our whole lives. There’s no poss-”

If- if they were dangerous I’d tell you, I swear, but it, it isn’t for me to share. I will not condemn someone else. Merlin’s words from that night in the cells ricochet around his skull. Never in his lifetime would he have ever expected Morgana of all people to have magic, hell the only person he’d guess after her would be Uther himself.

Arthur watches dumbfounded as Morgana's eyes flash gold for a split moment, a tiny ball of flame is conjured in front of her before quickly extinguishing itself.

Tears stream down her cheeks, her eyes wide in a terror nearly identical to when Arthur had first seen Merlin’s magic.

The prince rushes forward enveloping Morgana in a crushing hug, she openly sobs into his chest.

“I’m so sorry Morgana. God I am so sorry.” Arthur’s hitching breath now matching his sister’s.

All these years.

He can’t wrap his head around it.

Merlin is one thing, but Morgana… she’s has been here nearly her whole life.

How many? How many people are being forced to live their lives terrified of the ones that are supposed to protect them?

Morgana’s voice is wet with emotion when she speaks up, “You know those nightmares I have?”

She has been waiting for so long for someone to be able to talk to.

The sun is starting to fall behind the trees, granted Arthur hasn’t been gone too long, the days are just getting shorter but Merlin can’t not worry when he isn’t around to protect the prince. The prat is a beacon for bad luck.

The servant huffs as the door to the prince’s chambers closes behind him. The room is now spotless after his thorough cleaning, his collar tucked away in the bedside drawer, Arthur’s armor now sits in the armory ready for use, and the wood in Merlin’s arms will momentarily be fueling the hearth to rewarm the room.

The fire has since died out leaving the room vulnerable to the frigid chill that is laggardly creeping into the room, especially now as the sun tucks itself away behind the forest. The chill sends a shiver down Merlin’s spine, causing goosebumps to erupt on his skin and the hairs on his arms to stand on end.

He’s rather thankful for all the chores in all honesty, it keeps his mind busy and gives him a chance to stop thinking about last night. Each time Merlin thinks about their conversation his chest pangs. And when he isn’t thinking about their conversation last night he is thinking of the life they could have, if they decided to run away together. Somewhere so far that no one would know them. Arthur could do the hunting and heavy lifting while Merlin could do the farming and make any tonics or tinctures they may need to stay healthy.

The thought of Arthur living such a simple life is almost laughable, if it weren’t so quixotical. If Arthur didn’t have his duties to his kingdom, if Merlin didn’t have a destiny to fulfill, the life they could lead… It feels as if he’s grieving a life he never even had the option of pursuing. Like a beacon of hope being snuffed out in front of him and he can do nothing but watch.

He plods over to the hearth and starts unloading the firewood into the andiron, making sure to stack it neatly. Once his hands are free Merlin takes the top pieces of wood and strategically places them into the hearth, he is beyond well versed in making fires by now, whether they be camping or otherwise.

The servant stands up wiping off the soft splinters of wood that have stuck to his trousers before holding his hand out, and with a singular muttered word the fire is flickering brightly, warming the surrounding air.


Merlin’s blood goes cold, his stomach sinks, as he hears the unmistakable voice come from the direction of the antechamber. The king’s tone drips with disdain and pure wrath.

It’s as if time has stopped, his body unable to move.

It’s then for the second time in his life Merlin makes the split-second decision to not divest Arthur of the one parent he still has. No matter how harshly fear grips at his throat.

The servant can’t bring himself to turn around. Even when two sets of armored footsteps make their way to him. Even then they shove him on his knees and wrangle his arms behind his back to clasp cold iron cuffs around his wrists, they dig and burn into his skin.

“How could I be so blind.” Uther snarls as he stalks into Merlin’s view, his boots clicking on the cobblestone, the servant keeps his eyes locked on the ground. “Of course. My son would never favor another man, unless he was enchanted.”

Merlin clenches his jaw, he will not condemn Arthur more than he already has.

“String him up in the questioning cell.” Uther sneers at the guards who are holding the servant down. “I will do the interrogating myself, do not let anyone in the dungeon without my explicit permission. Is that understood?”

His heart is pounding in his chest so harshly Merlin doesn’t doubt if he were to look under his shirt he’d see it beating against his ribs. But strangely enough, he isn’t panicked. He knew, he knew one day this would happen, though recently he had come to believe he would be caught in Arthur’s bed before his magic was ever discovered. No, he’s not panicked, he’s determined.

The knights answer with curt ‘Yes your Majesty’s before painfully hauling Merlin to his feet. Even though the sorcerer doesn’t try to fight them they handle him with vicious aggression as they start dragging him to the cells.

Uther stands there, watching as the sorcerer is dragged out of his son's room. He had made sure to vacate the path to the dungeons fully expecting to find his son entangled with his manservant.

How could he have been so foolish? Of course his son would only ever do such a thing under enchantment. Once he breaks the sorcerer’s hold on the prince, Arthur will surely come to his senses. God only knows how long he has been enchanted. And until the enchantment is broken he will have to keep his unruly son as far away from the dungeons as possible.

The king takes a quick look around the chambers making sure there is no evidence of his presence before heading in the opposite direction of the dungeons. It doesn’t take long to find who he is looking for, someone he knows he can trust.

“Lord Thomas, I have another task for you.”

By the time their tears have run dry and hearts have been emptied, the forest is nearly pitch black, there’s just enough blue in the sky to make out the outlines of the surrounding trees.

“We need to get back.” Arthur’s voice is hoarse with emotion, his eyes sting from overuse.

“Arthur, I can’t thank you enough. I never thought, I never thought you’d…” Morgana isn’t sure how to finish her sentence.

“Things are going to change, ” Arthur’s voice is strong, he radiates regality with his head held high as he vows “I promise you Morgana, when I am King I will do my damndest to see that everyone in Camelot is treated fairly. No matter the circumstances of their birth.”

They exchange another bone-crushing hug, it’s filled with reassurance, guilt, hope, and so much more that goes unsaid between siblings.

When they make it back to the citadel it is well past sunset, the castle is considerably warmer than the ever cooling air of the night.

Arthur shares a knowing look with Morgana before she heads off, presumably to her chambers.

It’s not even a moment later Arthur’s exhausted mood fouls.

“Prince Arthur! I have been looking everywhere for you.”

Arthur grimaces at the man approaching him. After their last conversation he was truly hoping to never have to speak to the man again.

“Lord Thomas. Unless this is urgent I-”

“It is urgent sire. The king himself sent me to find you.”

Arthur grows more serious at that, if his father sent a noble and not his manservant it must be something highly confidential.

“Has something happened?” Arthur’s heart skips a worried beat, perhaps the Saxons made headway against their and the Northumbrian forces.

“I believe it best to discuss this in a more private setting.”

Arthur looks around, there are guards at the entrance and servants milling about doing their evening duties.

“Very well.” Arthur turns to one of the guards. “You.”

“Yes sire?” The man answers eagerly.

“Find my manservant and tell him I have returned and will be in council.”

“Yes sire.” The man nods before heading off down the corridor.

Merlin’s not sure how long he’s been in this position when he finally hears the door to the dungeons open. He takes a deep breath as he steels himself for what is to come.

His hands are still cuffed in iron, they are strung up on a hook attached to the ceiling, tall enough that the toes of his boots scrape the floor. The weight of his body pulls against the cuffs, causing them to dig even further into his skin. But with how long he has been stuck here he’s starting to lose feeling in his arms.

The guards had cut off his jacket and discarded his neckerchief once they had him tethered. He’s just glad it wasn’t the nice one Arthur had gifted him, and thank the gods he didn’t have his collar on today. The thought of calling it lucky has Merlin nearly scoffing out a laugh.

The door to his cell opens, he languidly raises his gaze and is wholly unsurprised to see Uther. He is surprised to see him lacking the majority of his normal regalia. Though he still adorns a few shiny metals, the most prominent being the pommel of the sword at his hip.

“As I am sure you already know, you are going to perish.” Uther’s voice is cold as he walks over to the only other thing in this cell, a wooden table laden with different tools, many of which Merlin recognizes from his surgical studies with Gaius. “So, you can make this easier for the both of us and tell me how to un-enchant my son, and what you have been doing with the information you have surely been filching.” The king stares him down for a moment before continuing, “Perhaps you have been abetting the Saxons? The druids? Cenred’s kingdom?”

Merlin narrows his eyes at the king but doesn’t say anything.

It’s truly a bizarre feeling, he had always expected to be terrified if Uther ever found out about his magic. But in all honesty, he isn’t scared in the slightest. If anything he is angry, angry at the king for refusing to believe magic needs a balance, that a life given means a life taken. Angry that his people have been slaughtered for years, and for what? Angry that the man in front of him couldn’t be spared the effort of properly raising his son and instead holds Arthur to impossible standards.

It’s a rage that has been building in Merlin since he was young and first forced to conceal himself, never allowed to show his gifts to others, never allowed to be too good at something lest someone accuse him of sorcery. Never allowed to magic his mother’s garden to make sure they had enough food for the winter. Never allowed to use his magic to aid the dying Gaius works tirelessly to try to save.

It’s a fury so righteous, an asperity so abject, so intense it's practically a benediction. He feels like the god the druids believe him to be. A god ready to rain down a hellish parousia. A god ready to command a merciless armageddon, leaving no room for any sort of repentance from this so-called king.

Yet under all the anger, under the malice, there’s another feeling. A forlorn despondency. The ache of knowing, truly knowing now, he will truly never have a chance to be with Arthur, at least not in this lifetime.

But perhaps it’s for the best. He won’t be forced to watch as Arthur gets married to a beautiful princess. He won’t have to stand by his side serving him as Arthur raises an heir. This way Arthur can mourn and then move on with his life, be the king Merlin knows he will be.

And this way Merlin will become a martyr for his people. He will be remembered as the first one to show Arthur the truth behind magic. He will leave behind a legacy, rather than a tale of lamentable and tragic love.

“Very well.” Uther feigns a conversational tone, “I must say you will be one of my more satisfying torments, very rarely do I see sorcerers who don’t grovel for forgiveness nowadays.” The king picks up a metal rod with a pointed end.

Uther draws his sword, Merlin watches his every movement. He knows Uther will not kill him, not yet.

So Merlin prepares himself for whatever is to come.

The King slowly drags the tip of his sword down the center of Merlin’s tunic, exposing his chest to the cool air of the dungeon, not that his tunic was thick enough to protect from the chill to begin with.

Uther sheaths his sword slowly before turning his attention to the strange metal rod in his hand. He twirls it around in a way that is far too similar to the way Arthur twirls his sword around. Upon closer inspection, the point on the rod isn't even that sharp.

“To think… all this time,” Uther drawls darkly, “You’ve been under my nose, controlling my son. I will make sure you rightfully pay before I allow death to take you.”

It isn’t until the metal comes into contact with his skin that Merlin understands why it does not need to be sharp.

The cold iron is dragged from the base of his neck, past his collarbone, across his stomach, down to his hip bone.

He fights the urge to thrash, to shout, as the metal sears into his skin. Merlin allows himself to scrunch his face in discomfort, to fight against the tears of pain that spring into his eyes. He will not succumb to Uther’s tactics, he will not give this man the satisfaction of breaking him.

Merlin has seen far too many sorcerers die at Uther’s hand, so many shouting in fear and anguish. He will not be another notch in his belt.

Gaius looks up to the knight at his door.

“Is everything alright?” He puts his book down on the table.

“Yes. I have been asked by Prince Arthur to deliver a message to his manservant. Is he in?”

“I’m afraid not.” Gaius looks to Merlin’s door. Honestly, it’s a rather rare occasion that the boy sleeps here anymore. “But, I’d be happy to pass along the prince’s message.”

“The prince has requested his servant be informed of his return to the castle and that he is currently in council.”

“Very well, I shall inform Merlin when I see him.” Gaius nods.

The knight does a half bow before taking his leave.

Strange, Gaius had expected his apprentice to be with Arthur, as he often is nowadays, even in his free time. The boy hadn’t told him of any magical missions that needed seeing to. He’s probably off somewhere causing some kind trouble or another. The physician turns back to his book.

Later that night when Merlin doesn’t return and Arthur does not come looking for the boy Gaius assumes the prince found the wayward lad.

A pained groan escapes past Merlin’s lips as thin strips of leather lash against his back. The pain is sharp, it sends stinging trails down the back of his thighs to the soles of his feet. The force of each lash has him stumbling forward, pulling on his hands until he is able to regain what trivial balance he is able to achieve.

He focuses on his breathing, the sensation of air leaving and entering his nose.

Another hit has him hissing in pain as the cuffs dig into his skin once again.

Uther watches as the sorcerer regains his footing.

There are cuts so small on the boy's back, they wouldn’t be visible if it weren’t for the blood prickling to the surface. There are a few bruises starting to form on the sorcerer as well, a few forearms that can be seen peeking through the tattered fabric that still clings to his frame, a particularly large one on his right shoulder blade and Uther doesn’t have to see his face to know that there is surely one blooming on his cheek where the king had backhanded him.

“Now.” Uther’s tone is deceptively calm, “Release the enchantment on my son.”

A chill runs through Merlin’s body, whether it’s from the King’s tone or the frigid air of the dungeons he can’t tell.

He isn’t sure how long they have been at it but if Merlin had to guess it feels far past midnight.

His back stings with every breath he takes, he is sore where the king has beaten him. But it’s still bearable. He’s faced far worse pain than this before.

“So be it.” Uther walks to the table and places the flogger down, instead grabbing what looks like to be a waterskin.

“Keep in mind that this is only the first day. I assure you the punishments only get worse from here on out.” He turns back to Merlin and slowly walks over, “So, sorcerer, I ask you once again. Remove the enchantment.” The boy’s cheek is indeed morphing into a shade of purple, a particularly dark spot sits just above his jaw where his ring had hit. The line from the cold iron rod adorns the flesh of his torso. It is pink and wet yet does not bleed, as most burns usually don't.

The boy must be a rather powerful sorcerer. Uther hasn’t seen anyone have such a reaction to cold iron since Nimueh. It’s one of the reasons he had made her his court sorcerer all those years ago, before she turned her back on him.

Merlin says nothing, his eyes dark filled with venomous spite.

“And you were always so eager to speak out when you were not called upon to do so.” The king sneers.

Oh for Merlin to tell Uther of the prophecy, to tell him that his very son will be the one to bring magic back to all of Camelot, to unite Albion as one. The temptation sends tingles down Merlin’s arms.

But that might have Uther running his own son through. So instead, Merlin does not say anything. He remains stoic, unwilling to give any information to the king. Not that Merlin possesses the information Uther believes him to have anyway.

“I assure you boy, I will not be asking tomorrow.”

You aren’t asking now either. Merlin thinks to himself. Perhaps not understanding how manners truly work is an ailment that runs in the Pendragon family.

Uther uncaps the waterskin before pouring its continents over Merlin’s head.

Merlin is beyond glad to find that the liquid is indeed water. It even feels nice against his back as it washes over his cuts.

That is until the chill settles in.

“If you even survive the night.” Uther turns on his heel tossing the waterskin to the ground before exiting and then locking the cell. He grabs the sole torch on the corridor wall to lead himself out of the dungeons.

He watches as the light fades from his cell.

Merlin doesn’t let his guard down when the king leaves. He stays on edge, half expecting Uther to come back. He strains his ears for any sound but he can’t hear anything.

It’s when he can no longer stave off the violent shivers rippling through his body that he forces his attention away from the direction of the exit.

The water has sapped what body heat Merlin was able to retain. It has soaked into the fabric of his trousers and through his smalls, the remaining shreds of fabric that were once his shirt are also fully sodden. The bitter chill of the air sinks into his bones, he needs to find a way to warm up.

He wraps his hands around the chains of his cuffs, the metal burns against the palms of his hands but he knows he needs to seriously gain some warmth. The pain has him gritting his teeth.

Using his hands for extra balance he starts moving his legs, one at a time bringing his knee to his chest and then back down.

He stumbles a few times but he is able to get his heart rate up, though each movement pulls at his back, sending more sharp waves of pain through his body.

It doesn’t feel like enough, no matter what he does it’s still too cold, it’s all encompassing, inescapable. He lets go of the chains moving back to his first position, he wiggles his fingers. He’s beyond glad his hands hadn’t gotten wet, the cold would have surely taken a finger or two.

He wiggles his toes but he can’t tell if they’re wet or not. His feet might just be sweaty from moving so much. The floor is wet around his feet but he doesn’t think any managed to slip past his boots.

He isn’t sure how much time passes when the exhaustion finally starts to really hit him. The adrenaline fading into a soft buzz in the back of his head. Each time his eyes start to drift too far closed he is jolted awake, though the alertness only lasts a moment before the exhaustion starts cradling him again.

This is really not a situation where he should fall asleep, but thanks to his years of serving Arthur and saving Camelot he has grown accustomed to practical sleeping anywhere he can. That apparently includes being strung up in the dungeons.

Each time his eyes close the jolts become weaker as his body urges him to sleep. And with thoughts of Arthur, thoughts of keeping him safe, the relief of no longer having the weight of destiny on his shoulders, relief he won’t have to watch his other half get married and have an heir. He gives in to the beckoning lull of a warm sleep.

Arthur flops into bed.

With his conversation with Morgana and the council meeting he is utterly exhausted.

And that was most certainly not a council meeting worth going well past midnight for. It was all rubbish, there was nothing in any of that paperwork that had to be done that night and yet Lord Thomas had insisted his father demanded all of the parchments to be thoroughly looked through. Even Geoffry had started to doze off. And that is saying something. And his father hadn’t even shown up! Busy with other important duties. In all honesty, it feels like the king just gave him the paperwork he didn’t want to be bothered with.

If that’s the case, well Arthur would feel proud if he weren’t in such turmoil about his father’s legislation and morals, but now he is more annoyed than anything. Even if a part of him is still yearning for the approval of his father.

He had been disappointed to not see Merlin wrapped in his blankets fast asleep when he came back to his chambers. Not that Merlin has any reason to be in his bed, especially not after a night where they didn’t do anything. But he certainly would have liked to see his sorcerer before bed, if for nothing else than to complain about that asinine council meeting. Even more so as he hadn’t seen him since late this morning. They rarely go so long without seeing each other.

The fool is probably fast asleep in his own chambers, not a worry in the world. Hell, he probably shirked some of his duties knowing Arthur wouldn’t be finished until late.

The hearth is getting rather low, he probably didn’t come back after learning Arthur had been called to council, the tart. Though the fire looks as if it should last until the morning, and Arthur certainly isn’t getting up now that he has finally got to bed.

The prince shuffles himself under the covers. If he doesn’t get to sleep beside Merlin tonight he’ll just have to make sure that whatever kink they partake in tomorrow will be worthwhile. Then he’ll be able to huddle up with his servant for a warm and cozy sleep.

The prince drifts off with warm thoughts of cuddling his sorcerer.

No matter how hard he tries his magic won't respond. It’s still in there, but instead of the comforting humm that usually buzzes through him, now it’s like a faint glimmer in his chest, trying its best to keep away from the cold iron on his wrists.

Merlin can’t be sure what time it is for sure but based off his hunger he’d say it’s most likely early morning. There’s also a very faint light emanating from what must be one of the barred windows from the holding cells.

While he’s not unused to skipping a meal or two he hasn’t eaten since breakfast the day before, and even that was just snacking off of Arthur’s plate.

What little sleep he was able to get was fitful and fleeting. How he managed to not freeze to death is beyond him. When he felt himself getting too cold he’d do his best to move around but there’s only so much one can do when their hands are strung above their head and their feet can barely reach the ground.

The cool dampness of the water still clings to him and is clothes. He takes this time to steel himself for what he knows will surely be much worse today. Merlin tries to focus on his thoughts of Arthur but he doesn’t even know if the prince came back safely yesterday. For all he knows Arthur could have been abducted by some resentful sorcerer. The only saving grace is that the warning bells haven’t gone off, at least not yet, so Arthur is probably fine… most likely… hopefully.

Merlin takes a deep breath, the air puffs out white and misty in front of him. What little body heat he has left is somehow doing its job. Though Merlin certainly doesn’t feel it. He does his best to move his fingers but he can’t feel them anymore, that could be from them being hung above him for so long though.

His shivering had stopped a while ago, but thanks to his studies he knows that’s not a good thing. Hopefully, he won’t have to endure too much before he slips away to wherever one goes in the afterlife. It’s a bit annoying in all honesty that this is how he has to spend his last days, especially after all he has done to get to this point. But the knowledge that Arthur has started to see magic for what it truly is gives Merlin solace that he has done his duty, that he has played his part in this story, and has successfully helped Arthur grow into the man he needs to be to become the remarkable leader Merlin knows he will be.

And knowing what Arthur has to do to get there, well Merlin is almost happy he won’t be around to see it. Merlin certainly doesn’t want to die, but… this way Arthur will be able to find happiness without him. If Merlin were around, serving him as always, both of them knowing yet ignoring that pull between them, it would be a torture far worse than what Merlin will now surely be experiencing until his last breaths.

Plus if that were the case, what would Merlin truly have left? Sure he has his friends, Gaius, his mother. But what purpose would he have? To live out the days serving the one person his soul yearns for yet he can not have? To watch everyone around him get their happy endings yet he is forever stuck in a desolate limbo, unable to do anything about it?

If the king wants to make his last days punishing so be it. If he drags it out too long the curse will just take him instead. Merlin hopes it does honestly, to deprave Uther the satisfaction of killing him himself.

It’s then the door to the dungeon opens with a groan.

Merlin swears as the torch light gets closer he can feel the heat from the measly flame already warming the numbing air of the dungeon.

“Still alive I see.” Uther looks him up and down with disdain from the other side of the bars.

Unlike last night the king is in full regalia, sans crown. Merlin can’t help but wonder if he had some kingly duties to attend to during, well whatever time it may be.

“Even with so little substance you manage to persist. Like a festering mold.” The king strides into the cell before shutting it behind him.

“Alone again today?” Merlin’s voice is hoarse from disuse, “Didn’t think you were one to do your own dirty work, your majesty.”

“Oh, I wanted the pleasure of shattering you myself.” Uther lours, his voice tinged with revelry.

“Or perhaps you just don’t want anyone to know that you enlisted a sorcerer to the closest position to your son and yet after all this time he and you are still alive.” Merlin derides.

Uther chuckles darkly, “Your feeble words might have worked on my son, but I am under no enchantment. I am far too aware of how manipulative your damn kind is.” He reaches for the coiled whip on the table.

The sorcerer swallows harshly.

The smell of roasted ham stirs Arthur from his deep slumber. He blinks the sleep from his eyes, welcomed by a sunny room, warmed by the hearth he can hear crackling.

A lazy smile makes its way onto his face. Though it immediately falls.

The prince shoots up in his bed staring at the servant who is setting up his breakfast.

“Who are you?” Arthur asks caustically.

“Edwin, sire.” The lad bows. He’s a bit scruffy looking, surely no older than fourteen summers.

“Where’s Merlin?”

“I am unsure sire. I was simply told to see to you this morning.” The boy's voice shakes with growing alarm.

Arthur sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I will not be needing your services today. You are dismissed.”

The boy lingers unsure of what to do, “B-but sire-”

“Now.” Arthur commands haughtily as he flings his blankets off.

The boy scampers out of his chambers.

Does that idiot really think he can get away with neglecting his duties twice in a row? Perhaps Arthur has been spoiling him a bit too much lately.

The prince tosses on his red day tunic followed by a pair of dark brown breeches and boots before imperiously stomping his way to the physician's chambers. The servants he comes across make sure to steer clear of his fervent yet not unfamiliar crusade.

“Where is that idiot?” Arthur demands as he pushes the heavy door open.

The physician looks up from a murky green tincture in front of him, it along with some other questionably colored tonics are bubbling over open flames. It would almost be a relaxing sound if it weren’t for the strange smell lingering in the air.

“I thought he was with you sire.” The man has no need to ask who said idiot could be.

Arthur runs a hand through his hair before angrily replying, “He promised me not to go off on his own anymore!”

Gaius’ brow furrows with confusion as worry starts to creep through him. “Sire, Merlin always tells me when he is leaving. He hadn’t said anything as of late.”

A bead of anxiety starts to form in the prince’s stomach. “I’ll keep looking, send word if you hear anything.”

Knowing Merlin he got tangled up helping another servant or whisked away by one of his knights for some sort of absurd ruse.

“Of course sire.” The physician bows as the prince turns to exit.

Arthur stops in his tracks just before exiting, one of the patient cots is fully stripped, the mattress has a rather large red stain on it.

He turns to Gaius but before the man can answer Merlin’s words of ‘you probably don’t want to know’ ring in his head.

The prince holds up his hand with a grimace before Gaius can explain. “I’ll send for a new mattress.”

“Thank you, sire.” The man's relieved tone of not having to explain is more than enough to tell Arthur he truly doesn’t want to know. For Gaius, a well experienced physician, to be reluctant in a way Arthur has never seen… he doesn’t even want to attempt to guess.

The leather slashes his back, ripping at his skin. Merlin can’t stop the screams that tear through him.

He blinks away the black spots swimming in his vision. He can’t find it in himself to try to stand, every movement, every breath, rages an unrelenting fire through his whole body. The pain sears through him, mitigating any coherent thoughts he might have.

Yet Merlin is still not fearful of the man. It’s gratifying, knowing he is denying Uther the sole source of power he so depends on.

There’s another lash of broiling pain, the cold iron digs into the raw skin of his wrists. He’s fairly sure the king is shouting something at him but he can’t make it out over his own scream.

Arthur is just about ready to tear his hair out. It seems everyone needs him for something today. And with his father still holed away in his chambers, reviewing strategies for their forces in the north, it leaves the majority of the king's responsibilities falling to the prince today.

Normally Arthur wouldn’t mind, it’s part of being a prince to be able to take over responsibilities when needed. If only the tasks weren’t so utterly boring and his manservant wasn’t awol.

He had only just made it to the knight’s wing to look for the idiot before being whisked away for court duty. He had to settle three separate claims about sheep. SHEEP. Why so many people were disputing over such dull creatures Arthur will never be able to understand. Just let them eat the grass they want to, it’s all nearly dead by now anyway with the change of seasons. It’s not as if they are dangerous creatures, no one will be hurt if they eat some grass from their neighbor's field.

There were of course other cases too, each as inane as the last.

By the time court finally adjourned he was then practically dragged to council by Lord Thomas. Arthur seriously considers running the man through. The only saving grace of the past two days is that Merlin not being around means he’s away from the slimy noble. Arthur had told Thomas to keep away from his manservant or they might have a new position opening up on court.

Arthur isn’t supposed to go around threatening nobles, especially over a servant. But he wouldn’t call it a threat, more of a statement, a fact if you will, that if that were to happen then this would be the outcome.

Geoffrey calls the meeting to start and Arthur takes a deep breath in an attempt to settle some of his frustration.

It doesn’t work.

Merlin spits on the floor in front of Uther’s path.

The king pauses, rage flaring through his body. He reels back before backhanding the boy again, right on the spot he had before. “You insolent whelp.”

Merlin chuckles lowly, a trickle of blood drips out of the corner of his mouth. His hair is matted to his forehead with sweat, his back throbs with a burning sting, as if he was bitten by a cluster of venomous vipers.

Merlin’s voice comes out stronger than he expected, “We both know I am not going to tell you anything.”

The king wipes the sweat from his own brow with the back of his hand. “Do you think I don’t know what you are doing boy?” He wraps his hand around Merlin’s neck and squeezes. The sorcerer’s body instinctively tightens, causing another wave of nauseating pain to roll over him. “You can instigate all you want. I am not going to make this easy or quick for you.”

Malice rolls off the king in waves, his face is like a stone statue but there is a vileness in his eyes as he tightens his grip further, so harshly Merlin truly can’t breathe.

Just as the edge of Merlin’s vision starts to blacken, the king lets go. It jostles Merlin enough to have him groaning from the pain as he fights to get air into his burning lungs.

Merlin’s voice is broken when he speaks again, “Why do you think you are still alive? Why do you think I saved Arthur’s life? You saw me save him.” His voice comes out as harshly as his body allows.

The king does not reply, instead, he continues toward the table of various instruments.

That primal unfettered rage washes over Merlin again until he’s drowning in it. His mother always said his mouth would be the end of him, but Merlin can’t help himself. He is just so angry, angry at Uther, at Camelot, at the druids, at destiny. The rage is so strong he feels giddy with it.

“I can’t imagine your wife would be very proud of the Camelot you have come to rule over.”

The king stills.

The tension in the air is palpable, there are frissons in the space between them as if lightning is about to strike at any moment.

“Don’t you dare.” The king turns around, his expression is one of pure hatred. “You know nothing-!”

“I know that Arthur is a greater man than you could ever imagine being! It’s clear he didn't get that from you.”

Uther snarls a sound that sounds like a rabid animal as he grabs the metal rod again.

Merlin prepares himself for another bout of branding burns.

When Uther instead reels back Merlin’s heart drops.

Merlin’s not sure how long it’s been but he’s fairly certain he has passed out at least twice now.

So when he comes to for the third time seeing a barbarous Uther he isn’t surprised.

“Ah, ah.” Uther tuts as he slaps the sorcerer’s face in a deprecating manner to rouse him.

“You aren’t getting out of this so easily. You want to open your mouth on things you know nothing about? You will be punished.” Uther jerks his hair and Merlin can’t find any strength in himself to fight against the movement. “It's no wonder my son never punished you accordingly.” His face is so close spittle sprays from his mouth onto Merlin’s face.

The servant can’t help but scrunch his face in disgust.

“You are about to find out just how right you are.” Uther rumbles, “I am not like my son. I will see that you are finally properly disciplined. For the first time in your worthless life, you will reap what you have sown.”

Merlin’s vision sways and he struggles to focus on the man thing in front of him.

He’s holding something new in his hand but Merlin can’t quite make out what it is, he knows it’s making a noise each time the king moves his arm but his mind is so befogged he can’t process the sound.

His hair is let go and Merlin stumbles again he feels throbbing on his back but it’s dull, everything is dull, it feels so far away.

That is until Merlin makes the discovery of what had been in Uther’s hand.


For the first time since this started Merlin truly wishes he was already dead.

He might as well be burning at the stake, for the sting is indescribable. It is like no pain he has ever felt before as the granules coat the wounds on his back. It’s a pain so deep, so visceral, it gnaws at his very bones. He can’t stop his body from trashing but it only makes the pain worse.

Merlin’s screams tear his throat raw until he makes himself sick, spilling bile onto the floor in front of him. And everything goes blissfully dark.

Dinner had been served during council by a servant who was unsurprisingly not Merlin.

The prince is really starting to get anxious now. It’s getting late and he knows the spell will be kicking in soon. The only reassurance he has is knowing that they discovered three kinks last time, so if anything it should give them some extra time. He doesn’t know how much though.

And if he doesn’t get out of here soon he will strangle Lord Thomas. The man is seriously pushing his nerves.

Arthur had tried to end council three times now and the man insisted that his father said they needed to get through every topic of discussion. But if that were the case why the hell isn’t his father here if it’s so damn important.

George carefully picks up the large decanter of water with a nod to the staff before carefully exiting the kitchen.

He’s in a rather good mood this evening, it’s not a rare occurrence that he is requested specifically by the royal family for some duty or another, but each time his chest fills with pride.

Lately, the prince has been requesting his services for some rather discrete commissions. And George, being the reliable and loyal servant he is, would never discuss such private matters with anyone.

He gets requests from the King and the Lady Morgana as well, just not as frequently as the prince. And never so… personal. But it always reassures him that he is doing a good job when someone in the royal family comes to him specifically, knowing he is the utmost trustworthy servant.

He makes sure to roll each step as he walks to not spill a single drop of the water.

It’s just past the time most servants will be turning in for the day, of course, to George his work truly never ends. But he likes it that way, it gives him a purpose and structure. And to be the best that he could possibly be every day, is there anything as fulfilling?

He nods to a pair of guards as he walks by them, still being sure to be extremely careful with the water in his hands.

While this is far from his favorite kind of request to uphold it certainly isn’t the first time he’s been entrusted with such a task. So when the smell of copper reaches his nose he picks up the pace and holds his breath.

It’s easy to tell where he is needed based on the singular torch on the wall. His steps are quick and evenly spaced as he comes to the cell.

His grip slips but he just manages to catch the decanter before any of it spills, though it sloshes around quite a bit.

Even if it’s hard to tell at first glance there is no doubt as to who is tethered up. Merlin’s eyes are lidded but open, his gaze is glassy and unseeing. For a moment George thinks he might be dead, his body littered with burn marks and grisly bruises, there are various blood splatters coating the floor. It takes a moment but he finally sees Merlin’s chest rise and fall with a piffling breath.

The breath George was holding is brutally knocked out of him at the deplorable sight.

His heart is in his throat when the king turns from the table to him.

“Good.” The king nods to him before approaching the bars. George hesitates for a moment before handing over the decanter through the bars.

Uther’s gaze narrows, his eyes sharpen, but not enough to hide the manic havoc swirling there.

“You will not tell another soul what you have seen. Or you will be next. Do I make myself clear?

The king's expression is deadly, one that promises he means what he says. It’s a look George has come to know very well over the years working under Uther, as he was frequently trusted to serve council meetings and private diplomatic dinners.

George clears his throat and bows, “Yes your majesty.”

“Leave.” Uther harshly dismisses him as he turns back to his victim.

George starts making his way out of the dungeons in a timely manner but not too quickly to be considered odd. He is nearly to the door when he hears the telltale splashing of water and a sputtering choking sound. His heart is hammering in his chest as he nods to the guard again as he makes his exit.

Frightened adrenaline is rushing through his ears as he makes his way down the corridor. To think the king would do such a thing just from his son caring for a servant. God this corridor has never seemed so long.

When he finally takes the corner and the guards can no longer see him he breaks out into a full sprint.

He gets some strange looks from the scant servants who see him but he pays them no mind.

He turns the corner to the knight’s wing and nearly topples into Leon.

“George?!” The knight asks with a bemused smile, he brings his hands to the servant’s hips to steady him lest he stumble over.

The servant gasps for air, he brings his hands to the knight’s armored biceps to further steady himself. He tries to get words out but he is nearly heaving a lung out, athletics has never been his strong suit.

Leon’s brows pinch together, amusement slightly fading to worry. “Are you alright?”

“Uther… cells… Merlin,” he manages to get out between pants.

The knight’s heart plummets as the last word leaves the servant’s mouth.

“My chambers now. I need to find Arthur.” The knight gives a quick reassuring squeeze to his hips as he pulls away, “I’ll be back.”

George steadies himself, leaning his hands on his knees as he watches the knight run off.

Leon is sprinting as fast as he can with chainmail on, his cape billowing out behind him. He nearly trips to a stop when he sees Guinevere carrying a basket of linens.

“Sir Leon?” she asks warily, “Is everything alright?”

With a quick scan to make sure he won't be overheard, he lowers his breath speaking quickly. “The king has Merlin in the cells.”

Guinevere drops her basket, her expression falls, “I’ll get Lady Morgana.” And with that she is running through the halls in the direction Morgana must be as she doesn’t run towards the royal corridor.

Leon continues sprinting heading for Arthur’s chambers. There are really only two reasons Uther would have Merlin in the cells, either he knows of his and Arthur’s budding relationship or God forbid he found out about the boy's magic. But Leon fears that if it was about their relationship Arthur would surely have been reprimanded as well, the situation certainly doesn’t bode well.

He passes the banquet hall and just as he is about to pass the council room the doors burst open and the prince sluggishly steps out.

For the second time, Leon nearly falls trying to stop himself in time.


The prince’s head snaps up at his name.

“Leon?” Arthur asks taking a few steps towards the man, “whats wro-”

“Your father has Merlin in the cells.”

The first knight watches as his prince’s face immediately pales, there’s a singular heartbeat where nothing happens and it feels as if the world is stopped. But the fury that ignites in the prince is indomitable.

As he starts sprinting to the dungeons there is nothing going through his mind other than blazing fury and utter desperation of needing to make sure his Merlin is okay, Leon is hot on his heels.

When the door to the dungeon comes into view Morgana and Gwen are already there, fervently arguing with the two guards.

Arthur draws his sword as he approaches, he can’t find it in himself to be bothered by the fact he does not have any armor on. “What is the meaning of this?” He all but snarls as he encroaches on them.

“We have direct orders from the king. No one is allowed in the dungeons without his express permission.” The guard on the left states diplomatically.

Not wanting to get in the way of Arthur’s bloodthirsty crusade, Morgana drags Gwen a few paces away where Leon steps in front of them as he brings his hand to his sword, he does not draw it yet though.

Both guards draw their own swords as Arthur gets within striking distance. Before they can even ready their weapons the prince easily knocks both of their swords out of their hands before pointing his blade at the vase of the left guard's neck.

“If either of you sound the alarm bell I will end not only you but your whole family as well. Am I understood?”

Gwen sends a startled look to Morgana but her expression is just as fierce as Arthur’s.

After a pause that feels like an eternity to Arthur both men acquiesce and the prince wastes no time storming into the dungeons, his companions quickly following.

The smell of copper hits the prince like an arrow to the nose. His stomach churns as dread swells through his chest, if it weren’t for the pure adrenaline engulfing him he would surely be stumbling. He’s vaguely aware of the other’s footfalls behind him but all he can focus on is the singular torch on the wall.

The sight in the cell nearly has him dropping his sword.


Oh God.

Arthur thought finding Merlin in his field of flowers after he ran away was bad.

But this.

The sheer amalgamation of horror and rancor that pierces the prince is inenearrable.

Merlin is more bruised than not, what's left of his tunic hangs off of him in tatters. His trousers are scuffed and torn. There’s swelling on all different areas of his body, including the very bruised side of his face. His torso is littered with burns and clear bludgeoning wounds. His whole body is sopping wet in this damn freezing hellhole. He does not even want to contemplate what the coagulated puddle of blood on the floor behind him is from. Merlin’s head is lolled to the side listlessly but when he recognizes Arthur, it takes far too long for him to do so, a spark of life fills his glassy eyes.

He does his best to start blinking away what he can of the haziness, trying to see if this is a dream. Or maybe he’s already dead. Why would Arthur be here though? Unless he really did get assailed by a sorcerer, his ailed mind supplies as he tries his best to focus.

“Arthur.” The king booms, causing Merlin to flinch. The prince tightens his grip on his sword, he’s sure his father is saying something but all he can feel is absolute, unrestrained bloodlust.

He reaches for his own key ring and easily unlocks the cell door it slams open with a ringing clang with the force he opens it with.

His father is standing between him and Merlin but slightly to the right, just enough so Arthur can unintentionally see exactly what his father has done to his sorcerer.

Arthur brings the tip of his sword to the center of his father’s chest, unhearing whatever muck is spewing out of his mouth.

Gwen gasps at the action, but it's barely audible as she’s still too shocked to move after seeing the state of Merlin. She manages to glance over to Morgana who has tears running down her cheeks. Meanwhile, Leon has his hand on his pommel, a lethal fury radiating off of him.

Uther holds his hands up placatingly. He does not reach for his sword, he would never hold a sword to his son, to Ygraine’s son.

“Give me one good reason not to kill you where you stand.” Arthur thunders.

His father’s expression shifts from unsurety to rage, “Arthur you are under an enchantment! Once the boy is dead you will be able to see clearly again!” His voice echoes through the dungeons.

Arthur presses the blade a hair's breadth more against his chest.

“I am your father!” Uther bellows, his voice domineering, “He is a serving boy! Do you truly think you care for him more than your own blood?!”

The king’s words have the prince hesitating for the slightest moment. It’s a moment of befuddlement that throws his anger off-kilter. It’s that moment, that singular moment, it truly hits the prince, exactly what he is doing, the consequences of such an action.

He looks to his servant who is feebly hanging by his wrists, watching through lidded and exhausted eyes. Merlin gives the slightest shake of his head. To anyone else, it would look like he is trying to tell Arthur he hasn’t enchanted him. But Arthur knows what he truly means, Merlin is telling him not to harm his father.

When Merlin was telling Arthur about his magic and his story of how everything happened. The first time Merlin had stopped the prince from killing his father, he had said he didn’t want the start of Arthur’s reign to be marred by violence.

The prince glances back to find his father’s pressuring gaze.

And Arthur thrusts his sword forward through his father’s abdomen. Never breaking eye contact, the king’s face morphs from confusion to rage to pain as he falls to his knees.

“That is for my mother. For Morgana. For Merlin. For all the innocent people that have suffered at your hand.” Arthur seethes. He removes his sword in one smooth motion. A gurgling noise sputters out of his father’s mouth as blood starts to trickle past his cracked lips.

The king brings his hands to the wound on his front, he looks down to the blood on his hands before disbelievingly looking back to his boy.

“Son.” The word is garbled but still understandable.

Gwen turns her face into her lady’s shoulder so as to not watch. Morgana’s face is stoic yet tears still fall from her eyes, but each one is on Merlin’s behalf, she will not shed a single tear over that tyrant.

Merlin watches as the point of Arthur’s sword is pulled back through Uther as he removes the blade.

Silent tears fall down Merlin’s cheeks, he isn’t sure why though. Is he sad Arthur has condemned his own father? Is he amazed at Arthur’s devotion? Is it the realization that they are much more similar than Merlin ever thought, willing to give up everything for the one most important to them no matter the repercussions? Or maybe it’s because he knows now, that he will have to live the rest of his life just out of arm's reach of the prince, as he will be forced to watch Arthur fulfill his royal duties?

Merlin never wanted Arthur’s reign to be tainted with violence. And one day he will understand that it isn’t. It was not an act of violence on Arthur’s part but an act of pure and outspoken love. An act of love so true that Arthur is willing to take on the burden of a broken country and mend it back together for the sake of his other half. A love so strong that one would die for, live for.

Arthur’s tone is cold as he speaks to his father for the last time. “I am no longer your son. I am Arthur Pendragon, son of Ygraine. The once and future king who will bring magic back to Camelot and unite all of Albion.”

Uther’s brow furrows as he starts to sway. Arthur continues, “If you weren’t already bleeding out I’d have you publicly burned. I’ll just have to leave that to the hellfire.”

The king makes one last pained noise as he crumples to the ground.

There’s a moment where nobody moves, as they all take in what just happened.

“You did the right thing Arthur.” Morgana says firmly.

“I know.” Arthur nods, sheathing his bloodied sword before carefully walking up to Merlin.

“It’s okay.” Arthur soothes, his voice soft. A voice the other three have never heard him use before. “It’s going to be okay, I need to get you down from here.”

Merlin’s eyes start to drift closed.

“Merlin,” Arthur says firmer. “You need to stay awake.”

His eyes flutter open again.

“Morgana, Guinivere, go to Gaius, tell him to prepare for Merlin.”

“Come on Gwen.” Morgana gently but hurriedly leads her maidservant in the direction they came from.

“Leon, help me get him down.” Arthur says, looking for the right key on his ring as he walks behind Merlin.

He finds the key and looks up to Merlin’s cuffs but stops halfway when he sees his sorcerer’s back.

For the first time that night, he feels tears spring into his eyes.

Dear God Merlin.

His sorcerer makes a weak questioning noise in the back of his throat.

“Just,” Arthur pauses before reaching up to the cuffs, he doesn’t unlock them until he is sure Leon has a strong hold on Merlin, “I think you’ll need some stitches.”

Merlin huffs a puff of air that sounds suspiciously like a wet laugh. As Arthur finally gets the cuffs off he can see just how raw Merlin’s wrists are from the cold iron searing into him.

His sorcerer falls into Leon’s hold. Arthur unclasps his cape and as gently as he can drapes it over Merlin’s shoulders.

His magic slowly starts flowing through him again, it’s a feeling he didn’t think he’d get to experience again.

“Merlin. I need to pick you up, it’s going to hurt. But we need to get you to Gaius.”

Arthur watches as gold light reflects off of Leon’s armor. He uses what little magic he can muster to significantly dull the pain.


Merlin nods.

As gently as he can, Arthur scoops Merlin up, one hand under his knees, the other as high up on his shoulders as he could get without risking dropping him.

Merlin sucks in a pained breath as his weight is displaced on his back, but it surely isn’t as painful as it would be without his magic.

He relaxes into Arthur’s hold, the swaying of the prince’s steps is soothing. He hears Leon say something to someone but he can’t make it out.

The knight is demanding that no one else be let into the dungeons right now, by orders of ‘the king’.

Arthur does his best to hurry to the physician’s chambers without jostling Merlin.

The sorcerer buries his nose into Arthur’s neck. The security of the prince’s arms, his comforting scent, and the gentle rocking of his steps has Merlin drifting off peacefully.

Chapter End Notes


Minor spoiler Content Warning

-Stronger than canon-typical violence
-intense descriptions of violent acts
-semi-suicidal ideation (It’s not intense or graphic)
-Minor Character death
-character gets sick (it is not graphic)


MAJOR SPOILERS Content warning.

- Intense descriptions of torture
- descriptions of whipping, beating and other forms of torment
- semi-suicidal ideation (It’s not intense or graphic)
- Minor character death (Uther)
-character gets sick (it is not graphic)


Woo! You made it through the now longest chapter in this fic! And I seriously doubt any of the others will be this long so this is very likely the longest chapter!

HA you thought George was just comic relief? I included him for a reason babes. Truly the hero we all deserve.

Tbh I actually had him planned for that before I included his romance with Leon lol. Speaking of that fic is coming! I’ve been working on it but this bad boy has been taking up most of my free time lol.

And thank you guys so much for being so patient! It’s technically been 11 days since the last chapter, so hopefully this was worth the wait~ (And I say technically as I haven’t gone to bed yet so it feels like 10 days lol).

With that being said I am so sorry if I haven't gotten around to responding to your comment on the last chapter! I'll take a look at them tomorrow morning! I've been quite busy this week and it's like 3am here now lmao.

As always thank you guys so much for the support! I'm not sure if this is a weird thing to say since you guys can't see it but we passed 500 total bookmarks!! So thank you all so much for that! And of course thank you for the kudos, comments, subscriptions, and of course the reads!

Phew, I am so glad that's over with. Now we can live happily ever after, unless of course there's some slimey noble lurking about still... Nah that wouldn't happen, right?

Tumblr: lexplosion
TikTok: Lex1800


Chapter Notes

Nooooo I'm a few minutes past Midnight. Oh well lol, it's here!

Hi guys! I just want to say your support on the last chapter was so amazing and I can’t thank you all enough. The reaction for this story is more than I could have ever asked for and I seriously can’t put into words how much I appreciate every single one of you.

Also I want to give a big thank you to hellerscape for this fun little meme on tumblr. It made me giggle lol.

That being said I really didn't expect this chapter to take so long to get out but my doctor messed up sending over the script for my ADHD meds so I have been raw doggin life this week. But everything is all set now! I can function like a normal human being again lol.

Again I can not thank you all enough for your love for this story. It means the world to me. <3

Content warnings
-Intense descriptions of a panic attack
-Moderate descriptions of wounds

The arousal of partaking in sexual
stimulation while a participating member
is asleep.

Merlin’s initial rating: 5

Arthur does his best to keep his sorcerer awake as he hauls him through the torchlit halls of the castle but as always Merlin refuses to listen.

Gaius looks up from his supplies when the door is violently slammed open again for the second time in the past ten minutes.

It certainly isn’t the first time Gaius has ever had to treat Merlin, Lady Morgana, and Guinevere had come and warned him ahead of time. But his heart still sinks the moment he lays eyes on his boy. He isn’t sure Merlin has ever looked so… so maimed. Even from what he can see, which isn’t much given he is wrapped in the prince’s arm and a cape that is presumably Sir Leon’s. Whatever exhaustion was clinging to the physician after being woken in the middle of the night is now far gone.

The physician takes a brief moment to calm his spiking worry before instructing Arthur to lay the boy on the clean patient’s cot. Morgana and Guinivere bustle around the room helping prepare the physician with their allotted tasks. Leon stands resolutely at the door, not wanting to get in anyone's way but not wanting to leave either.

The prince’s red tunic is splattered with blood that is clearly not from carrying his manservant, nor does it seem to belong to Arthur himself.

“What happened?” Gaius asks the prince, as he hobbles over to his boy. He hadn’t had time to question Morgana or Guinevere as they got right to work preparing the room.

The moment the question is asked the air fills with a strange tension that has Gaius faltering for a moment.

Arthur keeps his face stoic as he softly lays Merlin down on his side facing his cape-clad back to the physician. The movement must be too much for the young sorcerer as his eyes flutter open again.

His gaze is clouded with confusion that quickly distorts into anguish, a pained groan slipping from his mouth.

With a grimace Arthur carefully removes the cape to show the physician the worst of the damage.

Arthur watches as Gaius pales considerably, it does nothing to ease the prince’s growing worry.

“Please Gaius,” Arthur’s voice cracks with desperation, the first emotion other than anger he allows himself since finding Merlin strung up. “Tell me you can heal him.”

Merlin garbels something that sounds like ‘it's okay’ between sharp pained grunts but Arthur can’t be sure.

“Guinevere,” Gaius states in his ever-professional physician voice. “Fetch me the painkiller from the shelf, the reddish brown one, it’s a small vial. Morgana bring me-”

“Here.” Morgana hands a sodden cloth to the man.

“Thank you.” He says with a nod of his head before turning to Merlin’s back. The flesh is torn, grisly crimson gashes deep and shallow adorn his back. There’s no doubt what caused such wounds. However there is no clotting, yet such little blood is flowing out.

Gaius leans closer, as gently as he can he presses the cloth to one of the shallower wounds.

The pressure has Merlin seizing forward, his muscles tensing without command, his hands scramble for any sort of purchase and wind themselves into the lower half of Arthur’s tunic. Waves of unrelenting pain swell through him and he can’t stop his pained shout, nor the tears that fall from his eyes.

Before his vision is clear of black spots Merlin feels the familiar shape of a vial being pressed to his lips, he eagerly gulps down what he can, in too much pain to notice the sickening taste.

Arthur hands the now empty vial back to Guinevere before bringing his hands to Merlin’s which are now entangled with his tunic. His skin is ice-cold, Arthur has to stop himself from pulling back his hands at the sensation. Instead, he does his best to rub any heat he can into the sorcerer’s frozen flesh.

Gaius’ already grim face falls further as he pulls the cloth away.

“What? What is it?” Arthur asks reproachfully, his voice underlain with the sharpness of a royal giving an order one wouldn’t dare disobey.

Gaius blinks the moisture in his eyes away before clearing his throat and turning to the prince. The physician's eyes flick down to their hands, it only increases the ache forming in his chest.

“Sire, I am afraid his wounds have been covered with salt.”

Arthur's eyes instinctively dip down to Merlin looking for an explanation, his hands slowing their movement as his dread burgeons further. But the boy's face is still crumpled with pain, short jagged breaths expel from his wrinkled nose as he waits for the tonic to take effect.

Seeing the prince’s confusion Gaius continues on. “When salt is applied to wounds, it soaks up the blood and prevents clotting.”

There’s a pause.

“He’ll bleed to death.” Arthur says more to himself than anyone else. A steady numbness tingles over him, it feels as if his body has just renounced its ability to function.

It’s as if the air is sucked out of the room, everyone stops their shuffling as the weight of the situation fully sinks in. The only movement is the twitching of Merlin’s hands in his tunic. But it’s all Arthur needs to be shaken out of his rumination. The small movements have anger engulfing the prince from the inside out, a raging inferno of vitriol.

His stern voice shatters the quietness of the room, “There has to be something you can do Gaius, we can not just sit here while… while Merlin-”

“Arthur,” The physician interrupts, his tone a fraction softer now, “I am truly sorry, if I could, I would do anything to save him.”

The phrasing has a pang of an undefined emotion shoot through Arthur’s chest, it has him thinking about his own father, about what they could have had, should have had. And there’s no getting that chance back now. But this is not the time to contemplate such things.

“GAIUS, I ORDER you to do whatever the hell you can to save him. Whatever that may be, whether it is magic, illegal herbs or what have you. I will not lose him.” His chest heaves, everyone in the room watches on solemnly.

It's then understanding washes over Guinevere. Tears spill down her cheeks at the realization of how truly heartbreaking this situation is. To lose your love when you were not even allowed to be together. For Arthur to allow any means of healing, he is undoubtedly desperate. She has to stifle a sob into her sleeve.

The order comes as no shock to Sir Leon, and while Morgana isn’t surprised either it certainly rattles her to hear such words from the prince, still not used to his solidarity.

Arthur’s words echo in Gaius’ mind, startlingly similar to a desperate plea the physician had seen from the boy's father so many years ago. One of utter helplessness and disparity, one of a love so deep, so true, it cost thousands of lives.

“ ‘s fine.” Merlin slurs, his wide eyes looking up to Arthur with an affection so strong it nearly takes the prince’s breath away.

“Shut up you idiot.” Arthur glares harshly.

Merlin’s lips quirk, he puffs out an amused breath only to grunt and scrunch his face from the pain again.

“Sire. I understand, but magic is still outlawed, if your fa-”

“My father is dead.”

Gaius drops the rag in his hand to the floor, his brows furrow in confusion. “W-What?”

Morgana delicately shuffles over to pick up the cloth and fetch a new one.

“Uther is dead.” Arthur repeats with very little emotion, the only sliver of expression is the anger and disgust flickering in his gaze.

When the man doesn’t say anything for a moment Arthur continues. “I ran him through. He is bleeding out on the dungeon floors as we speak if he is not already dead.”

“Sire?” Gaius asks again, stunned.

“He will never be able to hurt anyone again.” The prince’s voice is strong, his cadence steady as he tightens his hands around Merlin’s, “He will never be able to hurt any magic users ever again. Not you, not Morgana, not Merlin.”

There’s a gasp from Guinevere who can’t help but speak up now. “Arthur, Lady Morgana does not have…” He trails off as she looks over to her lady. Morgana’s lips are pursed, worry, hurt, and confusion, all dance across her face as they look eyes.

Leon looks between them and Arthur, not knowing if he should do anything about the fact he just outed a magic user.

“Gaius,” Arthur continues oblivious to his blunder, “I promise no harm will befall you for healing Merlin, however you can. Just… heal him. Please.”

“ ‘shuddup yuh prat. ‘Sss loud.” Merlin feebly tries to swat at him but ends up whining in pain.

“Stop trying to move you idiot!” Arthur scolds, though he has to stop himself from rolling his eyes, the pain tonic is clearly starting to kick in.

“What happened?” Gaius asks again, much firmer this time. His angry gaze slides to Merlin even though the boy can’t see him.

Leon clears his throat finally finding a chance to interject, “The kin- Uther, found out about Merlin’s magic. George saw him and ran to tell me and I found Arthur. Us along with Lady Morgana and Guinevere found Merlin… strung up in the questioning cell, with Uther himself.”

“Arthur,” Gaius’ voice is stern. “Do you know what you have done?”

“Yes!” Arthur shouts as he tightens his grip too far on Merlin’s hands, he is quick to relax them again not wanting to harm his sorcerer even more. Merlin squeezes his hands in return, it’s a pitiful attempt but doesn’t go unnoticed by the prince. Arthur looks down to see Merlin’s round sad eyes looking up at him. The only thing Arthur can find a glimmer of sadness for is a father he would have never had, no matter how much he yearned for it. If Uther didn’t change by now he was never going to.

Arthur sighs before continuing, sliding his gaze back to the physician. “I know Gaius. I will be one to bring magic back to Camelot, to unite all of Albion. I promise you, my father’s reign of terror is over. I will be the king the people need.”

Gaius releases a long sigh through his nose. While he has served Uther practically all his life he wouldn’t call the man a friend. And while it stings to lose someone you have known for so long, he can’t find it in himself to be sad, especially now, knowing what he did to Merlin.

“I can’t make any promises. But I will try my best sire. My magic isn’t nearly as strong as Merlin’s, but if I can get him stabilized… it’ll be a start.”

“Morgana.” Arthur calls suddenly, shaking her out of the strange wordless conversation she was having with Guinevere.

Her eyes dart over to her brother.

“Is your magic powerful enough to help? I know you said it’s mostly visions but…” Arthur fades off.

“I- I don't really know how to control it. I’m sorry.” She looks to her feet guiltily.

Gaius is the next to speak up. “It is alright, perhaps you could fetch me a clean rag, dampen this one as well. Guinevere bring me the dark blue tonic in the skinny vial. Sir Leon, fetch the large spoon in the cupboard next to the hearth.”

The three of them hurry about their tasks.

“What can I do?” Arthur asks urgently, needing to help somehow.

Merlin gives the slightest pull of his hands, “ YuCanKissMe” he slurs the words together.

Merlin!”Arthur wheezes aghast, his cheeks heat to a degree the prince hadn’t even known possible. He is overcome with the sensation to not look Gaius in the eyes, so he doesn’t.

The old man chuckles ever so slightly but Arthur doesn’t dare look at him, or anyone else in the room for that matter.

Instead, he looks at Merlin but his big doe-eyes are doing nothing to calm the prince down.

Guinevere hands him the blue tincture and Arthur holds it so Merlin can swallow its contents.

Leon ambles over, wooden spoon in hand. “Thank you Sir Leon.” Gaius takes the offered spoon and hands it to Arthur who looks just as confused as the knight.

“Put the handle in his mouth- thank you Morgana.” He takes the cloth from the sorceress, “He will need something to bite down on. A bowl if you would Guinevere.” The servant starts rustling through cupboards in search of a bowl.

Arthur tries to put the wooden spoon in Merlin’s mouth but the sorcerer chooses now of all times to keep his mouth resolutely shut.

Merlin.” Arthur rumbles, they do not have time for this, the idiot is bleeding out for Christ’s sake.

Merlin looks up to the prince, he’s rather blurry but Merlin would recognize the prat anywhere. He can hear some other voices too but they sound rather far away. It smells like Gaius’ chamber but he can’t be sure with the way everything is swimming.

There’s this throbbing on his back that has since dulled in the… well however long it’s been. While the pain is still there, and more than uncomfortable, the bubbly sensation in his chest is a great distraction from the agony. He feels rather sick too, but perhaps that's because the room won't stop moving.

He can vaguely make out Arthur telling him to open his trap but the bubbly feeling inside of him urges him to disobey and push the prince’s buttons, his body is practically conditioned to get excited at an order from Arthur. Especially if that order is to open his mouth.

Not to mention the spell should be kicking in soon and his body certainly recognizes that. In reality, with the painkillers he has taken, he doesn’t even know if he would feel the pain from the spell.

To Merlin, his words come out sharp and snarky as always, to anyone else they are drawled and muddled.

“I want you to make m-”

Arthur does not let him finish that sentence. Good God. He instead jams the handle into his sorcerer’s mouth. It stretches across the corners of his mouth uncomfortably.

Morgana makes a choking sound that far too closely resembles a laugh. Leon has to turn around to hide his own chortle.

Arthur refuses to look up. It’s a blessing Leon is the only other one here who knows about the curse. Well, at least he thinks he is, if Gaius knows Arthur might just have to actually jump off the battlements after this.

The physician thanks Guinevere for the bowl before addressing the prince. “Sire,” Arthur looks up to the man, “the pain tonics I gave him will only help so much. The process will be excruciating, and I can not promise success.”

There’s a moment's pause but it feels like forever to Arthur. The risk of losing Merlin swings over his head like an executioner's axe. Arthur truly does not know how he could go on without Merlin by his side. The sorcerer has his entire heart, if he were to die then surely Arthur’s heart would stop alongside his.

For what is a half without its whole? Arthur would be left in this eternal plane while the very essence of his soul, the culmination of his entire being, would woefully lament the loss of the one being that gives him sanguinity, that gives him hope that this life is worth it. While they may be two halves of a destiny, to him, Merlin is his whole.

Arthur will not allow the tale of their fate to be tragically told by the gods as some lesson for generations to come. He will realign the constellations himself if he must, he will forge a sword by the celestial light and cut down the holders of their fate and piece together the shattered fragments into the narrative they have rightfully earned.

“Anything you can do Gaius. I will do anything to not lose him.”

The resemblance to Uther all those years ago has an uneasy chill prickling down the physician's spine. While he will do nearly everything in his power to save Merlin he will not go down the same path as Nimueh, he knows without a doubt it is not what Merlin would want, and he would never betray his boy like that.

Morgana watches from a few paces away, Gwen by her side and Leon just behind them. Merlin mumbles something indecipherable around the spoon in his mouth.

Arthur gives a resolute nod to the physician. He trusts Gaius will save Merlin, he has to. He has to.

The air is tense as Gaius starts a soft chant of words none of the others recognize.

Morgana watches, enthralled by the glow of the physician's eyes, until Merlin starts screaming.

The boy's body contorts with pain as pinkened salt granules slowly start to float from his back and drop into the bowl beside the physician. Arthur’s jaw is clenched, his face hardened as he watches Merlin writhe in pain, he does his best to steady him but it's no use.

The screams of pain are rough and scratchy as Merlin’s throat is surely already overworked from his shouting in the dungeon.

Gwen leans into her shoulder as she can’t stand to watch her friend in such pain, it even has Morgana feeling rather ill. But the shouts come to a sudden halt, whatever relief the sorceress feels is short lived as Merlin’s body goes limp, the spoon in his mouth clattering to the floor.

The only perceivable sounds now are Gaius' low incantations and the soft hourglass-esque salt falling into the bowl.

“Gaius?” Arthur asks loathsomely as he tries to breathe, but the physician ignores him.

“Gaius?” He asks louder, his voice harsher this time. Panic is quickly settling in where reason should be.

“Merlin?” He tries this time, he barely gets the name passed the lump in his throat. He looks down, his eyes are shut, features slack in a way that has Arthur wanting to run his father through all over again.

There’s no response.

“Gaius!” Arthur shouts this time but the physician continues his spell.

The prince doesn’t register the tears falling down his face or the soft sniffles of Guinevere.

All his life Arthur has been taught how to be brave, that fear is a weakness any competent royal does not entertain.

He has been suppressing his fear for years and years, whether that be from tournaments, battles, speeches, his father cornering him as a child, or any other moment Arthur refused to acknowledge his vulnerability. It’s as if every instance he has ever shoved the fear down are all bursting out of him, clawing at his lungs, gouging their claws into his muscles, branding his skin with licks of fiery hot dread.

He hadn’t even realized he had been moving until Leon is restraining him, his arms bracketing the smaller prince so he can’t move.

Arthur struggles against the hold but he can’t do anything other than sob and gasp for air. He tries to blink away the tears, desperate to keep his eyes on Merlin but the tears won’t fucking stop.

It's overwhelming in a way Arthur has never experienced and prays he’ll never experience again. He can’t form a single coherent thought, the only thing thrumming through his head is a desperation so visceral, so primal, there are no words for.

Morgana can’t bear to watch anymore. She turns into Gwen and cries into her pillowy curls.

She feels so useless, having the ability to help yet unsure how to even try. Her heart tears a bit further apart with each broken sob that leaves Arthur, a distress she has never seen on her brother.

A crashing noise has Morgana jumping away from Guinevere.

Gaius is stumbling, he had knocked the bowl of bloodied salt onto the ground.

The women are quick to take the few paces needed to steady the man who looks as if he might keel over any moment. They ease him down in the nearest chair. There’s a sheen of sweat on his head, his eyes are glassy and unseeing but he seems coherent.

Once they have the physician settled Morgana rushes over to Merlin, doing her best to ignore Arthur who, rather than being restrained, is more so being hugged by Leon.

Morgana stares at the serving boy. His back wounds are fully closed though there are no stitches. The skin is still red and swollen but the wounds are fully closed. Even the swelling from the bludgeoning seems to have gone down a bit, even in his face.

Morgana stares. And stares. And stares some more.

Until finally, his chest expands in a small breath.

“He’s alive!” Morgana shouts with bewildered delight, “He’s alive! Arthur! He’s alive!”

The prince scrambles away from Leon who has tears of his own clouding his vision.

Arthur fervently wipes the tears away from his eyes as he holds a gentle hand just below Merlin’s nose. And sure enough after a moment, a puff of tepid air cascades across his fingers.

A new wave of emotion overwhelms Arthur, relief so strong his knees practically give out. The emotions of the unbelievably onerous day crashing into him all at once.

It isn’t for another two hours that anyone speaks up. They all sit doing menial tasks, Guinevere cleaning potion vials, Morgana helping Gaius sort through and organize tomes, Leon dusting off said tomes before they are scooped up by the lady.

Arthur however sits on the patient’s cot with Merlin on his lap. The boy is resting across his legs, the prince’s palm is splayed against the back of his head, fingers curling through his dark curls as he cradles Merlin into his chest protectively.

He had initially intended to warm Merlin up, but now that he’s at a normal temperature, the pink hues hidden under his skin returning, Arthur can’t get himself to let go. Not that anyone would dare ask him to. This position also keeps Merlin from putting too much weight on his back. Arthur has since put a shirt on the boy but even then the wounds had healed remarkably well. Even the sheen of dirt that had been on him seems to have disappeared. The prince had asked Gaius about it but the man said it was Merlin’s own magic healing himself.

Arthur had learned how powerful Merlin was but knowing that he can heal himself while not even trying, it’s both startling yet immensely relieving to hear.

Every couple of minutes Merlin will twitch and the prince’s worry will dramatically spike. But Gaius has assured him Merlin is just sleeping, he’s exhausted, dehydrated, and presumably hungry. But the number one thing he needs right now is rest and one glance from the prince would scare anyone away who dare get too close to his sorcerer.

It’s Gaius who breaks the silence that has settled over them.

“Sire, the sun will be up in a few hours.”

Arthur turns only his head to look over to the physician, not wanting to jostle Merlin too much.

Gaius continues, “What do you wish to do?”

“Right.” Arthur heaves a sigh.

He can’t say he hasn’t been thinking about it, but it hasn’t been on the forefront of his mind.

“You all are to head down to the dungeons.” Arthur uses his princely voice, “Gaius you will say you found my father this morning and tried to heal him but he succumbed to an underlying heart condition that is neither passed down nor catching. Leon and Morgana, you will give testament that he was alive and well when we went to the dungeons last night. Guinevere, if asked you will back up their statements. As much as he doesn’t deserve one, the funeral will be private with a public gathering in the courtyard and lower town for those who wish to mourn. We will decide the date later. And if the guards from last night try to say anything, bring them to me immediately.”

They all agree easily enough.

Arthur continues, “We should keep this as quiet as we can, preferably not break the news until this evening or even the following morning. It will give you a chance to clear any damning evidence. And if possible I would like to have a meeting with my knights before the news breaks.”

“Should we honestly give that man a funeral?” Morgana snarks, “Seems like a waste of materials and gold if you ask me.”

“Morgana!” Gwen and Gaius chastise at the same time.

“What?! I’ve had to live my life fearing every day may be my last if Uther found out about my magic.” She pouts angrily.

“About that…” Guinevere tapers off.

“Right.” Morgana daintily clears her throat, “I suppose I should explain.”

“I have some explaining to do as well.” Gaius sighs as he makes to his feet.

He had been worn after using so much magic on Merlin but after a tonic of his own and some downtime he is certainly looking better.

“Gaius?” Morgana asks warily.

“Come, I’ll explain along the way.” He starts to the door, Morgana and Guinevere are quick to follow.

Leon however stops just before the threshold, holding back a moment. He turns to face the prince and sorcerer.

“Arthur,” The knight’s tone is earnest.

The prince’s brows furrow in question.

“You will be an excellent king. I am lucky to serve such a loyal and caring man. We all know you will do great things.”

It isn’t like his knights to get sentimental on him, so it makes the moment all the more meaningful, especially coming from Leon whom Arthur has always seen as an older brother.

“Thank you Leon, I couldn’t have asked for a better man to fight by my side.”

The knight nods his head before taking his leave.

The sound of the hearth and Merlin’s soft breaths fill the room. Every breath the boy takes feels like a gift, Arthur could stay here forever, Merlin wrapped in his arms sleeping peacefully on him. A kingdom fast asleep and no imminent threats at their door. He keeps threading his fingers through Merlin’s hair and placing the occasional kiss to his forehead now that the others are gone.

It must be not even fifteen minutes later when Merlin’s occasional twitch starts to increase frequency.

Worried he might wake up soon, Arthur very carefully extracts himself and settles Merlin’s back on the fluffiest pillows and furs Guinevere could find near the physician's chambers. He fills up a goblet of water and places it down near the cot.

Merlin’s brow is furrowed and his twitching is getting ever worse. Arthur frets he may be having a nightmare, not knowing if it's better to let him sleep through it or wake him up. He should have asked Gaius before they left.

Arthur watches cautiously for the next few minutes to see if Merlin will wake on his own accord. When he doesn’t the prince goes to wake him but only then does Arthur notice Merlin’s hand gripping the fabric of his own tunic, just above his stomach.

Of fucking course. Leave it to this imbecile to get tortured and mutilated when under a curse that requires extensive physician activity. In all honesty, he knows they are extremely fortunate to have partaken in three kinks last time, giving them much more time than usual. He searches his thoughts as he paces the length of the bed, trying to think of anything they haven’t done that won’t be damaging to Merlin.

He debates waking Merlin to ask him how he is feeling, even though Gaius had assured him that he’d be okay, when it hits him.

Though he doesn’t know if Merlin actually has to wake up for it to work. Only one way to find out.

After a quick lock of the door Arthur gently joins Merlin on the bed again.

The prince carefully separates his legs and settles between them on his knees. The cot is just wide enough for Arthur to comfortably fit between his legs without knocking one off.

He then slowly starts to unlace Merlin’s trouser strings.

It’s more thrilling than he had expected, it feels as if he is sneaking and doing something he shouldn't, even if he and Merlin had consented to this with prior conversation. Once his laces are untied Arthur gentles the fabric down just far enough for Merlin’s groin to be free, the process with his smalls is similar. Arthur is careful to just barely brush the past of his fingers down Merlin’s hips and across his beautiful hip bones. Though they do seem a bit more prominent than usual.

The prince drags the fabric down just as he did with the trousers, exposing just enough for Merlin’s flaccid prick and bollocks to be exposed.

Arthur stares at his hips for a moment disbelievingly. He lifts the hem of Merlin’s shirt just enough to peek under. The dark purple and blue bruises have now faded to yellow splotches. The prince can’t believe it, he nearly runs his hand over one before catching himself at the last moment, he shouldn’t wake Merlin, not yet at least. But reassurance floods through Arthur knowing he is much less likely to accidentally cause any more pain.

He lightly sets the tunic back onto Merlin’s stomach, taking a brief moment to appreciate the contrast of his pale skin and the dusting of dark hair that runs under his naval.

He turns his attention back to his sorcerer’s cock. Arthur isn’t really sure how to go about this, the prince has had very few cocks in his mouth and none of them had ever been soft. But it’s not like he can just start jerking Merlin without risking waiting him up.

He’s sure if Merlin had been awake he’d be relentlessly teasing Arthur as his trepidation.

It’s then Merlin twitches again, rather intensely and Arthur knows he can’t dawdle.

The prince leans over, placing his hands on the cot just next to Merlin’s hips before taking the soft prick into his mouth. It’s such a strange feeling it nearly has him chuckling.

It certainly doesn’t taste any different, other than the lack of precum, it’s a satisfying feeling being able to fit all of it inside his mouth with no difficulty. He swirls his tongue curiously and can feel a very slight firmness start to take shape between his lips.

Arthur cautiously adds a small amount of pressure before swirling his tongue more, focusing on the head of Merlin’s cock and the underside, spots Arthur knows he loves.

Merlin’s cock fills a bit more, just enough for Arthur to start moving his head, even if it’s minutely.

A bead of precum escapes onto his tongue, the taste coats his mouth in a familiar and welcome taste.

Arthur has to stop himself a few times from nearly grabbing onto Merlin’s hips to better steady himself.

Merlin’s cock is more than halfway hard as more precum leaks into the prince’s mouth. It has Arthur himself growing hard but he ignores it, solely focusing on assisting Merlin and making him feel good.

He risks a glance up and Merlin’s eyes are still shut, his head still lolled in the same position against the mound of pillows and furs behind him. If it were any other time Arthur’s sure Merlin would not have been able to sleep through this, he'd have woken the moment his trousers loosened. The man’s a ridiculously light sleeper even though he can seemingly fall asleep anywhere, including standing up, as Arthur has seen before.

A few more bobs of his head and the weight of Merlin’s fully erect cock is sitting on his tongue, he breathes through his nose. Arthur grips the cot to prevent himself from grabbing the sorcerer instead.

Once he is at full hardness it’s easy to fall back into their familiar rhythm, this isn’t the first time he’s pleasured Merlin using his mouth.

Arthur ignores his own growing arousal as he slides his mouth up and down Merlin’s slick shaft, lapping up the precum seeping from his slit.

While Arthur is used to being the one receiving pleasure it always feels good to know Merlin feels good too. And Merlin deserves to be more than spoiled given what happened. Plus maybe he can somehow punish Merlin for ‘making’ him do this.

Arthur adds more suction as he drags his head up and down in rhythmic methodical movements, the thrill of Merlin waking up like this has embers of excitement flickering in his chest.

He removes his lips to place open mouthed kisses along the underside of his prick, he risks another glance but Merlin’s still asleep. He laves his tongue against the base and just below the head, before encasing his stiff cock in the wet heat of his mouth again.

After a few more moments of uninterrupted spit slicked pleasuring a grunt shakes Arthur out of his reprieve. In shock Arthur detaches from Merlin only to see blue eyes nearly engulfed by blown pupils staring down at him. His cheeks are flush, eyes hazy with a bit of sleep but fully aware.

Joy washes over Arthur who smiles brightly at Merlin.

The sorcerer isn’t sure he’s ever seen such a happy smile from the prince. It has him faltering over his words, only briefly though as the cool air on his cock is maddening, especially with how good Arthur’s mouth felt.

His voice is scratchy but still as brazen as he was aiming for, “I swear to the gods Arthur Pendragon if you stop right now I will eviscerate you.”

Arthur huffs out a chortle of disbelief but even Merlin’s impudence couldn’t ruin his mood right now.

Merlin’s hand threads through his hand leading him gently back towards his eager prick.

Arthur makes a show of rolling his eyes though he’s sure Merlin sees right through the ruse.

The warlock lets out a low and drawn moan of pleasure as Arthur continues his escapade.

While it was thrilling to try to not wake Merlin, the noises he makes while awake certainly make up for it.

Arthur now brings one hand to Merlin's hip and the other to his bollocks, teasingly caressing them in soft strokes.

All the while Arthur refuses to look away from Merlin, not willing to miss a moment of his presence after earlier.

The prince’s heated and heavy gaze has Merlin tossing his head back, further exposing the column of his neck. It doesn’t take long for the heat in his stomach to be pulled taut. His muscles tense, his back twinges rather painfully and a few other parts of his body ache but his pleasure is strong enough to wash over the pain.

Arthur takes his release easily and quickly swallows before surging up to kiss Merlin.

It’s an intense and heated kiss, Merlin loves being able to taste himself on Arthur. It has his spent prick fruitlessly twitching.

Merlin can’t help but grin when Arthur smiles against his mouth. “Maybe you should start waking me up every day if this is what I have to look forward to.”

Arthur can’t stop his snort. This idiot. He couldn’t be more perfect.

The prince cups his face and leans back so his face is in focus. “I thought I lost you.” Arthur’s voice is remorse, completely unfitting the relieved smile on his face.

“As if you could ever get rid of me.” Merlin half smiles, resting his head back against the soft pile behind him.

Arthur grabs a nearby cloth and cleans his saliva off of Merlin’s softening prick before tucking him back in his clothes.

The sorcerer eyes the tent in Arthur’s trousers before reaching for his laces.

Arthur bats his hand away, “what on earth do you think you are doing?”

“It’s your turn?” Merlin asks, confusion clear on his face.

Arthur sputters for a moment truly exasperated, “You- wha- you- No! Absolutely not.”

“But you’re-”

Merlin,” Arthur runs a hand through his hair in a mix of disbelief and frustration at his indifference about the situation.

Merlin eyes him for a moment before asking, “Orange?” wanting to make sure Arthur truly didn’t want to go further.

“Yes. Orange.” Arthur answers clearly but not unkindly.

Merlin relents, respecting Arthur’s answer, showing no sign of disappointment.

“How are you feeling?” Arthur’s tone is soft.

“Better than expected, magic must have sensed the urgency. A bit thirsty though.”

“Right, of course.” Arthur reaches for the goblet of water and brings it to Merlin’s lips.

The sorcerer raises an eyebrow but doesn’t fight it, he takes a few small sips before Arthur pulls it away.

The prince places it down and shuffles off the bed only to be met with an embarrassingly needy whine from Merlin.

“What?” Arthur asks worriedly.

Pink splotches slowly appear high on Merlin’s cheek as he averts his eyes, “Don’t leave.”

Something inside the prince melts into utter affection at his sorcerer’s words.

“I’m just going to the cupboard for some bread, I’ll be right back.” He reassures Merlin before walking over to Gaius’ food cupboard and taking out the quarter loaf that remains. He’ll be sure to replace it and then some.

Arthur is quick to return to Merlin’s bedside, he doesn’t hesitate to crawl in and carefully settle in next to the sorcerer. It’s a tight fit, their sides smooshed together but neither of them mind.

Merlin is quick to relax into his side and Arthur is overcome with a myriad of emotions he doesn’t have the capacity to sort through after staying up all night for what may be the most stressful day of his life.

The prince tears a small chunk of bread off before handing it to his sorcerer.

“Thanks,” Merlin mumbles as he nuzzles against Arthur’s broad shoulder. He puts the whole piece in his mouth.

“Are you sure you’re feeling alright?” Arthur asks skeptically, “I didn’t see our eyes flash for the curse, but you were also asleep.”

Merlin hums around the bread in his mouth, he makes sure to swallow before speaking. “That’s what woke me up, the prickle of magic.”

“You’re sure?” Arthur rips him another chunk of bread.

“Yes you prat not all of us are as magically inept as you.”

“So I’ve seen.” Arthur doesn’t rise to the bait.

Merlin gives him a curious look as Arthur hands him some more bread.

“Gaius used magic to help heal you.”

The sorcerer hums around his bread again, “Hmm Gaius is very knowledgeable about magic.”

“I also know about Morgana,” Arthur adds on.

Merlin’s glad he swallowed his bread otherwise he’d surely have just choked.

“What?” he squeaks out.

“I talked to her the other day and hadn’t seen you since. Is she the one you knew about? The other person born with magic?”

Merlin nods warily.

“It’s alright, she told me everything, about her magic, the visions, the fire.”

Merlin deflates, relaxing into Arthur once again.

The prince places what's left of the bread next to the goblet of water before coaxing Merlin to drink a few more sips.

Merlin knows they need to talk, there’s so much they need to talk about. When isn’t there? But after finally getting some food into his system and the relaxation of post orgasmic bliss he can’t keep fighting to keep his eyes open.

“Here,” Arthur’s voice is low and warm. He very carefully maneuvers them around so Merlin is half lying on the prince half on the bed, their legs intertwining. Their chests are pressed together as Merlin settles into the crook of Arthur’s neck. He smells so comforting, so familiar, so safe.

“Don’ wanna sleep.” Merlin grumbles sleepily.

“God knows you need to.” Arthur teasingly grumbles back into his hair, “I haven’t rested yet either so we’ll both sleep alright? I’ll stay right here with you.” He tightens his arms slightly.

“I’ll tie you down myself if I need to, we are talking when you wake up.” Merlin slurs as sleep starts to pull him into its sweet caress.

“Go to sleep you idiot.” Arthur chuckles.

“G’night prat.”

“Goodnight Merlin.” Arthur smiles as he presses a kiss to the crown of his hair.

The emotional and physical wear of the day catch up to him quickly now knowing Merlin is alright. It doesn’t take long for him to follow into the land of the sleeping.

Merlin’s final rating: 6.75

Chapter End Notes

You get fluff! And you get fluff! And you get fluff! You all get fluff!

We need more high Merlin in canon era fics lol.

I keep thinking this chapter feels short but it's right around my average, the past few chapters have just been behemoths lmao.

I have to say, I’m at the point since we are getting close to the end that I truly have to fight the urge to sob when posting a new chapter lmao. I don’t want it to end! While yes we have the epilogue to look forward to, and I have many fic ideas I am beyond eager to start writing, this story just has such a special place in my heart and means so much to me.

I seriously can’t thank you guys enough for your love and support. Especially on the previous chapter! I am so beyond glad so many of you liked it that much!

No matter how many times I say it , it will never be enough. Thank you guys so much for all the kudos, comments, bookmarks, subscriptions, and of course the reads. <3

I know we have so few chapters left but if there is a kink you are waiting to see (or make a reappearance) and I said it is going to be in the main story, it still is! I know the wait for two specific kinks and the reappearance of another has been waited on for so long (and very patiently) and I promise they are coming! I Just didn’t want you to think I forgot lol.

And Happy early Thanksgiving to those who celebrate! And For those who don't, have a slice of pie on my behalf, or your favorite dessert whatever that may be! :)

And as a teaser for the next chapter, because I can’t help myself… well, lets just say… the name of the linked song, and the intro to said song is how I and I know many of you are feeling about it~

Tumblr: lexplosion
TikTok: Lex1800

Magic kink

Chapter Notes

🎶 It’s the one you’ve been waiting for.. The one you’ve been waiting for… The mystery, the one who changed history! 🎶 lol.

Woo!!!! We have made it to the most requested kink BY FAR. I knew this was going to be near the end so I put my back into this one (and so did a certain warlock~).

What's this? A chapter posted before 10pm? Wild. Lmao.

Before we get into it I do want to say that this chapter will also include Power Bottom Merlin! In all honesty I wasn’t going to include this kink until the lovely Tigersflyatmidnight requested it, but it isn’t about the request itself but how they worded it. They said they wanted to see Arthur's reaction to Merlin taking on a more dominant role and I just couldn't stop laughing thinking about it, and what better kink to pair it with~? (there were plenty of others who requested something similar as well so thank you to everyone who suggested it!)

This was genuinely so fun to write and may be up there in my favorite chapters. So I hope you enjoy~

Spicy music if you'd like to listen during the smut:

(Also just a side note, the magic kink is not in the book so it is not defined at the beginning!)

Power Bottoming
This is when the one who is on the
‘receiving end’ is contrarily in control
of the situation, possibly taking a more
dominant role than normal. However,
one does not have to typically be a
submissive to take on the role of a
‘power bottom’, it can be the regular role
in the relationship.

Merlin’s initial rating: 5

It isn’t until the following morning Merlin properly wakes up, though the sun has yet to make an appearance this early. He had come to a few times, nearly every fuzzy moment of wakefulness Arthur was there holding him tenderly only for Merlin to drift back off again. There had been two times Merlin had woken up and the prince wasn’t beside him.

Once had been to a very angry Gwaine who had been shouting something or other that Merlin couldn’t register before sleep washed over him again. The other Gaius was brewing away potions to which Merlin fell back asleep very quickly.

Blessedly, the pain that had been thrumming through his body has now dulled to a near nothingness. He cracks his eyes open to find his face pressed into a very familiar neck that is dusted with a barely noticeable stubble.

The warmth of Arthur and his familiar smell is comforting. It almost tempts the sorcerer to fade back to sleep but the ache of hunger in his stomach is too strong to ignore.

Merlin gently opens his mouth before nipping at Arthur’s neck.

“Merlin!” The prince hisses, his body tensing in surprise.

Arthur can feel the tart smiling into his neck. He takes the parchment he had been looking over and gently thwacks the back of Merlin’s head. To which his sorcerer makes an annoyed and not at all adorable sound of sleepy dismay.

The prince adjusts them so he can see Merlin’s face, “How are you feeling?” The bruise on the side of his sorcerer’s face has faded to a barely noticeable yellow splotch that now only clings to the top of his cheekbone.

“Better,” Merlin smiles gently, his eyes bright with affection, “But maybe we should just stay here, in bed for the next week, you know just in case” Merlin cheeks.

Arthur chuckles but Merlin doesn’t miss the sadness lingering in his gaze, “As tempting as that is, I’m afraid I do still have duties to attend to.”

There’s a pause as they look at each other, Merlin wants to ask what has Arthur upset. Merlin isn’t daft, he knows the prince has plenty of things to be upset over, whether that be losing his father, the looming responsibility of his royal duties, or the sudden pressure of ruling a kingdom that would see his lover servant killed. So Merlin holds off on asking, for now at least, not wanting to ruin this gentle quietness between them.

“Does this mean you’re king now?” Merlin’s voice is gentle as he gives in to his persistent curiosity.

“No.” Arthur answers truthfully, his eyes flicking to the parchment in his hand and then back to Merlin, “Acting King Regent, at least until my crowning.”

“They haven't crowned you yet?”

“They aren’t going to crown me in one day.” Arthur rolls his eyes, successfully fighting down a smile, earning a pout from his sorcerer. “There’s an allotted grieving period and then I will become king.”

Merlin’s pout morphs into a confused frown, “But, someone has to run the kingdom.”

Arthur hums as he leans over to place his parchment on the side table, “I have been dragged away a few times for larger issues, the smaller problems have been allocated to a pair of knights that the council and I could come to an agreement on.”

“I presume you chose Leon and Lancelot then?”

“They were my first options.” Arthur nods guilessly, “But the council wouldn’t accept Lancelot since he isn’t of noble birth.”

Merlin doesn’t even try to hide his displeasure as an annoyed scoff passes his lips. “But Leon is the only one your close knigh-”

The servant cuts himself off and sits straight up. Arthur’s eyes go wide and follows sitting up, hands hovering around Merlin. The only pain Merlin feels is the barely noticeable throbbing of some of his bruises.

Gwaine?!” Merlin asks, his voice laden with a concerned horror. Any lingering tiredness now long gone.

He tries to hide it but Merlin doesn’t miss the way Arthur cringes slightly, “He’s doing better than I thought he would.”

Merlin’s eyes flit to the door as if he is expecting flames to start engulfing the room. “Good gods.”

Arthur puffs out an amused breath but his expression has a slight grimace to it, clearly empathizing with the servant.

Merlin flops back down into the bed and is very happy when there is no flair of pain on his back. “Well, maybe Gwaine is just what the council needs to reconsider their biases.”

Arthur quickly follows, turning on his side and propping his head up with his hand as a chuckle rumbles in his chest. “Hopefully, they better get used to things changing.” He says offhandedly.

They lay like that for a few moments just enjoying the calmness around them, The fire in the hearth is low but still crackles valiantly. There’s some sort of brew simmering lowly in Gaius’ work area. And though the sun is just starting to lighten the sky the birds are yet to start singing.

Arthur starts gently carding his fingers through Merlin’s soft hair, the worry that has been stirring in him the past twenty-four hours finally starts to fizzle out as it becomes clear Merlin will be alright. The sorcerer closes his eyes and leans up into the touch.

The prince isn’t sure how long they stay like that for until Merlin finally breaks the silence, his eyes fluttering open before he speaks.

“I’m sorry.” his voice is whispered yet the sorrow in his voice rings clear as day.

Arthur moves his hand to cup Merlin’s face, his thumb brushing against his cheekbone. What he is apologizing for Arthur isn’t exactly sure.

“Merlin,” Arthur’s tone just as soft as his eyes, “you have nothing to apologize for.”

The sorcerer bites his lips thinking over how to word his thoughts, “I am sorry you lost your father. Even if he wasn’t the greatest man, he was still your father.”

“He was my father and yet I have no desire to mourn him.” Arthur answers solemnly, “The only thing I find myself mourning is the relationship he and I could have had. But I know we would have never been able to have such a thing, not after so long. I just,” Arthur sighs, his gaze far away, “I wish things could have been different, I wish a lot of things could have been different.”

And he does, he wishes his mother hadn’t died, his father hadn’t turned to sorcery only to blame the innocents for the outcome of a decision he made. He wishes he could have had a loving upbringing and not one of violence and ruthless training. He wishes he didn’t still have the sickening yearning to earn his father’s pride even now. If he had been able to live up to his father’s expectations would Uther have shown him affection? The love he so deeply yearns for even now? Even knowing what his father has done he cannot deny that childish longing for approval, for love. He wishes he could find it in himself to mourn his father, but he can find no reason to do so.

He’s brought out of his thoughts as Merlin lays his hand on top of his, the sorcerer’s other hand comes to rest on his face, mimicking Arthur’s hold. The prince holds Merlin’s gaze as he leans into the touch.

“Arthur,” Merlin’s voice is soft yet his tone is one of surety, “I-”

The door to the physician’s chambers opens and the two instinctively jump apart, Arthur has to scramble to not fall onto the floor, he is able to find his footing before completely falling off the bed.

The physician gives them a look Arthur doesn’t want to look too closely at before clearing his throat. “It’s good to see you awake my boy, how are you feeling?”

Merlin tries to fight the blush creeping on his face but to no avail. “Better, I am feeling very little pain, if any.”

“Excellent.” Gaius exclaims as he places his basket of herbs onto a counter, “It seems your magic was as eager as ever to move along the healing process.” It’s such a strange feeling to be able to say such a sentence in front of the soon to be king. “Let me look over you to make sure.”

Thankfully the physician doesn’t kick Arthur out for the examination, though he does grow a bit wary before asking Merlin to perform a few small spells to make sure his magic is responding as it should.

After the exam Gaius clears Merlin to go about his regular duties as if nothing ever happened. It dawns on Arthur that this sort of thing, these sorts of extensive injuries, have happened to Merlin before, and far too often. Arthur is fully aware of the trials and tribulations Merlin has undergone in his time since arriving to Camelot, but the idea of them being stories gets swept out from underneath the prince. Not that Arthur doubted the truthfulness of Merlin’s word, it’s just, he had never truly considered the injuries Merlin would have sustained. And with Gaius’ nonplussed examination, it's clear this sort of thing has grown common enough that the old man no longer frets after such traumatic happenings with Merlin. Arthur would expect Gaius to keep Merlin bedridden for a few days to at least make sure he is well. It churns the prince’s stomach. While Merlin had told him about all of his magical occurrences he had never gone into detail about his injuries, he would just say he was injured and moved on to the next part of his adventures.

But the smile that lights up Merlin’s face when he is cleared by his mentor has Arthur shutting his mouth before any words can slip out. And when Merlin turns that excited smile to him Arthur can’t find it in himself to not smile back.

He’ll just be sure to keep Merlin’s duties exceedingly light today, and this way he can keep an eye on the idiot lest he somehow find himself entangled in more trouble.

The morning goes by quickly enough even with being up since before dawn. And Merlin’s usual rapport has Arthur finding it unnervingly easy to fall back into their usual routine. The morning had been spent in the prince’s chambers, Arthur working on the speech he would give to the people later this evening and Merlin polishing the prince’s armor.

Truthfully his armor didn’t need to be polished as he hadn’t worn it since Merlin last polished it a few days ago. But it gave the servant something safe to do close by.

So when Arthur looks up from his arsed speech to find Merlin polishing his sword he can’t stop the way his heart skips an alarmed beat.


“Sire?” Merlin asks absentmindedly without looking up from his work.

“I asked you to only polish my armor.”

Merlin looks up with an incredulous brow raised, “And you’re upset I am doing more than what I am told?”

“W-well,” Arthur sputters for a moment, “you shouldn’t overexert yourself.”

Amusement sparkles under Merlin’s deadpan expression, “Heavens forbid I strain myself from too much hand movement. How will I ever recover?

Arthur glares at him and Merlin can’t help but chuckle though his tone is sincere when he continues, “Arthur, I’m all right, really. It’s nothing new.”

Merlin’s eerie ability to know what he is thinking has Arthur feeling far too exposed.

Arthur sighs and does what he does best when feeling too open, deflects. “What is the itinerary for the rest of the day?”

“Well,” Merlin goes back to polishing the blade. “Your lunch should be ready soon, you are technically free until dinner though it would do best if you were to finish your speech as after dinner you are to give your speech. After that is a council meeting that I suspect will be quite arduous.” He finishes with a grimace.

“Right,” Arthur is dreading the council meeting, they converged quickly when Gaius had broken the news to them but Arthur was able to sneak away under the guise of needing some time to think. Arthur knows they’ll just be talking about him the entire time, and as with every conversation about him, the topic of marriage is always quick to follow. And now that he will soon be king he doesn’t doubt the council will start pressing him harder than ever before. But that isn’t the only issue pulling at his attention. “So we will most likely not have time later for the spell?”

“Ah.” Merlin’s cheeks pinken as he looks up in realization, “I suppose not.”

Arthur doesn’t think he’ll ever tire of seeing Merlin flush so prettily like that.

“After lunch then.” Arthur nods, his eyes trailing down Merlin and back up. Merlin’s blush darkens.

“Very well.” He turns back to his polishing trying to calm his excited heart.

Merlin goes about his chores with a bit more vigor after their conversation, and when lunch comes around Arthur thinks it might be a new best record for the servant.

It’s always quite amusing when Merlin knows it’s coming. He gets even more fidgety than normal and Arthur can practically see the energy vibrating off him. So of course he takes his time eating and sipping his watered down wine.

Once finished he has Merlin bring the dishes back down while he resettles at his desk, speech still incomplete. It doesn’t take Arthur long to work out an idea he’s been itching to try again.

Merlin once again is quick to arrive, almost comically so. He doesn’t even ease the door shut behind him, instead just letting the heavy wood bangs shut far too loudly. Arthur has to fight down his smile.

“Come here.” The prince beckons him over firmly.

Merlin totters over to the desk stopping only a few small paces from the prince, a buzzing excitement swirling under his skin. “Yes sire?”

Arthur pushes his chair back and angles himself so he can properly look at his sorcerer. After their breakfast and Merlin’s washing up, he had opted for the red neckerchief Arthur had recently gifted him.

“I regret to inform you that you are to be punished today. That is of course only if you are feeling up to it.” It’s not a particularly harsh punishment that he has in mind, he doesn’t want to push Merlin even if Gaius says he’s fully healed.

Merlin’s brow furrows, a stark contrast to the eager stirring in his stomach. “And why would that be?” He raises an incredulous brow shifting his weight to one side, causing his hip to stick out in a petulant manner.

“I distinctly recall you telling me to ‘shut up’ the other night, and in front of one of my knights no less.”

Merlin racks his brain but can’t think of what Arthur is referring to. The servant narrows his eyes as he tries to think back to two nights but he doesn't remember anything after Arthur ran his father through, at least until he was pleasantly woken up again by the prince. And then he had slept until early this morning.

“What are you talking about?” Merlin asks warily.

“When we got to Gaius’ chambers and he gave you those pain tonics, you told me to shut up.” Arthur drawls.

The prince would never actually discipline Merlin for something he said when he was injured and under the influence of whatever the hell Gaius puts in those painkilling tonics, but it’s a good excuse to be able to punish Merlin in a way that would benefit them both.

Arthur continues his voice a bit more serious, “Of course, if you’d rather not be punished and take it easy I completely understand.”

“Well,” Merlin looks away and tries to fight down the blush creeping up on his cheeks “that does sound like something I’d say.”

Arthur isn’t able to stop his snort but tries to hide it by clearing his throat.

“Then you agree, your impudence needs to be punished.”

Merlin opens his mouth to argue, eyes fiery with defiance but he closes his jaw at the last moment, he would rather not have to wait an excessively long time to find his own pleasure this time. Being woken by Arthur’s mouth the other evening had been delightful but it’s still fuzzy to Merlin and ever since he hasn’t been able to stop craving more. Chasing after that feeling he only got a taste of. And with the extended time before last, it feels as if they haven’t done anything in ages. Though perhaps that’s because they have been so good at keeping to their routine. He seriously hopes after this is over he doesn’t just keep springing hard-ons every two days.

With a stubborn set to his jaw and a hit to his pride, Merlin nods, not deigning to voice his response.

“Excellent.” Arthur purrs, “But first.” Arthur opens a desk drawer and pulls out Merlin’s red and gold threaded collar. “Neckerchief and jacket off.”

The sight of the object has an unexpected comfort washing over the servant. Something about the reminder of being Arthur’s has emotion welling up in his chest. Merlin unties and removes his neckerchief before folding it up and carefully placing it on an empty corner of Arthur’s desk, the farthest from the inkwell. He takes less care with his jacket and tosses it onto the ground a few paces away.

Arthur crosses one leg over the other as he watches Merlin discard the fabric. To his delight Merlin kneels down in front of him and bends ever so slightly, prompting Arthur to secure the collar rather than do it himself.

The prince gives a pleased hum of approval as he uncrosses his legs. Merlin’s neck shows no trace of the bruises that adorned his skin not even forty-eight hours ago. His skin is smooth and pale with a hint of pink, he’ll never get over just how striking Merlin is.

Arthur carefully wraps the collar around Merlin’s neck, making sure that the pendant is settled in the middle of his neck right between his collarbones. Merlin’s skin is warm under his cooler fingers as he slowly clasps the latch to the tightness he knows Merlin loves. Goosebumps raise on Merlin’s neck from Arthur’s cool touch. The prince doesn’t miss his sorcerer’s shiver, though he isn’t sure if that’s from his fingers or from Merlin’s own excitement.

As Arthur latches the collar a shiver of pleasure sweeps down Merlin’s spine, the emotion swelling in his chest. The firm pressure on his neck just reassures him that he is indeed Arthur’s. It dissuades the fear that has been gnawing at the back of his mind of Arthur becoming king and the political marriage that will surely follow soon after. It calms all his worries of what the future holds for them and grounds Merlin to the moment of here and now. It assures him of just how deep Arthur’s care for him truly goes, something Merlin didn’t understand until very recently, he’s not sure if even he fully understands it still. The thought that Arthur could possibly care for him just as entirely as Merlin does him, it doesn't seem feasible, but there’s no way Merlin could ever doubt Arthur’s care again, not after everything he has done for him. For his sorcerer. It’s a devotion so deep, a bond so visceral it borders on dangerous.

“Always so pretty,” Arthur murmurs as he traces the top of Merlin’s collar with a chilled finger.

Merlin looks up bashfully, a coy smile playing on his lips. Arthur runs a hand through his hair as he admires just how beautiful his sorcerer is.

“Boots, trousers, and smalls. All off.”

Merlin’s smile grows as he stands back up, lighting his face in a way that always has the prince feeling a little too smitten.

Arthur watches as Merlin unlaces and steps out of his boots. Though his servant's movements slow down as he toys with the laces of his trousers just long enough to tickle Arthur’s impatience, but when Arthur opens his mouth to reprimand him Merlin finally undoes the laces.

Merlin teasingly shimmies his trousers down making sure to turn to the side and accentuate his arse as he leads his breeches to the floor. Arthur’s eyes follow each movement hungrily as Merlin coquettishly looks up through his lashes before stepping out of his trousers and in turn closer to Arthur.

The sorcerer moves in the same enticing way as he slides down his smalls with a similar sway of his hips and a devious smile that prickles Arthur’s desire to remind Merlin who is in charge.

The prince doesn’t even realize how hard he is, too caught up in this little performance of Merlin’s, until his cock is straining against his trousers.

Merlin’s tunis is just long enough to cover his groin but when he moves in certain ways it has his hard prick peaking out allowing the prince only glimpses.

Arthur clears his throat but makes no move to hide his erection. He turns his chair back towards his desk but makes sure to leave just enough room in front of him.

“Come here, over my lap.” Arthur orders.

Merlin drapes himself over the prince’s lap, in a way Arthur finds resembles that of a cat languidly stretching.

The position has his collar pulling at his neck just a fraction firmer, it also brings back memories of his first punishment. It feels like a lifetime ago now.

“Mmm good.” Arthur praises as he shuffles a hand around a drawer for the oil he keeps here, his other hand moves to the small of Merlin’s back.

The praise has Merlin playfully wiggling on his lap.

Once he finds the oil Arthur is quick to slick up his fingers before circling Merlin’s opening.

Merlin hums contentedly knowing whatever this punishment is won’t have him waiting to find his release.

He lets out a wanton moan as Arthur slowly slides his first slick finger in.

Arthur revels in Merlin’s little mews and moans as he stretches him open. The sounds only fuel his own arousal that is now poking Merlin in the ribs. Arthur takes his time, slowly stretching his sorcerer open, he is not going to take any risks of hurting him.

Impatience prickles down Merlin’s spine but he won’t risk voicing it in lieu of having to wait longer, so he does his best to melt into the feeling. The few times Arthur curls his fingers and brushes that spot that has Merlin’s impatience rearing its head, each time the sparks flare in his abdomen he finds his restraint slipping ever so slightly, but he holds strong.

Finally, Arthur removes his fingers. “Now, I am going to once again try to have you keep my prick nice and warm in that little arse of yours, is that understood?” Arthur’s voice comes out low and gravelly.

Merlin scrunches his face in annoyance, thankfully Arthur can’t see his expression. As much as he wants to argue, as much as he doesn’t want to wait, he knows better. He knows Arthur will just have him wait longer, wait for his permission to feel good. And with all the heightened emotions and uncertainty recently, Merlin finds himself wanting to be good for Arthur, to be praised and rewarded today rather than admonished and punished.

“Yes, my lord.” Merlin draws flirtatiously as he sits up.

Lust flutters across Arthur’s skin from the way Merlin seductively drawls his title. Unlike last time Arthur maneuvers him so they are both facing the desk, Merlin's back against the prince’s chest. Arthur is sure to be gentle as he helps position his servant while pulling out his own cock and bollocks from his trousers.

The view is mouthwatering as Merlin hovers his oiled up arse over Arthur’s own leaking prick. With hands on either side of Merlin’s hips, Arthur slowly leads him down his cock.

Arthur has to bite the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from thrusting up into his sorcerer’s tantalizingly wet heat.

Merlin moans as his hole flutters around Arthur as he sinks down. It’s too slow and beyond frustrating, but last time he wasn’t able to properly warm the prince’s cock the prat tied him up and made him wait until the very end to find his release. He does not want to risk that again, at least not when he needs this, both physically and more startlingly, emotionally. He isn’t sure what it is but his nerves feel a bit frayed, it has him near desperate to be good for Arthur. It’s as if his collar and Arthur’s hands are the sole things holding him together and stopping him from prostrating himself on the bed and begging for it.

He can’t be sure if it’s from his recent revelation of Arthur’s devoutness towards him or if some part of him thinks this will help Arthur feel better and take his mind off of recent events, but even his magic is urging him to please.

So he lets Arthur guide him down at a maddening pace until he can settle against his chest, arse griping the prince’s royal prick.

Merlin half sighs half whimpers as Arthur coaxes him to relax back against him. The prince’s fingers gently trail up and down Merlin’s sides as Arthur whispers honeyed praises for Merlin listening so well.

“Such a good boy, being so good today hmm?” Arthur rumbles into his neck.

Merlin leans his head back against Arthur’s shoulder and nuzzles his face into the prince’s neck.

Arthur chuckles, his hands become more firm on his sides. “Look at my sorcerer, doing such a good job for me.”

The praise has Merlin’s head feeling delightfully fuzzy, though not enough to distract from his eagerly waiting prick. He takes a deep breath and tries to focus on Arthur’s words rather than his own want.

Merlin’s deep breath as he tries to calm himself has amusement bubbling in Arthur’s stomach, “Maybe if you keep being so good your punishment won’t last as long.”

There’s a satisfying sadistic pleasure that stirs through Arthur as a bit of hope flickers to life in Merlin. It will make it all the more satisfying to yank away that hopefulness.

They sit like that for a few moments as Arthur continues working on his speech. He is actually able to get more than expected done before Merlin starts twitching, hole clenching around Arthur’s cock greedily.

Merlin.” Arthur’s voice is stern with warning.

Merlin goes limp against him with a petulant sound so small Arthur could have imagined it. But the prince is willing to grant him the benefit of the doubt, for now.

It takes far less time for Merlin to start twitching again. He moves his hips fractionally in hopes Arthur is too focused on his work to notice.

Merlin can’t help it though, knowing he is being used by Arthur has his proud erection refusing to flag. And when Arthur shifts his arm to write or re-ink his quill his movements have Merlin’s tunic shifting and teasingly ghosting over his cock.

Little does Merlin know Arthur is fully aware of what he is doing. How each movement of his arms not only has Merlin’s tunic brushing against him but how it has his own cock shifting inside of his sorcerer.

The tight heat of Merlin’s arse is comforting and maddening at the same time. It is indeed keeping his cock wet and warm but Arthur has to keep fighting the urge to grind his hips up and ruthlessly fuck into his sorcerer; to feel the slick drag down the shaft of his cock is extremely tempting.

Arthur is able to nearly finish his speech before Merlin’s undulating gets too strong and the puffs of hot breath on his neck become too distracting.


The domineering tone of Arthur’s voice sends a chill through Merlin that only has him tightening further around the prince.

“What happened to behaving?” Arthur rumbles, turning his head and nosing at the side of Merlin’s face until the servant looks at him, there’s a red spot on his cheek where he had been pressed against Arthur’s shoulder.

Merlin’s eyes are wide and full of various emotions Arthur can’t quite decipher, but the growing impatience is clear on his face.

“I am behaving.” Merlin says a bit more tersely than he means to.

“Ah, so it’s you who gets to make such decisions?” Arthur’s voice is steady with a false calmness that Merlin knows all too well.

“No, sire.” Merlin grits out, his patience slipping by the second.

Hmm seems this conditioning hasn’t been for naught. Seems you have at least learned something.” Arthur’s eyes flick down to Merlin’s lips then back up to his eyes.

Merlin is about to speak but Arthur cuts him off solely to annoy the servant, “I should still punish you, clearly you know better by now. Especially after last time I tried to use you as my cock warmer..”

Merlin’s lips press into a harsh line but Arthur continues, “Perhaps, I can be persuaded since you were so good before.”

“And how might I persuade you while keeping still sire?”

“Easy.” Arthur says much too cheerfully all of a sudden.

Before Merlin can ask, the prince is shifting him around to properly sit on him and face the desk. The movement has Merlin lurching forward as his prostate is brushed against, his cock dribbling precum in turn.

Arthur hisses out a breath as Merlin tightens around him, his hands gripping Merlin’s fabric clad waist.

Once they are resituated Arthur clears his throat, “You will sit here and revise my speech. Once it is up to my standards then we can finish.” Merlin can hear Arthur smile on the last word, unable to hide his amusement from the word play.

Annoyance bubbles in Merlin at having to wait but he’s written many speeches for Arthur, it should be no trouble fixing this one.

“Yes, sire.” Merlin aquiceses for things to get a move on.

He isn’t even halfway through his first read when Arthur’s hands slide from his waist down to his bare thighs.

This utter prat.

Merlin clenches his jaw and tries to focus on anything other than the prince’s rough hands caressing the very sensitive area where his legs and groin converge.

Arthur smiles into the back of Merlin’s neck as he noses at the leather collar. He can feel Merlin’s breaths start to pick up with each intimate caress of his fingers. The prince slides his hands further down to his sorcerer’s inner thighs. Merlin tenses at the tickling feeling and it has his hole practically milking Arthur’s cock.

The prince gently pushes on Merlin's thighs, spreading them a fraction more and the low moan Merlin tries to muffle is music to Arthur’s ears. “Keep going,” Arthur growls lowly, his lips skimming his servant's ear.

Arthur watches as Merlin puts his best face forward and tries to focus on the speech. It’s rather impressive, in all honesty, he hadn’t expected Merlin to last this long. It has a smug pleasure unwinding in his stomach to see Merlin truly trying to behave, trying to please him, but he knows the sorcerer will only hold out for so long.

Merlin is able to make a few minor addendums before he feels his patience slip. Arthur’s hot tongue and lips mouth around his collar playfully while his hands possessively fondle his thighs, his fingers working into the supple skin. And every so often he will deliciously grind his hips up and how is Merlin supposed to just ignore that? It blazes the already glowing coals of want burning in his chest.

“Arthur,” Merlin’s voice croaks, “Speech is done.”

Hmm?” Arthur hums against his neck.

“The speech.” Merlin says harsher this time, “It’s done.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” Arthur purrs into his neck before grabbing the speech, the movement has his cock shifting further in Merlin, the servant can’t stop the pitiful whimper that escapes him.

Arthur turns his attention to the speech for a mere moment before putting it back on the desk. “Mmm not yet. Keep going.”

It’s impossible to miss the flare of anger in Merlin. The prat didn’t even read the fucking thing. His fists are clenched, his jaw set stubbornly and his eyes are glaring daggers the best he can from this position. Arthur doubts Merlin even realizes his fists are clenched so tightly.

“It’s alright,” Arthur smiles pompously, the way he knows Merlin can’t stand. “I’m sure you’ll get it this time.”

It takes everything in Merlin to not strangle the prince right then and there. His magic churns under his skin in displeasure. His annoyance nearly overpowering his arousal, almost. He almost wishes it did so his damn erection would stop throbbing.

Arthur goes back to kissing Merlin’s neck and caressing his soft legs, though his hands start to trail higher leaving delicate strokes over his sorcerer’s lower abdomen.

When Arthur suddenly speaks up it startles Merlin out of his very intense attempt to concentrate on the speech again.

“Merlin, add another log to the hearth.” Arthur is sure to tell him what to do rather than ask.

“U-hm” Merlin stops for a moment, confused by the sudden request. “You want me to move?”

He can practically hear Arthur rolling his eyes. “If only there was some way for you to do such a thing without moving from my cock.”

Merlin’s magic nearly leaps out of him once he understands what Arthur is asking. He turns as much as he can to catch a glimpse of the prince’s face but his expression is one of impatience.

“Are you sure?” Merlin asks slowly, his anger abated for the moment.

“Yes you dolt. The hearth is dying and if you move you wouldn’t be keeping my prick warm would you?”

Merlin flicks his eyes to the hearth then back to Arthur. When he doesn’t say anything Merlin casts a silent spell, he can see the gold reflect off of Arthur’s eyes. The prince’s eyes only move to the hearth when the new log clunks against the others but he is quick to find Merlin’s gaze again. Merlin’s magic reaches towards Arthur but the sorcerer pulls it back before it can reach him. It settles back under his skin with an unhappy buzz.

There’s a new sort of tension settling between them, not one of impatience and vexatious teasing but something more that Merlin can’t put his finger on.

“Good.” Arthur clears his throat, “now, hurry and finish that speech.”

Merlin’s searching gaze lingers a moment too long before he turns back around. Arthur’s cock gives a particularly intense twitch that has Merlin yearning to grind his hips down, but the distraction was enough to settle his annoyance enough to focus long enough to finish going over the speech for the second time.

All the while Arthur goes about doing whatever he can to egg on his servant. From soft grunts of pleasure to avaricious kisses to his neck and upper shoulders, even letting his hands wander high enough to caustically brush over Merlin’s nipples.

He doesn’t miss the way the lower part of Merlin’s tunic is wet with spots of precum from his enthusiastic cock. But at this point Arthur is also trying his best to not give in, the pressure of Merlin’s tight slickened hole is tortuous and he wants more than anything to just bend him over and fuck him into the desk. This is a punishment though, and what kind of master would he be if he gave in to temptation so easily? Though Merlin certainly tries his willpower.

“Let’s see.”

Merlin is glad to hear Arthur’s voice is just as wrecked as his own.

But when Arthur once again places the speech down onto the desk, very clearly not having taken enough time to read it, any positive emotion of Merlin’s flies into the hearth and shrivels up into a dead nothingness. His magic thrashes under his skin in defiance.

“Next time for sure.” Arthur’s voice comes out suddenly normal, “Third time’s the charm.” He pats Merlin’s thigh deprecatingly. The contact creates soft little slapping noises.

All of the heightened emotions as of late come crashing over Merlin. The unsureness, the affection, the care, the hurt, the desire, the anger, the aggravation. They all converge into a conglomeration Merlin would never be able to describe as anything other than power. Pure power that thrums through his body and fuses with his magic as his patience fully snaps.

He glances over his shoulder just in time for Arthur to see the flash of gold.

And suddenly Arthur’s arms are being restrained above his head by wispy golden light. In that same ‘x’ position he had used on Merlin the first time.

It takes him a moment to even process what is happening, so focused on the brilliant gold now fading from Merlin’s gaze.

With his arms magically restrained above his head Arthur doesn’t feel a drop fear. He can feel the magic swirling around him teasingly in heated caresses that lick at his skin. Even as Arthur feels no fear, he doesn't feel much of anything else, his mind going blank in utter stupefaction.

Merlin moves himself off Arthur’s cock, the sensation has Merlin scrunching his face only for a moment at the sudden emptiness, but he stands tall as he fully turns around.

Arthur’s expression is one Merlin has surely never seen. It’s pure confusion. His brows raised high, his eyes wide and lips parted as he seemingly tries to form any coherent thoughts.

Merlin can’t help but smirk at the prince’s shocked face.

The infuriating smirk on Merlin’s face shakes Arthur back into his thoughts, the prince’s face quickly falls into an unamused expression.

Merlin, what do you think you are doing?”

Merlin’s smirk only grows, his words come out sharply. “I find I am no longer able to wait for your thickheaded approval of my writing when you won’t even fucking read it.”

Arthur raises a questioning brow, amusement and disbelief dancing under the surface of his haughty exasperation. His eyes trail down Merlin, pausing on his cock that is peeking from under his pre-cum spotted tunic, before dragging back up.

“And you’re going to do something about it?” Arthur asks scornfully, his own annoyance stirring in him. Years ago he would have been outraged by someone questioning his authority, but with Merlin, well, he’s a bit balefully curious to see what he thinks he can do.

“Yes. I am. I am going to take it into my own hands since you don’t have the bollocks to man up and do it.” Merlin stands to his full height.

An animalistic snarl tears out of Arthur’s throat. “You fucking insolent brat.”

Merlin chuckles slyly as his eyes flash gold once again.

Arthur finds himself and the chair he is sat in far too quickly sliding closer to the center of the room. He can’t stop the way he tenses at the unexpected movement.

Merlin saunters over to Arthur, his gait brimmed with confidence that makes his walk feel more like a mischievous prowl. Slick liquids glistening on the upper most part of his thighs unhidden by his tunic.

“Just you wait until your next fucking punishment.” Arthur sneers as he pulls against the magical binds. It’s a strange feeling, it’s not rough like rope but has the same give, only allowing him very menial movement. His hands are suspended high up enough that it doesn’t pull him up from the chair but has a satisfying stretch pulling in his biceps.

Being a trained knight Arthur is well aware he could just stand up from the chair as nothing is really restraining his legs or feet, but he’s curious to see where Merlin is going with this.

“Fine,” Merlin purrs. He places a hand on Arthur’s shoulder, seductively trailing his fingers across the prince’s built frame as he circles him. “Next time you can do whatever you want to me.” He comes to a stop in front of him. “But this time,” Merlin tilts Arthur’s chin up, “I am in charge.”

The words have Arthur instinctively sneering as he stares daggers at his defiant sorcerer.

“Good.” Merlin grins again, sinking to his knees between Arthur’s legs.

In their scuffle Arthur’s cock has gotten half covered by his trousers, he hadn’t even noticed until Merlin starts playing with his laces.

His sorcerer looks up through his lashes at him, eyes hungry, face flushed, and exuding confidence. “Do you remember our word, darling?”

Merlin can’t stop the giggly laugh that bubbles out of him at the face Arthur pulls from the pet name.

Arthur can’t help but chuckle along with Merlin’s ridiculous laugh. “Yes, you dollophead. I know what the word is.”

The play-anger settles between them as their laughing dies down. Though it doesn’t fully dissipate, there is still that vexing competitiveness that seems to always linger between them.

“Good.” Merlin smirks up at him before deftly undoing the laces and dragging Arthur’s trousers and smalls down in one easy swoop. He makes sure to bring his face a hair's breadth away from the prince’s proud cock before tossing the clothing to the side.

Merlin wastes no time and starts nuzzling and kissing Arthur’s thighs playfully, making sure to keep just out of reach of the prince’s cock.

Merlin’s movements tickle the hair on Arthur’s thighs but the servant's quick pants and hot lips have Arthur’s already spirited desire rupturing under his skin.

The prince’s groans of want give Merlin a heady feeling he isn’t exactly sure what to do with.

“You always make such tantalizing sounds, sire.” Merlin mumbles into his thigh.

Another bubble of amusement forms in Arthur’s stomach. He knows what Merlin is doing. While the prince doesn’t take to compliments the same way his sorcerer does he certainly still appreciates them, especially from Merlin, even more so when he uses that sultry tone.

Arthur knows Merlin had never done anything like this before the curse, so everything he is doing he has learned from Arthur himself. It has the prince feeling an odd sense of pride.

Merlin moves from the prince’s thigh and instead noses at his cock teasingly, the position has Merlin’s collar rubbing against the inside of Arthur's thigh. Arthur sucks in a breath as the servant places a singular open mouthed kiss at the base of his cock, precum beading at the tip of his prick.

Merlin slowly moves to his feet, Arthur watching each bewitching sway of his hips hypnotically.

His servant gives a demure smile as he plays with the hem of Arthur’s tunic. The sorcerer barely starts to lift the fabric before it dawns on him that he can’t get it off Arthur with his hands bound.

Arthur, seeing the predicament, chuckles. However, he is quick to choke on that laugh as his shirt magically vanishes off of him.

Merlin’s smugness only grows. “Oh, Arthur,” he coos as he straddles the prince’s lap, facing him this time, “you have no idea the things I can do with my magic.”

Arthur’s not sure why his heart is pounding so fast, if it's from arousal, intrigue, or both. He can feel his pulse throbbing everywhere as it pumps desire through his entire being.

Merlin leans into his neck and starts laving at his skin, being sure to place any marks where they will be hidden out of sight. Arthur tries to bring his hands down to grind Merlin’s hips against his but he is stopped by his binds.

“Gods Arthur you have no idea what you do to me.” Merlin groans into the crook of his neck.

“I have an idea.” His voice comes out gruffer than he expected.

“No, you don’t understand.” Merlin drags his lips up Arthur’s neck and over his jaw to his mouth, where he breathes out, “My magic, it craves you, lusts for you. It adores you to no end. It has me pushing your buttons to see how hard you’ll push back. Gods Arthur” Merlin grinds against the prince rubbing their stiffened, leaking cocks together, they both groan at the feeling. “I need you so badly, I need you the same way a man needs air, a sword needs a knight, an arrow needs a bow. I need you intrinsically, a position that can only ever be filled by you.” Merlin brings his mouth down on Arthur’s.

It’s passionate and ravenous as they devour each other, Merlin’s hands gripping at Arthur’s elevated shoulders as he works himself against his master.

“I understand,” Arthur says between their shared gasping breaths. “God I understand Merlin. I need you more than anything in this world. I crave you more than I do air. If allowed I would worship the ground you walk on. Even as king I would beg my servant for even a moment more of his notice.”

“Then beg.” Merlin rumbles.

Arthur’s stomach swoops at the demand.

“Please,” he breathes reverently against his sorcerer’s reddened lips.

Merlin moans, pushing his hips forward firmly.

Fuck,” Arthur groans out, “Merlin please,”

Melin brings his head back further from the prince, he brings a hand to Arthur’s blonde locks and tugs. The prince's head tilts back, exposing the lean muscles of his neck, his tendons are taught and his adam's apple bobbing as he groans.

“More,” Merlin growls into Arthur’s jaw.

“Merlin, please, I need you so fucking bad. Need your tight little arse on my cock. I need you in my bed every fucking night. I need your breathy little moans around my cock. I need your lips against mine, your tongue on my skin. I need you, fuck I need you so much Merlin. I- .” Arthur cuts himself off before he says too much. The desperation is getting to be too much, washing over him in waves that threaten to spill the words he is so desperately holding to his chest. The magic that caresses his skin grows stronger and more fervent, sending hot tingles of desire straight to his now painfully throbbing prick.

Merlin’s hips low down but he pulls at Arthur’s hair again and the prince gets the hint.

“Please Merlin, fuck, please I need you on me right now. P-please Merlin, I promise you’ll feel so good, I’ll fill you up so fucking good. God Merlin please.” Arthur’s voice breaks on the last word.

Merlin’s pupils are blown but his eyes remain harsh.

“I’ll stretch you open, fuck that sensitive spot you love so much. I’ll make it so good for you.” Arthur’s hips flex as his voice cracks with genuine desperation. “You’re always so good for me, making me feel so good. Allow me- mmph- the same, let me make you feel good.”

Arthur moves his mouth to kiss Merlin’s jaw, breathing the words into his heated skin. “Please, slide yourself on my cock, use my prick to pleasure yourself however you wish. Please just let me inside you.”

Merlin lets go of his hair, Arthur looks up to see Merlin’s eyes flash gold once more and suddenly Arthur’s cock is feeling much warmer and slicker than just moments before.

With one sturdy moment Merlin adjusts his position and sinks down Arthur’s prick. The sensation has both of them groaning, Arthur tossing his head back, Merlin leaning his head forward against the prince’s shoulder.

Merlin, already very well stretched up from warming the prince’s cock, wastes no time and lifts himself up before dropping back down, Arthur’s cock delectably filling him up.

Arthur’s head spins with pleasure as Merlin tosses his head back and moans freely, vehemently riding his cock chasing his own pleasure.

“Fuck,” Arthur hisses, lidded eyes locked onto the erotic movements of his servant. The coil and flex of every muscle as he shifts for the perfect angle. “Does it feel good, Merlin? Am I filling you thoroughly enough? Is my prick satisfying- ah- your instatable voracity?”

Merlin’s voice is hot and breathy, “S’good, sire. Feels- mmph- so good, you fill me so deliciously. Doing so well.” He brings a hand to Arthur’s cheek.

The fervent movements have the muscles of Merlin’s thighs burning, his ardor dies down only slightly as he brings his mouth to the prince’s. Falling into a slower yet deeper rhythm.

Arthur welcomes him into his mouth greedily, with slick licks of his tongue and salacious bites to his lips.

Arthur’s pleasure is building but just out of reach. He fights against the binds to no avail, “Merlin, please,” he moans into his servant's mouth but it’s clear the position is tiring his sorcerer out.

Arthur plants his feet firmly on the ground before thrusting his hips upwards.

Merlin yelps and scrambles for a hold on his shoulders as Arthur meets Merlin thrust for thrust, the energy coiling between them. Merlin leans into the angle of Arthur's thrusts until his cock is hitting his prostate dead on.

Merlin’s muscles tighten and shake and he feels his release nearly there when his magic whirls up around them. It’s as if bolts of lightning fueled by the most rapturous kind of desire caress against their skin as Merlin’s magic ties their pleasures together.

The abrupt sensation of the other's pleasure crashes through them, both men reaching the most staggering orgasms. Arthur watches enraptured as Merlin’s eyes flash from pink to gold and then to pink again as their broken groans fill the prince’s chambers, Arthur spilling into his sorcerer and Merlin onto his king.

Merlin immediately goes boneless against the prince. Arthur’s arms flop down as his binds disappear as well as the magic that had been crackling around them.

The prince is for the second time that late afternoon is unable to form any thoughts. He just sits there in the most relaxed afterglow he has ever experienced. After a few moments, he is able to move his arms enough to wrap one around Merlin’s hip and the other into his dark hair which is slightly damp with sweat.

It takes another moment for Merlin to stir.


“What?” Arthur’s voice croaks.

Merlin clears his throat before peeling himself off Arthur’s chest so he can see the prince, “Okay?”

Arthur’s smile is blinding.

“Yes.” He can’t stop himself from pressing a soft kiss to his sorcerer’s lips. “Are you okay?”

“More than.” Merlin gives a lazy crooked smile.

“Good.” Arthur kisses him again. “I’m going to move us to the bed.”

Before Merlin can say anything Arthur is picking him up. Merlin scrambles to wrap his arms around his neck and legs around his middle. “Arthur!”

“I would promise not to drop you but after your little stunt maybe I will.”

“If you even think about it I’ll turn you into a toad.”

Arthur sputters out a laugh as he lowers them onto the bed.

Once they’re settled under a blanket and cuddled up Arthur speaks up again. “Could you really?”

“Could I really what?” Merlin peeks up at him from where he is lying on the prince’s chest.

“Turn me into a toad.”

“Annoy me enough and find out.” Merlin shrugs.

“Brat.” Arthur flicks his ear playfully, fondness practically rolling off of him in waves.

They lay there for a while enjoying the crackling of the hearth and the steady breathing of the other. Their hands softly caress various expanses of skin as they lazily enjoy the afterglow. The sun is just starting to dip behind the trees when Merlin startles into an upright position, the blanket pooling around his waist.

“It’s gone.”

“What’s gone?” Arthur looks up at him like he’s grown a second head.

“The curse.”

Arthur’s heart plummets through the floor. “What?”

“It’s gone, I- I can't feel the magic anymore, I could always feel it, it was just there and not mine. But it’s- it’s gone.”

Merlin isn’t sure when he started dreading the end of the curse rather than hoping for it. But now that it’s over… he feels numb. It’s such an abrupt end, he had hoped he would have had some time to prepare himself at least, but now, gods it’s all over.

“O-okay. That’s great.” Arthur’s tight expression is anything but joyful.

Merlin turns his head so his hair blocks his eyes from Arthur’s view. He clears his throat wetly.

“It’s getting late, I’ll go fetch your dinner.”

“Merli-” Arthur reaches out but just misses the servant’s wrist.

“You should revise your speech. The citizens will start gathering soon.” With a silent spell Merlin’s clothes reappear on his, his neckerchief covering up his collar.

He’s out the door before Arthur can say anything.

The speech goes well. The citizens listened and took his mournful words to heart while he gave his best attempt at grieving, though it isn’t a far stretch from what he is feeling at the moment, just not towards his father.

Morgana doesn’t even bother trying to look sad. She just stands there stoically as Arthur addresses the people, his people. He can only hope that from so far away and in the fading light no one pays too close attention to his sister.

The following council meeting however is where things go from bad to worse.

After receiving condolences on his father from each member and then confirming when the funeral and coronation will take place. The funeral will be five days from now, his coronation the day after. They quickly start throwing marriage candidates at Arthur. Each member has their own belief on who would be the strongest political match. They even argue over how beautiful, or rich, or well mannered, each princess is, urging him to consider their choice and why it would be the most beneficial to Camelot.

All the while it takes everything in Arthur not to turn around to look to Merlin. Usually in any council meeting he’d look to Merlin for moral support or even just an amusing eye roll. This time he keeps his eyes resolutely forward.

For the most part Arthur just listens and watches as they argue amongst each other. And finally, finally the meeting is adjourned.

Merlin keeps his head bowed the entire silent walk to Arthur's chambers and as he prepares the room for sleeping. His fingers don’t linger as he changes the prince into his bedclothes nor does he allow any lingering looks at the prince.

He drags the blankets over Arthur in a very professional manner before blowing out the last candle at the bedside.

He does not lift his head as he speaks, “If there is nothing else sire I will be taking my le-”

Arthur gently grabs his wrist, it finally has Merlin looking at him.

The boy's expression is one of those the prince has still yet to fathom out.

“Stay.” Arthur whispers.

Merlin opens his mouth and starts pulling away but the prince tightens his hold, “Please.”

Different emotions flash over Merlin’s face before it falls back to the first indecipherable one.

Merlin goes to answer but instead closes his mouth and gives a small nod.

He can at least give himself this final time.

Arthur gives him a small smile that doesn’t quite reach his eyes.

The prince watches as Merlin walks around to the other side of the bed. He unlaces his boots and discards them, followed by his trousers and neckerchief. His fingers pause over his collar, unsure what he should do.

“You don’t have to sleep with it, if you don’t want to.” There’s so much more underneath Arthur’s statement and they are both aware, it hangs heavily between them.

There’s another long pause before Merlin moves.

Arthur’s chest clenches as Merlin takes the collar off and places it on his bedside table.

Merlin eases himself into the bed with only his tunic and smalls on.

Arthur is quick to wrap his arms around the servant. He pulls Merlin in close, his back against Arthur’s bare chest.

Arthur isn’t sure how long they have been laying there, at least an hour and a half when he feels Merlin’s chest sputtering.

The prince takes a deep breath before propping himself up and turning his servant over.

Merlin’s lips quiver as tears stream down his red cheeks, his breaths heave, and his nose sniffles.

There are so many tears in his eyes Merlin can’t see anything other than vague shapes lit only by the light of the hearth.

Arthur leans over him and cups his face, his calloused thumbs wipe away the tears but they just keep coming.

Arthur’s own eyes sting as his throat tightens. “It’s okay.” He whispers as he tries to whip away Merlin’s tears, “It’ll be okay.” He brings his lips to Merlin’s.

Merlin lets out a small sob into his mouth, hands gripping at his shoulders.

“It’ll be okay.” Arthur keeps mumbling between kisses, he can no longer stop his own tears.

Their kisses are somehow soft and sweet yet damningly desperate.

Exhaustion finally pulls them under after their tears have long run dry.

Merlin’s final power bottom rating: 7.75
Merlin’s initial magic kink rating: N/A
Merlin’s final magic kink rating: 10
Arthur’s final magic kink rating: 10

Chapter End Notes

Ouch that ending hurt me.

Side note: This chapter ended up being way longer than I expected. But that's always fun!

Finally!!! We did it! We made it to the most requested kink! I really hope you guys like this chapter! It was a blast to write.

It felt so good to sit down and write some proper smut again lol.

I can't believe there is only one chapter left. Aaaarhg. But don't worry there will be info about the epilogue in the notes of the net chapter, and perhaps what my next fic will be about for those who are interested~

I can never say it enough but thank you guys so much for all your love and support. It means the world to me <3

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TikTok: Lex1800

Because They Don't Have To

Chapter Notes

It’s finally here.

I’ll keep the top notes short but I ask that once you are done with this chapter to please read through the bottom notes. There’s some important info in there, as well all my blubbering lol.

I just want to say that I have another song meant for a specific scene so I will link to the song in the word as well the bottom of these notes. I seriously recommend listening to it while reading that scene! You can just loop the song until the following page break. Otherwise feel free to listen to what ever you'd like for the rest of the chapter!

That being said, I truly can not thank each and every one of you enough. I appreciate you to the end of the world and back and I am so happy that we were able to go on this journey together and I am so glad you were able to find this story. I can not thank you enough for sticking around until the end. <3

Oh! Also, for those who would like to read it the Leon/George fic is up! A few sleuths were already able to find it~ It is also linked in the bottom notes! The Harvest Festival


Song: Holy Water (Piano and Strings Version) By Flora Cash

The will or principle of determining cause
by which things are believed to come to be
as they are.

Five days have gone by and everything is completely back to the way it was before this whole mess. Is what Merlin keeps trying to convince himself. But, there are some positives at least. For example, Merlin in fact has thankfully not started to spring erections every two days now that the curse is over. And with Arthur’s crowning tomorrow Merlin will technically be promoted. But first, they have to get through Uther’s funeral this evening.

Merlin’s entire body is sore as he leans over to tie his bootlaces. He has been nonstop with preparations for the funeral and the coronation. Whatever free time he managed to scrounge up between the extra duties and helping Gaius he has been spending with Morgana, slowly teaching her the very basics of magic in hopes that she can get a stronger grip on her powers. But that is far and in between as there are already quite a few visiting noble families set up in the guest chambers to help attend to between the other preparations. There are already some lower ranking royals, Merlin can’t recall exactly who as there are just too many to remember at this point with many more scheduled to arrive today. And those who are unable to attend have sent letters to Arthur that Merlin is of course in charge of delivering.

It isn’t even dawn yet but sleep has restlessly evaded Merlin the past few nights, even with the added exhaustion of the endless tasks of each day he found himself tossing and turning every night. Perhaps he got too used to the prince’s down stuffed mattress, his own hay one certainly pales in comparison.

He stands up, stretching his arms above his head before stepping over to his dresser. He reaches for his red neckerchief, the similarly colored collar sat next to the fabric has the all familiar pang in his chest throbbing.

He can’t bear to wear it anymore. It’s a reminder that he will always be Arthur’s, and for that, Merlin is eternally grateful, but wearing it now feels more like an all constricting suffocation rather than the reassuring pressure it had before. He will always be happy to be Arthur’s until the day he dies, and beyond if the fates allow, but the constant reminder that Arthur will never be able to be his is too torturous. And the visiting nobility are far too strong of a reminder of that.

Merlin shakes his head in an attempt to rid the pitiful thoughts from his head. He needs to focus on the positives. Tomorrow Arthur will be crowned king and Merlin’s destiny will be fulfilled. And if the druid’s prophecy is to be believed that will commence the birth of a united Albion, where magic is no longer illegal. It’s a good thing. Truly.

With one last pull of his neckerchief Merlin slips on his jacket and heads to the kitchens.

“Rise and shine lazy daisy!”

Arthur cracks his eyes open only to be blinded from the earliest streaks of light as Merlin pulls the curtains open.

His manservant’s annoying wake up call had been irksome before, obnoxiously loud and abrasive as he tends to be no matter the time of day, even dawn. But now that Arthur must be awoken in such a way knowing how pleasant it is to instead wake with his servant in his arms, it’s all but infuriating.

“Come on,” Merlin chirps from the table, uncovering Arthur’s food, “you have an incredibly full schedule today, no time to tarry.”

Arthur pouts as he groggily sits up, exhaustion’s claws still deep in his sides. As wrong as it is he knows they must have this funeral for his father, though it is certainly undeserved. He has to keep up the image of the grieving son to a father lost far too soon to an underlying heart condition.

And then his crowning will take place tomorrow.

Even though Arthur is not particularly mournful of losing his father, he still finds it strange to have the day following Uther’s funeral to be one of celebrations and festivities. Morgana had said they should just start the festivities during the funeral. She could at least pretend to be grieving. But Arthur can’t say that he doesn’t understand, after everything she has been through, it's understandable she is relieved he is gone.

Arthur pads over to the table and sits down, the floor is cool on his bare feet. Merlin fills his goblet before shuffling over to the hearth and adding another log.

The prince starts cutting into his ham, and once again finds himself staring at his plate. It’s fuller than usual, a few extra sausages and chicken legs, all the grapes are present, he has two fully toasted cuts of bread. It’s clear that once again Merlin has not swiped any of his food. Arthur starts cutting into his ham with more vigor.

They haven’t talked about it. After that last night together Arthur woke up in his bed alone and Merlin later charged in like nothing had happened.

The closest they came was the two day mark after Merlin said the curse was gone. Arthur believed him even though he hadn’t wanted to, but he wanted to make sure. So he bade Merlin to stay nearby at the usual time, the air had been tight with tension, and perhaps hope, but when nothing happened, no pain washing over Merlin, they both knew it was truly gone. And since then there had been no mention of what happened, not even a hint that anything transpired between them.

There were no lingering touches as Merlin dressed him, no soft smiles as they went about their duties or endearing blushes when making eye contact for a moment longer than normal. It was clear Merlin was purposefully keeping his touches professional, he has even been deferring his eyes like a proper servant far too often for Arthur’s liking. Being so busy they hadn’t seen much of each other since, and while Merlin kept up his usual banter it was half-hearted, his smile never fully reaching his eyes. As painful as it is, Arthur knows it’s for the best.

Arthur reigns in his sigh as Merlin starts to stack his plates.

“So then,” Arthur says as he stands to make his way towards the clothes Merlin has laid out, “What’s first then?”

Merlin follows him and starts to dutifully undress the prince. “Well, most of the day you will be greeting the envoys of various nobles and royals. I couldn’t be bothered to remember them all.” Keeping his eyes on his job Merlin misses Arthur’s fond eye roll.

“Well, it’s a good thing at least one of us has brain enough to know the heraldry of the upper class.”

“And yet you still can’t dress yourself.” The corner of Merlin’s mouth quirks as he does up the emblazoned button on Arthur’s trousers.

Merlin.” A flicker or something akin to amusement dances in Arthur’s chest, though it's tamped down by the despondent ache that has recently been dwelling there.

Merlin reaches for the silken tunic he had lain out. It is a dark brownish-black color, he drapes it over Arthur’s head before doing up the laces on his chest. “You will have time for a very brief lunch as long as everything goes to plan, then you will have to greet the last of the arriving nobility before heading to the gardens where the private funeral will be held.” Merlin walks around and grabs Arthur’s red embroidered jacket before slipping it on over the prince’s back. “Though I’m not sure why it’s being called private as nearly all of the nobility in Albion will be attending.”

“It’s because the public is not allowed to attend.” Arthur answers easily, usually, he’d tease Merlin for his lack of knowledge but he can hardly blame the peasant boy for never having attended a royal funeral.

“I don’t see why that is even a stipulation, there’s no way the entirety of Camelot could fit in the castle gardens, however big they may be.” Merlin’s voice trails a few paces behind him before he reappears in front of him, sword belt in hand.

“If it was public then it would be held in the courtyard you dolt.” Arthur sucks in a breath as Merlin reaches around his center and under his jacket to align his belt.

“Ah. That would make more sense.” Merlin muses more to himself than Arthur.

The prince watches as Merlin clasps his belt in place. Not that he would ever say it out loud, but Merlin has become quite adept at his job over the years, even if Arthur actively says otherwise.

Merlin stands back up and Arthur turns his gaze away until Merlin turns and using two hands offers him his polished sword. Something about the reverence of Merlin’s movements stands out to Arthur but he can’t say why. The prince wordlessly takes the weapon and sheathes it at his hip.

“One last thing.” Merlin says before pacing away. Arthur hears the sound of a familiar key turning.

Merlin paces back in front of him, golden circlet gleaming in his hands.

Merlin could easily reach up and place it on his head, as he has done so many times before. But something about the moment has Arthur kneeling down to one knee and turning his gaze to the floor.

The unexpected action has Merlin fumbling for a moment. The act of respect is certainly not lost on him, whether it is to reflect Merlin’s trust of handing Arthur his sword, a silent thank you for his effort, or something else, Merlin isn’t sure. But it certainly has his heart pounding in his chest, the weight of the moment is heavy between them.

With a deep breath Merlin straightens his back and places the circlet on Arthur’s golden hair. He doesn’t notice the way his fingers linger until Arthur’s eyes look up to meet his.

Merlin is quick to withdraw his hands, lacing them behind his back as he turns his gaze away, afraid Arthur will see through him.

Arthur’s clothes shuffle as he stands back up. “Thank you.” It feels right to have Merlin be the last one to crown him as a prince, the one who has always seen the real him, crown or not.

The unexpected thanks has Merlin's eyes darting back up to meet his. “It’s an honor my lord.”

His servant's unabashed fealty has goosebumps prickling at his skin. Arthur doesn’t think he will ever get used to the moments when Merlin shows just how loyal he truly is. The prince swallows harshly before speaking up, “Well, we should be heading to the castle’s steps.”

“Of course.” Merlin averts his gaze once more before moving to open the door for Arthur.

The sky is a bright pink as they find their way to the castle steps. The knights are already there chatting amongst themselves though they all bow to Arthur as he passes.

The prince takes his dutiful spot, where his father would have stood, and waits. Morgana gives a grouchy hello, irked at being awake so early. She is ensconced in her red fur lined cloak to protect her from the frosty morning air.

They make small talk with not much else to do as they wait, their breaths puff out into white mist in front of them. The cold stings the tips of Arthur’s ears, he’s thankful Merlin had picked out a jacket today for him today. He can’t help but absently wonder if Merlin is warm enough in his regular clothes and threadbare jacket, he doesn’t turn around to check.

“It’s a strange feeling,” Gwen whispers to Merlin.

“What is?” he asks leaning closer to the maidservant.

“Seeing Arthur where Uther would usually be. Growing up in Camelot, it’s always been Uther there to lead the people.” Gwen’s voice is a strange mix of whimsy and contempt. “But it feels right, seeing Arthur there like that.”

Merlin’s eyes flick to the prince. He looks as regal as ever bathed in the golden light of early morning. Gwen is right, it’s as if Arthur is made to rule Camelot. And Merlin supposes he is, according to destiny. The fates chose well.

But even knowing Arthur will one day be the greatest king all of Albion has ever seen, there’s a very selfish part of him that whispers it's wrong. That Arthur shouldn’t be king, that they should have run off together when they had the chance. He fights against the sudden stinging in his nose and blinks away whatever moisture threatens to pool in his eyes.

“He was born to rule Camelot.” Merlin smiles sadly at Gwen.

Guilt and understanding flash across Gwen's face before she reaches out and gives Merlin’s hand a friendly squeeze. “So, how has training been going with Morgana?” She makes sure to keep her voice low but the only ones who could possibly overhear them from where they stand are the Prince and Morgana herself who are in their own conversation.

It’s nearly lunchtime when Arthur’s feet start to ache. The sun hangs high in the sky but it has done little to warm the surrounding air. He has greeted so many envoys he’s lost track. But each time he makes sure to give his best and most regal welcoming to everyone. Firm handshakes to the lords and knights, small bows to the married ladies, and a kiss to the back of the hand for each eligible princess and lady of the court.

Thankfully given the glum atmosphere of a royal funeral none try to make conversation too long and no lady tries to slide into his good graces. No, that will come tomorrow with his crowning. But there have been a few ladies who have blushed and fluttered their eyes at him during their short interactions. He gives them a polite smile in return.

He does his best to keep his eyes and thoughts from wandering to Merlin. He can’t imagine what he would do if their positions were reversed. If Arthur had to stand and watch as- no. He can’t even get himself to think of it.

How Merlin is putting on such a brave face? Perhaps having to hide who he is for so many years isn’t too different from what he is doing now. Or maybe since it’s women and not men it's different, no, that’s ridiculous. It would be different if it were Merlin since he isn’t attracted to women, but Arthur has no trouble being attracted to both men and women and Merlin knows that.

Perhaps he’s just grown used to having to hide what has been between them. The thought startles Arthur, how long has Merlin cared for him? He never really stopped to consider it. Surely not before the curse, otherwise he would have run to Arthur first for assistance rather than Gwaine or Lancelot, right? But Merlin had said before his devoutness went beyond a sense of duty to the fates, that he stayed in Camelot because he saw who Arthur truly was, not just his for his titles. He risked death every day for Arthur, is that truly just fidelity, or has there been something more there far longer than Arthur had even considered? It would make sense with how easily Merlin has fallen back into their routine. The prince does not doubt if he were to ask the servant he would just get an earful about being an arrogant pompous git. Perhaps he is, maybe he’s reading too much into it.

The clopping of the next envoy draws him out of his thoughts. His bad mood sours even more. Morgana however, perks up slightly beside him, an unsettlingly mischievous air stirring around her.

Arthur descends the steps to greet the new arrivals.

“King Clarion.” Arthur shakes the older man’s forearm firmly.

“Prince Arthur.” The king returns, his voice laced with true sadness from what Arthur can tell. “It feels as if we were just here. It’s hard to believe your father has fallen so suddenly. You have my deepest condolences.”

“Thank you King Clarion. I appreciate your thoughtful words.”

“I would like to say thank you for continuing your aid to our campaign against the Saxons in the North.”

“Of course. You are one of Camelot’s closest allies, I assure you that will always mean something to me.”

“Well said. I can’t agree more.” There’s a slight fall to the tension in the man's shoulders. “I’m sure you remember but let me reintroduce my sons. My eldest, Sir Rhys. And then there’s Sirs Kane and Bowen, and my youngest Sir Elias.”

“How could I forget?” Arthur says with a tight smile as he gives them all knightly forearm grasps.

His grip is a little tighter with Prince Elias but the older man doesn’t mention anything.

“Hopefully you’ve worked on your swordsmanship since our last meeting Prince Elias?”

The man smiles brightly but his eyes drift to a spot behind Camelot's prince that has irritation swelling in Arthur’s chest. The visiting prince’s eyes quickly slide back to Arthur. “I have indeed. Perhaps after your coronation, we could give it another go if you are so inclined.”

King Clarion gives a hearty belly laugh. “Oh you boys are lucky, how I wish to have such youth again.”

Arthur chortles his practiced royal laugh as he tries to ignore the way Elias’ eyes drift behind him once again.

“Thank you all for taking the journey out here again and on such short notice. It is much appreciated. Allow some of our servants to show you to the chambers you will be staying in.”

“Thank you, Prince Arthur.” King Clarion gives a small bow of his head, “And might I just say, you’re already doing a fine job.”

Arthur is no stranger to boot licking, and as his knights are still assisting the Northumbrian King he can’t say it was unexpected. But the man's words strike a chord in Arthur’s chest that he hadn’t been prepared for.

The prince nods back in turn as they start to head up the steps.

However they only make it up a few steps before Prince Elias eagerly bounds towards Arthur’s manservant.

“Merlin!” The prince pulls the servant into a hug.

Arthur is so baffled his jaw visibly drops, a prince hugging a servant in front of everyone and one from a different kingdom no less. Arthur can't even form any anger at the moment, the following moment he is certainly able to though.

Merlin flails for a moment at the unexpected greeting, his face heats at the sudden attention as everyone in the courtyard is now giving them strange looks.

“Prince Elias. It’s a pleasure to see you.” Merlin bows the moment the prince stops hugging him, nearly bumping his head into the prince’s chest in the process.

He has no idea what he is supposed to do in this sort of situation. But as a servant he should just be as polite to the visiting royalty as possible right?

“And you!” The prince clasps him on the shoulder. “I have missed you! The servants back in Northumbria aren’t nearly as entertaining as you.”

The flush on Merlin’s cheeks darken as he trips over his words, “Oh- I- Uhm-”

“Elias!” King Clarion calls out from further up the steps.

Arthur prepares himself to see the prince scolded.

“Leave the poor lad alone, can’t you see he’s working?”

The man at least looks sheepish as he makes his way up towards his father.

“A friend of yours?” One of the middle brothers teases as they make their way into the citadel.

King Clarion's unaffected response has a different kind of anger building in Arthur. Are other kings as lax as Clarion? Is it just his father who has ruled with such a strong fist? Are princes in other parts of Albion held to different standards? Are they allowed to talk to their servants, are they allowed to have friends?

Just how much has Uther lied to him?

“Oh brother of mine.” Morgana calls out, “I’d say now is a good time to break for lunch wouldn’t you?”

Lunch flies by as do the rest of Arthur’s welcomings.

But even the embracement of Elias’ earlier greeting can’t shake the ugly and forlorn jealousy tugging at Merlin’s chest at having to watch Arthur greet all those noble women with delicate kisses to their hands and endearing princely smiles.

The worst part is that Merlin knows this is just the beginning of what is to come.

He presses the heels of his palms into his eyes as he tries to refocus on what Camelot will be like once magic is legalized. He takes a deep breath before entering Arthur’s chambers.

The prince is standing by his changing screen belt and sword tossed onto the bed, his jacket tossed onto the floor.

“Took you long enough.” Arthur grouses.

Merlin rolls his eyes though it's more for show than anything.

Arthur stands with his arms out as his servant makes quick work of swapping his tunic for his gambeson, being mindful of the circlet still on Arthur’s head. Merlin is careful to not to get any fingerprints on the well polished pieces of armor as he latches them onto the prince.

After reattaching Arthur’s belt Merlin ties the prince’s cape around his neck, his cool fingers brush against the column of Arthur’s neck.

The air is heavy between them. Though not as it was earlier, now the weight of the king’s funeral sways over them.

Merlin fights the urge to run a hand through Arthur’s hair or whisper far too affectionate words of reassurance. Instead, he asks, “Do you have the eulogy prepared?”

Arthur’s conflicting gaze shifts to him. “I do.”

“Well, we should hurry then. I’m sure the guests are waiting.”

Even though the cold season isn’t far off, the gardens are decorated with an array of varying flowers. They are coated in a thin sheen of frost that sparkles in the setting sunlight. The sky above is clear, not a cloud in sight, it seems fitting that the Albion is at peace with the riddance of Uther Pendragon.

The garden is filled with finely dressed nobles, their servants standing along the outer wall in case they need to be attended to.

Merlin follows on Arthur’s heels as they walk down the center path, the guests clear the path as they see him approach.

There at the end of the path is his father’s body atop a funeral pyre. He is in his armor, sword between his hands. Beside him stands Morgana dawning an all black gown with a thin veil over her face, attached to some elegant hair jewel. At least this way Arthur doesn’t have to worry about anyone seeing Morgana’s bored expression throughout all of this.

Arthur takes his spot next to Morgana, Merlin tucks in behind them next to Guinevere.

Geoffry wastes no time getting into the ordinances. He drones on about nobility and family and honor and a load of other things Uther certainly never exemplified. And after some very long winded prayers by a priest, Arthur steps up to give his eulogy.

It’s by far the shortest speech of the night, though not short enough that people would question the authenticity.

After one last prayer the funeral pyre is lit. There’s weeping from some of the guests, sympathy tears of wanting to get on Arthur's good side no doubt. Though there are a few wet eyes from some of the older knights that Arthur does not doubt are genuine.

Usually funeral pyres take ages to burn through but Uther’s is going particularly quickly. Arthur does not doubt it is one of his house magic users, though he assumes it to be Morgana not wanting to wait out in this cold any longer. Thankfully the obscene amount of flowers helps cover the stench rather well.

Arthur can’t find it in himself to focus much on anything. His mind is strangely blank. Perhaps it’s the exhaustion of the past few days catching up to him or maybe he just refuses to acknowledge the strange guilt of not being able to grieve his own father. Or maybe he is just too exasperated to deal with all of these people's false grieving. Why are any of them even here? Why is he even here? Is anyone here truly sad that his father is gone? Sure some of the knights might be morose, but they are sad they are losing an old comrade. Will anyone miss Uther for who he was as a person?

Once the fire has burnt down to smoldering ashes, the moon nearing its peak, and lords, ladies, and knights all start making their way to Arthur and Morgana to give their murmured condolences.

When he’s about halfway through Arthur takes a moment to step back to his servant.


“Yes sire?”

“You are dismissed for the evening.”


The prince takes a deep breath, enjoying this tiny respite away from everyone else.

“We have another long day ahead of ourselves tomorrow. I can’t have you fumbling around more than you already do.”

Merlin hesitates for a moment and it’s clear to Arthur he wants to say something but is thinking better of it with all the people still milling about. “Go. Get some rest.”

Merlin sighs in defeat, it's one of the few times Arthur has ever seen him willingly back down from his usual insolence. “Very well sire.”

And with that Merlin takes his leave and Arthur is drawn into yet another frilly worded version of ‘ I’m sorry for your loss’ that has clearly been rehearsed countless times on the way to the citadel.

When Arthur arrives to his blissfully warm chambers he slides out of his boots and sets his circlet back in its usual spot. It’s clear Merlin had stopped by before heading off for the night as the hearth is fully stacked and the bed is turned down.

Just as he’s about to undo his belt a flickering orange outside of his window catches his attention.

He takes the few paces needed over to the glass pane to get a better look. The courtyard and lower town are filled with people holding torches and candles.

He isn’t surprised to see such a thing, but he certainly hadn’t expected so many peasants to be mourning the loss of his father. Perhaps they are mourning someone they believed to have actually done good things for them. While Uther certainly wasn’t a good person, he did make some good decisions here and there, and he truly wanted to keep Camelot safe, whether that was from real threats is arguable.

What Arthur doesn’t know is that most of the people are not mourning the loss of Uther or even of their king. But instead, they are mourning for a son who has lost his father and last parent at such an early age. The sadness of losing a family member is something nearly all of Camelot’s people can relate to.

Arthur can’t help but wonder if this is what the city looked like during his mother’s funeral. Were there just as many people in mourning, showing their respect, grieving the loss of one of the rulers? Or were the torches ones of anger and hate paired with pitchforks as the city started hunting down every magic user they could find?

The door to Arthur’s chambers opens with a slight creek before shutting gently, he doesn’t doubt who it is given there was no knock.

Soft footsteps pad into the room, “How are you doing?”

“Didn’t I dismiss you for the evening?” Arthur asks without turning around.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

It’s the first vestige of affection deeper than that of servant and master that Arthur has gotten since the curse ended.

Arthur turns around to face him. He’s surprised to find Merlin in his sleeping clothes. He looks almost ghostly in his cream colored clothes in the light of the hearth and the flickering candles.

“I’m not really sure.” Arthur answers honestly.

“Well,” Merlin’s voice is much more awake than he looks, “let’s first get you out of that armor shall we?”

Merlin takes his time getting the prince out of his chainmail, though he’s still careful to not let his fingers linger. It’s a comfortable silence between them, the soft shuffling of Merlin’s movements and the quiet tinkling of Arthur’s armor has the prince feeling less alone.

Once Arthur is in his bedclothes they wordlessly move to sit by the hearth, perhaps slightly too close for master and servant.

“Do you want to talk about it?” Merlin asks after a few moments.

Arthur turns his head to look at him, thankfully Merlin doesn’t avert his gaze this time. “I wouldn’t even know where to start.”

“Then start wherever feels right.” Merlin shrugs, “I’ll listen.”

After a night filled with falsehoods Merlin’s sincerity seems all the more valuable.

So Arthur rambles. He’s not even sure of half of what he says. He talks about feeling a strange guilt about not being able to grieve his father. He talks about the relationship he wishes he could have had with Uther. He talks about growing up without a mom and how he wonders what her funeral would have been like, if there had been people who had genuinely been sad to see her go for who she was rather than her position. He talks about the guilt that he has carried around since learning that he was the reason she died, that if it had not been for him Uther would have never turned to magic and his mother would have lived instead of him and countless lives would have been saved. Merlin is quick to speak up on that one, he reassures Arthur that he doesn’t know what would have happened and that he is in no way at fault.

They talk long into the night, Arthur doing his best to describe his feelings and thoughts. Merlin is patient the entire time and helps Arthur when he gets stuck or becomes lost for words. Because Merlin just knows him. He knows what Arthur is trying to say even when he can’t say it.

Arthur is careful not to slip and start talking about Merlin himself or how much he misses having him in his bed or how much he wishes things could be different, how he would give a lung for just one more kiss. Even though Arthur doesn’t talk about their tribulations, talking about his other worries has him feeling lighter by the moment.

Even when Arthur starts yawning more than speaking Merlin fights against the exhaustion threatening to close his eyes, each time his head falls even slightly it's quick to bounce back up. The sight has a wave of sappy affection cresting over Arthur. The prince scoots closer and gently leads Merlin’s head to his shoulder.

“Mm not tired.” Merlin mumbles but he doesn’t lift his head back up.

Arthur chortles, “Well I am.”

It’s almost unnatural how easy it is for him to talk to Merlin like this. Arthur knows no matter how hard he tries he’ll never find someone who completes him the way Merlin does.

“I gotta put you to bed.” Merlin’s words slur together.

“Here is good enough.” Arthur mumbles back as he lowers them both onto the soft fur rug below them.

“Shouldn’t do this.” Merlin blearily says, not fully asleep but very nearly there.

“Who cares.” Arthur argues as he pulls Merlin against him so they are lying chest to chest facing each other. He smiles when Merlin burrows even closer.

“The princesses.” Merlin grumbles into the base of his neck as sleep beckons him to give in.

“Maybe you could be my princess.” Arthur cheeks as his own eyes start to shut.

“Prat.” Merlin moves his hand to whack Arthur’s arm but his limb just falls uselessly against the prince, sleep finally pulls Merlin under. And with a soft brush of lips against his servant’s hair Arthur is quick to follow.

The following morning Arthur is startled to find himself in bed, his servant nowhere nearby. How the hell did Merlin move him from the floor to- magic, obviously.

Not even a minute later Merlin is loudly entering his room with an obnoxious “Let's have you lazy daisy.” While that will never not annoy Arthur the prince is pleased to see his servant wearing his gifted purple tunic and red neckerchief without his jacket.

Their morning goes as usual, Arthur eats while Merlin sees to his morning chores before fetching the washtub. Not wanting to expend the effort on such a cold day he instead conjures steaming water while chittering away as if such a thing is an everyday occurrence.

Arthur, paying no mind to Merlin’s useless chatter, watches entranced as water fills up the washtub from no visible source.

With all his nattering it’s quite obvious Merlin is doing his best to distract Arthur from what today is. While it is endearing he can only dance around the subject for so long.

“What’s the itinerary today?” Arthur asks as he peels off his bedclothes.

“Well,” Merlin quickly turns away from the prince as he settles in the washtub, “Lucky for you, no one other than me is actually allowed to talk to you before your coronation.”

“Lucky me.” Arthur says flatly as relaxes into the steaming water.

Merlin is quick to appear with his soaps and bath oil. “You have all morning to prepare for your crowning, then we will go to the throne room. Directly afterwards the banquet will take place.”

Arthur watches interestedly as Merlin refuses to look at him, the tips of his ears tinted a telling red.

It’s baffling to Arthur that after everything they’ve done Merlin can still be shy about adding oils to a bath. Or perhaps everything they’ve done is what has Merlin feeling so abashed.

Not wanting to torture the lad, or himself really. He opts to wash himself rather than having Merlin help. As Arthur goes about his washing, Merlin starts meticulously polishing his sword as his magic polishes his armor. The prince once finds himself staring at such a display of magic.

Knowing Merlin is comfortable enough to use magic in front of him so leisurely has Arthur feeling some kind of way he refuses to acknowledge.

Once Arthur is done he is sure to towel himself dry as well. Though Merlin does help him dress and adorn his freshly polished armor.

“It’s to start soon.” Merlin murmurs softly as he ties Arthur’s cape.

A somber mood falls over them. Arthur being crowned is a cause for celebration. So they are both aware of where the sudden mood change comes from, even if they don’t talk about it.

Arthur takes the next forty minutes to himself. Merlin shuffles off to a corner and pretends to dust something or other. He is sure to be as silent as he can, giving Arthur space to think and mentally prepare himself.

When the bells chime Arthur takes one last moment to ground himself before heading to the throne room.

The halls are completely deserted. It’s clear everyone is in the throne room waiting for the prince so the coronation can commence.

The sizable wooden doors have never seemed so towering before. They have a slight sheen to them, clearly having been recently polished.

His heart pounds heavily in his chest. He always knew this day would come, that he would one day ascend to the throne. While he hadn’t imagined it happening for at least a few more years Arthur still can’t bring himself to regret what he did. God only knows how many more innocent people would have died under Uther’s reign. Merlin very likely being one of those lives lost, and Arthur would give his kingdom before he’d ever let something like that happen.

He has been preparing for this his entire life and it's finally here. All that buildup for this exact moment. His heart pounds harder in his chest, he feels a bit ill. So much is going to change, the next time he is in this corridor he will be the King of Camelot. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.

He can do this. He can do this for Merlin. He will do this Merlin. Arthur will see that things change for the better, that Merlin will be able to live the life he deserves. That he will never have to cower in fear from the crown for something he can not control, for being born a certain way. That Morgana won’t have to live in fear of her own family. That anyone worthy of the title can become a knight. Arthur will change things for the better, no matter how long it takes. He will be the King Camelot deserves.

He opens his eyes, the looming doors lour over him formidably. There’s a fleeting thought of turning tail and running off somewhere where no one would ever find him again. He had tried that before when he was young, when he had duties to attend to that distressed him, but he was always found no matter where he hid. And he was always punished. But he could never do that to Merlin, he would never promise the bravest man he’s ever met, a life of freedom only to run away like a coward.

“Merlin,” Arthur turns his head to his servant who is similarly eyeing the doors ahead of them. “I’m- It’s a bit daunting.”

Merlin turns to him. The servant’s gaze is proud and sure. He is of course proud of Arthur and everything he has done and is going to do. But he is also proud that Arthur can acknowledge his vulnerability.

The corner of Merlin’s mouth quirks up, “That’s strange, I distinctly remember you once telling me that you never get nervous.”

Merlin.” The servant’s usual cheek has a sense of normalcy washing over the prince. He chuckles softly at the memory, how far they have come.

“Arthur.” Merlin says with a more serious tone, “You are going to be the greatest King all of Albion has ever seen. I am certain of it. Your people trust you. I trust you.” Merlin’s gaze is so heavy Arthur is sure if he were to reach out he could physically feel it. “And no matter what happens in there, or in the future. You will always have me at your side.”

He’s always known Merlin to be loyal, but at that moment it truly hits him. No matter what happens, where destiny takes them, what the stars have written for them, Arthur will always have Merlin. That if he were to be a failure of a king and irrevocably fuck up, Merlin would still be by his side. No matter how bad things could possibly get, he will never have to go through it alone.

“Thank you Merlin.”

Merlin nods but the prince continues speaking.

“I mean it.” Arthur takes a step closer, “Thank you Merlin. For everything. I never thanked you, for what you’ve done for me. For the countless times you’ve saved my life and the lives of my people. For putting your life at risk every single day on my behalf, even when I was a right arse to you.” Arthur smiles his endearingly crooked smile causing Merlin to laugh wetly, “God knows what kind of a prick I would have turned into had you not come into my life fists swinging.” Arthur chuckles, his smile softening as he takes another tentative step closer, the space between them becoming dangerously small. “I can’t begin to imagine where I’d be without you. You are so important to me. No matter what happens-”

Arthur knows this is the last chance he’ll be able to say it, that if he doesn’t say it now he’ll never be able to. And he doesn’t know what he’d regret more, saying it and never being able to act on it, or never saying it at all. But Merlin deserves to know that he’s loved.

“Merlin I-”

“Arthur.” Merlin cuts him off a bit too stiffly. The servant sighs, a sad smile marring his face. “You’re going to be a great king. I am happy to be your servant, to the day I die.” A few tears spill down the servant’s face towards his tight smile.

There’s a pause as what's left of Arthur’s heart crumbles into a listless pile of ash. “Right.” He clears his throat and takes half a step backward. “Thank you, truly.”

Merlin takes a deep breath as he fights back the rest of his tears. He roughly wipes at his face, “What great thanks, I get to sit through a boring ceremony now,” Merlin tries to lighten the mood not wanting to weigh down this day more than he already has, “gods know how long Geoffrey’s speeches tend to get.” Merlin turns towards the servant’s door. “Just hurry up and get out there so us servants can drink sooner.” He cajoles, as he pusillanimously takes his leave.

Given the choice between confronting his destiny or his broken heart, Arthur chooses his destiny.

He pushes the doors open, his back straight and chin lifted high with pride. He enters the packed room with confidence that he draws solely from the reassurance that he will never be alone in this.

Only once he’s at the dais does he allow himself a glance around the room. His knights are all standing proudly near the front. Most of the council members are sat on benches on the left side of the room. Merlin stands there dutifully next to Gaius, his eyes shining with unspoken pride. Morgana, wearing a sparkly cream colored dress, is in the front row along with the highest ranking of the visiting royalty. Even she is radiating pride as she looks up to him.

“Shall we begin?” Geoffrey asks from beside him.

After some speeches, most are perfunctory and reek of arse-kissing, though Sir Leon’s is certainly anything but, it’s heartfelt and expressive, it has Arthur and everyone else who calls Camelot home fighting down tears; it takes no time at all for the banquet to rupture into laughter and boisterous conversations as the finest of alcohols and the most divine of dishes flow throughout the lavishly decorated hall.

The entire castle is rich with warm spiced scents that waft through the air.

The music is jovial as people excitedly take to the dance floor and start swaying to the music. Servants flit around frantically trying to keep track of all the guests and their needs.

As a personal servant, and now manservant to the king, Merlin’s sole duty is to attend Arthur for the evening, so thankfully he does not have to run around like a chicken with its head cut off as the other servants are currently doing.

Unfortunately that gives Merlin nowhere to run off to when the ladies of the court start vying for Arthur’s attention. Merlin does his best to ignore it but watching Arthur not even try to shy away from their advances hurts more than Merlin could have ever anticipated. He tries to tell himself that Arthur is just doing his duty, that he must find a suitable wife to have an heir and strengthen Camelot’s political power.

But then a few of the ladies start to paw at him, ghosting dainty hands over Arthur’s own, running suggestive fingers down his arm. One lady even places her hand on the king’s thigh as she whispers something into his ear, she leans over in a way to obviously draw attention to her voluptuous bosom. Arthur makes no move to turn down their advances. It has Merlin’s resolve dangerously slipping, petulant jealousy and a near overwhelming misery threaten to break through his facade.

All the while he refills Arthur’s goblet, never earning even a second glance from the newly crowned king.

“Merlin.” A voice speaks so close to Merlin he nearly drops his flagon of wine.

He turns around and is shocked to see George of all people. “George?” Merlin asks, confused.

“If it’s okay with you I’d like to change positions for this evening.” His face is stoic as ever though Merlin swears there’s a knowing sadness gleaming in his eyes.

“And why would that be?” Merlin asks incredulously.

“It would seem the knights are requesting you for this evening.”

Merlin looks up to where the knights are sat, lo and behold when he looks to them they rambunctiously cheer and jostle each other about as they attempt to beckon him over. The fondness that fills Merlin’s chest is a welcome distraction.

He turns back to the older servant, “Thank you George.”

“Think nothing of it.” He answers easily, taking the flagon of wine from Merlin.

Merlin is about to step away but stops himself, quickly turning his attention back to the servant.



“Arth- erm, the King told me what you did. How you told Leon. Thank you, truly. I am in your debt.”

“Well,” George answers with a small smile, Merlin’s glad he hadn’t still been holding the flagon or he would have certainly dropped it. That is by far the most expression he’s ever seen from the man. “What are friends for?”

Merlin’s smile lights up his face. It’s his first true smile in days. “You’re a good man George.” He calls as he starts trotting over to the knights, he sets his resolve to not look back to Arthur for the rest of the evening lest he fall further into despair.

“As are you!” George calls out just loud enough to be heard yet not enough to distract others from their own conversations.

The knights practically pounce on him when Merlin gets within touching range. There are playful shoves and tugs along with countless hair ruffles and hearty hugs. They are quick to give Merlin a goblet of his own.

Their chainmail practically sparkles as it reflects the golden light of the candle-lit chandeliers above head.

“You lot do realize I’m working right now don’t you?”

“Oh get off it Birdie,” Gwaine slings an arm around his shoulder and pulls him into his side. “You can serve me tonight.” He winks.

“Oi!” Lancelot calls out, his cheeks already flush. He’s never been the best at holding his own against the other knights. “What if I wanted Merlin tonight!” His upset pout turns into a look of shock as other knights whistle at him and pat his back, “Not-! Not like that!”

“Oh Lance you wound me.” Merlin drawls as he wraps an arm around Gwaine’s middle, he fingers idly at the chainmail in the center of Gwaine’s chest, “To think I would have agreed had you asked.”

“What?” The man squeaks out as the others erupt in laughter and toss out offers for the evening that Merlin isn’t exactly sure are fake. He is no stranger to flirting and he might as well make the most of tonight if he’s shirking his duties. Plus his friends are always eager to play along.

Gwaine is quick to have Merlin’s goblet filled while never fully letting go of the servant at any given point.

Merlin takes a swig and nearly inhales the liquid with a pleasant gasp. He’s never tasted anything so rich before.

The knights all chortle and tease him at the way his eyes go wide.

They somehow find an extra chair and saddle it up right between Gwaine and Lancelot’s spot, it’s a tight fit but Gwaine insists it’s ‘cozy’.

“Merlin.” Elyan calls for his attention on the other side of the table.


“Is this the first banquet you’ve ever been to that you haven’t had to work?”

“You seem to be forgetting I’m supposed to be working this one as well.” he says, a sly smile earning him another round of tipsy laughter and cheers.

“We’ll have to make sure this one counts then.” Elyan says with a wink before sliding him a plate with a very fancy array of foods Merlin has certainly never tried.

The knights start sharing tales and jesting with each other as Merlin starts tasting the foods he’d never thought he'd even get a chance to taste. While he’s snuck accouterments here and there from Arthur’s plates before he’d never dare to do such a thing at a banquet. All the while Gwaine is sure to explain what everything is.

Merlin finds he’s particularly fond of the pheasant, pears, and almonds. The only thing he doesn’t like is the salmon, he’d had fish back in Ealdor when they caught it themselves and it had always been good. But Merlin never learned the fish types, though he doubts any of them were salmon. The brussel sprouts are also surprisingly tasty as well, he hadn’t expected something so green to be so flavorful.

He and the others listen to Gwaine complain about his recently appointed duties and how he is going to be sure to celebrate Arthur officially becoming king by drinking all of the bastard’s ale. Their conversations are lively and veer on bawdy now and then but it’s a fun and welcome distraction.

It doesn’t take long for Merlin to start feeling tipsy, of course wine this fancy wine would be stronger. He watches amusedly as his friends start an arm wrestling competition.

While he didn’t bring any coin to bet, Merlin’s moral support quickly becomes the most sought after reward of the evening. When he places his bet on someone they flaunt it around their opponent as if they have just had an entire chest of gold wagered on them. They claim that Merlin obviously knows who the strongest and best knight is since he’s seen them in action so often.

It doesn’t take long for the knights to start cajoling him to join. Obviously, he refuses, knowing he’d never beat any of the knights in a game of strength, but they somehow still rope him into it.

Elyan, his first opponent, is quick to beat him, as well as Leon and Lancelot. Leon and Lance are polite about it, Elyan boasts quite a bit, saying it’s a deserved win after being beaten in gambling so many times by the servant in the past.

When it’s Gwaine’s turn he doesn’t even try pushing Merlin’s arm down, he instead just stops his own hand from being pushed down, using the excuse to ‘hold Merls hand’. After a while he pities Merlin enough to eventually push the servant's arm down so Merlin wouldn't accidently strain himself.

Of course they leave Percival for last.

“You seriously can’t expect me to do this.” Merlin scoffs haughtily, “There is no world in which I can win this.”

“Come on Merlin,” Leon eggs on, “Don’t sell yourself short!”

“You’ve clearly had too much to drink.” Merlin deadpans.

Percy takes the spot opposite him and dramatically flexes as he wiggles his fingers waiting for Merlin’s hand.

“I could break my arm!” Merlin argues, earning him another round of hair ruffles.

“Don’t worry.” Percy smiles suggestively with a wink, “I’ll be gentle.”

Merlin can’t stop the flush on his face from darkening and the knights explode into another round of whistles and catcalls.

“Fine, fine just all of you, shuddup will you?” Merlin grumbles as he takes Percival’s colossal hand. Gods how does he even hold a sword?

Leon starts the countdown and Merlin does his best to brace himself. But just before Leon finishes the word ‘one’ a pair of clumsy hands cover the servant's eyes from behind. “Merlin now!” Lancelot shouts. Merlin understands instantaneously.

The other knights watch on as Merlin slams Percy’s arm down to the table. Lancelot uncovers his eyes just in time for Merlin to see himself best Percival. Everyone immediately doubles over with laughter, Elyan falls from his chair. They laugh until they can’t breathe, their wheezing only makes them laugh more.

Merlin hasn’t had this much fun in quite a long time.

The evening goes by at a steady pace, the knights and Merlin all keep each other well entertained. At one point in his inebriation, Merlin gets visibly distraught that all the knights are matching but he isn’t. So they somehow managed to scrounge up a cape for him. They all still have their own capes so Merlin has no clue where they managed to get it from but doesn’t ask. He attempts to tie it on himself but finds he can't actually see the laces and trying to tie while not looking is rather difficult. Not that he’d ever admit that to the prat. Elyan is quick to kindly step in to help.

And that is how Merlin starts dramatically swooshing between his friends with terrible impersonations of all of them. (He makes sure to add ‘swooshing’ sounds himself.)

Amidst all of his swooshing and the knights teasingly tugging at his cape to make him stumble, Gwaine far too elegantly swoops in and captures Merlin by his waist before sweeping the lad over to the dance floor. Much to the chagrin of the other knights.

“Gwaine, I can’t dance.” Merlin chuckles airly.

“Sure you can Birdie.” Gwaine gives his best seductive smile as he releases Merlin to take a step back and bow, extending his hand in a very clear offer.

Merlin rolls his eyes fondly before placing his hand in Gwaine’s. The knight is quick to pull them together so they are chest to chest.

The knight’s hand is firm around his waist and his other is strong against Merlin’s own. Gwaine thankfully doesn’t try anything too difficult, he sways them around to the music, his steps are sure and easy to follow.

“You know,” Merlin muses, “I sometimes forget you’re truly a noble.”

“Shh!” Gwaine spiritedly shushes as he twirls them in a wide circle, their capes fluttering around them. “I have a reputation to uphold.”

Merlin snorts a laugh.

They jest with each other and Gwaine teases him each time he looks down to their feet. They spin and move around more animatedly as the music picks up. When the song ends they step back again and without letting go of his hand Gwaine gives a gracious bow. Merlin mimics the action albeit less gracefully, he nearly smacks a nearby lady with his hand, thankfully she doesn’t notice.

Lancelot strides up to them asking for the next dance, which Gwaine begrudgingly allows him.

Lancelot, not a nobleman and decidedly much more inebriated than Gwaine, is far less coordinated in his steps. They swirl around the other dancers, and perhaps collide into a few, then again maybe they are the ones who are bumped into(They aren’t). Merlin and Lancelot stumble over each other gracelessly in fits of laughter as they struggle to keep the other from knocking into any of the fussy nobles. Thankfully most people are well past drunk at this point so they don’t earn too much ire.

It’s when Percival approaches them that Merlin understands that they are all vying for a dance with him. It’s flattering to say the least, it’s quite fun being the center of attention, at least amongst their little group. It’s clear that since Merlin has never properly attended a banquet the knights are all eager to be able to spend time with their friend. And if they are trying to keep Merlin distracted the servant does his best to not think of why they feel the need to do so.

Merlin and Percy watch Lancelot stumble back to their friends before the large man lifts the servant and places him atop his boots.

Merlin looks up confused, “Isn’t the entire point to not step on your toes?”

Percival gives him a bashful smile, “It’s more so for your protection than mine. I don’t have as much experience as the others.”

Merlin tosses his head back with a laugh, as the knight starts to take small steps. “As thoughtful as always Percy.” he pats his hand on the knight’s shoulder, “Though I don’t know if it’s possible to be worse than Lance.”

Being spun around while not actually having to move is a very strange feeling. It has Merlin feeling even lighter than he already was, it’s as if he could float away into the exuberance of the night.

It takes a few moments but Percy finds his rhythm and they are twirling around, their capes flaring out around them as Merlin endearingly clings to the larger man as he tries to stay on his feet.

Percy takes his bow and Elyan charmingly slides up next.

“Percy!” Merlin calls before the man gets too far away.

The knight turns back around with a questioning look.

“Tell Leon not to come over, I wouldn’t want to give a certain other servant the wrong idea.”

The knight visibly perks up with this new information and scampers over to the group to start prodding at the first knight.

Merlin turns to Elyan who has a mischievous smile on his face. The knight gives a perfunctory bow before taking up position with Merlin.

“Oh do not think you can so easily tease me.” The knight’s eyes twinkle.

“I am afraid I have no idea what you’re talking about Sir Elyan.” Merlin demures as he starts to follow the man’s steps.

“Who is it?” Elyan lowers his voice so he can just barely be heard above the music

“I’m afraid you’ll have to ask Sir Leon.” Merlin grins impishly.

“As if he would ever tell us.”

“If he doesn't,” Merlin drawls, “maybe you could see for yourself. All I had to do was walk through the corridor.”

Elyan stumbles and Merlin follows in turn.

“You’re shitting me.” They aren’t even really dancing anymore at his point, more so standing and swaying in place.

“I assure you I’m not.” Merlin fights down his laughter at Elyan’s baffled expression.

“Pardon me.” A new voice strides up to their side just as the song is coming to an end.

“May I have this next dance?” Prince Elias smiles charmingly at Merlin.

Elyan stiffens at the visiting prince’s sudden appearance. “Merlin?” the knight asks warily, not wanting his friend to do something he doesn’t want to.

Merlin hesitates for a moment as he thinks through his options. But really, he doesn’t see any reason to say no, especially as he is refusing to think about a certain situation.

“It’s alright Elyan.” Merlin murmurs though it’s still loud enough for the prince to hear.

The knight gives a bow to the prince before making his way back to the other knights.

“Prince Elias.” Merlin bows at the waist in greeting. Merlin is never one to be exorbitantly formal with nobility just because of their titles. However, as he is currently surrounded by a throng of nobles, already doing something he shouldn’t be, he doesn’t want to take yet another risk.

“Oh please, that's not necessary.” Elias chuckles as draws the servant close. Merlin is suddenly ensconced in a rich earthy scent.

The golden light from the candles bounces softly off of the prince’s brown hair. The blue of his cape makes his eyes seem even greener.

“I should warn you I don’t actually know how to dance.” Merlin says honestly.

“From what I have seen I find that hard to believe.” The prince smirks teasingly.

Amusement bubbles in Merlin’s stomach, “Well, I have to give the credit to my very skilled counterparts.”

“Then I shall do my best to live up to the high expectations they have set.” The prince cheeks. He starts with small easy steps, “Though I think it will be rather difficult to beat that knight that had you tripping all over each other.”

Merlin’s laugh has Elias' smile growing.

“How was your journey back here?” Merlin asks once his laughter dies down.

A loud raucous draws Arthur’s attention from his current conversation, he looks up only to see his manservant being swarmed by his knights.

With an angry scowl he is about to shout at the idiot to get his arse back here but suddenly someone is filling his goblet, even though it was already nearly full.

The king turns his glare to the servant and falters when he sees George.

“Sire.” The man greets quietly with a bow.

Arthur fights down his urge to berate the man. If it were any other servant he would have reprimanded them. But if it were not for George God only knows if Arthur would have found Merlin in time.

“Did Merlin ask you to take over for him?” Arthur huffs angrily.

“No sire. It was I who asked.” George answers easily.

So the king can’t even be mad at Merlin since this isn’t his doing. Arthur knows a scheme when he sees one, George is more slippery than he looks. And since when have Merlin and George been such chummy friends?

Another eruption from the knights has Arthur looking back to them. Merlin is practically draped onto Gwaine as they all shake and pat a very red Lancelot.

“Your majesty!” The lady to his left dramatically gasps, bringing one hand to her chest and the other to Arthur’s own hand, “Don’t tell me I’m boring you.”

Arthur has to stop himself from rolling his eyes. “Sorry, do go on.” He says with a practiced smile.

The king’s anger continues to slowly build over the course of the evening. He isn’t angry that Merlin is getting to participate in the banquet, in fact he’s rather glad about it, Merlin deserves the chance to celebrate and be treated as he so deserves. What bothers Arthur the most is that it is not at his side that Merlin is getting to experience such things.

He’s watched Merlin laugh and converse all night, there are a few instances where they all burst into such loud laughter that they garner the attention of most of the room, at least Merlin looks genuinely happy. Watching as they all double over with laughter Arthur wishes he could just walk over there and join them. He supposes he could but, he has his royal duty to Camelot.

That pitiful longing is mixed with flashes of fiery anger as he watches Merlin flaunt about, not to mention how handsy not only the knights are being with him and that Merlin is responding in turn. It’s driving Arthur mad. He wants nothing more than to march over there and bend Merlin over the table and take him in front of everyone. Rules be damned. Even if it’s Arthur’s own knights, the fact that he himself is not involved, that they are taking Merlin for their own, like a pack of voracious wolves. It has a vicious possessiveness clawing at Arthur’s chest trying to escape.

God how is he supposed to do this? How is he supposed to watch Merlin find someone else when he can’t even get through a singular feast without wanting to spar his own men? Even if Merlin said he’d always be Arthur’s, the king would never ask him to give up the chance for some kind of happiness.

A dark thought of trying to use one of the ladies to make Merlin jealous flashes in his mind, just the thought of doing something so callow has Arthur wanting to run himself through. He’d never hurt Merlin like that, it’s not the boy's fault Arthur fell in love with him.

The king does his best to entertain those who come up to him but he just can’t stop his eyes from longingly sliding back to Merlin.

Arthur finds his anger dying down a bit as Merlin peacocks around in a knight’s cape. The servant uses his hands to flick it out behind him dramatically as he says something that has the knights laughing and jeering words Arthur can’t make out from this distance.

“My lord?” A woman asks from his right. He hadn’t even registered that she was there. She has a pale blue dress on, it’s nothing spectacular but for some reason, it catches Arthur’s eye.

“I’m sorry?” He asks, unsure of what he was saying.

“I asked how you are enjoying the evening so far, sire.” She smiles, it’s obviously a well practiced smile. She flutters her lashes as she drags a hand down Arthur’s chainmail. Arthur is glad he can’t feel her hand through the metal, but not for the first time tonight he has a flash of annoyance at someone ruining the polishing Merlin and his magic had done earlier. And with that thought his eyes drift back over to the servant.

A mix of jealous anger and sorrow bloom in his chest when his eyes finally locate his servant again. He is twirling away on the dance floor with Sir Gwaine. To see someone be able to so easily do exactly what Arthur wants nothing more in this lifetime, it stings. And knowing he will never be able to be Merlin’s first proper dance hits a sore spot in his chest.

Arthur forces his eyes back to the lady in the pale blue dress. “Yes. It’s a very enjoyable evening.” He lies through his teeth.

The lady titters on about her family and her supposedly strong lineage while sliding in strong suggestions of making the evening even better. It’s in the middle of her nattering that Arthur is struck by why her dress stood out to him. It’s remarkably similar to the one Merlin wore during their raid on the Saxon encampment. Will he ever be able to not think about that idiot for more than a few minutes? He takes a large swig from his goblet.

His eyes drift up to see the fool has changed dancing partners. The way he and Lancelot are clumsily swinging each other around has Arthur having to hide his laugh in his goblet. They look absolutely ridiculous.

Arthur turns his attention back to those around him. He does his damnedest to partake in the conversations, but everyone just wants to talk about themselves and what they have to offer to the King.

Arthur doesn’t even try to pretend he is paying attention anymore. He watches as Prince Elias gently tilts Merlin’s chin up and murmurs something. Probably some stupid line about Merlin keeping his eyes on his. Arthur has absolutely not thought about doing that exact thing countless times before.

The worst part is that Merlin seems to be genuinely enjoying himself.

When they share a third dance in a row together Arthur is radiating waves of malice. The conversation around him has settled to murmurs, not wanting the King to turn his foul mood to them.

Hadn’t Merlin just this afternoon said he would always be by Arthur’s side? And here he is, galavanting with Prince Elias. He should have run the man through when he had the chance. The delectable aromas of the food are now churning Arthur’s stomach.

Merlin said he’d be happy to serve him until the day he died. So why is George refilling his goblet? How could Merlin do this to him? Does Arthur get even a week before Merlin leaves for a new kingdom?

So maybe Arthur has had too much to drink. Deep down he knows it’s unfair to think such things, and he knows they are untrue. But seeing that bastard's hands all over his sorcerer, Arthur can’t take it. He just needs to get them as far apart as possible.

Just as the third song is about to come to an end Arthur excuses himself from those around him.

Merlin’s conversation with Prince Elias is going great. He had known last time but the man is a great conversationalist and very kind for a royal, even if he’s still a tad arrogant. Hearing tales of his travels and from the time he was back home keep Merlin entertained and don’t threaten to remind Merlin of the one thing he is not thinking about tonight.

A throat clears from behind him just as the song is coming to its end. “Merlin.”

The Northumbrian prince releases the servant so he can turn around.

“Morgana?” Merlin asks with a worried look. “Is everything alright?”

She places a hand on his shoulder and turns them so Merlin is instead facing the directions of the knights rather than the front of the room. “I was hoping I could get this next dance with you.” She smiles flirtatiously at him.

Elias chuckles, “I can’t say I'm surprised to see you are so highly coveted Merlin.”

Merlin sputters for a moment unsure of how to respond to that or to Morgana’s suggestive looks.

“I hope we get another chance to talk.” The prince says cordially.

“Yes, of course.” Merlin bows at his waist to the prince, “Thank you?” He has no idea what he is supposed to do after dancing with a royal. But based on Morgana’s snuffled laugh and the prince’s bemused smile he assumes that was not the correct thing to do.

“You’re welcome.” Elias chuckles, “Thank you Merlin.” he starts towards the front of the room.

Morgana lays her hand on Merlin’s shoulder and raises her hand for Merlin to hold, which he does. When the music for the next song starts they just stand there.

“Oh.” Merlin laughs at himself, the alcohol still strong in his system but slowly waning down. “I don’t know how to lead.”

“Me either.” Morgana shrugs, “Just walk around I suppose and I’ll follow you.”

“Right.” Merlin takes very small steps, not wanting to accidentally knock Morgana into someone. Though at this point it seems most other people are drunkenly stumbling their way around with no real dance steps. They are in no way moving in time with the music. Morgana’s dress swishes and sparkles brilliantly as they move. “Uhm, why did you want to dance with me? Not that I mind.”

“I just couldn’t help myself, you just looked so ravishing tonight.” Morgana demures, fluttering her long lashes up at him.

Merlin gives her an incredulous look. “I know I have told you I am only attracted to men,” Morgana goes to reply but Merlin continues, “though perhaps I could make an exception for you, my lady.” Merlin winks and miraculously doesn’t trip.

Morgana sputters out a rather unladylike laugh, “God it’s no wonder everyone is so fond of you.”

“What can I say, I’m charming.” Merlin shrugs cockily.

“You twit.” Morgana lightly slaps his shoulder.

Arthur stops in his tracks as he watches his sister interfere, asking Merlin for the next dance.

There’s someone to Arthur’s left who has come up to talk to him but he can’t hear them over his befuddlement.

His confusion is abated when Morgana and Merlin join hands and his sister sends Arthur an incredibly fierce look over the servant's shoulder.

Arthur visibly wilts like a puppy who has just received a particularly harsh scolding.

Damn her for being so perceptive of everything.

Arthur quickly stands back to his full height, puffing his chest out slightly as Prince Elias heads in his direction.

“Prince Elias.” The king calls him over when he gets close enough, interrupting the person who had been trying to talk to him.

The older man trots over to him with an infuriatingly smug grin on his face. Arthur fights the urge to haul the prince against the wall and throttle him.

“King Arthur.” The man bows, “My dearest congratulations on your crowning.”

“Thank you. Could I have a word?” He asks tersely.

“Of course.” Elias has the wherewithal to at least look surprised by the request.

“George!” Arthur calls out.

“Yes sire?” The man apparates out of thin air next to him.

“I am going to have a conversation with Prince Elias, I would like to keep it as private as the banquet hall will allow.”

“Understood sire.”

“This way.” Arthur grabs the prince by his bicep and drags him over to an unoccupied area next to the wall.

George stands a few paces away, ready to intercept anyone who tries to speak with the King.

The prince clears his throat when Arthur finally lets go of his arm. “I hope I have not offended you sire.” The genuine worry in his voice is clear.

“Why are you so interested in my manservant?” Arthur cuts to the point.

“Ah.” The prince’s cheeks redden slightly. “He is a very entertaining servant, and, well, he is quite enamoring. I am terribly sorry if I overstepped. Since he is still your servant I had assumed that you were not… involved.”

The phrasing throws Arthur’s anger through a loop, “What?” he asks genuinely confused, “What do you mean?”

“I’m sorry sire I do not want to speak out of turn.” The prince lowers his head respectfully.

“You have permission to speak freely.”

“Are you sure sire?” The prince meekly peeks up at him.

Yes.” Arthur can’t keep his annoyance out of his voice.

“Well,” Elias raises his head back up, “after my last visit,” The prince speaks slowly, afraid of saying the wrong thing. It has a sadistic smugness settling in Arthur’s chest. “I was under the impression that you and Merlin were more than master and servant. So when I came back and I saw he was still your servant I thought perhaps I had been mistaken.”

“What do you mean by that? That he is still my servant?” Arthur asks, still not understanding what the prince is trying to pussyfoot around.

“With what Merlin had told me last time we met, I had thought if you two were involved you would have selected him as your consort, sire.”

“Why would you assume that when Merlin is clearly a man?” Arthur isn’t sure if this conversation truly isn’t making any sense or if he has had far more to drink than he realized.

“Well, in Northumbria, and in the other countries as far as I know, a royal can assign anyone the title of consort. It’s a work around in the case of a Queen being the only biological heir to the throne. Her consort could be male without becoming King and overruling her, as she would be the rightful ruler.”

The swaying music is replaced by a high pitched bell-like sound in Arthur’s head, the floor tilts underneath him. The king feels shockingly sober.

Prince Elias stands there nervously as he waits for the King’s response.

“What- What about an heir?”

“Right.” The prince clears his throat, “Every monarch has the ability to assign an heir. It’s very rarely done as royals tend to be very proud of their bloodline. But it is an option.”

“Why do you know all of this?” Arthur wheezes out, his eyes are wide as he stares unbelievingly at the prince.

“Well, as a prince there is a slim chance I would one day have to take the throne, even as the youngest. And as a man who is attracted to lords and ladies. Well, I need to be prepared if the occasion ever arises.”

Arthur’s eyes flick up to find Merlin snacking on the served desserts with the knights. George is in the process of turning away a rather persistent princess.

“Come with me.” Arthur’s voice is rough as he grabs the prince by the wrist this time.

The prince half follows and is half dragged through a sea of people at the speed of which Arthur charges through the hall.

They come to a stop in front of two older men amicably chatting with each other.

“Geoffrey.” One of the men startles before quickly turning to the King.

“Yes sire?”

“Prince Elias, tell him the first thing you told me.” Arthur’s heartbeat is pounding through his entire body, his knees feel as if they may give out.

The prince sputters for a moment before finding his footing. Elias knows what King Arthur really means when he says ‘tell him’, he really means ‘ask him’. “Does Camelot honor the title of consort?”

The man gives them a very strange look as his eyes flick between them. Only then does it dawn on Prince Elias that Arthur, the King, is still holding onto his wrist and they are asking about consort titles. This man is surely getting the wrong idea.

“Yes,” The man answers warily, “It is unorthodox to say the least, but Camelot honors the title.”

Arthur finally lets go of his wrist. “Thank you Georffrey. God Thank you so much.” And with that very unusual show of gratitude, Arthur is marching away in an unstoppable crusade.

The man next to this ‘Geoffrey’ fellow stares after the king for a moment before turning to his friend. “Geoffrey, after the banquet can you let me into the library? I just remembered I have some research to do.”

“Of course, old friend.”

“Elias!” his father hurries over to him. “What on God’s green earth did you just do?! Why was King Arthur dragging you through the hall like that?!”

“I-” he pauses for a moment before turning to his father, “I think I just made us a new strongest ally.”

Geoffrey absolutely gets the wrong idea.

Gods, something this delicious should be illegal.” Merlin moans around the warm dessert.

Gwaine chuckles the name but it’s far too complicated for Merlin to even process. The knight explains they are honey covered fritters stuffed with gingered almonds.

Elyan and Lancelot keep flipping a coin trying to decide who is going to get the best looking raspberry tart. Their section of the table has calmed significantly since the desserts were served, they’re all too busy picking at the sweets while simultaneously sobering up a bit, though they do all keep sipping away at their drinks, just much slower now. The rest of the banquet is far from calm though. The music is still upbeat as people drunkenly dance and step on each other’s toes and make merriment.

“Sorry Sir knights,” Merlin announces to the group with a dreamy sigh, “I’m afraid this dessert is who I’ll be going home with tonight.”

Leon chokes on some wine as the other knights chortle at their friend’s antics, Lancelot flicks a sugared chestnut at Merlin’s head.

“Afraid your dessert is going to have to get in line.” A familiar voice rumbles lowly behind Merlin, a strong hand encircles his wrist causing him to drop his treat. Merlin instinctually melts into the touch, he’s waited so many days to be touched by Arthur again. Wait, no, what?

Merlin tenses back up, “Wha- Arthur what are you doing?” the servant asks haughtily as he turns around. There’s a very frantic look to Arthur that Merlin isn’t sure he’s ever seen before.

“You’re coming with me.” Arthur starts resolutely tugging him away from the group.

Gwaine’s face squishes into a wary expression as an insolent Merlin is stolen away. “Should- Should we do something about that?”

The others look around unsure.

“Not unless you want to catch them in an alcove together.” Elyan scrunches his nose.

“What?” Leon’s head snaps up far too panicked.

“HA!” Elyan turns, pointing his finger at the first knight’s chest, “It is true!”

“Wait wait! Okay I know I was supposed to serve you tonight but-”

Merlin. Shut up.” Arthur is halfway to the doors before he remembers that he is indeed now king. He pivots towards the front of the room instead, all the while Merlin tries to make it look as if he isn’t attempting to fight his way out of the king’s grip.

They make it back to Arthur’s seat. With a glance around the table Arthur realizes he can’t do this whilst restraining Merlin.


“Yes sire?”

“Christ!” Arthur exclaims as he and Merlin both startle. He takes a deep breath to calm his heart which was already beating far too frantically. “I am to leave for the evening, can you please clink a glass so I may get everyone’s attention?”

“Of course sire.” The servant reaches over and starts clicking a glass.

It doesn’t take long for the musicians to stop playing and the guests start turning towards the sound.

“I would like to thank all of you for coming this evening.” Arthur speaks clearly and regally. Merlin shrinks in on himself as everyone turns to them, for those who are from Camelot Arthur holding his servant by the wrist isn’t odd by any means, the guests might get the wrong idea though. “I am to retire for the evening but I invite you to all stay and enjoy yourselves to your heart's content.” And with that very brief announcement, the hall fills with refined clapping. Thankfully all of Arthur’s actual speeches took place during the coronation, and no one is expecting the king to be sober this evening so making a quick escape is not unusual in the slightest. Not that Arthur would care otherwise at the moment anyway.

Arthur tugs Merlin behind him as they make their way towards the door, the king is met with congratulations and friendly pats until they finally make it through the exit.

It takes far too long but the King eventually barrels his way through the banquet doors, manservant in tow.

“Arthur!” Merlin grouses as he is dragged through the dim corridors so quickly he keeps losing his footing, both of their capes billow out behind them.

At the speed Arthur is pulling them they reach his chambers in no time. Using his free hand Arthur unlocks the door and violently opens it before hauling Merlin inside.

“You utter arse!” Merlin shouts, “What the hell is wrong with you, you prat! Just because you’re king now does not mean you can drag me wherever the hell you want!”

Arthur locks the door before walking around to the other side of Merlin, his servant turns to keep looking at him. The only light is the silver moonlight streaming in from the frost lined windows. The air has a slight bite to it as the cold clings to the stone of the walls and floor.

After all the noise in the hall, it’s as if time is frozen in here, everything is so still, so quiet. Merlin looks angelic in the moonlight, the red of his neckerchief and cape only accentuating the royal purple of his tunic and the alabaster glow of his skin.

Arthur opens his mouth to speak before he stops himself with a frown. “Who’s cape is that?”

Merlin purses his lips, “Honestly? I have no idea.”

Arthur lets out a breathy chuckle earning him a strange look from his servant. “Can you- Could you light the candles? And maybe heat the room up a bit? Please.”

Arthur’s chest swells with emotion as Merlin’s eyes flash their brilliant gold. It’s such a beautiful contrast to the moonlight haloing the air around them. The candles flicker to life and a comfortable warmth rolls through the room yet Arthur’s eyes never leave his servant’s.

“Thank you.”

Merlin watches as the flash of gold reflects off of his King’s crown. His eyes fall back down to Arthur’s, voice unsure when he speaks, “Are you alright?”

It’s the first genuine question about his well being Arthur has gotten all evening. And Arthur truly has no clue how to answer, or where to even start, what to say.

“Merlin.” Arthur breathes out between them as if his name is as sacred as a prayer.

“What is it?” Merlin starts fidgeting restlessly.

The king takes a step closer, and then another, the tips of their boots are nearly touching. Arthur lifts a hand to Merlin’s cheek, the servant closes his eyes and leans into the touch. Arthur’s hand is warm and rough, Merlin’s magic unseeingly swirls around the king having missed its other half.

Merlin’s eyes flutter open to a softly smiling Arthur. The king's other hand comes up to cup the other side of Merlin’s face, his skin is soft under his hands.

“Merlin-” Arthur’s never been good with feelings. And Merlin has thankfully always understood that, he’s learned to read between the lines with Arthur. But something that runs so deep, so intrinsically inherent, it’s unmistakable. Even for Arthur.

Arthur’s eyes soften as he searches Merlin’s eyes.

“I love you.”

Arthur’s eyebrows raise.

“I love you.” Merlin repeats breathlessly, painfully. Arthur deserves to know that he is loved.

Arthur’s smile grows as he fights the stinging in his eyes. “I love you too. God, I love you so fucking much.” Arthur leans his forehead against Merlin’s, “I have been waiting so damn long to say that.” He laughs in disbelief.

Merlin chuckles wetly, “I know.” His lips quiver as tears spill down his cheeks. The tears roll down to where Arthur’s hands hold gently on his face. There are so many conflicting emotions thrumming through him, so he tries to focus on the strongest ones. “I know Arthur. Gods I love you so much. It’s unbearable. It’s excruciating. I- I know it’s selfish to want nothing more than- than to be yours, to truly be yours, but- we can’t. You know we can’t you’re-”

“We can.” Arthur interrupts him, his voice is thick with emotion, a distinct difference from the energy that is practically vibrating off of him.

“Arthur,” Merlin sighs as he blinks through his tears so he can see his king. “You know we-”

“No, no, I mean it.” Arthur’s smile is blinding. He runs his thumbs over Merlin's cheeks. “We can, there are laws, workarounds. You can be my consort and-”

“Wh-what?” Merlin scrunches his brow.

“A consort, it’s like… well it’s like a queen-”

“Arthur.” Merlin sniffles, “You need an heir.”

“There’s an old law, it almost never gets used but there’s a way I can choose a successor.”

“We-what? How?”

Arthur can’t help but laugh at Merlin's expression. Though instead of answering his questions Arthur just keeps plowing ahead, “Of course we’ll still have to properly court and then there’s the whole issue of repealing the magic ban. So maybe we should wait to tell anyone but-”

“What if there are stipulations?” Merlin’s look of disbelief is strong, he’s mildly concerned Arthur might have lost his mind. “What if the council doesn’t approve or there’s some sort of old restriction? I don’t know, I- I never- I couldn’t be a noble. And I don’t want to get my hopes up only for-” his rambling is interrupted.

"Merlin.” Arthur’s voice is calmer now, “I would not ask anything of you if you do not wish to have it. But know that if you do agree, I will be at your side through everything, no matter what is to happen. Now and forever, I promise to be at your side.” His voice is soft and his tone determined as he reflects Merlin’s earlier words back at him. “And If that’s the case, if there are lawful nuances, then I will change whatever stipulations there may be. It’s far easier than drafting completely new-”

“Arthur you can’t just change-”

Merlin, I know it only happened today but I am the King.” Arthur rolls his eyes before meeting his gaze seriously once more. “As King, I can do whatever the hell I want,” Arthur brushes his thumbs across Merlin’s face again even though his tears have stopped now. “And I want you.”

“I want you too.” Merlin whispers.

“Then I am yours.” Arthur’s voice is rough. He leans in, bringing their lips together in a gentle, loving kiss.

Merlin kisses back just as reverently, energy swells up in him as a rightness as bright as the sunrise, as strong as the mountains that pierce the heavens, settles into his very soul.

All of their warring emotions are drained as they melt into each other. Arthur uses his hands to tilt Merlin’s head back further to deepen the kiss.

Their lips soon become hungry with the amassed desperation and longing of an entire life and maybe even more.

Arthur unknots Merlin’s cape and his sorcerer is quick to unlatch most of the armor off of Arthur, their mouths never leaving each other.

Merlin stutters in a sudden hesitation.

“Okay?” Arthur asks, pulling back enough so he can see his sorcerer’s face.

“I just- your crown.”

Arthur’s concern quickly melts into an amused smile, “It’s okay, go ahead.”

“Are you sure?”

Arthur brings their faces together so his smile brushes against his sorcerer’s lips, “Yes Merlin. Every part of me is yours, even my crown.”

Merlin carefully lifts it from Arthur’s head, it’s heavier than he expected.

“Just put it on the table for now.” Arthur murmurs before bringing his lips to Merlin’s in sweet movements so devout they border on sacrosanct.

Arthur starts untying Merlin’s neckerchief, he starts walking them over to the bed.

Merlin makes sure Arthur’s crown is in the center of the table before he allows the king to lead him further into the room.

It takes a bit to get Arthur’s armor off but when he is down to his gambeson and trousers, Merlin similarly in his tunic and breeches, both without their boots, the king gently pushes Merlin so he falls back onto the mattress.

“Prat.” Merlin grumbles in an attempt to hide his smile as he shuffles further onto the bed.

“You can’t talk to me like that.” Arthur is sure he looks like a besotted fool but can’t find it in himself to care at the moment.

“My apologies, your majesty.” Merlin smirks as he looks up coyly at the king.

It’s impossible to miss the way Arthur’s eyes darken even in the dim candlelight.

Merlin can’t help but chuckle as Arthur all but pounces on the bed.

“As insolent as ever,” Arthur smirks as he crawls over Merlin.

“Only for you.” Merlin cheeks.

“Only for me.” Arthur agrees with a soft smile before bringing his lips to Melin’s once again.

Their hands are tender and soft as they slowly divest the rest of their clothing.

Lips bestow divine kisses to heated skin, hands tenderly caress writhing muscles, fingers tangle in hair as they promulgate their utter need for each other with actions alone.

Their breaths are heated between them as Arthur pulls back to look at his sorcerer. Merlin’s hair is sticking up in a mess, his cheeks are flushed as his chest heaves. The boy's pupils are wide, the candle light reflects in his gaze.

“I love you.”

Merlin’s smile is radiant, his eyes squish as it lights his whole face.

His sorcerer reaches a hand up to run a hand through Arthur’s hair, “I love you too.”

Merlin pulls him back down and uses his tongue to entice Arthur into his mouth.

Arthur reaches and fumbles in his drawer until he finds the oil.

He peppers kisses all over Merlin’s face as he oils up his fingers. Merlin’s laughter is like a sonata to his soul.

Merlin arches, his hands curling against Arthur’s back as the king slowly starts working him open.

Arthur takes his time, enjoying every moan, every gasp, every breath from his sorcerer.

Arthur, please.” Merlin finally gives in to asking.

Arthur nods, not trusting his voice as he lines himself up. He leans down to nip and lick at Merlin’s lips as he slowly slides into his sorcerer, his lover.

They are both panting as Arthur leaves love marks on Merlin’s neck as he gives his sorcerer time to adjust.

“Move, pl-please Arthur.” Merlin’s nails dig into Arthur’s shoulders.

Arthur drags his hips back before grinding forward in a smooth deep motion that has Merlin tossing his head with a wretched moan.

Grunts and moans of pleasure are exchanged as they meet in slow broad thrusts. Each movement, each heartbeat has every nerve on their bodies surging with hot lightning.

The air is heated as their skin prickles with sweat as they move together as one whole. Each searing kiss burned into their skin an eternal edict of devotion.

Arthur feels the heat start to tighten in his stomach, he pulls back to see his other half looking thoroughly blissed yet not too far away.

It takes a moment for Merlin’s eyes to focus on his but then they do neither can stop their giddy smiles.

The next thrust hits that spot in Merlin and he gasps, squeezing his eyes shut.

“None of that.” Arthur brings a hand to his cheek, “Look at me Merlin.” His voice is gruff with raw pleasure.

Merlin blinks his eyes open, his brow furrowing in confusion. “I-wha- nngh- but the- gods- the curse is gone?” He tries to work through the fuzzy pleasure in his mind.

Arthur’s chuckle turns into a groan halfway through, “I- I know. I want to mmph- I want to see you.”

Merlin smiles dopily up at him, “Arthur I- ah!- oh fuck-”

Merlin tightens around him, pulling a guttural grunt out of Arthur, “Shit, I’ve- I’ve got you, don’t worry.” Through his own growing fire Arthur reaches for Merlin’s glistening prick.

It only takes a few strokes and Merlin is cumming between them, his eyes flashing that beautiful gold. As the first wave rolls through Merlin, Arthur follows, spilling his own cum in his lover.

They stay there for a moment catching their breaths before Arthur eases himself down next to Merlin, gently sliding out of him in the process.

Merlin turns his head on the pillow to look at him, his eyes are so soft a part of Arthur wants to shy away, he doesn't though.

Instead Arthur runs a tender hand through his dampened hair. “I love you.” His voice is just above a whisper, not wanting to break the serene quietness between them.

“I love you too.” Merlin whispers back a bit sappily but Arthur doesn’t tease him.

The rest of their evening is filled with honeyed words, tender caresses, and loving reassurances.

The next few days are filled with research, secret magic lessons, council meetings, fetching herbs, hushed conversations about the logistics of magic, seeing off all the visiting nobility, and all of the duties that come with being a new king.

After some very thorough conversations, and some begrudging protests from Arthur, they decide to keep their relations to themselves, at least until Arthur settles into his new role a bit more.

To rise to the throne and then take on a male peasant consort might garner some unwelcome prying eyes. And Merlin isn’t quite ready for all the attention that will surely come with such an announcement.

However Arthur does start courting him in private. He’s rather embarrassed when he realizes there isn’t much difference between courting and their days prior. While neither of them particularly has time for outings they still spend nearly all their free time together and certainly all their evenings.

The biggest change is the gifts Arthur bestows Merlin and that they share what meals they can privately in the King’s chambers.

After some embarrassing conversations with Gauis the pair finds that it shouldn’t be too difficult for Merlin to become consort. Though the idea is still overwhelming to the sorcerer, Arthur is always there to reassure him.

The king had offered Merlin a higher position in the meantime. To which Merlin fervently turned down.

Being Arthur’s servant is the only excuse Merlin has to stay by the king’s side all day, and while he argued he wouldn’t be able to protect Arthur from further away, they both knew Merlin just likes being by his side all day. Arthur made sure to tease him for being so girlish, but they each knew they were each just as happy about it.

There’s a lot ahead of them, and it will be anything but easy, but they’ll have each other the entire way.

The door to the throne rooms shuts as the last person makes their exit, leaving just the king and his manservant.

Finally.” Merlin groans, stepping forward and rolling out his shoulders.

“God I thought it would never end.” Arthur grumbles as he stands up from his throne, he takes a few paces and starts leaning side to side to stretch out his legs. He’s had something on his mind recently he’s been meaning to bring up but keeps forgetting with how busy they’ve both been. Arthur starts to turn around, “Merlin-”

Arthur gives a very unimpressed look as he finds Merlin slinked across his throne. “Merlin!”

“What?! I was standing that whole time, my feet are aching.” He groans petulantly.

Arthur pinches the bridge of his nose and takes a deep breath. He knows this is not an argument he will win. And perhaps he could use this for a punishment later, brat is getting too spoiled.

Christ, if he doesn’t get this out now he’ll end up forgetting again.

“We need to go visit your mother soon.”

Merlin perks up, his expression quickly brightening, “I’m afraid my dowry will be quite feeble.”

Arthur snorts, smiling affectionately at his sorcerer’s cheek, “No you idiot. I need to get her permission to court you.” He paces back towards the throne.

“I think it’s a little late for that.” Merlin chuckles breathily as his heart skips a beat. Damn Arthur and charming chivalry. “But, I haven't visited her in ages. I’d love to go see her.”

“It’s settled then.” Arthur leans down to press a soft kiss to his sorcerer’s lips before running a soothing hand through his hair. He may have lied. It might be a bigger, much more important question that he wants to get Hunith’s permission for. But, well, he wouldn’t want to ruin the surprise of asking Merlin for his hand.

The king goes to pull away but Merlin pulls him back into another much deeper kiss. Arthur makes a pleasantly surprised sound in his throat before moving forward between Merlin’s splayed legs, he lowers his hand to cup Merlin’s neck.

The door to the throne room opens and they fly apart, Merlin leaps out of the throne and stumbles as he lands.

Leon gives them an amused smile. “Sire. Merlin”


Both men answer with red cheeks.

“Is there something you need Sir Leon?” Arthur asks, his tone slightly annoyed at being interrupted.

Leon clears his throat and his expression becomes serious. “Yes sire. We finally found him. He was hiding in his summer cottage. He is in the dungeons as we speak.”

“Finally.” Arthur, stands straighter, “Very well. I’ll go and interrogate him.”

“Of course sire.”

Arthur turns back to Merlin and places his hands on his hips, his expression an apology of once again being swept away by duties.

“Found who?” Merlin asks as he searches his king's face.

“Lord Thomas.” Arthur answers with a scowl.

The name has Merlin's nose scrunching in disgust.

“Shall we pick up where we left off later this evening?” Arthur murmurs quite enough so Leon can’t hear from the door.

“I’ll meet you in your chambers later, your majesty.”

Arthur gives him that endearingly crooked smile before placing a soft kiss to his lips. “I eagerly await your arrival.” Arthur smiles before turning to take his leave.

Leon and Arthur leave the doors open as they exit, leaving Merlin standing there alone.

This is the first moment of free time he has gotten to himself since Arthur’s coronation. He could cozy up with a good book, or take a nap.

Maybe he'll go back and research the spell a bit more. Perhaps he could even figure out how to cast a less deadly iteration. It’s only fair he finds out Arthur’s preferences right?

Chapter End Notes

This note was way longer but ao3 character limit came for blood.

And before we get into these notes: Here is the Leon/George fic for any who are interested in reading! The Harvest Festival

Guys I can’t believe it. I can’t believe it’s over. Because it’s not. HA. Come on, you really thought I’d leave this at 29 chapters??? Don’t get too excited though! The story is over! The last chapter will be a BONUS. But I do not know when that chapter will come out. It’s mostly just going to be some happy ever after fluff that our boys so deserve that has no relevance to the actual plot whatsoever. I am doing this because I will post that chapter when the epilogue starts to get posted, so you all can very easily find the link to the epilogue if you so desire to read it. And if you don’t want to, that's totally fine! This is the official ending of this fic and by no means are you missing out on anything by not reading the bonus chapter.

That being said… hmmm with that ending, I wonder what the epilogue will be about hehehe~.

Okay okay it’s quite obvious so I won’t tease you ( too much ;) ). The epilogue IS going to take a look at Arthur’s kinks (it's still Dom!Arthur / Sub!Merlin). I am so excited about this concept because it is going to let us see more intense kinks as well as revisit some we have already seen. (There will be a few of Merlin’s more intense ones in there as well~). As you can probably guess, the epilogue is going to be much more intense kink-wise but every chapter will be skippable. But please be warned it is seriously going to be more intense (everything will still be consensual), but there will be some revisited kinks that go much deeper into that kink as well as some that I felt were just too intense for Merlin who was just discovering these sorts of things. (There are still things I am uncomfortable writing, but more on that in the actual epilogue.) But again, there will be warnings and definitions for each chapter just like this one! And it’s really nothing terrible lmao I’m making it sound so scary I swear it won’t be. Just if you are newer to the kink community or not super familiar with kinks it might be a little intimidating, but again that's what the warnings and definitions are for. <3 (Date of posting is up in the air but like mid to late Jan at the latest, most likely) Leave your kink requests below!

*Gasps for air after talking so long*

ALRIGHT, before I get into my blubbering. I know, I know, there’s more? But I have been DYING to talk about this. For any of those who are interested in reading another one of my fics. I am soooooo excited to FINALLY say that my next fic is going to be a Merthur canon era Vampire!Arthur fic, I am just so freaking excited to get into it!! It will of course have plot, fluff and a lot of spicy smut~ I can’t be sure when it will start coming out but like genuinely unless something goes crazy I can’t see it starting to be posted later than like mid February at the absolute latest. I already have so many ideas for the story and just eeeee I’m so excited.
And if that fic does not intrigue you then no worries I have so many ideas for the future!

With that being said if you don’t plan on reading the epilogue or pursuing my future fics that is more than okay! I am so grateful you have given this fic a chance and read it to the end. Aaaaaand here comes the blubbering.

I can not thank every single one of you for reading this far. My God, it's literally over 200k and you read through it! It id absolutely not lost on me how much time and dedication reading something so long is so I seriously can not thank you all enough for sticking around until the end. I can not thank you all enough and my god the support, the kudos, comments, books marks, subscriptions thank you guys so much. Seriously I will never be able to thank you all enough. Just know that each of you now owns a tiny part of my heart wherever you go, even if you’re reading this in the future, take a piece it’s now yours and will stay with you forever as each and every one of you will stay with me forever. So, thank you so much, truly. If it is in our destinies perhaps we will come across each other again, and if not then I truly wish you the best and am sending all the well wishes your way for a lovely life. Thank you so much.

TLDR: Info about the epilogue, info about my next planned fic, truly thank you so much for reading.

Oh, I should also add, I am more than willing to link to any fan art or anything similar even after this fic is over, feel free to message me on my socials or just @ me on your post as I’d love to see your beautiful creations.

Thank you for reading.

Tumblr: lexplosion
TikTok: Lex1800


Chapter Notes

Hello!!!! I missed you guys so much!!!
Welcome to the bonus chapter of fluff!

Which also means drum roll... The epilogue Crumpling Up The Sheets is now out! It will also be linked in the end notes! I'll talk about it a bit more in the end notes as well.

But waaaaaah I seriously missed you guys so much. First of all, thank you guys so much for over 1,700 Kudos!!! That's actually crazy. It means the world to me that so many people have found and enjoyed this story.

I can't believe this is officially the last chapter I will be posting here on the main story.

Again I just can't thank you all enough for such love and support. And so, lets get into this fluffy ending. <3

Arthur pokes his head in through the door, eyes scanning the room confirming his manservant is nowhere to be seen. The king eases the door open just enough to slide through the threshold before gentling it shut behind him.

The familiar smell of dust and herbs fills his lungs, it’s a comforting scent. “Gaius.”

“Gods above!” Gaius exclaims as he just manages to steady the vial in his hand. The man turns around and shoots the king a glare, “Arthur, I am getting far too old to be startled like that.” The physician's tone is reprimanding as if he is scolding a child.

Arthur winces, this is certainly not how he wanted this to start out. “My apologies, Gaius.”

The man sets his vial down carefully before tuning his attention back to the king. “Is everything alright sire? Are you feeling ill?”

Actually, thinking about it Arthur does feel quite ill, in fact he might turn up the contents of his stomach. Not that there’s anything the physician could actually do to help with his current predicament.

“No, nothing like that.” Arthur rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. “I was actually hoping I could talk to you about something.”

“Of course, sire.” Gaius hobbles over to his dining table and gestures for Arthur to take the other chair.

Once sat Arthur wipes the palms of his hands along his trousers.

“Gaius,” He starts. Arthur has rehearsed what he wanted to say countless times but he’s suddenly drawing a blank. His mouth is far too dry and his tongue doesn’t want to work properly, “As you know, I am rather… fond of Merlin.”

“So I’ve gathered.” Gaius says dryly though there’s a hint of amusement under the words.

“Right.” Arthur clears his throat, “And I know that he is like a son to you, and you a father to him, for which I can not thank you enough. I have seen myself how much he needs and relies on you.”

The older man’s expression softens as he thinks about his apprentice, “It is no trouble at all, sire… Well, perhaps it is a bit of trouble, but that’s to be expected with Merlin.”

Arthur chuckles, he knows all too well just how much trouble Merlin manages to attract. He takes a moment to gather his thoughts before continuing, a more serious tone settles between them. “I know my father has done terrible things, that I have done terrible things.” Images of sorcerers he has condemned and the druid raids flash in his mind only adding to his already thundering pulse. “I will never be able to understand the damage the purge did to our nation, to our people, and certainly to you. I-“

”Arthur,” Gaius’ voice is solemn, “You did not know. You were raised to believe sorcery was evil, you had no reason to believe otherwise. I have seen how far you have come in the past weeks, you are a good kind hearted man. Your mother would be proud.”

The king’s throat tightens as he blinks away the sudden wetness in his eyes. “Thank you Gaius, truly. That means a lot coming from you.”

The physician gives a small smile with a respectful nod of his head.

“Why I came here,” The king’s heart is pounding in his ears, “is that, I came seeking your blessing,” Arthur lifts his chin proudly, his voice is firm even with his nerves so frayed, “to ask for Merlin’s hand.”

The physician's brows raise. He had expected something like this to eventually happen, though he hardly expected the king to ask him for his blessing.

Arthur watches anxiously as various emotions flicker over the physician’s face.

Gaius’ mouth twists in concern, “Sire,”

Arthur’s heart falls through his feet at the man's tone.

“Are you sure you want Merlin to become part of the court? I know the lad’s smart and will make an excellent advisor, but you more than anyone know his lack of respect for nobility, gods know that boy can’t hold his tongue.”

A blush works its way onto Arthur’s cheeks, “He’s worth the trouble.”

Gaius smiles warmly, “Arthur, I wouldn’t trust anyone else more with him.”

Arthur shoots up from his chair in joy, his chest puffed out with pride, his eyes wide with excitement. “Thank you Gaius. I promise to watch over him.”

Gaius makes to stand up as well, albeit much slower, “I know my boy, I have already seen just how much you are for him, and he you.”

Arthur shuffles over to shake the physician's hand in respect, but Gaius takes his arm and pulls him into a hug. The king tenses for a moment but returns the sentiment.

The physician pulls back, moister in his eyes as he pats Arthur’s shoulder, “I’m sure you’ll be wanting to ask Hunith as well.”

“We have already planned a trip to visit Ealdor in a few days.” Arthur smiles brightly. While he’s even more nervous to ask Hunith as he’s only met her twice before, he knows just how excited Merlin is to see his mother.

It’s the day before they leave that Merlin’ bursts into Arthur’s chamber. “You are not going to believe this.”

“I can assure you I wholly believe you have the capability of knocking, you just refuse to do so.” Arthur replies dryly as he sits back in his desk chair.

Merlin doesn’t pay mind to the jab, “I was doing research into the spell, you know. That one.”

Arthur turns to fully face Merlin now, intrigued and partially concerned where this is going. “Go on.” He says warily.

“It only works for kinks you know of.” Merlin’s eyes are wide, his hair tousled like he’s been running his hands through it.

Arthur raises a brow “And?”

“And!” Merlin exclaims as he starts pacing, “I knew of very few when this whole thing started, it was only because-”

“Gwaine’s book.” Arthur interrupts, now catching on.

Merlin gestures his hand exasperatedly as he nods.

“So,” Arthur blinks slowly before pinching the bridge of his nose, “You’re telling me, that was pretty much all Gwaine’s fault.”

“I- well, yeah.” Merlin’s hand drops as he stops his pacing.

They hold each other's gaze for a moment before Arthur laughs, genuinely laughs, his shoulders shake up and down as it bubbles out of him. The sight has laughter spilling out of Merlin as well.

Arthur stands up and paces of to his sorcerer, placing his hands on his hips, Merlin’s hands settle on his biceps.

Arthur searches his face as the amusement tapers out slightly, “I’m not sure if I should be upset or agree to pay his bar tab until the end of time.”

Merlin smiles cheekily, “Well I-”

“Wait.” Arthur frowns suddenly, “Why were you researching the spell, is everything alright?”

A blush dances across Merlin’s cheeks as he looks away shyly. “I was,” Merlin bites his lip nervously. Arthur brings a hand up to his cheek, he uses his thumb to gently dislodge his lip. Merlin looks back to him. “Everything’s fine. I was just…” Merlin pauses again. Unable to hold Arthur’s gaze he tucks his head into his king’s neck, mumbling something inaudible.

“What was that?” Arthur tries to look down at his sorcerer but he keeps his face resolutely hidden.

Merlin mumbles something again but it’s still too muffled for Arthur to make out. “Merlin. I can’t hear you.”

Merlin pulls back with an adorably angry pout on his flushed face. “It’s not fair you got to learn all my preferences. I want to learn yours as well.”

Arthur stares at him for a moment in shock until a breathy laugh escapes his lips, “You could just ask you know.”

“But how would I know for sure that we did all of them? How would you know for sure we did all of them?”

Arthur chokes and retracts his hands from Merlin as if he was burned, “You want to do them?”

“Well, yeah.” Merlin says incredulously if not a bit shyly.

“Merlin, I don’t know if that’s a good-”

Any embarrassment Merlin is feeling is immediately squashed by a mischievous curiosity, “Do you have some rather bad ones?” He takes a step forward as Arthur takes a step back.

“I, well,” Arthur tries to take another step back but Merlin keeps following, “they might be a bit too… intense… for you.”

Merlin’s insides tingle as he takes another step forward, a devious smile creeps onto his face, “That bad are they?”

Arthur back presses against the cool stone of the wall, “For you, probably.” He answers back cockily.

Sire,” Merlin drawls as he closes in on the king, he teases his fingers around the waistband of Arthur’s trousers. “We both know I like it when it hurts, I like when you use me for your own pleasure, my body is yours Arthur.” Merlin purrs as he kisses the underside of Arthur’s jaw.

Merlin,” Arthur’s voice comes out huskier than he was expecting, “I really don’t know if-.”

Please.” Merlin pushes his body against Arthur’s, “I want you to experiences your deepest desires,” his breath is hot against Arthur’s neck, “no matter how dark you think they may be.”

Arthur brings his hands to Merlin’s waist and gently pushes him a step back, “Be that as it may, it is a deadly curse. Would it even be safe? What if we were to get separated for too long or-.”

“I figured out how to cast a nonlethal version.” Merlin smiles demurely, “And I can even make it so it only triggers when I want it to. So we’d have no time constraints.” He steps back into Arthur’s space, his hands coming to massage the top of his king’s shoulders.

Arthur eyes him for a moment. He can’t deny being able to partake in all of his kinks with his sorcerer no less is beyond tempting, especially as Merlin is so eager.

“We’ll discuss it, alright?” Arthur gently brushes his nose against Merlin’s. The sorcerer’s face lights up. Arthur continues, “ But not until we are back from visiting your mother, I’m sure she doesn’t want to hear her son begging for-”

“Fine.” Merlin half-snorts half-cringes. “I’m holding you to that though.”

Arthur quickly flips them around, pinning Merlin’s back to the wall and restraining his hands above his head. Merlin’s eyes are wide with shock as Arthur brushes their lips together, “Fine. For the time being I am holding you to this wall though.”

Merlin’s lips curl into a smile as Arthur brings their mouths together fervently, grinding their stiffening groins together.

Arthur smiles as Merlin pulls his horse ahead, his deep blue fur lined cloak fluttering out behind him as he picks up more speed. The snowy village now visible over the hill.

The ride out has been blessedly uneventful. The air holds a cold winter bite but Merlin’s magic had kept them warm during the evening, along with some vigorous physical activity. Their cloaks and furs have been keeping them warm through their riding.

It was quite nice not having to wear armor in such cold weather, knowing that if something were to happen Merlin could protect them.

Merlin all but leaps from his horse as they reach his mother’s house.

Arthur chuckles as he dismounts, he makes quick work of tying the horses up to a fence post as Merlin knocks on the door.

The door opens and all Hunith can do is gasp before she is enveloped into a crushing hug.

“Merlin!” Happy tears well up in her eyes. “What are you doing here?!”

“I haven’t seen you in so long, so we thought it would be a nice surprise.” Merlin’s voice is wet as he noses the top of his mother’s hair.

“Darling you know I am always happy to see you.” Hunith pulls back from her son, blinking away tears as she eyes the empty space behind him, “Did you say we?”

Merlin turns his head only for the king to appear in Hunith view at that moment, a filled basket in his hand.

“Arthur!” Hunith smiles before dragging the man into a hug.

Arthur tenses for a moment before melting into her motherly touch. “I hope we aren’t intruding.” The king replies sheepishly. Merlin takes the basket that is hanging awkwardly in Arthur’s hand and along Hunith’s back before walking past them into the house.

“Not at all, you are both always more than welcome here.” Hunith pulls back and rubs Arthur’s cheeks his her thumbs fondly.

“Thank you.” Arthur smiles down to her.

“Alright, hurry in. We’ll catch our death with the door open.” Hunith corrals Arthur inside before shutting the door tight before walking back over to her son.

“Oh mum, we brought you some cheeses and meat.” Merlin’s voice lilts to sound more posh as he continues, “The king has even brought some of his best wine.”

Hunith gasps, “King?”

“Yup!” Merlin exclaims.

“Oh Arthur dear.” Hunith pulls the man into another hug, “I am so sorry for your loss.”

Arthur grimaces, unsure of how to answer that. His first instinct is to say ‘there is no need to be sorry’ but that might come off as rude. So instead he simply says a gruff, “Thank you.”

“Mum! There’s so much I have to tell you.” Merlin eagerly drags Hunith over to the hearth before settling in front of it.

His mother smiles warmly and a bit exasperatedly, “Alright dear, but perhaps you could take off your cloak and boots first.”

“Oh.” Merlin has been so excited to see his mother he hadn’t even taken off his gloves, “Right.” He chuckles as he quickly kicks his boots off from his place on the ground. He is quick to extract his hands from the soft gloves before untying his cloak.

Arthur shuffles over, also de-cloaked and holds a waiting hand out towards Merlin. “Thanks.” The sorcerer smiles and tosses his cloak over Arthur’s forearm before handing him the gloves, “There’s hooks by the door.”

Arthur makes a sound of acknowledgment before stepping away to hang their things up.

Hunith stares in shock at the interaction. Had she not been so surprised she would have reprimanded Merlin for having a guest do such things. But the last thing she would have expected was for Arthur, the king, to be tending to her son, his servant.

“Alright. Mum, I need you to take a deep breath.” Merlin says, concern tingeing his voice.

“Why?” Hunith asks hesitantly.

“Because I need to tell you something I know you are not going to like.” Merlin laughs in a self deprecating manner.

“Well,” Hunith takes a deep breath, “go on then.” She raises an admonishing brow.

Arthur fiddles with their cloaks not wanting to be too near and worry Hunith any extra.

Merlin’s eyes flick to Arthur’s before returning to his mother’s face. “Arthur knows about my magic.”

It feels as if everything around Hunith crumbles and is sucked into the earth into a void of nothingness. Her blood roars in her ears as her heart starts pounding in her chest.

“what?” Her voice is so soft Arthur barely catches she actually said anything.

“It’s okay. He isn’t going to hurt me.” Merlin’s voice is gentle but also riddled with guilt as the color drains from his mother’s face. He knows how much she fears anyone learning about his talents, let alone The King of Camelot. It’s one of the reasons she had sent Merlin away in the first place.

Arthur clears his throat from where he stands by the door, Hunith tenses and leans forward to block Merlin from his view.

“Hunith, you have my word, I would never harm Merlin, could never harm him. I am in the process of repealing the magic ban.” Her head snaps back to Merlin who has a blinding smile on his face.

“Truly?” She asks her son as fear and hope battle in her chest.

Merlin nods eagerly, tears filling up in his eyes.

Hunith slowly turns back to Arthur, “your majesty, I- I can’t put into words how-” she sniffles, “how grateful I am. Thank you, thank you so much”

“There’s no need for thanks,” Arthur bashfully looks to his socked feet, “I plan on doing everything I can to reverse the damage my father wrought on Camelot. I assure you Merlin will never have to live in fear again.”

Tears spill down Hunith’s cheeks as she looks to the king, bathed in the golden light of the hearth.

“I don’t understand,” Hunith speaks after a moment of processing. “Your father hated magic.”

“And that is why I have so much to tell you.” Merlin chirps before turning his attention to the king. “Come on Arthur,” he pats the floor next to him.

Arthur pads his way over to the two and settles beside Merlin, his knee brushing the sorcerer’s thigh.

The contact stands out to Hunith but she’s soon drawn into Merlin’s tale.

Arthur and Merlin banter as Merlin tells most of the story, Arthur cutting in to explain certain things or his side when the time calls for it. Though neither of them expound on the curse that hit Merlin nor the change to their relationship.

They talk late into the evening, snacking on cheese and drinking wine from dented mugs.

The jovial tone takes a somber turn when they get to Uther’s capturing of Merlin. It’s then Arthur takes over the tale, Hunith does not need to know the details of Merlin’s torture; so they instead say Merlin was awaiting execution, not too far from the actual truth, but serious enough for Arthur’s next actions to be justified.

By the end Hunith is a blubbering mess clinging on to Arthur, thanks and praise hiccupping out of her.

“Mum, mum!” Merlin pries Hunith off of Arthur. “As happy as we are to see you, we've been on the road for a few days, and we shouldn’t be keeping you up too late either. You need your rest after all that weeping.” Merlin half-jests as he coaxes his mother to stand up.

“Oh I’m sorry darlings I’m sure you’re both so tired after traveling all the way here.”

“It’s really not-” Arthur starts but is interrupted by Merlin.

“It’s okay mum, let's just get you to sleep, yeah? We plan to stay for a week if that’s alright with you, so we’ll have plenty of time to talk.”

“Yes of course that’s more than fine, you can both stay as long as you like, I’m so happy that you’re both here.” Hunith smiles as she’s led to her sleeping area.

Merlin hugs his mother once more before closing the curtain that separates her sleeping area from the rest of the house.

Arthur stands and stretches his legs as Merlin walks back over, “I see where you get your alcohol tolerance from.” Arthur teases.

Pfft shut up.” Merlin playfully shoves his shoulder.

Arthur catches his servant’s wrist before he can pull away and pulls Merlin into a soft kiss.

“Arthur!” Merlin hisses quietly as he pulls away, blush decorating his cheeks, “She doesn’t know yet!”

Arthur rolls his eyes, “It’s not like she can see through her curtain.” The king takes a step forward, looping his arms around Merlin’s waist, “You can’t expect me to go an entire week without even a kiss from you.” He noses into Merlin’s neck.

Damn Arthur for being so… so… so arhg.

Merlin relaxes into his hold with a defeated sigh, “Prat.”

Merlin can feel Arthur smile against his neck. “I’ll fetch our bed rolls.”

“Do you need help?” Arthur whispers as he pulls back to see Merlin’s face.

The servant lifts an incredulous brow, “You know she can’t hear you anymore. No need to lick my boots.”

“I’d rather be licking something else anyways.” Arthur rumbles next to his ear.

“Arthur! I swear to gods,” Merlin whisper-shouts as backs up out of Arthur’s reach.

The king gives him that lovely crooked smile, his eyes shining bright with besotted love. Merlin rolls his eyes, his lips quivering with amusement as he turns to fetch their bedrolls from the horses.

It isn't long until they are both laid out and muddled up with one another.

“What if your mother sees us like this?” Arthur breathes into Merlin’s hair.

“She won’t, I’ll be sure to get up early.” Merlin snuggles in closer to Arthur’s chest.

“You? Getting up early?” Arthur teases.

“You’re one to talk, your highness.”

Arthur nips his ear earning him a disgruntled groan.

“ ‘m tired, you big prat, go to sleep.”

“Fine.” Arthur chuckles, tightening his hold on Merlin.

The silence stretches on for a while.

“Merlin?” Arthur asks softly.

“What?” Merlin replies tersely.

Arthur smiles, placing a kiss to Merlin’s temple, “Goodnight.”

“Goodnight Arthur.” Merlin burrows as close as he can.

The next days go by far too quickly.

Arthur makes sure to do everything he can to impress Hunith. He chops plenty of wood, once Merlin shows him how. He helps fix part of the fence, also once Merlin shows him how. He re-strings the laundry line, with Merlin’s help. He hunts down some hares and cleans them so they can eat the meat and so Hunith can have the furs, without Merlin’s help.

He constantly asks Hunith what he can help with and carries water from the well when she goes to the well. He even helps her prepare dinner, helping cut the vegetables when appropriate.

All the while sneaking kisses and soft looks with Merlin when Hunith isn’t looking.

Or so they think.

She had looked out the window, snow dusting the bottom of its frame, to see how Arthur was coming along when Merlin had been showing him how to chop wood. She giggled to herself as Arthur fumbled a few times, not quite able to split the log. When he finally got it his face broke out into a smile, his head darted up to make sure Merlin had seen. Arthur then said something, Merlin trotted over and placed a kiss to his cheek; Arthur’s smile grew even brighter somehow as he said something that made Merlin roll his eyes before gesturing to the pile of wood that still needed to be chopped.

The sight had a deep warmth settle into Hunith’s chest. Ever since they first visited Ealdor she had thought there had been more between Arthur and her son. And given how far Arthur went for Merlin against his own father, she had suspected the man had come into his feelings for her son.

The second time she had seen them was while Merlin was showing Arthur how to fix the fence. She had been about to call them in for dinner when she saw them playfully running around, that was until Merlin tripped. Arthur laughed but even from where she was standing she could see the tension in his shoulders. Merlin grumbled something as he stood up wiping dirt and snow from his trousers. The king brought a hand to cup her son's face and brushed off some dirt that had managed to make it onto his face. She shut the door and waited a few more minutes before calling them in.

The third time was when they were hanging up the new laundry line. She had just got some eggs from one of their neighbors and was walking back when she saw them. Merlin had a serious look on his face, most likely explaining how to hang up the line, at first she had thought Arthur was raptly listening until she saw the smitten look in his eyes. Merlin stepped closer still holding the line between them, it looked like he was showing Arthur how the knot worked. Once Merlin was close enough Arthur gave the line a pull and Merlin tripped into him, Arthur easily led their lips together. It was a chaste kiss that left her son blushing while he reprimanded Arthur for not paying attention. She snuck back into the house without being seen.

The fourth time had been this morning, their second to last day. Hunith had awoken earlier than normal and decided she’d get an early start on their breakfast. When she opened her curtain she had seen the two wrapped in each other's arms. She smiled to herself and settled back into bed, Merlin would be sure to wake soon anyway.

It was just past noon when Arthur came to her looking for more work that needed to be done.

“Actually, there is one thing I need, but in all honesty I think it’s best if Merlin go alone.”

Merlin perked up at that, “What is it mum?”

“I was waiting for some new leather straps to be made, they should be done by today.”

Merlin crinkles his nose, “Old man Simmons?”

“I can go get them for you.” Arthur cuts in eagerly, smiling charmingly at Hunith.

“You stay here Arthur.” Merlin grouses as he starts heading for the door. “Old man Simmons doesn’t even like the other village members, let alone strangers.”

“Surely I met him last time I was here.” Arthur argues.

“You didn’t. He resolutely stayed in his house during the entire battle.”

“What? Really?” Arthur asks, truly shocked.

“He rarely leaves his house unless it’s to yell at children having too much fun.”

“Merlin.” Hunith chastises, “You nearly knocked down an entire tree on to his house.”

Arthur muffles a startled laugh.

“That was one time! He didn’t even know about my magic so he was blaming me for toppling an entire tree over when I was only seven winters!”

Hunith replies amusedly, “It was your fault Merlin.”

“Yeah, yeah.” Merlin grumbles as he fastens his boots, “If I'm not back in twenty minutes give me a good funeral.” He waves dismissively as he shuts the door behind him.

Arthur’s heart spikes as he realizes this might be the only time he gets alone with Hunith without making Merlin suspicious. He clears his throat before turning to the woman.

“Hunith, could I have a moment of your time?” Arthur gestures to the table.

“Of course dear.” Hunith smiles warmly and takes a seat.

Arthur sits across from her, “I was hoping to discuss something with you. While Merlin is away.”

“If it’s about his cleaning duties I can’t say I'm surprised, he’s never been particularly good at picking up after himself.” She teases lightly, amusement sparkling in her eyes.

A laugh rumbles in Arthur’s chest, the quip surprisingly calms quite a bit of his nerves.

“No, no. It’s not about that.” Arthur scrunches his fingers into the fabric of his trousers repeatedly under the table. “Though he is getting better. But no, it’s something more important.”

“Of course, I’m happy to help you in any way I can Arthur.” She smiles, genuine kindness shining in her eyes. It’s something Arthur so rarely sees in his day to day life unless it’s from Merlin or his knights. But Hunith’s kindness feels motherly and loving in a familial sense that has Arthur’s chest both swelling and panging at the same time.

“I have known Merlin for a while now. At first I thought he was an ignorant, cocky, hellion.” Arthur’s gaze is distant as he recalls their early interactions. “But with time I grew rather fond of his surliness. He was the only one who dared tell me the truth when everyone else around me just wanted my approval. His advice has since become invaluable to me. And then,” A blush starts to heat his face but he does his best to ignore it.

He pushes ahead continuing, “There were days where if I went too long without seeing him, I’d get upset. Or, as silly as it is, if he were to serve someone else I’d get angry. But then, when he’d smile at me I felt like I could conquer all of Albion. I ignored the feeling at first, tried to convince myself it was a brotherly kind of care but it only grew stronger, God did it grow stronger.” Arthur chuckles a bit at himself. Hunith's expression is relaxed but not giving much away so he keeps going. “I still tried to push it down, not fully understanding it myself. But then the reality of Merlin possibly leaving one day, whether that be to work somewhere else or even marrying and not being around nearly as much, it struck me in the chest like an arrow.”

He glances at Hunith but he still can’t read her expression, she isn’t angry though, at least not visibly. “That’s when it hit me just how much he truly means to me… how much I love him.” He pauses, waiting for a reaction.

Hunith watches him closely for a moment before she reaches to the middle of the table and turns her hand over. It takes a moment for Arthur to realize what she wants. He places his hand in hers. She squeezes his hand and gives a warm smile, “I can’t tell you how happy I am for my son to have found someone to love him so completely. To love and accept all of him.” Her words have Arthur’s eyes stinging.

“I love him more than completely.” Arthur laughs wetly, “I sometimes feel as if my body will burst, unable to hold all of my adoration for him. I cherish every breath that passes his lips, every sunny smile, every joyful laugh. It’s as if I have lifetimes worth of love for him.” Hunith tears spill from her eyes. “I would do anything for him, I would give my life for his in a heartbeat, I would go to war if it meant he would keep smiling at me. I vow to you, no matter what is to happen I will protect him. I will be his faithful shield until my time on this plane is over. And it is with that Hunith, that I humbly request for your blessing to ask for Merlin’s hand.”

Hunith gasps, her hand tightening around Arthur’s. She had just been expecting Arthur to confess his feelings for her son. She never would have imagined he’d ask for his hand.

“Is… is that even possible?” Hunith asks wide eyed, her tears have momentarily stopped in her surprise.

“It is.” Arthur answers with a soft smile, “It is unconventional and my council members will be sure to gripe about it. But their opinions on such a matter have no merit. For I know Merlin is the only one who could ever complete me in such a way.”

Gods her son, a royal, the thought seems so preposterous, yet here is The King of Camelot, in her hut, asking for her blessing. As scary as it sounds, she knows Arthur will make her son happy. “Of course Arthur.”

Arthur stares at her for a moment unmoving before he whispers, “Really?”

“Yes.” Hunith laughs wetly, “It is clear how much he means to you. And I know that he loves you just as much in turn. The last time you came here it was as if I could feel some sort of string tying the two of you together. Call it a mother’s intuition, but I knew even then that you were special to each other. Nothing would make me happier for Merlin to be so loved in his lifetime.”

Arthur stands up from his chair with moisture pooling in his eyes. Hunith is quick to follow and they meet in a tight hug. The tears in Arthur's eyes finally spill over. “I can’t thank you enough Hunith, not only for your blessing, but for giving birth and raising such a lovely, albeit irksome, person.”

They both chuckle but the moment is interrupted by the sound of footsteps approaching the door. Hunith, thinking quick on her feet, tugs Arthur over to the counter, puts a knife in his hand and grabs two onions before picking up a knife herself and quickly cutting into one of the vegetables.

The door opens allowing a cool wave of air into the house before Merlin quickly shuts it, “You know old man Simmons wasn’t that crotchety this time, but I think maybe I’m just used to putting up with your pratishness.” Merlin quips as he de-cloaks.

“Merlin!” Hunith reprimands, “Arthur is a guest here.” She shoots him a glare.

“I- mum? Everything alright?” Merlin asks, his eyes flickering from his mother’s to Arthur’s wet faces.

“Oh yes, just showing Arthur how to cut onions.” Hunith gives a secretive smile to Arthur.

Merlin chuckles and trots over to help, placing the leather straps on the table as he walks by.

Their last day in Ealdor is somber.

They don’t do any chores, instead they spend time together playing silly games and regaling stories. That evening Merlin and Arthur take a walk as Hunith insists she cook them a meal herself.

It’s a quiet walk, Merlin is clearly upset at having to leave his mother so Arthur doesn’t try to push conversation, instead he simply takes Merlin’s hand in his own. His thumb rubbing soothing circles on the back of Merlin’s hand. Arthur lets his mind wander to the past week and how delightful it was. It’s not until Merlin stops walking that he notices where they are.

In front of them stands Will’s gravemarker, Merlin’s childhood friend.

Arthur squeezes Merlin’s hand before wrapping his arm around his shoulder. The winter air is quiet as the dark blue sky above turns to black.

“Hello again William.” Arthur says after a few moments, the sudden sound startling Merlin. “I know you weren’t particularly fond of me when we met. But I hope you’ll give me a moment of your time.” Merlin eyes him curiously, “I know now, what you did for Merlin. I- I wish I had the chance to thank you while you were still here.” Merlin starts to sniffle, he pushes closer into Arthur’s side. “For what it’s worth, I think you would have made a fine knight, your father would surely have been proud of you. I have fought alongside many men, few have been so devout as yourself.” Merlin turns his body, softly crying into Arthur’s shoulder. “I want you to know, that even though Merlin has magic, I promise to keep him safe. And I owe that honor greatly to you. So thank you.”

Arthur soothingly rubs his hand over Merlin’s back. Once Merlin’s chest stops sputtering he turns around, face still wet with tears. “Hey Will.” He chuckles a bit as he rubs his nose, “Gods I’m sure you're laughing at me right now.” Arthur puffs out an amused breath, Merlin continues, “I really miss you, mum misses you too, but I’m sure that wherever you are you’re back with your family. It’s probably more exciting than Ealdor anyways. I- I hope you’re doing well.”

Merlin holds his hand out, his eyes flash gold, lighting up the surrounding darkness for a split second. The snow around Will’s gravemarker melts away leaving a patch of vibrant green grass. Patches of forget-me-nots spring up from the ground along with a few yellow zinnia’s that rest at the base of the marker.

They stay there for a while, silently paying their respects to the fallen young man before heading back to Hunith’s hut.

It isn’t until mid-spring that Arthur finally enacts his plan.

“Seriously Arthur. The sun is setting, we should turn around now if we want to make it back before it gets completely dark.”

“Don’t be such a girl Merlin. The dark won't hurt us.”

“No but your navigation abilities certainly will.” Merlin grumbles as he eyes the setting sun through the trees. Rays of golden light shine through the leaves, illuminating the pink sky above.

“Well, it’s a good thing we are nearly there then.” Arthur ignores the jibe. He’s far too excited to be pulled into a jesting match with his idiot.

“You said that an hour ago!” Merlin gripes.

Merlin won't lie, he’s rather annoyed Arthur insisted out of nowhere they had to ride into the forest. The prat won’t even tell him why or where they are even going. They were getting so close to finally being able to bring the appeal of the magic ban in front of the council. And Merlin had laws he had to check over, he had to make sure everything was as perfect as it could be. The longer the council argues and debates the longer the appeal is going to take, and given their plan it is still going to take quite a while. There were things that needed to be done that he could not dally with.

Arthur pulls his horse to a stop drawing Merlin out of his thoughts.

“Alright, we’ll walk the rest of the way.” Arthur says before dismounting.

“What?! Arthur what in the hells are we doing out here?” Merlin demands haughty from atop his horse.

“Get off your horse and find out.” Arthur says in that prattish tone Merlin hates so much.

The warlock shoots him a glare before dismounting and tiring his horse up next to Arthur’s.

Arthur wraps his arms around Merlin’s middle from behind, pulling them close together. “Do you trust me?” The king’s voice is underlain with a teasing lilt, his breath is warm as it brushes against Merlin’s ear.

Merlin turns around in his arms with a huffy pout, “Well, who knows why you dragged me out into the woods all alone just before dark, refusing to tell me where we are going. It’s quite ominous and if I’m being honest-”

Merlin.” Arthur rolls his eyes fondly, bringing a hand to gently cup his sorcerer’s face.

Merlin’s cheeky smile fades into one much softer and filled with adoration, he leans into Arthur’s touch. “You already know the answer to that clotpole. I trust you with my life.”

“Good.” Arthur’s smile grows, “Then close your eyes.”

Merlin’s expression falls into an unimpressed look. “What?”

“Do you trust me or not?” Arthur teases.

“This better be important.” Merlin grouses, closing his eyes.

Arthur hums noncommittally as he starts carefully leading Merlin forward, god knows he has enough trouble walking with his eyes open.

Not even fifteen paces Merlin starts to slow down, anxiety creeping in as he feels magic pulsating from the direction they are headed.

“Arthur?” He asks worriedly, still not opening his eyes.

“It’s alright.” Merlin can hear the smile in Arthur’s voice, “Just trust me, I promise it’s alright.”

Merlin keeps following Arthur’s guiding hands, now with wary steps as the magic starts to grow stronger. Soon enough the feeling is fully surrounding them, it doesn’t feel dangerous, in fact it's almost familiar feeling, the thought does little to calm his nerves though .

“Alright.” Arthur stops, “Open your eyes.”

Merlin snaps his eyes open only for his breath to catch in his throat.

They are stood in the middle of a clearing, small golden orbs float around the perimeter illuminating the surrounding area. The entire area is littered with various flowers of pink, red, orange, and yellow shades, their petals sparkle in the light. On the ground in front of them luxurious furs are laid out along with a wide array of foods and drink that rival Camelot’s own banquets. Candles of all different heights flicker around the furs and food. Further ahead is a small pond framed by ferns that sway in the warm breeze, beside the water sits a crackling fire.

The entire clearing is bathed in pink light from the setting sun, the air warmer than the rest of the forest, rather than a spring evening it feels more like a summer night. Everything is pulsing with life and magic.

Merlin gapes at the beauty of it all, his mouth opening and closing a few times before he finally manages to get a strangled, “What?” past his lips.

He turns to Arthur to see a bashful smile on his lips and a shy blush dusting his cheeks. “Do you like it?” Arthur asks genuinely, wanting to make sure this is as perfect for Merlin as he can make it.

“I-Wha- of course I do! It’s gods, its beautiful Arthur. How- how did you-”

“I had some help from Morgana. It was all my idea though, she just helped with the execution of it.” Arthur smiles sheepishly but his gaze never leaves Merlin.

“Wha- why?” Merlin asks genuinely befuddled.

Arthur steps forward, taking Merlin’s hands in his own much more calloused ones. “Because I love you Merlin.” Arthur declares proudly, he smiles brightly at Merlin’s blush, “I have never been as good with words as you. But I want you to know that every beat of my heart, every breath I take is for you. If you were born to serve me then I was born to love you. And God knows where I would be without you.” Arthur smiles impishly. Merlin’s puffs out an amused breath, eyes filling with moisture. Arthur continues on, his voice filled with reverence, “Merlin you mean everything to me. I would capture the stars for you if you only ask, I would slay any beast if it meant you’d smile at me. I would give you my crown if it meant you’d bestow me a kiss.”

Merlin smiles warmly, “Well, it’s a good thing I only want you then.” He places a soft kiss to Arthur’s cheek.

The king’s eyes are filled with affection as the purest love flows through his veins. “I truly don’t understand how I was lucky enough to find you in this lifetime. I will never be able to thank the fates enough for blessing me with you. And so,” Arthur kneels down to one knee. Merlin’s eyes go wide as his heart jumps into his throat. Arthur pulls a medallion out of his pocket, “I humbly ask you, Merlin, son of Balinor and Hunith. My other half. To please accept my mother’s sigil and in turn allow me the immeasurable honor of claiming your hand.”

Merlin’s lips quiver as he fights down tears. “Of course Arthur.” He can’t stop his magic from pouring out of him, it twirls around them with a delighted hum entwining them together, it ties their affection together, allowing the other to feel just how loved they truly are. With a brilliant smile on his face Arthur places the sigil in Merlin’s hand before swooping up and pulling his sorcerer into a crushing kiss.

“God I love you so much Merlin.”

“I love you too Arthur.” Merlin kisses him again, “And I wouldn’t want all this food to go to waste.” He cheeks.

Arthur chuckles, leaning his forehead against Merlin’s, he brings his hands up to swipe Merlin’s tears away, “Cheeky brat.”

“Mmm, your cheeky brat.” Merlin brushes his lips against Arthur’s.

“All mine.” Arthur mumbles against his lips.

They wait quite a while to announce their secret engagement. It isn't until after the repeal on magic has settled over Camelot and sorcerers are peacefully thriving in their lands that they formally announce their bond.

The celebrations are as grandiose as one can fathom. Gold and Crimson adorning every corner of the city, flowers and magic brightening the streets as nobles and peasants alike celebrating and partaking in the merriment.

Hunith couldn’t believe her eyes when an elegant horse drawn carriage had showed up at her door with an invitation from the king and her son. It was rather overwhelming but the two knights that accompanied her in the carriage were delightful, sharing stories of her son and Arthur she had never heard. She could see why they were Merlin’s best friends, at least according to them. While one kept trying to sweet talk her the other would smack his shoulder and reprimand him before apologizing, their dynamic was very amusing.

The wedding itself was a beautiful event planned by both Camelot and the druids. The perfect blend of magic and monarchy.

Hunith had cried when she saw Merlin prior to the ceremony beginning. He had worn a dark blue jacket, emblazoned silver buttons sat on the left side of his chest while silver embroidered dragons circled along the wrists, neck and bottom. A Pendragon red cape hung off his right shoulder. His trousers were dark as ink, and his boots to match. Atop Merlin’s head was a ceremonial circlet gifted to him by the druids, it too was silver and had clear crystals that look like water drops hanging along it, there were also black opals similarly shaped hanging down as well. They gleamed in light in such a brilliant way Hunith could only compare them to the purse magical essence of dragons her love had so long ago explained to her.

Merlin’s hair had been done perfectly, curls and waves sat softly atop his head. The druids had pressed small gems into his hair, giving the appearance of stars in the night sky. Hunith fawned over her son as Gaius chuckled and caught up with her. They spent that afternoon sharing stories and helping calm Merlin’s nerves.

He wasn’t nervous to be marrying Arthur, no for that he was thrilled. But he was certainly rather frantic over becoming Camelot’s consort. That and walking down an aisle in a room filled to the brim with visiting royals, nobles, and druids who all knew he was a peasant was forbidding to say the least. Merlin so badly wanted to prove himself and prove that he was worthy of Arthur’s love.

What Merlin didn’t realize was that anyone who looked at the pair could immediately see their bond, the way they seamlessly gravitated towards each other until their shoulders or hands were brushing. The soft yet prideful gazes they held each other in. The protectiveness that radiated off both of them. And if anyone had still had doubts, they didn’t once everything Merlin had done for Camelot had been revealed as the magic ban was lifted.

Both Hunith and Gaius walked Merlin down the aisle. He had been a nervous wreck but still managed to hold himself tall thanks to all of his lessons. He felt every pair of eyes in the room on him, it made his skin crawl and his mouth far too dry. But then he had gotten close enough to lock eyes with Arthur.

He looked as regal as ever in his ceremonial armor, his crown gleaming golden atop his head, cape hanging off his proud shoulders. His face was slack with shock, lips parted and brows raised the moment he saw Merlin enter the room. The look on Arthur's face had a hint of smugness dancing in Merlin’s stomach. The warlock gave his king an amused look but Arthur just faintly shook his head, unable to comprehend just how breathtaking Merlin looked.

Merlin hadn’t even realized he made it to the end of the aisle until his mother turned to place a kiss on his cheek, her eyes threatening over. Gaius pulled him into a firm hug and gave him a proud nod before stepping away with Hunith.

They took their seats as Arthur extended a hand to lead Merlin up the few steps to the dais. Once standing across his king Merlin took a split second to look around the room. His mother and Gaius sat beside the druid leaders. On the other side of the aisle was their court sorceress, Princess Morgana, who was sat beside the knights of the round table, all of whom were looking on, pride shining in their eyes. Behind Morgana sat Prince Elias along with his father and brothers. The walls were aligned with prideful servants, Gwen and George were the closest to them. Merlin nearly choked on a laugh when he saw George was already crying, thankfully he was able to stop the amusement before it spilled out of him.

Merlin turned his gaze back to Arthur who was still staring at him scarcely blinking, he gave the king's hands a squeeze. It was just enough to snap Arthur’s attention back to the moment. Arthur tried to look kingly and serious, but he was so happy he could barely fight down his smile, Merlin’s expression matched his own.

They went on to first exchange rings and then bind their hands together with a red handfasting cord blessed by the druids. And then Arthur wasted no time bringing his lips to Merlin's for everyone to see. Merlin smiled into the kiss and Arthur couldn’t help but smile back. They didn’t even notice the cheers of the crowd.

And they lived happily forevermore.

Chapter End Notes

I can't thank you guys enough for reading and doe all your support!

For those wanting to read the epilogue you can find it here: Crumpling Up The Sheets

I do just want to remind you all that the epilogue is going to be more intense, especially some chapter that are to come down the line. And again the epilogue is pretty much going to be PWP so all chapters are skippable! Since it is pwp the chapters will be shorter and unfortunately it's really hard to make their personalities come through as much as they did here, but I hope they still come across well! I hope you enjoy it!

I am also currently taking requests for epilogue kinks! Feel free to comment here or there! I'll see 'em all. And feel free to request kinks we have already seen! I am down to revisit things!

I wanted to get it out a little earlier than I did but turns out, I struggle quite a bit to write smut with very little to no plot lmao. But, it's a good thing to know now! Learn something new everyday and all that jazz.

Oh! Also just a side note. My next fic is most likely going to start being posted early March rather than February (though I am still aiming for February lol, realistically looks like it'll be March tho).

Alright now with all that out of the way. Again I can simply not put into words how much I appreciate your guys support. I never in a million years would have imagined my first fanfic to get such an amazing response and I am eternally grateful to all of you.


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